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Phylogenetic comparisons of gene and protein sequences between related species are often used to identify evolutionarily conserved elements that are important for gene expression, function, or regulation. However, homologoues may sometimes be difficult to identify by conventional low stringency hybridisation techniques, if they have undergone substantial sequence divergence. A new approach, cloning by synteny, is described that was used to identify the C. briggsae homologue of the C. elegans sex-determining gene tra-2. We show that four genes tra-2, ppp-1, art-1, and sod-1 are organised in a syntenic cluster and suggest that extensive conservation of gene linkage may exist between C. briggsae and C. elegans. We have also constructed a C. briggsae cDNA library to facilitate characterisation of these genes. Given the rapid progress in the physical mapping and sequencing of the C. elegans genome, cloning by synteny may provide the fastest method for identifying C. briggsae gene homologues, especially for genes encoding novel proteins.  相似文献   

The presence of galactose, glucose, mannose, and N-acetylglucosamine on the exposed surface of the nematodes Caenorhabditis briggsae and C. elegans was indicated by specific binding of three iodinated plant lectins. Proteolysis experiments suggested the absence of digestible glycoproteins on the exposed surfaces of the two nematode species. High resolution micrographs of cuticle surface preparations labeled with cationized ferritin indicated that the negative charge-bearing molecules are more densely packed on the nematode surface than on animal plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides are important signaling molecules that function in cell-cell communication as neurotransmitters or hormones to orchestrate a wide variety of physiological conditions and behaviors. These endogenous peptides can be monitored by high throughput peptidomics technologies from virtually any tissue or organism. The neuropeptide complement of the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been characterized by on-line two-dimensional liquid chromatography and quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (2D-nanoLC Q-TOF MS/MS). Here, we use an alternative peptidomics approach combining liquid chromatography (LC) with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry to map the peptide content of C. elegans and another Caenorhabditis species, Caenorhabditis briggsae. This study allows a better annotation of neuropeptide-encoding genes from the C. briggsae genome and provides a promising basis for further evolutionary comparisons.  相似文献   

We present a survey for non-coding RNAs and other structured RNA motifs in the genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae using the RNAz program. This approach explicitly evaluates comparative sequence information to detect stabilizing selection acting on RNA secondary structure. We detect 3,672 structured RNA motifs, of which only 678 are known non-translated RNAs (ncRNAs) or clear homologs of known C. elegans ncRNAs. Most of these signals are located in introns or at a distance from known protein-coding genes. With an estimated false positive rate of about 50% and a sensitivity on the order of 50%, we estimate that the nematode genomes contain between 3,000 and 4,000 RNAs with evolutionary conserved secondary structures. Only a small fraction of these belongs to the known RNA classes, including tRNAs, snoRNAs, snRNAs, or microRNAs. A relatively small class of ncRNA candidates is associated with previously observed RNA-specific upstream elements.  相似文献   

Aamodt E  Shen L  Marra M  Schein J  Rose B  McDermott JB 《Gene》2000,243(1-2):67-74
The Caenorhabditis briggsae homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans pag-3 gene was cloned and sequenced. When transformed into a C. elegans pag-3 mutant, the C. briggsae pag-3 gene rescued the pag-3 reverse kinker and lethargic phenotypes. The C. elegans pag-3 gene fused to lacZ was expressed in the same pattern in C. elegans and C. briggsae. Unlike many gene homologues compared between C. elegans and C. briggsae, extensive sequence conservation was found in the non-coding regions upstream of the pag-3 exons, in several of the introns and in the downstream non-coding region. Furthermore, the splice acceptor and splice donor sites were conserved, and the size of the introns and exons was surprisingly similar. The predicted protein sequence of C. briggsae PAG-3 was 85% identical to the protein sequence of C. elegans PAG-3. Because so much of the non-coding region of pag-3 was conserved, the control of pag-3 may be quite complex, involving the binding of many trans-acting factors. These results suggest the evolutionary conservation of the pag-3 gene sequence, its expression and function.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of Caenorhabditis briggsae and C. elegans have provided insights into gene function and developmental control in both organisms. C. elegans is a well developed model organism with a variety of molecular and genetic tools to study gene functions. In contrast, there are only very limited tools available for its closest relative, C. briggsae. To take advantage of the full potential of this comparative approach, we have developed several genetic and molecular tools to facilitate functional analysis in C. briggsae. First, we designed and implemented an SNP-based oligonucleotide microarray for rapid mapping of genetic mutants in C. briggsae. Second, we generated a mutagenized frozen library to permit the isolation of targeted deletions and used the library to recover a deletion mutant of cbr-unc-119 for use as a transgenic marker. Third, we used the cbr-unc-119 mutant in ballistic transformation and generated fluorescently labeled strains that allow automated lineaging and cellular resolution expression analysis. Finally, we demonstrated the potential of automated lineaging by profiling expression of egl-5, hlh-1, and pha-4 at cellular resolution and by detailed phenotyping of the perturbations on the Wnt signaling pathway. These additions to the experimental toolkit for C. briggsae should greatly increase its utility in comparative studies with C. elegans. With the emerging sequence of nematode species more closely related to C. briggsae, these tools may open novel avenues of experimentation in C. briggsae itself.  相似文献   

