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Female grasshoppers of acoustically communicating species assume series of reproductive states that are associated with particular behaviours. Studies on laboratory populations of Chorthippus biguttulus (L.) revealed that females of this species lack the period of ‘passive copulatory readiness’, increase their attractiveness to males by sound production and mate multiple times before their first oviposition. In particular, female Ch. biguttulus display a period of ‘primary rejection’ after their imaginal moult during which they reject male mating attempts followed by a period of ‘active copulatory readiness’ in which they produce acoustic signals and may copulate with courting males. Female stridulation generally stimulated male mating activity and stridulating females attracted more male mating attempts than mute females in the same cage, indicating that males preferentially court females that signal ‘active copulatory readiness’. After receipt of a spermatophore, Ch. biguttulus females displayed periods of ‘secondary rejection’ followed by re-establishment of ‘active copulatory readiness’. Acoustic responses of females to male songs, an indicator of reproductive readiness, were significantly reduced until 2 days after mating and remained slightly reduced in comparison to pre-mating levels. Some females mated multiple times before their first oviposition and cycled between ‘secondary rejection’ and ‘active copulatory readiness’.  相似文献   

There is currently a gap in sexual selection theory about how much the environment drives female mating decisions. We present field data that suggest that female sexual behaviour in the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis is influenced by parasite burden. Male wing pigmentation in Calopteryx is a sexually selected trait that signals a male's ability to cope with eugregarine parasites (an intestinal parasite that feeds on the adult's ingested food). Because adult C. haemorrhoidalis females also show wing pigmentation, we examined whether this trait is similarly influenced by parasite burden and whether it may signal the female's reproductive value. MaleC. haemorrhoidalis defend riverine substrates that females use for oviposition. After copulation and during oviposition, females are guarded by the copulating male against intruder males. Alternatively, females may avoid mating and ‘steal’ an oviposition site within a male's territory. In the present study, we found that the amount of female wing pigmentation was negatively correlated with the number of eugregarines present. Females with more parasites produced fewer eggs, survived fewer days, spent less time during courtship, ‘inspected’ fewer males before mating, had a lower mating success, were guarded for less time during oviposition and engaged in fewer ‘stealing’ events during oviposition. The reduced egg production and survival of heavily infected females may result from eugregarine depletion of the females' consumed food reserves. Thus, to offset reduced longevity, heavily infected females may accept a mating more rapidly and mate with fewer males. ‘Stealing’ behaviour may be related to the female's differential use of sperm from some males, particularly high-quality males. Interestingly, males that mated with low-pigmented females showed greater variance in wing pigmentation than did males that mated with high-pigmented females. Possibly, female wing pigmentation may signal a female's reproductive value, which provides females with longer mate-guarding episodes and reduced interference from intruder males. This study points out one possible constraint, intestine parasites, that females may face during mating decisions. Because females in bad condition mate with males in both good and bad condition, this constraint may be pervasive enough to weaken the intensity of selection for a male sexually selected trait, wing pigmentation, and help to maintain its variation in phenotypic expression. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Because mating is a product of individual reproductive strategies that may vary with changing conditions, we predicted variable mating behaviour in an arid-adapted, territorial rodent, the giant kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ingens. We also predicted that familiarity would facilitate nonaggressive courtship and mating in this solitary rodent. Through direct observations in the field, we found that mating varied from exclusive to multiple partners. Where densities were low, and on nights when multiple females were in oestrus, each animal mated with one member of the opposite sex. In conditions where the operational sex ratio was skewed towards multiple males, males footdrummed and competed for females. Males were able to mate with one or two females in adjacent territories, and they successfully competed for these same females throughout the breeding season. Females that mated exclusively with one male had more pups emerge from the burrow compared with females that experienced male competition. Females allowed nearest neighbour males to enter their burrows, and they engaged in more nonaggressive contact with close neighbours than with other males. Paired encounters in the field showed less aggression towards neighbours than strangers. In laboratory tests, females were less aggressive towards and allowed more contact with familiar than unfamiliar males. These results show that D. ingens can alter mating strategies as conditions change. Familiarity is an important factor in nonaggressive interactions between males and females and may be important to mate preferences in females during reproduction. The less aggressive behaviour to neighbours than to strangers (‘dear enemy’ phenomenon) is consistent with other solitary animals that defend multipurpose territories. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Sexual selection for divergent female preferences has been proposed to stimulate speciation. We tested this basic model by selecting for divergence in the courtship repertoire of the house fly Musca domestica L. Specifically, we subjected replicate strains to artificial selection for differentiation along the first two principal components of the phenotypic intercorrelation structure of five courtship traits. Highly significant differentiation in courtship repertoire resulted, and the magnitude of the selection response was highest along the first principal component (representing the ‘size’, or general intensity, of courtship). Videotaped matings of the crosses between divergent lines (i.e. males of one strain mating with females from a different line) showed that the selection responses in the intensities of male performances were due to shifts in female preferences. In particular, the males were able to accommodate the demands of ‘foreign’ females (as well as their own) in the no-choice situation (i.e. only one male and one female per mating chamber). In contrast to this plasticity of the males, the females were consistent in their differential resistance responses, regardless of the type of male involved in the courtship. Multiple-choice mate choice tests revealed significant reproductive isolation among some lines, although the effect was asymmetrical. The patterns of nonrandom mating were largely due to females from more genetically healthy lines (i.e. with overall high mating propensity) discriminating against males from populations with more inbreeding depression. We suggest that the inability to achieve true (symmetrical) reproductive isolation could have been due to low evolutionary potential in the ‘shape’ of courtship, as defined by the second principal component. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

