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A restriction map of the bacteriophage T4 genome   总被引:90,自引:0,他引:90  
Summary We report a detailed restriction map of the bacteriophage T4 genome and the alignment of this map with the genetic map. The sites cut by the enzymes BglII, XhoI, KpnI, SalI, PstI, EcoRI and HindIII have been localized. Several novel approaches including two-dimensional (double restriction) electrophoretic separations were used.  相似文献   

The use of partial restriction digests for mapping complex genomes by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis has been limited by the difficulty of consistently obtaining these digests in agarose, which is a necessary matrix for high-molecular-weight DNA. Enzyme cleavage in agarose is faster then diffusion for most of the enzymes which cleave infrequently. We have developed a method for the production of partial digests in agarose for the endonuclease NotI (5' . . . GC/GGCCGC . . . 3') which circumvents the diffusion problem by using the blocking methylase M. BspRI (5' . . . GGmCC . . . 3'), which competes for the same sites. Using various ratios of the methylase and endonuclease results in partial digests in any size range desired. We report the successful application of this technique to the production of NotI partial digests of human genomic DNA for the mapping of the ABL locus of human chromosome 9.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis and large DNA technology were used to construct a Not I restriction map of the entire genome of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. There are 14 detectable Not I sites in S. pombe 972h: 9 sites on chromosome I and 5 sites on chromosome II, while no Not I sites were found on chromosome III. The 17 fragments (including intact chromosome III) generated by Not I digestion were resolved by PFG electrophoresis. These fragments ranged in size from 4.5 kb to approximately 3.5 Mb. Various strategies were applied in determining, efficiently, the order of the fragments on the chromosomes. The genomic size measured by adding all the fragments together is about 14 Mb and the sizes of the three chromosomes are I, 5.7 Mb, II, 4.6 to 4.7 Mb, and III, 3.5 Mb. These are generally somewhat smaller than estimated previously.  相似文献   

An SfiI restriction map of the Bacillus subtilis 168 genome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A restriction map of 24 SfiI (GGCCN4/NGGCC) restriction fragments has been constructed for the Bacillus subtilis genome. The combined sizes of the fragments indicate a genome size of approx. 4.2 Mb. The SfiI fragments range in size from 7-730 kb. Genetic markers have been located on 19 of the SfiI fragments, and 69 genetic markers have been assigned to the SfiI restriction map.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans is the major pathogen of dental caries and occasionally causes infective endocarditis. Here we report the complete genome sequence of serotype k S. mutans strain LJ23, which was recently isolated from the oral cavity of a Japanese patient.  相似文献   

M102AD is the new designation for a Streptococcus mutans phage described in 1993 as phage M102. This change was necessitated by the genome analysis of another S. mutans phage named M102, which revealed differences from the genome sequence reported here. Additional host range analyses confirmed that S. mutans phage M102AD infects only a few serotype c strains. Phage M102AD adsorbed very slowly to its host, and it cannot adsorb to serotype e and f strains of S. mutans. M102AD adsorption was blocked by c-specific antiserum. Phage M102AD also adsorbed equally well to heat-treated and trypsin-treated cells, suggesting carbohydrate receptors. Saliva and polysaccharide production did not inhibit plaque formation. The genome of this siphophage consisted of a linear, double-stranded, 30,664-bp DNA molecule, with a GC content of 39.6%. Analysis of the genome extremities indicated the presence of a 3'-overhang cos site that was 11 nucleotides long. Bioinformatic analyses identified 40 open reading frames, all in the same orientation. No lysogeny-related genes were found, indicating that phage M102AD is strictly virulent. No obvious virulence factor gene candidates were found. Twelve proteins were identified in the virion structure by mass spectrometry. Comparative genomic analysis revealed a close relationship between S. mutans phages M102AD and M102 as well as with Streptococcus thermophilus phages. This study also highlights the importance of conducting research with biological materials obtained from recognized microbial collections.  相似文献   

NotI linking clones contain sequences flanking NotI recognition sites and were previously shown to be tightly associated with CpG islands and genes. To directly assess the value of NotI clones in genome research, high density grids with 50 000 NotI linking clones originating from six representative NotI linking libraries were constructed. Altogether, these libraries contained nearly 100 times the total number of NotI sites in the human genome. A total of 3437 sequences flanking NotI sites were generated. Analysis of 3265 unique sequences demonstrated that 51% of the clones displayed significant protein similarity to SWISSPROT and TREMBL database proteins based on MSPcrunch filtering with stringent parameters. Of the 3265 sequences, 1868 (57.2%) were new sequences, not present in the EMBL and EST databases (similarity  90%). Among these new sequences, 795 (24.3%) showed similarity to known proteins and 712 (21.8%) displayed an identity of >75% at the nucleotide level to sequences from EMBL or EST databases. The remaining 361 (11.1%) sequences were completely new, i.e. <75% identical. The work also showed tight, specific association of NotI sites with the first exon and suggest that the so-called 3′ ESTs can actually be generated from 5′-ends of genes that contain NotI sites in their first exon.  相似文献   

