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Summary A shooty tumor induced by a shooter mutant of an octopine strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was cloned. One clone obtained (TS038) behaved aberrantly in that it grew as a shooty tumor tissue on phytohormone free medium, but did not contain octopine synthase activity. In line TS038 the genes for octopine synthase and for the enzymes involved in agropine and mannopine synthesis were present, but were not transcribed. However, the above genes became active in TS038 tumor shoots after grafting as well as after treatment with the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine. After an unusually long incubation period in the growth cabinet shoot cultures appeared to have developed small shoots from the top of the leaves. This unusual form of differentiation was found to be accompanied by the induction of octopine synthase activity.  相似文献   

Plant transformation, viaAgrobacterium tumefaciens, is usually performed with binary vectors. Most of the available binary vectors contain within the T-DNA (which is transferred to the plant genome) components not required for the intended modification. These additional sequences may cause potential risks during field testing of the transgenic plants or even more in the case of commercialization. The aim of this study was to produce a plant transformation vector which only contains a selectable and screenable marker gene and a multiple cloning site for insertion of promoter::foreign gene::terminator cassettes from other plasmids.  相似文献   

Summary We have previously described substantial variation in the level of expression of two linked genes which were introduced into transgenic petunia plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. These genes were (i) nopaline synthase (nos) and (ii) a chimeric chlorophyll a/b binding protein/octopine synthase (cab/ocs) gene. In this report we analyze the relationship between the level of expression of the introduced genes and T-DNA structure and copy number in 40 transgenic petunia plants derived from 26 transformed calli. Multiple shoots were regenerated from 8 of these calli and in only 6 cases were multiple regenerated shoots from each callus genotypically identical to each other. Many genotypes showed no nos gene expression (22/28). Most of the plants (16/22) which lacked nos gene expression did contain nos-encoding DNA with the expected restriction enzyme map. Similarly, amongst the genotypes showing no cab/ocs gene expression, the majority (11/28) did not show any alterations in restriction fragments corresponding to the expected cab/ocs coding sequences (10/11). Approximately half of the plants carried multiple copies of T-DNA in inverted repeats about the left or right T-DNA boundaries. No positive correlation was observed between the copy number of the introduced DNA and the level of expression of the introduced genes. However, plants with high copy number complex insertions composed of multiple inverted repeats in linear arrays usually showed low levels of expression of the introduced genes.  相似文献   

Summary To test whether virulence mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens are capable of promoting T-DNA transfer into plant cells, a tandem array of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) DNA was cloned between T-region border sequences on a wide host range plasmid and introduced into various virulence mutants. The resulting strains were used to infect Brassica rapa cv. Just Right. This assay, recently referred to as agroinfection, is based on the appearance of viral symptoms following transfer of T-DNA to plant cells, and is shown to be at least 100 times more sensitive in detecting T-DNA transfer than tumour formation. Mutants in the loci vir A, B and G, which were avirulent on turnip, failed to induce virus symptoms. Of the two vir D mutants tested, neither induced tumours, but one was capable of inducing virus symptoms. Mutants in vir E, C and F, which induced respectively no, small and normal tumours on turnip, all induced virus symptoms.  相似文献   

Summary T-DNA circularization is one of the molecular events specifically induced in agrobacterial cells upon their infection of dicotyledonous plant cells. We developed a seedling co-cultivation procedure to determine whether or not monocotyledonous plants have the ability to induce T-DNA circularization and vir gene expression. Co-cultivation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens with seedlings of dicotyledonous plants showed that the circularization event takes place efficiently. The exudates and extracts of the seedlings also effectively induced T-DNA circularization and vir gene expression, indicating that dicotyledonous seedlings contain diffusible factors capable of inducing these molecular events. In contrast, neither T-DNA circularization nor vir gene expression was detectable when Agrobacterium was incubated with seedlings of monocotyledonous plants. Supplementing with acetosyringone, a known inducer of vir gene expression and T-DNA circularization, resulted in the induction of circularization during co-cultivation with monocotyledonous seedlings. These results indicate that the seedlings of monocotyledonous plants have no detectable amounts of diffusible inducers, unlike dicotyledonous seedlings. Therefore, it is unlikely that the vir genes are expressed in Agrobacterium inoculated in monocotyledonous plants. This may be one of the blocks in tumorigenesis of monocotyledonous plants by Agrobacterium.  相似文献   

In this article it is shown that the T-DNA of Agrobacterium tumefaciens contains besides the well-known cyt and aux genes another gene with an oncogenic effect in plants. The gene in question is called 6b and causes the formation of small tumors in plant species such as Nicotiana glauca and Kalanchoe tubiflora.  相似文献   

