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In prolongation of the previous studies, the Gregoryceras Spath, 1924 (Ammonitina, Peltoceratina) species from the uppermost Middle Oxfordian (Rotoides sub-zone) to the Early Late Oxfordian (Bifurcatus zone), are revised. Sections providing most of the studied specimens in this work (Spain, Algeria, Tunisia) are described and dated based on faunal comparisons between Tethyan and Subtethyan domains. It appears that the best tool for correlations is the presence of the genus Gregoryceras, the succession of its species being similar for the two considered domains. It allows us to complete the biostratigraphic scale based on the Gregoryceras species succession, and parallel to the standard zonation. During this period the revised species of Gregoryceras are G. fouquei (Kilian, 1889) and G. pervinquieri (Spath, 1913). G. fouquei is only present in the Rotoides sub-zone (uppermost Middle Oxfordian), and not in the Stenocycloides sub-zone (early Late Oxfordian), where G. pervinquieri (Spath, 1913). A new species, G. benosmanae nov. sp. is described as the most recent species of the genus (Grossouvrei sub-zone). The evolution of the youngest species of Gregoryceras continues the peramorphocline described for older forms. Concerning a potential dimorphism, new data (size differences, umbilicus enlargement during growth) are particularly provided by G. pervinquieri.  相似文献   

Some temporary outcrops at Villers-le-Tourneur/Neuvizy (Ardennes, France), made possible the observation and biostratigraphical dating of Uppermost Callovian to Early Middle Oxfordian poorly known formations. Especially, the “Oolite Ferrugineuse de Villers-le-Tourneur–Neuvizy” is a quite thick marly unit, yielding some silicified fossils well known since the XIXth century. With details, the Formation displays the succession of several faunal associations, characterizing the main subzones of the Cordatum Zone (Late Lower Oxfordian) and the Plicatilis Zone (Early Middle Oxfordian). Amongst many other species, Cardioceras cordatum (Sowerby, 1812) corresponds to a rare taxon or morphotype, yielded by the bottom part of the Formation. Then, the ultimate Lower Oxfordian faunal association is dominated by ammonites related to C. persecans. These Early Oxfordian are widely dominated by the family Cardioceratidae, commonly associated with Aspidoceratidae; such a structure is related to the “subboreal associations”, typically represented in Great Britain. Immediately after the Middle Oxfordian boundary, some “subtethysian” ammonites (mainly Perisphinctidae), occur in a larger number without being dominant, that emphasizing the northern location of the Ardennes margin. Then locally, two faunal associations succeed, which are characterized by C. cordatiforme (with Euaspidoceras perarmatum), and C. densiplicatum, respectively. Both are typical associations of the Vertebrale Subzone (Early Middle Oxfordian).  相似文献   

The succession of early species of the genus Kepplerites is established in the Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian beds of Central Russia and compared with the ammonoid succession of East Greenland and Western Europe. Late Bathonian members of the genus Kepplerites from the Middle Volga Region are generally similar, though not identical to those from Greenland, whereas the Early Callovian Kepplerites species and their immediate Bathonian ancestors are represented by species common to all three regions. The analysis of the ammonoid distribution suggests a connection between the East Greenland and Central Russian marine basins in the Early and Middle Bathonian and in the Early Callovian, and their short-term isolation in the Late Bathonian. A new species, Kepplerites (Kepplerites) aigii sp. nov., is described from the Upper Bathonian (keuppi Zone) of the Alatyr River basin (Middle Volga Region).  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of 61 diagenetically unaltered belemnite rostra from the Middle to Late Jurassic of the Kachchh Basin of western India suggest stable paleotemperatures across the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary (~14°C). Only at the end of the Middle Oxfordian water temperatures drop for more than 3°C before reaching again higher values during the Kimmeridgian (~12.3°C). The data do not support polar glaciations proposed for the Middle to Late Jurassic transition, which necessarily would have led to a global temperature and sea-level minimum at the boundary. Callovian to Oxfordian rocks in the Kachchh Basin point to a gradual shallowing corresponding to a slight fall in relative sea level. However, the magnitude of this regression is comparatively small, and the sea-level minimum is reached in the late Early Oxfordian and not close to the boundary. Results from the Kachchh Basin therefore, imply almost stable climatic conditions during the Middle to Late Jurassic transition and do not show any evidence for polar glaciations.  相似文献   

