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A new lectin from soybeans having specificity toward the extracellular 4-O-methyl-D-glucurono-L-rhamnans produced by certain strains of Rhizobium japonicum has been purified and characterized. Isolation was accomplished initially by isoelectric precipitation of contaminating globulins and subsequently by affinity chromatography on partially hydrolyzed glucuronorhamnan covalently coupled to amino-hexylagarose. Residual globulins were removed by adsorption of the lectin on concanavalin A-agarose and elution with methyl alpha-mannoside. The lectin is a glycoprotein (3-5% carbohydrate) with a molecular weight of approximately 175 000. It is a tetramer with subunit molecular weights of 45 000 when dissociated with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis indicates the presence of two types of subunits, both having equivalent molecular weights. According to amino acid analyses, the lectin is rich in acidic but low in sulfur-containing amino acids. The carbohydrate portion of the lectin contains mannose; no hexosamines could be detected. Chemical modification of the lectin indicated that neither sulfhydryl groups nor amino groups participate in binding. Quantitative binding studies of the lectin with various carbohydrate haptens showed that specificity was directed toward 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid, D-glucuronic acid, and their methyl glycosides with 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid 3-4-fold more effective. In each instance, the methyl glycoside is a more effective hapten.  相似文献   

Field-grown soybean plants (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Evans) were treated with gibberellic acid (GA3; 10gl–1) and/or (2-chloroethyl)-trimethylammonium chloride (CCC; 0.8gl–1) in 1983 and 1984, and subsequent anthesis, pod set, seed size, seed number, and seed yield were determined at one node. The treatments were applied to five leaves in the center of each plant (typically leaves 7–11) and reproductive development at the node in the center of those leaves was monitored. Gibberellin A3 applied Early (about 3d before anthesis of the first flower at the monitored node) had no effect on the number of flowers produced, but decreased the fraction of flowers that set pods in both experimental years (by 32% in 1983 and 76% in 1984). Seed size was slightly decreased by the GA3 treatment in 1983 but not in 1984. The Middle GA3 treatment (applied about 3 days after the Early treatment) slightly decreased the number of pods set; and Late treatments (9 days after) had no effect. None of the monitored parameters were affected by CCC.The Early experiments were repeated with two additional genotypes, Lincoln and T210. Genotype T210 is a single-gene, dwarf mutant of Lincoln whose stem elongation and leaf expansion are insensitive to GA3. Gibberellin A3 affected the reproductive parameters in Lincoln very similarly to Evans but those in T210 were unaffected. This indicates that GA3 exerts its effect by increasing the mass of vegetative tissue and thus diverting assimilates away from the pods. However, since the mutation in T210 might affect a receptor that is in flowers as well as shoots, it is possible that GA3 exerted its effect on the normal genotypes directly on the developing pods, rather than indirectly by diverting photoassimilates.  相似文献   

Isolation and partial characterization of an acid carboxypeptidase from yeast   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
R W Kuhn  K A Walsh  H Neurath 《Biochemistry》1974,13(19):3871-3877

Soybean (Glycine soja var Beeson) formate dehydrogenase has been isolated, purified, and partially characterized by affinity chromatography. The enzyme is a dimer having a total molecular weight of 100,000 and a subunit weight of 47,000. It has activity over a broad pH range, is stable for months at 4°C, and has Km values of 0.6 millimolar and 5.7 micromolar for formate and NAD, respectively.  相似文献   

Endophytic bacteria are ubiquitous in most plant species influencing the host fitness by disease suppression, contaminant degradation, and plant growth promotion. This endophytic bacterial community may be affected by crop management such as the use of chemical compounds. For instance, application of glyphosate herbicide is common mainly due to the use of glyphosate-resistant transgenic plants. In this case, the bacterial equilibrium in plant–endophyte interaction could be shifted because some microbial groups are able to use glyphosate as a source of energy and nutrients, whereas this herbicide may be toxic to other groups. Therefore, the aim of this work was to study cultivable and noncultivable endophytic bacterial populations from soybean (Glycine max) plants cultivated in soil with and without glyphosate application (pre-planting). The cultivable endophytic bacterial community recovered from soybean leaves, stems, and roots included Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, A. junii, Burkholderiasp., B. gladioli, Enterobacter sakazaki, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, P. straminea, Ralstonia pickettii,and Sphingomonassp. The DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) analysis from soybean roots revealed some groups not observed by isolation that were exclusive for plants cultivated in soil with pre-planting glyphosate application, such as Herbaspirillum sp., and other groups in plants that were cultivated in soil without glyphosate, such as Xanthomonas sp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Furthermore, only two bacterial species were recovered from soybean plants by glyphosate enrichment isolation. They were Pseudomonas oryzihabitans and Burkholderia gladioliwhich showed different sensibility profiles to the glyphosate. These results suggest that the application at pre-planting of the glyphosate herbicide may interfere with the endophytic bacterial communitys equilibrium. This community is composed of different species with the capacity for plant growth promotion and biological control that may be affected. However, the evaluation of this treatment in plant production should be carried out by long-term experiments in field conditions.  相似文献   

