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In 2006, a small group of UK academic scientists made headlines when they proposed the creation of interspecies embryos – mixing human and animal genetic material. A public campaign was fought to mobilize support for the research. Drawing on interviews with the key scientists involved, this paper argues that engaging the public through communicating their ideas via the media can result in tensions between the necessity of, and inherent dangers in, scientists campaigning on controversial issues. Some scientists believed that communicating science had damaged their professional standing in the eyes of their peers, who, in turn, policed the boundaries around what they believed constituted a “good” scientist. Tensions between promoting “science” versus promotion of the “scientist”; engaging the public versus publishing peer-reviewed articles and winning grants; and building expectations versus overhyping the science reveal the difficult choices scientists in the modern world have to make over the potential gains and risks of communicating science. We conclude that although scientists' participation in public debates is often encouraged, the rewards of such engagement remain. Moreover, this participation can detrimentally affect scientists' careers.  相似文献   

Carlson EA 《Genetics》2011,187(1):1-7
H. J. Muller (1890-1967) was unusual as a scientist because he spoke out on numerous occasions about the uses and abuses of genetics in society. In this article, I follow Muller's efforts to do so and the consequences that they had on his career, his productivity as a research scientist, and his reputation. The shifting sites of Muller's work--which ranged from Columbia University to Texas, from Berlin to Moscow and Leningrad, from Madrid to Edinburgh, and from Amherst to Indiana University--made his activism unusual. Muller paid a price for his activism, and his reputation today is still marred by what most historians would consider risky judgments and reversals of position about genetics and society. My analysis is not a defense but rather an evaluation of the circumstances that led him to these positions and an analysis of the consequences of challenging society when scientists believe their science is being ignored or abused.  相似文献   

Members of Congress consider value judgments and the likelihood of successful enactment as well as scientific facts in formulating policy. If scientists would provide a range of scientifically acceptable options at the same time as they recommend the scientifically optimal solutions, politicans could choose the best scientific option that is also politically acceptable. In the context of research funding Congress needs to be presented with more realistic expectations about the time it takes for different levels of research to result in practical applications, so as to provide better continuity in research funding.  相似文献   

Virtually all theories of the evolution of cooperation require that cooperators find ways to interact with one another selectively, to the exclusion of cheaters. This means that individuals must make reputational judgments about others as cooperators, based on either direct or indirect evidence. Humans, and possibly other species, add another component to the process: they know that they are being judged by others, and so they adjust their behavior in order to affect those judgments – so-called impression management. Here, we show for the first time that already preschool children engage in such behavior. In an experimental study, 5-year-old human children share more and steal less when they are being watched by a peer than when they are alone. In contrast, chimpanzees behave the same whether they are being watched by a groupmate or not. This species difference suggests that humans'' concern for their own self-reputation, and their tendency to manage the impression they are making on others, may be unique to humans among primates.  相似文献   

A survey of ethics committees in district health authorities was carried out to find out the size and make up of committees and what information and guidance they offered to scientists who apply to do research. A sample (n = 28) of committees in England (n = 190), half from teaching districts and half from non-teaching districts, was contacted by post requesting this information. A high degree of diversity was found, not only in the methods that committees used but also in the ethical criteria each considered to be pertinent for research. It was also shown that published guidelines have made little impact. It is suggested that issuing more guidelines will be of limited use. Rather, the following are needed: information about why guidelines have been widely ignored, better communication between committees, some form of education for committee members, and a formal register of committees compiled.  相似文献   

A resource is provided for the creation of an institutional program that balances the scientific mission of an institution with the well-being of the animals used in support of the research. The concept of harmonizing scientific goals with animal well-being was first suggested in the early part of the twentieth century and later revitalized in the literature of the 1950s. Harmonization can best be achieved through the promotion of a team initiative. The team should include, at a minimum, the scientist, veterinarian, institutional animal care and use committee, and animal care staff. It is the responsibility of this animal research team to promote and balance the generation of scientifically valid data with animal well-being. The team must strive to minimize or eliminate non-protocol variables that could adversely affect the validity and repeatability of the experimental data. Good experimental design coupled with excellent communication between team members can often minimize or eliminate many variables and result in both better science and animal well-being. To ensure the scientific validity of experimental data, scientists must be aware of the complex nature of the environment in which their animals are maintained. To ensure repeatablity of an experiment, scientists must document and publish both the inanimate and social environments in which their animals are housed. Better documentation of environmental variables and their correlation with experimental results will promote critical knowledge about the relationships between an animal's environment, its well-being, and science.  相似文献   

Amid calls from scientific leaders for their colleagues to become more effective public communicators, this study examines the objectives that scientists’ report drive their public engagement behaviors. We explore how scientists evaluate five specific communication objectives, which include informing the public about science, exciting the public about science, strengthening the public’s trust in science, tailoring messages about science, and defending science from misinformation. We use insights from extant research, the theory of planned behavior, and procedural justice theory to identify likely predictors of scientists'' views about these communication objectives. Results show that scientists most prioritize communication designed to defend science from misinformation and educate the public about science, and least prioritize communication that seeks to build trust and establish resonance with the public. Regression analyses reveal factors associated with scientists who prioritize each of the five specific communication objectives. Our findings highlight the need for communication trainers to help scientists select specific communication objectives for particular contexts and audiences.  相似文献   

