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Efficient and reproducible selection of transgenic cells is an essential component of a good transformation system. In this paper, we describe the development of glyphosate as a selective agent for the recovery of transgenic embryogenic corn callus and the production of plants tolerant to Roundup® herbicide. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® herbicide inhibits the enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) and thus prevents the synthesis of chorismate-derived aromatic amino acids and secondary metabolites in plants. A maize EPSPS gene has been cloned, mutated to produce a modified enzyme resistant to inhibition by glyphosate, and engineered into a monocot expression vector. In addition, a bacterial gene which degrades glyphosate (glyphosate oxidoreductase, or GOX) was also cloned into a similar expression vector. Stably transformed callus has been reproducibly recovered following introduction of mutant maize EPSPS and GOX genes into tissue culture cells by particle bombardment and selection on glyphosate-containing medium. Plants have been regenerated both on and off glyphosate selection medium, and are tolerant to normally lethal levels of Roundup®. Excellent seed set has been obtained from both self and outcross pollinations from both sprayed and unsprayed regenerated plants. Progeny tests have demonstrated normal Mendelian transmission and tolerance to the herbicide for some of the transgenic events.  相似文献   

A selection system based on the phosphomannose-isomerase gene (pmi) as a selectable marker and mannose as the selective agent was evaluated for the transformation of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.). Mannose is an unusable carbon source for many plant species. After uptake, mannose is phosphorylated by endogenous hexokinases to mannose-6-phosphate. The accumulation of mannose-6-phosphate leads to a block in glycolysis by inhibition of phosphoglucose-isomerase, resulting in severe growth inhibition. The phosphomannose-isomerase is encoded by the manA gene from Escherichia coli and catalyzes the conversion of mannose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate, an intermediate of glycolysis. Transformed cells expressing the manA gene can therefore utilize mannose as a carbon and survive on media containing mannose. The manA gene along with a β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene was transferred into apple cv. ‘Holsteiner Cox’ via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Leaf explants were selected on medium supplemented with different concentrations and combinations of mannose and sorbitol to establish an optimized mannose selection protocol. Transgenic lines were regenerated after an initial selection pressure of 1–2 g l−1 mannose in combination with 30 g l−1 sorbitol followed by a stepwise increase in the mannose concentration up to 10 g l−1 and simultaneous decrease in the sorbitol concentration. Integration of transgenes in the apple genome of selected plants was confirmed by PCR and southern blot analysis. GUS histochemical and chlorophenol red (CPR) assays confirmed activity of both transgenes in regenerated plants. The pmi/mannose selection system is shown to be highly efficient for producing transgenic apple plants without using antibiotics or herbicides.  相似文献   

杨爱馥  苏乔  安利佳 《遗传》2009,31(1):95-100
转基因植物中的载体骨架序列和选择标记基因是引起生物安全性争论的根本原因, 最直接、最有效的解决方法是在转化过程中不使用载体骨架序列和选择标记基因。本研究建立并优化了玉米子房滴注转化法, 其操作要点是将DNA转化溶液直接滴加在完全去除花柱的子房上。利用子房滴注法将无载体骨架序列和选择标记的线性GFP基因表达框转化玉米。PCR结果表明: 适合子房滴注法转化的玉米品种为9818, 最佳转化时间为授粉后18~20 h, 在此条件下得到最高的PCR阳性率, 为3.01%; Southern blotting结果表明外源基因的整合方式简单(1~2条杂交带); RT-PCR结果表明转基因植株中GFP基因能够在RNA水平上正常表达; 在转基因植株的根和幼胚中观察到GFP表达。  相似文献   

Transgenic haploid maize (Zea mays L.) plants were obtained from protoplasts isolated from microspore-derived cell suspension cultures. Protoplasts were electroporated in the presence of plasmid DNA containing the gus A and npt II genes encoding ß-glucuronidase (GUS) and neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT II), respectively. Transformed calli were selected and continuously maintained on kanamycin containing medium. Stable transformation was confirmed by enzyme assays and DNA. analysis. Stably transformed tissue was transferred to regeneration medium and several plants were obtained. Most plants showed NPT II activity, and some also showed GUS activity. Chromosome examinations performed on representative plants showed that they were haploid. As expected, these plants were infertile.  相似文献   

We have successfully used the low-pressure BioWare gene gun, developed for gene transfer in animal cells, for plant tissues. The BioWare device is easy to manipulate. Just 50 psi helium pressure was sufficient to transfer foreign genes into the aleurone layer and embryo of maize without causing tissue damage in the impact area. As shown by expression signals from invasive histochemical β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity, the foreign reporter gene expressed well in bombarded tissues. This successful GUS-transient expression extends the application of this low-pressure gene gun from animal cells to plant tissues.  相似文献   