Five new binary vectors have been constructed which have the following features: (1) different plant selectable markers including neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII), hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt), dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr), phosphinothricin acetyl transferase (bar), and bleomycin resistance (ble); (2) selectable markers are located near the T-DNA left border and; (3) selectable marker and -glucuronidase (uidA) reporter genes are divergently organized for efficient expression, and can easily be removed or replaced as needed.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts ofNicotiana tabacum var. Xanthi were incubated with liposomes containing the plasmid plGVneo23 encoding kanamycin resistance. Transformed protoplasts and calli and plants derived from transformed protoplasts were treated with the demethylating agent 5-azacytidine. Three lines of evidence indicate that 5-azacytidine can increase NPT II activity in transformed cell lines and plants: a) Addition of azacytidine to the protoplast medium increased the proportion of kanamycin-resistant transformants recovered. b) NPT II activity could not be detected in approximately 50% of calli derived from transformed protoplasts although such calli grew slowly on medium containing kanamycin. Treatment of NPT-negative calli with 5-azacytidine restored detectable gene activity and increased the growth rate of the callus in the presence of kanamycin. c) Shoot tips regenerated from transformed calli were either NPT-positive or NPT-negative. When shoots were NPT-negative, treatment with 5-azacytidine restored detectable gene activity and improved growth in the presence of kanamycin.  相似文献   

Transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants (125) derived from seven Agrobacterium-mediated transformation experiments were screened by polymerase chain reaction and DNA gel blot analysis for the presence of vector `backbone' sequences. The percentage of plants with vector DNA not belonging to the T-DNA varied between 20% and 50%. Neither the plant species, the explant type used for transformation, the replicon type nor the selection seem to have a major influence on the frequency of vector transfer. Only the border repeat sequence context could have an effect because T-DNA vector junctions were found in more than 50% of the plants of three different transformation series in which T-DNAs with octopine borders without inner border regions were used. Strikingly, many transgenic plants contain vector backbone sequences linked to the left T-DNA border as well as vector junctions with the right T-DNA border. DNA gel blots indicate that in most of these plants the complete vector sequence is integrated. We assume that integration into the plant genome of complete vector backbone sequences could be the result of a conjugative transfer initiated at the right border and subsequent continued copying at the left and right borders, called read-through. This model would imply that the left border is not frequently recognized as an initiation site for DNA transfer and that the right border is not efficiently recognized as a termination site for DNA transfer.  相似文献   

Summary We established tobacco tumour cell lines from crown galls induced by Agrobacterium. Restriction fragments containing T-DNA/plant DNA junctions were cloned from one of the cell lines, which has a single copy of the T-DNA in a unique region of its genome. We also isolated a DNA fragment that contained the integration target site from nontransformed tobacco cells. Nucleotide sequence analyses showed that the right and left breakpoints of the T-DNA mapped ca. 7.3 kb internal to the right 25 by border and ca. 350 by internal to the left border respectively. When the nucleotide sequences around these breakpoints were compared with the sequence of the target, significant homology was seen between the region adjacent to the integration target site and both external regions of the T-DNA breakpoints. In addition, a short stretch of plant DNA in the vicinity of the integration site was deleted. This deletion seems to have been promoted by homologous recombination between short repeated sequences that were present on both sides of the deleted stretch. Minor rearrangements, which included base substitutions, insertions and deletions, also took place around the integration site in the plant DNA. These results, together with previously reported results showing that in some cases sequences homologous to those in T-DNA are present in plant DNA regions adjacent to left recombinational junctions, indicate that sequence homology between the incoming T-DNA and the plant chromosomal DNA has an important function in T-DNA integration. The homology may promote close association of both termini of a T-DNA molecule on a target sequence; then TDNA may in some cases be integrated by a mechanism at least in part analogous to homologous recombination.Shogo Matsumoto is on leave from Biochemical Research Institute, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co., Ltd, Ogaki, Gifu-ken 503, Japan  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens harbouring the Ti plasmid incites crown gall tumor on dicotyledonous species. Upon infection of these plants, T-DNA in the Ti plasmid is transferred by unknown mechanisms to plant cells to be integrated into nuclear DNA. WhenAgrobacterium is incubated with protoplasts or seedlings of dicotyledonous plants, circulation of T-DNA and expression ofvir (virulence) genes on the Ti plasmid are induced. The circularization event is efficiently induced by mesophyll protoplasts of tobacco which are highly competent for transformation by the T-DNA, and is also induced by diffusible phenolic compounds excreted from the protoplasts. The circularization and formation of crown gall both require the expression of thevirD locus, one of the induciblevir genes. These results suggest that the circularization of T-DNA reflects one of steps of the T-DNA transfer during formation of crown gall. In contrast to dicotyledonous plants, monocotyledonous plants are thought to be unresponsive to infection byAgrobacterium. We showed that monocotyledonous plants do not excrete diffusible inducers for the expression ofvir genes, while they contain a novel type of a signal substance(s). This inducer is not detected in the exudates of seedlings of monocotyledonous plants, but is found in the extracts from the seedlings, and also those from the seeds, bran and germ of wheat and oats. This finding suggests that T-DNA processing, and possibly its transfer, should take place whenAgrobacterium invades seedlings and seeds of monocotyledonous plants. Recipient of the Botanical Society Award for Young Scientists, 1987.  相似文献   