Four Bowman-Birk type double-headed inhibitors (B, C-II, D-II, and E-I) were isolated from soybeans. Inhibitor B was different from Bowman-Birk inhibitor only in chromatographic behavior. One mole of C-II inhibited one mole each of bovine trypsin and bovine alpha-chymotrypsin, probably at the same site, and porcine elastase at another reactive site. In the ordinary assay system D-II and E-I inhibited only trypsin activity at a non-stoichiometric inhibitor-enzyme ratio of 1:1.4, and the complexes had rather high dissociation constants. These inhibitors were all inactive toward subtilisin BPN'.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a soybean hsp70 gene   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The spin trapping agent alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN) was used to trap the initial radical formed from [U-14C]linoleic acid in the reaction with soybean lipoxygenase. By using low levels of enzyme and relatively short incubation times it was possible to avoid the formation of secondary oxidation products and polymers. The adduct was extracted after methyl esterification, and isolated by a combination of open column chromatography on silicic acid and high pressure liquid chromatography on Spherisorb S5 CN with non-aqueous solvents. The 1:1 POBN-linoleate adduct was characterized by UV, IR and ESR spectra of the appropriate HPLC column fraction, by the ratio of the UV absorption to 14C content, and by mass spectrometry of the reduced (hydroxylamine) form. The results indicated that POBN trapped a linoleic acid carbon-centered radical such that POBN was attached to the fatty acid chain at C-13 or C-9 (two isomers), the linoleate double bonds having become conjugated in the process. The exact locations of the bridges in the two isomers were only tentatively determined. There was no evidence for the presence of oxygen-bridged adducts. The trapped linoleoyl radical adduct provides evidence for the production of a free radical as part of the enzymatic mechanism of soybean lipoxygenase.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Urate spherules obtained from three cockroach species have been isolated, purified and examined by scanning electron microscopy, atomic absorption, i.r. and Kjeldahl analysis.
  • 2.2. Purified spherules exposed to ionic environments may change from a smooth to a textured form.
  • 3.3. Ion analysis confirmed that the spherules are high in K+ and low in Na+.
  • 4.4. All preparations from the cockroach tissues diaplayed similar i.r. spectra, but were dissimilar to those of uric acid and urate salt standards.
  • 5.5. It appears that there is a distinct pattern or mechanism by which the cockroach urates are deposited in the spherule matrix.

A procedure was developed for the dissociation of apolipoprotein (a) (apo (a)) from pure human lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) prepared by density gradient ultracentrifugation and gel filtration. Lp(a) was ultracentrifuged through a layer of saline which was adjusted to a density of 1.182 g/mL and contained 30 mM dithiothreitol (50 mM) and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (1.25 mM). Following centrifugation, the lipid and apolipoprotein B (apo B) were recovered as a lipoprotein (Lp(a) B) in the supernatant fraction, while the apo (a) was recovered as a lipid-poor protein pellet. An investigation of the supernatant lipoprotein by electron microscopy and compositional analysis revealed that it was similar in size and composition to low density lipoprotein (LDL) isolated from the same density range and contained apo B100 with an amino acid and carbohydrate composition which was similar to apo B from LDL. Estimates of the apparent molecular weight of the apo (a) varied amongst individuals but was always greater than apo B100 (congruent to 450,000). The amino acid composition of apo (a), which was very distinct from apo B, was characterized by a higher content of serine, threonine, proline, and tyrosine, but lower amounts of isoleucine, phenylalanine, and lysine when compared with apo B of Lp(a) or LDL. The apo (a) contained a much higher proportion of carbohydrate, in particular N-acetylgalactosamine, galactose, and N-acetylneuraminic acid (which were three- to six-fold higher) than the apo B of Lp(a). It is concluded that apo (a) is distinct from other apolipoproteins owing to its low avidity for lipid and the nature of the interaction with apo B. Lp(a) consists of an LDL-like particle with a carbohydrate-rich apo (a) attached to the surface of apo B.  相似文献   

