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New taxa of the insect order Eoblattida from the Upper Carboniferous of Russia are described, including Narkemina kata sp. nov., Narkeminopsis inversa sp. nov., Carbonokata storozhenkoi gen. et sp. nov., Tshunoptera ampla gen. et sp. nov., and Evenkiophlebia collucata gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya locality (Krasnoyarsk Region), Narkemulla sibirica gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya and Izykhskie Kopi localities, Khakassia (all Cnemidolestidae), and Izykhia tridentis gen. et sp. nov. from Izykhskie Kopi (?Spanioderidae). Narkeminuta permiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cnemidolestidae) is described from the Kedrovka locality (Kemerovo Region; Lower Permian), and Issadische maximum gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae familiae) is descriobed from the Isady locality (Vologda Region; Upper Permian). Permeoblatta borealis Rasnitsyn et Aristov, 2010 (Idelinellidae) from Isady is redescribed.  相似文献   

Two new genera and five new species of Lower Permian radiolarians, Arcoclathrata alekseevi gen. et sp. nov., Entactinia pinrasensis sp. nov., Microporosa rozhnovi gen. et sp. nov., M. aktastensis sp. nov., and Somphoentactinia saecularis sp. nov., from the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary are described. The new spherical radiolarian taxa belong to three orders: Entactiniata, Cancelliata, and Spongiata of two classes, Sphaerellaria and Spumellaria.  相似文献   

New taxa of detached seeds are described from the Kungurian (Lower Permian) of the Middle Cis-Urals: Laevigatospermum compressum gen. et sp. nov., Hirsutospermum paniculatum gen. et sp. nov., Rugosospermum callosum gen. et sp. nov., and Craspedosperma filiferum sp. nov. The systematic position of the new taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

New Megakhosaridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) are described from the Permian of Russia: Ivakhosara pectinimedia gen. et sp. nov., Megakhosarina intricata sp. nov. and M. minuscula sp. nov. from the Lower Kazanian of Soyana (Arkhangelsk Region), M. magna sp. nov. from the Urzhumian of Chepanikha (Udmurtia), Kargalokhosara terraefossa gen. et sp. nov. from the Urzhumian of Kargala (Orenburg Region), and Alekhosara reticulata gen. et sp. nov. from the Severodvinian of Novo-Aleksandrovka (Orenburg Region).  相似文献   

New taxa of grylloblattids of the family Mesorthopteridae are described from the Permian of Russia: Parastenaropodites aquilonius sp. nov. from the Soyana locality (Middle Permian); P. circumhumatus sp. nov. from the Kul’chumovo locality; and Tshermyaninus biforis gen. et sp. nov., Permorthopteron foliaceus gen. et sp. nov., Parastenaropodites pannea sp. nov., P. exossis sp. nov., Mesoidelia procera sp. nov., and M. riphaea sp. nov. from the Isady locality (Upper Permian). Two species of the genus Khosaridelia Storozhenko, 1992 (family Permotermopsidae) and one species of the genus Megakhosarina Storozhenko, 1993 (family Megakhosaridae) are transferred to the genus Parastenaropodites Storozhenko, 1996 (family Mesorthopteridae); one species of the genus Parastenaropodites is transferred to the genus Austroidelia Riek, 1954; as a result, four new combinations are established: Khosaridelia rigida Aristov, 2005 =Parastenaropodites rigidus (Aristov, 2005), comb. nov. (Vorkuta locality, Lower Permian of Russia); Khosaridelia vyatica Aristov, 2009 =Parastenaropodites vyaticus (Aristov, 2009), comb. nov. (Karaungir locality, Middle Permian of Kazakhstan); Megakhosarina intricata Aristov, 2008 =Parastenaropodites intricatus (Aristov, 2008), comb. nov. (Soyana locality, Middle Permian of Russia); and Parastenaropodites nervosa Storozhenko, 1996 =Austroidelia nervosa (Storozhenko, 1996), comb. nov. (Madygen locality, Middle Triassic of Kyrgyzstan). An identification key to species of the genus Parastenaropodites is given.  相似文献   

Four new foraminiferal species, Parathuramminites mutilatus sp. nov., P. stelliformis sp. nov., P. subrus sp. nov., and P. minutus sp. nov., and a new genus and species, Algaeformis porosus gen. et sp. nov. from clayey limestones and marls of the basal Karpinsky Horizon (Emsian Stage, Lower Devonian) of the Severouralsk Bauxite Mine are described.  相似文献   

New Archaeocyatha genera and species, Turgorocyathus elegans gen. et sp. nov., Angustocyathus porus gen. et sp. nov., Flossocyathus squamosus gen. et sp. nov., Rotundocyathus oimuranicus sp. nov., and Carinacyathus inopinatus sp. nov., from the type sections of the Atdabanian Stage of the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform are described.  相似文献   

