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Summary The membrane currents of wild typeParamecium tetraurelia and the behavioral mutantteaA were analyzed under voltage clamp. TheteaA mutant was shown to have a greatly increased outward current which was blocked completely by the combined use of internally delivered Cs+ and external TEA+. This, along with previous work (Satow, Y., Kung, C., 1976,J. Exp. Biol. 65:51–63) identified this as a K+ current. It was further found to be a calcium-activated K+ current since this increased outward K+ current cannot be elicited when the internal calcium is buffered with injected EGTA. The mutationpwB, which blocks the inward calcium current, also blocks this increased outward K+ current inteaA. This shows that this mutant current is activated by calcium through the normal depolarization-sensitive calcium channel. While tail current decay kinetic analysis showed that the apparent inactivation rates for this calcium-dependent K+ current are the same for mutant and wild type, theteaA current activates extremely rapidly. It is fully activated within 2 msec. This early activation of such a large outward current causes a characteristic reduction in the amplitude of the action potential of theteaA mutant. TheteaA mutation had no effect on any of the other electrophysiological parameters examined. The phenotype of theteaA mutant is therefore a general decrease in responsiveness to depolarizing stimuli because of a rapidly activating calcium-dependent K+ current which prematurely repolarizes the action potential.  相似文献   

Many diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes, and chronic alcoholism are associated with a marked decrease of plasma and parenchymal Mg(2+), and Mg(2+) administration is routinely used therapeutically. This study uses isolated rat hepatocytes to ascertain if and under which conditions increases in extracellular Mg(2+) result in an increase in intracellular Mg(2+). In the absence of stimulation, changing extracellular Mg(2+) had no effect on total cellular Mg(2+) content. By contrast, carbachol or vasopressin administration promoted an accumulation of Mg(2+) that increased cellular Mg(2+) content by 13.2 and 11.8%, respectively, and stimulated Mg(2+) uptake was unaffected by the absence of extracellular Ca(2+). Mg(2+) efflux resulting from stimulation of alpha- or beta-adrenergic receptors operated with a Mg(2+):Ca(2+) exchange ratio of 1. These data indicate that cellular Mg(2+) uptake can occur rapidly and in large amounts, through a process distinct from Mg(2+) release, but operating only upon specific hormonal stimulation.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ levels in Paramecium must be tightly controlled, yet little is understood about the mechanisms of control. We describe here indirect evidence that a phosphoenzyme intermediate is the calmodulin-regulated plasma membrane Ca2+ pump and that a Ca2+-ATPase activity in pellicles (the complex of cell body surface membranes) is the enzyme correlate of the plasma membrane pump protein. A change in Ca2+ pump activity has been implicated in the chemoresponse of paramecia to some attractant stimuli. Indirect support for this is demonstrated using mutants with different modifications of calmodulin to correlate defects in chemoresponse with altered Ca2+ homeostasis and pump activity.Abbreviations EGTA ethyleneglycol tetra-acetate - ER endoplasmic reticulum - IBMX isobutyl methylxanthine - I che index of chemokinesis - Mops 3-[N-morpholino] propanesulfonic acid - PEI phosphoenzyme intermediate - STEN sucrose, TRIS, EDTA, sodium chloride - TCA trichloroacetic acid - TRIS tris[hydroxymethyl] aminomethane  相似文献   