本文就农杆菌介导的玉米遗传转化的技术要点及原理等进行了综述,并对各种影响农杆菌转化玉米效率的关键因子包括农杆菌的菌株与载体、标记基因、受体材料的基因型、来源和发育状态以及组织培养的条件等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

To develop a less genotype-dependent maize-transformation procedure, we used 10-month-old Type I callus as target tissue for microprojectile bombardment. Twelve transgenic callus lines were obtained from two of the three anther-culture-derived callus cultures representing different gentic backgrounds. Multiple fertile transgenic plants (T0) were regenerated from each transgenic callus line. Transgenic leaves treated with the herbicide Basta showed no symptoms, indicating that one of the two introduced genes, bar, was functionally expressing. Data from DNA hybridization analysis confirmed that the introduced genes (bar and uidA) were integrated into the plant genome and that all lines derived from independent transformation events. Transmission of the introduced genes and the functional expression of bar in T1 progeny was also confirmed. Germination of T1 immature embryos in the presence of bialaphos was used as a screen for functional expression of bar; however, leaf painting of T1 plants proved a more accurate predictor of bar expression in plants. This study suggests that maize Type I callus can be transformed efficiently through microprojectile bombardment and that fertile transgenic plants can be recovered. This system should facilitate the direct introduction of agronomically important genes in to commercial genotypes.  相似文献   

A selectable marker system for plant transformation that does not require the use of antibiotics or herbicides was developed. The selectable marker consists of the manA gene from Escherichia coli under the control of a plant promoter that encodes for phosphomannose isomerase, pmi. Only transgenic plants were able to metabolize the selection agent, mannose, into a usable source of carbon, fructose. Transgenic plants were produced efficiently after delivery by Biolistics™ of the pmi gene into maize and wheat tissues, with mean transformation frequencies of 45% for maize and 20% for wheat. Adjustment of the sucrose and mannose levels in the selection medium essentially eliminated escapes. Transgenic events can be identified as early as 2 months for wheat and 4 months for maize. A simple test, a modified chlorophenol red assay, was used for early identification of transgenic events expressing the pmi gene. Transformation frequencies for both crops exceeded those obtained with the bar and pat genes with selection on either Basta® or bialaphos.  相似文献   

Summary Totipotent callus cultures were established from anther-free glumes of Sweet corn, Seed corn, DHM 103 and DHM 101 on MS medium supplemented with 1–2 mg/l 2,4-D. The callusing response of the glumes was tested on six different media. Glumes at the uninucleate stage of pollen development callused with a high frequency compared to other stages. Organogenesis was observed in 40% of the cultures on media devoid of hormones. A total of 76 plantlets were regenerated on medium with 0.5–1.0 mg/l of both IAA and kinetin. Cytological observations in root tips indicated a diploid chromosome number (2n=20).  相似文献   

Summary Free proline accumulation was measured in two maize genotypes (Ganga-2 and D747) subjected to waterlogging for three weeks at the knee high stage. The initial content of free proline was same in both the genotypes (0.1 micromole per gram fresh weight of leaves). The free proline content increased in both the genotypes when the plants were subjected to waterlogging. However, Ganga-2 accumulated more free proline than D747. Ganga-2 appeared to be more waterlogging tolerant than D-747.  相似文献   



Plants rely on the root system for anchorage to the ground and the acquisition and absorption of nutrients critical to sustaining productivity. A genome wide association analysis enables one to analyze allelic diversity of complex traits and identify superior alleles. 384 inbred lines from the Ames panel were genotyped with 681,257 single nucleotide polymorphism markers using Genotyping-by-Sequencing technology and 22 seedling root architecture traits were phenotyped.


Utilizing both a general linear model and mixed linear model, a GWAS study was conducted identifying 268 marker trait associations (p ≤ 5.3×10-7). Analysis of significant SNP markers for multiple traits showed that several were located within gene models with some SNP markers localized within regions of previously identified root quantitative trait loci. Gene model GRMZM2G153722 located on chromosome 4 contained nine significant markers. This predicted gene is expressed in roots and shoots.