The porcelain crab Petrolisthes elongatus is a particulate suspension feeding species common to coastal areas of New Zealand (NZ). Consistent with the responses of other suspension feeding species, it is likely to be negatively influenced by elevated suspended sediment concentrations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to quantify the effect of temperature (12 °C, 15 °C and 18 °C) and suspended sediment concentration (total particulate matter (TPM): low < 100 mg L− 1; medium 100-1000 mg L− 1; high > 1000 mg L− 1) on the clearance rate (CR in L h− 1), oxygen uptake rate (VO2 in mL h−1), net absorption efficiency (AE), and net energy budget (NEB in J h− 1) of P. elongatus across a range of sizes. Variation in CR and AE was independent of temperature and of body size, but were significantly different (P < 0.05) at low and medium suspended sediment concentrations compared with high suspended sediment concentrations. CR responded in a non-linear manner to changes in TPM, increasing with TPM up to a maximum value at medium-low concentrations (approximately 250 mg L− 1) and then decreasing thereafter. CR had almost completely shut down at TPM concentrations of > 1000 mg L− 1 and at particulate organic matter (POM) concentrations of > 250 mg L− 1. AE was zero at approximate TPM and POM values of 1200 mg L− 1 and 300 mg L− 1, respectively. VO2 was positively correlated with body size and with temperature, but was independent of TPM. NEB values for P. elongatus were low (approx 110 J g− 1 h− 1) at low sediment concentrations, were high (approx 320 J g− 1 h− 1) at medium sediment concentrations, and were negative (approx − 114 J g− 1 h− 1) at high sediment concentrations. These findings indicate that P. elongatus is likely to be food-limited at sediment concentrations of < 100 mg L− 1, and severely negatively affected at sediment concentrations of > 1000 mg L− 1, at least for the duration of such events which may persist for 2-3 days in coastal environments where this crab occurs.  相似文献   

The ammonoid subfamily Peltoceratinae is a well-constrained group restricted to the Middle Upper Jurassic; it had a near global distribution. In Kutch (India), they were the most important marine macroinvertebrate group during the upper Callovian–lower Oxfordian. Previous reports suffered from excessive splitting due to failure to account for the large intraspecific variability and sexual dimorphism of these ammonoids. The present systematic revision, based on numerous specimens including many near-complete adult specimens, enables to recognize and describe three species of the genus Peltoceras (P. athleta, P. ponderosum, and P. kumagunense) and two species of the genus Peltoceratoides (P. semirugosus and P. propinquus), as well as identifying their macroconchs and microconchs. We rediscovered Peltoceras athleta, which was previously described by Waagen (1875) but often overlooked by subsequent workers. We were able to identify several morphs within this species that are stunningly similar with those previously reported from France. The presence of P. athleta sensu stricto prompted us to reinstate the Athleta Zone in Kutch, improving intercontinental biostratigraphic correlation. Also, it highlights that the genus Peltoceras has a different biostratigraphic longevity in Kutch: in Europe it is restricted to the upper Callovian, whereas in India it also occurs in the lower Oxfordian.  相似文献   

