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Important cardiovascular dysfunctions have been described in streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats. To determine the influence of these changes on the hemodynamic state, the different hemodynamic parameters, obtained by microsphere technique, were studied in STZ-induced (50 mg/kg) diabetic male Wistar rats, as well as in age control. All the rats were examined in the conscious, unrestrained state 12 weeks after induction of diabetes or acidified saline (pH 4.5) injection. During 12 weeks of the diabetic state the most important findings are hypotension, increase in cardiac index, decrease in total peripheral resistance and altered regional blood flow. These results suggest that important hemodynamic alterations are present in the chronic diabetic state.  相似文献   

Placentas of rats with diabetes mellitus induced by streptozotocin are investigated. Histologically, in the spongiosa zone we find dilated and congested maternal sinus as well as cysts of different size and number. These cysts contain granular eosinophilic material and cytotrophoblastic cells with large amount of glycogen. In our opinion, these cysts are large glycogen islets of the spongiosa zone respectively their remnants. However, similar findings we see in smaller extension in normal rat placentas too. The glycogen content in placentas of diabetic rats is in all localisations higher than in control cases. Comparable histological changes like in diabetic human placenta such as placental disturbances of maturation we don't find in the placental labyrinth of diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and dysfunction of the thyroid gland (TG) are the most common endocrine diseases, which are interrelated. However, the molecular mechanisms of thyroid dysfunction in DM1 and the role of adenylyl cyclase signaling system (ACSS) in this process remain poorly understood. Typically for studying etiology and pathogenesis of thyroid diseases in DM1 the models of acute DM1 induced by high doses of streptozotocin (STZ) are used. At the same time, a suitable model for this purpose is the model of mild DM1 initiated by moderate doses of STZ, which more closely resembles human DM1. The aim of this study was a comparative study of the functional state of the thyroid gland in rats with 30-day acute DM1 induced by injection of STZ at a dose of 65 mg/kg, and in rats with 30- and 210-day mild DM1 induced by three consecutive injections of STZ at medium doses (30–40 mg/kg). For this purpose in diabetic animals the levels of thyroid hormones and TSH and the functional activity of hormone-sensitive ACSS in membranes isolated from thyroid gland were studied. It was shown that in blood of rats with acute DM1 the levels of fT4, fT3, and tT3 were decreased by 45, 23 and 19%, respectively, while the level of TSH did not change significantly. In rats with the 30-day mild DM1 the concentration of fT4 was decreased by 32%, while the levels of tT4, tT3, and TSH were similar to that in control. In rats with prolonged mild DM1 after 150 and 210 days following the first treatment with STZ the levels of tT4, fT4, and tT3 were significantly reduced, but the concentration of TSH in rats with 210-day mild DM1 was increased by 119%. The results obtained in the study of thyroid status and TSH levels in rats with prolonged mild DM1 are in good agreement with the data obtained in the study of thyroid diseases in patients with DM1. It was found that the AC basal activity in the membranes isolated from the thyroid gland of diabetic rats did not change, except for the rats with the prolonged mild DM1 where this activity was increased by 21%. In all groups of diabetic rats the decrease of AC stimulating effects of GppNHp (10?5 M) and TSH (10?8 M) was found, and in the rats with prolonged mild DM1 the AC effect of PACAP-38 (10?6 M) was also reduced. The decrease of AC effect of TSH varied among different groups of the diabetic animals: in the rats with acute DM1 this effect was reduced by 46% and in the rats with 30- and 210-day mild DM1-by 18 and 34%. Thus, it was concluded that the key cause of the thyroid resistance to TSH under conditions of DM1 is a weakening of the signal transduction generated by TSH via the ACSS.  相似文献   

Streptozotocin diabetes [45 mg/kg] in rats fed on a standard diet, with insulin substitutional therapy - 66 [nkat/kg]/d [[4 U/kg b.w.]d] for the first 3 days - led during an 8 days' experiment to marked hypertriglyceridaemia [4.86 mmol/l] and to triglyceride accumulation in the liver [22.35 mmol/kg]. The endogenous triglyceride secretion rate, studied by means of a Triton WR 1339 block of lipoprotein lipase, was almost 30 % lower in diabetic rats. The half-time of plasma 14C-triglycerides [labelled endogenously with 14C-1-palmitic acid] almost doubled and the fractional turnover rate fell to half the value in the control animals. Hypertriglyceridaemia in diabetic rats [60 % insulin deficiency] is caused by slower removal of lipoprotein triglycerides from the plasma space, owing to reduced lipolytic activity in the peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

