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Pharmacological action on cholinergic and monoaminergic brain structures in the process of food-procuring reflex extinction was studied in intact and lobectomized cats. Growing stimulation of cholinergic structures of lobectomized animals caused consecutive behavioural changes similar to those appearing during development of active reaction of intact animals to cancellation of the reflex reinforcement. In both cases influences on monoaminergic systems produced analogous effects, but suppressing influence of haloperidol injection on food-procuring activity of lobectomized cats was significantly weakened. Conclusion is made that the development of active reaction of the animal to cancellation of food reinforcement is due to an increasing activation of brain cholinergic structures and consecutive activation of monoaminergic structures. Disturbance of extinction functions in lobectomized cats may be connected with disturbance of monoaminergic systems balance as a result of hyperactivity of dopaminergic structures.  相似文献   

A study was made of the functional significance of GABA-ergic structures of the substantia nigra (SN) and the caudate nucleus (CN) and their role in food-procuring behaviour of cats. Analysis was made of behavioral and EEG-effects of local GABA and the GABA antagonist, picrotoxin, microinjections into the studied brain structures. Stimulation of the GABA-ergic structures of the SN produced a sedative effect and depression of the cat food-procuring behaviour. Effects of stimulation of the CN GABA-ergic structures were to a great degree reverse. The conclusion has been made that GABA-ergic structures of the SN and the CN play different roles in controlling the CN inhibitory influence upon food-procuring behaviour.  相似文献   

The influence of microinjections of monoamines and of glutamic acid into the lateral zone of the septum on a food-procuring conditioned reaction was studied in experiments on rats. Dopamine does not change, while noradrenaline, serotonin and glutamic acid increase the magnitude and number of conditioned food-procuring movements and substantially lengthen the reflex latency. The effects of serotonin are achieved through D-serotonin-, and of noradrenaline, through L-adrenoreactive structures of the neuronal systems of the septum. The influence of glutamic acid on the rat food-procuring conditioned reactions is not linked with the action on the serotonin- or adrenoreactive structures of the septum neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Properties were studied of neurotransmitter provision of mechanisms of voluntary food-procuring behavior in cats. It has been shown that functional significance of monoamino- and cholinergic brain structures in these mechanisms are greatly determined by their participation in the control of the alertness level, the raising of which is necessary for solving complicated tasks and mastering new motor habits by animals.  相似文献   

Functional significance of GABA-structures of the caudate nucleus was studied by EEG analysis of the influence of stimulation of these structures on the development of the effect of systemic introduction of the blockader of dopaminergic receptors haloperidol. Microinjections of GABA to the caudate nucleus prevented the suppressing action of haloperidol on food-procuring cats behaviour and led to restoration of the EEG-reaction to conditioned sound stimuli. A conclusion is made about an important role of GABA-ergic structures in the mechanisms of dopaminergic control of the inhibitory function of the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

By averaged summary activity of symmetric points of the cat auditory cortex and amygdala evoked by sound, the character of interaction (Spirman coefficient of correlation) was determined between the structures before, at elaboration, at extinction and restoration of instrumental food-procuring reflex and also at automatization of the reflex. Individual character of co-tuning of the cortex and amygdala was found at adaptation of the animal, changing into close interconnections at formation of the reflex and into disturbance of their correlation at its extinction. Stabilization of the reflex up to the stage of automatization was accompanied by the weakening of connections between the cortex and amygdala. The results testify to complex and dynamic character of interaction in the system cortex-amygdala in conditioned activity.  相似文献   

Instrumental food-procuring movements were studied in cats before and after unilateral or bilateral ablation of the motor or premotor cortical area. It is shown that unilateral impairment of the motor area affects the strength and accuracy of movements of the contralateral fore-leg, whereas the ablation of the premotor area leads to a slowing down of movements and breaking of a goal-directed movement into separate components. Bilataral ablation of the motor area irreversibly abolished the instrumental reflex. The ablation of the premotor cortex destroyed the animal's reaction to the sound signal, but food-procuring movements of the fore-legs were disturbed only temporarily. The obtained data are discussed on the basis of the concept that in cats the above cortical areas play different roles in the organization of goal directed behaviour.  相似文献   

