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Colchicine, vinblastine, griseofulvin and isopropyl N-phenyl carbamate (IPC) (agents which inhibit microtubule function) inhibit division of the amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum. These inhibitors also either inhibit or delay the aggregation process characteristic of these amoebae as does cytochalasin B (CB) (an inhibitor of microfilament function). Even when apparently normal fruiting bodies are formed in the presence of these inhibitors the spores may have a diminished heat resistance (CB and IPC) and a volume which is either larger (CB), very much larger (IPC) or smaller (colchicine, vinblastine) than normal. Some of the spores that are formed in the presence of IPC resemble in shape, as well as size, those typical of diploid strains.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the fact that differentiation of the prespore cell of Dictyostelium discoideum is characterized by synthesis of a prespore specific antigen, the process of its differentiation during the course of morphogenesis was quantitatively studied by determining the proportion of prespore cells and their cellular contents of the antigen, using the method of microfluorometry in combination with immunocytochemistry with antispore serum. The cells synthesizing the antigen became first detectable in the early aggregation center which was about to form a papilla. As the papilla elongated, the number of prespore cells rapidly increased up to the stationary level (70–80% of total cells) before completion of slug formation. During the process antigenic contents of prespore cells were gradually increased and leveled off in the early migration stage. When culmination was induced, antigenic contents were markedly increased to the maximum, which was followed by a sudden decrease immediately before spore formation. On the other hand, the proportions of prespore to total cells were kept constant at the stationary level all through the migration and culmination stages, in spite of a persistent decrease during culmination in the total number of cells due to continuous differentiation of the prestalk into the mature stalk cells. These results were discussed in relation to possible mechanisms of differentiation in this organism.  相似文献   

It is important to determine whether a gradient of cyclic AMP exists along the migrating slime mould grex because such a gradient might be involved in pattern formation and the polarity of grex movement. Biochemical measurements provided results which could be consistent with Bonner's suggestion that 50% of the cyclic-AMP produced by the grex is produced by the anterior one-tenth. However, chemotactically sensitive cells cannot detect a gradient of cyclic-AMP emission along the grex. Migrating grex cells themselves are not chemotactically sensitive to cyclic-AMP. It seems unlikely that chemotaxis is involved in controlling the polarity of grex movement.  相似文献   

It has been found that Dictyostelium discoideum cells from the exponential growth phase of axenically grown cultures are cohesive, whereas those from stationary phase are not. These differences in cohesiveness are seen in phosphate buffer and in axenic medium. Stationary phase medium inhibits the aggregation of log phase cells; stationary phase cells inoculated into freshly prepared medium regain their cohesiveness. Stationary phase medium may contain an inhibitor of cell cohesion. pH differences between the two types of medium are not entirely responsible for loss of cohesiveness.  相似文献   

The effect of cell interactions on the timing of cell differentiation of Dictyostelium discoideum was studied by monitoring spore differentiation in chimeric aggregates composed of two cell populations, one of which was cycloheximide resistant.Chimeras were constructed with cells of a rapidly developing strain, FR-1, and cells of a normally developing cycloheximide resistant strain, CR-2. CR-2 cells formed spores 4 to 5 hr prematurely while spore formation by FS-1 cells was delayed by 1 hr. The two cell populations formed spores 3 hr apart from each other. FS-1 spores were localized to the enlarged bases of the fruiting bodies, whereas CR-2 spores were found in the apical structures.Chimeras were also constructed with cells of two normally developing strains, CR-2 and A3, one population of which had been dissociated at 8.5 hr and the other at 19 hr of development. The 19-hr cells formed spores 2 hr late and 8.5-hr cells 2 to 4 hr prematurely. The two cell populations formed spores within 1 hr of each other although they were asynchronous by 10.5 hr at the time of mixing. These chimeras formed normal fruiting bodies. The results indicate that the timing of cell differentiation is altered by the presence of cells developing at a different rate.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase activity was low or not detectable on intact cells and in isolated plasma membranes, phagocytic vacuoles and nuclei of the two slime mold species examined. The entire activity of homogenates was sedimentable and concentrated in a light membrane fraction. When this fraction was centrifugated through sucrose density gradients the adenylyl cyclase activity sedimented differently from all other enzymes measured. The gradient fractions with the highest specific activity of adenylyl cyclase consisted mainly of small vesicles. No changes in adenylyl cyclase distribution were associated with development. The possibility that cellular slime mold adenylyl cyclase activity is associated with vesicles in vivo, as already suggested by Maeda & Gerisch [10], is discussed.  相似文献   