The effect of sympathomimetic tyramine on the systemic and regional hemodynamic parameters was studied by the radioactive microsphere technique in experiments on conscious streptozotocin-diabetic and age-matched control rats. The dose of tyramine required for blood pressure elevation on 15-20 mm Hg was 5.6 times as large in diabetic rats as compared to control animals. It was suggested that sympathetic neuropathy may play the role in the development of the cardiovascular alterations in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.  相似文献   

J.W. Bauman 《Life sciences》1980,27(22):2121-2124
The total protein excretion rate of Munich-Wistar rats studied 80–90 days after the induction of diabetes with streptozotocin was more than double that of age-matched controls. The urine proteins consisted of only albumin and pre-albumin fractions. Dextran/inulin clearance ratios were not higher in the diabetic rats, and it is concluded that the proteinuria is not due to an increased glomerular permeability to protein. Kidney size was increased 1.7 fold and body weight was 60% of control. Glomerular filtration rate uncorrected for kidney or body weight was also not different from controls.  相似文献   

The factors that control adrenal steroid secretion and metabolism were investigated in rats made diabetic with Streptozotocin (65 mg/kg) and used one month after treatment. Diabetic animals possessed high resting levels of plasma corticosterone accompanied by adrenal hypertrophy; the showed an increased response to the stress of i.p. cold water injection. Moreover, the pituitaries of diabetic rats seemed to be releasing ACTH continuously and not storing it. Upon adrenal inhibition with Aminoglutethimide the expected increase in adrenal cholesterol and weight was of a smaller magnitude than in controls. The activity of liver enzymes that reduce ring A of corticosterone showed decreased activity in diabetics, which suggests that more corticosterone rather than its inactive metabolites were available to--but not able to suppress--the steroid feedback sites. The half-life of corticosterone in blood was similar in diabetes and controls. These results suggest that (a) diabetic animals were in a chronic stress condition; (b) the threshold for steroid feedback was less sensitive to variations in plasma corticosterone; (c) there is an abnormal peripheral disposal of corticosterone, but that other factors, besides the liver, regulate the clearance of the hormone from the circulation in the diabetic animals.  相似文献   

Diabetes is associated with disturbances of brain activity and cognitive impairment. We hypothesize that ceramides may constitute an important contribution to diabetes-linked neuro-dysfunction. In our study we used rats injected with streptozotocin (STZ) as a model of severe hyperglycemia. Using the gas-liquid chromatography technique we found a significant increase of ceramide content in brains and a decrease in plasma of diabetic rats. The inhibitor of serine palmitoyltransferase, myriocin, reduced ceramide generation in hyperglycemic brains, although injected alone it exerted a paradoxical effect of ceramide upregulation. Myriocin had no impact on ceramide concentration in the plasma of either control or diabetic rats. The level of ceramide saturated fatty acids was elevated whereas the level of ceramide poly-unsaturated fatty acids was downregulated in brains of all experimental groups. The concentration of ceramide mono-unsaturated fatty acids remained unchanged. The pattern of individual ceramide species was altered depending on treatment. We noted an STZ-evoked increase of brain ceramide C16:0, C18:0 and C20:0 and a strong decline in ceramide C18:2 fatty acid levels. Some changes of brain ceramide pattern were modified by myriocin. We found a decreased amount of total ceramide-ω-6 fatty acids in STZ-treated rat brains and no changes in ceramide-ω-3 concentration. We conclude that ceramides may be important mediators of diabetes-accompanied brain dysfunction.  相似文献   

