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Insulin stimulates glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cells and fat cells by promoting the rapid translocation of GLUT4 glucose transporters to the plasma membrane. Recent work from our laboratory supports the concept that insulin also stimulates the intrinsic activity of GLUT4 through a signaling pathway that includes p38 MAPK. Here we show that regulation of GLUT4 activity by insulin develops during maturation of skeletal muscle cells into myotubes in concert with the ability of insulin to stimulate p38 MAPK. In L6 myotubes expressing GLUT4 that carries an exofacial myc-epitope (L6-GLUT4myc), insulin-stimulated GLUT4myc translocation equals in magnitude the glucose uptake response. Inhibition of p38 MAPK with SB203580 reduces insulin-stimulated glucose uptake without affecting GLUT4myc translocation. In contrast, in myoblasts, the magnitude of insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is significantly lower than that of GLUT4myc translocation and is insensitive to SB203580. Activation of p38 MAPK by insulin is considerably higher in myotubes than in myoblasts, as is the activation of upstream kinases MKK3/MKK6. In contrast, the activation of all three Akt isoforms and GLUT4 translocation are similar in myoblasts and myotubes. Furthermore, GLUT4myc translocation and phosphorylation of regulatory sites on Akt in L6-GLUT4myc myotubes are equally sensitive to insulin, whereas glucose uptake and phosphorylation of regulatory sites on p38 MAPK show lower sensitivity to the hormone. These observations draw additional parallels between Akt and GLUT4 translocation and between p38 MAPK and GLUT4 activation. Regulation of GLUT4 activity by insulin develops upon muscle cell differentiation and correlates with p38 MAPK activation by insulin.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the enhanced metabolic activity of tumor cells is accompanied by an increased expression of facilitative hexose transporters (GLUTs). However, a previous immunohistochemical analysis of GLUT1 expression in 154 malignant human neoplasms failed to detect the GLUT1 isoform in 87 tumors. We used 146 normal human tissues and 215 tumor samples to reassess GLUT1 expression. A similar number of samples were used to compare the expression of GLUT2-6 and 9. The classical expression of GLUT1-5 in different normal human tissues was confirmed, however, we were unable to detect GLUT2 in human pancreatic islet cells. GLUT6 was principally detected in testis germinal cells and GLUT9 was localized in kidney, liver, heart, and adrenal. In tumor samples, GLUT1, 2, and 5 were the main transporters detected. GLUT1 was the most widely expressed transporter, however, 42% of the samples had very low-to-negative expression levels. GLUT2 was detected in 31% of the samples, being mainly expressed in breast, colon, and liver carcinoma. GLUT5 was detected in 27% of breast and colon adenocarcinoma, liver carcinoma, lymphomas, and testis seminoma samples. In situ RT-PCR and ultrastructural immunohistochemistry confirmed GLUT5 expression in breast cancer. GLUT6 and 9 are not clearly over-expressed in human cancer. The extensive expression of GLUT2 and 5 (glucose/fructose and fructose transporters, respectively) in malignant human tissues indicates that fructose may be a good energy substrate in tumor cells. Our functional data obtained in vitro in different tumor cells support this hypothesis. Additionally, these results suggest that fructose uptake could be used for positron emission tomography imaging and, may possibly represent a novel target for the development of therapeutic agents in different human cancers.  相似文献   

Effects of prolonged metabolic (glucose deprivation) and hormonal [insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I)] challenge on regulation of glucose transporter (GLUT) expression, glucose transport rate and possible signaling pathways involved were studied in the neuroendocrine chromaffin cell. The results show that bovine chromaffin cells express both GLUT1 and GLUT3. Glucose deprivation and IGF-I activation led to an elevation of GLUT1 and GLUT3 mRNA, the strongest effect being that of IGF-I on GLUT3 mRNA. Both types of stimulus increased the GLUT1 protein content in a cycloheximide (CHX)-sensitive manner, and the glucose transport rate was elevated by 3- to 4-fold after 48 h under both experimental conditions. IGF-I-induced glucose uptake was totally suppressed by CHX. In contrast, only approximately 50% of transport activation in glucose-deprived cells was sensitive to the protein synthesis inhibitor. Specific inhibitors of mTOR/FRAP and p38 MAPK each partially blocked IGF-I-stimulated glucose transport, but had no effect on transport rate in glucose-deprived cells. The results are consistent with IGF-I-activated transport being completely dependent on new GLUT protein synthesis while the enhanced transport in glucose-deprived cells was partially achieved independent of new synthesis of proteins, suggesting a mechanism relying on preexisting transporters.  相似文献   

