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The Kachchh Oxfordian ammonoid stratigraphic record for over 150 years remained restricted largely to Early Oxfordian condensed oolitic facies in the relatively distal Mainland Kachchh. Recently, it has been enlarged with the discovery in 1994 of over 200 m-thick uncondensed Middle to Late Oxfordian succession at Kantkote in the proximal part of the basin. Apart from abundant Perisphinctinae and Mayaitinae, a 10 m-thick sediment interval in the lower half of the above succession yielded a few examples of Gregoryceras. The specimens are here identified as G. gr. devauxi Bert and Enay and in view of their association with Larcheria subschilli (Lee) are assigned to the Middle Oxfordian Subschilli Horizon of the Schilli Subzone. Gregoryceras distribution south of the equator in Kachchh, Chile, Mexico and Madagascar, all within 35-40° latitude marks the southern limit of its latitudinal expansion during the first order maximum flooding surface (MFS) of the Schilli Subzone of the Kachchh Toarcian-Hauterivian Sequence. The maximum ammonoid diversity, density and frequency of the Kachchh first order sequence coupled with dominance of mayaitins and perisphinctins suggest over 20 m depth in the Gregoryceras interval. Distinctly greater bathymetry in the 200 km distally away basinal part causes sediment starved situation, and explains the Middle Oxfordian to early Early Kimmeridgian submarine nondepositional hiatus in the Mainland Kachchh.  相似文献   

The succession of early species of the genus Kepplerites is established in the Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian beds of Central Russia and compared with the ammonoid succession of East Greenland and Western Europe. Late Bathonian members of the genus Kepplerites from the Middle Volga Region are generally similar, though not identical to those from Greenland, whereas the Early Callovian Kepplerites species and their immediate Bathonian ancestors are represented by species common to all three regions. The analysis of the ammonoid distribution suggests a connection between the East Greenland and Central Russian marine basins in the Early and Middle Bathonian and in the Early Callovian, and their short-term isolation in the Late Bathonian. A new species, Kepplerites (Kepplerites) aigii sp. nov., is described from the Upper Bathonian (keuppi Zone) of the Alatyr River basin (Middle Volga Region).  相似文献   

Some temporary outcrops at Villers-le-Tourneur/Neuvizy (Ardennes, France), made possible the observation and biostratigraphical dating of Uppermost Callovian to Early Middle Oxfordian poorly known formations. Especially, the “Oolite Ferrugineuse de Villers-le-Tourneur–Neuvizy” is a quite thick marly unit, yielding some silicified fossils well known since the XIXth century. With details, the Formation displays the succession of several faunal associations, characterizing the main subzones of the Cordatum Zone (Late Lower Oxfordian) and the Plicatilis Zone (Early Middle Oxfordian). Amongst many other species, Cardioceras cordatum (Sowerby, 1812) corresponds to a rare taxon or morphotype, yielded by the bottom part of the Formation. Then, the ultimate Lower Oxfordian faunal association is dominated by ammonites related to C. persecans. These Early Oxfordian are widely dominated by the family Cardioceratidae, commonly associated with Aspidoceratidae; such a structure is related to the “subboreal associations”, typically represented in Great Britain. Immediately after the Middle Oxfordian boundary, some “subtethysian” ammonites (mainly Perisphinctidae), occur in a larger number without being dominant, that emphasizing the northern location of the Ardennes margin. Then locally, two faunal associations succeed, which are characterized by C. cordatiforme (with Euaspidoceras perarmatum), and C. densiplicatum, respectively. Both are typical associations of the Vertebrale Subzone (Early Middle Oxfordian).  相似文献   