Permian gastropods from the Kulogory Formation (Sakmarian) were studied based on the author’s material and the collection of Yakowlew (Central Research Geological Prospecting Museum (TsNIGR Museum), St. Petersburg). Lectotypes for Arribazona tschernyschewi (Yakowlew, 1899) and Microdoma kulogorae (Yakowlew, 1899) were designated. Six species are described; four of them are new and two are assigned to the new genera (Biarmeaspira verideclinata gen. et sp. nov., Globodoma yakowlewi gen. et sp. nov., Glabrocingulum (Glabrocingulum) stankovskyi sp. nov., and Euconospira? pinegensis sp. nov.). The high degree of polymorphism in the dominant species of uniform assemblages is probably the result of their development in “undersaturated” paleocommunities of closed lagoons with gradually increasing concentration of sulfate ions.  相似文献   

Several finely capillated brachiopod genera are re-examined based on new material obtained from the Lower Permian of the Tarim Basin, north-western China and previously published information. A new genus, Tarimoplecta, is proposed. Comparison with other related genera reveals that Liraplecta Jin and Sun and Tarimoplecta gen. nov. represent a new tribe, Liraplectini, of the Dictyoclostidinae Stehli. The stratigraphical and geographical distributions of both LiraplectaTarimoplecta indicate that they are restricted to the Sakmarian to Kungurian (Lower Permian) of the Tethyan Realm. Four species are described herein: Liraplectapaojianggouensis sp. nov., L. richthofeni (Chao), L. apsera (Wang), and Tarimoplecta tarimensis gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of male cones of coniferophyte from the Lower Permian (Artinskian and Kungurian) deposits of the Urals, Russia is described: Uralostrobus voltzioides Naugolnykh nov. gen., nov. sp. The cone shows characters typical of some representatives of conifers belonging to the order Voltziales: more or less isometrical bracts of rhombic shape, prolonged sporangia with attenuate apices, and bisaccate pollen of Illinites-type. General information on the associated female seed scales and vegetative leafy shoots is given as well.  相似文献   

New grylloblattid insects are described from the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic of European Russia and Kazakhstan: Kuplya minutissima gen. et sp. nov. (Tshekardominidae) from the Severodvinian locality Novo-Aleksandrovka (Orenburg Region); Parachauliodites orthopteroides gen. et sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae), Permofossilis commasticatus gen. et sp. nov. (Permotermopsidae), Megakhosarodes tensilis sp. nov. (Megakhosaridae), and Baharellinus dilaceratus sp. nov. (Blattogryllidae) from the Severodvinian locality Isady (Vologda Region); Dvinopedes salariovensis gen. et sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae) from the Vyatkian locality Aristovo (Vologda Region); Klyazmia karasevi gen. et sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae) from the Vyatkian locality Sokovka (Vladimir Region); Megakhosarodes borealis sp. nov. (Megakhosaridae) from the Vyatkian locality Balymotikha (Vladimir Region); Sigmophlebia rugulosa sp. nov. (Tshekardominidae) from the Upper Permian locality Karaungir (East Kazakhstan Province); and Chauliodites kitshmengensis sp. nov. and C. nedubrovensis sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae) from the Induan locality Nedubrovo (Vologda Region).  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles are described, Andakhudukia ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Metabuprestium ustkivdense sp. nov. from the lowermost Paleogene of the Amur Region. In addition, four new monotypic genera that share some features with jewel beetles are described: Cretoelaterium kazanovense gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Transbaikalia and Cretopoena gratshevi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia have been referred to the families Elateridae and Eucnemidae; Cretofalselaterium baiankhongoricum gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Cretogermen turonicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan have been erected for isolated elytra and placed in Coleoptera incertae sedis.  相似文献   

A new genus and two new species, Salagouneura chimaira nov. gen. and nov. sp. and Phaneroneura minuta nov. sp., together with several other specimens of uncertain affinities, are herein assigned to the family Martynoviidae. This family was previously only known from the Lower Permian of Oklahoma and Kansas (USA). The new specimens have been discovered in the Salagou Formation (Permian; Hérault, France). Stratigraphical and palaeoecological implications of the occurrence of this family in the Salagou Formation are discussed. These discoveries seem correlated with similar palaeoenvironmental conditions between the Salagou Formation and the Midco Salt Lake Formation (Oklahoma).  相似文献   

Locustoblattina segmentata gen. et sp. nov. and L. marginata gen. et sp. nov., new members of the family Mesorthopteridae (Eoblattida) are described from the Middle Triassic of the Madygen locality (Ladinian Stage of the Kyrgyzstan). New members of the Alexarasniidae (Embiida), Alexarasnia limbata Aristov, sp. nov. and Nestorembia shcherbakovi sp. nov., are described from the Upper Permian Isady locality in the Vologda Region and the Madygen locality, respectively. Parastenaropodites fluxa Storozhenko, 1996 (Mesorthopteridae) is redescribed from Madygen. The origin of webspinners from within the Permian eoblattids and the composition of the superorder Blattidea are discussed.  相似文献   

