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An oligonucleotide probe was used to isolate yeast genomic clones containing DNA sequences with repetitive elements consisting primarily of a tandemly arranged trinucleotide, CAT. Hybridization analyses estimate that the yeast genome contains 40-50 CAT clusters, representing the first repetitive DNA sequence family found in yeast. Sequence analyses show short spacers between the CAT repeats consisting of closely related trinucleotides, primarily CGT. Some of the CAT clusters are located in longer repeating elements with lengths of 7 nucleotides or more. In one case a three-times-repeated 27-nucleotide sequence bears striking homology to the 21-base pair repeat region of the mammalian simian virus 40 promoter element. Hybridization studies further suggest that the "CAT" sequences may be widely dispersed in many diverse organisms including Escherichia coli, Drosophila, and man.  相似文献   

Several members of a repetitive DNA family in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been shown to express ARS and centromeric function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The repetitive family, denoted CeRep3, consists of dispersed repeated elements about 1 kilobase in length, present 50 to 100 times in the nematode genome. Three elements were sequenced and found to contain DNA sequences homologous to yeast ARS and CEN consensus sequences. Nematode DNA segments containing these repeats were tested for ARS and CEN (or SEG) function after ligation to shuttle vectors and introduction into yeast cells. Such nematode segments conferred ARS function to the plasmid, as judged by an increased frequency of transformation compared with control plasmids without ARS function. Some, but not all, also conferred to the plasmid increased mitotic stability, increased frequency of 2+:2- segregation in meiosis, and decreased plasmid copy number. These effects are similar to those of yeast centromeric DNA. In view of these results, we suggest that the CeRep3 repetitive family may have replication and centromeric functions in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The establishment of silent chromatin requires passage through S-phase, but not DNA replication per se. Nevertheless, many proteins that affect silencing are bona fide DNA replication factors. It is not clear if mutations in these replication factors affect silencing directly or indirectly via deregulation of S-phase or DNA replication. Consequently, the relationship between DNA replication and silencing remains an issue of debate. Here we analyze the effect of mutations in DNA replication factors (mcm5-461, mcm5-1, orc2-1, orc5-1, cdc45-1, cdc6-1, and cdc7-1) on the silencing of a group of reporter constructs, which contain different combinations of "natural" subtelomeric elements. We show that the mcm5-461, mcm5-1, and orc2-1 mutations affect silencing through subtelomeric ARS consensus sequences (ACS), while cdc6-1 affects silencing independently of ACS. orc5-1, cdc45-1, and cdc7-1 affect silencing through ACS, but also show ACS-independent effects. We also demonstrate that isolated nontelomeric ACS do not recapitulate the same effects when inserted in the telomere. We propose a model that defines the modes of action of MCM5 and CDC6 in silencing.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar are two morphologically indistinguishable species that are found in the human gut. Of the two, E. histolytica is considered to be pathogenic while E. dispar is nonpathogenic. To generate molecular probes to detect and distinguish between the two species, we utilized repeat sequences present in Entamoeba genome. We have developed probes and primers from rDNA episomes, and unidentified Entamoeba EST1 repeat for this purpose, and used them for dot blot hybridization and PCR amplification. To investigate the possible existence of invasive and noninvasive strains of E. histolytica, the ability to differentiate individual isolates is necessary. For this purpose, we have utilized a modification of the AFLP procedure called 'Transposon display,' which generates and displays large number of genomic bands associated with a transposon. We have used the abundant retrotransposon, EhSINE1, for this purpose,and demonstrated its potential as a marker to study strain variation in E. histolytica. This technique could suitably be employed in carrying out significant molecular epidemiological studies and large-scale typing of this parasite.  相似文献   

Chitin in the cyst wall of Entamoeba histolytica is made by two chitin synthases (Chs), one of which is unique (EhCHS-1) and one of which resembles those of insects and nematodes (EhCHS-2). EhCHS-1 is deposited chitin in the lateral wall of transformed Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chs mutants, independent of accessory proteins (Chs4p to Chs7p) required by yeast Chs3p.  相似文献   

J L Woolford  L M Hereford  M Rosbash 《Cell》1979,18(4):1247-1259
Yeast mRNA enriched for ribosomal protein mRNA was obtained by isolating poly(A)+ small mRNA from small polysomes. A comparison of cell-free translation of this small mRNA and total mRNA, and electrophoresis of the products on two-dimensional gels which resolve most yeast ribosomal proteins, demonstrated that a 5-10 fold enrichment for ribosomal protein mRNA was obtained. One hundred different recombinant DNA molecules possibly containing ribosomal protein genes were selected by differential colony hybridization of this enriched mRNA and unfractionated mRNA to a bank of yeast pMB9 hybrid plasmids. After screening twenty-five of these candidates, five different clones were found which contain yeast ribosomal protein gene sequences. The yeast mRNAs complementary to these five plasmids code for 35S-methionine-labeled polypeptides which co-migrate on two-dimensional gels with yeast ribosomal proteins. Consistent with previous studies on ribosomal protein mRNAs, the amounts of mRNA complementary to three of these cloned genes are controlled by the RNA2 locus. Although two of the five clones contain more than one yeast gene, none contain more than one identifiable ribosomal protein gene. Thus there is no evidence for "tight" linkage of yeast ribosomal protein genes. Two of the cloned ribosomal protein genes are single-copy genes, whereas two other cloned sequences contain two different copies of the same ribosomal protein gene. The fifth plasmid contains sequences which are repeated in the yeast genome, but it is not known whether any or all of the ribosomal protein gene on this clone contains repetitive DNA.  相似文献   

