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Transcription of the his3 gene region in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
The dodecamer d(CpGpCpGpApApTpTpCpGpCpG) or C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G crystallizes as slightly more than one full turn of right-handed B-DNA. It is surrounded in the crystal by one bound spermine molecule and 72 ordered water molecules, most of which associate with polar N and O atoms at the exposed edges of base-pairs. Hydration within the major groove is principally confined to a monolayer of water molecules associated with exposed N and O groups on the bases, with most association being monodentate. Waters hydrating backbone phosphate oxygens tend not to be ordered, except where they are immobilized by 5-methyl groups from nearby thymines. In contrast, the minor groove is hydrated in an extensive and regular manner, with a zigzag “spine” of first- and second-shell hydration along the floor of the groove serving as a foundation for less-regular outer shells extending beyond the radius of the phosphate backbone. This spine network bridges purine N-3 and pyrimidine O-2 atoms in adjacent base-pairs. It is particularly regular in the A-A-T-T center, and is disrupted at the C-G-C-G ends, in part by the presence of the N-2 amino groups on guanine residues. The minor groove hydration spine may be responsible for the stability of the B form of polymers containing only A · T and I · C base-pairs, and its disruption may explain the ease of transition to the A form of polymers with G · C pairs.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein genes are present in two to four copies per haploid genome of Xenopus laevis. Using cloned complementary DNA probes, we have isolated, from a genomic library of X. laevis, several clones containing genes for two different ribosomal proteins (L1 and L14). These genes contain intervening sequences. In the case of the L1 gene, the exons are 100 to 200 base-pairs long and the introns, on average, 400 base-pairs. Along the genomic fragments, two different classes of repetitive DNA are present: highly and middle repetitive DNA. Both are evolutionarily unstable as shown by hybridization to Xenopus tropicalis DNA. Several introns of the gene coding for protein L1 contain middle repetitive sequences. Hybridization and hybrid-released translation experiments have shown that sequences inside the two genes hybridize to several poly(A) messenger RNAs. Some of the products encoded by these mRNA have electrophoretic properties of ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

In order to study the genealogical relationships among four groups (I to IV) of RNA coliphages, we sequenced 200 to 260 nucleotides from the 3′ termini of 14 phage RNAs according to the method of Sanger et al. (1977), and compared the results. It was found that the sequences of phage RNAs in the same group were extremely homologous (about 90%). On the other hand, when the sequences were compared with those from other groups, they were seen to be only about 50 to 60% homologous between group I and group II, and about 50% homologous between group III and group IV. In other combinations, such as groups I (or II) and III, and groups I (or II) and IV, however, the extent of homology was small. Furthermore, the sequences up to 30 residues from the 3′ end were found to be about 90% homologous between groups I and II, and between groups III and IV.These results confirm our previous findings, that the sequences located in the proximity of the 3′ end of phage RNA in the same group were well-conserved (Inokuchi et al., 1979), and that close relationships exist between groups I and II, and between groups III and IV (Furuse et al., 1979).  相似文献   

D T Kurtz  C F Nicodemus 《Gene》1981,13(2):145-152
An extremely high-efficiency technique is described for cloning double-stranded (ds) cDNAs in Escherichia coli. The method, which uses two synthetic oligonucleotide linkers rather than one, results in approx. 200--500 recombinant clones per ng of ds cDNA. This technique was used to clone a cDNA comprising 95% of the full length of the mRNA of alpha 2u globulin, a male rat liver protein, which represents approx. 1% of hepatic messenger RNA. The cloned probe was applied to study the complex hormone controls of alpha 2u globulin mRNA in male and female rats.  相似文献   

