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The nucleotide sequence of a 27830-bp DNA segment in the 79°–81°.region of the Bacillus subtilis genome has been determined.This region contains 29 complete ORFs including the sspE gene,which encodes a small acid-soluble spore protein gamma and locateson the one side terminal of our assigned region. A homologysearch for the products deduced from the 29 ORFs revealed thatnine of them exhibit significant similarity to known proteins,e.g. proteins involved in an iron uptake system, a multidrugresistance protein, a chloramphenicol resistance protein, epoxidehydrolase, adenine glycosylase, and a glucose-1-dehydrogenasehomolog.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of 45,389 bp in the 184°-;180°region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, containing the cgecluster, which is controlled by the sporulation regulatory proteinGerE, was determined. Fifty-four putative ORFs with putativeribosome-binding sites were recognized. Seven of them correspondto previously characterized genes: cgeB, cgeA, cgeC, cgeD, cgeE,ctpA, and odhA. The deduced products of 25 ORFs were found todisplay significant similarities to proteins in the data banks.We have identified genes involved in detoxification, cell walls,and in the metabolism of biotins, purines, fatty acids, carbohydratesand amino acids. The remaining 22 ORFs showed no similarityto known proteins. Both an attachment site of the SPßprophage and 2 new putative DNA replication terminators wereidentified in this region.  相似文献   

As part of the Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project,we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of an 8000-bpfragment downstream of the sspC gene (184°) of the B. subtilis168 chromosome. The sequence analysis shows that the sspC geneis located inside of the SPß region, which differsfrom the current genetic map of B. subtilis 168. This regioncontains 12 putative ORFs (yojQ through yojZ and sspC). A homologysearch for the deduced products of the ORFs shows signi.cantsimilarities to enzymes involved in deoxyribonucleotide metabolism:ribonucleotide reductase (Nrd) E, NrdF, thioredoxinand dUTPase.Interestingly, this DNA fragment includes two split genes, yojPcontaining conserved motifs of an intein and yojQ and yojS withan 808-bp intervening sequence for a putative intron structure.In addition, the yojR gene includes a putative new DNA replicationterminator.  相似文献   

We have determined a 35-kb sequence of the groESL-gutR-cotA(45°–52°) region of the Bacillus subtilis genome.In addition to the groESL, gutRB and cotA genes reported previously,we have newly identified 24 ORFs including gutA and fruC genes,encoding glucitol permease and fructokinase, respectively. Theinherent restriction/modification system genes, hsdMR and hsdMM,were mapped between groESL and gutRB, and we have identifiedtwo open reading frames (ORFs) encoding 5-methylcytosine formingDNA methyl transferase and an operon probably encoding a restrictionenzyme complex. The unusual genome structure of few ORFs andlower GC content around the restriction/modification genes stronglysuggests that the region originated from a bacteriophage integratedduring evolution.  相似文献   

We have determined a 180 kb contiguous sequence in the replicationorigin region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Open readingframes (ORF) in this region were unambiguously identified fromthe determined sequence, using criteria characteristic for theB. subtilis gene structure, i.e., starting with an ATG, GTGor TTG codon preceded by sequences complementary to the 3' endof the 16S rRNA. Four rRNA gene sets, 7 individual tRNA genesand 1 scRNA gene were identified, occupying 20 kb in total.In the remaining 160 kb region, 158 ORFs were identified, suggestingthat 1 ORF is coded on average by 1 kb of DNA of the B. subtilisgenome. Among the 158 ORFs, the functions of 48 ORFs were assignedand those of 11 ORFs are suggested through significant similaritiesto known proteins present in data banks. However, the functionsof more than half of the ORFs (63%) remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Within the framework of an international Bacillus subtilis genomesequencing project, we have determined a 36-kb sequence coveringthe region between the gntZ and trnY genes. In addition to fivegenes sequenced and characterized previously, 27 putative proteincoding sequences (open reading frame; ORF) were identified.A homology search for the newly identified ORFs revealed thatsix of them had similarities to known proteins. It is notablethat new ORFs belonging to response-regulator aspartate phosphatase(Rap) and its regulator (Phr) families, and response regulatorand sensory kinase families of two-component signal transductionsystems have been identified. Furthermore, we found that some180-bp non-coding sequence, that might be an remnant of an ancientIS element, is preserved in at least five loci of the B. subtilisgenome.  相似文献   

