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This study investigated the effect of water restriction on wool and blood cortisol concentrations and water consumption patterns in heat-stressed sheep. Nine Corriedale female sheep (average BW=43±6.5 kg) were individually fed diets based on maintenance requirement in metabolic crates. They were assigned to three treatments according to a Latin square design (3×3) for three periods with a 21-day duration for each period (nine sheep per treatment). Treatments included free access to water (FAW), 2 h water restriction (2hWR) and 3 h water restriction (3hWR) after feeding. Average temperature–humidity index in the experimental room was 27.9 throughout the experiment that defines heat stress conditions. Wool samples were taken at the end of each period on day 21. No differences were found in cortisol concentration in each fragment (dried, washed and residual extract) of wool (P<0.05). Total wool cortisol concentration was higher in the 3hWR group than the other treatments (P<0.05). Blood cortisol was not different among the treatments (P>0.05) and resulted in higher variable data compared with wool cortisol. Blood neutrophils and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio suppressed in FAW and 3hWR groups compared with the 2hWR group (P<0.05). The duration of water consumption recorded after feeding in the 3hWR group was higher than in the 2hWR group when recorded in the afternoon (P<0.01). Water consumption rate was higher in the 3hWR group than in the 2hWR group (P<0.01). However, total water consumed was lower in the 3hWR group compared with other treatments (P>0.05). It can be concluded that wool cortisol provides more precise and accurate data than blood cortisol during heat stress conditions. Water restriction for 3 h after feeding can act as a stressor and is critical for sheep during heat stress as the consumption of water decreases with restriction.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman primates live in complex social groups in which they regularly encounter both social stressors such as aggression and social support such as that provided by long‐term affiliative relationships. Repeated exposure to social stressors may result in chronically elevated cortisol levels that can have deleterious physical effects such as impaired immune function, cardiovascular disease, and reduced brain function. In contrast, affiliative social relationships may act as a buffer, dampening the release of cortisol in response to acute and chronic stressors. Understanding how social stressors and social support predict cortisol levels is therefore essential to understanding how social situations relate to health and welfare. We studied this relationship in 16 socially housed captive brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus [Sapajus] apella) by comparing long‐term hair cortisol levels with behavioral measures of social stress (dominance rank, rank certainty, and amount of aggression received) and social support (amount of affiliation and centrality in the affiliative social network of the group). Dominance rank, rank certainty, amount of affiliation, and age were not significant predictors of long‐term cortisol levels in this population. Instead, long‐term cortisol levels were positively related to the amount of aggression received and negatively related to centrality in the affiliative social network of the group. This pattern may be attributed to the species’ socially tolerant dominance system and to the availability of social support across the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

This study examined whether fecal cortisol could be used as an index of stress responses. The stress responsiveness of fecal cortisol was tested with a stressor known to stimulate adrenal activity, the stress of anesthesia. Daily fecal and urine samples were collected from four captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) before and after anesthetizations with Telazol®/Ketasat®. Tests of assay validity indicated that cortisol was measurable in chimpanzee fecal extracts. Fecal cortisol concentrations were significantly elevated 2 days after anesthetization, with elevations in seven of the eight treatments. The posttreatment peak was significantly greater than baseline values in three of the four subjects. Both fecal concentrations and proportionate increases in response to stress were significantly correlated with the corresponding values in urinary cortisol, confirming the stressfulness of these procedures and the stress responsiveness of fecal cortisol. These findings provide evidence for the application of fecal cortisol as a noninvasive index of physiologic stress in nonhuman primates. Am. J. Primatol. 44:57–69, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Exposure to chronic and traumatic stress has been associated with the dysregulation of crucial stress response systems. Acculturation has been associated with unique forms of chronic psychosocial stress. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exposure to early traumatic stress and acculturation on dysregulation of the cortisol awakening response (CAR) in Mexican-American adults. Salivary cortisol samples were collected at awakening and 30, 45, and 60 min thereafter, on two consecutive weekdays from 59 healthy Mexican-American adult males (26) and females (33), ages 18-38 years. Participants were assessed for level of acculturation and exposure to early trauma. Data were analyzed using a mixed effects regression model with repeated measures at four time points. Mixed effects regression results indicated a significant Early Trauma × Time interaction (p = .0029) and a significant Acculturation × Time interaction (p = .0015), after controlling for age and sex. Subsequent analyses of the interaction of Trauma × Acculturation × Time showed that more than minimal exposure to either risk factor was associated with attenuation of the awakening cortisol response (p = .0002). Higher levels of acculturation with greater Anglo-orientation were associated with attenuation of the CAR in Mexican-American adults. Both moderate and higher levels of exposure to early trauma were associated with an attenuated CAR. However, greater exposure to both risk factors was only incrementally worse than exposure to either one.  相似文献   

