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长末端重复序列(Long terminal repeat,LTR)反转录转座子是真核生物基因组中普遍存在的一类可移动的DNA序列,它们以RNA为媒介,通过"复制粘贴"机制在基因组中不断自我复制。在高等植物中,许多活性的LTR反转录转座子已被详尽研究并应用于分子标记技术、基因标签、插入型突变及基因功能等分析。本文对植物活性LTR反转录转座子进行全面的调查,并对其结构、拷贝数和分布以及转座特性进行系统的归纳,分析了植物活性LTR反转录转座子的gag(种属特异抗原)和pol(聚合酶)序列特征,以及LTR序列中顺式调控元件的分布。研究发现自主有活性的LTR反转录转座子必须具备LTR区域以及编码Gag、Pr、Int、Rt和Rh蛋白的基因区。其中两端LTR区域具有高度同源性且富含顺式调控元件;Rt蛋白必备RVT结构域;Rh蛋白必备RNase_H1_RT结构域。这些结果为后续植物活性LTR反转录转座子的鉴定和功能分析奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

利用简并PCR技术从野生花生种(Arachis ipaensis Krapov. et W. C. Greg.)的基因组中扩增分离Ty1-copia类(1类)和Ty3-gypsy类(2类)反转录转座子RT基因,并对其序列特征、多样性、系统进化关系及转录活性进行分析。结果显示:对于1和2类RT基因,目的条带分别约为260和430 bp;分离获得了23和32条序列,长度范围分别为262~266、395~435 bp;AT所占比例分别为61.60%~69.17%和55.79%~61.34%;核苷酸序列间相似性分别为52.5%~98.9%和45.0%~98.8%,氨基酸序列间相似性分别为39.8%~100%和9.0%~97.2%。其中2类基因的异质性高于1类;1类和2类基因分别有3条和15条发生了无义突变,2类的无义突变发生率远高于1类。1类基因的保守基序保守性较高,2类的保守基序呈一定程度的变异。代表序列的蛋白质三级结构基本类似。聚类分析结果显示,1类和2类基因可被分为5个和6个家族。1类和2类基因都有部分序列与其他物种的RT基因序列亲缘关系较近,表明它们之间可能存在两类反转录转座子的横向传...  相似文献   

The availability of complete or nearly complete genome sequences from several plant species permits detailed discovery and cross‐species comparison of transposable elements (TEs) at the whole genome level. We initially investigated 510 long terminal repeat‐retrotransposon (LTR‐RT) families comprising 32 370 elements in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Approximately 87% of these elements were located in recombination‐suppressed pericentromeric regions, where the ratio (1.26) of solo LTRs to intact elements (S/I) is significantly lower than that of chromosome arms (1.62). Further analysis revealed a significant positive correlation between S/I and LTR sizes, indicating that larger LTRs facilitate solo LTR formation. Phylogenetic analysis revealed seven Copia and five Gypsy evolutionary lineages that were present before the divergence of eudicot and monocot species, but the scales and timeframes within which they proliferated vary dramatically across families, lineages and species, and notably, a Copia lineage has been lost in soybean. Analysis of the physical association of LTR‐RTs with centromere satellite repeats identified two putative centromere retrotransposon (CR) families of soybean, which were grouped into the CR (e.g. CRR and CRM) lineage found in grasses, indicating that the ‘functional specification’ of CR pre‐dates the bifurcation of eudicots and monocots. However, a number of families of the CR lineage are not concentrated in centromeres, suggesting that their CR roles may now be defunct. Our data also suggest that the envelope‐like genes in the putative Copia retrovirus‐like family are probably derived from the Gypsy retrovirus‐like lineage, and thus we propose the hypothesis of a single ancient origin of envelope‐like genes in flowering plants.  相似文献   