The properties of Mg2+ conductances in Paramecium tetraurelia were investigated under two-electrode voltage clamp. When bathed in physiological Mg2+ concentrations (0.5 mm), depolarizing steps from rest elicited a prominent Mg2+-specific current (I Mg) that has been noted previously. The dependence of this current on extracellular Mg2+ approximated that of Mg2+-induced backward swimming, demonstrating that I Mg contributes to normal membrane excitation and behavior in this ciliate. Closer analysis revealed that the Mg2+ current deactivated biphasically. While this might suggest the involvement of two Mg2+-specific pathways, both tail-current components were affected similarly by current-specific mutations and they had similar ion selectivities, suggesting a common pathway. In contrast, a Mg2+ current activated upon hyperpolarization could be separated into three components. The first, I Mg, had similar properties to the current activated upon depolarization. The second was a nonspecific divalent cation current (I NS) that was revealed following suppression of I Mg by eccentric mutation. The final current was relatively minor and was revealed following suppression of I Mg and I NS by obstinate A gene mutation. Reversal-potential analyses suggested that I Mg and I NS define two intracellular compartments that contain, respectively, low (0.4 mm) and high (8 mm) concentrations of Mg2+. Measurement of intracellular free Mg2+ using the fluorescent dye, Mag-fura-2, suggested that bulk [Mg2+] i rests at around 0.4 mm in Paramecium. Received: 12 January 1998/Revised: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

Respiration-driven Mg2+ efflux from rat heart mitochondria has been studied in different conditions. Almost total release of Mg2+ from the mitochondria occurs upon addition of a proton/bivalent cation exchanger, A23187. The content of Mg2+ remaining in mitochondria after A23187 treatment is the same if part of the mitochondrial Mg2+ has already been extruded through the energy-linked mechanism. Some inhibition of Mg2+ efflux is observed in the presence of high concentrations of La3+ (100 µM). A proton/monovalent cation exchanger, nigericin, completely prevents Mg2+ efflux, whereas a cation conductor, valinomycin, considerably stimulates it. The results indicate that the main part of mitochondrial Mg2+ is present in a membrane-bounded compartment, probably in the matrix space. The driving force of the Mg2+ efflux appears to be the proton gradient (pH) created by mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   

Paramecium Na+ channels, which were Ca2+-calmodulin activated, were studied in the inside-out mode of patch clamp. After excision of the membrane patch, they were active in the presence of 10–5 to 10–3 m Ca2+ in the bath. They became much less active in the presence of 10–6 m Ca2+, and their activity subsided completely at 10–8 m Ca2+. A Hill plot showed a dissociation constant of 6 m for Ca2+ binding. This dissociation constant shifted to a submicromolar range in the presence of 1 mm Mg2+. The channels also exhibited a mild voltage dependence. When exposed to 10–8 m Ca2+ for an extended period of 2–4 min, channels were further inactivated even after bath Ca2+ was restored to 10–4 m. Whereas neither high voltage (+100 mV) nor high Ca2+ (10–3 m) was effective in reactivation of the inactive channels, addition of Paramecium wild-type calmodulin together with high Ca2+ to the bath restored channel activity without a requirement of additional Mg2+ and metabolites such as ATP. The channels reactivated by calmodulin had the same ion conductance, ion selectivity and Ca2+ sensitivity as those prior to inactivation. These inactivation and reactivation of the channels could be repeated, indicating that the direct calmodulin effect on the Na+ channel was reversible. Thus, calmodulin is a physiological factor critically required for Na+ channel activation, and is the Ca2+ sensor of the Na+-channel gating machinery.We thank C. Kung for his kind support, and A. Boileau for critical reading. Supported by grants from National Institutes of Health GM 22714-20 and 36386-09.  相似文献   