A BlnI restriction map of the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 genome.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
BlnI or AvrII (5'-CCTAGG) sites are very rare in the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 genome. BlnI was used to construct a physical map which was correlated with the genetic map by using three methods. First, Tn10 carries BlnI sites, and the extra restriction sites produced by 34 genetically mapped Tn10 insertions were physically mapped by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Second, six genetically mapped Mud-P22 prophage insertions were used to assign BlnI fragments. Integration of Mud-P22 introduces 30 kb of DNA that can easily be detected by a "shift up" in all but the largest BlnI fragments. Finally, induced Mud-P22 insertions package more than 100 kb of genomic DNA adjacent to one side of the insertion. Some of the smaller BlnI fragments were localized by hybridization to a dot blot array of 52 lysates from induced Mud-P22 insertions. Of the 10 BlnI sites mapped, 6 probably occur in or near the 16S rRNA genes at about 55, 71, 83, 86, 88.5, and 89.5 min. There is one BlnI site in the 90-kb pSLT plasmid. Two additional BlnI fragments of about 7 and 4 kb have not been localized. The size of the genome was estimated as 4.78 Mb (+/- 0.1 Mb) excluding pSLT but including prophages Fels-1 and Fels-2. One BlnI fragment that maps between 55 and 59 min showed a 40-kb reduction in size in a strain cured of the approximately 40-kb Fels-2 prophage.  相似文献   

Fragments produced by partial digestion of plastid DNA fromZea mays withEco RI were cloned in Charon 4A. A circular, fine structure physical map of the plastid DNA was then constructed from restriction endonucleaseSal I,Pst I,Eco RI, andBam HI recognition site maps of cloned overlapping segments of the plastid genome. These fragments were assigned molecular weights by reference to size markers from both pBR322 and lambda phage DNA. Because of the detail and extent of the derived map, it has been possible to construct a coordinate system which has a unique zero point and within which all the restriction fragments and previously described structural features can be mapped. A computer program was constructed which will display in a circular fashion any of the above features using an X-Y plotter.  相似文献   

Construction of the genetic map of the polyoma genome.   总被引:37,自引:26,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Seven early mutants, three late mutants, and one plaque morphology mutant of polyoma have been mapped by marker rescue using wild-type restriction endonuclease fragments. The early mutants map between 1.0 and 26.4 units from the Eco RI site, a region previously shown to correspond to the 3'-OH termainal half of "early" RNA (Kamen et al., 1974). The late mutants as well as the plaque morphology mutant map between 26.6 and 45.4 map units, a region previously shown to correspond to the 3'-OH terminal half of "late" RNA (Kamen et al., 1974). Analysis of the genotype of rescued virus demonstrated that the modification of the mutant DNA during marker rescue was limited to the region of the genome covered by the wild-type restriction endonuclease fragment tested.  相似文献   

目的构建变形链球菌UAl59密度感应相关的comD基因缺陷菌株,为进一步研究该基因功能做准备。方法根据同源重组原理,利用变形链球菌UAl59comD基因同源重组DNA片段,采用电击转化方法获取转化菌落,通过形态学观察、生化特性检测、PCR及测序、RT-PCR对缺陷菌进行鉴定。结果在含有红霉素(10μg/mL)的琼脂平板上出现转化菌落,鉴定结果均显示转化菌为comD缺陷菌。结论成功构建了变形链球菌UA159comD基因缺陷菌株。  相似文献   

Genome-wide physical mapping with bacteria-based large-insert clones (e.g., BACs, PACs, and PBCs) promises to revolutionize genomics of large, complex genomes. To accelerate rice and other grass species genome research, we developed a genome-wide BAC-based map of the rice genome. The map consists of 298 BAC contigs and covers 419 Mb of the 430-Mb rice genome. Subsequent analysis indicated that the contigs constituting the map are accurate and reliable. Particularly important to proficiency were (1) a high-resolution, high-throughput DNA sequencing gel-based electrophoretic method for BAC fingerprinting, (2) the use of several complementary large-insert BAC libraries, and (3) computer-aided contig assembly. It has been demonstrated that the fingerprinting method is not significantly influenced by repeated sequences, genome size, and genome complexity. Use of several complementary libraries developed with different restriction enzymes minimized the "gaps" in the physical map. In contrast to previous estimates, a clonal coverage of 6.0-8.0 genome equivalents seems to be sufficient for development of a genome-wide physical map of approximately 95% genome coverage. This study indicates that genome-wide BAC-based physical maps can be developed quickly and economically for a variety of plant and animal species by restriction fingerprint analysis via DNA sequencing gel-based electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Allelic replacement of the C terminus of a Streptococcus mutans surface protein affects murein hydrolase activity. The targeted open reading frame encodes a 67-kDa protein (SmaA) with an N-terminal signal sequence and cleavage site, three 46-amino-acid (aa) direct repeats, and two 88-aa direct repeats. The identical autolytic profile was obtained using a sortase mutant (SrtA(-)).  相似文献   