A. V?r?s 《Facies》2012,58(3):415-443
The Villány area, as a central part of the Tisza microcontinent/terrane along the European margin of Tethys, was characterized by intense subsidence in the Early and Middle Triassic, followed by a long interruption of subsidence in the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic. During the Middle–Late Jurassic transition, marine sedimentation started with three distinct sedimentary episodes dated as Late Bathonian, Early Callovian, and Middle–Late Callovian, respectively. The succession is terminated by a thick limestone of Middle Oxfordian age. The sedimentary features, microfacies, and macroinvertebrate associations of these four stratigraphic units are documented and illustrated. The Middle to Late Jurassic sedimentary episodes of the Villány succession record an interplay of local and global factors and paleogeographical changes. At the beginning, local tectonic movements governed the main features of sedimentation, though the role of eustasy was also essential. From the mid-Callovian onwards, global climatic, biotic, and paleoceanographical changes controlled the nature and formation of the local carbonate sediments. The Callovian stromatolites are attributed to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria in a deep sublittoral, current-swept environment. Upwelling of eutrophic Tethyan waters is recorded by the prevalence of the Bositra filament microfacies in the Callovian. The long submarine hiatus at around the Callovian–Oxfordian transition mirrors a serious restriction of the carbonate budget, due to sudden cooling and a change in the oceanic current system (opening of a circumglobal Tethyan Passage), and to a higher amount of dissolved CO2. In the Middle Oxfordian, the carbonate production considerably increased in accordance with the sudden global warming.  相似文献   

The first photographs of Cardioceratinae out of exactly defined horizons from the Latest Callovian to the Middle Oxfordian of northern Switzerland are given in this article. Most specimens were either collected in large-scale excavations, or from measured sections. The Cardioceratinae from the Cordatum Subzone are important because they are very numerous, and because particularly well-preserved specimens are abundant. Cardioceratinae of this subzone are uncommon elsewhere in Europe. All representatives of the subfamily from the Cordatum Subzone, macro- as well as microconchs, are grouped into the single genus Cardioceras. An abrupt morphological change has been recognized between the Cardioceratinae of the Densiplicatum Zone and those of the Transversarium Zone.Most of the figured specimens have been found in an incomplete sequence of thin or even condensed horizons. These beds are the distal, starved basin facies of a thick, argillaceous, shoaling-up succession in northwestern Switzerland. Sedimentologic and taphonomic methods have been used in order to work out the time sequence of sediments and ammonite faunas in condensed beds, and to arrive at a correct zonation. These methods as well as observations on the distribution of chamosite and glauconite, and the ammonite assemblages, in two coeval horizons lead us to the conclusion that the Cardioceratinae of the Cordatum Subzone in northern Switzerland lived preferentially in water less than about 100 m deep.  相似文献   

Discovery of the first complete Early Pleistocene hominin pelvis, Gona BSN49/P27, attributed to Homo erectus, raises a number of issues regarding early hominin body size and shape variation. Here, acetabular breadth, femoral head breadth, and body mass calculated from femoral head breadth are compared in 37 early hominin (6.0-0.26 Ma) specimens, including BSN49/P27. Acetabular and estimated femoral head sizes in the Gona specimen fall close to the means for non-Homo specimens (Orrorin tugenesis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus robustus), and well below the ranges of all previously described Early and Middle Pleistocene Homo specimens. The Gona specimen has an estimated body mass of 33.2 kg, close to the mean for the non-Homo sample (34.1 kg, range 24-51.5 kg, n = 19) and far outside the range for any previously known Homo specimen (mean = 70.5 kg; range 52-82 kg, n = 17). Inclusion of the Gona specimen within H. erectus increases inferred sexual dimorphism in body mass in this taxon to a level greater than that observed here for any other hominin taxon, and increases variation in body mass within H. erectus females to a level much greater than that observed for any living primate species. This raises questions regarding the taxonomic attribution of the Gona specimen. When considered within the context of overall variation in body breadth among early hominins, the mediolaterally very wide Gona pelvis fits within the distribution of other lower latitude Early and Middle Pleistocene specimens, and below that of higher latitude specimens. Thus, ecogeographic variation in body breadth was present among earlier hominins as it is in living humans. The increased M-L pelvic breadth in all earlier hominins relative to modern humans is related to an increase in ellipticity of the birth canal, possibly as a result of a non-rotational birth mechanism that was common to both australopithecines and archaic Homo.  相似文献   