Five cyrtocrinid crinoid taxa previously unknown from the epicratonic deposits of Poland, as well as associated millericrinids and isocrinids, are described. The studied materials were derived mainly from the Lower and Middle Oxfordian, but crinoids are also from uppermost Callovian and/or lowermost Oxfordian sediments of the Polish Jura Chain (southern Poland). The crinoids, preserved as more or less complete (e.g., basal circlets) cups, include Lonchocrinus dumortieri, Phyllocrinus belbekensis, Remisovicrinus polonicus, Remisovicrinus aff. polonicus, Tetracrinus moniliformis and Sclerocrinus sp. The occurrence of Remisovicrinus polonicus in the late Middle Oxfordian of the southern Poland is confirmed. Moreover, the present study extends the geographic range of all cyrtocrinid species studied and discusses their unusual environmental adaptations.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of Albian ammonites of the North Pacific Province is described on the basis of several sections located in Northern California. Nine Albian ammonite assemblages are identified, compared to the 4 previously described by Murphy in 1956. Owing to several gaps of observation possibly more assemblages could exist. In the North California Albian history, the first results show a succession of confinement periods - with numerous endemic faunas - followed by periods of open communications with other faunal provinces. As an example, the base of the Middle Albian is marked by exotic ammonites coming from the Tethyan realm (Oxytropidoceras, Lyelliceras) and from the Arctic Province of the Boreal realm (Gastroplites, Pseudopulchellia). These ammonites - except Oxytropidoceras - were not known in that area and are described relatively to their palaeobiogeographical interest. Although rare these migrant faunas give valuable elements to correlate these various provinces. Planktonic foraminifera confirm the existence of open sea communications during the uppermost Albian.With such faunal links, a comparison is proposed between the Albian ammonite zonation of Northern California and the standard and phyletic ones of Europe. This attempt suggests that the major connections between the three faunal provinces are established at second order peak transgressions in the Early and Middle Albian, and during the sea-level high of the Late Albian transgressive period. So, it seems that the vertical distribution of Albian non-endemic ammonites of North California and Europe is largely controlled by global eustatic events. Two palaeobiogeographic maps for Early and Middle Albian and one map for the late Late Albian show the migration outer of these exotic ammonites.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional well-preserved ichthyosaur skull and parts of the postcranial skeleton are attributed to the species Leptonectes tenuirostris (Conybeare, 1822). It was found vertically embedded in Pliensbachian deposits representing three successive biozones (ibex to margaritatus Zone). The find is dated as early Late Pliensbachian (margaritatus Zone) by a rich ammonite and ostracod fauna. It is the first record of the genus Leptonectes from Switzerland and from the Late Pliensbachian. It is so far the best preserved and most complete ichthyosaur from this time interval worldwide. With diagnostic specimens known from the Rhaetian (Late Keuper) up to the early Late Pliensbachian (Middle Liassic), L. tenuirostris (Conybeare, 1822) has the most extensive stratigraphic range documented for any post-Triassic ichthyosaur so far.  相似文献   

The new genus Cieneguiticeras, assigned to the family Oppeliidae, is described on the basis of Andean lower-middle Tithonian ammonites from Arroyo Cieneguita, west-central part of the Neuquén-Mendoza Basin, Argentina. The macroconchs are closely homoeomorphic with Neochetoceras Spath and the microconchs have a ‘glochiceratid’-type morphology. The stratigraphic range of Cieneguiticeras nov. gen. includes the lower and middle Tithonian by means of a succession of two or three species which are interpreted as members of a phyletic lineage. Ammonites from the Tithonian of Cuba, Mexico and France are more or less confidently included in this new genus.  相似文献   

Improving detection of foraminifera by cathodoluminescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cathodoluminescence (CL) studies of Lower–Middle Oxfordian marls and limestones, as well as clasts from the uppermost Turonian–?Early Coniacian conglomerates of the Cracow Upland (southern Poland), reveal that the CL view of foraminifers from some lithologies differs from that in transmitted light. In particular, the CL technique revealed abundant tests of planktonic species Globuligerina oxfordiana in the Middle Oxfordian glauconitic marls, which under transmitted light are either poorly visible or remain completely undetected. Bright red–orange luminescence characterizes originally hyaline aragonitic tests of G. oxfordiana, but also several calcitic benthic species, in spite of their different taxonomic position and original test structure and mineralogy. In sponge microbial boundstones, foraminifers generally do not show the CL emission, or show a weak luminescence. Similarly, Late Cretaceous foraminifera represented mostly by planktonic taxa were detected or their view was clearly improved under CL only in some clasts from the uppermost Turonian–?Early Coniacian conglomerates filling karstic cavities. In other clasts, foraminifera are clearly visible only under normal transmitted light, therefore the luminescence signature is highly spatially variable. These results indicate a strong influence of lithology and diagenesis and rather minor effects of shell structure on luminescence of microfossils. The CL technique can be a useful tool in the detection and documentation of abundance patterns of foraminifers that are poorly preserved under transmitted light.  相似文献   

