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A field study was conducted on a coastal salt marsh in Nova Scotia, Canada, during the summer of 2000. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of biostimulation in restoring an oil-contaminated coastal marsh dominated by Spartina alterniflora under north-temperate conditions. Three remediation treatments were tested with two additional unoiled treatments, with and without added nutrients, serving as controls. This research determined the effectiveness of nitrogen and phosphorus addition for accelerating oil disappearance, the role of nutrients in enhancing restoration in the absence of wetland plants, and the rate at which the stressed salt marsh recovered. Petroleum hydrocarbons were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Statistically significant treatment differences were observed for alkanes but not aromatics in sediment samples. No differences were evident in above-ground vegetation samples. GC/MS-resolved alkanes and aromatics degraded substantially (>90% and >80%, respectively) after 20 weeks with no loss of TPH. Biodegradation was determined to be the main oil removal mechanism rather than physical washout.  相似文献   

A quantitative solid-phase microextraction, gas chromatography, flame ionization detector (SPME-GC-FID) method for low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons from crude oil was developed and applied to live biodegradation samples. Repeated sampling was achieved through headspace extractions at 30°C for 45 min from flasks sealed with Teflon Mininert. Quantification without detailed knowledge of oil–water–air partition coefficients required the preparation of standard curves. An inverse relationship between retention time and mass accumulated on the SPME fibre was noted. Hydrocarbons from C5 to C16 were dated and those up to C11 were quantified. Total volatiles were quantified using six calibration curves. Biodegradation of volatile hydrocarbons during growth on crude oil was faster and more complete with a mixed culture than pure isolates derived therefrom. The mixed culture degraded 55% of the compounds by weight in 4 days versus 30–35% by pure cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhodococcus globerulus or a co-culture of the two. The initial degradation rate was threefold higher for the mixed culture, reaching 45% degradation after 48 h. For the mixed culture, the degradation rate of individual alkanes was proportional to the initial concentration, decreasing from hexane to undecane. P. fluorescens was unable to degrade any of the low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons and methylcyclohexane was recalcitrant in all cases. Overall, the method was found to be reliable and cost-effective. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 155–162. Received 04 March 2000/ Accepted in revised form 25 June 2000  相似文献   

Determination of fertilizer levels in phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons is a complex issue, since nutrient demands of the plant and of degrading microorganisms in the rhizosphere have to be considered In the present work, three fertilizer levels were tested in a greenhouse experiment with the aim of optimizing growth of the tropical pasture grass Brachiaria brizantha and enhance microbial degradation of heavy crude oil in soil Fertilizer was applied twice in a concentration of 200, 300, and 400 mg each of N, P, and K per kg soil before and after the first sampling (14 wk). The medium fertilizer concentration resulted in best root growth and highest absolute oil dissipation (18.4%) after 22 wk The highest concentration produced best shoot growth and highest relative oil dissipation after 14 wk (10.5% less than unplanted control). In general, degradation of total oil and grease was higher in planted than in unplanted soil, but differences diminished toward the end of the experiment. Next to fertiizer quantity, its composition is an important factor to be further studied, including the form of available nitrogen (N-NO3- vs. N-NH4+). Field trials are considered indispensable for further phytoremediation studies, since greenhouse experiments produce particular water and nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Thirteen wetlands in St. Lawrence County, NY were sampled to examine the effect of a minerotrophic gradient on vascular plant species richness and rarity. Wetlands ranged from organic soil based poor fens (average conductivity 46.40 microsemens, average Ca 3.55 ppm) to mineral soil based rich fens (average conductivity 342.10 microsemens, Ca 23.00 ppm). Vascular plant species richness was sampled during 1990 in randomly located 1.0 m2 quadrats. Specific conductivity, presence or absence of hummocks, and water depth predicted 62% of the variation in richness. Richness increased as conductivity increased until 413 microsemens at which a down trend became obvious. The negative curvilinear relation between conductivity and richness is in accordance with the hump-backed model of Grime but occurs at high rather than intermediate conductivity values. State-listed rare species were found in species-rich wetlands only and had a mean associated richness value of 14.50 species m-2. This relationship should be taken into consideration when selecting wetlands for protection or managing wetlands for maximum plant diversity.  相似文献   

