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The actin cytoskeleton is intimately involved in the motile behaviour of animal cells. The structure and dynamic behaviour of actin and its binding proteins have been intensively studied in vitro over the past several decades, culminating in achievements such as an atomic model of the actin filament. Despite this progress, it is not yet clear how the behaviour of these purified proteins in vitro relates to the dynamic behaviour of actin inside living, moving cells. Here we discuss a new model that relates the known dynamic parameters for pure actin to the observed behaviour of actin filaments inside motile cells.  相似文献   

IQGAP is a conserved family of actin-binding proteins with essential roles in cell motility, cytokinesis, and cell adhesion, yet there remains a limited understanding of how IQGAP proteins directly influence actin filament dynamics. To close this gap, we used single-molecule and single-filament total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to observe IQGAP regulating actin dynamics in real time. To our knowledge, this is the first study to do so. Our results demonstrate that full-length human IQGAP1 forms dimers that stably bind to actin filament sides and transiently cap barbed ends. These interactions organize filaments into thin bundles, suppress barbed end growth, and inhibit filament disassembly. Surprisingly, each activity depends on distinct combinations of IQGAP1 domains and/or dimerization, suggesting that different mechanisms underlie each functional effect on actin. These observations have important implications for how IQGAP functions as an actin regulator in vivo and how it may be regulated in different biological settings.  相似文献   

Embryo morphogenesis is driven by dynamic cell behaviors, including migration, that are coordinated with fate specification and differentiation, but how such coordination is achieved remains poorly understood. During zebrafish gastrulation, endodermal cells sequentially exhibit first random, nonpersistent migration followed by oriented, persistent migration and finally collective migration. Using a novel transgenic line that labels the endodermal actin cytoskeleton, we found that these stage-dependent changes in migratory behavior correlated with changes in actin dynamics. The dynamic actin and random motility exhibited during early gastrulation were dependent on both Nodal and Rac1 signaling. We further identified the Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Prex1 as a Nodal target and showed that it mediated Nodal-dependent random motility. Reducing Rac1 activity in endodermal cells caused them to bypass the random migration phase and aberrantly contribute to mesodermal tissues. Together, our results reveal a novel role for Nodal signaling in regulating actin dynamics and migration behavior, which are crucial for endodermal morphogenesis and cell fate decisions.  相似文献   

The neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) protein contains a region of significant sequence similarity to ras p21 GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and the yeast IRA1 gene product. A fragment of NF1 cDNA encoding the GAP-related domain (NF1 GRD) was expressed, immunoaffinity purified, and assayed for effects on N-ras p21 GTPase activity. The GTPase of wild-type ras p21 was stimulated by NF1 GRD, but oncogenic mutants of ras p21 (Asp-12 and Val-12) were unaffected, and the GTPase of an effector mutant (Ala-38) was only weakly stimulated. NF1 GRD also down-regulated RAS function in S. cerevisiae. The affinity of NF1 GRD for ras p21 was estimated to be 250 nM: this is more than 20-fold higher than the affinity of GAP for ras p21. However, its specific activity was about 30 times lower. These kinetic measurements suggest that NF1 may be a significant regulator of ras p21 activity, particularly at low ras p21 concentrations.  相似文献   

Mutations in either of the two tumor suppressor genes NF1 (neurofibromin) and NF2 (merlin) result in Neurofibromatosis, a condition predisposing individuals to developing a variety of benign and malignant tumors of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Here we report the identification of two distinct NF1-containing complexes, one in the soluble and the other in the particulate fraction of HeLa extract. We show that the soluble NF1 complex delineates a large holo-NF1 complex (2 MDa) encompassing the components of a smaller particulate core-NF1 complex (400 kDa). Purification of the core-NF1 complex followed by mass spectrometric analysis revealed the motor protein, kinesin-1 heavy chain (HsuKHC/KIF5B), as a catalytic subunit of both NF-1-containing complexes. Importantly, although NF1 and NF2 are not in a stable association, NF2 is also a component of a distinct kinesin-1-containing complex. These results point to kinesin-1 as a common denominator between NF1 and NF2.  相似文献   