Within the framework of an international project for the sequencingof the entire Bacillus subtilis genome, a 36-kb chromosome segment,which covers the region between the gnt and iol operons, hasbeen cloned and sequenced. This region (36447 bp) contains 33complete open reading frames (ORFs; genes) including the fourgnt genes and one partial gene. A homology search for the productsof the 33 complete ORFs revealed significant homology to knownproteins in 16 of them such as tetracycline resistance protein(Clostridium perfringens), asparagine synthetase (Arabidopsisthaliana), aldehyde dehydrogenase (Pseudomonas oleovorans),2,5-dichloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol dehydrogenase (P. paucimobilis),heat shock protein HtpG (Escherichia coli), galactose-protonsymporter (E. coli), auxin-induced protein (common tobacco),glucitol operon repressor (E. coli) and methylmalonate-semialdehydedehydrogenase (P. aeruginosa). Unlike the regions we sequencedso far, this region contained two short sequence multiplications:one was a tandem sequence duplication (409 and 410 bp), andthe other a triplication consisting of two highly conserved118-bp tandem sequences preceded by a less conserved similarsequence (129 bp). The reasons for the presence of these sequencemultiplications in the gnt to iol region were deduced.  相似文献   

Within the framework of an international project for the sequencingof the entire Bacillus subtilis genome, a 23-kb chromosomalsegment, which covers the region between the iol and hut operons,has been cloned and sequenced, creating a 99-kb contig fromthe gnt operon to the wapA locus. This region (23351 bp) contains25 complete open reading frames (ORFs; genes) including deoR,dra, nupC and pdp and two partial ones. The region (5140 bp)containing these four genes, being also sequenced by H. H. Saxildet al., was sequenced by subjecting a long polymerase chainreaction product to random sequencing using phage M13mp19. However,we could detect no conflict, between two independently determinedsequences, which could be attributed to our sequencing method.A homology search for the 24 newly identified gene productsrevealed significant homology to known proteins in 14 of them.It was notable that three proteins, encoded by the successivegenes (yxeMNO), exhibited meaningful homology to the E. coliGlnHPQ products constituting a periplasmic ATP-dependent transportsystem for glutamine.  相似文献   

Forty-one open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in a 32-kb DNA fragment of alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. C-125. A similarity search using the BSORF database found 37 ORFs with significant sequence similarity to B. subtilis RNA polymerase subunits, elongation factor G, elongation factor Tu, and ribosomal proteins. Each ORF product showed more than 70% identity to those of B. subtilis. Gene organization in the region of str, S10, spc, and the α cluster was highly conserved among three strains, C-125, B. subtilis, and B. stearothermophilus.  相似文献   

We cloned a Bacillus subtilis gene (srb) encoding a homologueof the mammalian signal recognition particle receptor -subunit(SR). The gene is 987 bp in length and encodes a 329-amino acidprotein. The deduced amino acid sequence of the protein shared26.6, 36.2 and 49.7% identity with those of mammalian SR, archaebacterialDP and Escherichia coli FtsY, respectively. The protein containsthree conserved GTP-binding elements like the other three SRPreceptor proteins, though the N-terminal portion of the putativeB. subtilis protein was shorter than the others. Secondary structureprediction showed that an amphipathic -helix is positioned inthe N-terminal region. A defect in srb inhibited cell growthand protein translocation.  相似文献   

The contiguous 874.423 base pair sequence corresponding to the50.0–68.8 min region on the genetic map of the Escherichiacoli K-12 (W3110) was constructed by the determination of DNAsequences in the 50.0–57.9 min region (360 kb) and twolarge (100 kb in all) and five short gaps in the 57.9–68.8min region whose sequences had been registered in the DNA databases.We analyzed its sequence features and found that this regioncontained at least 894 potential open reading frames (ORFs),of which 346 (38.7%) were previously reported, 158 (17.7%) werehomologous to other known genes, 232 (26.0%) were identicalor similar to hypothetical genes registered in databases, andthe remaining 158 (17.7%) showed no significant similarity toany other genes. A homology search of the ORFs also identifiedseveral new gene clusters. Those include two clusters of fimbrialgenes, a gene cluster of three genes encoding homologues ofthe human long chain fatty acid degradation enzyme complex inthe mitochondrial membrane, a cluster of at least nine genesinvolved in the utilization of ethanolamine, a cluster of thesecondary set of 11 hyc genes participating in the formate hydrogenlyasereaction and a cluster of five genes coding for the homologuesof degradation enzymes for aromatic hydrocarbons in Pseudomonasputida. We also noted a variety of novel genes, including twoORFs, which were homologous to the putative genes encoding xanthinedehydrogenase in the fly and a protein responsible for axonalguidance and outgrowth of the rat, mouse and nematode. An isoleucinetRNA gene, designated ileY , was also newly identified at 60.0min.  相似文献   

