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A structural characterization of polysaccharides extracted from the aposymbiotically cultured photobiont of the lichen Ramalina gracilis was carried out in order to compare them with those previously found in the symbiotic thallus. The photobiont was isolated from thallus fragments, following the method of Yamamoto, and cultivated in a liquid nutrient medium. Freeze-dried cells were defatted, and the polysaccharides extracted successively with water and aq. 10% KOH, each at 100 degrees C. After purification, the soluble fractions provided a polysaccharide containing a (1-->5)-linked beta-galactofuranosyl backbone, substituted in a small proportion at O-6 by beta-Galf units. Amylose was also found, as insoluble material obtained on freeze-thawing of the alkaline extract. These polysaccharides have not been found in the symbiotic thallus of Ramalina gracilis, which contained only water-soluble (isolichenan) and insoluble glucans (nigeran and laminaran), and galactomannan. Surprisingly, the galactofuranan has similarities with those found in some fungal cell walls.  相似文献   

Fatty acids of eight lichen species belonging to the genus Cladonia were examined by GC-MS. Twenty-two saturated, 23 monoene, five diene, nine triene and eight tetra-, penta- and hexaene fatty acids were identified. Unusually for lichens, very long-chain fatty acids, 25:1, 26:0, 26:1, 26:3, 28:0, 28:1, and 30:1 were detected.  相似文献   

Based on combinations of nine variable nucleotides at nine different base positions in the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region, Cryptococcus gattii strains were classified into six genotypes. A new genotype of C. gattii , designated as ITS type 8, was isolated from an AIDS patient in Brazil. The ITS type 8 strain is closely related to the ITS type 4 strain, which has been frequently isolated in Brazil and the USA, but which shows ITS-signatured nucleotide difference at each nucleotide position. The ITS type 8 strain is also differentiated from all heretofore reported ITS types of C. gattii strains in the RAPD band patterns and IGS sequence information.  相似文献   

Abstract. Boreal coniferous forests have been impacted by long distance airborne pollutant deposition for most of the 20th century. Changes in forest understorey vegetation attributable to N‐deposition have been observed in southern Sweden, but not so far in southern Norway. We recorded the quantity of all species of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens in 144 plots in a fertilization experiment in a 35‐yr old Pinus sylvestris forest in Aust Agder County, southernNorway initiated 6 yr before our study. Each plot represented a combination of three levels of nitrogen, two levels of magnesium and two levels of phosphorus addition. Effects of fertilization on species quantity were tested by Kruskal‐Wallis one‐way analysis by ranks. For vascular plants, only small and hardly significant differences were found between treatments and control. Significant negative effects of N‐fertilization were found on both mosses and lichens. To some extent, these effects could be attributed to direct effects of application of the fertilizer, but were more likely to be due to a negative feedback response to the faster growth of pine trees in fertilized stands, reducing throughfall precipitation and increasing litter fall. Significant differences between Mg‐ and P‐fertilized sites and respective controls were found for too few species to be likely to represent an overall trend.  相似文献   

Kristin Palmqvist 《Planta》1993,191(1):48-56
The CO2 dependence of net CO2 assimilation was examined in a number of green algal and cyanobacterial lichens with the aim of screening for the algal/cyanobacterial CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) in these symbiotic organisms. For the lichens Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd., P. canina (L.) Willd. and P. neopolydactyla (Gyeln.) Gyeln., the photosynthetic performance was also compared between intact thalli and their respective photobionts, the green alga Coccomyxa PA, isolated from Peltigera aphthosa and the cyanobacterium Nostoc PC, isolated from Peltigera canina. More direct evidence for the operation of a CCM was obtained by monitoring the effects of the carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide on the photosynthetic CO2use efficiency of the photobionts. The results strongly indicate the operation of a CCM in all cyanobacterial lichens investigated and in cultured cells of Nostoc PC, similar to that described for free-living species of cyanobacteria. The green algal lichens were divided into two groups, one with a low and the other with a higher CO2-use efficiency, indicative of the absence of a CCM in the former. The absence of a CCM in the low-affinity lichens was related to the photobiont, because free-living cells of Coccomyxa PA also apparently lacked a CCM. As a result of the postulated CCM, cyanobacterial Peltigera lichens have higher rates of net photosynthesis at normal CO2 compared with Peltigera aphthosa. It is proposed that this increased photosynthetic capacity may result in a higher production potential, provided that photosynthesis is limited by CO2 under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Through the combined use of molecular and microscopy techniques, the endolithic lichens Lecidea cancriformis and Lecidea sp. were identified, even in the absence of fruiting bodies, and positioned under epilithic lichens. Cells of both algal and fungal symbionts were observed in fissures and cracks of the lithic substrate with no clear heteromerous structure. At the ultrastructural level, the two lichens differed in terms of their algal-fungal relationships. Only one genotype of Trebouxia ITS sequence was identified from specimens of Lecidea sp., Umbilicaria aprina and Buellia frigida from the same zone, which could be mainly determined by low availability of alga in these extreme environments. These lichens showed features typical of both chasmoendolithic and euendolithic microorganisms. Signs of biogeophysical and biogeochemical action on the substrate were detected close to fungal cells. This action seemed to be mainly conditioned by the local physico-chemical features of the substrate. Evidence for the biomobilization of elements by these endolithic lichens was found. L. cancriformis was observed to accumulate substantial amounts of calcium-rich biominerals. The combined approach proposed is useful for mapping the distribution of endolithic lichens and analysing the processes that occur in their microscopic environment.  相似文献   

