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Our prior research has suggested a connection between progesterone (PROG) and implicit affiliation motivation, the non-conscious drive for positive social contact. In particular, experimental arousal of affiliation motivation led to relative PROG increase in women and men [Schultheiss, O.C., Wirth, M.M., Stanton, S.J., 2004. Effects of affiliation and power motivation arousal on salivary progesterone and testosterone. Horm. Behav. 46(5), 592-599]. The present study aimed to (1) replicate this effect, (2) simultaneously assess cortisol (CORT) levels in this paradigm in order to rule out non-specific adrenal effects induced by affiliation arousal, and (3) examine effects on PROG and CORT of approach (hope for closeness, HOC) versus avoidance (fear of rejection, FOR) affiliation arousal. These motivational states were experimentally aroused in participants using film segments containing approach- or avoidance-oriented affiliation-related themes; a neutral film segment was used as a control condition. The film segments affected participants' implicit affiliation motivation and self-reported mood, demonstrating effectiveness of the manipulation. In the FOR condition, participants' CORT and PROG were increased post-film, consistent with the idea that fear of rejection is stressful. We did not replicate our prior finding of PROG increase following the HOC manipulation. However, relationships between PROG and implicit affiliation motivation were apparent across conditions. In particular, PROG co-varied positively with affiliation motivation, and baseline affiliation motivation positively predicted PROG increase in the FOR condition. As prior research implicates PROG in down-regulation of stress, we speculate that PROG release during stress may encourage affiliation for stress reduction purposes.  相似文献   

Following up on earlier research suggesting a link between implicit affiliation motivation and progesterone (P) and implicit power motivation and testosterone [T; Schultheiss, O.C., Dargel, A., Rohde, W., 2003. Implicit motives and gonadal steroid hormones: Effects of menstrual cycle phase, oral contraceptive use, and relationship status. Horm. Behav. 43, 293-301.], we tested whether arousal of affiliation motivation increases P levels and whether arousal of power motivation increases T levels. Sixty subjects were randomly assigned to watch 30 min of either Bridges of Madison County (affiliation arousal) or The Godfather II (power arousal), or a documentary about the Amazon (control condition). Levels of P and T were assessed in saliva samples taken before (T1), immediately after (T2), and 45 min after the movie (T3). The efficacy of experimental conditions to differentially arouse motives was verified by assessment of changes in affiliation and power motive imagery expressed in imaginative stories written before and after the movie. After the movie, salivary P levels (T2 and T3) in the affiliation-arousal group were significantly higher than in the control group and marginally higher than in the power-arousal group. Subjects' postmovie T responses (T3) depended on premovie T levels: in men, higher premovie T levels predicted a greater likelihood of postmovie T increases in the Power Arousal condition but not in the other conditions, whereas in women, higher premovie T levels tended to be associated with postmovie T decreases in the Power Arousal condition but not in the other conditions. These findings suggest that aroused affiliation motivation has a specific stimulatory effect on P, whereas aroused power motivation has a specific stimulatory effect on T in men, but not in women, with high baseline T levels.  相似文献   

Social discounting assesses an individual's willingness to forgo an outcome for the self in lieu of a larger outcome for someone else. The purpose of the present research was to examine the effect of adding a common delay to outcomes in a binary choice, social discounting procedure. Based on the premise that both social and temporal distances are dimensions of psychological distance, we hypothesized that social discounting should decrease as a function of delay to the outcomes. Across two within-subject experiments, participants indicated preference between a hypothetical money reward for the self or for someone else. The outcomes were associated with no, short, and long delays. Both studies confirmed our hypothesis that adding any delay to the receipt of outcomes decreases social discounting, though no significant differences were observed between short and long delays. These results are discussed in the context of some existing literature on altruism.  相似文献   