This study examines the effect of female presence on the amount of ‘strippable’ sperm, and the relationship between male sexual activity and the amount of ‘ready’ sperm in the male guppy Poecilia reticulata. The amount of strippable sperm was greater in males paired for one week with females than in isolated males. We separated these ‘paired’ males from females by a clear partition and thus exposed males to visual and possibly olfactory stimuli. In the second experiment, control males spent more time attending females and performed more sexual acts during a 15-min test period than males previously stripped of spermatophores. These results indicate that females play an important role in stimulating sperm availability in males and that the amount of ready sperm influences male sexual behaviour. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Among the factors that may contribute to the evolution of social monogamy are selection for extended mate guarding of females and selection for territorial ‘cooperation’. Many socially monogamous taxa are also territorial, with ‘partners’ sharing a single territory, suggesting that one or both partners may benefit by sharing territorial maintenance. Snapping shrimp (genus Alpheus) are socially monogamous and territorial, living in excavated burrows or with host organisms, with females performing all parental care. The territorial cooperation hypothesis predicts that male and female partners share (1) territorial defence, resulting in a reduction in the risk of eviction from the burrow, (2) burrow construction duties, such that individuals in pairs spend less time in burrow construction relative to solitary individuals, and/or (3) foraging duties, by returning food to the burrow, where it is consumed by both partners. UsingA. angulatus as a model species, a territorial defence experiment revealed that females in pairs were significantly less likely than solitary females to be evicted by female intruders, but males in pairs were not significantly less likely than solitary males to be evicted by male intruders. A subsequent experiment revealed that paired males were significantly less likely to be evicted by an intruding male if paired with sexually receptive females than if paired with nonreceptive females. Another experiment revealed that (1) paired females spent significantly more time in burrow construction than paired males, and (2) both males and females consistently returned food items to the burrow, perhaps incidentally provisioning their mates. These data suggest that social monogamy may have been selected for in part because of the advantages of territorial cooperation, as both males and females are likely to benefit by dividing the labour of territorial defence and maintenance. These tests of the territorial cooperation hypothesis are synthesized with data from tests of the extended mate-guarding hypothesis to place snapping shrimp pairing behaviour into a larger construct incorporating both the influence of ecological pressures (territoriality) and mating interactions between the sexes. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Precocene treatment does not disrupt the events of reproduction in Glossina morsitans morsitans or induce any apparent changes in treated tsetse. However, some females of the F1 generation are either sterile or show retardations in follicle development. Sterility is not reversed spontaneously or with juvenile hormone analogues. The critical period for precocene action is related to each ovulation. The corpora allata of precocene-treated tsetse are normal, but those of F1 sterile females are degenerate. The occurrence of retardation has enabled the characterisation of stages in follicle development in G. m. morsitans.  相似文献   