利用含罗丹明B的橄榄油检测平板从中国各省市油污土壤中分离、筛选产脂肪酶微生物菌株,扩增细菌的核糖体基因16S rDNA序列和真菌的ITS2序列,分析核糖体基因簇DNA,并结合形态学特征从而对产脂肪酶菌株进行分子生物学鉴定.核糖体基因16S rDNA序列分析及系统发育分析表明,分离得到的产脂肪酶细菌分别属于枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)、产碱假单胞菌(Pseudomonas alcaligenes)、洋葱伯克霍尔德氏(Burkholderia cepacia)、琼氏不动杆菌(Acinetobater jurii)、嗜麦芽窄食单孢菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)和荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.);真菌核糖体基因转录间隔区(ITS2)序列及同源性分析表明产脂肪酶真菌分别属于黑曲酶(Aspergillus niger)、白地酶(Galactomyces geotrichum)、解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)、丝孢酵母(Trichosporon guehoae)和假丝酵母(Candida sp.).研究结果表明,核糖体基因簇的DNA分析技术为从自然界分离、鉴定产脂肪酶菌种提供了一种快速有效的手段,为产脂肪酶微生物资源开发利用奠定了技术基础.  相似文献   

白木香内生真菌的分离及分子鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对采自广东省信宜市的白木香进行了内生真菌分离培养,共获得50个菌株,通过rDNA中内转录间隔区(ITS)序列鉴定其为20个种,其中确定至种名的有7属8种,仅确定至属名的有8种,不能确定种属的有4种,其中A20菌株(Fimetariella rabenhorstii)为国内首次报道。刺盘孢菌(Colletotrichum)共分离到17株,占分离总数的34%,为白木香优势种群;镰刀菌(Fusarium)共分离到11株,是结香部位的优势种群。白木香内生真菌分布部位的专一性不明显,茎中分离的数量及种类最多,叶中最少;5年龄内生真菌的多样性较好,10月龄的多样性较低。  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacer (ITS nuclear rDNA) data have been obtained from 190 terrestrial orchid species, encompassing all genera and the great majority of the widely recognized species of Orchidinae, a heterogeneous selection of species of Habenariinae, and single species of Satyriinae and Disinae (the latter serving as outgroup). The resulting parsimony‐based phylogeny reveals 12 well‐resolved clades within the Orchidinae, based on Anacamptis s.l., Serapias, Ophrys, SteveniellaHimantoglossum s.l. (including ‘Comperia’ and ‘Barlia’, most species being 2n = 36), Neotinea s.l., TraunsteineraChamorchis, Orchis s.s., PseudorchisAmerorchisGalearisNeolindleyaPlatanthera s.l. (most 2n = 42), Dactylorhiza s.l., Gymnadenia s.l. (most 2n = 40, 80), Ponerorchis s.l.Hemipilia s.l.AmitostigmaNeottianthe, and Brachycorythis (most 2n = 42). Relationships are less clearly resolved among these 12 clades, as are those within Habenariinae; the subtribe appears either weakly supported as monophyletic or as paraphyletic under maximum parsimony, and the species‐rich genus Habenaria is clearly highly polyphyletic. The triphyly of Orchis as previously delimited is confirmed, and the improved sampling allows further generic transfers to Anacamptis s.l. and Neotinea s.l. In addition, justifications are given for: (1) establishing Steveniella as the basally divergent member of an appreciably expanded Himantoglossum that incorporates the former genera ‘Barlia’ and ‘Comperia’, (2) reuniting ‘Piperia’ with a broadly defined Platanthera as section Piperia, necessitating ten new combinations, (3) broadening Ponerorchis to include Chusua, and Hemipilia to include single ‘orphan’ species of Ponerorchis and Habenaria, and (4) recognizing ‘Gymnadeniacamtschatica as the monotypic Neolindleya camtschatica within the PseudorchisPlatanthera clade. Few further generic transfers are likely in Orchidinae s.s., but they are anticipated among habenariid genera, on acquisition of additional morphological and molecular evidence; one probable outcome is expansion of Herminium. Species‐level relationships are also satisfactorily resolved within most of the major clades of Orchidinae, with the notable exceptions of Serapias, the derived sections of Ophrys, Himantoglossum s.s., some sections within Dactylorhiza, the former genus ‘Nigritella’ (now tentatively placed within Gymnadenia s.l.), Hemipilia s.l., and possibly Ponerorchis s.s. Relationships among the 12 major clades broadly accord with bona fide records of intergeneric hybridization. Current evidence supports the recently recognized 2n = 36 clade; it also indicates a 2n = 40 clade that is further diagnosed by digitate root‐tubers, and is derived relative to the recently recognized clade of exclusively Asian genera (Ponerorchis s.l.Hemipilia s.l.AmitostigmaNeottianthe). This in turn appears derived relative to the Afro‐Asiatic Brachycorythis group; together, these two clades identify the plesiomorphic chromosome number as 2n = 