转座子是真核生物基因组的重要组成成分。为了研究家蚕Bombyx mori长末端重复序列 (long terminal repeat, LTR)逆转录转座子的分类及进化, 本研究采用de novo预测和同源性搜索相结合的方法, 在家蚕基因组中共鉴定出了38个LTR逆转录转座子家族, 序列长度占整个基因组的0.64%, 远小于先前预测的11.8%, 其中有6个家族为本研究的新发现。38个家族中, 26个家族有表达序列标签 (expression sequence tag, EST)证据, 表明这些家族具有潜在的活性。对有EST证据的6个家族和没有EST证据的5个家族用RT-PCR进行了组织表达谱实验, 结果表明这11个家族在一些组织中有表达, 这进一步证实了这些家族具有转录活性, 基于此我们推测家蚕中大部分的LTR逆转录转座子家族很可能具有潜在活性。对转座子的插入时间进行估计, 结果表明绝大部分元件都是最近1百万年内插入到家蚕基因组中的。我们还比较了黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster、 冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae和家蚕B. mori中Ty3/Gypsy超家族分支的差异, 结果表明不同枝在不同昆虫中有着不同的扩张。家蚕中LTR逆转录转座子的鉴定和系统分析有助于我们理解逆转录转座子在昆虫进化中的作用。  相似文献   

Fungi of the genus Aspergillus can infect all tissues and organs, causing invasive mycosis (aspergillosis). This disease can be fatal, especially in immunocompromised patients. Microbiological monitoring of these infectious agents is obligatory in modern medical facilities. Mobile elements can be used as markers to identify the Aspergillus species and strains found indoors as well as to diagnose aspergillosis. Genomic sequences of two Aspergillus species, A. fumigatus and A. nidulans, were analyzed in silico in order to detect LTR retrotransposons. These species were found to considerably differ in the composition of retrotransposon families. One of the families, present in both Aspergillus species, was phylogenetically quite different from all known fungal retrotransposons. The majority of its elements were damaged copies. Nevertheless, allegedly undamaged LTR retrotransposon copies were described that contained intact ORFs and might be active.  相似文献   

The repeat-induced point mutation mechanism (RIP) is the most intriguing among the known mechanisms of homology-dependent gene inactivation (silencing) because of its ability to produce irreversible mutations in repetitive DNA sequences. Discovered for the first time in Neurospora crassa, RIP is characterized by C:G to T:A transitions in duplicated sequences. The mechanisms and range of occurrence of RIP are still poorly understood. Mobile elements, including retrotransposons, are a common target for the processes that lead to homology-dependent silencing because of their ability to propagate themselves. Comparative analysis of LTR retrotransposons was performed throughout the genomes of two ascomycetes, Aspergillus fumigatus and A. nidulans. “De-RIP” retroelements were reconstructed on the basis of several copies. CpG, CpA, and TpG sites, which are potential targets for mutagenesis, were found at a much lower frequency in mobile elements than in structural genes. The dinucleotide targets of the two species are affected by RIP at different frequencies: mutagenesis occurs at both CpG and CpA sites in A. fumigatus and is confined to CpG dinucleotides in A. nidulans. This work provides a theoretical background for planning the experimental investigation of RIP inactivation in aspergilli.  相似文献   

A novel protocol for producing recombinant Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV-RT) in Escherichia coli is reported. The optimized coding sequence for mature MMLV-RT was cloned into pET28a and over-expressed as an N-terminal His6-tagged fusion protein. An enterokinase (EK) recognition site was introduced between the His6-tag and MMLV-RT to release tag-free enzyme. Optimal expression of soluble His6-MMLV-RT was achieved by chaperone co-expression and lower temperature fermentation. The His6-tagged enzyme was first purified by Ni2+ affinity chromatography. The bound enzyme was then eluted by EK digestion and the eluate was purified on an anion-exchange Q column to remove DNA and EK. Twenty-one milligram MMLV-RT was obtained from 1 l of bacterial culture.  相似文献   