Aims:  To isolate and characterize an efficient hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium under hypersaline conditions, from a Tunisian off-shore oil field.
Methods and Results:  Production water collected from 'Sercina' petroleum reservoir, located near the Kerkennah island, Tunisia, was used for the screening of halotolerant or halophilic bacteria able to degrade crude oil. Bacterial strain C2SS100 was isolated after enrichment on crude oil, in the presence of 100 g l−1 NaCl and at 37°C. This strain was aerobic, Gram-negative, rod-shaped, motile, oxidase + and catalase +. Phenotypic characters and phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene of the isolate C2SS100 showed that it was related to members of the Halomonas genus. The degradation of several compounds present in crude oil was confirmed by GC–MS analysis. The use of refined petroleum products such as diesel fuel and lubricating oil as sole carbon source, under the same conditions of temperature and salinity, showed that significant amounts of these heterogenic compounds could be degraded. Strain C2SS100 was able to degrade hexadecane (C16). During growth on hexadecane, cells surface hydrophobicity and emulsifying activity increased indicating the production of biosurfactant by strain C2SS100.
Conclusions:  A halotolerant bacterial strain Halomonas sp. C2SS100 was isolated from production water of an oil field, after enrichment on crude oil. This strain is able to degrade hydrocarbons efficiently. The mode of hydrocarbon uptake is realized by the production of a biosurfactant which enhances the solubility of hydrocarbons and renders them more accessible for biodegradation.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The biodegradation potential of the Halomonas sp. strain C2SS100 gives it an advantage for possibly application on bioremediation of water, hydrocarbon-contaminated sites under high-salinity level.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the importance (number of species, plant cover) of the exotic flora in seven well‐defined sectors of one of the most important transportation waterways in North America. To determine the impact of exotic species on wetland plant diversity and reconstruct the spread of some invasive species. Location St Lawrence River, southern Québec. Methods The exotic flora (vascular plants) of wetlands bordering the St Lawrence River was studied using 713 sampling stations (25 m2) along a 560‐km long corridor. Results Exotic species represent 13.7% of the vascular flora of the St Lawrence wetlands. The relative plant cover occupied by exotic species is high in some of the fluvial sectors (42–44%), but low (6–10%) in the estuarine sectors. Wetlands (marshes) surrounding islands were particularly susceptible to invasion by exotic plants. Historical, abiotic and landscape factors may explain the differences observed between sites. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.) is the most common exotic species of the St Lawrence wetlands, but other species, namely flowering‐rush (Butomus umbellatus L.) and reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) are much more invasive. There is no linear relationship between the exotic species cover and the diversity of wetland plants; low diversity sites can be dominated by either exotic or native plant species. In the other sites, exotic species generally have little impact on plant communities and can contribute to increase diversity. Common reed (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel) and reed canary grass, both considered as exotic species in this study, clearly have a stronger impact on plant diversity than flowering‐rush and purple loosestrife. Main conclusions This study shows that the global impact of an invader cannot be adequately evaluated with only a few highly invaded sites. While nationwide strategies have been developed to control exotic species, large surveys are essential to adapt them to regional particularities.  相似文献   

The high hydrophobicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) strongly reduces their bioavailability in aged contaminated soils, thus limiting their bioremediation. The biodegradation of PAHs in soils can be enhanced by employing surface-active agents. However, chemical surfactants are often recalcitrant and exert toxic effects in the amended soils. The effects of two biogenic materials as pollutant-mobilizing agents on the aerobic bioremediation of an aged-contaminated soil were investigated here. A soil historically contaminated by about 13 g kg(-1) of a large variety of PAHs, was amended with soya lecithin (SL) or humic substances (HS) at 1.5% w/w and incubated in aerobic solid-phase and slurry-phase reactors for 150 days. A slow and only partial biodegradation of low-molecular weight PAHs, along with a moderate depletion of the initial soil ecotoxicity, was observed in the control reactors. The overall removal of PAHs in the presence of SL or HS was faster and more extensive and accompanied by a larger soil detoxification, especially under slurry-phase conditions. The SL and HS could be metabolized by soil aerobic microorganisms and enhanced the occurrence of both soil PAHs and indigenous aerobic PAH-degrading bacteria in the reactor water phase. These results indicate that SL and HS are biodegradable and efficiently enhance PAH bioavailability in soil. These natural surfactants significantly intensified the aerobic bioremediation of a historically PAH-contaminated soil under treatment conditions similar to those commonly employed in large-scale soil bioremediation.  相似文献   