Conditioned food-procuring reflex to time (2 minutes interval) was elaborated in cats. By the method of cross-correlative analysis the combined neurones activity in microareas and between microareas of the motor cortex was compared at various forms of conditioned reflex manifestation. Three types of reactions were considered: A--decrease of respiratory movements amplitude towards the end of the studied interval between reinforcement; B--increase of the amplitude; C--food-procuring paw movement a few seconds before the reinforcement. All three forms of the conditioned reflex to time differed from each other by the level of increase of functional connections number by the moment of the reinforcing stimulus action, and also to a greater extent by the frequency of occurrence of intervals in which the sum of neuronal connections in all simultaneously recorded microareas was greater in the "active" phase than in the "inactive" one. These parameters did not always correlate with the change of impulses frequency of separate neurones which occurred considerably more seldom. All the observed changes were manifest significantly more often when the animals performed the instrumental food-procuring movement than during changes of only the respiratory movements amplitude.  相似文献   

Averaged auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) were recorded in symmetric points of the frontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus of cats performing acquired conditioned food-procuring reaction reinforced in 100% cases, urgent transition to 30%-reinforcement, and return to 100%-reinforcement. Emotional stress estimated by a heart rate rise developed during increased food motivation of a cat as well as during change in ordinary food-procuring stereotype. The emotional stress was accompanied by a high positive correlation of cortical and hippocampal AEPs. Decrease in the stress level led to a drop between AEP correlations and appearance of their negative values. In emotional stress, the interactions between the frontal cortex and dorsal hippocampus were asymmetric: right-side correlations were higher.  相似文献   

We studied the roles of the cerebellum and caudate nuclei in the programming and control of ballistic movements. An experimental model of operant food-procuring movements of the rats was used; the activity of single neurons of the above structures was recorded in the course of these motor performances. To evaluate the impact of the cerebellar–caudate interaction on the process of control of the ballistic (centrally programmed) components of food-procuring motor performance, we also recorded modifications of the neuronal activity in one of the above-mentioned structures induced by electrical extrastimulation of another structure in the course of realization of the above components. It is demonstrated that the cerebellum and, in particular, its dentate nuclei are involved in the programming of ballistic food-procuring movements. Neurons of the caudate nuclei play a significant role in the immediate preparation for and subsequent current control of stereotyped ballistic movements. The high plastic properties of the cerebellar neurons manifested in the process of control of ballistic food-procuring movements are proved.  相似文献   

We tried to answer the question to what extent neurons in the tectum of the superior colliculus (SC) of the cat and in regions of the mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) localized more ventrally are involved in the control of movements of the limbs. The impulse activity of neurons of the above-mentioned structures was recorded in animals performing targeted operated food-procuring movements by their forelimbs (pressing the pedal). As was found, neurons with impulse reactions correlating with forelimb movements are rather numerous in the SC and adjacent MRF, and there are several groups of neurons, whose impulse responses reached their maxima within different phases of the movements. These were neurons with peaks of the discharge frequency coinciding with the target-reaching movement, with the moment of touching the pedal, with pressing the pedal, and with the development of the muscle force counteracting the forced withdrawal of the limb toward the initial position. Such specific patterns of the responses of different neurons of the SC and neighboring MRF are indicative of a rather specific involvement of the above structures in the control of forelimb movements in cats. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 245–254, May–June, 2007.  相似文献   

A conditioned food-procuring reaction previously elaborated to an acoustic stimulus was reproduced in chronic experiments on six cats by means of direct electrical stimulation of the posterior parts of the lateral hypothalamus. Folloiwng extensive bilateral electrolytic ablation of the caudate nucleus, conditioned food-procuring reaction to the stimulation of the hypothalamus could not be reproduced for 40 to 70 days. The conditioned foor-procuring reflex to the acoustic stimulus disappeared for 14 to 30 days to be subsequently spontaneously restored. After caudatotomy, a diminution of the average amplitude of background oscillations and of evoked potentials to acoustic stimuli was recorced in the examined zones of the lateral hypothalamus. The part played by the caudate nucleus in the processes of alimentary behaviour activation is discussed.  相似文献   

The action of disulfiram on interconnected activity of neurones in the visual and motor cortical areas was studied in cats with food-procuring conditioned responses to light. Multiunit activity was recorded from the areas and, by means of amplitude discrimination, separated into impulse flows. Crosscorrelation analysis of the impulse series was used to reveal the character and temporal parameters of interconnected activities of neurones firing in correlation within the limits both of the same cortical area and of the two different ones. A depressing action was shown of the disulfiram on the food-procuring reaction, accompanied by a decrease of the number of pairs of neurones from the visual and motor cortical areas mostly acting in interconnection, interactions with long time delays being mostly affected. The character of action of neighbouring neurones in the visual and motor cortical areas changed in the same direction, expressed in their firing by a "common source" type. The question is discussed of disulfiram influence on interneuronal connections of both types suggesting a decrease of alimentary motivation as well as disturbance of food-procuring conditioned motor coordination.  相似文献   