Sexual outcrossing is costly relative to selfing and asexuality, yet it is ubiquitous in nature, a paradox that has long puzzled evolutionary biologists. The Red Queen Hypothesis argues that outcrossing is maintained by antagonistic interactions between host and parasites. Most tests of this hypothesis focus on the maintenance of outcrossing in hosts. The Red Queen makes an additional prediction that parasitic taxa are more likely to be outcrossing than their free‐living relatives. We test this prediction in the diverse Nematode phylum using phylogenetic comparative methods to evaluate trait correlations. In support of the Red Queen, we demonstrate a significant correlation between parasitism and outcrossing in this clade. We find that this correlation is driven by animal parasites, for which outcrossing is significantly enriched relative to both free‐living and plant parasitic taxa. Finally, we test hypotheses for the evolutionary history underlying the correlation of outcrossing and animal parasitism. Our results demonstrate that selfing and asexuality are significantly less likely to arise on parasitic lineages than on free‐living ones. The findings of this study are consistent with the Red Queen Hypothesis. Moreover, they suggest that the maintenance of genetic variation is an important factor in the persistence of parasitic lineages.  相似文献   

The human toll like receptor 9 (TLR9) detects differences between microbial and host DNA, based on unmethylated deoxycytidyl deoxyguanosine dinucleotide (CpG) motifs, leading to activation of both innate and adaptive immune mechanisms. The synthetic TLR9 agonist, CpG-ODN, can substitute for microbial DNA in these responses, and is in clinical trials as an immunomodulatory agent in diseases as diverse as infections, cancer and allergic disorders. Human TLR9 is expressed on cells of haematopoietic origin (principally plasmacytoid dendritic cells and B cells), but has also been described as being expressed on a number of other cell types. In order to clarify the expression and function of TLR9 in a range of cells of both haematopoietic and non-haematopoietic origin, we investigated the level of expression of TLR9 mRNA, and the ability of the cells to respond to CpG-ODN by upregulation of cell surface markers, cytokine production, cellular proliferation and activation of NFκB. Our data show that the cellular response to CpG-ODN depended on a threshold level of expression of TLR9. TLR9 was widely expressed amongst B cell tumours (with the exception of myeloma cell lines), but we did not find either threshold levels of expression of TLR9 or responses to CpG-ODN in several myeloma or myeloid tumour cell lines or any non-haematological tumour cell lines tested in our study. TLR9-positive cells varied significantly in their responses to CpG-ODN, and the level of TLR9 expression beyond the threshold did not correlate with the magnitude of the response to CpG-ODN. Finally, CpG-ODN induced NFκB activation and increased cellular proliferation in Hek293 cells that had been stably transfected with hTLR9, but did not affect the expression of surface markers or synthesis of IL-6, IL-10 or TNF-α. Thus both haematological and non-haematological cells expressing appropriate levels of TLR9 respond to CpG-ODN, but the nature of the TLR9-mediated response is dependent on cell type.  相似文献   

Retrotransposons constitute the majority of pseudogenic protein coding regions of most eukaryotic genomes. Most genomes carry tens to thousands of retrotransposon copies derived from dozens of distinct families, but most if not all of these copies are non-functional and contain disabling mutations, including large numbers of indels. Until recently, most regions rich in these elements were virtually ignored in all but the most complete genome sequencing projects, and the full extent of their impact on the structure and function of the genomes of higher eukaryotes was under-appreciated. Even when new retrotransposons are encountered and annotated by automated gene finding programs and similarity searches, coding regions are treated as exons and invariably and not surprisingly mistranslated because of numerous frameshift mutations and large indels. Very few functional retrotransposons contain introns, as in silico annotations imply. While many repetitive DNA consensus sequences have been assembled from collections of largely full-length copies using full-length templates, we have shown that repetitive DNA consensus sequence contigs representing long, moderately high copy-number elements can also be generated ex novo in the absence of templates from very short overlapping sequences. We have devised an in silico strategy to recover and reconstruct consensus sequences of elements up to 20,000 bp by building dense contigs of hundreds of overlapping 400 to 900-bp records found in the Genbank Genome Survey Sequence database. The results are hypothetical ancestral sequences that encode elements that appear to be fully functional with intact open reading frames and other conserved features.  相似文献   

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