The effects of enrichment with phosphate (0–500 µg. 1–1) and forms of nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia an and urea) (0–3500 µgg. –1) on the phytoplankton growth of Lobo Reservoir (Brazil) were studied in July, 1979. Suspended matter, chlorophyll a, cell concentrations and the carotenoid:cchlorophyll ratio were estimated following 14 days of in situ incubation. Phosphate alone caused no significant effects, but enrichment with nitrogen caused a substantial increase on the growth of phytoplankton. Comparison between the different forms of nitrogen showed insignificant effects after their additions with 350 µg. –1 and in combination with phosphate. However, when nitrogen was added in large quantities (3 500 µg. –1), significant differences between the nitrogeneous forms were found, with urea causing the strongest effect. In July, nitrogen is mhe main limiting nutrient to phytoplankton growth of Lobo Reservoir.Supported by CNPq and FAPESP.  相似文献   

Release of oxygen from the roots ofaquatic macrophytes into anaerobic sediments canaffect the quantity of interstitial dissolved organicmatter and nutrients that are available to bacteria. Nutrient and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)concentrations were compared between subsurface(interstitial) waters of unvegetated sediments andsediments among stands of the emergent herbaceousmacrophyte Juncus effusus L. in a lotic wetlandecosystem. Concentrations of inorganic nitrogen(NH4 +, NO3 -, and NO2 -)were greater from sediments of the unvegetatedcompared to the vegetated zone. DOC concentrations ofinterstitial waters were greater in sediments of theunvegetated zone both in the winter and springcompared to those from the vegetated zone. AlthoughDOC concentrations in hydrosoils collected from bothzones increased from winter to spring, bacterialproductivity per mg DOC in spring decreased comparedto winter. Greater initial bacterial productivityoccurred on DOM collected from the vegetated comparedto the unvegetated zone in winter samples (days 1 and4), with increased bacterial productivity on samplescollected from the unvegetated zone at the end of thestudy (day 20). Bacterial productivity wassignificantly greater on all sampling days on DOM fromvegetated samples compared to unvegetated samples. In nutrient enrichment experiments, bacterialproductivity was significantly increased (p < 0.05)with phosphorus but not nitrogen only amendments.  相似文献   

Spatial variability in material fluxes within large river basins may arise from point source inputs, variable contributions from sub-basins and longitudinal variation in material transformation and retention. By measuring instantaneous fluxes throughout the Ohio River basin, we were able to draw inferences about the importance of these factors in determining the overall export of C, N and P from the basin. Our study spanned the lower 645 km of the Ohio River and included all tributaries that contributed at least 1% of the volume of the Ohio River at its confluence with the Mississippi. The intensively cultivated northern sub-basin (Wabash River) contributed a large fraction of N and P entering the Ohio River. In the southern sub-basins (Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers), impoundments and less intense cultivation appear to diminish and delay material delivery particularly with respect to N. The southern rivers account for a proportionately larger fraction of the water entering the Mississippi River during low discharge conditions and this fraction has increased during the past 50 years. The upper portion of the study reach was found to be a net source of CHLa and DOC and a net sink for inorganic N suggesting that this portion of the river provided a generally favorable environment for autotrophic production. Point source loadings of NH4 were significant inputs to the upper sub-reach but a relatively small component of the overall budget for dissolved inorganic N.  相似文献   

The Saguenay Fjord is characterized by very high run-offs. The annual flow varies between 1.2 and 4.2 × 103 m3 . s−1. During the summer the surface salinity shows a sharp horizontal gradient (from 1 0/00 to 20 0/00). The surface phytoplankton, mainly freshwater and even some euryhaline species is submitted to salinity stress. Continuous culture experiments were conducted to study the susceptibility of this freshwater phytoplankton under different salinity conditions. Some pennate diatoms (dominant group) are found as relatively tolerant to salinity. Microflagellates have been found to be resistant to salinity up to 26 0/00. Chlorophyll concentrations and rates of primary production of those organisms are as high as those of the control.  相似文献   