Males of many species compete for access to females. In order to avoid performing potentially costly agonistic behaviour for their entire adult lives, many group-living males use environmental cues to limit agonistic behaviour to times when it will be of most benefit. Long-finned squid, Loligo pealeii, live less than a year and aggregate in mixed- and single-sex schools. Adults participate in several spawning events, then die. During spawning events, males actively compete for females. Winning males pair with females, which subsequently lay eggs in communal sites on the ocean floor (‘egg mops’). To determine whether males use sensory cues provided by egg mops to regulate agonistic behaviour, we conducted four laboratory experiments. We measured the agonistic responses of pairs of adult males before, during and after exposure to conspecific egg mops. In three experiments, egg mops were manipulated to provide differing sensory stimuli (tactile, water-borne, visual). The addition of conspecific egg mops to tanks of paired male squid dramatically increased agonistic behaviour above control levels within minutes. Male squid were first attracted to the egg mops visually, but contact with the capsules was necessary to increase agonistic behaviour. After initial contact, agonistic behaviour was almost continuous as long as egg mops remained present, even when squid touched the egg mops infrequently. Visual stimuli seemed important in maintaining elevated agonistic behaviour between egg mop touches. When egg mops were removed from the tank, measured agonistic behaviour declined within minutes. When egg mops were added to the tank while covered by an opaque and porous cover that allowed water-borne stimuli to circulate into the tank, squid did not approach the covered egg mop or show increased agonistic behaviour. This result suggests that water-borne stimuli are not sufficient to increase agonistic behaviour. It is unusual for male agonistic behaviour in any species to be increased by contact with fertilized eggs. In this species, however, egg capsules might signal that sexually mature, receptive females are about to lay eggs. Indirect evidence suggests that mating with a female immediately before she lays eggs increases male paternity. If this prediction is true, the presence of egg mops may indicate the optimal time for male squid to establish mating precedence through agonistic bouts. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

An important prediction from game theory is that the value of a resource influences the level to which conflict escalates. Here we use jumping spiders (Salticidae) to consider this prediction in the context of species adopting different mating systems (‘female mate-choice’ and ‘mutual mate-choice’). Our experiments are designed for determining whether the odour of conspecific females, more than the odour of heterospecific females, primes males to escalate conflict with a potential same-sex rival and also whether the odour of conspecific males, more than the odour of heterospecific males, primes females to escalate conflict with a potential same-sex rival. Four species were studied: Evarcha culicivora, a species in which mutual mate-choice is pronounced, and Portia fimbriata, Portia africana, and Jacksonoides queenslandicus, more conventional salticids in which female mate-choice and male–male competition appear to be dominant. Our hypothesis is that, for all four species, there is strong competition between males for access to females and that, for E. culicivora, but not for the other three species, there is also strong competition between females for access to males. Our findings are consistent with this hypothesis, as we show that, although the odour of conspecific females primes escalation of vision-based male–male conflict for all four species, E. culicivora is the only species for which there is evidence of odour from conspecific males priming the escalation of female–female conflict.  相似文献   

Tsetse flies use olfactory and gustatory responses, through odorant and gustatory receptors (ORs and GRs), to interact with their environment. Glossina morsitans morsitans genome ORs and GRs were annotated using homologs of these genes in Drosophila melanogaster and an ab initio approach based on OR and GR specific motifs in G. m. morsitans gene models coupled to gene ontology (GO). Phylogenetic relationships among the ORs or GRs and the homologs were determined using Maximum Likelihood estimates. Relative expression levels among the G. m. morsitans ORs or GRs were established using RNA-seq data derived from adult female fly. Overall, 46 and 14 putative G. m. morsitans ORs and GRs respectively were recovered. These were reduced by 12 and 59 ORs and GRs respectively compared to D. melanogaster. Six of the ORs were homologous to a single D. melanogaster OR (DmOr67d) associated with mating deterrence in females. Sweet taste GRs, present in all the other Diptera, were not recovered in G. m. morsitans. The GRs associated with detection of CO2 were conserved in G. m. morsitans relative to D. melanogaster. RNA-sequence data analysis revealed expression of GmmOR15 locus represented over 90% of expression profiles for the ORs. The G. m. morsitans ORs or GRs were phylogenetically closer to those in D. melanogaster than to other insects assessed. We found the chemoreceptor repertoire in G. m. morsitans smaller than other Diptera, and we postulate that this may be related to the restricted diet of blood-meal for both sexes of tsetse flies. However, the clade of some specific receptors has been expanded, indicative of their potential importance in chemoreception in the tsetse.  相似文献   

