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Responses were evoked from ganglion cells in catfish and frog retinas by a Gaussian modulation of the mean luminance. An algorithm was devised to decompose intracellularly recorded responses into the slow and spike components and to extract the time of occurrence of a spike discharge. The dynamics of both signals were analyzed in terms of a series of first-through third-order kernels obtained by cross-correlating the slow (analog) or spike (discrete or point process) signals against the white-noise input. We found that, in the catfish, (a) the slow signals were composed mostly of postsynaptic potentials, (b) their linear components reflected the dynamics found in bipolar cells or in the linear response component of type-N (sustained) amacrine cells, and (c) their nonlinear components were similar to those found in either type-N or type-C (transient) amacrine cells. A comparison of the dynamics of slow and spike signals showed that the characteristic linear and nonlinear dynamics of slow signals were encoded into a spike train, which could be recovered through the cross-correlation between the white-noise input and the spike (point process signals. In addition, well-defined spike correlates could predict the observed slow potentials. In the spike discharges from frog ganglion cells, the linear (or first-order) kernels were all inhibitory, whereas the second-order kernels had characteristics of on-off transient excitation. The transient and sustained amacrine cells similar to those found in catfish retina were the sources of the nonlinear excitation. We conclude that bipolar cells and possibly the linear part of the type-N cell response are the source of linear, either excitatory or inhibitory, components of the ganglion cell responses, whereas amacrine cells are the source of the cells' static nonlinearity.  相似文献   

The genesis and transmission of action potentials in epidermal cells of the newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) embryo were investigated with special reference to cellular differentiation during development. Typical action potentials can be recorded from any of the epidermal cells at Stage 31. These potentials consist of a fast spike (18 msec) followed by a slow component (164 msec). The potential is graded with current intensity, and only the slow component initiates action potentials in adjacent cells and induces a transmission to other cells. The fast spike was found in all epidermal cells throughout the embryonic stages examined (Stages 26–47). The slow potential, however, appears at Stage 28, persists until Stage 3637 just before hatching and then disappears at Stage 3842. Electrical recordings from traumatic embryos (embryos without neural crest cells) or from cultured epidermal cell masses isolated from the pregastrula or the ventral region of the neurula, were compared with the intact embryo. No differences were observed in either the form of the action potential or its transmission. Thus these action potentials appear to be derived from epidermal cells, and are not of nervous origin. Evidence suggests that the transient establishment of excitable membranes in epidermal cells during differentiation is closely related to neural cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Ganglion cells are the output retinal neurons that convey visual information to the brain. There are ~20 different types of ganglion cells, each encoding a specific aspect of the visual scene as spatial and temporal contrast, orientation, direction of movement, presence of looming stimuli; etc. Ganglion cell functioning depends on the intrinsic properties of ganglion cell’s membrane as well as on the excitatory and inhibitory inputs that these cells receive from other retinal neurons. GABA is one of the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitters in the retina. How it modulates the activity of different types of ganglion cells and what is its significance in extracting the basic features from visual scene are questions with fundamental importance in visual neuroscience. The present review summarizes current data concerning the types of membrane receptors that mediate GABA action in proximal retina; the effects of GABA and its antagonists on the ganglion cell light-evoked postsynaptic potentials and spike discharges; the action of GABAergic agents on centre-surround organization of the receptive fields and feature related ganglion cell activity. Special emphasis is put on the GABA action regarding the ON–OFF and sustained–transient ganglion cell dichotomy in both nonmammalian and mammalian retina.  相似文献   

The heart of the ostracod crustacean Vargula hilgendorfii has a single intrinsic neuron that morphologically appears to innervate the myocardium. We, therefore, examined the heart activity electrophysiologically to determine whether the heartbeat is neurogenic. Each heartbeat is associated with a myocardial action potential composed of a spike potential followed by a plateau potential. The frequency of the action potential is not stable but changes successively over a wide range. The action potential is not preceded by a pacemaker potential and has an inflection in its rising phase. The myocardial cells couple electrically and fire almost simultaneously. The frequency of the action potential was unchanged by injection of depolarizing or hyperpolarizing current into the myocardium. However, slow oscillatory potentials appeared during the depolarization and its frequency was higher with increasing current intensity. Application of 1-microM tetrodotoxin (TTX) depolarized the myocardial membrane and completely prevented the action potential. During this depolarization, slow oscillatory potentials often appeared spontaneously. These results suggest that, although the myocardium has a property of conditional oscillator, the heartbeat is driven by the single cell cardiac ganglion that has both pacemaker and motor functions.  相似文献   

