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Methylobacterium extorquens ATCC 55366 was successfully cultivated at very high cell densities in a fed-batch fermentation system using methanol as a sole carbon and energy source and a completely minimal culture medium for the production of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB). Cell biomass levels were between 100 g/l and 115 g/l (dry weight) and cells contained between 40% and 46% PHB on a dry-weight basis. PHB with higher molecular mass values than previously reported for methylotrophic bacteria was obtained under certain conditions. Shake-flask and fermentor experiments showed the importance of adjusting the mineral composition of the medium for improved biomass production and higher growth rates. High-cell-density cultures were obtained without the need for oxygen-enriched air; once the oxygen transfer capacity of the fermentor was reached, methanol was thereafter added in proportion to the amount of available dissolved oxygen, thus preventing oxygen limitation. Controlling the methanol concentration at a very low level (less than 0.01 g/l), during the PHB production phase, led not only to prevention of oxygen limitation but also to the production of very high-molecular-mass PHB, in the 900–1800 kDa range. Biomass yields relative to the total methanol consumed were in the range 0.29–0.33 g/g, whereas PHB yields were in the range 0.09–0.12 g/g. During the active period of PHB synthesis, PHB yields relative to the total methanol consumed were between 0.2 g/g and 0.22 g/g. M. extorquens ATCC 55366 appears to be a promising organism for industrial PHB production.  相似文献   

【目的】通过调整活性污泥在驯化过程中碳、氮、磷比例以及供氧模式, 以提高其积累PHB的能力。应用PCR-DGGE定期对驯化期间菌群动态进行分析。【方法】以乙酸钠为碳源, 在SBR (Sequencing batch reactor) 内以厌氧/好氧 (A/O) 交替的驯化模式, 逐级提高碳源浓度, 限制氮源浓度, 人为创造营养不均衡条件来逐步提高活性污泥积累PHB的能力。【结果】当碳浓度逐步提高, COD升高至1 200 mg/L, COD/N/P为1 200/9.6/30时, 活性污泥中PHB积累量达到最大, 占细胞干重的64.2%。【结论】驯化过程中逐步提高COD负荷, 并增加COD/N的值有利于PHB积累, 利用苏丹黑和Albert法染色显示菌群内产PHB菌占很大比例, 透射电镜显示菌体胞内含有大量白色PHB颗粒。经DGGE菌群动态分析, 发现驯化过程中菌群种类出现较为明显的演替, 而在一个反应周期(6 h)内菌种数量也有一定改变。驯化获得的高产PHB的菌群中含Acinetobacter、Bacillus、Bacteroidetes、Chryseobacteria 及proteobacteria等5个属的微生物, 菌群多样性较为丰富。  相似文献   

Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer that has immense potential in the field of environmental, agricultural and biomedical sciences. An alternative host system has been explored in this study for low-cost production. Examination of 25 cyanobacterial species from 19 different genera for photoautrophic production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) under batch culture demonstrated that 20 species were poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulators, while others were found to be negative. Presence of PHB was confirmed by UV-spectroscopy, (1)H-NMR spectroscopy and GC-MS analysis. Accumulation of PHB in cyanobacteria was found to be species specific. The PHB extracted from Nostoc muscorum exhibited comparable material properties with the commercial PHB, thus advocating its potential applications in various fields.  相似文献   

A mixed fermentation strategy based on exponentially fed-batch cultures (EFBC) and nutrient pulses with sucrose and yeast extract was developed to achieve a high concentration of PHB by Azotobacter vinelandii OPNA, which carries a mutation on the regulatory systems PTSNtr and RsmA-RsmZ/Y, that negatively regulate the synthesis of PHB. Culture of the OPNA strain in shake flaks containing PY-sucrose medium significantly improved growth and PHB production with respect to the results obtained from the cultures with the parental strain (OP). When the OPNA strain was cultured in a batch fermentation keeping constant the DOT at 4%, the maximal growth rate (0.16 h−1) and PHB yield (0.30 gPHB gSuc−1) were reached. Later, in EFBC, the OPNA strain increased three fold the biomass and 2.2 fold the PHB concentration in relation to the values obtained from the batch cultures. Finally, using a strategy of exponential feeding coupled with nutrient pulses (with sucrose and yeast extract) the production of PHB increased 7-fold to reach a maximal PHB concentration of 27.3 ± 3.2 g L−1 at 60 h of fermentation. Overall, the use of the mutant of A. vinelandii OPNA, impaired in the PHB regulatory systems, in combination with a mixed fermentation strategy could be a feasible strategy to optimize the PHB production at industrial level.  相似文献   

