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The Jurassic rocks exposed in the Blue Nile Basin (central western Ethiopia), particularly the thick, fossiliferous and widely distributed Antalo Limestone Formation (ALF) has recently been dated between early Callovian and late Tithonian based on the occurrence of calcareous nannofossils from the Mugher section near Dejen, Ethiopia. However, the top part of the ALF is not well exposed at Mugher; in this study, the top part of the ALF was sampled at the Kurar section (150 km north of Mugher). It yielded a nannofossil assemblage containing Helenea chiastia, whose first occurrence (FO) marks the base of the Tithonian NJT16a calcareous nannofossil subzone, and Faviconus multicolumnatus, whose FO is near the base of the NJ15b subzone and corresponds with the FO of the Tithonian zonal marker Polycostella beckmannii recorded at the Mugher section. This age is also corroborated by the presence of recently recorded calpionellids (Bonetinae subzone) and the presence of late Tithonian ammonites, Djurjuriceras cf. sinuosum Tavera and Oxylenticeras Spath from the Kurar section. Hence, the upper part of the ALF exposed at the Kurar and Mugher sections are of late Tithonian age, although at the Mertule Mariam section (60 km northwest of the Kurar section), late Berriasian calpionellids were recently found from the top part of the ALF.  相似文献   

The homogeneity of a large sample of Gassendiceras alpinum is tested statistically. The quantitative analysis did not reject the null hypothesis and the homogeneity of the sample is accepted. As a result, the different taxa used in the literature (G. alpinum, “Barrancyloceras barremense”, Leroyiceras mascarellii and Spinocrioceras sauvanae) all fall into the variability of a single species, although some doubt subsist for L. dolloi. Taxonomically, by the priority principle the only name that should be used is G. alpinum. The results and other examples about the intraspecific variability confirm the importance of the Westermann's laws in ammonites, but they show that there are other important sources of covariation. In Gassendiceras the variability is tripolar (both the classic robust-slender poles of the Westermann's laws plus a third morphological pole with thick section and not so robust ornamentation), which implies that the intraspecific variability is not always uniform or consistent from one group to another, or in any case do not necessarily respond to the same factors in equivalent proportions. Heterochronies, erasing of the ornamentation and uncoiling of the heteromorph ammonites are also considered as factors of the intraspecific variability.  相似文献   

Two specimens of Ceratosphinctes represent the first record of this taxon in Mexico (Mexican Huasteca), and are interpreted as Ceratosphinctes rachistrophus amatitlaensis nov. subsp. The subspecies level is used with biogeographic significance, most probably indicating incoming propagules and adaptation to local environmental requirements. Biostratigraphy, based on agreement of the composition of the ammonite assemblage that included C. rachistrophus amatitlaensis nov. subsp. and the previous interpretation of ammonite assemblages with Idoceras in Mexico by Villaseñor et al., indicates precise correlation with Tethyan records (uppermost-Lower to lowermost-Upper Kimmeridgian). The dispersion pattern available for Ceratosphinctes is interpreted as related to ecospace enlargement during the relative sea-level highstand of the late-Early Kimmeridgian.  相似文献   

The screen of 10 soft coral extracts collected from the Colombian Caribbean Sea in the TPA-induced ear edema model allowed us to identify Eunicea fusca extract among others as an interesting source of active compounds. The new diterpene, fuscoside E (1), along with the known fuscoside B (2), fuscol (3), (+)-germacrene D (4) and a mixture of six sterols (5-10), were isolated from this soft coral. Their structures were elucidated by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy techniques. Fuscoside E (1) absolute stereochemistry was determined by chiroptical methods. Fuscoside E (1) and B (2) showed strong anti-inflammatory in the above mentioned bioassay. Additionally, fuscoside E (1) and the sterol mixture (5-10) presented antifouling activity against bacterial strains involved in surface colonization.  相似文献   

Lower Kimmeridgian to Lower Tithonian (Upper Jurassic) sections studied at Sierra de Palotes (Durango) and Sierra de Catorce (San Luis Potosí), Mexico, show low-energy deposits in which the composition of fossil macroinvertebrate assemblages, including megabenthos, reflects biostratinomic control. Monotonous siltstones provide continuous records of ammonite assemblages and reflect dominant deposition of shells in living areas; meanwhile, discontinues records were forced by episodic post-mortem transportation of shells, which was especially accentuated under storm influence. Rhythmic marly-silty limestones and marls illustrate a fossil record probably determined by minor transgressive-regressive pulses. The major changes in lithofacies are reflected by condensed silty and phosphatic mudstones deposited during significant floodings affecting areas under dominant terrigenous sedimentation. These changes determined more or less significant variations in the composition of fossil assemblages according to their relation to changing ecological conditions. However, shifting ecospaces exhibit no direct relationship to changes in lithofacies. Post-mortem transportation, operating in relation to both marine floodings and changes in the pattern of upper-water currents, was the main biostratinomic factor affecting the areal distribution of ammonite populations. Shell transportation and sedimentation rate controlled preservation and ultimately influenced diversity in recorded ammonite assemblages. The post-mortem behaviour (interpreted from shell structure and preservation), and therefore distribution, of ammonite shells points to shallow-water environments during the Kimmeridgian - Early Tithonian in areas (such as SE Durango and San Luís Potosí) close to the changing boundary between dominant carbonate and terrigenous sedimentation. No reworking affecting ammonite biostratigraphy has been identified in the sections studied.  相似文献   

