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This paper describes the feeding habits of the snailfish Careproctus cf. cyclocephalus (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae). The diet consisted mostly of crustaceans, among which decapods predominated comprising up to 69.3% of the mean biomass of food organisms. Small shrimp (Eualus biunguis and E. townsendi) dominated the diet making up over 40.9% of the total stomach fullness index.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of studies on the morphology of arrowhead flounders, the Kamchatka flounder Atheresthes evermanni (35 specimens), and the American arrowtooth flounder A. stomias (37 specimens) collected in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka in 1998–1999. The morphology of the discussed species is compared with that of arrowtooth flounders from other areas. From this comparison, available information on the sharp increase in the density of the American arrowtooth flounder in the surveyed area (since 1997), and similarities in size compositions of the fish in Kuril and Aleutian waters, a conclusion has been made about the penetration of this species from Aleutian Pacific waters into the area of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka. This is a result of expansion of the geographical range of this species due to general water warming in the northwestern Pacific during the second half of the 1990s.  相似文献   

This study examines the feeding habits of the Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus in waters off the eastern coast of the northern Kuril Islands and southern Kamchatka. In November–December 1996, the cod primarily consumed fish, which made up 47.6% of the total food mass. The proportion of cephalopods, fishery offal discarded from fishing vessels, and decapods did not exceed 18.5, 17.4, and 12.2%, respectively. Among fishes, the main prey item of the cod was atka mackerel (15.4%); among cephalopods, octopus (16.8%); among fishery offal, heads of atka mackerel (14.2%); and among decapods, majid crabs (6.4%). The rather low percentage of walleye pollock (7.3%) in the cod diet was due to the decline of the east-Kamchatka walleye pollock stock.  相似文献   

We examined the content of the coelenteron of Oulactis orientalis, Cnidopus japonicus, and Aulactinia sp. (family Actiniidae) inhabiting the intertidal area of Shikotan and Kunashir Islands (South Kuril Islands). The feeding characteristics (food spectrum, the index of filling of the coelenteron, the index of food similarity of the species, occurrence frequency, the index of trophic importance, and the proportions of certain components in the food pellet) allowed us to determine that the examined species are euryphagous.  相似文献   

Four species of caryophyllid scleractinians, Caryophylla ambrosia, C. scobinosa, C. alaskensis, and Polymyces montereyensis, were recorded for the first time in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Kuril Islands. These findings extend the range for the species, of which three had previously been considered to be restricted to the tropical and warm Indopacific waters. These data will supplement regional reports on the bottom fauna of the most fertile and extensively commercially exploited continental shelf region of the North Pacific.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Biologiya Morya, Latypov.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - In the summer period, the mud skate Bathyraja taranetzi lives at depths from ~100 to 757 m in the Pacific waters off the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka;...  相似文献   

We studied the accumulation of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd, and Ni in the thalluses of the brown alga Fucus evanescensdepending on the remoteness of the source of the income of metals into the coastal area of Shiashkotan, Yankicha, and Kunashir islands under the effects of recent gas-hydrothermal activities. It has been revealed that the range of the postvolcanic activity effects shows a local pattern and depends on the hydrochemical peculiarities of the source and the hydrodynamic characteristics of the water area.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the first record of Ulca bolini. The fish was caught at a depth of 280–300 m in the Sea of Okhotsk off the Kuril Islands (Prostor Bay, Iturup Island). It was 60 cm in fork length (FL) and 7 kg in weight.  相似文献   

The paper describes brackish-water areas of Del'fin Bay and provides quantitative characteristics of macrobenthos communities in these areas considering changes that took place after the lowering of the island and a result of the earthquake of 1994. A comparative biogeographical analysis have been performed of brackish-water areas in Del'fin Bay in comparison with open seaward Gorobets Bay (Shikotan Island). The most peculiar elements of biota in the brackish-water areas are represented by marine eurybionthic and brackish-water species of the subtropical–low boreal complex. The communities of brackish-water areas of Del'fin Bay have been referred to the Amur-Japanese Subprovince of the Sino-Indian Brackish-Water Province, unlike the assemblage of organisms in typically marine coasts of Shikotan Island, which are referred to the Low-Boreal Subprovince (Subzone) of the marine Pacific Boreal Province (Zone).  相似文献   

According to materials of 1992–2002, data on the occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size-weight composition of sawback poacher Sarritor frenatus and species accompanying it in catches in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are provided. This comparatively numerous and relatively small representative of the family Agonidae (maximum length 31 cm, body weight 103 g) in the period of studies was found uniformly at depths of 78-790 m at near-bottom temperature of ?1.2 to ?4.2°C. In spring, summer, and winter months, maximum catches (over 500–1000 ind./h of trawling) were recorded in the southernmost and northernmost sites of the study area in a bathymetric range of 101–500 m; increased concentrations of this poacher were recorded also on the beam of the Fourth Kuril Strait near the southeastern extremity of Paramushir Island only in the autumn period. The ratio between the depth of catch and the sizes of sawback poacher is analyzed, and the data on the composition of its food in waters of the northern Kuril Islands is given. It is shown that the occurrence and amount of catches of this poacher in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are subjected to some interannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

