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Myo4p, one of two class V myosins in budding yeast, continuously transports messenger RNA (mRNA) cargo in the cell but is nonprocessive when characterized in vitro. The adapter protein She3p tightly binds to the Myo4p rod, forming a single-headed motor complex. In this paper, we show that two Myo4p-She3p motors are recruited by the tetrameric mRNA-binding protein She2p to form a processive double-headed complex. The binding site for She3p was mapped to a single α helix that protrudes at right angles from She2p. Processive runs of several micrometers on yeast actin-tropomyosin filaments were observed only in the presence of She2p, and, thus, motor activity is regulated by cargo binding. While moving processively, each head steps ~72 nm in a hand-over-hand motion. Coupling two high-duty cycle monomeric motors via a common cargo-binding adapter protein creates a complex with transport properties comparable with a single dimeric processive motor such as vertebrate myosin Va.  相似文献   

When a two-headed molecular motor such as kinesin is attached to its track by just a single head in the presence of an applied load, thermally activated head detachment followed by rapid re-attachment at another binding site can cause the motor to ‘hop’ backwards. Such hopping, on its own, would produce a linear force-velocity relation. However, for kinesin, we must incorporate hopping into the motor's alternating-head scheme, where we expect it to be most important for the state prior to neck-linker docking. We show that hopping can account for the backward steps, run length and stalling of conventional kinesin. In particular, although hopping does not hydrolyse ATP, we find that the hopping rate obeys the same Michaelis-Menten relation as the ATP hydrolysis rate. Hopping can also account for the reduced processivity observed in kinesins with mutations in their tubulin-binding loop. Indeed, it may provide a general mechanism for the breakdown of perfect processivity in two-headed molecular motors.  相似文献   

Movement of proteins and lipids between the various compartments of eukaryotic cells is fundamental to the maintenance of cellular homeostasis, and an understanding of the molecular mechanisms that govern these processes remains a key goal of cell biological research. This aim has been greatly facilitated by the development of assays that recapitulate specific events in vitro. In the following article we provide an overview of some of the currently used assays that measure the movement of proteins within the exocytic and endocytic pathways, and provide a starting point for those wishing to establish their own systems to study other vesicular transport steps.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that myosin IX is a single-headed processive myosin, yet it is unclear how myosin IX can achieve the processive movement. Here we studied the mechanism of ATP hydrolysis cycle of actomyosin IXb. We found that myosin IXb has a rate-limiting ATP hydrolysis step unlike other known myosins, thus populating the prehydrolysis intermediate (M.ATP). M.ATP has a high affinity for actin, and, unlike other myosins, the dissociation of M.ATP from actin was extremely slow, thus preventing myosin from dissociating away from actin. The ADP dissociation step was 10-fold faster than the overall ATP hydrolysis cycle rate and thus not rate-limiting. We propose the following model for single-headed processive myosin. Upon the formation of the M.ATP intermediate, the tight binding of actomyosin IX at the interface is weakened. However, the head is kept in close proximity to actin due to the tethering role of loop 2/large unique insertion of myosin IX. There is enough freedom for the myosin head to find the next location of the binding site along with the actin filament before complete dissociation from the filament. After ATP hydrolysis, Pi is quickly released to form a strong actin binding form, and a power stroke takes place.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is an approximately 1.4 MDa multi‐protein complex that transports many cellular cargoes towards the minus ends of microtubules. Several in vitro studies of mammalian dynein have suggested that individual motors are not robustly processive, raising questions about how dynein‐associated cargoes can move over long distances in cells. Here, we report the production of a fully recombinant human dynein complex from a single baculovirus in insect cells. Individual complexes very rarely show directional movement in vitro. However, addition of dynactin together with the N‐terminal region of the cargo adaptor BICD2 (BICD2N) gives rise to unidirectional dynein movement over remarkably long distances. Single‐molecule fluorescence microscopy provides evidence that BICD2N and dynactin stimulate processivity by regulating individual dynein complexes, rather than by promoting oligomerisation of the motor complex. Negative stain electron microscopy reveals the dynein–dynactin–BICD2N complex to be well ordered, with dynactin positioned approximately along the length of the dynein tail. Collectively, our results provide insight into a novel mechanism for coordinating cargo binding with long‐distance motor movement.  相似文献   