Impulse activity of neurones of the visual and somatosensory cortical areas was studied in free moving cats during performance of conditioned instrumental food-procuring reactions to the presentation of light or sound. It was established that the units of these cortical areas may participate in both all or individual stages of complex instrumental behaviour. The visual cortex neurones are more extensively involved in the formation of successive stages of the goal-directed behavioral act. Significant differences were revealed in the unit responses of the visual and somatosensory cortical areas at the moment of the switching on of the conditioned signal, at the period of "reinforcement anticipation", at the moment of appearance of milk, the reinforcing agent, and during reinforcement, when the milk was lapped by the animal.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on cats by conditioned food-procuring method. Behavioural, vegetative reactions and a set of electrophysiological characteristics were recorded. It was found that regulatory influence of an extraneous stimulus and of artificial excitation of the brain was expressed in an increase of reactivity to conditioned and unconditioned sensory stimuli and in disinhibition of effector responses. This influence was realized not only during the development of EEG activation reaction but could be preserved over a long period in conditions of the deactivated brain state. Regulatory influence of interceptive factors is characterized by a decrease of reactivity and by inhibition of effector responses. As in the case of external effects, the realization of this influence begins with a period of brain activation and is preserved for a long time in conditions of deactivated state.  相似文献   

Roles of the lateral hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex in organization and control of automatized food-procuring movements were studied in rats under conditions of unrestrained behavior with the use of video- and photorecording techniques, destruction of the brain structures, and recording of single neuron impulse responses. The lateral hypothalamus is considered a link in the control system for food-procuring movements, which provides formation of the motor program. The role of the prefrontal cortex is regarded as related to programing and initiation of food-procuring movements and current control of efficiency of their performance. Positions of the lateral hypothalamus and prefrontal cortex within an ensemble of the motor centers, which organizes voluntary movements, are discussed.  相似文献   

With the use of techniques of video- and photorecording, local destruction of the brain structures, and recording of the spike responses, roles of the suprasegmental brain structures in organization and control of automatized food-procuring movements were studied in rats under conditions of unrestrained behavior. It is shown that there are several neuronal populations in the prefrontal cortex related to programing, initiation, and current control of the efficacy of performance of food-procuring movements. The lateral hypothalamus is considered a motivational structure. It acts as the source providing an increase in the excitability and further support of the excitation level in the structures, which are links of the systems controlling food-procuring movements. The lateral hypothalamus is also involved in a system providing formation and final application of motor programs.  相似文献   

The influence of systemic injection of anticholinesterase substance physostigmine on the behaviour of cats was studied under the conditions of pharmacological stimulation of monoaminergic cerebral systems. Development of the effect of the substance with an increase of its dose was accompanied by a successive alternation of three phases each representing an independent form of behaviour. Each form of behaviour originating in the process of acetylcholinergic stimulation increase was supposed to be caused by an involvement of corresponding monoaminergic system: serotonindopamine-, or noradrenergic one.  相似文献   

The role of vasopressin (arginin-vasopressin) in the regulation of conditioned instrumental food-procuring reactions and different kinds of memory such as delayed reflexes, image, short-, and long-time memory was studied in monkeys. Motor and autonomic effects of vasopressin were assessed. It was found that in monkeys, vasopressin administration differently affected the simple conditioned food-procuring reactions and memory. During functional disorders of the higher nervous activity, vasopressin was more efficient in its action on memory and its restoration. Formation of two types of vasopressin effects on the higher nervous activity in evolution of mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

Movement-related electrical reactions of neuronal units localized in field 2 of the frontal cortex were studied in albino rats performing fast food-procuring movements under conditions of unrestrained behavior. According to the temporal characteristics of the changes in the neuronal spike activity, three types of reactions were classified: (i) activation that forestalled the movement initiation for 1.0–1.5 sec; (ii) activation or inhibition forestalling this beginning for 0.20–0.26 sec; and (iii) activation in the course of a performed movement. Considerations about the involvement of the neurons of various cortical layers in the mechanisms of programing, switching on, and current control of the efficiency of performance of food-procuring movements are proposed, and the role of the frontal cortex in these processes is discussed.  相似文献   

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