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沈阳市人类免疫缺陷病毒的基因序列分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从10份沈阳地区人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)血浆标本中提取核糖核酸(RNA),经逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)和套式聚合酶链反应(nest-PCR)扩增HIV-1的p17与p24交界部分的基因片断并进行测序.将所测序列与各亚型国际参考株及亚洲流行参考序列进行比对,确定被检标本的亚型,并进行基因序列分析.同时将所得亚型结果与经过亚型特异性引物的复合套氏PCR鉴定基因亚型的方法所获结果进行比较.结果表明,10份HIV-1病毒株分属B'、CRF07-BC和CRF01-AE 3种基因亚型.本文所研究样本的p17区段的ks/ka值小于1,而p24区段的ks/ka值大于1;p24部分的基因同源性高于p17部分,即我国HIV-1 B'、CRF07-BC和CRF01-AE 3种亚型毒株的p17区段的基因变异较大,而p24区段相对较为保守.提示上述3种亚型HIV-1病毒株的p24区段更适合于HIV-1疫苗的研制.  相似文献   

目的研究沈阳市人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)B'亚型毒株抗原表位的变异特征.方法从确诊的HIV-1感染者的全血样本中提取基因组DNA,经套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增、产物纯化和测序分析后,将所得病毒核苷酸序列翻译成蛋白质的氨基酸序列,比较和分析我国人群中较常见的HLA型别限制的CTL表位的突变情况.结果在HIV-1 gag蛋白P24编码区,有4个抗原表位相当保守,且P17部分的抗原表位的变异率高于P24部分.结论 HIV-1 B'亚型毒株P24部分的4个抗原表位适合于抗原表位疫苗的研制.  相似文献   

从确诊的HIV-1感染者的全血样本中提取基因组DNA,经套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增其gag蛋白P17/P24交界区基因片断后,将扩增产物进行纯化和测序,分析其氨基酸序列。进而了解所检出的病毒基因变异和分子流行病学特征。结果发现,HIV-1 CRF01-AE亚型病毒分别与3株不同来源的国际参考毒株具有紧密的亲缘关系,表明这些毒株可能分别由不同的传播路线进入我国大陆境内。  相似文献   

目的 研究沈阳市人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)B′亚型毒株抗原表位的变异特征。方法 从确诊的HIV-1感染者的全血样本中提取基因组DNA,经套式聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增、产物纯化和测序分析后,将所得病毒核苷酸序列翻译成蛋白质的氨基酸序列,比较和分析我国人群中较常见的HLA型别限制的CTL表位的突变情况。结果 在HIV-1 gag蛋白P24编码区,有4个抗原表位相当保守,且P17部分的抗原表位的变异率高于P24部分。结论 HIV-1 B′亚型毒株P24部分的4个抗原表位适合于抗原表位疫苗的研制。  相似文献   

2001年12月在美国举行的第41届ICAAC年会上公布的研究结果显示,美国78%的成人人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)感染者中存在着对一种或多种抗反转录病毒(ARV)药物耐药的病毒株。其中,对核苷类反转录酶抑制剂(NRTI)的耐药率最高,为……  相似文献   

用RNA干扰(RNAi)技术来阻断特定基因的表达,为治疗诸如人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV—1)等慢性病毒感染提供了一种新的手段。虽然,通过小干扰RNA(siRNA)以降解序列特异性的mRNA可选择性地抑制一些在HIV—1复制过程中起关键作用的病毒蛋白,但RNAi技术仍然存在着许多问题亟待解决。本文就HIV—1特异性的RNAi技术作用的潜力和持久性作一研究。  相似文献   

我国于1985年发现第1例AIDS患者,据估计到2001年底我国艾滋病病毒(Human immunodeficiency viruses,HrV)感染者和患者累计数已达84万人,而且我国艾滋病的传播呈快速增长的态势,2001年报告艾滋病病毒感染数较上年增长了58%。HIV主要通过静脉吸毒、输血或使用血液制品以及不良性行  相似文献   

