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In this study we have investigated the ability of nonencapsulated, nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, NT477 to survive in the J774 mouse macrophage-like cell line. Viable, intracellular nontypeable H. influenzae could still be recovered from macrophages 72 h after phagocytosis. In contrast, H. influenzae strain Rd, an avirulent, nonencapsulated variant of a serotype d strain, was killed within 24 h. These differences suggest that NT477, in comparison to Rd, possesses unique attributes that enable it to survive in macrophages for prolonged periods. To determine whether this trait is ubiquitous amongst nontypeable H. influenzae, 33 primary clinical isolates obtained from children with otitis media were screened for their ability to survive in macrophages. Of these isolates, 82% were able to persist in an intracellular environment for periods of at least 24 h. The number of viable organisms recovered at this time ranged from 2x10(4) to 50 colony-forming units per strain indicating that the extent to which nontypeable H. influenzae can resist macrophage-mediated killing varies between strains.  相似文献   

Nonencapsulated (nontypeable) Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a Gram-negative coccobacillus colonizing upper respiratory tract of most healthy people and causing such diseases as otitis media, sinusitis, exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and bronchitis. NTHi may cause systemic infection. As a result, over the past decade the bacterium has been the subject of intense research. However immune response to NTHi has not been well characterized. Data on research of immune response to NTHi are presented.  相似文献   

Histidine biosynthesis is one of the best studied metabolic pathways in bacteria. Although this pathway is thought to be highly conserved within and between bacterial species, a previous study identified a genetic region within the histidine operon (his) of nontypeable strains of Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) that was more prevalent among otitis media strains than among throat commensal NTHI strains. In the present study, we further characterized this region and showed that genes in the complete his operon (hisG, -D, -C, -NB, -H, -A, -F, and -IE) are >99% conserved among four fully sequenced NTHI strains, are present in the same location in these four genomes, and are situated in the same gene order. Using PCR and dot blot hybridization, we determined that the his operon was significantly more prevalent in otitis media NTHI strains (106/121; 87.7%) than in throat strains (74/137; 54%) (prevalence ratio, 1.62; P<0.0001), suggesting a possible role in middle ear survival and/or acute otitis media. NTHI strains lacking the his operon showed attenuated growth in histidine-restricted media, confirming them as his-negative auxotrophs. Our results suggest that the ability to make histidine is an important factor in bacterial growth and survival in the middle ear, where nutrients such as histidine may be found in limited amounts. Those isolates lacking the histidine pathway were still able to survive well in the throat, which suggests that histidine is readily available in the throat environment.  相似文献   

Bacterial strategies of innate immune evasion and essential metabolic functions are critical for commensal-host homeostasis. Previously, we showed that Sap translocator function is necessary for nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) behaviors that mediate diseases of the human airway. Antimicrobial peptide (AP) lethality is limited by binding mediated by the Sap complex. SapA shares homology with the dipeptide-binding protein (DppA) and the heme-binding lipoprotein (HbpA), both of which have previously been shown to bind the iron-containing compound heme, whose acquisition is essential for Haemophilus survival. Computational modeling revealed conserved SapA residues, similarly modeled to mediate heme binding in HbpA. Here, we directly demonstrate that SapA bound heme and was essential for heme utilization by iron-starved NTHI. Further, the Sap translocator permease mediated heme transport into the bacterial cytoplasm, thus defining a heretofore unknown mechanism of intracytoplasmic membrane heme transport in Haemophilus. Since we demonstrate multiple ligand specificity for the SapA-binding protein, we tested whether APs would compete with heme for SapA binding. We showed that human β-defensins 2 and 3, human cathelicidin LL-37, human neutrophil protein 1, and melittin displaced heme bound to SapA, thus supporting a hierarchy wherein immune evasion supercedes even the needed iron acquisition functions of the Sap system.  相似文献   

