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三峡库区典型农林流域景观格局对径流和泥沙输出的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄志霖  田耀武  肖文发  马德举 《生态学报》2013,33(23):7487-7495
以三峡库区秭归县25个典型农林复合小流域作为研究对象,斑块类型水平上选取斑块面积比例指数(PLAND),景观水平上选取斑块丰富度密度(PRD)、双对数回归分维数(DLFD)、Shannon-Weaver多样性指数(SHDI)、聚集度(CONT)等5类景观指数,基于遥感和GIS技术,应用AnnAGNPS(Annualized AGricultural Non-Point Source)模型模拟流域径流和泥沙输出,FRAGSTATS软件计算流域景观格局指数,SPSS19.0分析景观指数和径流、泥沙的相关回归关系,从景观水平探讨景观格局特征对径流、泥沙输出的影响。结果表明:流域径流量与农坡地PLAND、农梯地PLAND、农林梯地PLAND、居民地PLAND、CONT等指数显著正相关,林地PLAND、灌木地PLAND与径流量显著负相关;农坡地PLAND、农林梯地PLAND、居民地PLAND、CONT等与泥沙输出量显著正相关,林地PLAND、灌木地PLAND、SHDI等与泥沙显著负相关。景观指数(因子)与径流和泥沙输出量复相关系数R为0.856和0.962(均高度相关),复相关系数R均大于相对应的单因子相关系数。流域景观水平上,景观格局对径流和泥沙输出影响均显著,景观空间格局是景观功能多样性的反馈,本文是景观格局影响生态过程(径流、泥沙输出)的又一例证。  相似文献   

绿色屋面降雨径流水质及消减污染负荷研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2011年5月至11月对12场降雨时段的屋面径流和干湿沉降进行采样监测,比较了屋面径流(绿色屋面和沥青屋面)、干湿总沉降和降雨中污染物的浓度和污染负荷,并运用多元统计方法分析了降雨特征对绿色屋面径流水质的影响。结果表明,从径流水质层面上分析,绿色屋面是总悬浮物(TSS)的汇,对p H值有较好的中和作用,对于总磷(TP)、溶解态铜(DCu)和溶解态锌(DZn)是非源非汇,是电导率(EC)、总氮(TN)、氨态氮(NH+4-N)、硝态氮(NO-3-N)、化学需氧量(COD)、5日生化需氧量(BOD5)和溶解态铅(DPb)的源;从污染负荷的角度分析,绿色屋面是NH+4-N、TSS和BOD5的汇,对于TN、DPb、DCu、DZn、TP和COD是非源非汇,是NO-3-N的源;与控制屋面相比,绿色屋面可以消减TSS、TP、BOD5、COD、NH+4-N、DZn和DPb的污染负荷,分别消减了90.53%、49.38%、41.31%、36.48%、35.45%、28.27%和14.20%;但是增加了NO-3-N和TN的污染负荷,分别增加了821.02%和275.48%;绿色屋面径流污染物的浓度与降雨量、降雨历时和降雨强度呈负相关关系,而与降雨间隔呈正相关关系。研究结果为绿色屋面的科学设计及正确评价绿色屋面对径流水质的影响提供依据。  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model for the vascularisation of a porous scaffold following implantation in vivo. The model is given as a set of coupled non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which describe the evolution in time of the amounts of the different tissue constituents inside the scaffold. Bifurcation analyses reveal how the extent of scaffold vascularisation changes as a function of the parameter values. For example, it is shown how the loss of seeded cells arising from slow infiltration of vascular tissue can be overcome using a prevascularisation strategy consisting of seeding the scaffold with vascular cells. Using certain assumptions it is shown how the system can be simplified to one which is partially tractable and for which some analysis is given. Limited comparison is also given of the model solutions with experimental data from the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a blood-borne infection that can lead to progressive liver failure, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and death. In developed countries, the majority of HCV infections are transmitted via injecting drug users (IDUs). Despite effective antiviral treatment for HCV, very few active IDUs are treated. Reluctance to treat is partially due to the risk of reinfection. We develop a mathematical model of HCV transmission amongst active IDUs, and examine the potential effect of antiviral treatment. As most mathematical models of interventions utilise a treatment function proportional to the infected population, but many policy implementations set fixed yearly targets for specific numbers treated, we study the effects of using two different treatment terms: annually treating a proportion of infecteds or a fixed number of infecteds. We examine the behaviour of the two treatment models and find different bifurcation behaviours in each case. We calculate analytical solutions for the treatment level needed for disease clearance or control, and observe that achievable levels of treatment can result in control or eradication across a wide range of prevalence levels. Finally, we calculate the sensitivity of the critical treatment threshold to the model parameters, and find that for a given observed prevalence, the injecting duration and infection risk play the most important role in determining the treatment level needed. By contrast, the sensitivity analysis indicates the presence (or absence) of immunity does not alter the treatment threshold. We conclude by discussing the public health implications of this work, and comment on the importance and feasibility of utilising treatment as prevention for HCV spread amongst IDUs.  相似文献   

