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Davis BD 《Plant physiology》1979,63(6):1010-1015
α-Amylase activity remained relatively low in the axes of intact etiolated pea seedlings; the activity was predominantly confined to the epicotyl. Starch accumulated slightly. When the cotyledons were removed and the axes cultured on medium containing no carbon source, the starch reserve in the axes disappeared within a few days. This was accompanied by a 10- to 15-fold increase in α-amylase activity, in the absence of additional epicotyl growth. The phenonemon was observed for axes throughout early growth, although the relative accumulation of α-amylase activity in cultured axes was less for older seedlings. This change was attributed to a reduced response by nongrowing tissues. There was no corresponding change in β-amylase activity. These observations, described for several varieties of peas, demonstrate the control of cotyledons upon the utilization of stored reserves within the axis, with α-amylase as a key enzyme.  相似文献   

LI  LI; ROSS  JAMES D. 《Annals of botany》1990,66(5):507-512
Dormancy in seed of Corylus avellana L. (hazel) is broken bya sustained period of cold stratification. During this timeboth cytological and metabolic changes occur. Starch was presentinitially at a low level but increased by 20% in the embryonicaxes of hazel seeds during stratification at 5 °C, whileit decreased rapidly and then remained constant in the embryonicaxes from seeds held at 20 °C. Histochemical study confirmedthis analytical result. A comparison of the developmental patternof starch level with bound and soluble ADP glucose-starch synthaseactivity at 5 and 20 °C showed that the accumulation ofstarch in the embryonic axes followed an enhanced activity ofthe granule-bound ADP glucose-starch synthase. Cold stratificationresulted in an increase in starch content, which was probablyas a result of gluconeogenesis from products of reserve lipidhydrolysis. Corylus avellana L., hazel, starch, ADP glucose-starch synthase, stratification  相似文献   

LI  LI; ROSS  JAMES D. 《Annals of botany》1990,66(5):501-505
During the stratification necessary for the alleviation of dormancyin Corylus avellana L. there is a substantial reorganizationof metabolic processes. Changes in activities of some enzymesrelated to lipid mobilization were followed throughout a fruitstratification period at 5 °C and control treatment at 20°C. Significant increases in total lipase and isocitratelyase activities were found in both embryonic axes and cotyledonsof seeds from fruits stratified at 5 °C, whereas the activitiesremained consistently low in those held at 20 °C. Theseresults correlated with an earlier ultrastructural study whichshowed a reduction in storage lipid. The increased potentialfor lipolysis was concomitant with loss of dormancy as seenin germination tests. These findings suggest that lipid mobilizationduring stratification could be related to the overall patternof metabolic changes which are required for dormancy release. Corylus avellana L., hazel, lipid, catalase, isocitrate lyase, lipase, stratification  相似文献   

Gibberellin pretreatment of hazel seeds induced significantincreases in the incorporation of carbon-14 from [2-14C] acetateinto both glutamate and sucrose, while the amounts of radioactivityincorporated into citrate, malate and succinate were significantlyhigher after pretreatment with sterile water. A ratio basedon the relative amounts of carbon-14 incorporated into glutamateand into the TCA cycle acids indicates that gibberellin treatmentcauses a diversion of metabolites from the essentially respiratoryTCA cycle into synthetic sequences such as glutamate formation.Gibberellin treatment also appears to stimulate the activityof a reversed glycolytic sequence, resulting in the productionof sucrose.  相似文献   

Commercially obtained fruits of Corylus avellana exhibit the characteristic loss of dormancy of this seed following chilling under moist conditions. The activities of cytosolic and organellar enzymes of pentose phosphate pathway in cotyledonary tissue were assayed throughout stratification and over a similar period in damp vermiculite at 20° C. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconic acid dehydrogenase (6PGDH) were both found in cytosolic extracts in all treatments; only 6PGDH was present in the organellar fraction.The enzyme activities monitored in seeds at 20° C remained relatively constant over the course of the investigation except in the case of cytosolic 6PGDH where it is suggested an inhibitor of the enzyme accumulated. This inhibitor was removed by the partial purification procedure. Increases in the activities of the enzymes occurred during stratification, the major increase coinciding exactly with dormancy breakage but prior to the initiation of germination. The marked increase in G6PDH and 6PGDH concurrent with the change in germination potential of the chilled seed may have considerable biochemical significance in breaking down the dormant state.Abbreviations G6P glucose-6-phosphate - G6PDH glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase - NADP nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - 6 PGDH 6-phosphogluconic acid dehydrogenase - PPP pentose phosphate pathway  相似文献   