We report the novel pattern of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) expressed by two disease-associated nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae strains, 1268 and 1200. The strains express the common structural motifs of H. influenzae; globotetraose [beta-d-GalpNAc-(1-->3)-alpha-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Glcp] and its truncated versions globoside [alpha-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Glcp] and lactose [beta-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Glcp] linked to the terminal heptose (HepIII) and the corresponding structures with an alpha-d-Glcp as the reducing sugar linked to the middle heptose (HepII) in the same LPS molecule. Previously these motifs had been found linked only to either the proximal heptose (HepI) or HepIII of the triheptosyl inner-core moiety l-alpha-d-Hepp-(1-->2)-[PEtn-->6]-l-alpha-d-Hepp-(1-->3)-l-alpha-d-Hepp-(1-->5)-[PPEtn-->4]-alpha-Kdo-(2-->6)-lipid A. This novel finding was obtained by structural studies of LPS using NMR techniques and ESI-MS on O-deacylated LPS and core oligosaccharide material, as well as electrospray ionization-multiple-step tandem mass spectrometry on permethylated dephosphorylated oligosaccharide material. A lpsA mutant of strain 1268 expressed LPS of reduced complexity that facilitated unambiguous structural determination. Using capillary electrophoresis-ESI-MS/MS we identified sialylated glycoforms that included sialyllactose as an extension from HepII, this is a further novel finding for H. influenzae LPS. In addition, each LPS was found to carry phosphocholine and O-linked glycine. Nontypeable H. influenzae strain 1200 expressed identical LPS structures to 1268 with the difference that strain 1200 LPS had acetates substituting HepIII, whereas strain 1268 LPS has glycine at the same position.  相似文献   

We here report the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) structures expressed by nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae R2846, a strain whose complete genome sequence has recently been obtained. Results were obtained by using NMR techniques and ESI-MS on O-deacylated LPS and core oligosaccharide material (OS) as well as ESI-MS (n) on permethylated dephosphorylated OS. A beta- d-Glc p-(1-->4)- d-alpha- d-Hep p-(1-->6)-beta- d-Glc p-(1-->4) unit was found linked to the proximal heptose (HepI) of the conserved triheptosyl inner-core moiety, l-alpha- d-Hep p-(1-->2)-[ PEtn-->6]- l-alpha- d-Hep p-(1-->3)- l-alpha- d-Hep p-(1-->5)-[ PPEtn-->4]-alpha-Kdo-(2-->6)-lipid A. The beta- d-Glc p (GlcI) linked to HepI was also branched with oligosaccharide extensions from O-4 and O-6. O-4 of GlcI was substituted with sialyllacto- N-neotetraose [alpha-Neu5Ac-(2-->3)-beta- d-Gal p-(1-->4)-beta- d-Glc pNAc-(1-->3)-beta- d-Gal p-(1-->4)-beta- d-Glc p-(1-->] and the related structure [( PEtn-->6)-alpha- d-Gal pNAc-(1-->6)-beta- d-Gal p-(1-->4)-beta- d-Glc pNAc-(1-->3)-beta- d-Gal p-(1-->4)-beta- d-Glc p-(1-->]. The distal heptose (HepIII) was substituted at O-2 by beta- d-Gal. Phosphate, phosphoethanolamine, phosphocholine, acetate, and glycine were found to substitute the core oligosaccharide. Two heptosyltransferase genes, losB1 and losB2, have been identified from the R2846 genome sequence and are candidates to add the noncore heptose to the LPS. Mutant strain R2846 losB1 did not show dd-heptose in the extension from HepI but still contained minor quantities of ld-heptose at the same position, indicating that the losB1 gene is required to add dd-heptose to GlcI. The LPS from strain R2846 losB1/ losB2 expressed no noncore heptose, consistent with losB2 directing the addition of ld-heptose.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae strain 1003 has been achieved by the application of high-field NMR techniques, ESI-MS, capillary electrophoresis coupled to ESI-MS, composition and linkage analyses on O-deacylated LPS and core oligosaccharide material. It was found that the LPS contains the common structural element of H. influenzae, l-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->2)-[PEtn-->6]-l-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->3)-[beta-D-Glcp-(1-->4)]-l-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->5)-[PP Etn-->4]-alpha-Kdop-(2-->6)-Lipid A, in which the beta-D-Glcp residue is substituted by phosphocholine at O-6 and an acetyl group at O-4. A second acetyl group is located at O-3 of the distal heptose residue (HepIII). HepIII is chain elongated at O-2 by either a beta-D-Glcp residue (major), lactose or sialyllactose (minor, i.e. alpha-Neu5Ac-(2-->3)-beta-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-Glcp), where a third minor acetylation site was identified at the glucose residue. Disialylated species were also detected. In addition, a minor substitution of ester-linked glycine at HepIII and Kdo was observed.  相似文献   