Five plasma membrane molecules were found to be non-uniformly distributed along the axis of the pseudoplasmodium of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum and were biochemically characterized. All five of the molecules were distinguished by their ability to bind the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and three were recognized by an antibody raised against pseudoplasmodial plasma membranes and exhaustively adsorbed against vegetative cells. The distribution of these molecules corresponded with the pattern of precursors of the terminally differentiated stalk cells and spores before these cells became irreversibly committed to their respective fates. At least four of the molecules appeared in hemispherical aggregates prior to the detection of prestalk or prespore cells, but were not present in undifferentiated vegetative cells.  相似文献   

Amoebae of Dictyostelium discoideum, strain HL50 were mutagenized with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, cloned, allowed to form pseudoplasmodia and screened for aberrant positive and negative thermotaxis. Three types of mutants were found. Mutant HO428 exhibits only positive thermotaxis over the entire temperature range (no negative thermotaxis). HO596 and HO813 exhibit weakened positive thermotaxis and normal negative thermotaxis. The weakened positive thermotactic response results in a shift toward warmer temperatures in the transition temperature from negative to positive thermotaxis. Mutant HO209 exhibits weakened positive and negative thermotactic responses and has a transition temperature similar to the ‘wild type’ (HL50). The two types of mutants represented by HO428, HO596 and HO813 support the model that positive and negative thermotaxis have separate pathways for temperature sensing. The type of mutants which contains HO209 suggests that those two pathways converge at some point before the response.  相似文献   

Ingrid Glomp  Benno Hess 《BBA》1986,852(2-3):315-319
Cytochrome b of the plasma membrane of Dictyostelium discoideum was investigated in purified plasma membranes and in solubilized form. The membrane-bound cytochrome b can be reduced by NADH. This reduction is inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. The reduced cytochrome b does not react with carbon monoxide. Its apparent molecular weight lies between 13000 and 16000. Tryptic digestion yields a large, heme-containing peptide with an apparent molecular weight between 12000 and 15000. After solubilization with cholate, cytochrome b can be enriched by reversed-phase HPLC, indicating that it contains also a hydrophobic component. With these properties, cytochrome b of the D. discoideum plasma membrane resembles microsomal cytochrome b5.  相似文献   

The fluorescent nuclear stain Hoechst 33258 was used to study the nuclear events during mating of Dictyostelium discoideum in liquid culture. These studies revealed that cell fusion begins about 11 hr after the sexually compatible cultures are mixed and continues until 26 hr. Approximately 37% of the cells fuse during this 15-hr period. At first the fused cells are relatively small, but by 20 hr the fusion products become evident as morphologically distinct giant cells. Starting at 22 hr these giant cells are transformed into true zygotes as nuclear fusion begins. Both the fusion of amebae and the differentiation of zygote giant cells are Ca2+-dependent events as revealed by studies using EGTA. The nuclear events of zygote differentiation involve nuclear swelling, migration, and fusion. The precise timing of these events has been detailed. Of particular interest for genetic analyses via the macrocyst is the presence of a small population of multinucleate cells (maximum level is 1.67% of the cell population) which usually possess 3 or 4 nuclei but may have as many as 10 or more. Although these multinucleate cells contain many nuclei, our evidence suggests that only one is a zygote nucleus. The genetic implications of these data and the potential value of using the mating system for the analysis of cell fusion are discussed.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis, or cell migration guided by chemical cues, is critical for a multitude of biological processes in a diverse array of organisms. Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae rely on chemotaxis to find food and to survive starvation conditions, and we have taken advantage of this system to study the molecular regulation of this vital cell behavior. Previous work has identified phosphoinositide signaling as one mechanism which may contribute to directional sensing and actin polymerization during chemotaxis; a mechanism which is conserved in mammalian neutrophils. In this review, we will discuss recent data on genes and pathways governing directional sensing and actin polymerization, with a particular emphasis on contributions from our laboratory.  相似文献   

