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Nilsen ET 《Plant physiology》1987,83(3):607-612
Rhododendron maximum L. and R. Catawbiense L. are subcanopy evergreen shrubs of the eastern United States deciduous forest. Field measurements of climate factors and leaf movements of these species indicated a high correlation between leaf temperature and leaf curling; and between leaf water potential and leaf angle. Laboratory experiments were performed to isolate the influence of temperature and cellular water relations on leaf movements. Significant differences were found between the patterns of temperature induction of leaf curling in the two species. Leaves of the species which curled at higher temperatures (R. catawbiense) also froze at higher leaf temperatures. However, in both cases leaf curling occurred at leaf temperatures two to three degrees above the leaf freezing point. Pressure volume curves indicated that cellular turgor loss was associated with a maximum of 45% curling while 100% or more curling occurred in field leaves which still had positive cell turgor. Moisture release curves indicated that 70% curling requires a loss of greater than 60% of symplastic water which corresponds to leaf water potentials far below those experienced in field situations. Conversely, most laboratory induced changes in leaf angle could be related to leaf cell turgor loss.  相似文献   

Influence of temperature and water potential on root growth of white oak   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Root growth of white oak ( Quercus alba L.) was observed under field conditions using a rhizotron. The effects of temperature, soil water potential, and leaf water potential were evaluated on three measures of root growth and development: root elongation rate, number of growing roots, and root growth intensity (sum of projected root area compared to the total root viewing area). Root elongation rate was linearly related to changes in soil temperature and soil water potential. At soil temperatures less than 17deg;C, temperature was the dominant factor affecting rate of growth, bat at temperatures greater than 17°C soil water potential became the important factor. Unlike root elongation rate, the number of growing roots and root growth intensity increased at cold soil temperatures (8°C) and at soil water potentials of-0.3 to -0.8 MPa. At high soil water potentials (-0.1 MPa) root elongation rate reached a maximum while the number of growing roots and root growth intensity were low. These differences showed that root growth and development were not exclusively affected by the soil environment. In addition, the relationship between root growth and predawn leaf water potential suggested that root growth was a contributing factor to the drought resistance of white oak.  相似文献   

聚糠萘水剂对不同积温带玉米花后叶片氮同化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高娇  董志强  徐田军  陈传晓  焦浏  卢霖  董学瑞 《生态学报》2014,34(11):2938-2947
试验于2010—2011年在黑龙江省3个积温带哈尔滨市(Ⅰ)、绥化市(Ⅱ)、依安县(Ⅲ)的试验站进行,以郑单958和丰单3号为材料,研究大田条件下温度差异对花后玉米穗位叶氮同化及产量的影响与化学调控剂——聚糠萘水剂(PASP-KT-NAA,PKN)的调控效应。结果表明:(1)硝酸还原酶活性(Nitrate Reductase Activity,NRA)、硝态氮、叶绿素、叶片氮含量表现为ⅠⅡⅢ;可溶性蛋白与游离氨基酸含量花后0—10 d表现为Ⅲ高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ;在花后30—40 d游离氨基酸Ⅰ高于Ⅱ、Ⅲ;PKN处理提高NRA、硝态氮、叶绿素、叶片氮含量、可溶性蛋白和游离氨基酸含量。(2)玉米产量均表现为ⅠⅡⅢ,郑单958产量均高于丰单3号;PKN处理后,玉米产量均高于清水对照,其中郑单958化控处理(Zhengdan treatment,ZDTR)在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的增产幅度分别为为3.09%—8.81%,4.61%—10.91%,5.91%—13.51%;丰单3号化控处理(Fengdan treatment,FDTR)在Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的增产幅度为2.43%—5.19%,3.03%—6.01%,2.57%—4.62%。PKN处理提高了3个积温带玉米穗位叶片氮同化关键酶活及其产物含量,促进低温条件下氮同化正常进行,最终提高产量。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to ascertain whether transmembrane temperature gradients couple with transport of electric charge in living cells ofValonia utricularis and eventually measure the thermodynamic coupling coefficient (s). Simple experimental procedures are described that allow generation of temperature gradients of predetermined sense and intensity across the cell membrane. Simultaneous measurement of the potential difference is ensured by standard electrophysiological methods. The mathematical expressions that allow quantitative treatment of experimental results are indicated in the article and are based on standard nonequilibrium thermodynamic and electrophysiological formalism. The value of the coupling coefficient between temperature gradient and flow of electric charge is indicated and concisely discussed in terms of possible mechanisms of ionic membrane transport.  相似文献   