A. V?r?s 《Facies》2012,58(3):415-443
The Villány area, as a central part of the Tisza microcontinent/terrane along the European margin of Tethys, was characterized by intense subsidence in the Early and Middle Triassic, followed by a long interruption of subsidence in the Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic. During the Middle–Late Jurassic transition, marine sedimentation started with three distinct sedimentary episodes dated as Late Bathonian, Early Callovian, and Middle–Late Callovian, respectively. The succession is terminated by a thick limestone of Middle Oxfordian age. The sedimentary features, microfacies, and macroinvertebrate associations of these four stratigraphic units are documented and illustrated. The Middle to Late Jurassic sedimentary episodes of the Villány succession record an interplay of local and global factors and paleogeographical changes. At the beginning, local tectonic movements governed the main features of sedimentation, though the role of eustasy was also essential. From the mid-Callovian onwards, global climatic, biotic, and paleoceanographical changes controlled the nature and formation of the local carbonate sediments. The Callovian stromatolites are attributed to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria in a deep sublittoral, current-swept environment. Upwelling of eutrophic Tethyan waters is recorded by the prevalence of the Bositra filament microfacies in the Callovian. The long submarine hiatus at around the Callovian–Oxfordian transition mirrors a serious restriction of the carbonate budget, due to sudden cooling and a change in the oceanic current system (opening of a circumglobal Tethyan Passage), and to a higher amount of dissolved CO2. In the Middle Oxfordian, the carbonate production considerably increased in accordance with the sudden global warming.  相似文献   

The ammonoid subfamily Peltoceratinae is a well-constrained group restricted to the Middle Upper Jurassic; it had a near global distribution. In Kutch (India), they were the most important marine macroinvertebrate group during the upper Callovian–lower Oxfordian. Previous reports suffered from excessive splitting due to failure to account for the large intraspecific variability and sexual dimorphism of these ammonoids. The present systematic revision, based on numerous specimens including many near-complete adult specimens, enables to recognize and describe three species of the genus Peltoceras (P. athleta, P. ponderosum, and P. kumagunense) and two species of the genus Peltoceratoides (P. semirugosus and P. propinquus), as well as identifying their macroconchs and microconchs. We rediscovered Peltoceras athleta, which was previously described by Waagen (1875) but often overlooked by subsequent workers. We were able to identify several morphs within this species that are stunningly similar with those previously reported from France. The presence of P. athleta sensu stricto prompted us to reinstate the Athleta Zone in Kutch, improving intercontinental biostratigraphic correlation. Also, it highlights that the genus Peltoceras has a different biostratigraphic longevity in Kutch: in Europe it is restricted to the upper Callovian, whereas in India it also occurs in the lower Oxfordian.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):557-569
New observations on the Late Miocene and Earliest Pliocene mustelids from the Middle Awash of Ethiopia are presented. The Middle Awash study area samples the last six million years of African vertebrate evolutionary history. Its Latest Miocene (Asa Koma Member of the Adu-Asa Formation, 5.54–5.77 Ma) and Earliest Pliocene (Kuseralee and Gawto Members of the Sagantole Formation, 5.2 and 4.85 Ma, respectively) deposits sample a number of large and small carnivore taxa among which mustelids are numerically abundant. Among the known Late Miocene and Early Pliocene mustelid genera, the Middle Awash Late Miocene documents the earliest Mellivora in eastern Africa and its likely first appearance in Africa, a new species of Plesiogulo, and a species of Vishnuonyx. The latter possibly represents the last appearance of this genus in Africa. Torolutra ougandensis is known from both the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene deposits of the Middle Awash. The genus Sivaonyx is represented by at least two species: S. ekecaman and S. aff. S. soriae. Most of the lutrine genera documented in the Middle Awash Late Miocene/Early Pliocene are also documented in contemporaneous sites of eastern Africa. The new observations presented here show that mustelids were more diverse in the Middle Awash Late Miocene and Early Pliocene than previously documented.  相似文献   