Insulin regulates glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) availability at the surface of muscle and adipose cells. In L6 myoblasts, stably expressed GLUT4myc is detected mostly in a perinuclear region. In unstimulated cells, about half of perinuclear GLUT4myc colocalizes with the transferrin receptor (TfR). Insulin stimulation selectively decreased the perinuclear colocalization of GLUT4myc with TfR determined by 3D-reconstruction of fluorescence images. Perinuclear GLUT4myc adopted two main distributions defined morphometrically as 'conical' and 'concentric'. Insulin rapidly reduced the proportion of cells with conical in favor of concentric perinuclear GLUT4myc distributions in association with the gain in surface GLUT4myc. Upon removal of insulin, the GLUT4myc perinuclear distribution and surface levels reversed in parallel. In contrast, hypertonicity (which like insulin elevates surface GLUT4myc) did not elicit perinuclear GLUT4myc redistribution. Insulin also caused redistribution of perinuclear vesicle-associated membrane protein-2 (VAMP2), without alteration of perinuclear TfR and VAMP3. Inhibitory mutants of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (Deltap85) or Akt substrate AS160 (AS160-4P) prevented insulin-mediated perinuclear GLUT4myc redistribution. Tetanus toxin expression did not prevent the perinuclear GLUT4myc redistribution, suggesting that redistribution is independent of GLUT4myc fusion with the plasma membrane. We propose that insulin causes selective, dynamic relocalization of perinuclear GLUT4myc and VAMP2 and perinuclear GLUT4myc redistribution is a direct target of insulin-derived signals.  相似文献   

In the brain, glucose is transported by GLUT1 across the blood-brain barrier and into astrocytes, and by GLUT3 into neurons. In the present study, the expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 mRNA and protein was determined in adult neural stem cells cultured from the subventricular zone of rats. Both mRNAs and proteins were coexpressed, GLUT1 protein being 5-fold higher than GLUT3. Stress induced by hypoxia and/or hyperglycemia increased the expression of GLUT1 and GLUT3 mRNA and of GLUT3 protein. It is concluded that adult neural stem cells can transport glucose by GLUT1 and GLUT3 and can regulate their glucose transporter densities.  相似文献   

The regulation by glucose and insulin of the muscle-specific facilitative glucose transport system GLUT-4 was investigated in L6 muscle cells in culture. Hexose transport activity, mRNA expression, and the subcellular localization of the GLUT-4 protein were analyzed. As observed previously (Walker, P. S., Ramlal, T., Sarabia, V., Koivisto, U.-M., Bilan, P. J., Pessin, J. E., and Klip, A. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 1516-1523), 24 h of glucose starvation and 24 h of insulin treatment each increase glucose transport activity severalfold. Here we report a differential regulation of the GLUT-4 and GLUT-1 transport systems under these conditions. (a) The level of GLUT-4 mRNA was not affected by glucose starvation and was diminished by prolonged (24 h) administration of insulin; in contrast, the level of GLUT-1 mRNA was elevated under both conditions. (b) Glucose starvation and prolonged insulin administration increased the amount of both GLUT-4 and GLUT-1 proteins in the plasma membrane. (c) In intracellular membranes, glucose starvation elevated, and prolonged insulin administration reduced, the GLUT-4 protein content. In contrast, the GLUT-1 protein content in these membranes decreased with glucose starvation and increased with insulin treatment. Glucose transport was rapidly curbed upon refeeding glucose to glucose-starved cells, with half-maximal reversal after 30 min and maximal reversal after 4 h. This was followed by a marked decrease in the levels of GLUT-1 mRNA without major changes in GLUT-4 mRNA. Neither 2-deoxy-D-glucose nor 3-O-methyl-D-glucose could substitute for D-glucose in these effects. It is proposed that glucose and insulin differentially regulate the two glucose transport systems in L6 muscle cells and that the rapid down-regulation of hexose transport activity by glucose is regulated by post-translational mechanisms.  相似文献   

The GLUT3 facilitative glucose transporter protein was found to be expressed in rat L6 muscle cells. It was detected at both the myoblast and myotube stage. GLUT3 protein content per mg of total membrane protein increased significantly during L6 cell differentiation. Subcellular fractionation demonstrated that the GLUT3 protein was predominantly localized in plasma membrane-enriched fractions of either myoblasts or myotubes. Short-term exposure of L6 myotubes to IGF-I or insulin caused a redistribution of GLUT3 protein from an intracellular membrane fraction to the plasma membrane, without affecting total membrane GLUT3 protein content. Long-term exposure of L6 myotubes to IGF-I produced an increase of GLUT3 protein in total membranes and all subcellular membrane fractions, especially the plasma membrane. We propose that the GLUT3 glucose transporter may play an important role in glucose metabolism in developing muscle.  相似文献   