上海市卫生检疫局送检了一例HIV - 1和HIV - 2抗体检测均呈阳性的双重感染样品 ,对其感染的HIV前病毒的 gag和env基因区进行了序列分析 ,首次阐明我国发现的HIV双重感染样品的HIV部分基因特征。从HIV感染者淋巴细胞 (peripheralbloodmononuclearcells,PBMC)中提取前病毒DNA ,分别使用HIV 1和HIV 2特异性引物用套式PCR扩增HIV 1和HIV 2的部分基因区。PCR产物不经克隆直接测序 ,经GenBank检索并使用GCG软件包进行序列分析。结果表明 ,其中感染的HIV 2毒株中gag基因区与德国株HI2PEI2KR相似 ,基因离散率仅为8 1% ,env基因C2 -V3区与来自几内亚比绍的HIV 2U0 5 35 8株最近 ,离散率为 13 0 4% ,在其 gp36区发现与HIV 2U0 5 35 8基因离散率为 10 6 3% ,两个毒株均属HIV 2中的A亚型。而其HIV 1型毒株在 gag和env区都与从尼日利亚分离的H92NG0 83株相似 ,属HIV 1的G亚型。本文首次对我国发现的HIV 2型毒株进行了主要基因区的序列分析 ,表明在非洲较常见的HIV 2A亚型和HIV 1G亚型毒株 ,已随援外劳工传入我国。  相似文献   

对1989年春在河北保定分离的两株乙型流感病毒进行了抗原性、HA_1基因序列和种系发生分析,与不同期的国内外代表株比较结果表明,自1988年以来乙型流感病毒变异较快,B/河北/53/89株的HA_1基因序列与B/挪威/1/85株相比,其氨基酸的同源性为94.52%,与同期的B/香港/20/89株同源性为97.12%。种系发生分析结果,从1988至1989年乙型流感病毒出现了5个支系,同期在保定分离的两株病毒,在同源替代中分别属于两个支系。日本国基本每隔两年出现一次乙型流感的流行优势型,其发生频度与甲型流感相似。国内少见乙型的流行优势型,可能和使用的分离病毒材料有关,日本用MDCK细胞比国内用鸡胚对乙型流感病毒的分离阳性率高。  相似文献   

张闻  明洪  龙莉  陈元晓 《遗传》2001,23(6):511-514
通过分析GenBank中的全部95个HIV-1完整基因组序列,设计融膜肽“探针序列”,对所获得的95段融膜肽的编码DNA序列进行了翻译、对准和分析。得到融膜肽及其编码序称的“优势序列”及突变分布。  相似文献   

RNAi技术在艾滋病治疗研究中已展现出巨大的潜力,兼具高效抑制特性和保守性的siRNA靶位是其获得成功应用的重要基础.本研究选择以HIV-1 vif基因为靶区筛选高效保守的RNAi序列,共选择设计了30个识别不同位点的siRNA序列,以pSUPER为载体构建了相应的shRNA表达质粒.通过与pNL4-3质粒在293FT细胞中进行共转染抑制实验,以及对初筛获得的高效序列进行保守性分析显示siRNA-vif37序列具有高效抑制效率和较好的保守性特征.通过与pGL3-vif报告质粒的共转染实验证明siRNA-vif37具有vif基因抑制特异性.带有shRNA-vif37表达元件的重组慢病毒转导后的MT-4细胞在HIV-1NL4-3体外攻毒实验中可显示出较有效的抑制病毒复制的能力,本研究进一步对转导后细胞进行克隆化筛选,获得稳定整合shRNA-vif37表达元件的MT-4-vif37细胞克隆,该细胞具有显著的抑制病毒复制的能力,在高攻毒剂量下仍可获得良好的抑制效果.本研究为进一步应用RNAi技术进行新型艾滋病治疗方法研究提供了重要基础.  相似文献   

siRNA抑制HIV-1基因表达的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA干扰(RNAinterfering,RNAi)现象是动植物体内的一种序列特异性的、转录后基因沉默的过程.在哺乳动物细胞中,19~25个核苷酸长短的双链siRNA(smallinterferingRNA)可有效地抑制基因表达.利用pBS/H1SP载体,它表达的双链RNA的转录产物可以用来抑制特异性HIV-1基因的表达.在siRNA实验中,为了比较由H1启动子转录的siRNA在细胞内的作用,使用以绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)为报告基因的载体——pEGFP-C1质粒,在荧光显微镜下,很容易地看到EGFP在细胞中表达.将HIV-1siRNA表达载体与表达相应EGFP-HIV融合基因的质粒,共转染人胚肾293细胞,结果表明,和对照质控载体相比,转染了pHIV-siRNA质粒的细胞中EGFP-HIV的表达得到显著抑制.通过该途径,筛选出能抑制HIV-1基因表达的有效siRNA.此外,还在同一载体上表达两种或三种siRNA,分别针对不同的HIV基因,获得了良好的抑制效果.  相似文献   