In vitro transformation assays for chemical carcinogens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A L Meyer 《Mutation research》1983,115(3):323-338
A variety of in vitro mammalian cell assays, designed specifically for the identification of carcinogenic compounds, have been in operation for more than a decade. Although no individual transformation system has won universal acceptance during this time, recent advances have led to the improved reliability and sensitivity of a number of these short-term tests. The underlying problems associated with the most widely used assays are identified and new developments in this rapidly expanding field are noted and discussed.  相似文献   

Prevention of tick bites and transmission of tick-borne pathogens requires the use of molecules that target physiological processes crucial to both tick and pathogen survival. These molecules are best tested in standardized in vitro assays. Because hard ticks require several days to feed to repletion, the development of in vitro feeding assays for these species is challenging. A standard and easily automated feeding assay has been developed for the tick Ixodes ricinus that involves feeding on blood through a membrane that mimics the elasticity of skin. The system can be adapted to feed other hard tick species in vitro. This assay permits, among others, investigations on the role of tick endosymbionts on tick survival, the identification of potential vaccine candidates and drugs, and the application of genomic tools in vitro, including RNA interference experiments.  相似文献   

How myosin VI coordinates its heads during processive movement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A processive molecular motor must coordinate the enzymatic state of its two catalytic domains in order to prevent premature detachment from its track. For myosin V, internal strain produced when both heads of are attached to an actin track prevents completion of the lever arm swing of the lead head and blocks ADP release. However, this mechanism cannot work for myosin VI, since its lever arm positions are reversed. Here, we demonstrate that myosin VI gating is achieved instead by blocking ATP binding to the lead head once it has released its ADP. The structural basis for this unique gating mechanism involves an insert near the nucleotide binding pocket that is found only in class VI myosin. Reverse strain greatly favors binding of ADP to the lead head, which makes it possible for myosin VI to function as a processive transporter as well as an actin-based anchor. While this mechanism is unlike that of any other myosin superfamily member, it bears remarkable similarities to that of another processive motor from a different superfamily--kinesin I.  相似文献   

Determining the migratory and invasive capacity of tumor and stromal cells and clarifying the underlying mechanisms is most relevant for novel strategies in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, drug development and treatment. Here we shortly summarize the different modes of cell travelling and review in vitro methods, which can be used to evaluate migration and invasion. We provide a concise summary of established migration/invasion assays described in the literature, list advantages, limitations and drawbacks, give a tabular overview for convenience and depict the basic principles of the assays graphically. In many cases particular research problems and specific cell types do not leave a choice for a broad variety of usable assays. However, for most standard applications using adherent cells, based on our experience we suggest to use exclusion zone assays to evaluate migration/invasion. We substantiate our choice by demonstrating that the advantages outbalance the drawbacks e.g. the simple setup, the easy readout, the kinetic analysis, the evaluation of cell morphology and the feasibility to perform the assay with standard laboratory equipment. Finally, innovative 3D migration and invasion models including heterotypic cell interactions are discussed. These methods recapitulate the in vivo situation most closely. Results obtained with these assays have already shed new light on cancer cell spreading and potentially will uncover unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

Myosin V moves cargoes along actin filaments by walking hand over hand. Although numerous studies support the basic hand-over-hand model, little is known about the fleeting intermediate that occurs when the rear head detaches from the filament. Here we use submillisecond dark-field imaging of gold nanoparticle-labeled myosin V to directly observe the free head as it releases from the actin filament, diffuses forward and rebinds. We find that the unbound head rotates freely about the lever-arm junction, a trait that likely facilitates travel through crowded actin meshworks.  相似文献   

Myosin V is an unconventional myosin thought to move processively along actin filaments. To have hard evidence for the high processivity, we sought to observe directly the movement by individual native chick brain myosin V (BMV) molecules with fluorescent calmodulin. Single BMV molecules did exhibit highly processive movement along actin filaments fixed to a coverslip. BMV continued to move up to the barbed end of its actin track, and did not readily detach from action. The barbed end, therefore, got brighter with time, because of a constant stream of BMV traffic. The maximum speed of the processive movement was 1 microm/s, and the maximum actin-activated ATPase rate was 2.4 s(-1). These values apparently imply that BMV travels a great distance, 400 nm, per an ATPase cycle.  相似文献   