Intact monolayers of L6 myoblasts were treated with neuraminidase, with the aim of selectively removing sialic acid residues of cell-surface glycoproteins. Neuraminidase treatment unmasked binding sites for Ricinus communis agglutinin I and peanut agglutinin, thus allowing the identification of the major binding proteins for these lectins. For Ricinus communis agglutinin I these neuraminidase-sensitive glycoproteins had apparent Mr values of 136000, 115000, 87000, 83000 and 49000. For peanut agglutinin the major neuraminidase-sensitive glycoproteins had apparent Mr values of 200000, 136000, 87000 and 83000. We found highly reproducible, developmentally regulated, changes in the lectin-binding capacity of certain of these glycoproteins as L6 myoblasts differentiated into myotubes. Coincident with myoblast fusion there was a co-ordinate decrease in Ricinus communis agglutinin I binding by glycoproteins of apparent Mr of 136000 and 49000. There was also a co-ordinate shift in mobility of the broad band of glycoprotein, centred at an apparent Mr of 115000 in myoblasts, to a new average apparent Mr of 107000 in mid-fusion cultures and myotube cultures. Peanut agglutinin binding by the major protein of apparent Mr 136000 also decreased at the mid-fusion stage of myogenesis, and was barely detectable in 7-day-old fused cultures. These developmentally regulated changes in neuraminidase-sensitive glycoproteins were all inhibited by growth of myoblasts in 6.4 microM-5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, indicating that they are associated with myoblast differentiation. In contrast, an increase in fibronectin was seen in mid-fusion cultures, which was not inhibited by growth of myoblasts in 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine. This initial increase in fibronectin is, therefore, unlikely to be directly related to myoblast fusion or differentiation.  相似文献   

Glucose transport in 3T3L1 adipocytes is mediated by two facilitated diffusion transport systems. We examined the effect of chronic glucose deprivation on transport activity and on the expression of the HepG2 (GLUT 1) and adipocyte/muscle (GLUT 4) glucose transporter gene products in this insulin-sensitive cell line. Glucose deprivation resulted in a maximal increase in 2-deoxyglucose uptake of 3.6-fold by 24 h. Transport activity declined thereafter but was still 2.4-fold greater than the control by 72 h. GLUT 1 mRNA and protein increased progressively during starvation to values respectively 2.4- and 7.0-fold greater than the control by 72 h. Much of the increase in total immunoreactive GLUT 1 protein observed later in starvation was the result of the accumulation of a non-functional or mistargeted 38 kDa polypeptide. Immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that increases in GLUT 1 protein occurred in presumptive plasma membrane (PM) and Golgi-like compartments during prolonged starvation. The steady-state level of GLUT 4 protein did not change during 72 h of glucose deprivation despite a greater than 10-fold decrease in the mRNA. Subcellular fractionation experiments indicated that the increased transport activity observed after 24 h of starvation was principally the result of an increase in the 45-50 kDa GLUT 1 transporter protein in the PM. The level of the GLUT 1 transporter in the PM and low-density microsomes (LDM) was increased by 3.9- and 1.4-fold respectively, and the GLUT 4 transporter content of the PM and LDM was 1.7- and 0.6-fold respectively greater than that of the control after 24 h of glucose deprivation. These data indicate that newly synthesized GLUT 1 transporters are selectively shuttled to the PM and that GLUT 4 transporters undergo translocation from an intracellular compartment to the PM during 24 h of glucose starvation. Thus glucose starvation results in an increase in glucose transport in 3T3L1 adipocytes via a complex series of events involving increased biosynthesis, decreased turnover and subcellular redistribution of transporter proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis was examined using [3H]-galactose as a precursor as rat L6 myoblasts fused to form multinucleated myotubes. Incorporation of label into neutral glycolipids decreased steadily as the population of myotubes increased, so that final biosynthesis was one-half that observed with myoblasts (p < 0.02). Conversely, ganglioside biosynthesis doubled during myoblast confluency (p < 0.02) and then decreased as myotubes formed. Qualitatively, L6 cells synthesized large amounts of ganglioside GM3 during all myogenic phases. The major neutral glycosphingolipid products were lactosylceramide and paragloboside (nLcOse4Cer). Few changes in TLC autoradiographic patterns were noted during differentiation, with the exception of a slight decrease in ganglioside GM1. The results indicate that the biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids is tightly regulated during myogenesis in vitro and suggest a role for membrane gangliosides in muscle cell differentiation.Abbreviations GM1 II3NeuAc-GgOse4Cer - GM3 II3NeuAc-GgOse2Cer - MG4 IV3NeuAc-nLcOse4Cer - MG6 VI3NeuAc V4Gal-IV3GlcNAc-nLcOse4Cer - TLC Thin-Layer Chromatography - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagles' Medium  相似文献   