Mg2+ transport in the kidney   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnesium is abundant in biological systems and an important divalent cation in the human body. Mg2+ helps mediate cellular energy metabolism, ribosomal and membrane integrity. Additionally Mg2+ modulates the activity of several membrane transport and signal transduction systems. Despite its importance however, little is known about the molecular mechanisms of Mg2+ transport and homeostasis in mammals. In mammals the amount of Mg2+ absorption is about the same as the amount of Mg2+ excretion in urine. Additionally, when total Mg2+ intake is deficient, the kidney is capable of reabsorbing all filtered Mg2+. This balance between intake and excretion indicates that the kidney plays a principal role in maintenance of total body Mg2+ homeostasis. Within the kidney, Mg2+ filtered by the glomerulus is handled in different ways along the nephron. About 10–20% of Mg2+ is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule. the bulk of Mg2+ (about 50–70%) is reabsorbed by the cortical thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle. In this region, Mg2+ moves across the epithelium through the paracellular pathway, driven by the positive lumenal transepithelial voltage. A recently cloned human gene, paracellin-1 was shown to encode a protein localized to the tight junctions of the cortical thick ascending limb and is thought to mediate Mg2+ transport via the paracellular space of this epithelium. The distal convoluted tubule reabsorbs the remaining 5–10% of filtered Mg2+. This segment seems to play an important role in determining final urinary excretion, since there is no evidence for significant Mg2+ absorption beyond the distal tubule. Although many renal Mg2+ transport activities have been characterized, no Mg2+ transporter cDNAs have been cloned from mammalian tissues. Recent research has certainly expanded our knowledge of Mg2+ transport in kidney; but details of the transport processes and the mechanisms by which they control Mg2+ excretion must await cloning of renal Mg2+ transporters and/or channels. Such information would provide new concepts in our understanding of renal Mg2+ handling.  相似文献   

Internal Mg2+ blocks many potassium channels including Kv1.5. Here, we show that internal Mg2+ block of Kv1.5 induces voltage-dependent current decay at strongly depolarised potentials that contains a component due to acceleration of C-type inactivation after pore block. The voltage-dependent current decay was fitted to a bi-exponential function (tau(fast) and tau(slow)). Without Mg2+, tau(fast) and tau(slow) were voltage-independent, but with 10 mM Mg2+, tau(fast) decreased from 156 ms at +40 mV to 5 ms at +140 mV and tau(slow) decreased from 2.3 s to 206 ms. With Mg2+, tail currents after short pulses that allowed only the fast phase of decay showed a rising phase that reflected voltage-dependent unbinding. This suggested that the fast phase of voltage-dependent current decay was due to Mg2+ pore block. In contrast, tail currents after longer pulses that allowed the slow phase of decay were reduced to almost zero suggesting that the slow phase was due to channel inactivation. Consistent with this, the mutation R487V (equivalent to T449V in Shaker) or increasing external K+, both of which reduce C-type inactivation, prevented the slow phase of decay. These results are consistent with voltage-dependent open-channel block of Kv1.5 by internal Mg2+ that subsequently induces C-type inactivation by restricting K+ filling of the selectivity filter from the internal solution.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies indicate that stromal alkalinization is essential for light-induced increase in free Mg2+ concentration ([Mg2+]) in chloroplast. Stromal [Mg2+] was increased by dark incubation of chloroplasts in the K+-gluconate medium (pH 8.0), or by NH4Cl. These results indicate that stromal alkalinization can induce an increase in stromal [Mg2+] without illumination. Some inhibitors of envelope proton-translocating ATPase activity involved in H+ efflux inhibited the alkalinization-induced increase in [Mg2+].  相似文献   

1. Macroscopic and single-channel currents through several types of cloned rat brain Na+ channels, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, were measured using the patch-clamp technique. 2. For all cloned channel types and for endogenous Na+ channels in chromaffin cells, intracellular Mg2+ blocks outward currents in a voltage-dependent manner similar to that in rat brain type II Na+ channel (Pusch et al. 1989). 3. A sodium-channel mutant (cZ-2) with long single-channel open times was used to examine the voltage-dependent reduction of single-channel outward current amplitudes by intracellular Mg2+. This reduction could be described by a simple blocking mechanism with half-maximal blockage at 0 mV in 1.8 mM intracellular Mg2+ and a voltage-dependence of e-fold per 39 mV (in 125 mM [Na] i ); this corresponds to a binding-site at an electrical distance of 0.32 from the inside of the membrane. 4. At low Mg2+ concentrations and high voltages, the open-channel current variance is significantly elevated with respect to zero [Mg] i . This indicates that Mg2+ acts as a fast blocker rather than gradually decreasing current, e.g. by screening of surface charges. Analysis of the open-channel variance yielded estimates of the block and unblock rate constants, which are of the order of 2 · 108 M–1 s–1 and 3.6 · 105 s–1 at 0 mV for the mutant cZ-2. 5. A quantitative analysis of tail-currents of wild-type 11 channels showed that the apparent affinity for intracellular Mg2+ strongly depends on [Na] i . This effect could be explained in terms of a multi-ion pore model. 6. Simulated action potentials, calculated on the basis of the Hodgkin-Huxley theory, are significantly reduced in their amplitude and delayed in their onset by postulating Mg2+ block at physiological levels of [Mg] i .abbreviations [Na]i intracellular Na+ concentration - [K] i intracellular K+ concentration - [Mg] i intracellular Mg2+ concentration - HEPES N-2-hydroxylethyl piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-[\-amino-ethyl ether] N,N-tetra acetic acid - TEA tetraethylammonium  相似文献   