Ling-bing ZENG      * *  Lin-bai YE  Yuanan LU 《Virologica Sinica》2007,22(4):266-279
Lentiviral vectors have drawn considerable attention recently and show great promise to become important delivery vehicles for future gene transfer manipulation. In the present study we have optimized a protocol for preparation of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-based defective lentiviral vectors (DLV) and characterized these vectors in terms of their transduction of different cells. Transient co-transfection of 293T packaging cells with DNA plasmids encoding lentiviral vector constituents resulted in production of high-titer DLV (0.5-1.2 × 107IU/mL), which can be further concentrated over 100-fold through a single step ultracentrifugation. These vectors were capable of transducing a variety of cells from both primate and non-primate sources and high transduction efficiency was achieved using concentrated vectors. Assessment of potential generation of RCV revealed no detection of infection by infectious particles in DLV-transduced CEM, SupT-1 and MT-2 cells. Long-term culture of transduced cells showed a stable expression of transgenes without apparent alteration in cellular morphology and growth kinetics. Vector mobilization to untransduced cells mediated by wild-type HIV-1 infection was confirmed in this test. Challenge of transduced human T-lymphocytes with wild-type HIV-1 showed these cells are totally resistant to the viral infection. Considering the effective gene transfer and stable gene expression, safety and anti-HIV activity, these DLV vectors warrant further exploration for their potential use as a gene transfer vehicle in the development of gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

Lentiviral vectors have drawn considerable attention recently and show great promise to become important delivery vehicles for future gene transfer manipulation. In the present study we have optimized a protocol for preparation of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-based defective lentiviral vectors (DLV) and characterized these vectors in terms of their transduction of different cells. Transient co-transfection of 293T packaging cells with DNA plasmids encoding lentiviral vector constituents resulted in production of high-titer DLV (0.5-1.2 × 107IU/mL), which can be further concentrated over 100-fold through a single step ultracentrifugation. These vectors were capable of transducing a variety of cells from both primate and non-primate sources and high transduction efficiency was achieved using concentrated vectors. Assessment of potential generation of RCV revealed no detection of infection by infectious particles in DLV-transduced CEM, SupT-1 and MT-2 cells. Long-term culture of transduced cells showed a stable expression of transgenes without apparent alteration in cellular morphology and growth kinetics. Vector mobilization to untransduced cells mediated by wild-type HIV-1 infection was confirmed in this test. Challenge of transduced human T-lymphocytes with wild-type HIV-1 showed these cells are totally resistant to the viral infection. Considering the effective gene transfer and stable gene expression, safety and anti-HIV activity, these DLV vectors warrant further exploration for their potential use as a gene transfer vehicle in the development of gene therapy protocols.  相似文献   

Lentiviral vectors have drawn considerable attention recently and show great promise to become important delivery vehicles for future gene transfer manipulation. In the present study we have optimized a protocol for preparation of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-based defective lentiviral vectors (DLV) and characterized these vectors in terms of their transduction of different cells. Transient co-transfection of 293T packaging cells with DNA plasmids encoding lentiviral vector constituents resulted in production of high-titer DLV (0.5–1.2 × 107IU/mL), which can be further concentrated over 100-fold through a single step ultracentrifugation. These vectors were capable of transducing a variety of cells from both primate and non-primate sources and high transduction efficiency was achieved using concentrated vectors. Assessment of potential generation of RCV revealed no detection of infection by infectious particles in DLV-transduced CEM, SupT-1 and MT-2 cells. Long-term culture of transduced cells showed a stable expression of transgenes without apparent alteration in cellular morphology and growth kinetics. Vector mobilization to untransduced cells mediated by wild-type HIV-1 infection was confirmed in this test. Challenge of transduced human T-lymphocytes with wild-type HIV-1 showed these cells are totally resistant to the viral infection. Considering the effective gene transfer and stable gene expression, safety and anti-HIV activity, these DLV vectors warrant further exploration for their potential use as a gene transfer vehicle in the development of gene therapy protocols. Foundation items: National Institute of Health (S11 NS43499); RCMI (G12RR/AI03061, USA.)  相似文献   

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