中国主要入海河流河口集水区划分与分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄金良  李青生  黄玲  王菊英  胡莹莹  冯媛 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3516-3527
采用GIS技术开展中国主要入海河流的流域边界及其汇水单元、河口集水区的划分及其分类。基于ArcGIS水文分析模块划分出15条入海河流的汇水单元,并通过5种不同汇水单元面积等级的划分来表达各入海河流汇水单元的详细程度;划分的流域面积与相关文献资料对比偏差在10%以内;在流域与汇水单元划分的基础上,基于感潮河段的数据收集,确定出88个中国主要入海河流的河口集水区。通过建立分类指标体系,采用聚类分析方法,划分出5类河口:第一类EDA主要分布在环渤海地区、山东半岛和广东沿海;第二类EDA主要分布在长江口和杭州湾周围;第三类EDA主要分布在江苏北部沿海和辽东半岛;第四类包括山东江苏交界处沿海、江苏南部沿海;第五类主要分布在福建浙江沿海、珠江口、长江口、海河口附近、辽河河口附近,并利用快速生物评价法验证河口分类的合理性。研究成果可为进一步开展我国近海河口和海域营养盐基准制订与生态分区提供基础空间数据与方法借鉴。  相似文献   

Van Duin  E. H. S.  Blom  G.  Lijklema  L.  Scholten  M. J. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):167-176
In lake Marken (Markermeer), a shallow lake in the Netherlands, sediment transport and suspended solids concentration are dominated by wind induced resuspension of sediment. The suspended solids concentration in the lake determines the attenuation of light. A 2-dimensional sediment transport model, STRESS-2d, was used to estimate the special distribution of the silt content for periods with different wind conditions. The model was calibrated using measured values of the fall velocity distributions of sediment, freshly deposited material and suspended solids. The specific light attenuation coefficient of the various sediment classes was also measured and used in the light attenuation model, CLEAR, together with simulation results from the STRESS-2d model, to simulate the light attenuation variations in time and space. By comparison of the simulation results for different scenarios, the influence of regional planning features on the sediment balance and the light attenuation can quantified. A provisional example of this method is presented.  相似文献   

Mathematical modelling of the Warburg effect in tumour cords   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The model proposed here links together two approaches to describe tumours: a continuous medium to describe the movement and the mechanical properties of the tissue, and a population dynamics approach to represent internal genetic inhomogeneity and instability of the tumour. In this way one can build models which cover several stages of tumour progression. In this paper we focus on describing transition from aerobic to purely glycolytic metabolism (the Warburg effect) in tumour cords. From the mathematical point of view this model leads to a free boundary problem where domains in contact are characterized by different sets of equations. Accurate stitching of the solution was possible with a modified ghost fluid method. Growth and death of the cells and uptake of the nutrients are related through ATP production and energy costs of the cellular processes. In the framework of the bi-population model this allowed to keep the number of model parameters relatively small.  相似文献   

李建明  王文龙  王贞  罗婷  李宏伟  金剑 《生态学杂志》2013,24(12):3537-3545
采用野外模拟降雨试验方法,研究了神府东胜煤田开采造成的弃土弃渣体产流产沙规律及其减水减沙效益.结果表明: 随降雨强度的增大,弃土弃渣体产流的起始时间呈递减趋势,且差异达几倍至十几倍.弃渣体比弃土体更快到达稳定流速,平均流速大小为弃土体>沙多石少弃渣体>沙少石多弃渣体.弃土弃渣体产流6 min后的径流率达到稳定,与降雨强度呈显著相关.弃土弃渣体侵蚀主要发生在产流开始后的前6 min,弃土体产流后前6 min的平均含沙量是6 min后的0.43~4.27倍,弃渣体为1.43~54.93倍.弃土体和沙多石少弃渣体径流量与降雨强度呈线性函数关系,沙少石多弃渣体呈幂函数关系.弃土体和沙少石多弃渣体的次侵蚀量与降雨强度之间分别呈指数函数和幂函数相关.弃土体侵蚀量与径流量呈线性函数关系.在降雨强度为1.0和1.5 mm·min-1条件下,弃渣体采用鱼鳞坑及植被防护的产流滞后降雨时间为24 min,减水效益为29.5%~52.9%,减沙效益为85.7%~97.9%.  相似文献   