This study identifies putatively associated SNP markers associated with root traits at the seedling stage. Some SNPs were located within or near (<1 kb) gene models. These gene models identify possible candidate genes involved in root development at the seedling stage. These and respective linked or functional markers could be targets for breeders for marker assisted selection of seedling root traits.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1226-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Six progeny trials that included 147 half-sib progenies of maize (Zea mays L.) population ESALQ PB-5 were conducted for the purpose of studying plot size and its consequences in recurrent selection programs. The progenies were evaluated in three 7x7 duplicate simple lattice experiments using one-row plots of 5 m2. At harvest each plot was partitioned into five sub-plots (sampling units), and data was collected from each sampling unit. At the same time and place the same progenies were evaluated in three 7x7 duplicate simple lattice experiments using 1-m2 (linear row with 5 plants) plots. Data were collected for plant and ear height, ear diameter, total ear weight, and total grain yield. The data were combined by using adjacent sampling units, and the analyses were performed by considered five plot sizes in addition to those of the independent trials with 1-m2 plots. The experiments with 1-m2 plots were less efficient in discriminating for yield traits among progenies than those with 5-m2 plots. The combination of plot size and number of progenies evaluated indicated that an optimum plot size for yield was between 3 and 4 m2, or 15–20 plants per plot. With such sizes the expected gain was maximized for the four replications used in this study. If the total area covered by each progeny is constant, the maximum gain from selection, however, is attained by decreasing plot size and increasing the number of replications. The minimum size of plots is, however, limited by practical or theoretical criteria. Plot size affected the estimates of additive genetic variance, coefficient of heritability, and genetic coefficient of variation for all of the traits. No practical limitation was observed for conducting experiments with 1-m2 plot.  相似文献   

Postembryonically formed shoot-borne roots make up the major backbone of the adult maize root stock. In this study the abundant soluble proteins of the first node (coleoptilar node) of wild-type and mutant rtcs seedlings, which do not initiate crown roots, were compared at two early stages of crown root formation. In Coomassie Bluestained 2-D gels, representing soluble proteins of coleoptilar nodes 5 and 10 days after germination, 146 and 203 proteins were detected, respectively. Five differentially accumulated proteins (> two-fold change; t-test: 95% significance) were identified in 5-day-old and 14 differentially accumulated proteins in 10-day-old coleoptilar nodes of wild-type versus rtcs. All 19 differentially accumulated proteins were identified via ESI MS/MS mass spectrometry. Five differentially accumulated proteins, including a regulatory G-protein and a putative auxin-binding protein, were further analyzed at the RNA expression level. These experiments confirmed differential gene expression and revealed subtle developmental regulation of these genes during early coleoptilar node development. This study represents the first proteomic analysis of shoot-borne root initiation in cereals and will contribute to a better understanding of the molecular basis of this developmental process unique to cereals.  相似文献   

Efficient methods of chromosome doubling are critical for the production of microspore-derived, doubled-haploid (=DH) plants, especially if, as in maize anther culture, spontaneous chromosome doubling occurs infrequently. In the present study, colchicine (5–1000 mg/l) was added to the induction medium and maize anthers were incubated in the colchicine-containing medium for different durations (1–7 days). In order to improve overall anther culture response, the culture temperature was adjusted to 14°C during the first 7 days. Colchicine applied at low concentration, i.e. 5 mg/l (7 days), or for short duration, i.e. 1–3 days (250 mg/l), showed beneficial effects on the formation of embryolike structures (=ES) and thus led to increased plant production, but was comparatively ineffective regarding chromosome doubling. Optimal doubling effects were observed when anthers had been exposed to culture medium containing 250 and 1000 mg/l of colchicine (7 days); in these treatments the doubling index (=DI), defined as the quotient of the number of DH plants and the number of totally regenerated plants in a specific treatment, rose to 0.56 and 0.53, respectively, compared to 0.20 in the untreated control. However, colchicine administered at concentrations higher than 250 mg/l seemed to be detrimental to general plant production; thus, in spite of a high DI, the overall DH plant production was even lower than in the control treatment. Maximum DH plant production for three different genotypes was accomplished with culture medium containing 250 mg/l of colchicine (7 days). With the best-responding genotype (ETH-M 36) a DH plant production of 9.9 DH plants/100 anthers was accomplished, i.e. a 7-fold increase compared to the non-treated anthers. This is the first report on efficient chromosome doubling in anther culture by subjecting anthers to colchicinecontaining induction medium during a post-plating cold treatment. Chromosome doubling as described here becomes an integral part of the maize anther culture protocol and thus represents a rapid and economical way to produce DH plants.  相似文献   