In the Squilla heart ganglion, the pacemaker is located in the rostral group of cells. After spontaneous firing ceased, the electrophysiological properties of these cells were examined with intracellular electrodes. Cells respond to electrical stimuli with all-or-none action potentials. Direct stimulation by strong currents decreases the size of action potentials. Comparison with action potentials caused by axonal stimulation and analysis of time relations indicate that with stronger currents the soma membrane is directly stimulated whereas with weaker currents the impulse first arises in the axon and then invades the soma. Spikes evoked in a neuron spread into all other neurons. Adjacent cells are interconnected by electrotonic connections. Histologically axons are tied with the side-junction. B spikes of adjacent cells are blocked simultaneously by hyperpolarization or by repetitive stimulation. Experiments show that under such circumstances the B spike is not directly elicited from the A spike but is evoked by invasion of an impulse or electrotonic potential from adjacent cells. On rostral stimulation a small prepotential precedes the main spike. It is interpreted as an action potential from dendrites.  相似文献   

A study of activity recorded with intracellular micropipettes was undertaken in the caudal abdominal ganglion of the crayfish in order to gain information about central fiber to fiber synaptic mechanisms. This synaptic system has well developed integrative properties. Excitatory post-synaptic potentials can be graded, and synaptic potentials from different inputs can sum to initiate spike discharge. In most impaled units, the spike discharge fails to destroy the synaptic potential, thereby allowing sustained depolarization and multiple spike discharge following single pulse stimulation to an afferent input. Some units had characteristics which suggest a graded threshold for spike generation along the post-synaptic fiber membrane. Other impaled units responded to afferent stimulation with spike discharges of two distinct amplitudes. The smaller or "abortive" spikes in such units may represent non-invading activity in branches of the post-synaptic axon. On a few occasions one afferent input was shown to inhibit the spike discharge initiated by another presynaptic input.  相似文献   

Spike Potentials Recorded from the Insect Photoreceptor   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Slow and spike potentials were recorded from single cells in the receptor layer of the compound eye of the drone of the honeybee. From electron microscopic observation of the drone ommatidium, it was concluded that the response had been recorded from the retinula cell. The following hypothesis is suggested for the initiation of spike potentials in the drone compound eye: Photic stimulation results in a decrease in the resistance of all or part of the retinula cell membrane, giving rise to the retinal action potential. The retinal action potential causes outflow of the current through the proximal process of the cell. This depolarizing current initiates spike potentials in the proximal process or axon of the retinula cell which are recorded across the soma membrane of the retinula cell.  相似文献   

The opisthobranch mollusc, Navanax, is carnivorous and cannibalistic. Prey are swallowed whole by way of a sudden expansion of the pharynx. The buccal ganglion which controls this sucking action was isolated and bathed in seawater. Attention was focused upon 10 identifiable cells visible on the ganglion''s rostral side. Two cells were observed simultaneously, and each was penetrated with two glass microelectrodes, one for polarizing the membrane and the other for recording membrane potential variations. The coupling coefficients for direct current flow and action potentials of several identified cells were tabulated. Attenuation was essentially independent of the direction of current flow, but depended upon the relative size of the directly and indirectly polarized cells. The attenuation of subthreshold sinusoidally varying voltages increased with frequency above about 1 Hz. The coupling coefficient for spikes was lower than for DC due to greater high frequency attenuation. There is considerable similarity in the spontaneous PSP''s of all cells, which is not due to the electrical coupling but to input from a common source. The 10 cells were not chemically interconnected but some were electrically connected to interneurons which fed back chemically mediated PSP''s. The feedback can be negative or positive depending upon the membrane potential of the postsynaptic cell. We conclude that electrical coupling among the 10 cells plays a minor role in sudden pharyngeal contractions but that the dual electrical-chemical coupling with interneurons may be important in this respect.  相似文献   