An analysis of metabolism by measurement of respiratory quotient values indicates that reduced substances, such as lipids and/or amino acids, are the primary respiratory substrates of dormant Dictyostelium discoideum spores. The spores appear to consume both reduced substances and carbohydrates during the swelling stage of germination. The respiration of emerged myxamoebae is again dominated by the consumption of reduced substances. The pool of trehalose remains largely intact during heat-induced activation and also during postactivation lag. The initiation of spore swelling is accompanied by a decrease in the trehalose pool; the majority of trehalose is consumed before late spore swelling. Upon placing heat-activated spores under restrictive environmental conditions, swelling and trehalose hydrolysis are both prevented. Release from these conditions results in rapid swelling and hydrolysis of trehalose. Trehalase, the enzyme responsible for trehalose breakdown, is present in dormant spores at basal levels. This preformed enzyme is responsible for the hydrolysis of trehalose even though there is a significant increase in trehalase activity with the emergence of myxamoebae. RNA and protein synthesis inhibitors do not prevent trehalose hydrolysis or spore swelling. It is concluded that oxidation of reduced substances occurs in dormant, activated, and swollen spores, as well as in emerged myxamoebae of D. discoideum. Carbohydrate utilization dominates over the oxidation of reduced substances only during the swelling stage of germination.  相似文献   

High copy number nuclear plasmids are becoming recognized as common genetic components of simple eukaryotes. Like bacterial plasmids, eukaryotic plasmids ensure their persistence in dividing cells by having a partitioning system and a regulated means of amplifying copy number to correct inherent fluctuations in partitioning. By virtue of their small size and autonomy from the chromosomes, eukaryotic plasmids are useful for studying not only features of eukaryotic replicons but many aspects of gene regulation and DNA organization in nucleated cells.  相似文献   

A sudden increase in adenylate cyclase activity occurs during the chemotaxis and aggregation of Dictyostelium discoideum. Preincubation of extracts from the pre-aggregation stage, in which adenylate cyclase activity was low, with post-aggregation stages, in which the increase in activity occurred, resulted in the demonstration of a heat-stable inhibitor of adenylate cyclase (ACI) that was present only during the early stages of development. Cellular fractionation studies showed that ACI was present in both the 100 000 g pellet and supernatant fractions. The inhibitor was not inactivated by proteases or protease inhibitors. A heat-treated preparation of the inhibitor was dialysable. The effect of ACI was dependent upon a pre-incubation treatment, with notable inhibition occurring only after a 20 min pre-incubation period. The apparent inhibition was not artifactual, due to the degradation of the substrate, ATP, or to the loss of the reaction product, cAMP. Additionally, the inhibitor was specific for adenylate cyclase, as it had no effect on the activity of several other enzymes, including cAMP phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

Using double labelling protocols we have compared the developmental metabolism of ribosomal subunits fabricated during vegetative growth of Dictyostelium discoideum with those accumulated during subsequent development. Unlike vegetative growth when ribosomal subunits are accumulated in equal amounts, early development is characterized by the accumulation of approximately twice as much large as small subunit. The unusual paucity of small subunit was not due to selective sequestration by the nucleus as previously thought nor cytoplasmic degradation. Ribosomal subunits, whether synthesized during growth or development, were degraded at equivalent rates by the developing cell indicating the lack of preferential conservation at the degradative level.  相似文献   