Biopolymers such as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are a class of secondary metabolites with promising importance in the field of environmental, agricultural, and biomedical sciences. To date, high-cost commercial production of PHAs is being carried out with heterotrophic bacterial species. In this study, a photoautotrophic N2-fixing cyanobacterium, Aulosira fertilissima, has been identified as a potential source for the production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). An accumulation up to 66% dry cell weight (dcw) was recorded when the cyanobacterium was cultured in acetate (0.3%) + citrate (0.3%)-supplemented medium against 6% control. Aulosira culture supplemented with 0.5% citrate under P deficiency followed by 5?days of dark incubation also depicted a PHB accumulation of 51% (dcw). PHB content of A. fertilissima reached up to 77% (dcw) under P deficiency with 0.5% acetate supplementation. Optimization of process parameters by response surface methodology resulted into polymer accumulation up to 85% (dcw) at 0.26% citrate, 0.28% acetate, and 5.58?mg?L?1 K2HPO4 for an incubation period of 5?days. In the A. fertilissima cultures pre-grown in fructose (1.0%)-supplemented BG 11 medium, when subjected to the optimized condition, the PHB pool boosted up to 1.59?g?L?1, a value ~50-fold higher than the control. A. fertilissima is the first cyanobacterium where PHB accumulation reached up to 85% (dcw) by manipulating the nutrient status of the culture medium. The polymer extracted from A. fertilissima exhibited comparable material properties with the commercial polymer. As compared with heterotrophic bacteria, carbon requirement in A. fertilissima for PHB production is lower by one order magnitude; thus, low-cost PHB production can be envisaged.  相似文献   

A strain of poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)-accumulating bacterium was isolated from the soil in Alaska of USA, identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, and designated as strain A2a5. The organism grew at temperatures below 30°C, and accumulated a large amount of granules in its cells when it was cultured in the sugarcane liquor medium. The purified sample from cells was determined as PHB by gas chromatographic and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of polyesters. The cell density of the culture in shaking bottles reached OD(600)=155 with PHB concentration of 31gl(-1). In 5l bioreactor, a maximum cell dry weight (CDW) of 32gl(-1) with a PHB concentration of 22gl(-1) was obtained, and the PHB content was up to 70% and productivity was 0.23gl(-1)h(-1).  相似文献   