42. If the African genus Stenogolottis is correctly placed as basally divergent within a monophyletic Habenariinae, the tribe Orchideae and subtribes Orchidinae and Habenariinae could all have originated in Africa, though in contrast the Asiatic focus of the basally divergent members of most major clades of Orchidinae suggests an Asiatic radiation of the subtribe. Morphological characters informally ‘mapped’ across the molecular phylogeny and showing appreciable levels of homoplasy include floral and vegetative pigmentation, flower shape, leaf posture, gynostemium features, and various pollinator attractants. Qualitative comparison of, and reciprocal illumination between, degrees of sequence and morphological divergence suggests a nested set of radiations of progressively decreasing phenotypic magnitude. Brief scenarios, both adaptive and non‐adaptive, are outlined for specific evolutionary transitions. Recommendations are made for further species sampling, concentrating on Asian Orchidinae (together with the Afro‐Asiatic Brachycorythis group) and both Asian and Southern Hemisphere Habenariinae, and adding plastid sequence data. Taxonomic changes listed are: Anacamptis robusta (T.Stephenson) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , A. fragrans (Pollini) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , A. picta (Loiseleur) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , Neotinea commutata (Todari) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , N. conica (Willdenow) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , Platanthera elegans Lindley ssp. maritima (Rydberg) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. elegans Lindley ssp. decurtata (R.Morgan & Glicenstein) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. elongata (Rydberg) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. michaelii (Greene) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. leptopetala (Rydberg) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. transversa (Suksdorf) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. cooperi (S.Watson) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. colemanii (R.Morgan & Glicenstein) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. , P. candida (R.Morgan & Ackerman) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. and P. yadonii (R.Morgan & Ackerman) R.M.Bateman, comb. nov. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 142 , 1–40.  相似文献   

甘草内生真菌的分离及鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物体内普遍存在着内生菌,为了探寻传统药材甘草的质量与其内生菌之间可能存在的关系。对采自新疆的甘草根部进行了内生真菌的分离及鉴定。选用CYM真菌培养基,对其内生真菌进行分离及纯化,选择其中最占优势的两种菌落分别进行了菌落形态观察及菌丝形态(棉兰染色)观察,以及基因组DNA的18S rDNA和ITS rDNA序列鉴定和系统进化分析。本研究结果表明从甘草根部主要分离到两种内生真菌,分别属于Fusarium镰刀菌属和Gibberella赤霉菌属。  相似文献   

The cultured photobiont Trebouxia sp. of Ramalina celastri was successively extracted at 100 degrees C with hot water, 2% aqueous KOH, and 10% aqueous KOH to give polysaccharide-containing fractions A (2.9%), B (3.9%), and C (0.9% yield) respectively. The intact biont contained 3.8% amylose, which was present in each fraction, and was identified by a blue color formed with iodine solution. In fraction A, and following retrogradation from aqueous solution, it was characterized by (13)C-NMR spectroscopy. Fraction B was treated with alpha-amylase to give a water-soluble fraction consisting mainly of beta-mannose-containing polysaccharides (1.5% yield), whose main component had dn/dc 0.162 and M(r) 17 kDa. Fraction C was subjected to freeze-thawing and the precipitate was treated with alpha-amylase to give a resistant, linear, low molecular mass (1-->4)-linked beta-xylan. The beta-D-mannopyranan preparation contained mainly of 3-O- (28%), 4-O- (11%), and 6-O-substituted Manp units (35%), with 3-O-substituted Rhap units (11%). A controlled Smith degradation provided a beta-mannan with nonreducing end- (8%), 3-O- (85%) and 6-O-substituted units, showing (1-->3)- and (1-->6)-linked structures in the original polysaccharide. These could be present as block-type structures.  相似文献   