There is a long-running debate on the working mechanism of myosin molecular motors, which, by interacting with actin filaments, convert the chemical energy of ATP into a variety of mechanical work. After the development of technologies for observing and manipulating individual working molecules, experimental results negating the widely accepted 'lever-arm hypothesis' have been reported. In this paper, based on the experimental results so far accumulated, an alternative hypothesis is proposed, in which motor molecules are modelled as electromechanical components that interact with each other through electrostatic force. Electrostatic attractive force between myosin and actin is assumed to cause a conformational change in the myosin head during the attachment process. An elastic energy resulting from the conformational change then produces the power stroke. The energy released at the ATP hydrolysis is mainly used to detach the myosin head from actin filaments. The mechanism presented in this paper is compatible with the experimental results contradictory to the previous theories. It also explains the behavior of myosins V and VI, which are engaged in cellular transport and move processively along actin filaments.  相似文献   

We have used electron microscopy and solubility measurements to investigate the assembly and structure of purified human platelet myosin and myosin rod into filaments. In buffers with ionic strengths of less than 0.3 M, platelet myosin forms filaments which are remarkable for their small size, being only 320 nm long and 10-11 nm wide in the center of the bare zone. The dimensions of these filaments are not affected greatly by variation of the pH between 7 and 8, variation of the ionic strength between 0.05 and 0.2 M, the presence or absence of 1 mM Mg++ or ATP, or variation of the myosin concentration between 0.05 and 0.7 mg/ml. In 1 mM Ca++ and at pH 6.5 the filaments grow slightly larger. More than 90% of purified platelet myosin molecules assemble into filaments in 0.1 M KC1 at pH 7. Purified preparations of the tail fragment of platelet myosin also form filaments. These filaments are slightly larger than myosin filaments formed under the same conditions, indicating that the size of the myosin filaments may be influenced by some interaction between the head and tail portions of myosin molecules. Calculations based on the size and shape of the myosin filaments, the dimensions of the myosin molecule and analysis of the bare zone reveal that the synthetic platelet myosin filaments consists of 28 myosin molecules arranged in a bipolar array with the heads of two myosin molecules projecting from the backbone of the filament at 14-15 nm intervals. The heads appear to be loosely attached to the backbone by a flexible portion of the myosin tail. Given the concentration of myosin in platelets and the number of myosin molecules per filament, very few of these thin myosin filaments should be present in a thin section of a platelet, even if all of the myosin molecules are aggregated into filaments.  相似文献   

Recycling endosomes in astrocytes show hormone-regulated, actin fiber-dependent delivery to the endosomal sorting pool. Recycling vesicle trafficking was followed in real time using a fusion protein composed of green fluorescent protein coupled to the 29-kDa subunit of the short-lived, membrane-bound enzyme type 2 deiodinase. Primary endosomes budded from the plasma membrane and oscillated near the cell periphery for 1-4 min. The addition of thyroid hormone triggered the processive, centripetal movement of the recycling vesicle in linear bursts at velocities of up to 200 nm/s. Vesicle migration was hormone-specific and blocked by inhibitors of actin polymerization and myosin ATPase. Domain mapping confirmed that the hormone-dependent vesicle-binding domain was located at the C terminus of the motor. In addition, the interruption of normal dimerization of native myosin 5a monomers inactivated vesicle transport, indicating that single-headed myosin 5a motors do not transport cargo in situ. This is the first demonstration of processive hormone-dependent myosin 5a movement in living cells.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new binding assay that uses oligodeoxyribonucleotides (DNAs) obtained by the in vitro selection method instead of antibodies. DNAs that specifically bound to a target molecule were selected, labeled with some probes, and then used to detect the target molecule by staining or competitive binding assay.  相似文献   

Soil application of nematophagous fungi for the biological control of plant-parasitic nematodes often fails, and in many cases it has been difficult to reisolate the agent delivered to the soil. A reason for these results could be the inability of the fungi to proliferate in soil. We used a soil–membrane technique to study the capacity of several isolates of the nematophagous fungi Pochonia chlamydosporia and Paecilomyces lilacinus to grow and establish in sterilized and nonsterilized sandy soils from SE Spain and Western Australia. Growth of all fungi tested was inhibited in nonsterilized soil, although there was intraspecific variability in sensitivity among isolates of the same species. With respect to hyphal density, P. chlamydosporia isolate 5 (from Italy) was the least inhibited in nonsterilized soil from both sites. Relative growth analyses confirmed this result for soil from SE Spain, while with this method, P. chlamydosporia isolate 4624 (from Australia) appeared to be least inhibited in the Australian soil. The results indicate that a soil can be more receptive to its indigenous isolates than to nonindigenous isolates. Apparently, soil microbiota can determine the ability of nematophagous fungi to proliferate in soil.  相似文献   

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