Two aquatic plant genera assignable to Decodon (Lythraceae) and Ceratophyllum (Ceratophyllaceae) are described based on reproductive structures collected from the Cerro del Pueblo Formation (late Campanian [73.5 ma]), Coahuila, Northeast Mexico. Decodon is represented by three small seeds with a pyramidal shape, rounded borders, and a concave ventral surface with a rectangular valve towards the center of the seed ventral surface. The Ceratophyllum spiny fruit has an ellipsoidal central body and two proximal long spines flanking a short pedicel opposite the stylar projection. These new reports confirm the presence of both genera in the Upper Cretaceous sediments of Northeastern Mexico, and add to our recognition of diversity within the widely distributed freshwater communities along the margin of the epicontinental sea.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the syllids distributed in the eastern coasts of Mexico (Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean) taking into consideration their composition, distribution and diversity. Sampling was done at 77 stations including 49 in soft bottoms (terrigenous and carbonate sediments), and 28 in hard bottoms (coralline substrates) sampled in nine reef zones included in three reef systems (Veracruz, Campeche and Cozumel). In all 2084 individuals were collected (13.5% in soft sediments and 86.4% in coralline areas). Forty-five species were identified: 31 in soft bottoms and 38 in corals, with 21 species common to both types of environments. In soft bottoms, the highest species richness and diversity were found in the Carbonate Zone, while syllids were uncommon in the Terrigenous Zone. In hard bottoms, the highest density, species richness and diversity values were found in the Veracruz Reef System, followed by the Campeche Bank and Cozumel Island Reef Systems. The dominant species in soft bottoms were Haplosyllis spongicola, Exogone lourei, Typosyllis cornuta and T. papillosus, whereas T. alosae, T. corallicola, T. cornuta and H. spongicola dominated in hard bottoms. The importance and success of the syllids in both soft bottoms and reef environments, particularly in those of the Gulf of Mexico is emphasized.  相似文献   

More than two thirds of beds in the lowest Jurassic, Blue Lias Formation lack ammonites, which are commonly preserved in irregular or planar-bedded, bioturbated limestones, very rarely in laminated limestones and almost never in laminated black shales. Ammonites are preserved in 3D in nodular and planar-bedded limestones and at any orientation to bedding. Co-occurrence with macrobenthos and absence from beds without benthos suggest that Blue Lias ammonites were nektobenthonic. Scour structures and imbrication of ammonites in the Best Bed imply presence of traction currents. Lack of epifauna on large cephalopod shells (and other fossils) implies rapid deposition in event beds. Blue Lias deposition was episodic, not slow and continuous as the fine grain size implies. Undistorted trace fossils, uncrushed ammonites and stable isotope values all suggest early cementation of limestone beds from pore waters of a similar composition to contemporary Jurassic sea water. A clear diagenetic trend exists, with limestones having least, and laminated black shales most, modified stable isotope values. Contrast between trace fossil fills and host sediment demonstrates that Blue Lias rhythms are primary, but limestone beds have been diagenetically cemented.  相似文献   

The fragmentary remains of a juvenile rhabdodontid ornithopod from the Coal-bearing Complex of the Gosau Group (Lower Campanian, Grünbach syncline) at Muthmannsdorf near Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria are revised. The material, probably belonging to a single individual, includes a right dentary (lectotype of Iguanodon suessi Bunzel, 1871, designated herein), teeth, a fragmentary parietal, fragments of scapula, ?radius, femur, tibia, two vertebrae (lost) and a manual ungual.The lectotype dentary does not provide clear autapomorphies or sufficient diagnostic features to determine its position within the Rhabdodontidae at generic level. By this “Iguanodon suessi” Bunzel, 1871 and the genus “Mochlodon” Seeley, 1881, to which it was latter referred as type species, cannot be characterized sufficiently by differential diagnosis and these are best considered nomina dubia. Based upon combined character comparisons (mainly postcranial features) the Muthmannsdorf ornithopod is referred herein to Zalmoxes Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003, a genus so far known from the late Maastrichtian of Romania. It probably but not evidently represents a yet unnamed species, most closely related to Zalmoxes shqiperorum Weishampel, Jianu, Csiki and Norman, 2003. At the present state of knowledge the Austrian material is not further diagnostic at the species level and kept in open nomenclature as Zalmoxes sp.  相似文献   