Stress in teleosts is an increasingly studied topic because of its interaction with growth, reproduction, immune system and ultimately fitness of the animal. Whether it is for evaluating welfare in aquaculture, adaptive capacities in fish ecology, or to investigate effects of human-induced rapid environmental change, new experimental methods to describe stress physiology in captive or wild fish have flourished. Cortisol has proven to be a reliable indicator of stress and is considered the major stress hormone. Initially principally measured in blood, cortisol measurement methods are now evolving towards lower invasiveness and to allow repeated measurements over time. We present an overview of recent achievements in the field of cortisol measurement in fishes, discussing new alternatives to blood, whole body and eggs as matrices for cortisol measurement, notably mucus, faeces, water, scales and fins. In parallel, new analytical tools are being developed to increase specificity, sensitivity and automation of the measure. The review provides the founding principles of these techniques and introduces their potential as continuous monitoring tools. Finally, we consider promising avenues of research that could be prioritised in the field of stress physiology of fishes.  相似文献   

Robustness in farm animals was defined by Knap as 'the ability to combine a high production potential with resilience to stressors, allowing for unproblematic expression of a high production potential in a wide variety of environmental conditions'. The importance of robustness-related traits in breeding objectives is progressively increasing towards the production of animals with a high production level in a wide range of climatic conditions and production systems, together with a high level of animal welfare. Current strategies to increase robustness include selection for 'functional traits', such as skeletal and cardiovascular integrity, disease resistance and mortality in various stages. It is also possible to use global evaluation of sensitivity to the environment (e.g. reaction norm analysis or canalization), but these techniques are difficult to implement in practice. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis is the most important stress-responsive neuroendocrine system. Cortisol (or corticosterone) released by the adrenal cortices exerts a large range of effects on metabolism, the immune system, inflammatory processes and brain function, for example. Large individual variations have been described in the HPA axis activity with important physiopathological consequences. In terms of animal production, higher cortisol levels have negative effects on growth rate and feed efficiency and increase the fat/lean ratio of carcasses. On the contrary, cortisol has positive effects on traits related to robustness and adaptation. For instance, newborn survival was shown to be directly related to plasma cortisol levels at birth, resistance to bacteria and parasites are increased in animals selected for a higher HPA axis response to stress, and tolerance to heat stress is better in those animals that are able to mount a strong stress response. Intense selection for lean tissue growth during the last decades has concomitantly reduced cortisol production, which may be responsible for the negative effects of selection on piglet survival. One strategy to improve robustness is to select animals with higher HPA axis activity. Several sources of genetic polymorphism have been described in the HPA axis. Hormone production by the adrenal cortices under stimulation by adrenocorticotropin hormone is a major source of individual differences. Several candidate genes have been identified by genomic studies and are currently under investigation. Bioavailability of hormones as well as receptor and post-receptor mechanisms are also subject to individual variation. Integration of these different sources of genetic variability will allow the development of a model for marker-assisted selection to improve animal robustness without negative side effects on production traits.  相似文献   

In this study, a 1 min net restraint test was evaluated as a method to predict stress‐coping style in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus, by investigating the relationship between behaviour during the test and levels of plasma cortisol sampled after 30 min confinement. In two separate groups of S. alpinus, general linearized model revealed significant correlations between cortisol levels and principal component scores extracted from principal component analysis, combining measures of activity in the tests. With the use of glmulti, the model selection ruled out any effects of size, sex and order of capture on interrenal reactivity. In general, S. alpinus that were more active in the net restraint test also had low levels of circulating cortisol, suggesting a proactive coping style. The results from two repeated runs were not correlated, but both runs, performed eight days apart, show a negative correlation between post‐stress cortisol level and activity in the net. The lack of consistency could be explained by different treatments before each run and individual differences in behavioural plasticity. The net restraint test is thus predictive of stress‐coping style in S. alpinus, and has the benefit of being less time‐consuming than the commonly used confinement stress test.  相似文献   