After undergoing several rounds of divisions normal human fibroblasts enter a terminally non-dividing state referred to as cellular or replicative senescence. We cloned MORF4 (mortality factor on human chromosome 4), as a cellular senescence inducing gene that caused immortal cells assigned to complementation group B for indefinite division to stop dividing. To facilitate analyses of this gene, which is toxic to cells at low levels, we obtained stable clones of HeLa cells expressing a tetracycline-induced MORF4 construct that could be induced by doxycycline in a dose-dependent manner. MORF4 induction resulted in reduced colony formation after 14 days of culture, as previously observed. We determined that MORF4 protein was unstable and that addition of the proteasome inhibitor MG132 resulted in the accumulation of the protein. Following removal of MG132 the protein was rapidly degraded. Subcellular fractionation following MG132 treatment demonstrated that the protein accumulates primarily in the cytoplasm with some amounts present in the nucleus. It is therefore possible that MORF4 protein, which escapes degradation in the cytoplasm, is transported to the nucleus where it is functional. The results suggest that levels of MORF4 in cells must be tightly controlled and one mechanism involves stability of the protein.  相似文献   

In cancers, apoptosis evasion through dysregulation of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic intracellular signals is a recurring event. Accordingly, selective inhibition of specific proteins represents an exciting therapeutic opportunity. Myeloid cell leukemia 1 (MCL1) is an anti-apoptotic protein of the BCL-2 family, which is overexpressed in many cancers. Here, we demonstrate that MCL1 can be modified by the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) at K234 and K238 sites. The SUMOylation of MCL1 can improve its stability by inhibiting the MCL1 ubiquitin-proteasome pathway mediated by the Tripartite motif-containing 11 (TRIM11, a novel MCL1 ubiquitin E3 ligase that we identify in this study). Moreover, SUMOylation of MCL1 increases the proliferation of cancer cells by inhibiting apoptosis. These results suggest that the SUMOylation of MCL1 may play a significant role in the regulation of its function.  相似文献   

Tetraspanin CD9 regulates cell motility and other adhesive processes in a variety of tissue types. Using transfected Chinese Hamster Ovary cells as our model system, we examined the cellular pathways critical for CD9 promoted cell migration. alpha 5 beta 1 integrin was directly involved as CD9 enhanced migration was abolished by the alpha 5 beta 1 blocking antibody PB1. Furthermore, the ligand mimetic peptide RGDS, significantly upregulated the expression of a beta1 ligand induced binding site (LIBS) demonstrating for the first time that CD9 expression potentiates beta1 integrin high affinity conformation states. CD9 promoted cell motility was significantly blocked by phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3K) inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, whereas inhibitors targeting protein kinase C or mitogen-activated protein kinase had no effect. PI-3K dominant/negative cDNA transfections confirmed that PI-3K was an essential component. CD9 enhanced the phosphorylation of the PI-3K substrate, Akt, in response to cell adhesion on FN. CD9 expression also upregulated p130Cas phosphorylation and total protein levels; however, p130Cas siRNA knockdown did not alter the motile phenotype. CD9 enhanced migration was also unaffected by serum deprivation suggesting that growth factors were not critical. Our studies demonstrate that CD9 upregulates beta1 LIBS, and in concert with alpha 5 beta 1, enhances cell motility to FN via a PI-3K dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a major cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which is a highly aggressive cancer. HBV X protein (HBx), one of four HBV gene products, plays pivotal roles in the development and metastasis of HCC. It has been reported that HBx induces liver cancer cell migration and reorganizes actin cytoskeleton, however the molecular basis for actin cytoskeleton reorganization remains obscure. In this study, we for the first time report that HBx promotes actin polymerization and liver cancer cell migration by regulating calcium modulated protein, calmodulin (CaM). HBx physically interacts with CaM to control the level of phosphorylated cofilin, an actin depolymerizing factor. Mechanistically, HBx interacts with CaM, liberates Hsp90 from its inhibitory partner CaM, and increases the activity of Hsp90, thus activating LIMK1/cofilin pathway. Interestingly, the interaction between HBx and CaM is calcium-dependent and requires the CaM binding motif on HBx. These results indicate that HBx modulates CaM which plays a regulatory role in Hsp90/LIMK1/cofilin pathway of actin reorganization, suggesting a new mechanism of HBV-induced HCC metastasis specifically derived by HBx.  相似文献   