Analyses of ammonite shell forms of two Barremian stratigraphic sections from Southwest Mexico consist of two well-defined morphotypes: (1) Small uncoiled, mostly leptoceratoid ancyloconic shells of the families Ancyloceratidae and Hamulinidae, and (2) middle-sized involute to moderately evolute oxycone to discocone shells of the family Pulchelliidae. Index taxa allow the recognition of standard ammonite biozones for the Barremian, which permit the relative dating of different processes that occurred through the water column in the environment of deposition. The vertical distribution of ammonite morphotypes and facies suggests changes of the palaeoceanographic and sedimentological conditions that prevailed in the area during Barremian time. Petrologic data, analyses of the organic carbon and carbonate contents of the rocks support the idea that oxygen-deficient bottom waters existed within a shallow marine, tectonically active area with little carbonate deposition during the early early Barremian (upper part of the Taveraidiscus hugii Zone through the base of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone). These conditions in the basin caused a proliferation of middle-water depth ammonites of Morphotype 1 but prevented the abundance of nektobenthic forms of Morphotype 2. Oxic conditions on a more calcareous and open normal marine environment seem to have been reestablished progressively during a transgressive episode from late early-early late Barremian (upper part of the Nicklesia pulchella Zone through the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone). This environmental setting supported more facies dependent nektobenthic ammonites of Morphotype 2 to flourish within the basin.  相似文献   

Fossilised traces of swimming amphibians, assigned to Batrachichnus delicatulus and Serpentichnus robledoensis igen. et isp. nov., are described from the Lower Permian of the Robledo Mountains, southern New Mexico. The B. delicatulus specimen is interpreted as a trackway of a small 'amphibian' (temnospondyl, nectridean, microsaur or juvenile embolomere) swimming straight ahead. S. robledoensis consists of repeated pes imprints separated by discontinuous, L-shaped imprints (body traces). It is interpreted as a trackway of an 'amphibian' swimming in a similar manner to the motion of a side-winding snake. The producer of S. robledoensis is more distinctive than in B. delicatulus , and is suggestive of the lysorophian Brachydectes . This is the first locomotory trace to be assigned to this 'amphibian' group.  相似文献   

Mexican material referable to Merychippus from two localities in eastern Oaxaca was described first nearly 50 years ago. Subsequent work there and in Central Oaxaca, spanning some 30 years, has allowed to establish the detail stratigraphy in both regions, and assembled a collection of merychippine material from the Matatlán (Central Oaxaca) and El Camarón (eastern Oaxaca) Formations, both K-Ar dated ~15 Ma (late early Barstovian). Detailed taxonomic analysis of this collection indicate the presence of two subhypsodont horse species referable to “Merychippus” cf. “M.” primus and “M.” cf. “M.” sejunctus in both regions. These records document the coexistence in tropical southern North America of basal and hipparionine affinity merychippine grade species, and provide a glimpse in to the diversity of subhypsodont equids in this region.  相似文献   

Fabien Knoll 《Geobios》2002,35(5):595
A new ornithischian skull from the Elliot Formation of southern Africa is described. The specimen is compared in detail with the fabrosaurid Lesothosaurus diagnosticus. It actually shares many characters with specimens of the syntypes of this species or specimens referred to it. It is nevertheless not identical to any of these specimens and it is, moreover, remarkably larger than them. The possibility of attributing this specimen to a so far undescribed ‘large fabrosaur’ from the same formation is discussed. It is concluded that the specimen in question in this paper, while being ascribable to the genus Lesothosaurus, cannot be determined to a specific level until the existence of two fabrosaurid species in the ‘Stormberg Group’ is demonstrated and their range of morphological and size variation is properly appraised.  相似文献   

In a fine-grained Lower to Middle Kimmeridgian marly limestone rhythmite succession, with scarce benthos, fluctuations in ecological and depositional conditions that affected the substrate are detected by analysing trace-fossil assemblages. The dominant grey mudstones with Chondrites and Planolites superimposed on lumpy matrix sediments indicate both late colonisation of dysaerobic mixed layers and the completeness of the stratigraphic record. Major disruptions in rhythmic deposition and substrate colonisation are recorded at the base of thick intercalations of marls in sedimentary packages that were related to tectonic instability. Minor disruptions affected only the deposition of the overlying limestone beds. The trace-fossils reveal changes in the ecological and depositional conditions affecting the substrate during deposition of monotonous marly limestone rhythmites at levels of resolution higher than biostratigraphic, ecostratigraphic and taphonomic resolution. This research demonstrates the application of trace-fossil analysis to approach stratigraphic completeness (maturation) in homogeneous marly limestone rhythmites  相似文献   

