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Chemical signals can be the basis of interspecific recognition and speciation in many animals. The Columbretes Islands wall lizard, Podarcis atrata is very close genetically to the mainland Iberian wall lizard Podarcis hispanica. However, a previous study suggested that chemosensory interspecific recognition would avoid reproductive interactions and hybridization between these two species. These results suggested that chemicals used in intraspecific communication might differ in composition and/or proportions between these two species. In this paper, we used gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) to characterize the chemical composition of the lipophilic fraction from femoral gland secretions of male P. atrata and P. hispanica. The analysis showed that chemicals found in femoral secretions varied in composition and proportions between species and between populations. Seven steroids and two unidentified waxy esters, were exclusive of P. atrata lizards from the islands. In contrast, nine steroids and other six compounds were only found in mainland P. hispanica. There were also differences in proportions of shared compounds between species. Moreover, all these differences were higher between P. atrata and P. hispanica than between any population of P. hispanica. Chemical differences might be consequence of genetic differences, but they could also be explained by adaptation to different habitats with different climatic conditions or diet resources. Compounds that are specific of each species, or differences in the pattern of compounds, could explain species recognition. Therefore, these results of chemical composition and previous studies of chemosensory recognition reinforce the fact that the genetic differences between P. hispanica and P. atrata may result in an effective reproductive isolation between these two taxa.  相似文献   

RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) molecular markers were used to investigate relationships between a sample of Bambusa species from South Eastern China that have been placed in Bambusa or in several segregate genera, Dendrocalamopsis, Leleba, Lingnania, Neosinocalamus and Sinocalamus by different authors. On the resultant neighbor-joining tree, a thorny core Bambusa cluster was distinguished, as was a Lingnania group, and a cluster of Dendrocalamus species with more capitate inflorescences. However, Leleba was found to be a polyphyletic group in the present study.  相似文献   

The origin of Hordelymus genome has been debated for years, and no consensus conclusion was reached. In this study, we sequenced and analyzed the RPB2 (RNA polymerase subunit II) gene from Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz, and its potential diploid ancestor species those were suggested in previous studies. The focus of this study was to examine the phylogenetic relationship of Hordelymus genomes with its potential donor Hordeum, Psathyrostachys, and Taeniatherum species. Two distinguishable copies of sequences were obtained from H. europaeus. The obvious difference between the two copies of sequences is a 24 bp indel (insertion/deletion). Phylogenetic analysis showed a strong affinity between Hordeum genome and Hordelymus with 85% bootstrap support. These results suggested that one genome in tetraploid H. europaeus closely related to the genome in Hordeum species. Another genome in H. europaeus is sister to the genomes in Triticeae species examined here, which corresponds well with the recently published EF-G data. No obvious relationship was found between Hordelymus and either Ta genome donor, Taeniatherum caput-medusae or Ns genome donor, Psathyrostachys juncea. Our data does not support the presence of Ta and Ns genome in H. europaeus, and further confirms that H. europaeus is allopolyploid.  相似文献   

The social organization of rodent species determines behavioral patterns for both affiliative and agonistic encounters. The neuropeptide oxytocin has been implicated in the mediation of social behavior; however, variability in both neuropeptide expression and social behavior within a single species indicates an additional mediating factor. The purpose of the present comparative study was to investigate social behaviors in naïve mixed-sex pairs of monogamous Peromyscus californicus and polygynous Peromyscus leucopus. We identified substantial inter- and intra-specific variability in the expression of affiliative and agonistic behaviors. Although all P. californicus tested engaged in frequent and prolonged intervals of social contact and rarely engaged in aggressive behaviors, P. leucopus exhibited significant variability in both measures of social behaviors. The naturally occurring differences in social behavior displayed by P. leucopus vary across the estrous cycle, and correspond to hypothalamic oxytocin, as well as circulating oxytocin and glucocorticoid concentrations. These results provide evidence for a rhythm in social behavior across the estrous cycle in polygynous, but not monogamous, Peromyscus species.  相似文献   

The genus Hebeloma has a number of species highly specific to Cistus and others that occur with several host genera. This paper discusses the species of Hebeloma that appear to be ectomycorrhizal with Cistus, judging from their occurrence when Cistus is the only available host. The previously unknown species H. plesiocistum spec. nov. is described. We also provide a key to the known Hebeloma associates of Cistus. Molecular analyses based on ITS sequence data further illustrate the distinctness of the newly described species and difficulties in the species delimitation with view to H. erumpens. Specific associations with Cistus may have evolved more than once within the genus Hebeloma.  相似文献   