Elevated levels of resistin have been proposed to cause insulin resistance and therefore may serve as a link between obesity and type 2 diabetes. However, its role in skeletal muscle metabolism is unknown. In this study, we examined the effect of resistin on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and the upstream insulin-signaling components in L6 rat skeletal muscle cells that were either incubated with recombinant resistin or stably transfected with a vector containing the myc-tagged mouse resistin gene. Transfected clones expressed intracellular resistin, which was released in the medium. Incubation with recombinant resistin resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of insulin-stimulated 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) uptake. The inhibitory effect of resistin on insulin-stimulated 2-DG uptake was not the result of impaired GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, resistin did not alter the insulin receptor (IR) content and its phosphorylation, nor did it affect insulin-stimulated insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 tyrosine phosphorylation, its association with the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase, or IRS-1-associated PI 3-kinase enzymatic activity. Insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of Akt/protein kinase B-alpha, one of the downstream targets of PI 3-kinase and p38 MAPK phosphorylation, was also not affected by resistin. Expression of resistin also inhibited insulin-stimulated 2-DG uptake when compared with cells expressing the empty vector (L6Neo) without affecting GLUT4 translocation, GLUT1 content, and IRS-1/PI 3-kinase signaling. We conclude that resistin does not alter IR signaling but does affect insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, presumably by decreasing the intrinsic activity of cell surface glucose transporters.  相似文献   

During the life span, phenotypic and structural modifications on skeletal muscle contribute to a reduction on glucose uptake either in basal state or triggered by insulin, but the underlying mechanisms for this decline are not entirely identified. A reduction in the expression of skeletal muscle glucose transporters (GLUTs), glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT1) and glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4), has been associated to such phenomena, but unlike the case of insulin, only few studies have addressed the effect of age on muscle-contraction-induced glucose uptake. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of age on GLUT1 and GLUT4 expression in skeletal muscle and its relation to the glucose uptake induced by muscle contraction. For this purpose, soleus muscle from Wistar rats aged 4, 10, 22 and 42 weeks were isolated and electrically stimulated (30 min, 10 Hz, 20 V, 0.2 ms). After stimulation, glucose uptake and GLUT1 and GLUT4 expression and localisation were evaluated. Muscle contraction caused an increase in glucose uptake in all studied groups. In addition, the absolute rates of glucose uptake were negatively correlated with age. The expression of GLUT4 was lower in older animals, whereas no relation between age and GLUT1 expression was found. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the ontogenic effect on GLUT4 expression and suggested an age-related modification on GLUT1 distribution within the muscle fibres; for instance, this protein seems to be present mainly out of the sarcoplasm. The present findings demonstrate that the ability of muscle contraction to increase glucose uptake is not influenced by age, whereas glucose uptake under basal conditions decreases with age.  相似文献   

Glucose plays a major role in mammary gland function during lactation as it is used both as a fuel and as a precursor of milk components. In rats, previous studies have shown that the facilitative glucose transporter GLUT1 is expressed in mammary epithelial cells. We have used confocal immunofluorescence to localise GLUT1 and GLUT12, a recently identified member of the sugar transporter family, in pregnant and lactating rat mammary gland. GLUT12 staining was observed in the cytoplasm of mammary epithelial cells at day 20 of pregnancy, and at 1 and 6 days postpartum. Furthermore, GLUT12 staining was present at the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells during lactation. In contrast, GLUT1 protein localised to the cytoplasm and basolateral surface of mammary epithelial cells. Forced weaning resulted in decreased cytoplasmic GLUT1 staining intensity, but no change in GLUT12 staining. The results suggest a possible role for GLUT12 in the metabolism of mammary epithelial cells during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