The impact of blood leakage due to microinjury to the oral cavity on the measurement of salivary reproductive hormones was examined. Saliva samples were collected before, immediately after, and then every 15 min for 1 h following vigorous tooth brushing. Blood in saliva was quantified by visual inspection of discoloration and an immunoassay for transferrin. Levels of progesterone increased, and levels of estradiol decreased, in saliva after microinjury. These changes were present only immediately after microinjury. The findings have implications for the use of salivary assays in biobehavioral research, short-term dynamic investigations, pharmacokinetic analyses, and studies of chronobiological changes in progesterone and estradiol levels.  相似文献   

Donkeys and mules are frequently kept as companion animals for horses and ponies, with these different equids often being considered a homogenous group. However, the extent to which domestic equids form inter-specific bonds and display similar social behaviour when living in a mixed herd has not previously been studied. Here we compare the social organization of these three (sub)species when housed together, providing the first systematic analysis of how genetic hybridization is expressed in the social behaviour of mules. A group of 16 mules, donkeys and ponies was observed for 70h and preferred associates, dominance rank and the linearity of the group's hierarchy was determined. The different equids formed distinct affiliative groups that were ordered in a linear hierarchy with ponies as the most dominant, mules in the middle ranks and donkeys in the lowest ranks. Within each equid subgroup, the strength of the hierarchy also varied. Thus in the present study, the three (sub)species displayed different social organization and levels of dominance and preferred to associate with animals of the same equid type, given the opportunity. These results suggest that different domestic equid (sub)species display variations in social behaviour that are likely to have a strong genetic basis.  相似文献   

Estrogen (E2) has activational effects on sexual motivation and mitigating effects on anxiety-like behaviors that can be attenuated with chronic exposure to psychosocial stress. Some studies suggest that this attenuation can be overcome by higher doses of E2, while others show that chronic psychosocial stress may alter the mechanisms of E2 function, thus reducing any positive benefit from higher doses of E2. To determine the interaction between psychosocial stress and E2 dose on behavior, we examined the scope of attenuation across a suite of socioemotional behaviors, including reproduction, affiliation, aggression, submission, and anxiety-like behaviors on 36 ovariectomized female rhesus monkeys. Females were exposed to graded psychosocial stress, established by an intrinsic female dominance hierarchy, where subordinate animals receive high amounts of harassment. Our data show that E2 dose-dependently increased sexual motivation and male-affiliation in dominant (e.g. low-stress) females, while subordinate females showed no positive effects of E2, even at higher doses. In addition, contact aggression was attenuated in dominant females, while non-contact aggression was attenuated in both dominant and middle-ranking females. These results suggest that the stress-induced attenuation of E2's activational effects on sexual behavior and affiliation with males may not be overcome with higher doses of E2. Furthermore, the observed behavioral consequences of psychosocial stress and E2 dose may be dependent on the behaviors of all the females in the social-group, and better resolution on these effects depends on isolating treatment to individuals within the group to minimize alterations in social-group interactions.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in promoting positive welfare, rather than just alleviating poor welfare, potential measures of good welfare, and means to provide it, have remained elusive. In humans social support improves stress-coping abilities, health, and promotes positive psychological welfare. Therefore, social support may be a key approach to promote positive physical and psychological welfare in farm animals. However, the roles of positive social behaviors and social support have been overlooked in comparison to negative social behaviors such as agonistic interactions. The benefits of social partners on an animal's stress coping abilities and welfare are yet poorly understood.The purpose of this paper is to review the protective or buffering effects of social support against stressful challenges and its potential implications for farm animal welfare. The biology of social support is first presented with its behavior, endocrine, autonomic and immune components. The major factors modulating the social support process are then synthesized. Research and implications for animal welfare in different farm species are discussed. Lastly, this review identifies research areas that especially deserve further attention in our effort to understand and implement social support in farm animal welfare.Social support could constitute one of the foundations for welfare researchers to leap from the absence of negative welfare to the provision of positive welfare and emotional experiences.  相似文献   