In addition to its well-defined role as an antagonist in apoptosis, we propose that BCL2 may act as an intracellular suppressor of cell motility and adhesion under certain conditions. Our evidence shows that, when overexpressed in both cancer and non-cancer cells, BCL2 can form a complex with actin and gelsolin that functions to decrease gelsolin-severing activity to increase actin polymerization and, thus, suppress cell adhesive processes. The linkage between increased BCL2 and increased actin polymerization on the one hand and suppression of cell adhesion, spreading and motility on the other hand, is a novel observation that may provide a plausible explanation for why BCL2 overexpression in some tumors is correlated with improved patient survival. In addition, we have identified conditions in vitro in which F-actin polymerization can be increased while cell motility is reduced. These findings underscore the possibility that BCL2 may be involved in modulating cytoskeleton reorganization and may provide an opportunity to explore signal transduction pathways important for cell adhesion and migration and to develop small molecule therapies for suppression of cancer metastasis.Key words: BCL2, actin polymerization, cell motility, adhesion  相似文献   

It has been observed that heavy meromyosin (HMM) propels actin filaments to higher velocities than native myosin in the in vitro motility assay, yet the reason for this difference has remained unexplained. Since the major difference between these two proteins is the presence of the tail in native myosin, we tested the hypothesis that unknown interactions between actin and the tail (LMM) slow motility in native myosin. Chymotryptic HMM and LMM were mixed in a range of molar ratios (0-5 LMM/HMM) and compared to native rat skeletal myosin in the in vitro motility assay at 30 degrees C. Increasing proportions of LMM to HMM slowed actin filament velocities, becoming equivalent to native myosin at a ratio of 3 LMM/HMM. NH4+ -ATPase assays demonstrated that HMM concentrations on the surface were constant and independent of LMM concentration, arguing against a simple displacement mechanism. Relationships between velocity and the number of available heads suggested that the duty cycle of HMM was not altered by the presence of LMM. HMM prepared with a lower chymotrypsin concentration and with very short digestion times moved actin at the same high velocity. The difference between velocities of actin filament propelled by HMM and HMM/LMM decreased with increasing ionic strength, suggesting that ionic bonds between myosin tail and actin filaments may play a role in slowing filament velocity. These data suggest the high velocities of actin filaments over HMM result from the absence of drag generated by the myosin tail, and not from proteolytic nicking of the motor domain.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) is an oncogenic protein which has previously been shown to engage the NF-kappaB, stress-activated MAP kinase, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), and extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK)-MAPK pathways. In this study, we demonstrate that LMP1 activates ERK-MAPK in epithelial cells via the canonical Raf-MEK-ERK-MAPK pathway but in a Ras-independent manner. In agreement with the results of a previous study (B. A. Mainou, D. N. Everly, Jr., and N. Raab-Traub, J. Virol. 81:9680-9692, 2007), we show that the ability of LMP1 to activate ERK-MAPK mapped to its CTAR1 domain, the TRAF binding domain previously implicated in PI 3-kinase activation. A role for ERK-MAPK in LMP1-induced epithelial cell motility was identified, as LMP1-expressing cells displayed increased rates of haptotactic migration compared to those of LMP1-negative cells. These data implicate the ERK-MAPK pathway in LMP1-induced effects associated with transformation, suggesting that this pathway may contribute to the oncogenicity of LMP1 through its ability to promote cell motility and to enhance the invasive properties of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Wei S  Gao X  Du J  Su J  Xu Z 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28797
Angiogenin (ANG) acts on both vascular endothelial cells and cancer cells, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive. In this study, we carried out a co-immunoprecipitation assay in HeLa cells and identified 14 potential ANG-interacting proteins. Among these proteins, β-actin, α-actinin 4, and non-muscle myosin heavy chain 9 are stress fiber components and involved in cytoskeleton organization and movement, which prompted us to investigate the mechanism of action of ANG in cell migration. Upon confirmation of the interactions between ANG and the three proteins, further studies revealed that ANG co-localized with β-actin and α-actinin 4 at the leading edge of migrating cells. Down-regulation of ANG resulted in fewer but thicker stress fibers with less dynamics, which was associated with the enlargements of focal adhesions. The focal adhesion kinase activity and cell migration capacity were significantly decreased in ANG-deficient cells. Taken together, our data demonstrated that the existence of ANG in the cytoplasm optimizes stress fiber assembly and focal adhesion formation to accommodate cell migration. The finding that ANG promoted cancer cell migration might provide new clues for tumor metastasis research.  相似文献   