The new genus Cieneguiticeras, assigned to the family Oppeliidae, is described on the basis of Andean lower-middle Tithonian ammonites from Arroyo Cieneguita, west-central part of the Neuquén-Mendoza Basin, Argentina. The macroconchs are closely homoeomorphic with Neochetoceras Spath and the microconchs have a ‘glochiceratid’-type morphology. The stratigraphic range of Cieneguiticeras nov. gen. includes the lower and middle Tithonian by means of a succession of two or three species which are interpreted as members of a phyletic lineage. Ammonites from the Tithonian of Cuba, Mexico and France are more or less confidently included in this new genus.  相似文献   

A revision of Chamaeleo caroliquarti Moody and Ro?ek is presented. The comparisons of the holotypic left dentary with those of specimens subsequently assigned to C. caroliquarti and of the Recent species of Chamaeleo, Furcifer and Calumma is carried out. It is shown that the type dentaries of C. caroliquarti include two different morphotypes with the absence of unique features. Within the Recent chameleons, the exact determination of the individual species merely on the basis of the dentaries is impossible. The holotypic dentary of C. caroliquarti is basically identical with that of C. calyptratus. However, the same morphology of the dentary as present in C. caroliquarti is also present in other species of different genera such as Calumma globifer and Furcifer pardalis. The paratypic dentaries of C. caroliquarti have a different morphology to the holotype and are indistinguishable from that in the Recent C. chamaeleon. On the other hand, a new species of the genus Chamaeleo, C. andrusovi, is described on the basis of isolated cranial elements, which possess clear autapomorphic features. This material comes from the Lower Miocene (Ottnangian) zone MN 4 in the Dolnice locality of the Czech Republic, and it differs from Recent and fossil chameleons in the following combination of characters: (1) its typically developed strongly pustular ornamentation and its distribution on the external surfaces of the skull roofing bones; (2) the frontoparietal suture is digitiform with a well-developed, anteriorly directed mesial spine, and (3) the parietal bone narrows posteriorly at its midlength, it is not bowed dorsally and it does not contribute posteriorly to a dorsal sagittal crest. This new material expands our knowledge of the cranial anatomy of Lower Miocene chameleons.  相似文献   

Additional material of Todites (Osmundaceae) from the Lower Jurassic Xiangshan Group in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces, Eastern China is investigated. Five species of Todites are described based on collections (including sterile and fertile pinnae) from eight localities along the Yangtze River, including Todites denticulatus (Brongniart) Krasser, Todites cf. goeppertianus (Muenster) Krasser, Todites nanjingensis sp. nov., Todites princeps (Presl) Gothan and Todites sp. Material of T. denticulatus and T. nanjingensis sp. nov. contains further data of the fertile pinnae. The stratigraphical ranges and the geographical distribution of the genus Todites in China are discussed and reviewed. Available data show that Todites mostly occurs in the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic of China. The genus was widely distributed in both the Northern and Southern Floristic Provinces of China, and especially abundant and diverse in the Southern Floristic Province.  相似文献   

This report describes a series of experiments designed to determine if terpene biosynthesis is inducible in two families of marine terpenes, pseudopterosins from the gorgonian coral Pseudopterogorgia elisabethae and fuscol from Eunicea fusca. Since we have recently shown that terpene biosynthesis is not under the control of the invertebrate host, but rather occurs within a dinoflagellate preparation, we examined the terpene content of the dinoflagellate symbiont following a decrease in UV/vis radiation as well as in response to the addition of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid and gibberellic acid. We demonstrated that pseudopterosin and fuscol biosynthesis can be markedly increased through the addition of the plant bioactive substances. We also demonstrated that, while the terpene content of P. elisabethae increases in response to decreased UV/vis light, this is due primarily to an increase in the concentration of the dinoflagellate rather than simply an induction of terpene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The blastozoan echinoderm genus Gogia is reported for the first time in the Early and the Middle Cambrian of Mexico. Reports in different members of the section of San José de Gracia (Sonora State, northwestern Mexico) extend the palaeogeographical range of the genus to the South Laurentia, and the stratigraphic range of Gogia granulosa to the whole first half of middle Middle Cambrian. Isolated plates occur in rocks deposited in detrital inner platform and complete specimens, in carbonate outer platform, confirming their ability to live in diverse environments. Their presence in these different environments through the Early-Middle Cambrian on Laurentia agrees with the onshore-offshore expansion of echinoderms during Cambrian.  相似文献   

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