This study focused on effects from Monoporeia affinis reworking and ventilation activities on benthic fluxes and mineralization processes during a simulated bloom event. The importance of M. affinis density for benthic solute (O2, ΣNO2 + NO3, NH4+ and HPO42−) fluxes and sediment reactivity (mobilization of NH4+ and HPO42−) following additions of organic material to the sediment surface was experimentally investigated using sediment-water and closed sediment (jar) incubations. Three different densities of M. affinis were used to resemble a low, medium and high density situation (1300, 2500 and 6400 ind. m− 2, respectively) of a natural amphipod community. The degradation of phytodetritus (Tetraselmis sp., 5 g C m− 2) added to the sediment surface was followed over a period of 20 days. Benthic solute fluxes of O2, ΣNO2 + NO3 and NH4+ were generally progressively stimulated with increasing number of M. affinis, while no such correlation was found for HPO42−. Solute fluxes were initially enhanced 1 to 2 days after the addition of phytodetritius, caused by mineralization of the most labile organic material and a food-stimulated irrigation by the amphipods. There was no effect from the activity of M. affinis on total denitrification (Dtot = Dn + Dw) or denitrification utilizing nitrate from coupled nitrification/denitrification (Dn) for any of the densities examined. Denitrification utilizing overlying water nitrate (Dw) was only about 10% of Dtot. Dw was significantly enhanced for the highest M. affinis density investigated. The reactivity of the sediment decreased progressively with increasing density of M. affinis and with time of the experiment. However, enhanced ammonium production at least 6 days after the organic addition indicated excretion of N-containing organic compounds by M. affinis. In conclusion, large spatial and temporal variations in density of M. affinis may be of significant importance for benthic solute fluxes and overall mineralization of organic material in Baltic Sea sediments.  相似文献   

Effective management of eutrophic ecosystems requires an understanding of how nutrient input affects the structure and function of benthic communities. The effects of nutrients in soft sediment habitats can be influenced by a variety of factors including sediment characteristics, hydrodynamic exposure, and the presence of bioturbating macroinvertebrates. We used a large scale exclusion experiment (400 m2 areas, n = 6) to test if bioturbating lugworms, Arenicola marina mediate the effects of nutrient enrichment. We incorporated small plots (30 × 30 cm) dosed with household garden fertilizer within the lugworm exclusion and corresponding control areas and predicted that the effects of nutrient enrichment would be greater in the absence of lugworms. We found that the increases in nutrient concentrations were higher in the absence of lugworms, but only in the less permeable sediment in the low intertidal zone compared to the more permeable sediment in the high intertidal. Contrary to expectations, the accumulation of nutrients in the plots did not affect the organic matter and chlorophyll levels in the sediment. Interestingly, there were overall negative effects of nutrient additions on some of the most abundant molluscs, Hydrobia ulvae, Retusa obtusa and juvenile Cerastoderma edule. Possible explanations for these adverse effects such as the changes in the sediment chemistry or the physical presence of the fertilizer in the sediment caused by the nutrient additions are discussed. We conclude that the effects of nutrient enrichment in soft sediment habitats on benthic assemblages are determined by the interplay between the presence of bioturbating macroinvertebrates, tidal height and sediment characteristics.  相似文献   

To examine the synergism of high temperature and sulfide on two dominant tropical seagrass species, a large-scale mesocosm experiment was conducted in which sulfide accumulation rates (SAR) were increased by adding labile carbon (glucose) to intact seagrass sediment cores across a range of temperatures. During the initial 10 d of the 38 d experiment, porewater SAR in cores increased 2- to 3-fold from 44 and 136 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 28-29 °C to 80 and 308 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 34-35 °C in Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum cores, respectively. Labile C additions to the sediment resulted in SAR of 443 and 601 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 28-29 °C and 758 to 1,557 μmol L− 1 d− 1 at 34-35 °C in H. wrightii and T. testudinum cores, respectively. Both T. testudinum and H. wrightii were highly thermal tolerant, demonstrating their tropical affinities and potential to adapt to high temperatures. While plants survived the 38 d temperature treatments, there was a clear thermal threshold above 33 °C where T. testudinum growth declined and leaf quantum efficiencies (Fv/Fm) fell below 0.7. At this threshold temperature, H. wrightii maintained shoot densities and leaf quantum efficiencies. Although H. wrightii showed a greater tolerance to high temperature, T. testudinum had a greater capacity to sustain biomass and short shoots under thermal stress with labile C enrichment, regardless of the fact that sulfide levels in the T. testudinum cores were 2 times higher than in the H. wrightii cores. Tropical seagrass tolerance to elevated temperatures, predicted in the future with global warming, should be considered in the context of the sediment-plant complex which incorporates the synergism of plant physiological responses and shifts in sulfur biogeochemistry leading to increased plant exposure to sulfides, a known toxin.  相似文献   