We reported previously that a Ca2+-ATPase in rat testes and goat spermatozoa could be activated by Ca2+ alone without Mg2+, though it has a lot of similarities with the well known Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase. Recently, we were successful in isolating the phosphorylated intermediate of the former enzyme under control conditions i.e., in the presence of low concentration of Ca2+ and at low temperature. Increase of the concentration of Ca2+ and/or temperature lead to dephosphorylation. Based on our observations, we proposed a reaction scheme comparable to that of Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase. The findings strengthened our previous report that Mg2+-independent Ca2+-ATPase is involved in Ca2+ transport and Ca2+ uptake like Ca2+, Mg2+-ATPase.  相似文献   

The regulatory effects of malate on chloroplast Mg2+-ATPase were investigated and the mechanism was discussed. Malate stimulated methanol-activated membrane-bound and isolated CF1 Mg2+-ATPase activity. The subunit of CF1 may be involved in malate regulation of the enzyme function. Modification of subunit at one site of the peptide by NEM may affect malate stimulation of ATPase while at another site may have no effect. The effect of malate on the Mg2+-ATPase was also controlled by the Mg2+/ATP ratio in the reaction medium. The enhancing effect of malate on Mg2+-ATPase activity depended on the presence of high concentrations of Mg2+ in the reaction mixture. Kinetic study showed that malate raised the Vmax of catalysis without affecting the Km for Mg2+ ATP. The experiments imply that the stimulation of Mg2+-ATPase by malate is probably correlated with the Pi binding site on the enzyme. The regulation of ATPase activity by malate in chloroplasts may be relevant to its function in vivo.Abbreviations CF1 chloroplast coupling factor 1 - CF1 (-) and CF1 (-) CF1 deficient in the and subunit - MF1 mitochondria coupling factor 1 - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PMS phenazine methosulfate - OG n-octyl--d-glucopyranoside  相似文献   

Free Mg(2+) in chloroplasts may contribute to the regulation of photosynthetic enzymes, but adequate methodology for the determination of free Mg(2+) concentration ([Mg(2+)]) in chloroplasts has been lacking. We measured internal chloroplast [Mg(2+)] by using a Mg-sensitive fluorescent indicator, mag-fura-2. In intact, dark-kept spinach chloroplasts, internal [Mg(2+)] was estimated to be 0.50 mM, and illumination caused an increase in [Mg(2+)] to 2.0mM in the stroma. The light-induced increase in [Mg(2+)] was inhibited by a blocker of driven electron transport and uncouplers. The K(+)-specific ionophore valinomycin inhibited the [Mg(2+)] increase in the absence of external K(+), and addition of KCl restored the [Mg(2+)] increase. NH(4)Cl, which induces stromal alkalinization, enhanced the [Mg(2+)] increase. A Ca(2+)-channel blocker, ruthenium red, inhibited the [Mg(2+)] increase, but LaCl(3) had no effect. These results indicate that stromal alkalinization is essential for light-induced increase in [Mg(2+)]. This system for measuring internal chloroplast [Mg(2+)] might provide a suitable system for assay of Mg(2+) transport activity of chloroplast membranes.  相似文献   