This paper examines social network size in contemporary Western society based on the exchange of Christmas cards. Maximum network size averaged 153.5 individuals, with a mean network size of 124.9 for those individuals explicitly contacted; these values are remarkably close to the group size of 150 predicted for humans on the basis of the size of their neocortex. Age, household type, and the relationship to the individual influence network structure, although the proportion of kin remained relatively constant at around 21%. Frequency of contact between network members was primarily determined by two classes of variable: passive factors (distance, work colleague, overseas) and active factors (emotional closeness, genetic relatedness). Controlling for the influence of passive factors on contact rates allowed the hierarchical structure of human social groups to be delimited. These findings suggest that there may be cognitive constraints on network size. This project was funded by a grant from Hewlett Packard Research Laboratories (Bristol) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). The support of the ESRC is gratefully acknowledged. This work was part of the programme of the ESRC Research Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE). Russell Hill (B.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.) is an Addison Wheeler Research Fellow at the University of Durham. His main research interests are in the evolution of mammalian social systems. Robin Dunbar (B.A., Ph.D.) is a professor of evolutionary psychology at the University of Liverpool. His research interests span mammalian behavioral ecology, including humans, cognitive mechanisms, and Darwinian psychology.  相似文献   

We examined the social correlates of fecal glucocorticoid (GC) levels in wild female baboons during a period of social and demographic stability. Females' GC levels were not affected by individual attributes such as number of kin or dominance rank, nor could we detect any significant seasonal effects. Instead, GC levels were influenced by behavioral attributes that varied between individuals and within individuals across time. Pregnant and cycling females who received high rates of aggression had higher GC levels than others. In contrast, pregnant and cycling females who received grunts - vocal signals of benign intent - at high frequencies from dominant females had lower GC levels than females who received grunts at lower frequencies. Lactating females showed the opposite trend, apparently as a consequence of the high rate of grunting and intense, unsolicited attention that their infants received from others. All females experienced lower GC levels in months when they concentrated their grooming among a small number of partners than when their grooming was more evenly distributed among many partners. Although GC levels in female baboons are most strongly influenced by events that directly affect their reproductive success, subtle social factors associated with the loss of predictability and control also seem to exert an effect. Loss of control may be mitigated if a female is able to predict others' intentions - for example, if others grunt to her to signal their intentions - and if she is able to express some preference over the timing and identities of her grooming partners.  相似文献   

Self-protection tendencies allowed our human ancestors to survive and thrive. In three experiments, we find that individuals who have a salient self-protection motive are more altruistic to others, such as by helping them out or offering them more money in the dictator game paradigm. Self-protecting individuals desire to “bind together” as there is “safety in numbers”, and being altruistic to others should be one (but not the only) way to achieve this goal. Consistent with this reasoning, we find across three behavioral experiments using both non-monetary (Experiment 1) and monetary altruistic contexts (Experiments 2–3) that self-protecting individuals are more altruistic when the altruism is not anonymous (Experiment 1) and when they have the reasonable expectation of future interaction with the recipient (Experiment 2), both of which are situations that should increase affiliation. The effect attenuates when altruism does not help self-protecting individuals, such as when money is donated to impersonal organizations rather than individuals (Experiment 3). We finally discuss the theoretical contributions as well as limitations of our work.  相似文献   