We previously showed that chronic administration of recombinant human relaxin (rhRLX; 4 microg/h) to conscious female, nonpregnant rats to reach serum levels corresponding to early to midgestation (approximately 20 ng/ml) increases cardiac output (CO) and global arterial compliance (AC) and decreases systemic vascular resistance (SVR), comparable to changes observed in midterm pregnancy. The goals of this study were to test whether chronic administration of rhRLX (4 microg/h) to conscious male rats will yield similar changes in CO and systemic arterial load and to determine whether higher infusion rates of rhRLX (50 microg/h) administered to nonpregnant female rats yielding serum concentrations corresponding to late pregnancy ( approximately 80 ng/ml) will further modify CO and SVR and global AC comparable to late gestation. CO and systemic arterial load, as quantified by SVR and AC, were obtained by using the same methods as in our previous studies. With respect to baseline, chronic rhRLX administration to male rats over 10 days at 4 mug/h increased both CO (20.5 +/- 4.2%) and AC (19.4 +/- 6.9%) and reduced SVR (12.7 +/- 3.9%). These results were comparable to those elicited by the hormone in nonpregnant female rats. In contrast, neither acute (over 4 h) nor chronic (over 6 days) infusion of the higher dose of rhRLX administered to conscious female rats resulted in significant changes in CO, AC, or SVR from baseline. We conclude that 1) rhRLX increases CO and AC and reduces SVR irrespective of sex, and 2) the rhRLX dose response is biphasic insofar as significant alterations in CO and systemic arterial load fail to occur at high serum concentrations.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated in experiments on male rats that acute lethal blood loss and subsequent resuscitation after 4- and 6-min clinical death induce lipid peroxidation processes, decreased antioxidant enzyme activity, cause activation of anaerobic glycolysis in the myocardium. This metabolic heart impairment causes hemodynamic instability in postresuscitation period. 25 mg/kg of carnosine injected during resuscitation decreased functional-metabolic heart impairments and hemodynamic disarrangement as well as early postresuscitation lethality. The authors attribute positive carnosine effect to its significant antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

Diabetes is considered a major public health problem affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Remarkably, scientific reports regarding salivary glands sphingolipid metabolism in diabetes are virtually non‐existent. This is odd given the well‐established link between the both in other tissues (e.g., skeletal muscles, liver) and the key role of these glands in oral health preservation. The aim of this paper is to examine sphingolipids metabolism in the salivary glands in (pre)diabetes (evoked by high fat diet feeding or streptozotocin). Wistar rats were allocated into three groups: control, HFD‐, or STZ‐diabetes. The content of major sphingolipid classes in the parotid (PSG) and submandibular (SMSG) glands was assessed via chromatography. Additionally, Western blot analyses were employed for the evaluation of key sphingolipid signaling pathway enzyme levels. No changes in ceramide content in the PSG were found, whereas an increase in ceramide concentration for SMSG of the STZ group was observed. This was accompanied by an elevation in SPT1 level. Probably also sphingomyelin hydrolysis was increased in the SMSG of the STZ‐diabetic rats, since we observed a significant drop in the amount of SM. PSG and SMSG respond differently to (pre)diabetes, with clearer pattern presented by the later gland. An activation of sphingomyelin signaling pathway was observed in the course of STZ‐diabetes, that is, metabolic condition with rapid onset/progression. Whereas, chronic HFD lead to an inhibition of sphingomyelin signaling pathway in the salivary glands (manifested in an inhibition of ceramide de novo synthesis and accumulation of S1P).  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to see the effect of probucol on streptozotocin diabetes in rats. After 2 weeks of a 1% probucol diet, 35 or 50 mg/kg of streptozotocin were intravenously injected into male Wistar rats. All the rats became diabetic 2 days after treatment. Thereafter, in order to see the effect of probucol on spontaneous recovery from streptozotocin diabetes, 25 mg/kg of streptozotocin was injected into rats after two weeks of probucol diet and the diet was continued for additional two weeks. All the rats with a standard diet (group CS, n = 13) and 12 of 13 rats with probucol diet (group PS) became diabetic 2 days after streptozotocin injection. One rate from group PS did not develop diabetes. Two weeks after injection, only 4 of 13 rats in groups CS showed recovery, while 11 of 12 rats in group PS showed recovery from streptozotocin diabetes (p less than 0.05). The average blood glucose levels in group PS were significantly lower than group CS (10.5 +/- 4.6 vs 18.5 +/- 0.6 mM, p less than 0.05). In addition, the pancreatic insulin content of group PS was 8 times greater than that of group CS (0.75 +/- 0.24 vs 0.09 +/- 0.03 mmol/pancreas, p less than 0.01). Thus, the in vivo diabetogenic action of streptozotocin could not be reduced by pretreatment with probucol. However, recovery from streptozotocin diabetes was induced by subsequent treatment with probucol. The precise mechanisms for this phenomenon were not known; but the present findings suggest the protective effect of probucol on beta-cell damage induced by small dose of streptozotocin.  相似文献   