To clarify whether multiple mating of females and males affects the reproductive performance of the rice leaffolder moth, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée), we examined the effect of the number of matings (once, twice, or three times) for females (female treatment) and males (male treatment) on the incidence of moth mating, number of eggs laid, egg hatchability, and adult longevity. We also compared the effect of multiple mating imposed on males or females separately with the effect of that imposed on both sexes simultaneously (both sexes treatment). The incidence of mating of females and males that mated three times (3-mated females and males) was significantly lower than for females and males that mated twice or once (2-mated or 1-mated females and males). The incidence of mating of 1-mated moths (both sexes) was significantly higher than for 2-mated or 3-mated moths (both sexes). Two-mated or 3-mated females laid significantly more eggs with significantly higher hatchability than 1-mated females. Females that mated with 1-mated males (second male mating) or 2-mated males (third male mating) laid significantly fewer eggs than those that mated with virgin males (first male mating). Females laid significantly more eggs after the second and third matings for moths of both sexes than after the first mating for moths of both sexes. The mechanisms of improvement and decline of female reproductive performance when multiple mating was imposed on males or females are also discussed in relation to the reproductive biology of C. medinalis.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized Aedes aegypti do not synthesize vitellogenin after a blood meal, unless an ovary from a blood-fed donor is implanted. Decapitation, however, prior to implantation inhibits vitellogenin synthesis. A female ovariectomized and decapitated 6 hr after a blood meal, synthesizes vitellogenin if an ovary from a blood-fed donor is implanted. On the other hand, females that are fed on blood and immediately decapitated can not be stimulated to synthesize vitellogenin with implanted ovaries removed from blood-fed donors. These experiments led to the hypothesis that the blood meal stimulates the ovary to secrete a corpus cardiacum stimulating factor, that in turn promotes release of egg development neurosecretory hormone stored in the corpus cardiacum.Injection of 20-hydroxy-ecdysone or ovarian extract prepared from ovaries removed from unfed females does not release egg development neurosecretory hormone. Thus corpus cardiacum stimulating factor is not 20-hydroxy-ecdysone, and ovaries removed from unfed females do not store it.The rate of inactivation of egg development neurosecretory hormone released from the corpus cardiacum after a blood meal was investigated by implanting an ovary into females that were blood fed for various intervals than decapitated and ovariectomized. Seventy per cent of implants grow when the operation is done 18 hr after feeding, and 30% when the operation is done between 18 and 24 hr after feeding, indicating that egg development neurosecretory hormone is stable for the first 18 hr after a blood meal.Aedes taeniorhynchus females ovariectomized 24 hr after adult emergence do not synthesize vitellogenin. When such a female is implanted with an ovary removed from a sugar-fed or blood-fed Aedes aegypti donor vitellogenin synthesis is initiated, and the implant grows. Decapitation prior to implantation inhibit vitellogenin synthesis and implants do not grow. These results indicate that corpus cardiacum stimulating factor is not species specific.  相似文献   