The very high hydrophobicity of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) strongly reduces their bioavailability in aged contaminated soils, thus limiting their bioremediation. The biodegradability of PCBs in heavily contaminated soils can be significantly enhanced by soil treatment with surface-active agents. In this work, the effects of naturally occurring surfactants such as humic substances (HS) on the aerobic biodegradation of PCBs in a model soil were studied. The soil was amended with biphenyl (4 g/kg), Fenclor 42 (1,000 mg/kg), the aerobic PCB-biodegrading bacterial co-culture ECO3 (inoculum: 10(8)CFU/mL), and treated in aerobic batch slurry-phase conditions (17.5% w/v) with and without the addition of HS at the rates of 1.5 and 3.0% (w/w). Low PCBs biodegradation and dechlorination yields were observed in the HS-free microcosms, probably as a result of the rapid disappearance of inoculated bacteria. The presence of HS influenced significantly the activity of the specialized biomass and the biodegradation of PCBs in the microcosms. The microcosms that received HS at the 1.5% rate showed a higher persistence of the specialized bacteria and yields of PCB biodegradation and dechlorination about 150 and 100%, respectively, larger than those found for the HS-free microcosms. Lower stimulating effects were observed in the microcosms added with the HS at 3.0% rate. These effects were attributed to an increased solubilization of PCBs in the hydrophobic domains of the humic supramolecular associations and to a different accessibility of PCBs by the specialized bacteria at the different rates of HS addition. Although the slurry-phase treatment generally showed a decrease of the original soil ecotoxicity, the addition of the originally non-toxic HS decreased soil ecotoxicity for the Collembola animal biomarker and increased that towards the Lepidium sativum vegetal biomarker.  相似文献   

Water resource development has altered the hydrological regime on the Lower Balonne River in Queensland, Australia. Concerns have been raised about possible impacts to floodplain plant communities, which support a pastoral industry and a range of native fauna. Water and nutrients commonly limit plant growth in south central Queensland, where the climate is semi-arid and the soils are infertile. Floodplain plant productivity is boosted by inundation with water, but the role of flooding in nutrient provision is not known. Growth experiments and a pilot soil survey were conducted to help determine if soil nutrient deficiencies exist and if regular flooding is required to maintain floodplain soil fertility. Soils were sampled from areas representing three flood frequency classes: high, moderate, and low. Chemical extractions were performed as a surrogate for `bioavailable' nutrients. Soil nitrogen (N) but not phosphorus (P) limited the growth of seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Gardia) based on responses to nutrient additions: plants supplied with N had greater shoot length and total biomass than plants without N. Clear evidence of an effect of flood frequency on fertility was not revealed. Neither soil P, soil N, nor plant growth varied significantly with flood frequency. However, this analysis had low statistical power. There were trends for greater biomass of seedlings grown on moderately flooded soils and thinner roots for seedlings grown on frequently flooded soils, but neither of these growth responses was clearly linked to nutrient limitation. Nevertheless, the possibility that flooding provides a nutrient subsidy to plants cannot be ruled out because of a number of factors, including the statistical power of this analysis and the possibility that short-term nutrient subsidies occur with floods.  相似文献   

Abstract. An investigation of the long-term effects of livestock grazing on the spatial distribution of plant nutrients was conducted in the Sahelian region of West Africa. The study area was located along the transhumance corridor used for at least the past century by a long-established population of agropastoralists in central Mali. Spatial variation of plant and soil chemistry across eighteen sites was investigated with respect to a grid, whose axes are defined by distance from a pan from which livestock disperse to graze primarily during the early dry season (D1) and by distance from the nearest of three pans used primarily during the rainy season (D2). Particle size distribution, pH, total C, N, and P of surface soil (0–10 cm) was determined for four composite samples collected at eleven of the eighteen ecological sites. Elemental analysis (N, P, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu) was performed on above-ground tissue samples (excluding seeds) of the three most common grasses and the most common legume collected at all eighteen sites at the end of the rainy season. Results demonstrate that long-term grazing movements can, over the long-term, affect nutrient availability over wider spatial scales (5 km radii) than previously observed by shorter-term studies. Soil and plant chemistry were found in general to be most affected by the historic gradient of cattle presence during the rainy season (D2). Controlling for soil C and coarse sand fraction, soil pH was found to decline with D2 (?0.5 pH units per km D2) and to a lesser extent D1 (?0.15pH units per km D1), a finding that cannot be explained solely by a consideration of local geomorphology. The pH gradient was found to significantly affect micronutrient concentrations in plant tissues. Phosphorus (P) concentrations of plant tissue were found to decrease with D2. The increase in P-availability near rainy-season encampments could result from P-release from Al-complexes at higher pH and/or by the redistribution of P from outlying zones towards rainy-season encampments.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in aboveground and belowground tissues ofPhalaris arundinacea L. were studied in a population colonizing an ancient meander of the Garonne river (France) submitted to important fluctuations of the permanent water table. Waterlogged conditions in spring stopped the growth of rhizomes and promoted the translocation of nutrient to the shoots. The early senescence of plants after flowering could be related to the withdrawal of the water table. It was characterized by a distribution of nutrients in belowground tissues and a release in litter and soil. Aerated conditions in late summer permitted the growth of belowground tissues. At this time a partition of resources between aboveground and belowground biomass of a new generation of plants was observed. Rising water and decreasing temperatures in winter induced the death of aboveground parts. Reconstitution of nutrient stocks in rhizomes and losses by leaching then occured. Beside a very high primary production this strategy confers toPhalaris arundinacea a great interest in different uses, especially in the removal of nutrients from water in riparian zones as in artificial sites.  相似文献   