Objective: This study sought to test whether a biological measure of chronic stress, Δ cortisol, was related to BMI and whether the relationship between Δ cortisol and BMI varied according to education and positive affect. Research Methods and Procedures: One hundred fifty‐four women from a blue‐collar women's health project in 11 industrial sites in rural North Carolina provided saliva for cortisol assays for a substudy on “stress.” Δ Cortisol, the difference between awakening and midday cortisol measures representing diurnal decline, was calculated (lower values = greater stress). BMI was regressed on Δ cortisol, education, and positive affect. Analyses were controlled for age, race, and worksite. Standardized β‐coefficients were calculated. Results: For participants with complete data (n = 129), BMI was greater (β 95% confidence interval) for women with less than high school education (0.56; 0.18, 0.94) and those who completed high school (0.26; ?0.05, 0.57) relative to women with greater than a high school education (p = 0.009). Δ Cortisol was inversely related to BMI (?0.32; ?0.59, ?0.05; p = 0.022). Education positively modified the inverse relationship between Δ cortisol and BMI (p = 0.047). Positive affect was negatively associated with BMI (?0.44; ?0.82, ?0.06; p = 0.026) and positively modified the inverse association between Δ cortisol and BMI (0.33; ?0.03, 0.69; p = 0.074). Discussion: Education and Δ cortisol were inversely related to BMI, and the magnitude of the association between Δ cortisol and BMI was buffered by higher education. Positive affect was inversely related to BMI. Chronic stress is associated with higher BMI, with this relation attenuated by higher education and, possibly, a positive affect.  相似文献   

We report a method for taking saliva samples from unrestrained, captive marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to assess levels of free cortisol. Saliva samples can be obtained reliably, without any habituation, by encouraging the marmosets to lick and chew a cotton-wool bud coated in banana. Saliva is thus left on the bud. We also tested sweetened fruit-drink crystals and a number of other substances, but none of these attracted all of the marmosets, and even flavors that were effective once soon lost their attraction. The presence of banana in the samples collected was found to lower the measured concentration of cortisol; however, as shown in samples taken with and without the banana coating on the bud, it did so in a linear and consistent way, and did not vary significantly among subjects. Therefore, a simple conversion factor could be applied to correct for the presence of banana. A first experiment showed that the marmosets exhibited a rise in salivary cortisol levels in response to social isolation. A second experiment showed elevation of cortisol during a period when the marmosets were disturbed by increased human activity and noise levels in the building in which they were housed. Hence, this method of saliva sampling is a convenient, noninvasive means of assessing cortisol levels in marmosets.  相似文献   