Following photoreceptor degeneration, ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the rd-1/rd-1 mouse receive rhythmic synaptic input that elicits bursts of action potentials at ∼10 Hz. To characterize the properties of this activity, RGCs were targeted for paired recording and morphological classification as either ON alpha, OFF alpha or non-alpha RGCs using two-photon imaging. Identified cell types exhibited rhythmic spike activity. Cross-correlation of spike trains recorded simultaneously from pairs of RGCs revealed that activity was correlated more strongly between alpha RGCs than between alpha and non-alpha cell pairs. Bursts of action potentials in alpha RGC pairs of the same type, i.e. two ON or two OFF cells, were in phase, while bursts in dissimilar alpha cell types, i.e. an ON and an OFF RGC, were 180 degrees out of phase. This result is consistent with RGC activity being driven by an input that provides correlated excitation to ON cells and inhibition to OFF cells. A2 amacrine cells were investigated as a candidate cellular mechanism and found to display 10 Hz oscillations in membrane voltage and current that persisted in the presence of antagonists of fast synaptic transmission and were eliminated by tetrodotoxin. Results support the conclusion that the rhythmic RGC activity originates in a presynaptic network of electrically coupled cells including A2s via a Na+-channel dependent mechanism. Network activity drives out of phase oscillations in ON and OFF cone bipolar cells, entraining similar frequency fluctuations in RGC spike activity over an area of retina that migrates with changes in the spatial locus of the cellular oscillator.  相似文献   

The present study compares the structure and function of retinal ganglion and amacrine cell dendrites. Although a superficial similarity exists between amacrine and ganglion cell dendrites, a comparison between the branching pattern of the two cell types reveals differences which can only be appreciated at the microscopic level. Whereas decremental branching is found in ganglion cells, a form of non-decremental or "trunk branching" is observed in amacrine cell dendrites. Physiological differences are also observed in amacrine vs ganglion cells in which many amacrine cells generate dendritic impulses which can be readily distinguished from those of the soma, while separate dendritic impulses in ganglion cell dendrites have not been reported. Despite these differences, both amacrine and ganglion cell dendrites appear to contain voltage-gated ion channels, including TTX-sensitive sodium channels. One way to account for separate dendritic impulses in amacrine cells is to have a higher density of sodium channels and we generally find in modeling studies that a dendritic sodium channel density that is more than about 50% of that in the soma is required for excitatory, synaptic currents to give rise to local dendritic spike activity. Under these conditions, impulses can be generated in the dendrites and propagate for some distance along the dendritic tree. When the soma generates impulse activity in amacrine cells, it can activate, antidromically, the entire dendritic tree. Although ganglion cell dendrites do not appear to generate independent impulses, the presence of voltage-gated ion channels in these structures appears to be important for their function. Modeling studies demonstrate that when dendrites lack voltage-gated ion channels, impulse activity evoked by current applied to the cell body is generated at rates that are much higher than those observed physiologically. However, by placing ion channels in the dendrites at a reduced density compared to those of amacrine cells, the firing rate of ganglion cells becomes more physiological and the relationship between frequency and current (F/I relationship) can be precisely matched with physiological data. Recent studies have demonstrated the presence of T-type calcium channels in ganglion cells and our analysis suggests that they are found in higher density in the dendrites compared to the soma. This is the first voltage-gated ion channel which appears more localized to the dendrites than other cell copartments and this difference alone cries for an interpretation. The presence of a significant T-type calcium channel density in the dendrites can influence their integrative properties in several important ways. First, excitatory synaptic currents can be augmented by the activation of T-type calcium channels, although this is more likely to occur for transient rather than sustained synaptic currents because T-type currents show strong inactivation properties. In addition, T-type calcium channels may serve to limit the electrical load which dendrites impose on the spike initiation process and thus enhance the speed with which impulses can be triggered by the impulse generation site. This role whill enhance the safety factor for impulses traveling in the orthograde direction.  相似文献   

In isolated slices of hypothalamus, suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) neurons were recorded intracellularly. Blockade of Ca++ channels increased spike duration, eliminating an early component of the afterhyperpolarization (AHP) that followed evoked spikes. The duration and reversal potential of AHPs were, however, unaffected, suggesting that only an early, fast component of the AHP was Ca(++)-dependent. Unlike other central neurons that exhibit pacemaker activity, therefore, SCN neurons do not display a pronounced, long-lasting Ca(++)-dependent AHP. Extracellular Ba++ and intracellular Cs+ both revealed slow depolarizing potentials evoked either by depolarizing current injection, or by repolarization following large hyperpolarizations. They had different effects on the shape of spikes and the AHPs that followed them, however. Cs+, which blocks almost all K+ channels, dramatically reduced resting potential, greatly increased spike duration (to tens of milliseconds), and blocked AHPs completely. In contrast, Ba++ had little effect on resting potential and produced only a small increase in spike duration, depressing an early Ca(++)-dependent component and a later Ca(++)-independent component of the AHP. The relatively weak pacemaker activity of SCN neurons appears to involve voltage-dependent activation of at least one slowly inactivating inward current, which brings the cells to firing threshold and maintains tonic firing; both Ca(++)-dependent and Ca(++)-independent K+ channels, which repolarize cells after spikes and maintain interspike intervals; and Ca++ channels, which contribute to activation of Ca(++)-activated K+ currents and may also contribute to slow depolarizing potentials. In the absence of powerful synaptic inputs, SCN neurons express a pacemaker activity that is sufficient to maintain an impressively regular firing pattern. Slow, repetitive activation of optic input, however, increases local circuit activity to such an extent that the normal pacemaker potentials are overridden and firing patterns are altered. Since SCN neurons are very small and have large input resistances, they are particularly susceptible to synaptic input.  相似文献   