The common assumption of operons as composed of genes that cooperate in a biological process is confirmed here by showing that Escherichia coli operons tend to be composed of genes that belong to the same general class of cellular function. Furthermore, the comparison between the genomic organization of E. coli and that of Bacillus subtilis shows that the genes that are homologous to genes that belong to experimentally characterized E. coli operons tend to cluster in neighboring regions of the genome. This tendency is greater for the subset of E. coli operons whose genes belong to a single functional class. These observations indicate strong evolutionary pressure that, translated into functional constraints, leads to the inclusion of many essential functions in conserved operons and clusters in these two distant species.  相似文献   

Within the haploid genome there are approximately 1,000 copiesof the human endogenous retroviruslike sequence, HERV-H. Althoughthese sequences are scattered throughout the entire genome,in situ hybridization experiments revealed that there are discreteclusters positioned on chromosomes 1p and 7q. In this study,we have located three HERV-H sequences which were unexpectedlyclustered within a 300-kilobase region close to the GRPR locuson the X chromosome. In previous studies, no clusteringof thissequence has been reported at this locus. Our finding demonstratesthat, like other repetitive sequences, clustering of HERV-Hoccurs in the human genome, although these sequences may notalways be detected by in situ hybridization methods.  相似文献   

Frequent chromosomal aberrations and/or losses of heterozygosityinvolving the short arm of chromosome 3 in carcinomas of thelung, kidney and other tissues imply that multiple putativetumor suppressor genes may be present on this chromosomal arm.To search for one of these genes, we determined DNA sequencesin the genomic region at 3p22–21.3 where we had previouslydetected a homozygous deletion in a lung cancer cell line. TheDNA sequence results of an about 685-kb region indicated thatthe size of the homozygously deleted segment was 638,489 bp,in which we identified only four genes including the integrinRLC and the trans-Golgi p230 genes, both reported previously.The predicted amino acid sequences of one of the two novel genesshowed high homology to villin, a human cytoskeleton protein;those of the other gene, termed HYA22, revealed significanthomology to YA22, a hypothetical protein predicted from DNAsequences of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The computer programsHEXON or GRAIL were able to predict three-fourths of the exons;the smallest exon predicted by either program was 46 base pairs.Repetitive sequences contained in the genomic region included151 copies of the Alu sequence (1 copy/every 4.5 kb), 19 copiesof the L1 sequence (1 copy/every 36 kb) , and 10 copies of theTHE sequence.  相似文献   

The physiological role of proteins phosphorylated on serine/threonine/tyrosine (Ser/Thr/Tyr) residues or the identity of the corresponding kinases and phosphatases is generally poorly understood in bacteria. As a first step in analysing the importance of such phosphorylation, we sought to establish the nature of the Ser/Thr/Tyr phosphoproteome in Bacillus subtilis, using in vivo labelling with [(32)P]-orthophosphate, one-unit pH 2-DE, combined with MS. Highly reproducible 2-D profiles of phosphoproteins were obtained with early stationary-phase cells. The 2-D profiles contained at least 80 clearly labelled spots in the pH range 4-7. Forty-six spots were analysed by MS (confirmed in most cases by LC-MS/MS), identifying a total of 29 different proteins, with 19 identified for the first time as bacterial phosphoproteins. These phosphoproteins are implicated in a wide variety of cellular processes, including carbon and energy metabolism, transport, stress and development. Significant changes to the profiles were obtained as a result of cold, heat or osmotic shock, demonstrating that, in stationary-phase cells, the phosphoproteome is dynamic. An initial comparative study indicated that at least 25 [(32)P]-labelled spots were also stained by Pro-Q Diamond, with apparently six additional phosphoproteins uniquely detected by Pro-Q.  相似文献   

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