The arrangement of primate β-related globin genes has been determined by restriction endonuclease mapping of genomic DNA from species ranging from prosimians to man. The arrangement of the entire ?γγδβ-globin gene cluster in the gorilla and the yellow baboon is indistinguishable from that of man. Restriction site differences between these species are consistent with a surprisingly low overall rate of intergenic DNA sequence divergence of approximately 1% in 5 million years. A new world monkey (owl monkey) has a single γ-globin gene, suggesting that the Gγ-Aγ-globin gene duplication in man is ancient, and occurred about 20 to 40 million years ago. The β-globin gene cluster in the brown lemur, a prosimian, is remarkably short (about 20,000 base-pairs) and contains single ?-, γ- and β-globin genes. The γ- and β-globin genes in this animal are separated by a curious gene containing the 3′ end of a β-globin gene preceded by sequences related to the 5′ end of the ?-globin gene.  相似文献   

A complementary DNA library prepared from the 12S polyadenylated RNAs extracted from interferon-induced KG-1 cells, a human myeloblast cell line, was screened for the presence of induction-specific sequences. Clones that exhibited strong positive signals were separated by hybridization criteria into nine classes. Clones from classes I through IV consisted of about 78% of the total and unexpectedly were found to resemble human mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes.  相似文献   

The intramolecular signals for chicken ovalbumin secretion were examined by producing mutant proteins in Xenopus oocytes. An ovalbumin complementary DNA clone was manipulated in vitro, and constructs containing altered protein-coding sequences and either the simian virus 40 (SV40) early promoter or Herpes simplex thymidine kinase promoter, were microinjected into Xenopus laevis oocytes. The removal of the eight extreme N-terminal amino acids of ovalbumin had no effect on the segregation of ovalbumin with oocyte membranes nor on its secretion. A protein lacking amino acids 2 to 21 was sequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum but remained strongly associated with the oocyte membranes rather than being secreted. Removal of amino acids 231 to 279, a region previously reported to have membrane-insertion function, resulted in a protein that also entered the endoplasmic reticulum but was not secreted. Hybrid proteins containing at their N terminus amino acids 9 to 41 or 22 to 41 of ovalbumin fused to the complete chimpanzee α-globin polypeptide were also sequestered by oocyte membranes. We conclude that the ovalbumin “signal” seque?ce is internally located within amino acids 22 to 41, and we speculate that amino acids 9 to 21 could be important for the completion of ovalbumin translocation through membranes.  相似文献   

DNA complementary to mouse yolk sac messenger RNA has been inserted at the PstI site of the plasmid pBR322 by annealing of the oligo(dG)-tailed plasmid DNA with the oligo(dC)-tailed mouse DNA. Transformation of Escherichia coli strain RRI with this annealed DNA yielded clones bearing recombinant plasmids. The clones were screened for DNA complementary to mouse a-fetoprotein (AFP) messenger RNA sequences by hybridization with a cDNA probe transcribed from an AFP mRNA of over 90% purity. Out of nine plasmids that were isolated and analyzed by restriction mapping, all had homologous insert DNA of various lengths. The plasmid with the longest insert, pAF6, contained 1.65 kb of added DNA, which is about 70% of the AFP mRNA. This clone was positively identified by a hybridization-translation procedure to contain a cDNA sequence for AFP. A restriction map of this clone and the orientation of the message are presented.  相似文献   

Total Dictyostelium discoideum messenger RNA prepared from cells at the eighth hour of development in suspension culture has been copied into DNA. This DNA was inserted into the plasmid PMB9 and used to transform Escherichia coli. The resulting “clone bank” was screened using an in situ hybridization technique in which replicate copies of a set of clones were hybridized with mRNA isolated from vegetative (non-developing) cells and from cells at the eighth hour of development. The mRNA was labelled in vitro so that the amount of hybridization to a given clone is a measure of the relative abundance of the mRNA complementary to the DNA in that clone. By comparing the amount of hybridization of the mRNA preparations to each clone, it has been possible to identify plasmids containing D. discoideum DNA whose complementary mRNA increases or decreases in abundance during development. These observations are direct proof of a change in mRNA concentration during D. discoideum development for individual high and medium abundance mRNA species. We can estimate from these results the proportion of such mRNA species whose concentration increases significantly during development and we find that only a small fraction show such a change.  相似文献   

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