欧洲榛子贮藏及萌发生理特性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对欧洲榛子(Corylus avellanaL.)在沙藏、萌发、幼苗生长阶段的种仁养分和保护酶活性动态变化特点进行了研究,结果表明:种子萌发后107 d营养耗尽;沙藏过程中种仁的干重、粗脂肪含量略下降,萌发后下降迅速且与时间呈线性负相关;可溶性糖在沙藏至萌发后12 d内下降而后上升,萌发24 d后上升迅速,72 d后进入高峰期;淀粉含量在沙藏过程中下降,萌发后上升并在萌发48 d取得11.12%的峰值后下降;游离氨基酸总量在沙藏期间下降,萌发前12 d开始升高,在萌发36~48 d达155.31 mg/100 g的高峰后降低;可溶性蛋白50.87 mg/g的峰值出现在萌发前12 d;SOD在萌发前12 d至萌发后12 d、CAT由萌发起24 d内、POD在萌发36 d后分别出现活性高峰,对种仁营养按测定时间进行的聚类分析结果与依据幼苗干重划分的幼苗生长阶段相吻合。  相似文献   

A Bacterial Canker of Corylus avellana in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Amylase activity increased in attached cotyledons of peas, Pisumsativum L. var. Bördi, only during imbibition and remainedalmost constant up to 96 h after germination, but in excisedcotyledons the activity increased slightly at first then markedly.In contrast, the content of the reducing sugars was higher inattached cotyledons than in excised ones. A similar inverserelationship has been found between the concentration of reducingsugars in axes (both attached and excised) and amylase activity. The leakage from intact seeds contained more reducing sugarsthan the leakage from excised cotyledons, whereas the amountof proteins released from the cotyledons was four times greaterduring imbibition. This increase in amylase activity in excisedcotyledons is not thought to be the result of axis excision,but to be the result of the leakage of sugars from the cotyledonsduring incubation. These results suggest that the concentration of reducing sugarsmay be a factor that regulates amylase activity in vivo in boththe cotyledons and axis during the germination of pea seeds. (Received August 4, 1982; Accepted December 14, 1982)  相似文献   

Summary Pollen-stigma compatibility relationships are reported for 55 filbert cultivars (cvs) (Corylus avellana L.). A total of 11 S-alleles have been identified amongst 36 cvs for which one or both S-alleles have been established. For the 20 cvs with only one known allele and the 17 for which neither allele have been identified further information is provided as to which alleles can be excluded as possibilities.Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 4985. Corvallis, Oregon 97331  相似文献   

Dormancy in seeds of hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and beech (Fagussylvatica L.) has been studied with special reference to changesin growth-promoting and inhibiting substances during after-ripening.About 12 weeks at low temperature and under moist conditionsis necessary for complete after-ripening. Gibberellic acid,kinetin, and thiourea stimulate germination in dormant seedsbut have no effect on nuts with the pericarp intact. Gibberellin‘D’ is ten times more active than gibberellic acid.Bio-assays, following chromatographic fractionation of seedextracts, have revealed no significant changes in the concentrationsof auxins and inhibitors during after-ripening. Dwarf maize-leafsection assays have revealed low concentrations of gibberellin-likesubstances in purified extracts of chilled, dormant hazel seedbut no gibberellin activity in extracts of dormant seed. Gibberellinsare present in both dormant and germinating beech seeds butthere appear to be differences in the chromatographic patternof activity. The possible role of endogenous gibberellins inthe after-ripening process is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolated soybean (Glycine max L. var Hood) embryonic axes have a spontaneous chemiluminescence (about 150 counts per minute per embryo) that increases showing two phases, upon water imbibition. The first photoemission burst was measured between 0 and 7 hours of imbibition with a maximum of about 350 counts per minute per embryo after 2 hours. The second photoemission phase, between 7 and 30 hours, increased from about 220 to 520 counts per minute per embryo. Both chemiluminescence phases were inhibited by infused butylated hydroxyanisole while only the second phase was inhibited by infused salicylhydroxamic acid. On the basis of the sensitivity of the lipoxygenase reaction to both inhibitors (about 90%), the first burst is tentatively assigned to oxy-radicals mobilized upon water uptake by the embryonic axes, and the second phase is tentatively identified as due to lipoxygenase activity. The in vivo lipoxygenase activity of the embryonic axes was estimated by both the fraction of total oxygen uptake that was inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole and by the fraction of photoemission that was inhibited by butylated hydroxyanisole and by salicylhydroxamic acid. Both approaches indicated marked increases (5-fold and 12-fold, respectively) of lipoxygenase activity between 2 and 30 hours of imbibition. The measured chemiluminescence per O2 uptake ratio (the experimental quantum yield) for the lipoxygenase reaction (3.3 × 10−14 counts per O2 molecule) was used to estimate the O2 uptake due to lipoxygenase activity from the photoemission of the embryonic axes after 30 hours of imbibition. The value (0.54 microliters per minute per axis) was close to the butylated hydroxyanisole-sensitive O2 uptake (1.2 microliters O2 per minute per axis) of the same embryonic axes. Chemiluminescence may afford a noninvasive assay for lipoxygenase activity in intact plant tissues.  相似文献   

The main flavonoid glycoside from the pollen of Corylus avellana has been characterized as quercetin 3-O-(2″-O-β-d-glucopyranosyl)-β-d-galactopyranoside on the basis of UV, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and mass spectral data and GLC sugar analysis.  相似文献   