Summary Poly--hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) and similar bacterial polyesters are promising candidates for the development of environment-friendly, totally biodegradable plastics. The use of methanol, one of the cheapest noble substrates available, may help to reduce the cost of producing such bioplastics. As a first step, a culture collection of 118 putative methylotrophic microorganisms was obtained from various soil samples without any laboratory enrichment step to favour culture diversity. The most promising culture was selected based on rapidity of growth and PHB accumulation and later identified as Methylobacterium extorquens. This isolate was obtained from soml contaminated regularly with used oil products for some 40 years. Concentrations of methanol greater than 8 g/l affected growth significantly and the methanol concentration was optimal at 1.7 g/l. PHB concentrations averaged 25–30% (w/v) of dry weight under non-optimized conditions. Controlling methanol concentration, using an open-loop configuration, led to biomass levels of 9–10 g/l containing 30–33% PHB while preventing methanol accumulation. The new isolate was also able to produce the co-polymer PHB/poly--hydroxyvalerate (PHV) using the mixture methanol + valerate. The PHV-to-PHB ratio was about 0.2 at the end of the fermentation. An average molecular mass varying between 2 and 3 × 105 Da was obtained for three PHB samples using two different measurement methods.Publication number NRCC No. 33672 Offprint requests to: D. Groleau  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine soil samples from various vegetation zones in terms of physicochemical properties, microbial communities, and isolation and identification (by polymerase chain reaction and transmission electron microscopy) of bacteria producing poly-β-hydroxybutyrates (PHBs). Soil samples were analysed originating from zones with heterogeneous environmental conditions from the Romanian Carpathian Mountains (mountain zone with alpine meadow, karstic zone with limestone meadow, hill zone with xerophilous meadow, and flood plain zone with hygrophilic meadow). Different bacterial groups involved in the nitrogen cycle (aerobic mesophilic heterotrophs, ammonifiers, denitrifiers, nitrifiers, and free nitrogen-fixing bacteria from Azotobacter genus) were analysed. Soil biological quality was assessed by the bacterial indicator of soil quality, which varied between 4.3 and 4.7. A colony polymerase chain reaction technique was used for screening PHB producers. With different primers, specific bands were obtained in all the soil samples. Some wild types of Azotobacter species were isolated from the 4 studied sites. Biodegradable polymers of PHB were assessed by negative staining in transmission electron microscopy. The maximum PHB granules density was obtained in the strains isolated from the xerophilous meadow (10-18 granules/cell), which was the most stressful environment from all the studied sites, as the physicochemical and microbiological tests proved.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) comprise a class of biodegradable polymers which offer an environmentally sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics. Production of PHAs in plants is attractive since current fermentation technology is prohibitively expensive. The PHA homopolymer poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) has previously been produced in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (Nawrath et al., 1994, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91: 12760–12764). However, Brassica napus oilseed may provide a better system for PHB production because acetyl-CoA, the substrate required in the first step of PHB biosynthesis, is prevalent during fatty acid biosynthesis. Three enzymatic activities are needed to synthesize PHB: a β-ketothiolase, an acetoacetyl-CoA reductase and a PHB synthase. Genes from the bacterium Ralstonia eutropha encoding these enzymes were independently engineered behind the seed-specific Lesquerella fendleri oleate 12-hydroxylase promoter in a modular fashion. The gene cassettes were sequentially transferred into a single, multi-gene vector which was used to transform B. napus. Poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) accumulated in leukoplasts to levels as high as 7.7% fresh seed weight of mature seeds. Electron-microscopy analyses indicated that leukoplasts from these plants were distorted, yet intact, and appeared to expand in response to polymer accumulation. Received: 26 May 1999 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of the concentrations of medium components on the growth of Methylobacterium sp. for poly--hydroxybutyrate production was investigated by measuring the specific growth rates for various concentrations of each medium component. When the methanol concentration was increased, the cell growth decreased and was strongly inhibited above 6% (v/v) methanol. Ammonia, calcium and iron ion did not significantly inhibit the cell growth while there were some inhibitory effects at high concentrations of sodium, potassium, and magnesium. In particular, phosphate gave most significant inhibition at concentrations higher than 75 mM. By using an automatic feeding control system of methanol, ammonia, phosphate, and minerals, their concentrations were maintained within the level necessary to reduce the inhibition of medium components. The finial dry cell weight of Methylobacterium sp. in such a system was 172 g/l at 84 h.  相似文献   