Stereotypic behavior is exhibited by a wide range of captive animals. Its association with hormones, especially elevated cortisol level and lack of naturalistic stimuli in the environment, has been little studied. This study hypothesizes that stereotypic behavior is caused by stress due to lack of appropriate, naturalistic stimuli in the environment. Using four adult pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in the Beijing Zoo from March–July in 2003, we tested the following predictions: 1) stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level will not change associated with the progress of reproductive state; 2) there is a positive correlation between the occurrence of stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level; and 3) environmental enrichment by adding a naturalistic stimulus will reduce both stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level. We did not find any significant differences in the occurrence of stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level but did find a significant difference in the total time engaged in displaying the stereotypic behavior among the three estrous periods. The level of stereotypic behavior was correlated with elevated fecal cortisol level. Enrichment simply by adding a naturalistic stimulus did not show significant effects on stereotypic behavior, or on fecal cortisol level. Our results supported the second prediction, but did not completely support the first and the third ones perhaps because of the small sample size. Additionally, our results showed that stereotypic behavior might be a response to a heightened level of cortisol. Zoo Biol 0:1–15, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility and validity of using non‐invasively collected ice urine samples to measure cortisol concentrations in Weddell seals. Radio‐immunoassays were used to determine urinary cortisol, and spectrophotometric assay was used to determine creatinine concentrations. This allowed for urinary cortisol/creatinine ratios (UCCR) to be compared between pure urine and urine collected from the ice. Urinary cortisol/creatinine ratios values of ice urine proved an effective method of studying cortisol concentrations in Weddell seals as there was no difference between pure urine and ice urine UCCR values. There were no inter‐sexual or age‐related differences in UCCR values in either pure or ice urine. Zoo Biol 0:1–8, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate how growth hormone (GH) cortisol and some haematochemical parameters could be modified by the stress caused by the stages of shearing in Sarda breed sheep. Five groups of 10 sheep each were formed. Group A, only separated from the flock; Group B, only tied; Group C, both tied and shorn (animals in these three groups were ewe lambs shorn for the first time); Group D, adult females both tied and shorn; and Group E, adult entire males both tied and shorn (animals in these two groups had been shorn previously). Five blood samples were taken from each animal: the day before treatment (first sample); at the start of the treatment (second sample); in the middle of shearing for Groups C, D and E, 10 min after separation in Group A and 10 min after tying in Group B (third sample); at the end of treatment (fourth sample); and on the day after treatment (fifth sample). Plasma GH levels showed a decrease (P < 0.01) in Groups A, B, C and D during treatment (third and fourth samples), while Group E only at the end of shearing (fourth sample). In the third sample, the highest GH levels were recorded for Group E (P < 0.05), while it was recorded in the fourth sample for Groups A and E (P < 0.05). Cortisol levels showed a clear increase (P < 0.01) in all groups during treatment, but Group A showed a decrease in the fourth sample in comparison to the third sample. Males in the second, third and fourth sample and Group A only in the fourth sample showed lower cortisol levels when compared with the other groups (P < 0.05). Plasma glucose levels showed an increase (P < 0.01) in all groups during treatment but Groups B, C and E showed the highest values (P < 0.05). Magnesium (Mg) showed an increase in all groups in the third and fourth sample, while sodium (Na), in the same samples, only in Groups B, C and D. Potassium (K) values showed a significant decrease (P < 0.05) only in Groups C and D at the end of shearing. These results show that GH secretion is influenced by all the stress procedure: separation, tying and shearing. Shearing, even if necessary for animals, causes a significant change of the blood parameters involved in the stress response.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of cortisone, a steroid hormone of potential physiological significance in fish, have rarely been measured. This study examines the interrelationship between circulating levels of cortisone and the major teleost corticosteroid, cortisol, in the blood of two strains of rainbow trout subject to confinement stress, a condition know to stimulate corticosteroidogenic activity. In unstressed fish from both strains, mean plasma cortisol levels were within the range 0.4–7.5 ng ml−1. Mean plasma cortisone levels were within the range 7.1–15.9 ng ml−1. Plasma cortisol levels were elevated within 5 min of the onset of strees and reached peak values within 45 min, although there was a marked difference betweed the maxima observed in the two strains (strain 1:70 ng ml−1; strain 2:150 ng ml−1). The rate of increase of plasma cortisone levels during strees was more rapid than that of cortisol, maximum values (strain 1:100ng ml−1; strain 2:160 ng ml−1) being reached within 10 to 20 min of the onset of stress. This rapid stress-induced elevation of plasme cortisone has not previously been reported in fish. We suggest that rapid conversion of cortisol to cortisone during the initial response to stress accounts for the appearance of large amounts of cortisone in the blood, indicating that circulating for the appearance of large amounts of cortisone in the blood, indicating that circulating levels of cortisol alone do not fully reflect the secretory activity of the interregnal during the initial of cortisol alone do not fully the secretory activity of the interregnal during the initial phase of the stress response. The results also indicate that the rate of clearance of cortisone from the circulation may be a major factor in determining stress-stimulated levels of plasma cortisol.  相似文献   