Kinetics and inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activity from rat synaptic plasma membrane (SPM), by separate and simultaneous exposure to transition (Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+ and.Co2+) and heavy metals (Hg2+and Pb2+) ions were studied. All investigated metals produced a larger maximum inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase than Mg2+-ATPase activity. The free concentrations of the key species (inhibitor, MgATP2 ? , MeATP2 ? ) in the medium assay were calculated and discussed. Simultaneous exposure to the combinations Cu2+/Fe2+ or Hg2+/Pb2+caused additive inhibition, while Cu2+/Zn2+ or Fe2+/Zn2+ inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase activity synergistically (i.e., greater than the sum metal-induced inhibition assayed separately). Simultaneous exposure to Cu2+/Fe2+ or Cu2+/Zn2+ inhibited Mg2+-ATPase activity synergistically, while Hg2+/Pb2+ or Fe2+/Zn2+ induced antagonistic inhibition of this enzyme. Kinetic analysis showed that all investigated metals inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase activity by reducing the maximum velocities (Vmax) rather than the apparent affinity (Km) for substrate MgATP2-, implying the noncompetitive nature of the inhibition. The incomplete inhibition of Mg2+-ATPase activity by Zn2+, Fe2+ and Co2+ as well as kinetic analysis indicated two distinct Mg2+-ATPase subtypes activated in the presence of low and high MgATP2 ? concentration. EDTA, L-cysteine and gluthathione (GSH) prevented metal ion-induced inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase with various potencies. Furthermore, these ligands also reversed Na+/K+-ATPase activity inhibited by transition metals in a concentration-dependent manner, but a recovery effect by any ligand on Hg2+-induced inhibition was not obtained.  相似文献   

Mg(2+) competitively inhibits spermine transport in energized rat liver mitochondria (RLM) and exhibits a K(i) of 0.1mM on the initial rate and an I(50) of 0.6mM on total spermine accumulation after 20 min. Addition of 2mM Mg(2+) after spermine accumulation induces release of the polyamine. In view of the fact that spermine cycles across the inner membrane under physiological conditions, these results demonstrate that Mg(2+) inhibits spermine influx but does not affect the efflux pathway of the polyamine; the inhibitory effect occurs via an interaction with the specific site responsible for spermine transport. Instead, spermine inhibits Mg(2+) binding without affecting the rate of Mg(2+) transport, suggesting that both cations bind to the same site, which, however, is not used for Mg(2+) transport. Spermine also inhibits Mg(2+) efflux from RLM induced under conditions of the "low conductance state," a preliminary step preceding permeability transition pore opening.  相似文献   

Macroscopic instantaneous and time-dependent currents have been measured in the vacuolar membrane of Beta vulgaris using a patch clamp configuration analogous to whole cell mode. At low cytosolic Ca2+ and in the absence of Mg2+, only an instantaneous current was observed. This current is carried predominantly by cations (PKPCl 71, pnapcl 41 and arginine is also conducted). The instantaneous current can be activated by ATP4– (e.g., ATP-activated mean K+ current density was –20 mA.m–2 at a membrane voltage of –20 mV) and by increasing cytosolic pH and Mg2+ (raising Mg2+ from 0 to 0.4 mm induced a mean current density increase of –7 mA.m–2 at –20 mV). Such current can be activated by simultaneous addition of putative in vivo concentrations of ATP4–/MgATP/Mg free 2+ (in the presence of bafilomycin to inhibit the vacuolar ATPase) and further modulated by cytosolic pH. With vacuolar K+ concentration greater than that of the cytosol, activation of the instantaneous current would mediate vacuolar K+ release over the range of physiological membrane voltage. It is argued that the ATP4–-activated current, in addition to acting as a K+ mobilization pathway, could provide a counter-ion (shunt) conductance, allowing the two electrogenic H+ pumps which reside in the vacuolar membrane to acidify the vacuolar lumen.A separate time-dependent current, which was not observed at low Ca2+ concentrations (less than 500 nm) could also be elicited by addition of Mg2+ at the cytoplasmic membrane face. This current was stimulated by increasing cytoplasmic pH.The authors are grateful to the BBSRC for financial support (Grant PG87/529) and to the Royal Society (University Research Fellowship to J.M.D.). We thank C. Abbott, K. Partridge and J. Robinson for plant cultivation; A. Amtmann, A. Bertl, D. Gradmann and G. Thiel for helpful discussion.  相似文献   