The present study employed simultaneously methods to investigate particle and solute transport and reaction rates in sandy sediments inhabited by two worms (2500 m− 2) with different feeding modes. Heteromastus filiformis is a head-down deposit-feeder and the main activities exerted by this worm are transport of particles as faecal pellets from subsurface to surface sediments and burrow ventilation. Marenzelleria viridis is a surface deposit-feeder that actively searches for food by burrowing near the sediment surface, producing a network of ventilated galleries in this zone. M. viridis exhibited 1.5 to 2.2 times higher particle mixing rates (Db = 3.3 to 4 × 10− 3 cm− 2 d− 1) compared to H. filiformis. In M. viridis treatments, continuous advection (eddy diffusion) was the major factor influencing solute transport resulting in apparent diffusion rates (Da = 2.2 cm− 2 d− 1), which were 3 times higher than molecular diffusion within the sediment. In H. filiformis inhabited sediments, the transport of solutes was discontinuous and driven by a surprisingly high nonlocal exchange (α = 1.1-1.3 d− 1), emphasizing its strong irrigation effects. Accordingly, the enhancement of solute fluxes was more pronounced for H. filiformis compared to M. viridis. Depth integrated TCO2 production derived from diagenetic modelling, which takes into account three reaction zones, is in good agreement with rates obtained from measured fluxes, indicating the applicability of both approaches to get reliable rates. However, the reaction rates showed that the presence of animals had a modest effect on microbial carbon oxidation. The results proved that transport conditions are deeply related to feeding modes. Exchange of solutes was the most important transport process by H. filiformis, while M. viridis affected both mixing and solute transport.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the influence of non-monsoon sediment arrival on the high-diversity SE Indian seagrass meadows of the Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar. We used a gradient-based approach to examine the influence of increasing sediment loads on species composition and shoot density. In addition, for the ubiquitous seagrass (Cymodocea serrulata), we tested the influence of sediment on its biomass and productivity. We identified three sites in Palk Bay and four sites in Gulf of Mannar (SE India) along a gradient of sediment input. At each of the seven locations, sediment traps were deployed to measure sedimentation rates. Nine seagrass cores were taken systematically along 50 m transects at a constant sub-tidal depth to measure shoot density and biomass. A few shoots of C. serrulata were marked to estimate the above ground seagrass growth rate. Our results indicate that sedimentation rates that ranged from 8.6 to 62.4 mg DW cm−2 d−1 could not explain species composition of the meadow or shoot density of the observed species. C. serrulata was, by far, the most abundant species and present in all sediment conditions. Sedimentation rates did not alter shoot elongation rates in C. serrulata, ranging from 1.54 ± 0.29 SD to 0.25 ± 0.02 SD cm d−1, but in contrast, increased vertical rhizome elongation rate. This increase was reflected in an increase in below ground biomass along the sediment gradient (R2 = 0.582, p = 0.01). C. serrulata appears to be able to adapt to the sediment dynamics in this area by allocating resources to rhizomes and roots to counteract burial and stabilizing sediments. Given that siltation is one of the most important threats to seagrass meadows, understanding the species-specific adaptive mechanisms of seagrass species in these high-sediment, high diversity South Asian meadows is an important first step in ensuring their long-term survival and functioning.  相似文献   