Anthracotheres of late Middle Miocene and Late Miocene age have been described from several localities in northern Africa, all of them currently assigned to the genus Libycosaurus Bonarelli, although in several previous works they were assigned to Merycopotamus Falconer and Cautley, a considerably younger and specialised form from the Indian subcontinent which has quite different dental and cranial morphology. Three species of Libycosaurus have been named, but there has been some doubt about the morphometric variation within the various species, with some authors such as Gaziry (1987) placing the fossils from Sahabi (Latest Miocene, Libya) and Beglia (end Middle Miocene to basal Late Miocene, Tunisia) into the same species despite marked size differences, and others (Ducrocq et al., 2001) creating a species for a restricted sample of small specimens from Nementcha (Late Middle Miocene, Algeria), but which overlaps with the range of size variation of Beglia fossils. The aim of this paper is to examine the available samples in greater depth in order to understand the morphometric variation in these anthracotheres. It is confirmed that the Beglia sample is quite variable (Black, 1972), both morphologically and metrically, but it is concluded that it nevertheless belongs to a single species, because specimens from some of the localities within the Beglia Formation (e.g. Loc. 17 in the lower levels at Beglia) span the entire range of variation (Pickford, 1994). The sample from Nementcha cannot be distinguished from the Beglia sample on any consistent metric or morphological basis, but in general the specimens fall at the low end of the range of variation of the Beglia sample. It is thus likely that L. algeriensis is a synonym of L. anisae. The Sahabi and Chad samples (L. petrocchii), in contrast, fall above the known range of variation of the Beglia material in almost all metric features, but are close to it morphologically, and they are considered to represent a species distinct from the Beglia sample.  相似文献   

This work is mainly an answer to the work of Bert, Delanoy and Canut, on the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, and we add also some points to the knowledge of this genus. An answer is given for the implication of one of the authors (J.V.) of this present work, about the origin of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, and some significant bibliographic references, not named in the 2009 work, are specified and placed in their context. The characteristics of the ornamental stage “Pseudoshasticrioceras” mainly defined by an oval and compressed section of the whorls and by regular ventrolateral clavi, well marked, which frame the venter in a typical way (Bert et al., p. 181), don’t allow to affirm the presence of this stage during the ontogeny of all species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé, contrary to what Bert, Delanoy and Canut (p. 30, 31) wrote. The type-species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé is made clear by the application of the rules of the I.C.Z.N. code. The article 23, with the paragraph 23.1 of the I.C.Z.N. code, imply the senior synonymy of Imerites cristatus (Orbigny) on Imerites giraudi (Kilian), even if the Kilian's species is still the type species of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé. The taxinomical validity of the species Imerites cristatus (Orbigny) is confirmed. Its morphological variability is clarified by the distinction of four referential morphotypes, Cristatus, Giraudi, Favrei and Raricostatum. Consequently, the assumption of a shape-dimensional dimorphism into the populations of the genus Imerites Rouchadzé is rejected, awaiting irrefutable proof. A new species, Imerites stephaniae sp. nov., is described. It was collected in the Gerhardtia sartousiana Zone, in the uppermost part of the Gerhardtia provincialis Subzone, and it is a probable ancestor of the cogeneric species of the Imerites giraudi Zone.  相似文献   

A revision of all previously collected mammalian fossils from the two Late Oligocene sites of Saint-André and Saint-Henri in Marseille (both from the MP 26 reference-level) allows us to identify three Rhinocerotoidea species: Protaceratherium albigense, Ronzotherium romani, Diaceratherium massiliae nov. sp., and maybe a fourth one, Eggysodon cf. gaudryi. Only the first two were previously known there. D. massiliae nov. sp. is found together with R. romani; it is the first case of sympatry ever known between the two genera. D. massiliae nov. sp. is then the most ancient Diaceratherium in Europe, where the genus was previously unknown before the MP 29 reference-level. It is a very large species whose limb bones proportions foreshadow these of the later species of the genus, especially D. lemanense from the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene. This suggests a possible phylogenetic link between D. massiliae nov. sp. and D. lemanense, and the coexistence of at least two different but partially contemporaneous lineages among the European Diaceratherium. In Les Milles near Aix-en-Provence, also from the MP 26 reference-level, the three species P. albigense, R. romani and D. massiliae nov. sp. were also found.  相似文献   

The fossil Desmaninae (water-moles) from the Pliocene continental deposits of Tollo de Chiclana (Guadix Basin, Southern Spain) are described. A new species, Archaeodesmana elvirae, is defined from the locality of Tollo de Chiclana-1 (upper Ruscinian). This species is characterized by relatively small canines and premolars (except the P4) and large P4 and molars, besides several morphological features. The presence of Archaeodesmana brailloni is reported from the locality of Tollo de Chiclana-1B (uppermost Ruscinian). A small sample assigned to the genus Archaeodesmana is described from the lower Villafranchian site of Tollo de Chiclana-3, which cannot be determined at the specific level. The phylogenetic relationships between the different species of Archaeodesmana are reconsidered in the light of the recent findings, which support the idea of a more complex phylogeny than previously proposed for this genus. The populations from the Guadix Basin, previously assigned to Dibolia dekkersi (= Archaeodesmana getica), are here considered to belong to a different (unnamed) species, which is the ancestor of A. elvirae. On the other hand, the new species A. elvirae is proposed as the ancestor of A. brailloni.  相似文献   