As part of studies of metabolites from fungi common in the built environment in Canadian homes, we investigated metabolites from strains of three Eurotium species, namely E. herbariorum, E. amstelodami, and E. rubrum as well as a number of isolates provisionally identified as Aspergillus ustus. The latter have been recently assigned as the new species A. insuetus and A. calidoustus. E. amstelodami produced neoechinulin A and neoechinulin B, epiheveadride, flavoglaucin, auroglaucin, and isotetrahydroauroglaucin as major metabolites. Minor metabolites included echinulin, preechinulin and neoechinulin E. E. rubrum produced all of these metabolites, but epiheveadride was detected as a minor metabolite. E. herbariorum produced cladosporin as a major metabolite, in addition to those found in E. amstelodami. This species also produced questin and neoechinulin E as minor metabolites. This is the first report of epiheveadride occurring as a natural product, and the first nonadride isolated from Eurotium species. Unlike strains from mainly infection-related samples, largely from Europe, neither ophiobolins G and H nor austins were detected in the Canadian strains of A. insuetus and A. calidoustus tested, all of which had been reported from the latter species. TMC-120 A, B, C and a sesquiterpene drimane are reported with certainty for the first time from indoor isolates, as well as two novel related methyl isoquinoline alkaloids.  相似文献   

The original immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (ICHH) suggested that testosterone has a handicapping effect in males by both promoting the development of sexual signals and suppressing immune function. A modified version, the stress-linked ICHH, has recently proposed that testosterone is immunosuppressive indirectly by increasing production of corticosterone. To test both the original and stress-mediated versions of the ICHH, we implanted male zebra finches taken from lines selected for divergent maximum stress-induced levels of corticosterone (high, low and control) with either empty or testosterone-filled implants. Their humoral and cell-mediated immune responses were then assessed by challenge with diphtheria:tetanus vaccine and phytohemagglutinin respectively. We found no effect of the hormone manipulations on either PHA or tetanus antibody responses, but found a significant interaction between titers of both testosterone and corticosterone on diphtheria secondary antibody response; antibody response was greatest in individuals with high levels of both hormones. There was also a significant interactive effect between testosterone treatment group and corticosterone titer on body mass; the body mass of males in the elevated testosterone treatment group decreased with increasing corticosterone titer. These results suggest that, contrary to the assumption of the stress-mediated version of the ICHH, high plasma levels of corticosterone are not immunosuppressive, but are in fact immuno-enhancing in the presence of high levels of plasma testosterone. Equally, the central assumption of the ICHH that testosterone is obligately immunosuppressive is also not supported. The same individuals with the highest levels of both hormones and consequently the most robust antibody response also possessed the lowest body mass.  相似文献   

We employed four markers (two chloroplastic, one mitochondrial and one nuclear) to investigate whether Turbinaria ornata and Turbinaria conoides, two morphologically similar brown algae, are distinct species. The molecular data revealed reciprocal monophyly, thus confirming the two algae as discrete species. Nevertheless, taxonomical ambiguities remain. T. conoides is more morphologically variable than T. ornata. We identified an atypical T. conoides morphotype whose blade possesses intramarginal teeth, a morphological characteristic of the T. ornata group that is normally absent within T. conoides. The molecular data indicate, nonetheless, that this morphotype belongs genetically to the T. conoides group. Thus, the results cast doubt upon the validity of using intramarginal teeth for species diagnosis.  相似文献   

Ferret-badgers, genus Melogale, are distributed in the Indochinese region, Java, Bali and NE-Borneo. There are currently four species described each having very similar phenotypes. In March 2005, a living ferret-badger of a different phenotype was confiscated by rangers from Cuc Phuong National Park, Vietnam. This individual died and the carcass was not preserved. In January 2006, a newly deceased individual of the same phenotype was found at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, Cuc Phuong National Park. Due to several different characteristics these individuals vary greatly from the current species. Thus, we describe an additional species, M. cucphuongensis sp. nov. from northern Vietnam, which occurs sympatrically with M. moschata and M. personata, but differs from both species clearly in skull morphology and other features.Based on a 423 bp-long fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, M. cucphuongensis sp. nov. is a member of the genus Melogale and represents a sister lineage to a clade consisting of M. personata and M. moschata.  相似文献   