Summary Three flint and three dent maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, their possible F1 crosses, F2 and backcross progenies, and all possible three-way crosses were evaluated in a three-year experiment for yield, ear moisture, and plant height. The purpose was to estimate genetic parameters in European breeding materials from (i) generation means analysis, (ii) diallel analysis of generation means, and (iii) analysis of F1 and three-way cross hybrids. Method (i) was based on the F-metric model and methods (ii) and (iii) on the Eberhart-Gardner (1966) genetic model; both models extended for heterotic maternal effects.Differences among generation means for yield and plant height were mainly attributable to dominance effects. Epistatic effects were significantly different from zero in a few crosses and considerably reduced heterosis in both traits. Additive x additive and domiance x dominance effects for yield were consistently positive and negative, respectively. Significant maternal effects were established to the advantage of generations with a heterozygous seed parent. In the diallel analysis, mean squares for dominance effects were greater than for additive effects for yield and plant height but smaller for ear moisture. Though significant for yield and plant height, epistatic variation was small compared to additive and dominance variation. Estimates of additive x additive epistasis for yield were significantly negative in 11 of 15 crosses, suggesting that advantageous gene combinations in the lines had been disrupted by recombination in the segregating generations. The analysis of hybrids supported the above findings regarding the analysis of variance. However, the estimates of additive x additive epistasis for yield were considerably smaller and only minimally correlated with those from the diallel analysis. Use of noninbred materials as opposed to materials with different levels of inbreeding is considered the main reason for the discrepancies in the results.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were conducted to investigate whether selection occurs during the processes involved in the production of doubled haploids. Haploid plants produced from two hybrids, each heterozygous for isozyme markers, were subjected to genetic analysis. The distributions of doubled haploid lines and pedigree lines derived from the hybrid C123 x Oh7 were compared with regard to agronomic character. The results suggest that the populations of haploid plants obtained by in vivo gynogenesis represent a random gametic array. Thus, in order to introduce haploid plants into breeding programmes in maize, maternal haploidy seems to be a very attractive method.  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的玉米遗传转化系统研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张素芝  荣廷昭 《遗传》2008,30(10):1249-1256
摘要: 农杆菌介导的遗传转化由于具有独特的优点, 一直受到育种家、分子生物学家和微生物学家的重视, 因此近10年发展很快。玉米是重要的粮食作物, 农杆菌介导的玉米遗传转化也取得了重大成就。文章就近年来玉米遗传转化取得的进展、影响转化的重要因素作一小结, 并就目前转化存在的问题和前景作简单的讨论。  相似文献   

Effects of soil drought on growth and productivity of 16 single cross maize hybrids were investigated under field and greenhouse experiments. The Drought Susceptibility Index (DSI) was evaluated in a three year field experiment by the determination of grain loss in conditions of two soil moisture levels (drought and irrigated) and in a pot experiment by the effects of periodical soil drought on seedling dry matter. In the greenhouse experiment response to drought in maize genotypes was also evaluated by root to shoot dry mater ratio, transpiration productivity index, indexes of kernel germination and index of leaf injury by drought and heat temperature. The obtained values of DSI enabled the ranking of the tested genotypes with respect to their drought tolerance. The values of DSI obtained in the field experiment allow to divide the examined genotypes into three, and in the greenhouse experiment into two groups of drought susceptibility. The correlation coefficients between the DSI of maize hybrids in the field and the greenhouse experiments was high and statistically significant, being equal to 0.876. The ranking of hybrids drought tolerance, identified on the basis of field experiments was generally in agreement with the ranking established on the basis of the greenhouse experiment. In the greenhouse experiment statistically significant coefficients of correlation with DSI values in hybrids were obtained for the ratio of dry matter of overground parts to dry matter of roots, both for control and drought treatments, whereas in the estimation of the transpiration productivity coefficient and total dry matter the correlation coefficients were not statistically significant. In this study several laboratory tests were carried out for the drought tolerance of plants (kernel germination, leaf injury) on 4 drought resistant and 4 drought sensitive maize hybrids. Statistically significant correlation coefficients between DSI and the examined parameter of grain germination and leaf injury were obtained for the determination of promptness index (PI), seedling survival index (SS) and leaf injuries indexes (IDS, ITS) as a result of exposure to 14 days of soil drought, osmotic drought −0.9 MPa and exposure to high temperature 45 ° or 50 °C. The results of laboratory tests show that in maize the genetic variation in the degree of drought tolerance is better manifested under severe conditions of water deficit in the soil.  相似文献   

The development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in maize offers the opportunity to utilize DNA markers in many new areas of population genetics, gene discovery, plant breeding and germplasm identification. However, the steps from sequencing and SNP discovery to SNP marker design and validation are lengthy and expensive. Access to a set of validated SNP markers is a significant advantage to maize researchers who wish to apply SNPs in scientific inquiry. We mined 1,088 loci sequenced across 60 public inbreds that have been used in maize breeding in North America and Europe. We then selected 640 SNPs using generalized marker design criteria that enable utilization with several SNP chemistries. While SNPs were found on average every 43 bases in 1,088 maize gene sequences, SNPs that were amenable to marker design were found on average every 623 bases; representing only 7% of the total SNPs discovered. We also describe the development of a 768 marker multiplex assay for use on the Illumina® BeadArray? platform. SNP markers were mapped on the IBM2 intermated B73 × Mo17 high resolution genetic map using either the IBM2 segregating population, or segregation in multiple parent-progeny triplets. A high degree of colinearity was found with the genetic nested association map. For each SNP presented we give information on map location, polymorphism rates in different heterotic groups and performance on the Illumina® platform.  相似文献   

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