The systemic and regional hemodynamics during antiorthostatic hypokinesia were studied in male Wistar rats using the radioactive microsphere technique. The animals were hanged up by the tail with the head tilted down (30 degrees) and were able to exercise using only front limbs. Twenty four hours long exposure to antiorthostasis induced significant changes in systemic hemodynamics as well as in regional blood flow in skeletal muscles, spleen, liver and pancreas. Antiorthostasis induced blood flow changes in lungs, heart and brain were less pronounced.  相似文献   

The ability of insulin to inhibit efflux of potassium (K) and amino acid nitrogen (AAN) from perfused livers of normal and insulin deficient rats was studied. Two groups of rats with different degrees of insulin deficiency were produced by injecting varying amounts of streptozotocin. One group, classified as being moderately diabetic (MD), had fasting plasma glucose levels between 235--425 mg%, while the other group, whose plasma glucose levels greater than 425 mg%, were considered to have severe diabetes (SD). Two other groups of rats were food restricted in order to attain body weights comparable to the two groups of diabetic rats, and livers from these animals were used for control perfusions. The results indicated that the ability of insulin to suppress efflux of K and AAN from perfused livers of rats with MD was comparable to that seen in control perfusions. On the other hand, insulin could not suppress the efflux of either K or AAN from perfused livers of rats with SD. These results indicate that normal hepatic responsiveness to insulin can be lost secondary to the production of insulin deficiency.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation was intensified by streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus in erythrocytes and liver. Activity of antioxidant enzyme superoxide-dismutase was decreased, activity of catalase was increased. Concentration of lipid peroxidation products was decreased after nicotinamide injections. It was investigated liver- and erythrocyte catalase inhibition in the presence of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole. Effective inhibitor concentration for liver catalase by streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus was 10 mM, by control-20 mM. Ascorbic acid induced catalase inhibition in the erythrocytes by diabetes mellitus increased by ascorbic acid concentration from 25 to 150 mM. [DHAA]/[AA]-ratio increased from 0.26 by control to 1.6 by diabetes mellitus and decreased to 0.44 after nicotinamide injections.  相似文献   

Male rats (200 g) were rendered diabetic with one intraperitoneal injection of alloxan (150 mg/kg) or streptozotocin (60 mg/kg). In hyperglycemic animals within 3 hours after the injection, the binding of EGF to liver membranes decreased by 43-52%; the maximal drop was by 70% and persisted for the 20 days of the experiment. EGF receptors decreased in number with almost no changes in their affinity. Autophosphorylation of the receptors decreased parallel to the ligand binding. In animals that received lower doses and did not develop diabetes and in animals in whom diabetes was prevented by the injections of glucose (before alloxan) or nicotinamide (before streptozotocin) the binding of EGF to liver receptors remained normal. We conclude that the decreased expression of EGF receptors was caused by diabetes and not by the toxic effects of the diabetogenic compounds on the liver.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats were treated with an i.v. dose of 100 mg/kg of Streptozotocin (STZ). Either 5 days or 1, 2 or 3 months after induction of diabetes, the adrenal function of these animals was studied. Short course diabetes (5 days) was accompanied by adrenal hypertrophy and high plasma corticosterone levels; during later periods the diabetic rats consistenly showed signs of adrenal hyperactivity, yet both adrenal weight and plasma corticosterone tended to be lower than in the 5 day-treated animals. Adrenal incubations with 14C-progesterone showed that 5 days and one month diabetic animals synthesized more deoxycorticosterone than controls; production of corticosterone and 18-hydroxydeoxycorticosterone was normal at all time periods studied. Synthesis of 18-hydroxycorticosterone, a compound which affects sodium metabolism, was increased in 5 day-treated rats; thereafter, the function of the zona glomerulosa seemed to be impaired in diabetic rats. These results suggest that early after induction of diabetes there is adrenal hyperfunction of the mixed type (i.e. gluco and mineralcorticoid), and that in the later periods (2-3 months), the deranged metabolism of the diabetic rat acts as a chronic stress.  相似文献   

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