WRKY蛋白是目前被广泛研究的一类DNA特异结合转录因子,在植物次生代谢物生物合成、植物生长和发育及衰老等生理过程以及生物、非生物防御反应中起重要的调控作用。该研究从滇龙胆幼叶中克隆萜类合成的关键转录因子基因Gr WRKY5,并利用生物信息学方法对基因功能进行预测,构建植物过表达载体。结果表明:根据三年生滇龙胆转录组Gr WRKY5基因序列,设计特异性引物,通过RT-PCR扩增Gr WRKY5 ORF序列,并进行TA克隆、测序和序列分析;构建入门载体p ENTRTM2B-Gr WRKY5,经LR反应后构建植物过表达载体。Gr WRKY5 ORF全长591 bp,编码196个氨基酸,Gen Bank登录号为KF922375,其中第167与170之间的色氨酸(W)、精氨酸(R)、赖氨酸(K)、酪氨酸(Y)组成WRKY蛋白所特有的"WRKY"结构。序列分析表明Gr WRKY5是WRKY超家族的成员。经生物信息学在线软件分析发现,Gr WRKY5的等电点为6.29,脂肪族指数为61.37,不稳定指数为57.80。总平均疏水性为-0.708,为亲水蛋白;含有20种氨基酸,其中天冬氨酸(Asp)和脯氨酸(Pro)含量最高,为8.1%;半胱氨酸(Cys)含量最低,仅为1.0%。氨基酸序列系统发育分析表明,Gr WRKY5与拟南芥中WRKY家族中遗传距离最接近的是WRKY27,属于Ⅱe类成员;与Cr WRKY22和Vv WRKY22蛋白的亲缘关系较近;与Jc WRKY47和Tc WRKY27亲缘关系较远;BLASTp结果显示,Gr WRKY5与欧洲油菜Bn WRKY27-1的同源性最高(为69%);与拟南芥Aa WRKY22的一致性最低(仅为31%)。以Gateway入门载体p ENTR2B和目的载体p K2GW7为基础,成功构建了植物过表达载体p K2-35S-Gr WRKY5,该载体的成功构建为该基因在拟南芥、滇龙胆等植物中的遗传转化奠定了基础,同时为WRKY基因功能的深入研究提供依据。  相似文献   

Kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus)is a fast growing annual with tremendous potential as a source of fiber for ropes, textiles and paper. Kenaf is an environmentally friendly crop; however, commercial production of kenaf is hindered by weed competition at the seedling stage. Herbicide resistant kenaf cultivars would reduce seedling weed competion and make growing kenaf more profitable. Factors that are important in establishing a transformation system for kenaf were examined. The influence of Agrobacterium strain, temperature, host tissue wounding, acetosyringone, virG/virE genes and host cell division on T-DNA expression in the kenaf shoot apex were investigated. Three Agrobacterium strains were tested, and A. tumefaciens LBA4404 significantly (α=0.05) yielded a high number of shoots surviving on selection medium; no shoots survived with EHA101S or Z707S. There was no significant difference (α=0.05) in transient T-DNA expression between 28 °C and 25 °C; however, shoots did not survive 16 °C or 19 °C co-cultivation temperatures. Shoot apex survival was increased significantly (α=0.05) when virulence genes and a cytokinin, TDZ, were combined. Sonicated shoots showed an increase in transient expression and shoot survival. Optimal conditions for shoot apex T-DNA transfer and expression were sonication for 5 s, co-cultivation with LBA4404 containingvirG/virEat room temperature, and 200 μmol/L acetosyringone.  相似文献   

Three chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora) cultivars were cocultivated with 2 Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains in combination with 4 pBIN19 derived binary plasmids, all carrying the Nosnptll selection gene and 35Sgus(intron) reporter gene. All binary plasmids transferred DNA to chrysanthemum explants but only pMOG410 gave good stable expression of GUS. This plasmid differs from the other plasmids in 2 aspects: 1) It carries a restored nptll gene and 2) the selection gene is positioned at the left border side of the reporter gene. Cocultivation with AGLO(pMOG410) yielded up to 13 GUS positive shoots per 100 explants. The presence of the gus and nptll gene in recovered shoots was confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis.  相似文献   