Oxygen and carbon isotope data of well-preserved belemnite rostra and ammonite shells are presented from the Callovian–Oxfordian boundary (uppermost Lamberti to lowermost Cordatum zones) of the Dubki section near Saratov in the Russian Platform. Palaeotemperatures calculated for nektobenthic belemnites (averages of 5 °C and 8 °C for cylindroteuthids and belemnopseids, respectively) show the presence of cold bottom waters in the central part of the Middle Russian Sea during the studied interval. Palaeotemperatures calculated for ammonites, which are assumed to have lived in near-surface waters, are considerably higher (average 13 °C). The presented data show a vertical thermal gradient in the Middle Russian Sea. The belemnite oxygen isotope record and the relative abundances of ammonite families in the Dubki section do not correlate with each other probably as a result of different depth habitats of ammonites and belemnites. A review of literature isotope data shows the climatic zonation in European seas at the Middle–Late Jurassic transition. Despite the flux of cold polar waters to the Middle Russian Sea and the area of Scotland there is no evidence for glaciation at the Middle–Late Jurassic transition. Changes in water circulation during a sea-level highstand were likely a source of spreads of cold bottom waters and cardioceratid ammonite fauna in this time period.The belemnite isotope record of the Callovian–Oxfordian boundary in the Russian Platform is characterized by significant scatter of δ13C values. No temporal carbon isotope trend is observed. The δ13C values of Russian belemnite rostra average 2.6‰ VPDB being 1 to 2‰ higher than the values of coeval Lower Oxfordian belemnites from the area of the Submediterranean ammonite province. Higher (than Submediterranean) δ13C values of Russian belemnite rostra are likely related to high biologic productivity and/or high organic matter burial in semi-isolated Boreal–Subboreal marine basins.  相似文献   

Recent researches on the Lower Jurassic of Western Algeria allow to establish a lithostratigraphic standard correlating the different members and formations developed in the Ouarsenis and Tlemcen Mountains, the Oran High Plains, the Nador and Ksour Mountains. The position of the large bivalve limestones (= Lithiotis limestones) is well established in the different lithologic successions. This facies is widespread in Western Algeria where it is interbedded with brachiopod marker beds, indicating short periods of maximum flooding. The large number of collected brachiopods are distributed into four “faunas” (assemblages) ranging from the Late Sinemurian (= Lotharingian) to the Early Pliensbachian (= Carixian). These faunas have been dated by the age of the species that they have in common with the NW european and western tethyan provinces. These chronological data are confirmed by rare ammonites. All these results evidence the age of the large bivalve facies in Western Algeria. They are contained in the Middle to Late Carixian (Demonense and Dilectum Zones). This datation is in conformity with that known from the Eastern High-Atlas (Bou Dahar). Consequently, the large bivalves cannot be considered as “markers for the unique Domerian” as it has been too often asserted. The palaeontological part of our study shows that the multicostate Zeilleriids (several Tauromenia species from the Late Sinemurian to the Early Carixian) are older than the multicostate Terebratulids (Hesperithyris species from the Middle to Late Carixian).  相似文献   

The rich echinoid fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Agadir, Haha and Essaouira basins has been revised taxonomically, based on new and abundant collections. Forty-seven species have been identified, of which 20 are reported for the first time from this region and a further three represent new species left in open nomenclature. Their stratigraphic ranges have been determined accurately by reference to the regional ammonite zonation. However, it is also possible to use a local biostratigraphical scheme based on the echinoid succession, where ammonites are rare. The Toxasteridae, which are very abundant and underwent rapid evolution, are the most useful biostratigraphically. The genus Toxaster appears in the Lower Berriasian and continues until the Gargasian passing through the following succession: T. africanus, T. granosus, T. kiliani, T. lorioli, T. obtusus, T. exilis, T. retusus, T. maurus, T. peroni, T. collegnoi. The presence of Eoholaster, Macraster, Douvillaster, Palhemiaster, Heteraster and Pygopyrina is signaled for the first time in the Atlantic High Atlas region.  相似文献   

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