Four-day time course studies of the hydrolysis of cotyledonal storage protein were conducted on intact seeds, seed cotyledons detached from their embryonic axes and on detached cotyledon pairs germinated in the presence of three excised embryonic axes of Cucurbita maxima Duch., cv. Chicago Worted Hubbard. Detached cotyledons germinated alone showed little hydrolysis of the storage protein. However, the amount of protein hydrolysis of the detached cotyledon pairs germinated in the presence of three excised embryonic axes was comparable to the amount hydrolyzed in the cotyledons of intact germinating seeds. Visual growth differences among these treatments were also evident. The size and yellow color intensity of the fourth day treatments were shown to increase in the following order: detached cotyledon pairs alone, intact seedlings, detached cotyledon pairs in the presence of three excised axes. The growth of the hypocotyl and radical was also modified by removal of the cotyledons. These findings suggest that storage protein degradation and cotyledonal growth are controled by the axis. They also indicate that the cotyledons have some influence on the growth of the axes. Time-course studies were made on the hydrolysis of storage protein in the cotyledons of squash and on the distribution of the hydrolytic products during the germination of light- and dark-grown plants. The storage protein was not hydrolyzed during the first 24 hours. It was hydrolyzed at a uniform rate from 1 to 5 days and at a slightly decreased rate from 5 to 7 days. Most of the hydrolytic products were transported to the axial tissue. Proteinase activity in the cotyledons rapidly increased during germination to a maximum level at 2 to 3 days. This was followed by a decline to about the initial value after 7 days.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen-stigma compatibility relationship were studied in 50 cultivars and more than 800 seedlings of the European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.). A total of 22 unique S-alleles have been identified. Dominance relationships in 75 of the possible 231 pairs of alleles have been determined in both pistil and pollen. In the pistil, all alleles exhibited independent action, whereas in the pollen, alleles exhibited either dominance or codominance. The dominance relationship was linear with 7 levels of dominance.Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Paper No. 8542  相似文献   

Analysis of the expression of genes encoding the β-conglycinin seed storage proteins in soybean has been used to extend our understanding of developmental gene expression in plants. The α, α′, and β subunits of β-conglycinin are encoded by a multigene family which is organ-specific in its expression. In this study we report the differentially programmed accumulation of the α, α′, and β subunits of β-conglycinin. Multiple isomeric forms of each subunit are present in the dry seed, but the timing of their accumulation is unique for each subunit. The previously reported variation in amount of α′ and α subunits in axis and cotyledons is also reflected in the amount of subunit specific mRNA which is present in each tissue. The β subunit, previously undetected in soybean axes, is found to be synthesized but rapidly degraded. These differences in β-conglycinin protein accumulation may be reflected by the morphological differences observed in protein bodies between these two tissues.  相似文献   

Phytase (myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate phosphohydrolase, EC, which catalyses the step-wise hydrolysis of phytic acid, was purified from cotyledons of dormant Corylus avellana L. seeds. The enzyme was separated from the major soluble acid phosphatase by successive (NH4)(2)SO(4) precipitation, gel filtration and cation exchange chromatography resulting in a 300-fold purification and yield of 7.5%. The native enzyme positively interacted with Concanavalin A suggesting that it is putatively glycosylated. After size exclusion chromatography and SDS-PAGE it was found to be a monomeric protein with molecular mass 72+/-2.5 kDa. The hazel enzyme exhibited optimum activity for phytic acid hydrolysis at pH 5 and, like other phytases, had broad substrate specificity. It exhibited the lowest Km (162 microM) and highest specificity constant (V(max)/Km) for phytic acid, indicating that this is the preferred in vivo substrate. It required no metal ion as a co-factor, while inorganic phosphate and fluoride competitively inhibited enzymic activity (Ki=407 microM and Ki=205 microM, respectively).  相似文献   

Pollen-stigma compatibility was studied in cultivars and more than 1800 seedlings of the European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L). Four new S-alleles were identified, bringing the total to 25 unique alleles within C. avellana. The new alleles are the recessive alleles in ‘Tonda di Giffoni’ and ‘Segorbe’ (S23), in ‘Neue Riesennuss’ (S25), in ‘Gasaway’ (S26), and a dominant allele in a seedling of Turkish origin (S24). Dominance relationships in 233 of the possible 300 pairs of alleles were determined in both pistil and pollen. All alleles exhibited independent action in the pistil, whereas in the pollen either dominance or codominance was exhibited. The dominance hierarchy of alleles in the pollen was revised in light of the new information obtained. All 25 alleles have been assigned to a level in the hierarchy that is linear and now has eight levels. S6 and S9 were reassigned to lower levels in the hierarchy. Thirteen of the alleles are on the level of S1, while S4, S6, S11, and S23 occupy unique positions in the hierarchy. Improved pollen tester clones were identified for several S-alleles. The alleles in 55 cultivars were determined. The alleles identified in ‘DuChilly’ (S10 S14) did not agree with previous reports. Four cultivars have the same alleles as ‘Römische Nuss’ (S10 S18) and are morphologically indistinguishable from it: ‘Frutto-grosso’, ‘Istarski Okrogloplodna’, ‘Payrone’, and ‘Romai’. ‘Belle di Giubilino’ and ‘Tonda di Biglini’ are both S1 S10 and appear to be synonyms for the same cultivar.  相似文献   

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