Enhancing the virulence trait of a specific bacterium in an animal model is often performed prior to the use of the strain for ex vivo human studies, such as reactivity with complement and antibody, or with phagocytic cells. For example, in Streptococcus pneumoniae mouse passage is used to enhance capsule production. While investigating an unusual serum-resistant unencapsulated Haemophilus influenzae (R2866), we found that animal passage yielded an isolate (R3392) which had decreased resistance to human serum, but increased virulence in Chang conjunctival cell monolayers, but with less invasion and transcytosis of polar H292 cells. We examined 90 colonies recovered from three infant rats for phase variants of LPS biosynthetic genes. In 88 colonies lgtC was OFF due to tetrameric repeat mediated slipped-strand mispairing at the time of DNA replication, while there was no variation in lic1A, lic2A, lic3A, lexA and oaf A. With lgtC OFF the LPS lacks Galα1-4βGal, an epitope mimicking the human p(k) blood group, and molecular mimicry is lost. Selection for strain susceptible to NHS in the infant rat was not antibody mediated. We conclude that the passage of pathogens virulent in humans and animals may select for phenotypes only relevant for the animal species used.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) strain 2019, a prototype strain that is used for studies of NTHi biology and disease. Analysis of LPS from wild type and lex2B, lpt3 and pgm mutant strains using NMR techniques and ESI-MS on O-deacylated LPS and core oligosaccharide material (OS), as well as ESI-MSn on permethylated dephosphorylated OS, confirmed the previously established structure in which lactose is linked to the proximal heptose (HepI) of the conserved triheptosyl inner-core moiety, l-α-d-Hepp-(1→2)-[PEtn→6]-l-α-d-Hepp-(1→3)-l-α-d-Hepp-(1→5)-[PPEtn→4]-α-Kdo-(2→6)-lipid A. Importantly, our data provide further structural detail whereby extensions from the middle heptose (HepII) are now characterized as β-d-Galp-(1→4)-β-d-Glcp-(1→4)-α-d-Glcp-(1→3 and truncated versions thereof. PEtn substitutes O-3 of the distal heptose (HepIII) of the inner-core moiety. This PEtn substituent was absent in the lpt3 mutant indicating that Lpt3 is the transferase required to add PEtn to the distal heptose. Interestingly, in the lex2B mutant strain HepIII was found to be substituted at O-2 by β-d-Glcp which, in turn, can be further extended. Contrary to previous findings, LPS of the pgm mutant strain contained minor glycoforms having β-d-Glcp linked to O-4 of HepI and also glycoforms with an additional PEtn which could be assigned to HepIII. Acetate groups and one glycine residue further substitute HepIII in NTHi 2019.  相似文献   

Structural elucidation of the sialylated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) strain 486 has been achieved by the application of high-field NMR techniques and ESI-MS along with composition and linkage analyses on O-deacylated LPS and oligosaccharide samples. It was found that the LPS contains the common element of H. influenzae, L-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->2)-[PEtn-->6]-L-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->3)-[beta-D-Glcp-(1-->4)]-L-alpha-D-Hepp-(1-->5)-[PPEtn-->4]-alpha-Kdop-(2-->6)-Lipid A, but instead of glycosyl substitution of the terminal heptose residue (HepIII) at the O2 position observed in other H. influenzae strains, HepIII is chain elongated at the O3 position by either lactose or sialyllactose (i.e. alpha-Neu5Ac-(2-->3)-beta-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-Glcp). The LPS is substituted by an O-acetyl group linked to the O2 position of HepIII and phosphocholine (PCho) which was located at the O6 position of a terminal alpha-D-Glcp residue attached to the central heptose, a molecular environment different from what has been reported earlier for PCho. In addition, minor substitution by O-linked glycine to the LPS was observed. By investigation of LPS from a lpsA mutant of NTHi strain 486, it was demonstrated that the lpsA gene product also is responsible for chain extension from HepIII in this strain. The involvement of lic1 in expression of PCho was established by investigation of a lic1 mutant of NTHi strain 486.  相似文献   