Cardiac plasma membrane Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase (myoglein) requires millimolar concentrations of either Ca2+ or Mg2+ for maximal activity. In this paper, we report its localization by employing an antiserum raised against the purified rat cardiac Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase. As assessed by Western blot analysis, the antiserum and the purified immunoglobulin were specific for Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase; no cross reaction was observed towards other membrane bound enzymes such as cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase or sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump ATPase. On the other hand, the cardiac Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase was not recognized by antibodies specific for either cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase or plasma membrane Ca2+-pump ATPase. Furthermore, the immune serum inhibited the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase activity of the purified enzyme preparation. Immunofluorescence of cardiac tissue sections and neonatal cultured cardiomyocytes with the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase antibodies indicated the localization of Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase in association with the plasma membrane of myocytes, in areas of cell-matrix or cell-cell contact. Staining for the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase was not cardiac specific since the antibodies detected the presence of membrane proteins in sections from skeletal muscle, brain, liver and kidney. The results indicate that Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase is localized to the plasma membranes of cardiomyocytes as well as other tissues such as brain, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

In skeletal muscle, Mg(2+) exerts a dual inhibitory effect on RyR1, by competing with Ca(2+) at the activation site and binding to a low affinity Ca(2+)/Mg(2+) inhibitory site. Pharmacological activators of RyR1 must overcome the inhibitory action of Mg(2+) before Ca(2+) efflux can occur. In normal muscle, where the free [Mg(2+)](i) is approximately 1mM, even prolonged exposure to millimolar levels of volatile anesthetics does not initiate SR Ca(2+) release. However, when the cytosolic [Mg(2+)] is reduced below the physiological range, low levels of volatile anesthetic within the clinically relevant range (1mM) can initiate SR Ca(2+) release, in the form of a propagating Ca(2+) wave. In human muscle fibers from malignant hyperthermia susceptible patients, such Ca(2+) waves occur when 1mM halothane is applied at physiological [Mg(2+)](i). There is increasing evidence to suggest that defective Mg(2+) regulation of RyR1 confers susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia. At the molecular level, interactions between critical RyR1 subdomains may explain the clustering of RyR1 mutations and associated effects on Mg(2+) regulation.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes release 2–3 nmol Mg2+/mg protein or ~10% of the total cellular Mg2+ content within 2 minutes from the addition of agonists that increase cellular cAMP, for example, isoproterenol (ISO). During Mg2+ release, a quantitatively similar amount of Ca2+ enters the hepatocyte, thus suggesting a stoichiometric exchange ratio of 1 Mg2+:1Ca2+. Calcium induced Mg2+ extrusion is also observed in apical liver plasma membranes (aLPM), in which the process presents the same 1 Mg2+:1Ca2+ exchange ratio. The uptake of Ca2+ for the release of Mg2+ occurs in the absence of significant changes in Δψ as evidenced by electroneutral exchange measurements with a tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) electrode or 3H-TPP+. Collapsing the Δψ by high concentrations of TPP+ or protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) does not inhibit the Ca2+-induced Mg2+ extrusion in cells or aLPM. Further, the process is strictly unidirectional, serving only in Ca2+ uptake and Mg2+ release. These data demonstrate the operation of an electroneutral Ca2+/Mg2+ exchanger which represents a novel pathway for Ca2+ accumulation in liver cells following adrenergic receptor stimulation. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant HL 18708.  相似文献   

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