The blue willow beetle, Phratora vulgatissima, is considered to be the most damaging herbivorous pest in Salix short-rotation coppices throughout Europe. The braconid parasitoid Perilitus brevicollis is an important natural enemy of Phratora. As several different Salix species are used in coppices, I investigated the bottom-up (tritrophic) effects of Salix on the parasitoid. Three host plants were studied: the introduced fast-growing S. viminalis, which is highly susceptible to the beetle; S. dasyclados, which is introduced and moderately-resistant to the beetle; and the native slow-growing Salix cinerea, which is not currently used in coppices. The identity of the host-plant species had significant effects on parasitoid larval development time; parasitoids developed rapidly on the susceptible S. viminalis and slowly on the moderately resistant S. dasyclados. Increased development time resulted in reduced adult longevity. Host-plant species identity also affected larval survival; 57%, 64%, and 49% of the parasitoids successfully completed larval development in beetles fed S. viminalis, S. cinerea, and S. dasyclados, respectively. Parasitoid development was also correlated with the body size of their beetle host, but this effect was independent of the identity of the host-plant species. The results of this study suggest that the parasitoid has higher survival and growth rates when it parasitizes beetles feeding on the common coppice species S. viminalis, but the performance of the parasite is reduced when the beetle feeds on the moderately-resistant S. dasyclados. Conversely, the omnivorous biocontrol agents sometimes used in these systems appear to perform better on S. dasyclados compared to S. viminalis. The results of this study suggest that Perilitus parasitoids and omnivorous beetle predators may provide complementary protection to Salix and therefore be useful in coppice management.  相似文献   

The evolutionary processes that result in reliable links between male signals and fighting capacity have received a great deal of attention, but the proximate mechanisms underlying such connections remain understudied. We studied a large sample of male green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) to determine whether testosterone or corticosterone predicted dewlap size and/or bite-force capacity, as dewlap size is known to be a reliable predictor of bite-force capacity in territorial males. We also examined whether these relationships were consistent between previously described body size classes ("lightweights" and "heavyweights"). Heavyweights had 50% higher testosterone concentrations than lightweights during the breeding season, suggesting a mechanism for the disproportionately larger heads and dewlaps and higher bite-forces of heavyweights. Plasma testosterone concentrations were positively correlated with dewlap size and bite-force performance in lightweights (but not heavyweights) but only because of mutual intercorrelation of all three variables with body size. We suggest two possibilities for the relationship between testosterone levels and body size: (1) testosterone promotes growth in this species or (2) smaller sexually mature males are unable to compete with larger males such that the benefits of elevated testosterone do not outweigh the costs. Corticosterone levels did not differ between the male morphs, and lightweights, but not heavyweights, showed an inverse relationship between testosterone levels and corticosterone levels. Our results suggest that testosterone is important for traits related to dominance in adult male green anoles and may influence the ability to compete with rivals via fighting ability or through the use of signals.  相似文献   

Babesiosis, the disease caused by tick-borne hematozoan parasites of the genus Babesia, is particularly common in dogs, and is caused by several “large” species of Babesia, as well as by an increasing number of “small” species of Babesia, some of which appear to be more closely related to members of the genus Theileria. In this work, blood samples were collected from 848 randomly selected, asymptomatic dogs and from 81 symptomatic dogs, microscopically positive for Babesia, and characterised by PCR and sequence analysis of a fragment of the ssrRNA gene. A prevalence of 3.42% (29 of 848) was found in asymptomatic dogs and sequence analysis revealed the presence of Babesia canis canis in 20 dogs (69%), Babesia gibsoni in six dogs (21%), Babesia canis vogeli in two dogs (7%) and Theileria annae in one dog (3%). In the group of symptomatic dogs, which were all positive by PCR, B. canis canis was the predominant species (78 dogs, or 96%), followed by single infections with B. canis vogeli, Babesia caballi and Theileria equi. Our study has confirmed that dogs are infected with a wide range of both large and small piroplasm species and subspecies, including B. caballi and T. equi, two parasites usually found in horses. The detection of the pathogenic species B. canis canis and B. gibsoni in asymptomatic dogs indicates that the relationship between parasite species/subspecies and clinical signs of infection in dogs deserves further investigation. Finally, the identities of the tick vectors transmitting T. annae and B. caballi remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Dark, septate endophytes (DSE) were isolated from roots and needles of dwarf Picea abies and from roots of Vaccinium spp. growing on a permafrost site in the Jura Mountains in Switzerland. Two of the isolates sporulated after incubation for more than one year at 4 °C. One of them was a hitherto undescribed helotialean ascomycete Phaeomollisia piceae gen. sp. nov., the other was a new species of Phialocephala, P. glacialis sp. nov. Both species are closely related to DSE of the Phialocephala fortinii s. lat.-Acephala applanata species complex (PAC) as revealed by phylogenetic analyses of the ITS and 18S rDNA regions. Morphologically dissimilar fungi, such as Vibrissea and Loramyces species, are phylogenetically also closely linked to the new species and the PAC. Cadophora lagerbergii and C. (Phialophora) botulispora are moved to Phialocephala because Phialocephala dimorphospora and P. repens are the closest relatives. Several Mollisia species were closely related to the new species and the PAC according to ITS sequence comparisons. One DSE from needles of Abies alba and one from shoots of Castanea sativa formed Cystodendron anamorphs in culture. Their identical 18S sequences and almost identical ITS sequences indicated Mollisia species as closest relatives, suggesting that Mollisia species are highly euryoecious.  相似文献   