利用热及物质交换原理, 并结合前人研究成果, 在单叶尺度上建立了简单的叶温和水气蒸腾模型。模型通过预设值驱动, 预设值参照干旱区环境及植物叶片特征设置。模拟结果显示: 随气孔阻力的增加, 叶片蒸腾速率降低, 叶温升高; 同一环境下, 具有低辐射吸收率的叶片蒸腾速率和叶温更低, 并且气孔阻力越大, 这种差异越明显。另外, 叶片宽度及风速是影响叶片蒸腾及叶温的重要因子。干旱地区植物生长季节, 风速小于0.1 m·s -1、气孔阻力接近1000 s·m -1时, 降低叶片宽度不仅有利于降低叶片温度, 而且能够降低叶片蒸腾速率, 从而实现保持水分, 增强植物适应高温、干旱的能力。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have associated increased stomatal resistance with response to water deficit in cereals. However, consideration of change in leaf form seems to have been neglected. The response of adaxial and abaxial stomatal resistance and leaf rolling in rice to decreasing leaf water potential was investigated. Two rice cultivars were subjected to control and water stress treatments in a deep (1-meter) aerobic soil. Concurrent measurements of leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, and degree of leaf rolling were made through a 29-day period after cessation of irrigation. Kinandang Patong, an upland adapted cultivar, maintained higher dawn and midday leaf water potential than IR28, a hybrid selected in irrigated conditions. This was not explained by differences in leaf diffusive resistance or leaf rolling, and is assumed to result from a difference in root system extent.  相似文献   

In a previous study on the effects of N-supply on leaf cell elongation, the spatial distribution of relative cell elongation rates (RCER), epidermal cell turgor, osmotic pressure (OP) and water potential (Ψ) along the elongation zone of the third leaf of barley was determined (W. Fricke et al. 1997, Planta 202: 522–530). The results suggested that in plants receiving N at fixed relative addition rates (N-supply limitation of growth), cell elongation was rate-limited by the rate of solute provision, whereas in plants growing on complete nutrient solution containing excessive amounts of N (N-demand limitation), cell elongation was rate-limited by the rate of water supply or wall yielding. In the present paper, these suggestions were tested further. The generation rates of cell OP, turgor and Ψ along the elongation zone were calculated by applying the continuity equation of fluid dynamics to the previous data. To allow a more conclusive interpretation of results, anatomical data were collected and bulk solute concentrations determined. The rate of OP generation generally exceeded the rate of turgor generation. As a result, negative values of cell Ψ were created, particularly in demand-limited plants. These plants showed highest RCER along the elongation zone and a Ψ gradient of at least −0.15 MPa between water source (xylem) and expanding epidermal cells. The latter was similar to a theoretically predicted value (−0.18 MPa). Highest rates of OP generation were observed in demand-limited plants, with a maximum rate of 0.112 MPa · h−1 at 16–20 mm from the leaf base. This was almost twice the rate in N-supply-limited plants and implied that the cells in the leaf elongation zone were capable of importing (or synthesising) every minute almost 1 mM of osmolytes. Potassium, Cl and NO3 were the main inorganic osmolytes (only determined for demand-limited plants). Their concentrations suggest that, unlike the situation in fully expanded epidermal cells, sugars are used to generate OP and turgor. Anatomical data revealed that the zone of lateral cell expansion extended distally beyond the zone of cell elongation. It is concluded that leaf cell expansion in barley relies on high rates of water and solute supply, rates that may not be sustainable during periods of sufficient N-supply (limitation by water supply: Ψ gradients) or limiting N-supply (limitation by solute provision: reduced OP-generation rates). To minimise the possibility of growth limitation by water and osmolyte provision, longitudinal and lateral cell expansion peak at different locations along the growth zone. Received: 15 October 1997 / Accepted: 12 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary Leaf diffusion resistance (r 1) of the upper and lower leaf surfaces of several Populus clones was related to leaf water potential (1), light intensity, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and temperature by intrinsicallylinear, logarithmic multiple regression analyses. Regression equations accounted for up to 80% of variation in r 1 data. Light intensity and VPD varied among clones in importance in influencing r 1. Pronounced sensitivity of r 1 of certain clones to VPD was related to drought resistance in their parentage. Increasing r 1 was significantly positively correlated with 1, in apparent contradiction to prevailing concepts of stomatal response to water status, and this relationship was probably attributable to effects of other environmental variables on 1 and r 1. Leaf resistance decreased after a storm characterized by winds in excess of 160 km·h-1. Cuticular disruption and altered stomatal response may have been responsible for the storminduced r 1 decrease.  相似文献   