Visual stimuli elicit action potentials in tens of different retinal ganglion cells. Each ganglion cell type responds with a different latency to a given stimulus, thus transforming the high-dimensional input into a temporal neural code. The timing of the first spikes between different retinal projection neurons cells may further change along axonal transmission. The purpose of this study is to investigate if intraretinal conduction velocity leads to a synchronization or dispersion of the population signal leaving the eye.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We ‘imaged’ the initiation and transmission of light-evoked action potentials along individual axons in the rabbit retina at micron-scale resolution using a high-density multi-transistor array. We measured unimodal conduction velocity distributions (1.3±0.3 m/sec, mean ± SD) for axonal populations at all retinal eccentricities with the exception of the central part that contains myelinated axons. The velocity variance within each piece of retina is caused by ganglion cell types that show narrower and slightly different average velocity tuning. Ganglion cells of the same type respond with similar latency to spatially homogenous stimuli and conduct with similar velocity. For ganglion cells of different type intraretinal conduction velocity and response latency to flashed stimuli are negatively correlated, indicating that differences in first spike timing increase (up to 10 msec). Similarly, the analysis of pair-wise correlated activity in response to white-noise stimuli reveals that conduction velocity and response latency are negatively correlated.


Intraretinal conduction does not change the relative spike timing between ganglion cells of the same type but increases spike timing differences among ganglion cells of different type. The fastest retinal ganglion cells therefore act as indicators of new stimuli for postsynaptic neurons. The intraretinal dispersion of the population activity will not be compensated by variability in extraretinal conduction times, estimated from data in the literature.  相似文献   

Mammalian inner hair cells transduce the sound waves amplified by the cochlear amplifier (CA) into a graded neurotransmitter release that activates channels on auditory nerve fibers (ANF). These synaptic channels then charge its dendritic spike generator. While the outer hair cells of the CA employ positive feedback, poising on Andronov-Hopf type instabilities which make them extremely sensitive to faint sounds and make CA output strongly nonlinear, the ANF appears to be based on different principles and a different type of dynamical instability. Its spike generator “digitizes” CA output into trains of action potentials and behaves as a linear filter, rate-coding sound intensity across a wide dynamic range. Here we model the spike generator as a 3 dimensional version of a saddle node on invariant circle (SNIC) bifurcation. The generic 2d SNIC increases its spike rate as the square root of the input current above its spiking threshold. We add negative feedback in the form of a low voltage-threshold potassium conductance that slows down the generator’s rate of increase of its spike rate. A Poisson random source simulates an inner hair cell, outputting a series of noisy periodic current pulses to the model ANF whose spikes phase lock to these pulses and have a linear frequency to current relation with a wide dynamic range. Also, the spike generator compartment has a cholinergic feedback connection from the olive and experiments show that such feedback is able to alter the amount of H conductance inside the generator compartment. We show that an olive able to decrease H would be able to shift the spike generator’s dynamic range to higher sound intensities. In a quiet environment by increasing H the olive would be able to make spike trains similar to those caused by synaptic input.  相似文献   