Ten types of mariner transposable elements (232 individual sequences) are present in the completed genomic DNA sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans and the partial sequence of Caenorhabditis briggsae. We analyze these replicated instances of mariner evolution and find that elements of a type have evolved within their genomes under no selection on their transposase genes. Seven of the ten reconstructed ancestral mariners carry defective transposase genes. Selection has acted during the divergence of some ancestral elements. The neutrally-evolving mariners are used to analyze the pattern of molecular evolution in Caenorhabditis. There is a significant mutational bias against transversions and significant variation in rates of change across sites. Deletions accumulate at a rate of 0.034 events/bp per substitution/site, with an average size of 166 bp (173 gaps observed). Deletions appear to obliterate preexisting deletions over time, creating larger gaps. Insertions accumulate at a rate of 0.019 events/bp per substitution/site, with an average size of 151 bp (61 events). Although the rate of deletion is lower than most estimates in other species, the large size of deletions causes rapid elimination of neutral DNA: a mariners half-life (the time by which half an elements sequence should have been deleted) is ~0.1 subsitutions/site. This high rate of DNA deletion may explain the compact nature of the nematode genome. When this work was done, both authors were affiliated with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Witherspoon is now working in the private sector, Dr. Robertson remains affiliated with the University of Illinois.  相似文献   

To determine whether the distinctive features of Caenorhabditis elegans chromosomal organization are shared with the C. briggsae genome, we constructed a single nucleotide polymorphism–based genetic map to order and orient the whole genome shotgun assembly along the six C. briggsae chromosomes. Although these species are of the same genus, their most recent common ancestor existed 80–110 million years ago, and thus they are more evolutionarily distant than, for example, human and mouse. We found that, like C. elegans chromosomes, C. briggsae chromosomes exhibit high levels of recombination on the arms along with higher repeat density, a higher fraction of intronic sequence, and a lower fraction of exonic sequence compared with chromosome centers. Despite extensive intrachromosomal rearrangements, 1:1 orthologs tend to remain in the same region of the chromosome, and colinear blocks of orthologs tend to be longer in chromosome centers compared with arms. More strikingly, the two species show an almost complete conservation of synteny, with 1:1 orthologs present on a single chromosome in one species also found on a single chromosome in the other. The conservation of both chromosomal organization and synteny between these two distantly related species suggests roles for chromosome organization in the fitness of an organism that are only poorly understood presently.  相似文献   