The distribution of SGLT1 and GLUT2 hexose transporters has been evaluated in enterocytes of an isolated loop of the small intestine and Caco-2 cell culture after absorption of hexoses at their high and low concentrations. The SGLT1 transporter was found to be located in enterocytes along the edge of the intestinal villus. The GLUT2 transporter after loading with high hexose concentrations is located in the apical part of enterocytes. In culture, Caco-2 cells form a characteristic of enterocytes microvilli and the cell junction complex. During the incubation of the culture in solutions of glucose and galactose, the absorption of these sugars from the incubation medium was observed. The SGLT1 transporter in the Caco-2 cells is located in the apical and perinuclear enterocyte parts and is organized in globules. After loading with hexoses at low concentrations, the GLUT2 transporter is in the basal cell area. The Caco-2 cell culture can serve a model for studying the transport of sugar in the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

We labeled rat adipocyte cell surface glucose transporters with an impermeable, photoreactive glucose analogue, 1,3-bis-(3-deoxy-D-glucopyranose-3-yloxy)-2-propyl 4-benzoylbenzoate (B3GL) and its radioactive tracer [3H]B3GL. The labeling did not affect glucose transporter subcellular distribution in basal and insulin-stimulated adipocytes. When basal or insulin-stimulated adipocytes were labeled with [3H]B3GL and incubated at 37 degrees C in steady state, labeled GLUT4 was rapidly reduced at the cell surface and stoichiometrically recovered in microsomes without any change in GLUT4 protein levels in either pool. The labeled GLUT4 equilibrium exchange was found to be a simple first order process describable by two first order rate constants, one for internalization (k(in)) and the other for externalization (kex). Insulin affected both rate constants, reducing k(in) by 2.8-fold and increasing kex by 3.3-fold. It is concluded that GLUT4 constantly and rapidly recycles in adipocytes between the cell surface and its storage pool, and insulin increases the cell surface GLUT4 level in rat adipocytes by modulating both the internalization and the externalization steps of constitutively recycling GLUT4.  相似文献   

We previously reported that in cultured adipose cell lines insulin increased selectively the expression of Glut 1, in contrast to in vivo regulation where variations in insulinemia have been shown to affect only GLUT 4. We have addressed here the question of the long-term regulation of GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 in fat cells by using primary cultures of rat adipocytes. Epididymal fat cells were isolated by collagenase and cultured 4 days in DMEM supplemented with BSA 1%, FCS 1%, and glucose 10 mM. GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 proteins were assessed in total cellular membranes by Western blotting, using specific antibodies against their respective C-terminal peptides. GLUT 1 steadily increased over culture time to reach at day 3, a level 3-fold higher than the initial value. In contrast, GLUT 4 decreased sharply and stabilized at day 3, at 30% of the initial value. The changes in GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 mRNAs with culture time were parallel to changes in the corresponding proteins, suggesting a pre-translational level of regulation. The expression of the lipogenic enzyme, fatty acid synthetase (FAS), highly expressed in fat cell, decreased over time following a pattern closely parallel to that of GLUT 4. Chronic exposure to insulin added at day 2 had no effect on GLUT 4 expression but increased the expression of GLUT 1 and FAS by 70% and 36%, respectively. Glucose consumption was stable over 4 days of culture, while lactate production increased from 24 to 36% of glucose utilization, in agreement with the loss in FAS. Glucose consumption increased only slightly with insulin (+160%), in good keeping with the low levels of expression of both GLUT 4 and FAS in these cultured cells. These data indicate that culture alters oppositely the expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT 4 in rat adipocytes and suggest that factor(s) other than insulin predominate in their regulation in vivo.  相似文献   

Artemisia princeps is a familiar plant as a food substance and medicinal herb. In this study, we evaluated the effects of an ethanol extract of A. princeps (APE) on glucose uptake in differentiated L6 muscle cells. Treatment with APE elevated deoxyglucose uptake, and translocation of the insulin-responsive glucose transporter (GLUT4) to the plasma membrane in L6 myotubes occurred. The PI3K inhibitor LY294002 attenuated glucose uptake induced by APE. Phosphorylation of the Ser(473) residue of Akt was not observed, but phosphorylation of PI3K, Akt (Thr(308)), and atypical PKC was. In addition, APE stimulated phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) at a level similar to 5'-amino-5-imidazolecarboxamide-riboside (AICAR). These results indicate that APE stimulates glucose uptake by inducing GLUT4 translocation, which is in part mediated by combination of the PI3K-dependent atypical PKC pathway and AMPK pathways.  相似文献   

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