The Abildgaardieae tribe within the family Cyperaceae comprises six or seven genera, among which Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis pose a challenge regarding their morphological delimitation. Molecular phylogenetic analyses including species of Abildgaardieae are rare, but in most of those studies, Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis appear as more closely related to each other than to the Bulbostylis genus. Duration of the style base has been one of the most widely used characters for delimiting these three genera. The style base is a persistent structure in most species of Bulbostylis and deciduous in Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis. The reasons why the style base may persist or fall off have been scarcely discussed. The assumption that abscission layers are present in the style base of all three genera and the fact that tracheids have been observed in the style base of Bulbostylis suggest that this structure might have histological complexity. In view of this, a complete ontogenetic and anatomical study of the gynoecium has been carried out for all these three genera. It turned out that the style base is histologically simple in Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis and shows similar structure and development in all three genera. The fact that the style base has a shorter duration in Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis than in Bulbostylis might be related to the lower number of sclerotised cells that make up such structures in the mature fruit of the former two genera. Abscission of the style and style base may be the result of much simpler reasons than the differentiation of an abscission layer, resulting merely from mechanical shear force effects. Differences among genera have been observed in the shape of the style base and the development of the style. The histological simplicity of the style base is consistent with the homoplastic appearance of this structure in genera that are not closely related (e.g. Rhynchospora). Because of this, while the presence of the thickened style base seems to be a synapomorphy in species of Abildgaardieae, its persistence on or detachment from the fruit might have emerged repeatedly during this clade evolution and might not be a suitable character for genera delimitation.  相似文献   

Five Mycoplasma strains from wild Caprinae were analyzed: four from Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) which died at the Berlin Zoo between 1993 and 1994, one from a Rocky Mountain goat collected in the USA prior to 1987. These five strains represented a population different from the populations belonging to the ‘Mycoplasma mycoides cluster’ as tested using multi locus sequence typing, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene (rrs), genomic sequence based in silico as well as laboratory DNA–DNA hybridization, and the analysis of phenotypic traits in particular their exceptionally rapid growth all confirmed that they do not belong to any Mycoplasma species described to date. We therefore suggest these strains represent a novel species, for which we propose the name Mycoplasma feriruminatoris sp. nov. The type strain is G5847T (= DSM 26019T = NCTC 1362T).  相似文献   

Crabs of the species Liocarcinus depurator and Pilumnus hirtellus, collected on the west coast of Scotland, showed hydrozoan and protozoan epibionts. The epibionts of Liocarcinus depurator were the protozoan Ephelota plana and the hydrozoans Clytia gracilis and Leuckartiara sp. The epibionts of Pilumnus hirtellus were the protozoans E. plana and Zoothamnium sp. For Liocarcinus depurator the number of Ephelota per crab fluctuated between 0 and 47 and the greatest number of suctorians were located on the chelipeds, carapace and anterior pereiopods. The hydrozoans, for Liocarcinus depurator, showed densities of 0-20 (Clytia gracilis on the second pereiopod) and 0-507 individuals per crab (Leuckartiara sp., principally on chelipeds, carapace and the fourth right pereiopod). For Pilumnus hirtellus, Ephelota plana showed densities between 3 and 56 individuals per crab, the greatest number of suctorians being located on the same areas as on Liocarcinus depurator. There was a density of 10-69 individuals per crab of Zoothamnium sp. on Pilumnus hirtellus (located on the carapace). Ephelota plana has not been observed previously as an epibiont on crustacea, nor had Zoothamnium sp. as an epibiont on Pilumnus hirtellus. Both hydrozoans, Leukartiara and Clytia, have not been previously described as epibionts on Liocarcinus depurator. Data about the morphological characteristics and distribution of these epibionts are included.  相似文献   

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