Dolgin ES  Félix MA  Cutter AD 《Heredity》2008,100(3):304-315
Caenorhabditis elegans and C. briggsae have many parallels in terms of morphology, life history and breeding system. Both species also share similar low levels of molecular diversity, although the global sampling of natural populations has been limited and geographically biased. In this study, we describe the first cultured isolates of C. elegans and C. briggsae from sub-Saharan Africa. We characterize these samples for patterns of nucleotide polymorphism and vulva precursor cell lineage, and conduct a series of hybrid crosses in C. briggsae to test for genetic incompatibilities. The distribution of genetic diversity confirms a lack of geographic structure to C. elegans sequences but shows genetic differentiation of C. briggsae into three distinct clades that may correspond to three latitudinal ranges. Despite low levels of molecular diversity, we find considerable variation in cell division frequency in African C. elegans for the P3.p vulva precursor cell, and in African C. briggsae for P4.p, a variation that was not previously observed in this species. Hybrid crosses did not reveal major incompatibilities between C. briggsae strains from Africa and elsewhere, and there was some evidence of inbreeding depression. These new African isolates suggest that important ecological factors may be shaping the patterns of diversity in C. briggsae, and that despite many similarities between C. elegans and C. briggsae, there may be more subtle differences in their natural histories than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Although two related species may have extremely similar phenotypes, the genetic networks underpinning this conserved biology may have diverged substantially since they last shared a common ancestor. This is termed Developmental System Drift (DSD) and reflects the plasticity of genetic networks. One consequence of DSD is that some orthologous genes will have evolved different in vivo functions in two such phenotypically similar, related species and will therefore have different loss of function phenotypes. Here we report an RNAi screen in C. elegans and C. briggsae to identify such cases. We screened 1333 genes in both species and identified 91 orthologues that have different RNAi phenotypes. Intriguingly, we find that recently evolved genes of unknown function have the fastest evolving in vivo functions and, in several cases, we identify the molecular events driving these changes. We thus find that DSD has a major impact on the evolution of gene function and we anticipate that the C. briggsae RNAi library reported here will drive future studies on comparative functional genomics screens in these nematodes.  相似文献   

Identification of five laboratory strains (1-5) of putative Caenorhabditis briggsae was undertaken. Examination of the male bursal ray arrangement, mating tests with males of Caenorhabditis elegans, malate dehydrogenase zymograms, and SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis demonstrated that strain 4 was C. briggsae and the others were C. elegans.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at identifying, in 203 patients with Alzheimer's disease followed during long-term treatment with Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), the predictive factors of the clinical response among cognition (MMSE), functioning (BADL and IADL) measures and age and gender at the baseline (T0). The ANCOVA test showed a significant association between MMSE scores at time T0 and T3, and the variation T9 to T0, T15 to T0 and T21 to T0 of the MMSE scores, using also gender, age and drug as covariates. The significance was higher for the patients affected by mild dementia. Regarding functional activities, a significant relationship was detected, by the ANCOVA test, only between the scores at T3 and the variation T15 to T0 for BADL, and the variation T9 to T0, T15 to T0 for IADL, respectively. Our results confirm, in a real world setting, that ChEIs provide long-term cognitive benefit, which is correlated to, and predictable by, the short-term response (within the third month) as well as the cognitive status (evaluated by means of the MMSE) at the beginning of the treatment. These factors should be the basis of any cost/effectiveness algorithm in health economic decision models.  相似文献   

Pattern formation during vulval development in C. elegans   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
P W Sternberg  H R Horvitz 《Cell》1986,44(5):761-772
Previous studies have shown that the development of the vulva of the C. elegans hermaphrodite involves six multipotential hypodermal cells as well as the gonadal anchor cell, which induces vulval formation. Our further examination of the interactions among these seven cells has led to the following model. Each hypodermal precursor cell becomes determined to adopt one of its three potential fates; each of these fates is to generate a particular cell lineage. In the absence of cellular interactions each precursor cell will generate the nonvulval cell lineage; an inductive signal from the anchor cell is required for a precursor cell to generate either of the two types of vulval cell lineages. The inductive signal is spatially graded, and the potency of the signal specifies which lineage is expressed by each of the tripotential precursor cells.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that C. elegans, albeit displaying an invariant cell lineage for embryonic development, uses the same basic strategy for embryogenesis as other organisms. The early embryo is regionalised by cell-cell interactions.  相似文献   

We aligned and analyzed 100 pairs of complete, orthologous intergenic regions from the human and mouse genomes (average length approximately 12 000 nucleotides). The alignments alternate between highly similar segments and dissimilar segments, indicating a wide variation of selective constraint. The average number of selectively constrained nucleotides within a mammalian intergenic region is at least 2000. This is threefold higher than within a nematode intergenic region and at least twofold higher than the number of selectively constrained nucleotides coding for an average protein. Because mammals possess only two- to threefold more proteins than Caenorhabditis elegans, the higher complexity of mammals might be primarily because of the functioning of intergenic DNA.  相似文献   

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