The bacterial storage polymer poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) has the potential to be used as an alternative anti-infective strategy for aquaculture rearing. In this research, the effects of (partially) replacing the feed of European sea bass juveniles with PHB were investigated. During a 6-week trial period, the PHB showed the ability to act as an energy source for the fish. This indicated that PHB was degraded and used during gastrointestinal passage. The gut pH decreased from 7.7 to 7.2 suggesting that the presence of PHB in the gut led to the increased production of (short-chain fatty) acids. The diets supplemented with 2% and 5% PHB (w/w) induced a gain of the initial fish weight with a factor 2.4 and 2.7, respectively, relative to a factor 2.2 in the normal feed treatment. Simultaneously, these treatments showed the highest bacterial range-weighted richness in the fish intestine. Based on molecular analysis, higher dietary PHB levels induced larger changes in the bacterial community composition. From our results, it seems that PHB can have a beneficial effect on fish growth performance and that the intestinal bacterial community structure may be closely related to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Considering the industrial interest of Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), bacteria isolated from the various marine arenas were screened for their ability to accumulate PHB and were compared with Wausteria eutropha (MTCC-1285). Among the 42 isolates, four strains showed the accumulation of PHB. The maximum PHB producer Vibrio sp. (MK4) was further studied in detail. To increase the productivity, steps were taken to evaluate the effect of carbon sources, nitrogen sources, pH and sodium chloride concentration on PHB productivity by MK4. The optimized conditions were further used for the batch fermentation over a period of 72 h. Significantly higher maximum biomass of 9.1 g/L with a PHB content of 4.223 g/L was obtained in a laboratory-scale bioreactor at 64 h, thus giving a productivity of 0.065 g/L/h. The extracted polymer was compared with the authentic PHB and was confirmed to be PHB using FTIR analysis and 1H NMR analysis. Thus, the study highlights the potential of the use of Vibrio sp (MK4) in the commercial production of PHB.  相似文献   

Azotobacter beijerinckii possesses the enzymes of both the Entner-Doudoroff and the oxidative pentose phosphate cycle pathways of glucose catabolism and both pathways are subject to feedback inhibition by products of glucose oxidation. The allosteric glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase utilizes both NADP(+) and NAD(+) as electron acceptors and is inhibited by ATP, ADP, NADH and NADPH. 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (NADP-specific) is unaffected by adenosine nucleotides but is strongly inhibited by NADH and NADPH. The formation of pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate from 6-phosphogluconate by the action of the Entner-Doudoroff enzymes is inhibited by ATP, citrate, isocitrate and cis-aconitate. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase is unaffected by adenosine and nicotinamide nucleotides but the enzyme is non-specific with respect to NADP and NAD. Citrate synthase is strongly inhibited by NADH and the inhibition is reversed by the addition of AMP. Isocitrate dehydrogenase, a highly active NADP-specific enzyme, is inhibited by NADPH, NADH, ATP and by high concentrations of NADP(+). These findings are discussed in relation to the massive synthesis of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate that occurs under certain nutritional conditions. We propose that synthesis of this reserve material, to the extent of 70% of the dry weight of the organism, serves as an electron and carbon ;sink' when conditions prevail that would otherwise inhibit nitrogen fixation and growth.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the influence of the aeration conditions on the production of PHB and its molecular mass in a mutant strain of Azotobacter vinelandii (OPN), which carries a mutation on ptsN, the gene encoding enzyme IIANtr, previously shown to increase the accumulation of PHB. Cultures of A. vinelandii wild-type strain OP and its mutant derivative strain OPN were grown in 500-mL flasks, containing 100 and 200 mL of PY sucrose medium. PHB production and its molecular mass were analyzed at the end of the culture. The molecular mass (MM) was significantly influenced by the aeration conditions and strain used. A polymer with a higher molecular weight was produced under low aeration conditions for both strains. A maximal molecular mass of 2,026 kDa (equivalent to 3,670 kDa measured by GPC) was obtained with strain OPN cultured under low-aeration conditions, reaching a value two-fold higher than that obtained from the parental strain OP (MM?=?1,013 kDa) grown under the same conditions. Aeration conditions and the ptsN mutation influence the molecular mass of the PHB produced by A. vinelandii affecting in turn its physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   

Saponified vernonia oil was converted exclusively to poly(β-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) by Alcaligenes eutrophus in a single-stage batch culture. After harvesting, centrifugation followed by lyophilization, the resulting dried cells contained up to 42.8 wt% PHB having a peak molecular mass of 381 863 Da, weight-average molecular mass of 308 390 Da, and a polydispersity of 1.1. The PHB had a melting point (Tm) range of 163–174°C with a maximum at 172°C (lit. Tm, 175°C), and heat of fusion of 18.43 cal g−1. Fermentation performed under varying conditions of nitrogen limitation indicated that there was no significant effect of nitrogen concentration on the molecular mass of PHB produced from vernonia oil by A. eutrophus. Received 27 March 1998/ Accepted in revised form 17 July 1998  相似文献   