Summary At a site in the Sonoran Desert, subterranean rocks and exposed boulders affected soil water potential as well as root morphology and distribution. For Agave deserti, the number of lateral roots per unit length of main root was 11 times higher under rocks and six times higher alongside rocks than in rock-free regions. Total root length per unit soil volume for Echinocereus engelmannii averaged 3-fold higher within 1 cm of boulders than 5 cm away, where the soil was drier. The total length of lateral roots per unit length of main root for Ferocactus acanthodes was 4.2 m m–1 under rocks but only 0.8 m m–1 in rock-free regions. The number of lateral roots per unit length of main root for Opuntia acanthocarpa was 7-fold higher alongside rocks than in rock-free regions and even higher under rocks. For transplanted and watered A. deserti, the number of new main roots produced per 1–2 month interval averaged 13 for five plants on the north side of boulders, 8 on the south side, 11 for five plants with half of their roots under rocks, 2 for those with half of their roots over rocks, and 3 for the control plants without rocks. Laboratory experiments showed that the soil water potential under rocks for 10 and 30 mm waterings stayed above –0.5 MPa for 13 and 19 d longer, respectively, than for regions away from rocks. The shortwave absorptance of granitic rocks from the field site was 0.82, the thermal conductivity coefficient was 1.50 W m–1 °C–1, and the volumetric heat capacity was 1.75 MJ m–3 °C–1. Field measurements indicated that 5-cm-thick buried rocks decreased the diel variation in soil temperatures on their undersurface by only 0.4° C compared with soil. Thus, the primary influence of rocks at the field site on root proliferation and branching for the four species was apparently caused by influences on soil water content.  相似文献   

三种麦蚜在温度梯度中活动行为的临界高温   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
马罡  马春森 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2449-2459
利用自制的温度梯度产生装置,研究了禾谷缢管蚜Rhopalosiphum padi、麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae和麦二叉蚜Schizaphis graminum在寄主植物叶片温度梯度上栖息、爬行和取食时的躲避临界高温。温度梯度内,麦蚜在小于等于温度T的温度区域内的累积栖息分布量占温度梯度场内蚜虫栖息总量的百分比Pa=90%时,则把T记为栖息躲避临界高温。将蚜虫在温度梯度内从低温端向高温端爬行的过程中,受到热刺激后调转运动方向时的温度定义为蚜虫爬行时的躲避临界高温。将蚜虫在温度逐渐升高的叶片上取食时拔出口针开始挣扎逃跑时的温度定义为蚜虫取食时的躲避临界高温。为研究麦蚜栖息和爬行时的躲避临界高温,在盛有水的搪瓷托盘一端下方置一盏白炽灯加热水温,在漂浮于水面的小麦叶片上产生了叶片温度梯度,用照相机记录蚜虫在温度梯度内栖息时的分布状态。为研究麦蚜取食时的躲避临界高温,在盛有水的塑料培养皿的下方设置一盏白炽灯用于加热水温,在漂浮于水面的小麦叶片上产生逐渐升高的温度。两个装置的温度设置均可通过调节白炽灯泡顶端与托盘或培养皿底部的距离来控制,用红外测温仪测量叶片上的温度。试验明确了3种麦蚜的栖息躲避临界高温,在26-43℃的叶片温度梯度内,禾谷缢管蚜、麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜成蚜累积栖息分布达90%的临界高温分别为30.2、28.8℃和27.3℃,用Sigmoidal函数模型描述了麦蚜在温度梯度内的累积分布百分率与温度之间的关系。测定了3种麦蚜爬行和取食时的躲避临界高温,禾谷缢管蚜、麦长管蚜和麦二叉蚜爬行时的躲避临界高温分别为42.0、39.1℃和38.5℃;取食时的躲避临界高温分别为39.3、40.2℃和39.0℃。试验表明,3种蚜虫中禾谷缢管蚜较耐高温。讨论了温度梯度本身的设置、湿度控制、供试蚜虫种群的不同对麦蚜在温度梯度内行为可能造成的影响,并指出在温度梯度中,研究麦蚜若蚜蜕皮、成蚜生殖及有翅蚜和无翅蚜对适宜温度的选择将是今后继续开展的工作内容。本研究的结果为提高麦蚜田间调查取样及预测预报的准确度提供了依据,同时也为今后开展其它昆虫对环境高温的行为对策研究提供方法上的参考。  相似文献   