We have characterized a family of moderately repetitive autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Restriction mapping, deletion studies and hybridization studies suggest that these ARSs, which are probably less than 350 base-pairs in size, share one common feature: each is located close to, but not within, a repetitive sequence (131) of approximately 10(3) to approximately 1.5 X 10(3) base-pairs in length. These ARSs can be divided into two classes (X and Y) by their sequence homology and genomic environments. Each of the class X ARSs is embedded within a repetitive sequence (X) of variable length (approximately 0.3 X 10(3) to approximately 3.75 X 10(3) base-pairs); each of the class Y ARSs is embedded within a highly conserved repetitive sequence (Y) of approximately 5.2 X 10(3) base-pairs in length. Both of these sequences are located directly adjacent to the 131 sequence.  相似文献   

Two new dispersed repetitive DNA sequences related to the transposable element Tyl have been isolated from the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One sequence, designated Tyl-17, is present at about six copies per haploid genome, and one copy is located approximately 1000 base-pairs from the LEU2 locus on chromosome III. Tyl-17 is about the same size as Tyl (Cameron et al., 1979) and is flanked by δ sequences, but differs from Tyl by the presence of two large substitutions representing about 50% of the sequence. Tyl and Tyl-17 are found in a ‘head-to-head’ array in at least one cloned region of the yeast genome. Another sequence, designated Tyl-161, is situated about 9000 base-pairs from the PGK locus of chromosome III, and is structurally identical to Tyl except for the presence of a 1200 base-pair insertion near one end of the sequence element.  相似文献   

Replication origins have been mapped to positions that coincide, within experimental error (several hundred base pairs), with ARS elements. To determine whether the DNA sequences required for ARS function on plasmids are required for chromosomal origin function, the chromosomal copy of ARS306 was deleted and the chromosomal copy of ARS307 was replaced with mutant derivatives of ARS307 containing single point mutations in domain A within the ARS core consensus sequence. The chromosomal origin function of these derivatives was assayed by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis. Deletion of ARS306 deleted the associated replication origin. The effects on chromosomal origin function of mutations in domain A paralleled their effects on ARS function, as measured by plasmid stability. These results demonstrate that chromosomal origin function is a property of the ARS element itself.  相似文献   

We report here the presence of cytoplasmic DNA arranged in networks in the trophozoites of the human parasite Entamoeba histolytica. Cytoplasmic DNA was detected in live trophozoites in a structure that we called EhkO, using the fluorescent dye acridine orange, and by in situ hybridization to trophozoites with a rDNA probe. The EhkO was found in the axenically grown clones A, L6 (strain HM1:IMSS) and MAVax (strain MAV) and in the polyxenically grown clone MAVpx (strain MAV). Bacteria present in MAVpx did not cross hybridize with the DNA probe neither in in situ hybridization or in Southern blot experiments. Autoradiography of metabolically [3H]thymidine-labeled trophozoites showed the presence of EhkO, and an EhkO-enriched fraction, purified from a nuclei-free extract and examined by light microscopy, exhibited [3H]thymidine incorporation into this structure. DNA was purified from the EhkO and enriched nuclear fractions and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. The EhkO fraction contained DNA networks resembling those of trypanosome kDNA, whereas nuclear DNA was present mainly as linear molecules and some circles. Our findings imply that E. histolytica may be taxonomically more closely related to the Trypanosomatidae than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Autonomous replicating sequences are DNA elements that trigger DNA replication and are widely used in the development of episomal transformation vectors for fungi. In this paper, a genomic library from the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora rosea was constructed in the integrative plasmid YIp5 and screened in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae for sequences that act as ARS and trigger plasmid replication. Two genetic elements (GrARS2, GrARS6) promoted high-rates of yeast transformation. Sequence analysis of these elements shows them to be AT-rich (72-80%) and to contain multiple near-matches to the yeast autonomous consensus sequences ACS and EACS. GrARS2 contained a putative miniature inverted-repeat transposable element (MITE) delimited by 28-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs). Disruption of this element and removal of one TIR increased plasmid stability several fold. The potential for palindromes to affect DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

A major family of short, interspersed, repeated sequences in the bovine genome has been characterized. This family makes up the majority of all non-satellite repetitive DNA or about 6% of the bovine genome. It is estimated that there are at least 600 000 copies of this family interspersed among non-repetitive DNA sequences. Sequence analysis shows that this family includes sequences reported previously by Watanabe et al. (Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 1459-1469, 1982) and is distantly related to the human Alu sequence family.  相似文献   