In this study, 29 strains of the genus Bacillus were isolated from different soil samples which were taken from grasslands of Ankara, Turkey and were identified as B. brevis, B. sphaericus, B. cereus, B. megaterium, B. circulans, B. subtilis, B. licheniformis and B. coagulans. Two strains, B. sphaericus ATCC 14577 and B. subtilis ATCC 6633 were also included in this study. Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production by these strains was determined by the spectrophotometric method, and it was found that PHB production ranged from 1.06–41.67% (w/v) depending on the dry cell weight. The highest PHB production and productivity percentage was found in B. brevis M6 (41.67% w/v).  相似文献   

Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a natural polymer that can be depolymerized into water-soluble short-chain fatty acid monomers. These monomers can act as microbial control agents. In this study, the effects of partially replacing the diet of Siberian sturgeon fingerlings with 2% and 5% PHB were investigated. Replacing 2% of the diet with PHB improved weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR) and survival in the sturgeon fingerlings during the 10-week experimental period. Community-level physiological profiling and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) were used to analyze the microbial community diversity and community organization in the sturgeon gastrointestinal tract. DGGE analysis revealed that PHB affected the intestinal microbial species richness and diversity. The highest species richness was observed with 2% PHB. DNA sequencing of the dominant bands in 2% and 5% PHB treatments revealed that PHB stimulated bacteria belonging to the genera Bacillus and Ruminococcaceae. Principal component analysis, Lorenz curves and the Shannon index of Biolog Ecoplate data revealed that aerobic metabolic potential of the bacterial community was different in the PHB-treated fishes as compared with the control situation. Overall, our results indicate that PHB act as microbial control agents and replacement of 2% of Siberian sturgeon fingerling diet with PHB has beneficial effects.  相似文献   

A second promoter (P1) was inserted to the PHA (poly--hydroxyalkanoate) operon (pSP2) of Esherichia coli DH5 with an optimal E. coli ribosome binding site and a trc strong promoter (pSJS1) to obtain poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with long chain length. When the inducer, IPTG was added to the culture at 0.4 mM, the average molecular weight was 1.1 × 106 Da. However, an even greater increase of the PHB average molecular weight to 2.5 × 107 Da was observed without IPTG being added.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the relationship between poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) biosynthesis and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) activity in desi and kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes. The specific activities of enzymes of PHB metabolism viz., β-ketothiolase (PHB-A), acetoacetyl coenzyme A reductase (PHB-B) and PHB synthase (PHB-C), and those of tricarboxylic acid cycle (citrate synthase (CS) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) under symbiosis were measured in bacteroids and compared with the PHB accumulation in the nodule and the root. The significant positive correlation was observed between shoot and nodule mass and PHB-A, PHB-B, and PHB-C activities. However, nodule and shoot weights were not significantly correlated with PHB content either in the roots or nodules. The same was true for PHB levels and citrate synthase activity. MDH activity showed a significant negative correlation with nodule PHB. A marked variation and an age dependant increase in malate dehydrogenase activity were measured. A higher capacity for malate oxidation by an increased MDH is likely alter the balance between malate decarboxylation and oxidation, resulting in a higher steady-state concentration of oxaloacetate and that may favor the utilization of acetyl-CoA in the TCA cycle rather than for the synthesis of PHB.  相似文献   

Bonartseva  G. A.  Myshkina  V. L.  Nikolaeva  D. A.  Rebrov  A. V.  Gerasin  V. A.  Makhina  T. K. 《Microbiology》2002,71(2):221-226
The biodegradation of films made of poly--hydroxybutyrate (PHB) with a molecular mass of 1500 kDa was studied using a model soil community in the presence and absence of nitrate and at different concentrations of oxygen in the gas phase. The biodegradation of PHB was investigated with respect to changes in its molecular mass, crystallinity, and some mechanical properties.  相似文献   

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