Dance flies are predaceous insects which often form male mating swarms. In many species males prior to swarming catch an insect prey, which is presented to the female at mating. In Rhamphomyia marginata, females in contrast to males gather to swarm, while males carrying a prey visit swarms for mating. Here I describe the swarming and courtship behavior in R. marginata and provide data on sexual dimorphism and swarming female reproductive status. Females swarm in small clearings in the forests. There was no specific swarm-maker. The swarming period lasted for 2–3 h and peaked around sunset. Identical swarm sites were used each evening and for several years. The mean number of females in swarms (swarm sites with at least one female) was 9.9 ± 9.1 (range, 1–40; n = 107) in 1993 and 7.1 ± 7.0 (range, 1–35; n = 68) in 1994. No obvious competition between females in swarms was observed. The operational sex ratio in swarms was extremely female biased (all swarms, 0.04). Less than one-third of male visits to swarms resulted in mating and males were found more often in larger swarms. Nuptial prey consisted of male midges. Females seem to mate more than once. Swarming females had undeveloped eggs, whereas mated females in swarms had further developed eggs than unmated females. Amount of sperm in the spermatheca was correlated with egg size. Amount of sperm and egg size did not correlate with wet weight, wing length, or wing load, except for egg size and weight. The wing coloration pattern and shape in R. marginata females are unique among dance flies, being greatly enlarged (1.6 times larger than that of males) and bicolored (gray part, 60% of wing area). When females, instead of males, possess extravagant secondary sexual characters, it is predicted from sexual selection theory that females should compete for males and that males should be selective in their choice of partner. A sex-role reversal will evolve when assess to males limit female reproductive success. The dance fly species R. marginata, like Empis borealis, another dance fly species studied earlier and discussed here, seems to fit these predictions.  相似文献   

We combined observations of individual male bearded seal, Erignathus barbabus, behaviour at sea with acoustic localization techniques to investigate their reproductive strategies. Data on trill vocalizations and dive behaviour were collected over consecutive years during the seals' mating season in Svalbard, Norway. Males showed stereotypical dive and vocal displays, with clear individual variation. Acoustic localization provided at-sea locations for 17 males based on variation in trill parameters. Kernel home range analyses showed that 12 individuals displayed at set locations (95% kernels=0.27-1.93 km2) and five other males displayed within considerably larger geographical areas (95% kernels=5.31-12.5 km2). Males that used the set locations maintained single discrete core areas (50% kernels), while males with large areas moved between multiple core areas. Movement patterns of males suggest that those with small areas patrolled aquatic territories, while those that used larger areas appeared to ‘roam’. Territorial males showed little spatial overlap, while roaming males overlapped substantially with both territorial and other males' areas. Territorial males had significantly longer trills than roamers. We suggest that trill duration may be a useful indicator of male ‘quality’. Territorial male bearded seals may be ‘successful’ individuals while roaming males may be younger animals or males in poorer condition that are unable to maintain an aquatic territory. Our data on underwater vocalizations and movements of male bearded seals thus provide evidence for the use of alternative mating tactics in this species.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that a number of factors in relation to mating may reduce female longevity and stimulate egg production and oviposition. However, it is still not clear whether these factors act on these parameters independently or in a collective way. Here we carried out a series of experiments including mating trials and seminal fluid injection to determine the factors responsible for reducing female longevity and stimulating egg production and oviposition in relation to mating in the moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Results show that seminal fluid and sperm work collectively to allow females to achieve maximum realized fecundity (number of eggs laid) in E. kuehniella but these factors play different roles in the process and their actions are independent. Seminal fluid signals females to allocate resources to ova, resulting in shorter longevity and greater egg production while eupyrene (not apyrene) sperm in the spermatheca trigger females to lay maximum number of eggs. We suggest that the receptors for seminal fluid signal may be located in the female reproductive tract and haemolymph, and those for sperm signal may be in the spermatheca. Hypotheses that females prolong their longevity by oosorption, physical injuries by males reduce female longevity, and mechanical stimulation by males triggers oviposition, are not substantiated in the present study.  相似文献   

Males of the fly Drosophila melanogaster initially court mated, unreceptive females but later develop an avoidance reaction against them and even become temporally unresponsive to virgin females. This conditioned inhibition has been described as an associative process, the conditioned stimulus being a mixture of pheromones on the female's cuticle. To assess the evolutionary significance of courtship conditioning we recorded and analysed the male's behaviour during the conditioning process. The time traces of individual males were marked by an abrupt behavioural change. The time he spent courting suddenly decreased, and the frequency of ‘turn-away’ events at the same time sharply increased. Thus, the gradual decline of courtship observed as a group average does not reflect a slow change in motivation of the individual male but rather the interindividual differences of an active, experience-guided all-or-none decision to stop courting and to avoid the female. Three recently collected D. melanogaster strains were each maintained under two distinct mating conditions. Males were kept together with females for either ca. 2 weeks or 18 h. After 21 generations males of the two regimes differed markedly in their behaviour towards mated females. With long interaction periods between males and females, selection favoured courtship conditioning, while with short periods no such selection was observed. Slowly recovering receptivity of mated females may be needed for the maintenance of courtship conditioning. Courtship conditioning in D. melanogaster appears to be a fitness-relevant behaviour adapted to high-density populations with females mating a second time.  相似文献   