The Middle Bathonian to Middle Oxfordian interval in the Eastern External Subbetic (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) is characterized by Ammonitico Rosso facies including various stratigraphic breaks. Five hardground-bounded units are recognized in relation to hiatuses in the ammonite record at the following stratigraphic boundaries: Hg1 (Lower–Middle Bathonian), Hg2 (Middle–Upper Bathonian), Hg3 (Lower–Middle Callovian), Hg4 (Middle–Upper Callovian), and Hg5 (Callovian–Oxfordian). Interesting features of these hardgrounds include their microfacies, ferruginous crusts and macro-oncoids, taphonomy of macroinvertebrates, trace fossils, neptunian dykes, and the hiatuses associated with each of them. The main hardgrounds (Hg1, Hg2, and Hg5) contain trace fossils of the Cruziana and Trypanites ichnofacies as well as abundant fossil macroinvertebrates with taphonomic features evidencing corrasion, early diagenesis, and reworking, indicating substrate evolution from softground to hardground. Neptunian dykes affected the trace fossils and ammonoid moulds, and their walls and the hardground surfaces were colonized by ferruginous microbial crusts. These features are characteristic of the External Subbetic pelagic swells, where the absence of sedimentation, sediment bypassing and erosion, and early diagenesis during relative sea-level falls produced hardgrounds. The neptunian dykes are indicative of tectonic activity in the areas of pelagic swells. Ferruginous crusts and macro-oncoids developed only on hardground surfaces and neptunian dykes walls prior to deposition of condensed bioclastic beds, which are interpreted as the first deposits after hardground development and are related to the onset of transgression. The varying ranges of the gaps as well as lateral facies changes are related to different local paleobathymetry controlled by the activity of listric faults.  相似文献   

In terms of cumulative thickness and areal extent, the Khenifra Basin is one of the most important outcrops of Late Palaeozoic red-beds in central Morocco. Macro- and microfloral remains near the centre of the 1800 m-thick succession of interbedded conglomerates, sandstones, and mudstones are considered to be of middle to late Early Permian age. Here we give the first comprehensive analysis of the vertebrate ichnofossil record from the study area, based on 17 specimens of isolated footprints and incomplete step cycles collected at three localities that are lithostratigraphically equivalent to the plant-bearing horizons. The tetrapod ichnofauna comprises tracks of the plexus Batrachichnus Woodworth - Limnopus Marsh, Ichniotherium sphaerodactylum (Pabst), Dimetropus Romer and Price, and Dromopus Marsh which can be referred to temnospondyl, diadectomorph, synapsid (“pelycosaurian”) and early sauropsid trackmakers. This clearly Euramerican footprint assemblage, including the first occurrences of Ichniotherium and Dimetropus from outside Europe and North America, indicates a Late Carboniferous to Early Permian age of the fossiliferous strata. Judging from the relatively diverse ichnofauna and flora, the Khenifra Basin must have represented a well-established terrestrial ecosystem during that period. Its habitat could be specially important for the understanding of the phylogeny and dispersal of early tetrapods, inasmuch as we are able to report on an extremely rare type of diadectomorph footprint hitherto known only from the Early Permian of central Germany.  相似文献   

Erosion and transport of juvenile individuals may alter the distribution pattern of intertidal bivalves. The burrowing success of recently transported juvenile softshell clams (Mya arenaria) was studied in a laboratory flume under a wide range of hydrosedimentary environments. Juvenile individuals (5-20 mm) were observed under a simulated 30 min slack tide before initiating the flow for a period of 60 min. Five different free-stream velocities (0, 3, 5, 10 and 24 cm s− 1) and four sediment types (mud, sandy-mud, sand and gravel) were used. The mean proportion of juvenile clams that initiated (MPI) or completed (MPC) a burial decreased with increasing shell length. Erosion from the sediment was more important in large juveniles suggesting that large juveniles may have more difficulty successfully relocating once transported. The MPI increased with increasing flow speed in experimental runs held at speed < 24 cm s− 1. This was observed in all sediment types. Most individuals were unable to burrow at 24 cm s− 1 because they got eroded. The MPC also increased with increasing flow speed in mud, sandy-mud and sand. The MPC's response to flow was more complex in gravel because of a shell length × flow speed interaction effect. Our observations suggest that water movement may induce the burrowing behaviour of recently eroded juvenile clams. Results are discussed in an ecological and aquacultural context.  相似文献   