漓江滨岸草带对径流泥沙的拦截效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丹丹  王冬梅  信忠保  史常青 《生态学报》2016,36(21):6985-6993
位于污染源和受纳水体之间的滨岸带对径流泥沙的过滤作用已经得到广泛认可,滨岸植被的存在能降低径流流速,增加土壤入渗,延缓产流时间,促使径流中的悬浮物质得到沉积。而关于漓江滨岸草带过滤作用的相关定量研究和应用尚未见报道。为探索影响草带过滤效果的影响因素,在广西漓江滨岸带内按不同植被条件、不同带宽布设6个试验小区,通过小区放水试验测定滨岸草带对径流泥沙的拦截效果。结果表明:草带能有效拦截径流悬浮物,对径流、泥沙的拦截率分别达到66%和68%,当草带宽度增加到10m时拦截率均达90%。带宽是影响径流泥沙拦截的主导因素。植被条件是影响拦截效果的又一重要因素,而初始含水量和入流泥沙浓度对拦截效果的影响较小。同一草带对泥沙的拦截效果优于径流的拦截效果,且二者之间存在密切的线性关系。  相似文献   

以上海市中心城区典型排水区域为研究对象,基于SWMM模型连续模拟2009—2011年降雨径流,分析区域235场降雨及地表径流特征.结果表明: 该区域发生频率较高的降雨具有雨量小、强度低的特点,雨量为0~10 mm、平均降雨强度为0~5 mm·h-1、降雨峰值为0~10 mm·h-1的降雨发生频率最大,分别占所有研究降雨场次的66.4%、88.8%和79.6%,这对于该区域应用低影响开发措施削减小雨量或低强度降雨下的径流和面源污染具有重要意义;径流量总体随着降雨量增大而增大,区域降雨产流临界值不仅与降雨量有关,还与平均降雨强度和降雨历时有关,2 mm以下的降雨基本不产流;2~4 mm的降雨如降雨强度在1.6 mm·h-1以下,产流量不到1 mm,当降雨量在4 mm以上、平均降雨强度大于1.6 mm·h-1时,区域基本产流.基于SWMM径流模拟结果,建立适合该区域的径流量与降雨因子的回归方程,其调整R2均大于0.97,能较好反映该区域径流量与降雨因子的关系.研究结果可为该区域更好地规划低影响开发措施和削减排水系统溢流污染提供计算基础,并为类似区域的径流研究提供参考.  相似文献   

反坡水平阶对坡耕地径流和泥沙的调控作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于天然降雨径流小区,动态监测了澄江抚仙湖一级支流尖山河小流域坡耕地降雨-径流过程及水土流失量,研究了反坡水平阶对云南红壤坡耕地水土流失的调控作用.结果表明:反坡水平阶对研究区地表径流调控率在49.5%~87.7%,产沙调控率在56.7%~96.1%,平均可削减地表径流65.3%、减少泥沙流失80.7%,产流产沙调控作用显著,且产沙调控作用更明显;原状坡面和反坡水平阶处理中各参数的变异系数均依次为:泥沙流失量>径流量>产径流降雨量.与原状坡面相比,反坡水平阶处理下径流量、泥沙量的相对偏离程度较小,说明反坡水平阶对研究区坡耕地水土流失调控作用显著.  相似文献   

本文分析了我国东半部褐飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟迁飞动态与正午时太阳高度角的关系。根据正午时太阳高度角公式计算出两虫迁飞发生区正午时的太阳高度角,与T值间进行数学分析建立迁飞发生区预测模型,并可进行预报。  相似文献   

为了探寻我国黄土高原丘陵区坡地垄沟集雨种植控制水土流失和增产机理,本研究利用试验期2019年坡地微型集雨垄收集的19次降雨-径流资料,率定不同坡度(0°、5°和10°)微型集雨垄SCS-CN模型的径流曲线数CN值和初损系数λ值,利用5次降雨-径流资料检验模型的有效性.结果 表明:自然降雨条件下,坡地微型集雨垄径流量随坡...  相似文献   

In this work we introduce an extended model of the Aspergillus niger metabolism while in citrate production conditions. The model includes many recent findings related to various transport processes. It now considers a new information about the fructose uptake system and the proton and amino acids carriers between cytoplasm and the external medium. It also accounts for recent information about both the malate-citrate antiport between mitochondria and cytoplasm and the dihydrogen citrate ion excretion symport with protons. Finally, the model also accounts for new information about the glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle and pH buffering systems. Provided with this updated representation and after having assessed its quality and dynamic behaviour, we were able to explain the observed pH homoeostasis found in A. niger while in citrate producing conditions. The model also serves to enhance our comprehension of the molecular mechanisms operating in order to keep homoeostasis of pH in A. niger and other fungi, bacteria and yeast of biotechnological relevance.  相似文献   