A new tribe, two new genera, and seven new species of click beetles are described: Pollostelaterini, trib. nov., Pollostelater baissensis, gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia (Baisa locality), five new species in the genus Cryptocoelus Dolin et Nel C. sinitshenkovae, sp. nov. (Romanovka locality), C. shcherbakovi, sp. nov., C. baissensis, sp. nov., C. lukashevichae, sp. nov., C. dolini, sp. nov. (all from Baisa locality), and Turonelater giganteus, gen. et sp. nov. from the Turonian of Southern Kazakhstan (Kzyl-Dzhar locality).  相似文献   

Microfacies analyses performed on the latest Permian Wujiaping Formation at Laren (Guangxi Province, South China) show that the bioclastic-rich limestones of Late Permian age contain a rich and well-diversified foraminiferal fauna. This fauna is here revised in order to be compared with time-equivalent levels of southern Iran and southern Turkey. Some new and unexpected phylogenetic trends are highlighted among the biseriamminoids. The new or poorly known genera Retroseptellina, Septoglobivalvulina, Paraglobivalvulinoides, Dagmarita?, Bidagmarita nov. gen., Louisettita, Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen. and Paradagmarita? are concerned. Nevertheless, these newly appeared biseriamminoids are subordinate to abundant Tetrataxis and Climacammina, ultimate survivors of the families Palaeotextulariidae and Tetrataxidae, appeared as old as the Early Carboniferous (“Mississippian”). Algae, miliolids, and nodosarioids are poorly represented. Two genera and four species are here newly described: Globivalvulina curiosa nov. sp., Louisettita ultima nov. sp., Bidagmarita nov. gen., Bidagmarita sinica nov. gen. nov. sp., Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen., Paradagmaritopsis kobayashii nov. gen. nov. sp. The palaeogeographic distribution of these foraminifers is interpreted to be typically of Neo-Tethyan regions, ranging from southern Turkey (Hazro) to South China (Laren) and up to Japan for some species (i.e., Paradagmaritopsis). At Laren, Late Permian strata are generally characterized by Reichelina ex gr. simplex Sheng. Isolated samples of packstones, collected in Tsoteng region (Guangxi Province, South China), contain Sphaerulina sp. together with various smaller foraminifers and numerous representatives of the new species G. curiosa nov. sp. In this study we demonstrate that the regions of Zagros (Iran), Taurus (Turkey), South China and even Japan shared similar foraminiferal assemblages and represented intermittently connected palaeobiogeographic provinces during Late Permian times.  相似文献   

New grylloblattids of the family Lemmatophoridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida), Artinska sojanensis sp. nov., Sylvaprisca colorata sp. nov., and Uraloprisca lisca gen. et sp. nov., from the Soyana locality (Lower Kazanian, Arkhangelsk Region) and Paraprisca solikamskensis sp. nov. from the Tyul’kino locality (Ufimian, Perm Region) are described. Two species are transferred from the genus Paraprisca to Uraloprisca gen. nov.: Uraloprisca uralica (G. Zalessky, 1952), comb. nov. and Uraloprisca causaria (Novokshonov, 2000), comb. nov. (both from the Kungurian of the Perm Region). The evolution of the family is discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus and three new species of parasitic hymenopterans of the family Archaeocynipidae are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia: Khasips alisectus gen. et sp. nov., K. sculptus sp. nov., and K. kovalevi sp. nov. The placement of archaeocynipids in the system of Cynipoidea is discussed.  相似文献   

New beetles are described from the Middle Permian (Upper Capitanian) locality Yinping (Anhui Province, China): Linicupes yinpinensis gen. et sp. nov. (Permocupedidae), Taldycupes pingi sp. nov. (Taldycupedidae), Archosyne permiana gen. et sp. nov., Chaocoleus limnebius gen. et sp. nov. (Ademosynidae) and Asiocoleopsis hongi sp. nov. (Asiocoleidae); the type material of Dikerocoleus divisus Lin, 1982 from the same type locality is redescribed. Comparison with beetles from the Permian of European Russia shows that Yinping beetles are similar to Late Severodvinian beetles rather than to Early Severodvinian and Urzhumian ones.  相似文献   

Pentamerids (Brachiopoda) are described from the Lower and Middle Devonian of northeastern Asia: Antirhynchonella cherkesovae sp. nov. belonging to the family Clorindidae and Devonogypa indigirica (Sidjachenko), Vadimia gen. nov. with the type species V. gonensis sp. nov. and V. naanchanensis sp. nov., and Vladimiria gen. nov. with the type species Vl. yanensis sp. nov. all belonging to the subfamily Devonogypinae.  相似文献   

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