I describe a number of valuable lessons I learned from participating in California's Proposition 71 effort about the role that scientists and rigorous scientific advice can play in a public political process. I describe how scientists can provide valuable information and advice and how they can also gain a great deal from the experience that is valuable to a practicing research scientist. Finally, I argue that in the future, building similar broad coalitions to support biomedical and other areas of scientific research will be essential to protect publicly funded science. Thus, a key lesson from the Proposition 71 experience is that engagement of scientists with diverse nonscientific groups can make a big difference and that scientists must actively engage with the public in the future if we are to contribute robustly to the medical and economic health of our communities.  相似文献   

Across the United States, the number of staff scientists (master’s- or doctoral-level professionals working in nonfaculty roles) has grown by 35% since 2010, and they play an increasingly important role in research efforts. However, few targeted resources are available, which potentially limits the effectiveness of this group. Launched in 2016, the staff scientist path at Emory has tripled in size over 4 y to 138 staff. The present case study evaluated the perceptions of staff scientists related to onboarding experiences and professional development needs, including those needs arising from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) impacts in the workplace. A survey of Emory staff scientists was conducted from May to June 2019 as part of a program evaluation initiative to assess perceptions of onboarding and professional development opportunities. Interviews with a subset of scientists informed the survey development and identified COVID-19–related impacts on daily work. Results indicated the need for targeted orientation resources specific to staff scientists, accurate and timely information and resources to support scientists’ supervisors, and professional development for scientists in leadership and management-related skills. Remote work associated with COVID-19 accentuated the need for managerial skills, including team development in digital work environments. Findings from this case study can inform policies and practices at Emory and other institutions that employ a similar staff scientist model.  相似文献   

Conclusion It should be clear by now the extent to which many features of Thorpe's interpretation of animal behavior and of the animal mind rested, at bottom, not simply on conventional scientific proofs but on interpretive inferences, which in turn rested on a willingress to make extensions of human experience to animals. This, in turn, rested on his view of evolution and his view of reality. And these were governed by his natural theology, which was the fundamental stratum of his intellectual experience.Contrary to the scientific ethos, which restricts theory choice to scientific issues alone, Thorpe's career suggests that the actual reasons for theory choice among scientists often are not limited to science, but are multiple and may sometimes be difficult to discover. It is largely because Thorpe took a public part in the natural theology enterprise that we can know something about his religious beliefs and so can see their probable influence on his scientific decisions. Similar beliefs of other scientists are sometimes harder to get at. Most may be practically beyond discovery, for the ethos of science has discouraged public professions of personal belief in relation to scientific work.101 Yet does it seem plausible that, for example, the restriction of self-consciousness to humans by some scientists is a purely scientific decision?102 Surely not, any more than that the strong influence of natural theology on Thorpe's thought means that he was not a good scientist. His natural theology may have led him into incautious enthusiasms regarding the animal mind — such as the potential if unrealizable linguistic ability of chimpanzees — through a bias in favor of the continuity of emergents in a progressive evolutionary system, just as it led him to advocate animal consciousness long before the recent upsurge of interest, but the scientific integrity of his work overall is unimpeachable. And yet, that work is not comprehensible historically as science alone. Personal philosophy must not be discounted in writing the history of recent science. This somewhat obvious conclusion (obvious to historians of science) needs emphasis, for we are still prone to think that the sciences of our own time provide their own internal dynamic that is in itself sufficient to account for their content and development.  相似文献   

Rudolf Jaenisch explains how the quest for an answer to the simple question of viral tropism in the mouse lead him to a life-long career in regulation of gene expression in the early embryo and pluripotent stem cells. He shares his experience about what it takes to develop into a successful scientist; expresses his concern about the challenges facing young scientists entering the field - not all of them funding related - and candidly offers some solid tips on opportunities to take advantage of and mistakes to avoid. Being mindful of when to let go of a project, and staying focused on what is important, are probably obvious tips, but they need to be re-stated, since they also appear to be the most difficult to accomplish. Dr. Jaenisch continues to work tirelessly on the problem of epigenetic control in the early embryo and its connection with stem cells.  相似文献   

Interviews are an excellent source of information for historians of science. They should be done by historians who understand science in detail and, if possible, better than the scientists they interview. In the case of applied industrial or governmental sciences, historians must have detailed knowledge of economic or historic sources. Again they should know more in these areas than those they interview. If, on the contrary, the interviewers are not scientists at heart who know science, the history they write will become at best literature but at worst pseudoscientific abracadabra.  相似文献   