Gene amplification and protein overexpression of MDM2, which is often found in certain types of cancers, indicate that MDM2 plays an important role in tumorigenesis. Interestingly, several clinical reports have demonstrated that amplification of the MDM2 gene correlates with the metastatic stage. Using an antibody array assay, we identified E-cadherin as an MDM2-binding protein and confirmed that E-cadherin is a substrate for the MDM2 E3 ubiquitin ligase. We demonstrate that MDM2 interacts in vivo with E-cadherin, resulting in its ubiquitination and degradation. This regulation appears to be clinically relevant, as we found a significant correlation between high MDM2 and low E-cadherin protein levels in resected tumor specimens recovered from breast cancer patients with lymph node metastases. Ectopic expression of MDM2 in breast cancer cells was found to disrupt cell-cell contacts and enhance cell motility and invasive potential. We found that E-cadherin and MDM2 colocalized on the plasma membrane and in the early endosome, where ubiquitin moieties were attached to E-cadherin. Blocking endocytosis with dominant-negative mutants of dynamin abolished the association of MDM2 with E-cadherin, prevented E-cadherin degradation, and attenuated cell motility as observed by fluorescence microscopy. Thus, we provide evidence to support a novel role for MDM2 in regulating cell adhesions by a mechanism that involves degrading and down-regulating the expression of E-cadherin via an endosome pathway. This novel MDM2-regulated pathway is likely to play a biologically relevant role in cancer metastasis.  相似文献   

Tightly linked markers for the neurofibromatosis type 1 gene   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Relationships among genetic markers in the region of the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene on chromosome 17 were investigated by linkage studies in a large sample set of affected families and in a panel of 58 normal families. A new marker, pHHH202 (D17S33), was included along with two markers known to be closely linked to NF. The maximum likelihood estimate of the recombination rate between the pHHH202 and NF1 loci was found to be O. Multilocus analysis suggested the following marker order: pA10-41-(p3-6, pHHH202); the NF1 gene fell with equal likelihood between either pA10-41-p3-6 or p3-6-pHHH202. The odds against NF1 being outside this cluster of tightly linked markers were greater than 15:1.  相似文献   

Recent studies have focused on capillary pruning in various organs and species. However, the way in which large-diameter vessels are pruned remains unclear. Here we show that pruning of the zebrafish caudal vein (CV) from ventral capillaries of the CV plexus in different transgenic embryos is driven by endothelial cell (EC) rearrangement, which involves EC nucleus migration, junction remodeling, and actin cytoskeleton remodeling. Further observation reveals a growing difference in blood flow velocity between the two vessels in CV pruning in zebrafish embryos. With this model, we identify the critical role of Kruppel-like factor 6a (klf6a) in CV pruning. Disruption of klf6a functioning impairs CV pruning in zebrafish. klf6a is required for EC nucleus migration, junction remodeling, and actin cytoskeleton dynamics in zebrafish embryos. Moreover, actin-related protein transgelin 2 (tagln2) is a direct downstream target of klf6a in CV pruning in zebrafish embryos. Together these results demonstrate that the klf6a-tagln2 axis regulates CV pruning by promoting EC rearrangement.  相似文献   

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