The brown alga Laminaria japonica is distributed from southern Hokkaido to the northeastern Honshu in Japan. Recently, aquaculture of L. japonica has expanded to the southern coast of Japan and to China along the East China Sea. In order to elucidate the growth, biomass and productivity of L. japonica in a subtropical area, we cultivated and examined it in the Uwa Sea, in southwestern Japan over a period of 2 years. The seawater temperature ranged from 13.8 to 26.8 °C in 2001/2002 and from 13.1 to 27.2 °C in 2002/2003. In 2001/2002, the maximum density, maximum mean length and maximum mean wet wt. of L. japonica were 59.7 ± 28.0 ind. 50 cm− 1 (mean ± S.D.), 187.5 ± 82.7 cm (360 cm in the largest individual) and 130.1 ± 94.6 g wet wt., respectively. In 2002/2003, these values were 94.7 ± 22.2 ind. 50 cm− 1, 159.3 ± 74.4 cm (300 cm in the largest individual) and 95.2 ± 69.5 g wet wt., respectively. Thus, the length and weight increased when the density was low (2001/2002), and the length and weight decreased when the density was high (2002/2003). The maximum biomass was estimated to be 7200 ± 3400 g wet wt. 50 cm− 1 in 2001/2002 and 7300 ± 2000 g wet wt. 50 cm− 1 in 2002/2003. Annual production was estimated to be 33.3 kg wet wt. m− 1 year− 1 in 2001/2002 and 34.0 kg wet wt. m− 1 year− 1 in 2002/2003. The present study indicates that the annual production of L. japonica per rope of 1 m at Uwajima Bay, the Uwa Sea corresponded to 1.1-2.2 m2 of that of Hokkaido in their native area. Thus, the present study indicates that L. japonica is highly adaptable because it is able to keep a high level of productivity when grown in water with a high temperature.  相似文献   

Plant growth, biomass allocation and autofragmentation were investigated in response to root and shoot competition in the submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. growing in two sediment environments. Biomass accumulation and allocation were significantly affected by sediment fertility, with a higher total biomass observed in fertile sediment (average: 4.69 g per plant vs. 1.12 g per plant in infertile sediment). Root-to-shoot ratios were 0.34 and 0.06 in the infertile and fertile sediments, respectively, reflecting the high investment placed on roots under infertile conditions. In the presence of root, shoot, and full competition, whole plant biomass decreased by 18%, 12% and 24% in the infertile sediments, and 23%, 25% and 33% in the fertile sediments, respectively. Root weight ratios (RWRs) increased with root competition by 38% (P < 0.001) and 12% (P = 0.002), while leaf weight ratios (LWRs) decreased with shoot competition by 6% (P = 0.042) and 5% (P = 0.001) in the infertile and fertile sediments, respectively. A total of 406 autofragments were harvested in the fertile sediments, but none were obtained from the infertile sediments. In the control, autofragment number and biomass was 166% and 175% higher compared to the competition treatment. Root and shoot competition resulted in a 21% (P = 0.043) and 18% (P = 0.098) decrease in the autofragment biomass, respectively. These results indicated that M. spicatum responds to different sediment fertility by changing its allocation patterns. Moreover, both root and shoot competition influenced plant growth and autofragmentation, while sediment nutrient availability played an important role in M. spicatum autofragmentation.  相似文献   

The study of the diet of the Barn Owl in two steppic regions (M'Sila and Djelfa) located in the Algerian highlands is based on the analysis of the pellets of rejections collected in six stations. The analysis of 706 pellets resulting from the various stations made it possible to count 1380 individuals, represented by seven classes, 12 orders, 32 families, and 76 species of preys. The mammals are consumed with variable abundance rates between 59.1 % and 90.0 % whose predominance is assigned to the rodents (relative abundance: AR > 58 %). The latter constitute the most advantageous preys in biomass (61.4 ≤ B % ≤ 99.2). The most consumed prey is Meriones shawii, with variable rates between 31.9 % and 76.6 %. Generally, Tyto alba presents a diversified diet in the majority of the stations (0.69 ≤ E ≤ 0.76), except the station of Ain El-Hadjel (E = 0.35), with a low diversity and dominance of M. shawii (AR = 76.6 %).  相似文献   

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