Lysozyme response in stressed rainbow trout was compared with measurements of poststress cortisol activity. Estimates of heritability of lysozyme and cortisol were both moderate-to-high and both traits displayed positive genetic correlations in pair-wise comparisons of stress exposures. Genetic correlations between lysozyme and cortisol in stressed rainbow trout tended to be negative, although insignificant. Neither lysozyme, nor cortisol exhibited significant correlations with serum haemolytic activity. It is concluded that the data do not confirm earlier suggestions that lysozyme should be superior to cortisol in consistency of stress response in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Pied tamarins (Saguinus bicolor) are endangered New World primates, and in captivity appear to be very susceptible to stress. We measured cortisol in 214 saliva samples from 36 tamarins and in 227 fecal samples from 27 tamarins, and investigated the effects of age, sex, pregnancy, rearing history, social status, weight, group composition, and enclosure type using generalized linear mixed models. There was no effect of age on either fecal or salivary cortisol levels. Female pied tamarins in late pregnancy had higher fecal cortisol levels than those in early pregnancy, or nonpregnant females, but there was no effect of pregnancy on salivary cortisol. Females had higher salivary cortisol levels than males, but there was no effect of rearing history. However, for fecal cortisol, there was an interaction between sex and rearing history. Hand‐reared tamarins overall had higher fecal cortisol levels, but while male parent‐reared tamarins had higher levels than females who were parent‐reared, the reverse was true for hand‐reared individuals. There was a trend towards lower fecal cortisol levels in subordinate individuals, but no effect of status on salivary cortisol. Fecal but not salivary cortisol levels declined with increasing weight. We found little effect of group composition on cortisol levels in either saliva or feces, suggesting that as long as tamarins are housed socially, the nature of the group is of less importance. However, animals in off‐show enclosures had higher salivary and fecal cortisol levels than individuals housed on‐show. We suggest that large on‐show enclosures with permanent access to off‐exhibit areas may compensate for the effects of visitor disturbance, and a larger number of tamarins of the same species housed close together may explain the higher cortisol levels found in tamarins living in off‐show accommodation, but further research is needed.  相似文献   

Gill Na+-K+-ATPase activities, haematocrits, condition factors, plasma osmolarities, cortisol, chloride and sodium concentrations were measured in sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) transferred rapidly from fresh water to sea water. Comparisons were made between salmon that successfully adapted to sea water and salmon that failed to adapt. In salmon that successfully adapted to sea water there was a brief but large fluctuation in cortisol, and plasma ionic concentrations rose initially but were regulated after 24–48 h. In salmon that failed to adapt to sea water, cortisol remained elevated, haematocrit increased, plasma ionic concentrations were not regulated and the salmon became severely dehydrated and eventually died. The results are discussed with respect to physiological stress and seawater adaptation.  相似文献   

High cortisol levels are known to cause low fecundity and increased mortality; thus, the prospect of using cortisol as a measure of population health is an exciting one. However, because so many factors can interact to influence cortisol release, it can be difficult to interpret what exactly is creating changes to cortisol levels. This study investigates variation in fecal cortisol levels in a population of black howlers (Alouatta pigra) from 350 fecal samples collected from 33 individuals in more than 4 years. A general linear mixed model revealed that cortisol varied significantly with fruit availability and contact with tourists. When fruit availability was low, cortisol increased, likely because when fruit availability is low monkeys eat less fruit, thus obtaining less sugar. This result may simply reflect cortisol's metabolic function of mobilizing glucose. It also indicates that these monkeys may be experiencing periods of food stress throughout the year, which was earlier thought to be minimal for a primarily folivorous species. Presence of tourists was the only other factor found to lead to high cortisol; with exposure to tourists increasing stress levels. These results highlight the importance of understanding how physiological factors can influence cortisol, making it easier to interpret results and determine the external social or ecological stressors that may increase cortisol. Am. J. Primatol. 72:600–606, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A procedure previously used for sex steroids was adapted to extract free cortisol and cortisone from water samples taken from rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss tanks. Both corticosteroids could be readily detected by radioimmunoassay (RIA), with cortisol being predominant. All stages of the sampling, extraction and RIA procedure were validated for cortisol. An intermittent problem with poor replication was traced to the use of diethyl ether during the extraction procedure, and was overcome by the use of ethyl acetate. Other modifications were also introduced to speed up the procedure. The concentration and time course of release of both corticosteroids were shown to be related to the degree of stress that the fish had been subjected to. It was confirmed that cortisol concentrations in water and estimated cortisol release rates increased in response to handling stress, and that both were correlated with plasma cortisol concentrations. The potential for using water cortisol concentration and release rates to assess the primary stress response of fishes as a non‐invasive alternative to blood sampling is discussed.  相似文献   

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