Summary The detailed structural organization of DNA sequences transferred to the plant genome via Agrobacterium tumefaciens has been determined in 11 transgenic tomato plants that carry the transferred DNA (T-DNA) at a single genetic locus. The majority (seven) of these plants were found to carry multiple copies of T-DNA arranged in inverted repeat structures. Such a high frequency of inverted repeats among transgenotes has not been previously reported and appears to be characteristic of transformation events caused by C58/pGV3850 strains of Agrobacterium. The inverted repeats were found to be centered on either the left or the right T-DNA boundary and both types were observed at similar frequency. In several plants both types of inverted repeat were found to coexist in the same linear array of elements. Direct repeats were observed in two plants, each time at the end of an array of inverted repeat elements, and at a lower frequency than inverted repeats. The junctions between T-DNA elements and plant DNA sequences and the junctions between adjacent T-DNA elements were mapped in the same 11 plants, allowing the determination of the distribution of junction points at each end for both types of junction. Based on a total of 17 distinct junctions at the right end of T-DNA and 19 at the left end, the distribution of junction points was found to be much more homogeneous at the right end than at the left end. Left end junctions were found to be distributed over a 3 kb region of T-DNA with two thirds of the junctions within 217 bp of the left repeat. Two thirds of the right end junctions were found to lie within 11 bp of the right repeat with the rest more than 39 bp from the right repeat. T-DNA::plant DNA junctions and T-DNA::T-DNA inverted repeat junctions showed similar distributions of junction points at both right and left ends. The possibilities that T-DNA inverted repeats are unstable in plants and refractory to cloning in wild type Escherichia coli is discussed. Two distinct types of mechanisms for inverted repeat formation are contrasted, replication and ligation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary We present a detailed analysis of the function of the right and left T-DNA border regions of the nopaline Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. An avirulent deletion of the right border of the nopaline Ti plasmid (pGV3852) was used as an acceptor for 14 different T-DNA border constructs. The functional activities of these constructs were assayed by their ability to restore virulence, i.e. transformation on inoculated plants. Tumorigenicities were measured in several independent experiments over a 2 year period and the statistical significance of their relative levels was evaluated. The data indicate: (i) the entire sequence of the 25 bp direct repeat of the T-DNA is required to provide an efficient substrate for mediating T-DNA transfer events; deletion derivatives of either the conserved or the vaiable domain of the repeat are defective in T-DNA transfer; (ii) while the 25 bp direct repeat alone can promote the T-DNA transfer, the flanking sequences of the repeats enhance (on the right) or attenuate (on the left) their activity; and (iii) tumorigenicity measurements vary depending on the plant assay system: potato discs are more sensitive than wounded tobacco leaves in detecting differences in T-DNA border activity.  相似文献   

Summary Transformed clones from a shooty tobacco crown gall tumor, induced byAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA1501, having the auxin locus of the TL-region inactivated by a Tn1831 insertion, were investigated for their T-DNA structure and expression. It has been described previously (28) that in addition to clones with an expected phenotype (phytohormone independent growth in tissue culture (Aut+), shoot regeneration (Reg+) and octopine synthesis (Ocs+)), clones were obtained with an aberrant phenotype. One of these clones, TSO38, is Aut+Reg+ but shows little or no octopine synthesis activity (Ocs-). Subclones of TSO38, however, are either Ocs- or Ocs+. Ocs- shoots become Ocs+ under certain states of differentiation, indicating that the octopine synthase gene is present. The fact that in the Ocs- subclones the octopine synthase gene is not expressed, is probably due to DNA methylation (29). The present paper describes that shoots derived from both an Ocs+ and an Ocs- subclone of TSO38, which were negative for the presence of mannopine (Mas-) and agropine (Ags-), became Mas+Ags+ after culturing on medium containing the hypomethylating agent 5-azacytidine. This means that both in the Ocs- line and in the Ocs+ line expression of TR-DNA opine genes most likely was hampered by DNA methylation. The T-DNA structures of an Ocs- and an Ocs+ TSO38 subclone proved to be identical and surprisingly complex. No intact copy of Tn1831 was present. TL-DNA and TR-DNA segments, present in high copy numbers, were truncated; several T-DNA segments existed in tandem arrangements. When DNA from an Ocs+ and an Ocs- subclone of TSO38 were compared for cleavability by the methylation sensitive restriction enzymes HpaII and MspII, differences were detected, but it became also clear that both lines contained methylated T-DNA segments. This indicates that the Ocs- and the Ocs+ TSO38 subclones differ only quantitatively in respect to degree of T-DNA methylation.  相似文献   

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