The specific activity of 5′-nucleotidase activity in cell-free extracts of Dictyostelium discoideum at both exponential and stationary growth phases was determined. The 5′-nucleotidase activity of both membrane and soluble fractions was determined. The results show that at exponential growth more activity is found in the soluble fraction. Furthermore, the results show that stationary phase cells contain about 10-fold less activity than cells at exponential growth. To determine if stationary phase cells contained an inhibitor of 5′-nucleotidase, purified membranes were incubated with a high speed supernatant (S-100) prepared from cells at this stage. The results showed not only a time and concentration dependent loss of membrane bound activity, but also that most of the lost activity could be recovered in a soluble form. This result suggested that the 5′-nucleotidase was being released by a factor in the S-100. Additional studies showed inactivation of the releasing factor by a protease and further, that this inactivation could be prevented by serine protease inhibitors. The specificity of releasing factor with respect to two other membrane bound activities was determined. The results indicated no loss of either 3′5′-cyclic phosphodiesterase or adenylate cyclase. In addition, the results of a comparison of the activity of the releasing factor at two stages of growth showed similar values at both exponential and stationary growth phase. This latter finding suggests that the loss of 5′-nucleotidase activity at stationary phase is not due to modulation of the releasing factor activity. An alternative mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   

An extrachromosomally replicating transformation vector for Dictyostelium discoideum has been constructed using sequences of the endogenous Dictyostelium plasmid Ddp2. This transformation vector pnDeI (9.6 kb) replicates as a high copy number plasmid in Dictyostelium and is located in the nucleus. It has been constructed as shuttle vector containing the Escherichia coli vector pUC19 for replication and selection in E. coli and a part of the Tn903 transposon which confers resistance to G418 for selection in Dictyostelium. In order to show that the vector can be used for cloning and stable propagation of Dictyostelium DNA, a fragment of the Dictyostelium alpha-actinin gene that was marked with a synthetic oligonucleotide was cloned into pnDeI and found to be stably maintained in the extrachromosomal vector without undergoing noticeable recombination with the endogenous gene.  相似文献   

Amoebae of the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum (strain Ax2) grown in axenic medium containing 86 mM glucose [G(+) cells] or no glucose [G(−) cells] were examined for the characteristics of aggregation, cAMP secretion rate, cAMP phosphodiesterase activity and cell surface cAMP-binding activity. (When G(+) and G(−) cells are mixed, G(+) cells preferentially differentiate into prespore cells and sort out to the posterior region of a slug.)Under the same conditions, G(−) cells aggregate later than G(+) cells and the formation of stable streams by G(−) cells was particularly delayed. The movements of G(−) cells during aggregation were less organized compared with the ordered behaviour of G(+) cells, yet G(−) cells seemed to be more sensitive to chemotactic signals. Furthermore, the cAMP-binding activity of G(−) cells was considerably higher than that of G(+) cells, a difference that is probably due to the difference in the number of the cAMP receptor sites. Also G(−) cells, compared to G(+) cells, secreted slightly more cAMP and showed higher activity of cell-bound phosphodiesterase activity at the aggregation stage, whereas the extracellular phosphodiesterase activity was lower, although these differences were minor.  相似文献   

Differentiating cells of D. discoideum in suspension bind ConA. The proportion of the bound lectin which is competitively removed by methyl-α- mannopyranoside decreases with the time of exposure. Ferritin conjugated ConA is seen to bind both to the cell surface and to be taken into the cells, the proportion of the ConA inside the cells increasing with time. The surface bound ConA is removed by washing with methyl-α- mannopyranoside while the endocytosed ConA appears unaffected. It is suggested that much of the [125I]ConA, uncompetable by methyl-α- mannopyranoside in our and other binding studies, may be this intracellular ConA.  相似文献   

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