Genetic resemblance of chars Salvelinus alpinus krasheninnikovi (Salvelinus malma krasheninnikovi) of 35 samples collected in five Kuril Islands--Shumshu, Paramushir, Onekotan, Iturup, and Kunashir--has been studied by the PCR-RAPD method. In the limits of each island, both resident isolates and anadromous forms give strictly supported clusters distinct from samples from the other islands. The samples from five islands form three superclusters: the first from Kunashir and Iturup Islands, the second from Paramushir and Onekotan Islands, and the third from Shumshu Island. The possible reasons for genetic similarity of resident and anadromous forms of Dolly Varden chars inhabiting reservoirs of a definite island are considered (the founder effect, homing, limited migration).  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of three sea urchin species of the genus Strongylocentrotus in relation to depth, type of substrate, surf action, and to some hydrological parameters were studied along the coast of eastern Kamchatka and in adjacent waters in 1984–1996. The sea urchin Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus dominated the open coast on rocky subintertidal sites with increased surf action and standard oceanic salinity. S. droebachiensis prevailed in shoals with lower salinity, higher water temperature and lower turbulence (enclosed and semienclosed bays). S. pallidus dominated at depths corresponding to the position of the cold intermediate layer deeper than 30–50 m with normal oceanic salinity and lower temperature.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The diet composition, stomach fullness, and condition factor of different size groups of the Atka mackerel Pleurogrammus monopterygius were studied in the area of the...  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - A bottom trawl survey was conducted in August and September 2018 at the outer edge of the continental shelf and the upper part of the Pacific slope of the northern Kuril...  相似文献   

Based on materials of 1992?C2012, data on the occurrence, spatial-bathymetric distribution, and size-weight composition of armorhead sculpin Gymnocanthus galeatus and purplegray sculpin G. detrisus and species accompanying them in catches in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are provided. These comparatively numerous, medium-sized representatives of the family Cottidae (maximal length of the former species 49 cm, weight 1400 g and that of the latter, 48 cm and 1140 g) in the period of study occurred uniformly at depths of 76 to 596 m at a near-bottom temperatures of ?1.2 to + 4.5°C. Their maximum by density concentrations were constantly recorded at the beam of the Fourth Kuril Strait, from the oceanic side of the Paramushir and Shumshu Islands, and off the southeastern extremity of Kamchatka mainly in the lower part of the shelf (depths of 80?C200 m) at temperatures of ?1.0 to +2.5°C. Regularities of spatial-bathymetric distribution of different size groups of these species were analyzed. It was shown that the occurrence and the size of catches of both armorhead sculpins in Pacific waters of the northern Kuril Islands and southeastern Kamchatka are subjected to some inrterannual, seasonal, and diurnal dynamics.  相似文献   

The fringing reef off southern Molokai, Hawaii, is currently being studied as part of a multi-disciplinary project led by the US Geological Survey. As part of this study, modeling and field observations were utilized to help understand the physical controls on reef morphology and the distribution of different coral species. A model was developed that calculates wave-induced hydrodynamic forces on corals of a specific form and mechanical strength. From these calculations, the wave conditions under which specific species of corals would either be stable or would break due to the imposed wave-induced forces were determined. By combining this hydrodynamic force-balance model with various wave model output for different oceanographic conditions experienced in the study area, we were able to map the locations where specific coral species should be stable (not subject to frequent breakage) in the study area. The combined model output was then compared with data on coral species distribution and coral cover at 12 sites along Molokais south shore. Observations and modeling suggest that the transition from one coral species to another may occur when the ratio of the coral colonys mechanical strengths to the applied (wave-induced) forces may be as great as 5:1, and not less than 1:1 when corals would break. This implies that coral colonys mechanical strength and wave-induced forces may be important in defining gross coral community structure over large (orders of 10s of meters) spatial scales.  相似文献   

The genusArgyranthemum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) comprises 38 taxa and is restricted to the archipelagos of the Canaries, Selvagens, Madeira, and Desertas in the Macaronesian biogeographic region. An electrophoretic study, including 17 enzyme loci and at least one population of each of the described taxa, was carried out. High identity (low distance) values between taxa (mean of 0.893) were obtained despite the old age of the islands, their close proximity to the African continent, and the fact thatArgyranthemum is the most species-rich and variable genus in Macaronesia. These results suggest that the genus is monophyletic and that it has evolved very rapidly in these islands. There is little correspondence between taxonomy and neighbor-joining analysis based on Roger's genetic distances, but in several instances populations from the same islands cluster together despite being from different species or even different sections. It is suggested that repeated genetic bottlenecks associated with the founding of new populations during radiation of the genus resulted in lineage sorting of ancestral allozyme polymorphisms. Because every population has a high average identity with all other populations, lineage sorting could result in populations of different taxa being slightly more similar than populations of the same taxon. Gene flow between different species on the same island could account for some populations clustering by island of origin rather than taxonomic disposition. Average allozyme diversity within populations (0.098) is 50% higher than the mean total diversity for species endemic to oceanic islands.  相似文献   

We determined the absolute (AIF) and relative (RIF) individual fecundity in a commercially important object, the grass shrimp, Pandalus kessleri (Decapoda: Pandalidae) near the Southern Kuril Islands. In the shrimps from Izmeny Bay (Kunashir Island) and the coastal area of the Southern Kuril Islands, the AIF equaled 192–918 (averaging 505) and 162–784 (459), respectively. In larger females, the AIF increases, reaches the maximum value, and then decreases again in the largest females. In June the AIF is smaller than in September, and in larger prawns, this difference is more pronounced. The mean large (D) and small (d) diameters of eggs equaled 1972 (1665–2400) and 1538 (1347–1900) m, respectively; the D/d ratio equaled 1.28. The mean wet weight of an egg (w) was 3.43 mg (1.986–4.9) mg. From September 1 to November 30 D and d increased from 1894 to 2088 m and from 1490 to 1567 m, respectively. The factors affecting the fecundity of grass shrimp in Izmeny Bay are discussed.  相似文献   

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