变形链球菌的种内密度感应系统由com基因家族编码控制。膜受体ComD接受密度感应信号后激活菌体内的反应调节子ComE,ComE作为启动子可以调节一系列相关基因的表达。应用框内缺失突变法(in-frame deletion),通过两次同源性重组,成功构建了变形链球菌comE基因突变株IFD140ΔcomE。由于框内缺失突变没有引入任何的遗传标记物,所以有效地避免了传统的基因失活方法——插入重复(insertion duplication) 和等位交换(allelic exchange),所导致的下游基因极性效应(polar effect)。经过PCR、测序分析及RT-PCR,证实IFD140ΔcomE仅在comE基因内部缺失了717bp的片段,未引入任何外源性DNA,且comE下游的comD基因可以正常转录,无极性效应产生。对IFD140Δcom表型特征的研究发现,在液体培养基中IFD140Δcom更易发生沉淀性生长和贴壁性生长。菌体呈长链状排列。IFD140ΔcomE的成功构建,为进一步研究变形链球菌种内密度感应系统奠定基础。  相似文献   

Abstract An internal 1.6-kb BAM HI DNA fragment of the previously cloned Streptococcus mutans GS-5 gtfB gene was utilized to construct plasmids capable of insertion in toto into the GS-5 chromosome. The resultant insertions primarily yielded mutants defective in glucosyltransferase-I activity. These mutants were also defective in sucrose-dependent colonization of smooth surfaces.  相似文献   

Enzymic digestion of Simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA with Haemophilus aegyptius restriction endonuclease Hae III results in 10 major and eight minor fragments. These were resolved by electrophoresis on graduated polyacrylamide slab gels. All fragments have been characterized with respect to the size relative to the Haemophilus influenzae Rd fragments (Hind). They were ordered on the SV40 DNA map by means of overlap analysis of the double cleavage products derived from sequential digestion of Hind fragments with Hae III endonuclease and Hae fragments with Hind II + III enzyme, as well as by other reciprocal cleavage experiments, including those involving Haemophilus para-influenzae fragments. In this way the 18 Hae III cleavage sites and the 13 Hind sites have been localized on the circular SV40 DNA map.  相似文献   

P Sarkar  S Adhya  P Musich  U Maitra 《Gene》1980,12(1-2):161-163
A restriction endonuclease cleavage map of bacteriophage T3 DNA has been constructed. The enzymes used and, within parentheses, the number of their cleavage sites on T3 DNA are: HindIII (1), XbaI (1), BglII (1), KpnI (2), MboI (9), and HpaI (17). The size and the relative location of each fragment have been established, defining an accurate physical map of T3 DNA.  相似文献   

J B Fan  D Grothues    C L Smith 《Nucleic acids research》1991,19(22):6289-6294
A Sfi I restriction map of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe genome was aligned with the Not I restriction map. There are 16 Sfi I sites in the S. pombe genome. Three Sfi I sites are on chromosome III which is devoid of Not I sites. The sizes of the entire genome and individual chromosomes, calculated from the Sfi I fragment sizes, are consistent with that calculated from the Not I fragment sizes. The Sfi I map provides greater physical characterization of the S. pombe genome and further validates the use of S. pombe chromosomal DNA as size standard. These maps have allowed detection of polymorphism on all three chromosomes.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA from 30 strains of Helicobacter pylori was subjected to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after digestion with NotI and NruI. The genome sizes of the strains ranged from 1.6 to 1.73 Mb, with an average size of 1.67 Mb. By using NotI and NruI, a circular map of H. pylori UA802 (1.7 Mb) which contained three copies of 16S and 23S rRNA genes was constructed. An unusual feature of the H. pylori genome was the separate location of at least two copies of 16S and 23S rRNA genes. Almost all strains had different PFGE patterns after NotI and NruI digestion, suggesting that the H. pylori genome possesses a considerable degree of genetic variability. However, three strains from different sites (the fundus, antrum, and body of the stomach) within the same patient gave identical PFGE patterns. The genomic pattern of individual isolates remained constant during multiple subcultures in vitro. The reason for the genetic diversity observed among H. pylori strains remains to be explained.  相似文献   

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