Mammalian social relationships, such as mother-offspring attachments and pair bonds, can directly affect reproductive output. However, conspecifics approach one another in a comparatively broad range of contexts, so conceivably there are motivations for social congregation other than those underlying reproduction, parental care or territoriality. Here, we show that reward mediated by social contact is a fundamental aspect of juvenile mouse sociality. Employing a novel social conditioned place preference (SCPP) procedure, we demonstrate that social proximity is rewarding for juvenile mice from three inbred strains (A/J, C57BL/6J and DBA/2J), while mice from a fourth strain (BALB/cJ) are much less responsive to social contact. Importantly, this strain-dependent difference was not related to phenotypic variability in exploratory behavior or contextual learning nor influenced by the genetic background associated with maternal care or social conditioning. Furthermore, the SCPP phenotype was expressed early in development (postnatal day 25) and did not require a specific sex composition within the conditioning group. Finally, SCPP responses resulted from an interaction between two specifiable processes: one component of the interaction facilitated approach toward environments that were associated with social salience, whereas a second component mediated avoidance of environmental cues that predicted social isolation. We have thus identified a genetically prescribed process that can attribute value onto conditions predicting a general form of social contact. To our knowledge, this is the first definitive evidence to show that genetic variation can influence a form of social valuation not directly related to a reproductive behavior.  相似文献   

Orcadian and circatrigintan time series of salivary progesterone levels in premenarchal and adolescent girls and healthy mature premenopausal women have been investigated as a possible determinant for breast cancer risk. Circadian variations in progesterone appear to be more random than systematic and estimates of total daily progesterone output are better represented by samples pooled from several 2-hr specimens. Different patterns of circatrigintan progesterone secretion in girls are recognised and relate to those experienced in infertile and fertile women, though their relation to chronological or menarchal age is as yet uncertain. These data suggest that the measurement of salivary progesterone at premenarche, adolescence and maturity is a feasible, though statistically difficult, study for prospective identification of individuals at risk for breast cancer.  相似文献   

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a state of altered steroid hormone production and activity. Chronic estrogen exposure or lack of progesterone due to ovarian dysfunction can result in endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma. A key contributor to our understanding of progesterone as a critical regulator for normal uterine function has been the elucidation of progesterone receptor (PR) expression, regulation, and signaling pathways. Several human studies indicate that PR-mediated signaling pathways in the nucleus are associated with progesterone resistance in women with PCOS. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of endometrial progesterone resistance in women with PCOS; to present the PR structure, its different isoforms, and their expression in the endometrium; to illustrate the possible regulation of PR and PR-mediated signaling in progesterone resistance in women with PCOS; and to discuss current clinical treatments for atypical endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma in women with PCOS and accompanying progesterone resistance.  相似文献   

孕激素是一种免疫调节分子,它主要通过与孕激素受体结合发挥免疫调节作用。大量研究证实,孕激素受体在多种淋巴细胞表达,孕激素在免疫调节中可诱导Th2细胞反应,抑制Th1细胞反应,抑制巨噬-单核细胞、自然杀伤细胞的杀伤活力。血清孕激素水平降低,孕激素受体表达调节障碍将影响自身免疫功能的调节,导致自身免疫性疾病的发生和发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the lowest hypothetical amount a participant would keep for himself/herself, preferring it over a reward that he/she would have shared with another individual representing various levels of past reciprocation. Other manipulated aspects were: emotional closeness of the receiver (close vs. distant person), procedure for deciding on how to share the reward (mutual decision vs. decision made by partner) and amount of reward to be shared (PLN 494 vs. PLN 49,400). It was found that preference for the reward to be shared increased as a function of reciprocity, and that it is higher when sharing with an emotionally close person, when the decision does not depend entirely on the partner, and when sharing a small reward. The effect of the level of reciprocity was the smallest when the reward was shared with an emotionally close person and the decision was mutual.  相似文献   