韩建纯  李鹏  杨志  张祎  许垚涛  封扬帆  党小虎 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4190-4201
水沙关系不协调已成为制约黄河高质量发展的关键问题,揭示径流量与输沙量变化的主要影响因素,对适应生态经济发展条件下的水土流失治理工作具有指导意义。以茹河流域为研究对象,采用M-K检验和Pettitt检验分析茹河流域1989—2019年水沙变化趋势,运用双累积曲线法定量研究了降雨和人类活动对茹河流域径流量、输沙量变化的贡献率,通过随机森林回归分析探索了影响水沙变化的主控因子。结果表明:(1)茹河流域径流量和输沙量峰值对应情况良好,但在2012年之后径流量和输沙量呈现出明显分异,径流量逐渐增加,输沙量平稳减小。(2)茹河流域径流量突变点为1996年和2003年,输沙量突变点为1996年和2004年,影响期的两个阶段中,人类活动对径流量的贡献率分别为95.95%和77.52%,对输沙量的贡献率分别为78.31%和77.91%。(3)显著影响径流量的因子为农作物播种面积、耕地面积、草地面积和人口密度,显著影响输沙量的因子为植被覆盖度、水利环境投资占比、人口密度和工业总产值。(4)农作物播种面积和耕地面积的变化对径流量的影响均呈显著正相关,草地面积和人口密度对径流量响应关系为显著负相关;植被覆盖度...  相似文献   

Biogenesis of methane in the heartwood of diseased trees has been shown, but never in timber in service. Studies were undertaken to establish whether methan‐ogens and sulfate‐reducers were present in wooden pit props and drainage water from underground sites in a gold mine. The predominant methanogen in the mine ecosystem was tentatively identified as Methanobacterium bryantii. The sulfate‐reducers comprised Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfotomaculum antarcticum. Most probable numbers (MPN) of bacteria indicated that 3.5 × 105 methanogenic and 7.9 × 103 sulfate‐reducing bacteria were present per milliliter of stagnant drainage water. MPN values per gram of timber were lower for methanogens but comparable for sulfate‐reducers. Laboratory model systems predicted a maximum rate of methan‐ogenesis of 2.3 mL methane/g wood per day; however, rates would never attain this value because of nutrient limitations and environmental restrictions. Analysis of gas samples extracted from sealed areas of the gold mine verified the presence of methane.  相似文献   

中国杉木林生物生产力格局及其数学模型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
 根据大量的样地材料,从宏观上阐明了杉木林生物生产力的地理分布格局和水热相关规律,建立的生产力地理分布模型客观地反映了杉木高产林区的地理分布规律。根据限制因子作用律建立了杉木林生物生产力水热优化模型,模型显示杉木林生长最适宜的水热组合环境为:年均气温16~17℃,年降水量1700~1900mm,温暖指数145—150℃月,潜在蒸散量920~930mm,这时杉木林乔木层的生产力达17~18t·hm-2·a-1,全林生产力达21~22t·hm-2·a-1。  相似文献   

黄土高原南部旱作水分产量潜势计算模型及其参数修正   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
建立了旱作水分产量潜势计算模型 ,并对模型中的主要参数 (光能利用率、作物产量反应系数和作物系数等 )进行了修正 ,同时提出作物耗水量和水分订正系数等的估算方法 .冬小麦水分产量潜势为 530 0~ 630 0 kg· hm- 2 ,春玉米为 770 0~ 90 0 0 kg·hm- 2 .此外 ,本文还对农田水分条件进行了评价 ,指出黄土高原南部的东部地区水分条件较差 ,有较大的灌溉增产潜力 .  相似文献   

刺槐是广泛分布于黄土高原的典型水土保持植物。以黄土丘陵区甘肃天水吕二沟小流域为研究区,分析了刺槐径向生长过程及其对气候因子的响应,并开展了利用刺槐年轮估算小流域年径流量、年输沙量的适用性评估。研究表明:(1)吕二沟刺槐人工林的径向生长随林龄呈明显的下降趋势,在幼龄林阶段(1—10 a)刺槐处于快速径向生长期((4.17±0.74)mm/a),之后逐渐下降,中龄林、成熟林、过熟林阶段(11—40 a)平均生长速率为(2.31±0.41)mm/a,较前期下降了44.60%。刺槐胸高断面积增量(BAI)在1—10 a平均以(5.46±2.13)cm2/a的速度生长,在11—40 a仍保持上升趋势但年际间生长波动较大,生长速率平均为(10.80±1.95)cm2/a,流域刺槐生长并未发生明显衰退。(2)刺槐的径向生长与温度多呈负相关,与降水、相对湿度及帕默尔干旱指数(PDSI)多呈正相关。其中刺槐径向生长与上年8月、9月(P<0.05)及当年7月均温、最高温呈显著负相关(P<0.01),与当年5月最低温呈显著正相关(P<0.05);...  相似文献   

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