In the phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) gene of yeast, as in other highly expressed yeast genes, the sequences surrounding the site of RNA initiation have a loosely conserved structure of a CT rich stretch followed by the tetranucleotide CAAG. Using internal deletions and insertions we have identified the elements in the PGK promoter which are required for correct RNA initiation at the CAAG sequence at -39. The results indicate that two different components of the PGK promoter contribute to correct RNA initiation, the TATA homologies, located at -152 and -113, and the sequences at the site of initiation. Both TATA elements can function in RNA initiation. Deletion of the upstream TATA element, TATAI, results in slightly heterogeneous RNA initiation, but the majority of the RNA initiates correctly. Deletion of both the PGK TATA elements results in the majority of the RNA initiating at sites downstream from the wild-type I site, within the structural gene between +40 to +80. The CT rich box is not essential for correct mRNA initiation as shown by deletion analysis. The site of RNA initiation in the PGK promoter appears to be determined by sequences located immediately 5' of the CAAG sequence motif. This short sequence, ACAGATC, when located the correct distance from the TATA elements may be sufficient to determine a discrete initiation site.  相似文献   

We report characterisation of three copies of a novel repeat sequence isolated from a Mycobacterium bovis genomic library. The repeat occurs within open reading frames, potentially encoding a conserved tandem array of a pentapeptide sequence with the consensus X-Gly-Asn-X-Gly. The tandem array is present up to five times in M. bovis and it is proposed that they may occur in a family of genes expressing functionally related proteins. We postulate that these proteins may play a role in binding of M. bovis to host cell receptors.  相似文献   

Four fragments of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III DNA which carry ARS elements have been sequenced. Each fragment contains multiple copies of sequences that have at least 10 out of 11 bases of homology to a previously reported 11 bp core consensus sequence. A survey of these new ARS sequences and previously reported sequences revealed the presence of an additional 11 bp conserved element located on the 3' side of the T-rich strand of the core consensus. Subcloning analysis as well as deletion and transposon insertion mutagenesis of ARS fragments support a role for 3' conserved sequence in promoting ARS activity.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the involvement of the DNA molecule in the replication initiation process we have characterized the structure of the DNA at Autonomously Replicating Sequences (ARSs) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using a new method for anti-bent DNA analysis, which allowed us to take into account the bending contribution of each successive base plate, we have investigated the higher-order structural organization of the DNA in the region which immediately surrounds the ARS consensus sequence (ACS). We have identified left- and right-handed anti-bent DNAs which flank this consensus sequence. The data show that this organization correlates with an active ACS. Analysis of the minimum nucleotide sequence providing ARS function to plasmids reveals an example where the critical nucleotides are restricted to the ACS and the right-handed anti-bent DNA domain, although most of the origins considered contained both left- and right-handed anti-bent DNAs. Moreover, mutational analysis shows that the right-handed form is necessary in order to sustain a specific DNA conformation which is correlated with the level of plasmid maintenance. A model for the role of these individual structural components of the yeast replication origin is presented. We discuss the possible role of the right-handed anti-bent DNA domain, in conjunction with the ACS, in the process of replication initiation, and potentialities offered by the combination of left- and right-handed structural components in origin function. Received: 29 October 1999 / Accepted: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

M C Wright  P Philippsen 《Gene》1991,109(1):99-105
We have developed a transformation system for the filamentous ascomycete fungus Ashbya gossypii. Mycelial protoplasts were transformed to geneticin-resistance with plasmids containing the Escherichia coli kanamycin-resistance gene as a selectable marker and autonomously replicating sequences (ARS) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ARS1, 2 mu ARS). Transformation frequencies of up to 63 transformants per microgram of plasmid DNA were obtained. The transformants were unstable under nonselective conditions. Southern analysis of DNA separated by conventional and pulsed-field-gel electrophoresis showed that the transforming DNA was present as autonomously replicating plasmid. Plasmid integration into chromosomal DNA was not detected. We concluded that the S. cerevisiae ARS elements are functional in A. gossypii, since vectors lacking such elements did not yield transformants.  相似文献   

We have analyzed various autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) in yeast nuclear extract with ARS-specific synthetic oligonucleotides. The EI oligonucleotide sequence, which is derived from HMRE-ARS, and the F1 oligonucleotide sequence, which is derived from telomeric ARS120, appeared to bind to the same cellular factor with high specificity. In addition, each of these oligonucleotides was a competitive inhibitor of the binding of the other. Binding of the ARS binding factor (ABF) to either of these oligonucleotides was inhibited strongly by plasmids containing ARS1 and telomeric TF1-ARS. DNase I footprinting analyses with yeast nuclear extract showed that EI and F1 oligonucleotides eliminated protection of the binding site of ARS binding factor I (ABFI) in domain B of ARS1. Sequence analyses of various telomeric (ARS120 and TF1-ARS) and nontelomeric ARSs (ARS1 and HMRE-ARS) showed the presence of consensus ABFI binding sites in the protein binding domains of all of these ARSs. Consequently, the ABFI and ABFI-like factors bind to these domain B-like sequences in a wide spectrum of ARSs, both telomeric and nontelomeric.  相似文献   

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