The behavioural determinants of male mating success play a pivotal role in sexual selection, but remain poorly known for most kinds of organisms, including most reptiles. In Manitoba, Canada, large numbers of red-sided garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis, court and mate in early spring near communal overwintering dens. To understand how a male's morphology and behaviour might influence his mating success, we videotaped 21 groups of snakes each comprising four males of varying body sizes plus a female. All males engaged in courtship, and mating occurred in all groups. Males with better body condition courted more vigorously and successfully than their smaller rivals did. The males that obtained matings were those that maintained their own cloaca closest to that of the female, aligned most of their body with the female, showed high rates of caudocephalic waving, chin pressing and tail searching, and did not allow other males to insert their body beside the female's. These behavioural differences between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ were apparent from the beginning of each trial. Thus, male mating success in this ‘scramble’ system is determined not by chaotic, stochastic struggle (as has often been inferred) but instead is strongly linked to male courtship tactics. Energy stores (as evidenced by good body condition) may be critical determinants of mating success in these vigorous courtship episodes.  相似文献   

Socioecological models for small mammals attempt to explain the causal relations between the spatiotemporal distributions of food resources, females and males. We tested their predictions for a wild population of Cavia magna, a grazing, precocial rodent, by analysing spacing behaviour in relation to various demographic features. Between May 1999 and January 2001 we collected capture-recapture data on 309 individuals and monitored 55 females and 49 males by radiotelemetry in periodically inundated wetland in Uruguay. Cavies showed a nonstationary use of space: monthly home ranges drifted over the whole study site. Female home ranges overlapped with those of several others. Females were randomly distributed and we found no evidence for socially mediated reproductive synchrony. Males ranged over larger areas than females, showing even less site fidelity, and also overlapped with several rivals. This basic spacing system remained stable over a wide range of densities and sex ratios. Independent of sex, animals used overlap zones randomly with respect to each other. Significant dynamic (spatiotemporal) interaction was most frequent between males and females. However, interaction analyses revealed no evidence for stable social bonds between animals, regardless of sex. We suggest that unpredictable female locations prevent males monopolizing females spatially. Because females are solitary, males could monopolize only one female by maintaining close proximity, rendering a roaming mating tactic more successful. Our findings point to a solitary ‘social’ system and overlap promiscuity as the likely mating system for the C. magna population studied. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The age, insemination and ovulation status of tsetse flies Glossina pallidipes Austen (n = 154369) and Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood (n = 19659), captured over 11 years in Zimbabwe, are assessed by ovarian dissection. Instantaneous rates of insemination increase exponentially with age in both species; 90% insemination levels are reached after 5 days post‐emergence in G. m. morsitans and 7 days in G. pallidipes, varying little with season. More than 95% of both species have ovulated by the age of 8 days and 99% by 12 days. Older flies that have not ovulated are > 100‐fold more likely to be caught in October and November than in other months. A 500‐fold decrease in trap catches did not result in any detectible decrease in the probability of females being inseminated. The proportion of partially filled spermathecae rises for approximately 6 days then declines, consistent with some flies having mated more than once. For flies caught on electric nets, with wings undamaged during capture, wing‐fray data are used to extend ovarian age estimates up to 11 ovulations. Among these flies, the volume of sperm in the spermathecae declines little in flies that have ovulated up to seven times; thereafter, it declines by approximately 1% per ovulation. The time course of insemination and the mating frequency of females are important considerations in modelling tsetse fly populations, as well as for the dynamics of interventions involving the release of genetically‐modified insects, which should not be seriously compromised by the limited levels of polyandry currently observed.  相似文献   

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