A spike timing dependent learning rule is present at the synapse between parallel fibers and Purkinje-like medium ganglion cells in the electrosensory lobe of mormyrid electric fish. The synapse is depressed when a postsynaptic dendritic spike occurs within 50 ms of the onset of a parallel fiber excitatory postsynaptic potential, but is enhanced at all other timing relations. Operation of this learning rule results in the cancellation of predictable membrane potential changes, driving the cell towards a constant output frequency. But medium ganglion cells show a strong and predictable response to corollary discharge signals associated with the motor command that initiates the electric organ discharge. The modeling study presented here resolves this conflict by proposing an active control of dendritic spike threshold during the brief period of medium ganglion cell response.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of transient ON/OFF ganglion cells in the turtle retina transmits changes in stimulus intensity as series of distinct spike events. The temporal structure of these event sequences depends systematically on the stimulus and thus carries information about the preceding intensity change. To study the spike events' intra-retinal origins, we performed extracellular ganglion cell recordings and simultaneous intracellular recordings from horizontal and amacrine cells. Based on these data, we developed a computational retina model, reproducing spike event patterns with realistic intensity dependence under various experimental conditions. The model's main features are negative feedback from sustained amacrine onto bipolar cells, and a two-step cascade of ganglion cell suppression via a slow and a fast transient amacrine cell. Pharmacologically blocking glycinergic transmission results in disappearance of the spike event sequence, an effect predicted by the model if a single connection, namely suppression of the fast by the slow transient amacrine cell, is weakened. We suggest that the slow transient amacrine cell is glycinergic, whereas the other types release GABA. Thus, the interplay of amacrine cell mediated inhibition is likely to induce distinct temporal structure in ganglion cell responses, forming the basis for a temporal code. Action Editor: Jonathan D. Victor  相似文献   

The postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) that form the ganglion cell light response were isolated by polarizing the cell membrane with extrinsic currents while stimulating at either the center or surround of the cell's receptive field. The time-course and receptive field properties of the PSPs were correlated with those of the bipolar and amacrine cells. The tiger salamander retina contains four main types of ganglion cell: "on" center, "off" center, "on-off", and a "hybrid" cell that responds transiently to center, but sustainedly, to surround illumination. The results lead to these inferences. The on-ganglion cell receives excitatory synpatic input from the on bipolars and that synapse is "silent" in the dark. The off-ganglion cell receives excitatory synaptic input from the off bipolars with this synapse tonically active in the dark. The on-off and hybrid ganglion cells receive a transient excitatory input with narrow receptive field, not simply correlated with the activity of any presynaptic cell. All cell types receive a broad field transient inhibitory input, which apparently originates in the transient amacrine cells. Thus, most, but not all, ganglion cell responses can be explained in terms of synaptic inputs from bipolar and amacrine cells, integrated at the ganglion cell membrane.  相似文献   

Serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphe nuclei, with their extensive innervation of nearly the whole brain have important modulatory effects on many cognitive and physiological processes. They play important roles in clinical depression and other psychiatric disorders. In order to quantify the effects of serotonergic transmission on target cells it is desirable to construct computational models and to this end these it is necessary to have details of the biophysical and spike properties of the serotonergic neurons. Here several basic properties are reviewed with data from several studies since the 1960s to the present. The quantities included are input resistance, resting membrane potential, membrane time constant, firing rate, spike duration, spike and afterhyperpolarization (AHP) amplitude, spike threshold, cell capacitance, soma and somadendritic areas. The action potentials of these cells are normally triggered by a combination of sodium and calcium currents which may result in autonomous pacemaker activity. We here analyse the mechanisms of high-threshold calcium spikes which have been demonstrated in these cells the presence of TTX (tetrodotoxin). The parameters for calcium dynamics required to give calcium spikes are quite different from those for regular spiking which suggests the involvement of restricted parts of the soma-dendritic surface as has been found, for example, in hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Unlike several other varieties of input membrane, that of the crayfish stretch receptor develops a generator potential in response to stretch when all the Na of the medium is replaced with Li. However, Li depolarizes the receptor neuron, the soma membrane becoming more depolarized than that of the axon. During exposure to Li the cell usually fires spontaneously for a period, and when it becomes quiescent spike electrogenesis fails in the soma but persists in the axon. These effects are seen in the rapidly adapting as well as the slowly adapting cells. The block of spike electrogenesis of the soma membrane is only partly due to the Li-induced depolarization and a significant role must be ascribed to a specific effect of Li.  相似文献   

Electrical Inexcitability of the Frog Neuromuscular Synapse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Frog muscle endplates were explored with an extracellular microelectrode. An intracellular microelectrode nearby simultaneously monitored invasion of the endplate by a spike directly evoked by a third microelectrode placed away from the endplate in the same fiber. External positivities were seen only at sites generating miniature endplate potentials. The external positivity reached a maximum prior to the internally recorded potential and was followed by a small late negativity. Small movements away from active synaptic sites resulted in positive-negative-positive potential sequences characteristic of activity and propagation. Since the external potential is a function of membrane current, the absence of negativity associated with the rising phase of the spike indicates the absence of inward current at synaptic sites. Thus, the synaptic membrane appears not to be excited by a depolarization of the magnitude of an action potential. In an Appendix it is shown that the late negativity and earlier maximum of the external potential can be accounted for by capacitative current through passive membrane.  相似文献   

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