Guttman N  Salmon CT 《Bioethics》2004,18(6):531-552
Public health communication campaigns have been credited with helping raise awareness of risk from chronic illness and new infectious diseases and with helping promote the adoption of recommended treatment regimens. Yet many aspects of public health communication interventions have escaped the scrutiny of ethical discussions. With the transference of successful commercial marketing communication tactics to the realm of public health, consideration of ethical issues becomes an essential component in the development and application of public health strategies. Ethical issues in public health communication are explored as they relate to eight topics: 'targeting' and 'tailoring' public health messages to particular population segments; obtaining the equivalence of informed consent; the use of persuasive communication tactics; messages on responsibility and culpability; messages that apply to harm reduction; and three types of unintended adverse effects associated with public health communication activities that may label and stigmatise, expand social gaps, and promote health as a value. We suggest that an ethical analysis should be applied to each phase of the public health communication process in order to identify ethical dilemmas that may appear subtle, yet reflect important concerns regarding potential effects of public health communication interventions on individuals and society as a whole.  相似文献   

A considerable number of soluble proteins in cells that biochemists try to analyze are difficult to handle because they seem to behave like sponges that ??suck up?? many other proteins. We argue here that this behavior is commonly an artifact introduced by the experimenting scientist and that we need to study proteins like animals in the wild: they will only reveal many of their secrets when carefully observed in their largely undisturbed, natural environment. Computational studies that attempt to realistically model cellular protein networks must also factor in the diverse protein habitats to be found in cells.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A considerable number of soluble proteins in cells that biochemists try to analyze are difficult to handle because they seem to behave like sponges that 'suck up' many other proteins. We argue here that this behavior is commonly an artifact introduced by the experimenting scientist and that we need to study proteins like animals in the wild: they will only reveal many of their secrets when carefully observed in their largely undisturbed, natural environment. Computational studies that attempt to realistically model cellular protein networks must also factor in the diverse protein habitats to be found in cells.  相似文献   

The preceding papers have dealt with major advances in understanding and detecting the mutational basis of human disease. If these advances are to be of practical benefit, systems of effective, efficient and acceptable delivery of the technology to the relevant population groups will need to be planned. In these delivery systems, the key figure is likely to be the clinical geneticist, still a somewhat shadowy figure, difficult to define: a doctor among scientists, and a scientist among doctors. The clinical geneticist, among other duties, acts as a user-friendly interface between the public (including the medical profession) and the conceptually quite difficult fields of modern genetics. Few people in this age of transition to computer literacy will underestimate the importance of a user-friendly interface, without which even the most powerful analytical machines are underused, error prone, or even incomprehensible.  相似文献   

Boomerang effects are changes caused by persuasive communication against the intentions of the communicator. In risk communication, boomerang effects have so far been primarily addressed and shown for warnings in fields such as alcohol, nicotine, and drug use prevention. Boomerang effects of all-clear messages on environmental risks have so far not been demonstrated. Based on this observation, this article essentially makes three points. First, the most prominent theoretical explanations for boomerang effects do not preclude all-clear messages to have this type of effect. Second, it presents an experiment that demonstrates the existence of a boomerang effect of an all-clear message on the risk from cell phone tower radiation. Respondents who were very worried about this risk before the experiment said on average that reading a short all-clear message increased their worries. Third, if this type of boomerang effect is also found for other than radiation risks, people worried about environmental risks (including those worried without a reasonable cause) would be hard to convince they need not worry. This impedes reasonable public risk communication in the long run and creates a social group of people who harbor fears and anxieties not grounded in reality, but are immune against correction.  相似文献   

In the estimation of risks involved in complex technical applications, such as, for example, gene technology or nanotechnology, the problem of communication between science and the wider society becomes evident. The path towards transparent, authentic and credible communication must be built upon the reconciliation of the risk perceptions of the scientist--and of his or her institution--with the corresponding ideas of risk and communication existing in the society. Additionally, to accomplish goal-oriented discourse within the public sphere and to realistically assess his or her effective options when addressing this public, the scientist is faced with the necessity of reflecting upon his or her own determining assumptions on the condition, constitution and functionalities of this "public". Combined with the use of modern tools--and supported with supplementary coaching and organizational consultation--such a foundation allows the establishment of targeted communication with specific groups.  相似文献   

D Grant 《CMAJ》1997,156(7):1035-1037
More and more Canadians are choosing to die at home. Unfortunately, family members may not know how to respond when death does occur. Some call 911 seeking advice, and soon find police, ambulance and fire services arriving at their door. If calls are made before terminal patients die, they may even be rushed to hospital for emergency care. The wasted energy wastes money and creates additional stress. Dr. John Butt, Nova Scotia''s chief medical examiner, says physicians must help educate the public and emergency services about how to respond after an expected death occurs at home.  相似文献   

Abstract. This communication is a response to a recent suggestion that ordinal data of the Braun‐Blanquet type (BB) can be directly or, after conversion to ranks, indirectly analysed by metric methods. I show that the proposals on structure in topological spaces made by Ricotta & Avena in a recent contribution to this Forum are confounding because (1) they use the term ‘topological’ in the inappropriate way, and (2) the measure they propose is in fact a metric, rather than merely topological. In addition, I illustrate with a few examples how a truly topological measure functions, so that the reader can appreciate the ideas behind their definitions. By reference to axiomatic measurement theory, I argue that whenever vegetation scientists know exactly at the outset what attributes they wish to express by relevé data, what questions they are asking and whenever they are aware of the basic properties of the BB scale, ordinal data analysis is still the most logical choice.  相似文献   

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