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) utilizes the Type IV pilus (Tfp) to adhere to respiratory tract epithelial cells thus colonizing its human host; however, the host cell receptor to which this adhesive protein binds is unknown. From a panel of receptors engaged by Tfp expressed by other bacterial species, we showed that the majority subunit of NTHI Tfp, PilA, bound to intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) and that this interaction was both specific and of high affinity. Further, Tfp‐expressing NTHI inoculated on to polarized respiratory tract epithelial cells that expressed ICAM1 were significantly more adherent compared to Tfp‐deficient NTHI or NTHI inoculated on to epithelial cells to which ICAM1 gene expression was silenced. Moreover, pre‐incubation of epithelial cells with recombinant soluble PilA (rsPilA) blocked adherence of NTHI, an outcome that was abrogated by admixing rsPilA with ICAM1 prior to application on to the target cells. Epithelial cells infected with adenovirus or respiratory syncytial virus showed increased expression of ICAM1; this outcome supported augmented adherence of Tfp‐expressing NTHI. Collectively, these data revealed the cognate receptor for NTHI Tfp as ICAM1 and promote continued development of a Tfp‐targeted vaccine for NTHI‐induced diseases of the airway wherein upper respiratory tract viruses play a key predisposing role.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae strain 981 has been achieved using NMR spectroscopy and ESI-MS on O-deacylated LPS and core oligosaccharide (OS) material as well as by ESI-MSn on permethylated dephosphorylated OS. A heterogeneous glycoform population was identified, resulting from the variable length of the OS branches attached to the glucose residue in the common structural element of H. influenzae LPS, l-alpha-d-Hepp-(1-->2)-[PEtn-->6]-l-alpha-d-Hepp-(1-->3)-[beta-d-Glcxp-(1-->4)]-l-alpha-d-Hepp-(1-->5)-[PPEtn-->4]-alpha-Kdop-(2-->6)-Lipid A. Notably, the O-6 position of the beta-d-Glcp residue was either substituted by PCho or the disaccharide branch beta-d-Galp-(1-->4)-d-alpha-d-Hepp, while the O-4 position was substituted by the globotetraose unit, beta-d-GalpNAc-(1-->3)-alpha-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-d-Glcp, or sequentially truncated versions thereof. This is the first time a branching sugar residue has been reported in the outer-core region of H. influenzae LPS. Additionally, a PEtn group was identified at O-3 of the distal heptose residue in the inner-core.  相似文献   

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a common cause of localized respiratory tract disease and initiates infection by colonizing the nasopharynx. Approximately 75 to 80% of NTHi clinical isolates produce proteins that belong to the HMW family of adhesins, which are believed to facilitate colonization. The prototype HMW adhesins are designated HMW1 and HMW2 and were identified in NTHi strain 12. HMW1 and HMW2 are 71% identical and 80% similar overall, yet display differing cellular binding specificities. In the present study we set out to define more clearly the relationships between HMW1 and HMW2 and other members of the HMW family of adhesins. PCR analysis of 49 epidemiologically distinct isolates revealed that all strains possessing hmw genes as determined by Southern analysis contain two hmw loci in conserved, unlinked physical locations on the chromosome. Functional analysis of the HMW adhesins produced by three unrelated strains demonstrated that each isolate possesses one protein with HMW1-like adherence properties and another with HMW2-like adherence properties. These findings suggest that the hmw1 and hmw2 loci may have arisen via a gene duplication event in an ancestral strain. In addition, they support the hypothesis that the distinct binding specificities of HMW1 and HMW2 emerged early and have persisted over time, suggesting an ongoing selective advantage.  相似文献   

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a common cause of otitis media in children and lower respiratory tract diseases in adults. So far there is no effective vaccine against NTHi. A major surface-exposed component of NTHi, lipooligosaccharide (LOS), is a virulence factor as well as a potential protective Ag. LOS is too toxic to be administered in humans. However, detoxified LOS is a T cell-independent small molecule and is poorly immunogenic in vivo, so we converted LOS into a nontoxic T cell-dependent Ag through the use of peptides that mimic the LOS by screening a phage-display peptide library with a rabbit Ab specific for NTHi LOS. Fifty-six phage clones were found to share LOS mimicry molecules. Among them, 22 clones were subjected to DNA sequencing, and four consensus sequences were identified as NMMRFTSQPPNN, NMMNYIMDPRTH, NMMKYISPPIFL, and NMMRFTELSTPS. Three of the four synthetic peptides showed strong binding reactivity to the rabbit anti-LOS Ab and also a mouse bactericidal monoclonal anti-LOS Ab in vitro, and elicited specific serum anti-LOS Abs in rabbits (27- to 81-fold) after conjugation with keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Passive immunization with the rabbit antisera resulted in a significantly enhanced pulmonary bacterial clearance in a mouse model. The enhanced bacterial clearance was eliminated if the rabbit serum was preabsorbed with NTHi LOS. These data indicate that the peptide mimotopes of LOS that we have identified might be potential components of peptide vaccines against NTHi.  相似文献   