郭二辉  方晓  马丽  杨小燕  杨喜田 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3785-3794
弃耕地撂荒是土壤与植被向自然方向进行的次生演替,研究河岸带土壤撂荒后碳氮磷生态化学计量特征,是恢复和重建由农田干扰导致的退化河岸带生态系统的重要科学基础之一。以河岸带农地为对照,不同撂荒年限(撂荒2年、撂荒8年、撂荒10年)的土壤为研究对象,探索不同撂荒年限对土壤碳、氮、磷含量及相互关系的影响。结果表明:(1)土壤有机碳、氮的含量均呈现撂荒10年>撂荒8年>农田>撂荒2年;土壤中磷含量呈现撂荒10年>撂荒8年>撂荒2年>农田;农田和各撂荒年限的土壤碳、氮、磷含量,均随着土层深度的增加而呈降低的规律,但土壤碳和氮差异的显著性比磷明显。(2)河岸带土壤中C/N、C/P的均值均呈现:撂荒10年>农田>撂荒8年>撂荒2年趋势。N/P的均值呈现:撂荒10年(0.78)>农田(0.77)>撂荒8年(0.77)>撂荒2年(0.67),表明N是本研究区河岸带植被恢复的限制性营养元素。(3)河岸带农田和不同撂荒年限土壤碳、氮含量均存在极显著的耦合线性关系,而碳与磷、氮与磷之间的线性拟合程度相对较低。(4)在农田撂荒演替的初期阶段(2...  相似文献   

Changes in spawning habitat of northern pike (Esox lucius) may affect their segregation from and coexistence with the closely related muskellunge (E. masquinongy). We estimated the areal coverage of robust and shallow emergent vegetation in three shared-spawning bays in the Upper St. Lawrence River from aerial photographs taken from 1948 to 2003. Robust emergent vegetation (e.g., cattail) increased in coverage by 155–241% while shallow emergents (sedges) decreased by 46–96%. The loss of sedges, an important northern pike-spawning habitat, may facilitate greater spawning overlap in offshore-submersed aquatic vegetation within bay habitats used by muskellunge. Development rates and characteristics of northern pike and muskellunge eggs and larvae were compared to better understand the implications of greater spawning overlap. Northern pike eggs developed faster than muskellunge eggs at temperatures of 4.7–19°C, and adhesive eggs and the presence of adhesive papillae were present in both species. Equations were used to predict degree-day requirements for hatching and swim-up in three habitats (shallow emergents, bay, and offshore shoal) along a temperature gradient. Northern pike required more estimated degree days to reach hatching in bay and offshore shoal habitat relative to shallow emergent habitat due to cooler temperatures. Significant spawning overlap is known to occur within bay habitats, but poor success of northern pike in deep bay habitats and overall reductions in abundance are hypothesized to currently buffer muskellunge from potential negative interactions between these species. Guest editors: J. M. Farrell, C. Skov, M. Mingelbier, T. Margenau & J. E. Cooper International Pike Symposium: Merging Knowledge of Ecology, Biology, and Management for a Circumpolar Species  相似文献   

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