A glial hyaluronate-binding protein (GHAP) with an isoelectric point of 4.3-4.4 was isolated from human brain white matter. The 60-kDa glycoprotein appeared to be quite resistant to proteolysis, and comparison with GHAP from a viable glioma removed at surgery showed that the protein isolated from autopsy material was not a degradation product resulting from postmortem autolysis. The protein was localized immunohistochemically with mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies in cerebral white matter. Only small amounts could be found in the gray matter. After enzymatic deglycosylation, an immunoreactive 47-kDa polypeptide was obtained. Two amino acid sequences of GHAP showed a striking similarity (up to 89%) with a highly conserved region of cartilage proteins (bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan and rat and chicken link protein). However, the amino acid composition and other amino acid sequences suggested that there are also differences between brain-specific GHAP and cartilage proteins.  相似文献   

V souvislosti s d?ívěj?imi údaji (Lu?tinec a Krektjle 1959, Lu?tinec, Krekule a PokornÁ 1960) o silném inhibi?ním ú?inku fluoridu na dychání rostlin pěstovaných v roztoku kyseliny giberelové byl pomocí specificky zna?ené glukosy a respira?ních inhibitor? zji?tován vztah krátko- i dlouhodobého p?sobení kyseliny giberelové k poměru mezi podíly glykolytického a pentosofosfátového odbourání v respiraci list? p?enice. V souhlase s výsledky Fanga a spol. (1960) byIo zji?těno, ?e kyselina giberelová v koncentracích 2 a? 80 mg/l neovlivńuje během několikahodinového p?sobení na roz?ezané listy p?enice poměr radioaktivit14CO2 uvolněného z glukosy-6-14C a -1-14C (C6/C1) ani nemění v koncentraci 10 mg/l stupeń inhibice dýchání fluoridem, monojodacetátem a malonátem a spot?ebu kyslíku. Výdej14CO2 z glukosy-l-14C a -6-14C kyselina giberelová sni?uje v lineární závislosti na pou?itých koncentracích. U rostlin pěstovaných v roztoku kyseliny giberelové (10–20 mg/l) se rychleji sni?uje poměr C6C1 i absolutní hodnoty radioaktivity během několika dní od vyklí?ení, ne? u rostlin pěstovaných ve vodě. To svěd?í o rychlej?ím zvět?ování podílu pentosového cyklu v respiraci pokusných rostlin. Fluorid brzdí p?i stejném nebo men?ím obsahu ve tkáni dýchání list? rostlin pěstovaných v roztoku kyseliny giberelové silněji ne? dýchání rostlin pěstovaných ve vodě, zatimco ûcinek monojodacetátu a malonátu je u stejně starých rostlin (4 dny) obou variant stejný. O mo?ných p?í?inách tohoto jevu bylo diskutováno.  相似文献   

A full-length gene GmPti1 was identified from soybean in an EST sequencing project by its homology to tomato Pti1. It encoded a protein of 366 amino acids. RT-PCR analysis showed that the GmPti1 expression was induced by salicylic acid and wounding. The deduced amino acid sequence had a Ser/Thr/Tyr kinase domain. GmPti1 protein was expressed in E. coli as an MBP fusion, purified by amylose resin and examined for its autophosphorylation ability. The phosphorylation assay in vitro showed that GmPti1 had kinase activity in the presence of Mn2+. These results demonstrated that GmPti1 represented a new Pti1-like gene, unlike the two published genes sPti1a and sPti1b, which encoding proteins had no autophosphorylation ability.  相似文献   

In the present protocol for extraction of RNA, hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromide (CTAB) and insoluble polyvinylpyrrolidone were used followed by LiCl precipitation, CsCl ultracentrifugation and finally poly (A)+ mRNA was isolated with the help of oligo(dT)-cellulose columns. The isolated poly (A)+ mRNA was found to be suitable for cDNA-AFLP and suppression subtractive hybridization applications. It is a modified and consolidated protocol based on previously described methods for isolated steps and works better for medicinal and aromatic plants. High yield of poly (A)+ mRNA coupled with its amenability for downstream reactions like RT-PCR, northern blotting and cDNA synthesis for library construction is a key feature of the present protocol.  相似文献   

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