Summary An in situ thermocouple psychrometer was tested to determine its capability for tracking the changing leaf water potentials of aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) under controlled conditions and in the field. The results agreed with theoretical expectations — a sharp decline in leaf water potential during the photoperiods and recovery during the dark periods, each to progressively lower levels during a soil drying cycle. In the field, a mid-day pause in the declining leaf water potentials was noted and attributed to transient stomatal closure. Details of the construction and use of the assembly are given.The authors are plant physiologists, USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, Utah 84401, stationed in Logan, Utah, at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory.  相似文献   

美洲斑潜蝇在不同温度下的飞行能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用昆虫飞行磨测试了美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae在18℃到36℃条件下的飞行能力。结果表明:在33℃下美洲斑潜蝇的飞行能力最强,个体最大飞行距离、最高飞行速度和最长飞行时间分别为8.22 km、1.10 km/h和253.50 min,其平均飞行距离为0.95 km。其飞行的适温范围是21~36℃,18℃为其飞行的下限温度。从18~33℃,随着温度的升高平均飞行距离(0.08~0.95 km)和平均飞行时间(6.57~47.94 min)也在增加,但到36℃又开始下降;雌虫比雄虫飞行能力强。在理论上,美洲斑潜蝇能靠自身飞行扩散0.08~0.95 km。  相似文献   

The mutual relationship between the water potential and water saturation deficit (w.s.d.) was studied on samples of leaf tissue of fodder cabage. Definite values of water potential were obtained by long-term exposure of plant material to an atmosphere with definite constant pressure of water vapour. The resulting w.s.d. values were determined gravimetrically. Water saturation deficit varies indirectly with the water potential. This dependence was linear for values of water potential from ?4·4 to ?43·9 atm. Since the stabilization of equilibrum of water potential between the leaf tissue and surrounding atmosphere was very slow the relationship between water potential and w.s.d. was influenced by the size of samples and by the length of exposure. Therefore this method was more suitable for relative than for absolute measurement.  相似文献   

石斛属植物多附着在其他植物体或岩石上,水分获取困难,其特殊的水分利用策略是其生存和发展的重要保证.为弄清石斛属植物对干旱胁迫的适应能力和机制,该文选用3年生金钗石斛和铁皮石斛,通过盆栽控水进行干旱胁迫和复水处理,探讨在不同干旱历时和干旱后复水条件下两种石斛的叶水势变化情况.结果表明:随着干旱时间的延长,两种石斛叶水势均...  相似文献   

Coral reefs are increasingly exposed to elevated temperatures that can cause coral bleaching and high levels of mortality of corals and associated organisms. The temperature threshold for coral bleaching depends on the acclimation and adaptation of corals to the local maximum temperature regime. However, because of larval dispersal, coral populations can receive larvae from corals that are adapted to very different temperature regimes. We combine an offline particle tracking routine with output from a high‐resolution physical oceanographic model to investigate whether connectivity of coral larvae between reefs of different thermal regimes could alter the thermal stress threshold of corals. Our results suggest that larval transport between reefs of widely varying temperatures is likely in the Coral Triangle and that accounting for this connectivity may be important in bleaching predictions. This has important implications in conservation planning, because connectivity may allow some reefs to have an inherited heat tolerance that is higher or lower than predicted based on local conditions alone.  相似文献   