A concern for positive reputation is one of the core motivations underlying various social behaviors in humans. The present study investigated how experimentally induced reputation concern modulates judgments in moral dilemmas. In a mixed-design experiment, participants were randomly assigned to the observed vs. the control group and responded to a series of trolley-type moral dilemmas either in the presence or absence of observers, respectively. While no significant baseline difference in personality traits and moral decision tendency were found across two groups of participants, our analyses revealed that social observation promoted deontological judgments especially for moral dilemmas involving direct bodily harm (i.e., personal moral dilemmas), yet with an overall decrease in decision confidence and significant prolongation of reaction time. Moreover, participants in the observed group, but not in the control group, showed the increased sensitivities towards warmth vs. competence traits words in the lexical decision task performed after the moral dilemma task. Our findings suggest that reputation concern, once triggered by the presence of potentially judgmental others, could activate a culturally dominant norm of warmth in various social contexts. This could, in turn, induce a series of goal-directed processes for self-presentation of warmth, leading to increased deontological judgments in moral dilemmas. The results of the present study provide insights into the reputational consequences of moral decisions that merit further exploration.  相似文献   

We studied the role of progesterone receptor (PR) in the display of female sexual behavior during postpartum estrus in rats. Adult female rats were treated with the PR antagonist, RU486 (1.25 and 5 mg), 3 h after parturition and sexual behavior was evaluated throughout the first postpartum day. Estradiol and progesterone serum levels changed during the first 24 h postpartum. The highest estradiol and progesterone levels were found at 9 and 12 h postpartum, respectively. The predominant PR isoform in the hypothalamus and the preoptic area was PR-A during postpartum day. The content of PR-A increased at 6 h postpartum in the hypothalamus and the preoptic area, and decreased in both regions at 9 h. PR-B content only increased in the preoptic area at 12 h postpartum. The highest display of lordotic and proceptive behaviors were found at 12 h postpartum. The treatment with 1.25 and 5 mg of RU486 respectively reduced lordosis by 61% and 92% at 12 h postpartum. These results suggest that PR is essential in the display of postpartum estrus in rats.  相似文献   

Progesterone is a sex steroid known to be involved in reproduction, but its role in pair relationships is not well understood. This study explored the effects of exogenous progesterone (P4) on courtship and pairing behaviors in female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) in two separate experiments: the first focused on courtship and initial pair formation and the second examined the effects on pair maintenance. In these experiments, we tested the hypothesis that P4 increases pairing behaviors and consequently influences their partner preference. In Experiment 1, animals engaged in significantly more pairing behaviors when they were treated with P4 than when they received the vehicle. However, this effect was not partner-specific, since the association index (a marker for female partner preference) did not differ between treatment conditions. In Experiment 2, females were given two weeks to form a pair and then injected with P4 or vehicle. Pairs were observed that day and the subsequent day to determine if P4 caused a decrease in mate-directed behavior and an increase in extra pair behavior. P4 did not affect the quality of the pair relationship and did not increase extra pair behavior. These results suggest that P4 influences the overall quantity of initial pairing behaviors and may slightly increase the likelihood of partner preference formation over short time courses. However, P4 does not alter a previously established bond, suggesting there are likely separate mechanisms for initial pairing behaviors and pair maintenance.  相似文献   

Corpus luteum size and plasma progesterone concentration in cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G.E. Mann   《Animal reproduction science》2009,115(1-4):296-299
It is often assumed that a larger corpus luteum will produce more progesterone and generate higher circulating plasma concentrations. The aim of the study was to determine whether the size of the corpus luteum does actually determine circulating plasma progesterone concentrations. Data were collated from a number of studies on various aspects of luteal function in non-lactating dairy cows to allow comparisons to be made between corpus luteum weight and plasma progesterone concentration across the luteal phase. In these studies oestrous cycles had been synchronised and animals slaughtered on day 5, day 8 or day 16 following oestrus. Both corpus luteum weight and plasma progesterone concentration increased between day 5 and day 8. Plasma progesterone concentration but not luteal weight also increased between day 8 and day 16. On day 5 there was a strong relationship between corpus luteum weight and plasma progesterone (R2 = 0.64; P < 0.001). However, no such relationship was present on day 8 or day 16. These results indicate that while during the early stage of corpus luteum development a relationship between size and progesterone is present, by day 8 of the cycle, the size of the corpus luteum is no longer of importance in determining circulating progesterone concentrations.  相似文献   

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