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi), an important human respiratory pathogen, frequently causes biofilm infections. Currently, resistance of bacteria within the biofilm to conventional antimicrobials poses a major obstacle to effective medical treatment on a global scale. Novel agents that are effective against NTHi biofilm are therefore urgently required. In this study, a series of natural and synthetic chalcones with various chemical substituents were evaluated in vitro for their antibiofilm activities against strong biofilm‐forming strains of NTHi. Of the test chalcones, 3‐hydroxychalcone (chalcone 8 ) exhibited the most potent inhibitory activity, its mean minimum biofilm inhibitory concentration (MBIC50) being 16 μg/mL (71.35 μM), or approximately sixfold more active than the reference drug, azithromycin (MBIC50 419.68 μM). The inhibitory activity of chalcone 8 , which is a chemically modified chalcone, appeared to be superior to those of the natural chalcones tested. Significantly, chalcone 8 inhibited biofilm formation by all studied NTHi strains, indicating that the antibiofilm activities of this compound occur across multiple strong‐biofilm forming NTHi isolates of different clinical origins. According to antimicrobial and growth curve assays, chalcone 8 at concentrations that decreased biofilm formation did not affect growth of NTHi, suggesting the biofilm inhibitory effect of chalcone 8 is non‐antimicrobial. In terms of structure–activity relationship, the possible substituent on the chalcone backbone required for antibiofilm activity is discussed. These findings indicate that 3‐hydroxychalcone (chalcone 8 ) has powerful antibiofilm activity and suggest the potential application of chalcone 8 as a new therapeutic agent for control of NTHi biofilm‐associated infections.  相似文献   

Complement evasion by various mechanisms is important for microbial virulence and survival in the host. One strategy used by some pathogenic bacteria is to bind the complement inhibitor of the classical pathway, C4b-binding protein (C4BP). In this study, we have identified a novel interaction between nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) and C4BP, whereas the majority of the typeable H. influenzae (a-f) tested showed no binding. One of the clinical isolates, NTHi 506, displayed a particularly high binding of C4BP and was used for detailed analysis of the interaction. Importantly, a low C4BP-binding isolate (NTHi 69) showed an increased deposition of C3b followed by reduced survival as compared with NTHi 506 when exposed to normal human serum. The main isoform of C4BP contains seven identical alpha-chains and one beta-chain linked together with disulfide bridges. Each alpha-chain is composed of eight complement control protein (CCP) modules and we have found that the NTHi 506 strain did not interact with rC4BP lacking CCP2 or CCP7 showing that these two CCPs are important for the binding. Importantly, C4BP bound to the surface of H. influenzae retained its cofactor activity as determined by analysis of C3b and C4b degradation. Taken together, NTHi interferes with the classical complement activation pathway by binding to C4BP.  相似文献   



Unambiguous identification of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is not possible by conventional microbiology. Molecular characterisation of phenotypically defined NTHi isolates suggests that up to 40% are Haemophilus haemolyticus (Hh); however, the genetic similarity of NTHi and Hh limits the power of simple molecular techniques such as PCR for species discrimination.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we assess the ability of previously published and novel PCR-based assays to identify true NTHi. Sixty phenotypic NTHi isolates, classified by a dual 16S rRNA gene PCR algorithm as NTHi (n = 22), Hh (n = 27) or equivocal (n = 11), were further characterised by sequencing of the 16S rRNA and recA genes then interrogated by PCR-based assays targeting the omp P2, omp P6, lgtC, hpd, 16S rRNA, fucK and iga genes. The sequencing data and PCR results were used to define NTHi for this study. Two hpd real time PCR assays (hpd#1 and hpd#3) and the conventional iga PCR assay were equally efficient at differentiating study-defined NTHi from Hh, each with a receiver operator characteristic curve area of 0.90 [0.83; 0.98]. The hpd#1 and hpd#3 assays were completely specific against a panel of common respiratory bacteria, unlike the iga PCR, and the hpd#3 assay was able to detect below 10 copies per reaction.


Our data suggest an evolutionary continuum between NTHi and Hh and therefore no single gene target could completely differentiate NTHi from Hh. The hpd#3 real time PCR assay proved to be the superior method for discrimination of NTHi from closely related Haemophilus species with the added potential for quantification of H. influenzae directly from specimens. We suggest the hpd#3 assay would be suitable for routine NTHi surveillance and to assess the impact of antibiotics and vaccines, on H. influenzae carriage rates, carriage density, and disease.  相似文献   

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