Soil water and salinity conditions of the riparian zones along the Tarim River, northwest China, have been undergoing alterations due to water use by human or climate change, which is expected to influence the riparian forest dominated by an old poplar, Populus euphratica. To evaluate the effects of such habitat alterations, we examined photosynthetic and growth performances of P. euphratica seedlings across experimental soil water and salinity gradients. Results indicated that seedlings were limited in their physiological performance, as evidenced by decreases in their height and biomass, and the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry (Fv/Fm), the effective quantum-use efficiency of PSII (Fv′/Fm′), and photochemical quenching (qP) under mild (18% soil water content, SWC; 18.3 g kg?1 soil salt content, SSC) and moderate (13% SWC, 22.5 g kg?1 SSC) water or salinity stress. However, seedlings had higher root/shoot ratio (R/S), increased nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), and water-use efficiency (WUE) relative to control under such conditions. Under severe (8% SWC, 27.9 g kg?1 SSC) water or salinity stress, P. euphratica seedlings had only a fifth of biomass of those under control conditions. It was also associated with damaged PSII and decreases in WUE, the maximal net photosynthetic rate (P Nmax), light-saturation point (LSP), and apparent quantum yield (α). Our results suggested that the soil conditions, where P.euphratica seedlings could grow normally, were higher than ~ 13% for SWC, and lower than ~22.5 g kg?1 for SSC, the values, within the seedlings could acclimate to water or salinity stress by adjusting their R/S ratio, improving WUE to limit water loss, and rising NPQ to dissipate excessive excitation energy. Once SWC was lower than 8% or SCC higher than ~28 g kg?1, the seedlings suffered from the severe stress.  相似文献   

A method for controlling relative humidity based on temperature differentials, rather than on salt solutions, is described. This method has the following advantages: (1) it does not exhibit the anomalous CO2 solution effects that we have found to occur with salt solutions; (2) humidity is continuously adjustable without sample removal; (3) circulation of the atmosphere results in short equilibration times.  相似文献   

Abstract Root fatty acid composition, photosynthesis, leaf water potentials, stomatal resistances, leaf specific weights, and root: shoot ratios of soybean were measured in two temperature regimes. Groups of soybean plants were grown in controlled chambers of the Duke University Phytotron under two thermoperiods. One group of the plants was grown from seed for 3 weeks in either 29/23°C or 17/11°C thermoperiods, and another group was grown for 2 weeks in 29/23°C and then transferred to the 17/11°C thermoperiod where it remained for 8 days. Broccoli was also grown in either 29/23°C or 17/11°C thermoperiods. Soybean roots contained more unsaturated fatty acids than broccoli roots, although broccoli roots showed a larger increase in unsaturation than soybean roots with decreased temperature. The fatty acid unsaturation in the roots of soybean began to increase rapidly after the temperature regime was changed. The increase was in the new roots produced in the cold regime rather than in the pre-existing roots. The soybean leaf water and osmotic potentials decreased about 0.4 MPa, beginning one day after the transfer from 29/23°C to 17/11°C, but recovered significantly after 8 d. Plants grown at 17/11 °C had lower rates of photosynthesis and adaxial stomatal resistances, but higher root: shoot ratios and specific leaf weights compared to plants grown at 29/23°C. Plants grown and maintained at 29/23°C showed a steady increase in photosynthetic rates over the 8-d experimental period, whether rates were measured in 1 mol m?3 or 9 mol m?3 oxygen. Plants transferred to 17/11°C however maintained constant rates of photosynthesis at 1 mol m?3 O2, whereas at 9 mol m?3 rates declined for 2 d then were constant for the remaining 6 d of the experimental period. These results suggest that changes in membrane fatty acid unsaturation is an important aspect of plant acclimation to chilling temperatures in terms of maintaining root permeability and water uptake. However, the degree of unsaturation is not a good indicator of differences in chilling tolerance among species. The apparent acclimation of photorespiration to a constant percentage of photosynthesis suggests a role of photorespiration in the plant.  相似文献   

干旱区植物叶片形态可塑性是植物适应高温干旱环境的重要生存策略, 但目前仍缺乏直观的数据予以证明。该研究应用热成像技术和图像分析技术, 同步测定真实叶片与模拟叶片的叶温、形态及风速、辐射和温度等环境参数。研究结果显示: 在干旱、高温环境下, 除了蒸腾, 叶片形态变化也是调控叶温的重要因子。干旱区植物叶片变小, 有利于加速叶片与环境的物质及热量交换, 从而达到降低叶温的目的。样地数据显示, 在高温、低风速环境下, 叶片宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低约2.1 ℃, 而模拟叶片叶宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低0.60-0.86 ℃。该研究对深入理解植物生存策略与环境适能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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