In this study, in vitro antimicrobial activity of the physodic acid, usnic acid, atranorin and gyrophoric acid isolated from the lichens Hypogymnia physodes, Parmelia caperata, Physcia aipolia and Umbilicaria polyphylla, has been investigated. An antibiotic assessment was done against six bacteria (three Gram-positive and three Gram-negative) and eight fungi by determining the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) by the broth tube dilution method. The tested lichen substances inhibited growth of all the tested microorganisms. The bacteria showed a higher sensitivity against the tested fungi. The highest antimicrobial activity was found in the usnic acid of the Parmelia caperata lichen, where the lowest MIC was 0.0037 mg/ml against the Klebsiella pneumoniae (even lower than the one given by the streptomycin standard). The weakest antimicrobial activity was found in the physodic acid, which inhibited most of the microorganisms in the concentration of 1 mg/ml. Generally, all the components had relatively strong antimicrobial activity against the tested microorganisms, among which were human and animal pathogens. This could be of significance for their use for pharmaceutical purposes.  相似文献   

Several structurally different glucans (alpha- and beta-) and galactomannans were characterized as components of four species of the genus Ramalina, namely R. dendriscoides, R. fraxinea, R. gracilis and R. peruviana. Freeze-thawing treatment of hot aqueous extracts furnished as precipitates (PW) linear alpha-D-glucans of the nigeran type, with regularly distributed (1-->3)- and (1-->4)-linkages in a 1:1 ratio. The supernatants (SW) contained alpha-D-glucans with (1-->3)- and (1-->4)-linkages in a molar ratio of 3:1. The lichen residues were then extracted with 2% aq. KOH, and the resulting extracts submitted to the freeze-thawing treatment, giving rise to precipitates (PK2) of a mixture of alpha-glucan (nigeran) and beta-glucan, which were suspended in aqueous 0.5% NaOH at 50 degrees C, dissolving preferentially the beta-glucan. These were linear with (1-->3)-linkages (laminaran). The mother liquor of the KOH extractions (2% and 10% aq. KOH) was treated with Fehling's solution to give precipitates (galactomannans). The galactomannans are related, having (1-->6)-linked alpha-D-mannopyranosyl main chains, substituted at O-4 and in a small proportion at O-2,4 by beta-D-galactopyranosyl units. Despite the different habitats of these lichenized fungi, all species studied in this investigation have a similar pool of polysaccharides.  相似文献   

本文从形态学、解剖学、化学等方面对采自中国西北地区的树花属Ramalina地衣进行了研究,鉴定出该属地衣18种,其中簇树花R.chihuahuana和平树花R.complanata为中国新记录种,西北地区新记录种有12个。  相似文献   

Aims:  The aim of this study was to determine the genetic variability in Aspergillus flavus populations from Brazil nut and cashew and develop a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection method.
Methods and Results:  Chomatography analysis of 48 isolates identified 36 as aflatoxigenic (75%). One hundred and forty-one DNA bands were generated with 11 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers and analysed via unweighted pair group analysis, using arithmetic means (UPGMA). Isolates grouped according to host, with differentiation of those from A. occidentale also according to geographical origin. Aspergillus flavus -specific PCR primers ASPITSF2 and ASPITSR3 were designed from ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1 and 2), and an internal amplification control was developed, to prevent false negative results. Specificity to only A. flavus was confirmed against DNA from additional aspergilli and other fungi.
Conclusions:  RAPD-based characterization differentiated isolates according to plant host. The PCR primer pair developed showed specificity to A. flavus , with a detection limit of 10 fg.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Genetic variability observed in A. flavus isolates from two Brazilian agroecosystems suggested reproductive isolation. The PCR detection method developed for A. flavus represents progress towards multiplex PCR detection of aflatoxigenic and nonaflatoxigenic strains in Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point systems.  相似文献   

Molecular sequence data from the 18S-26S rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region support the monophyly of Fouquieria sensu lato (Fouquieriaceae) and the three subgenera (subg. Fouquieria, subg. Bronnia, subg. Idria) previously recognized within it. Resolution within subg. Fouquieria differs somewhat between parsimony and maximum likelihood (ML) trees. Section Fouquieria and sect. Ocotilla within subg. Fouquieria are not well supported as monophyletic groups. Uncertainty regarding placement of the root within Fouquieriaceae makes discussion of character evolution within the family difficult. Three root positions are consistent with rate-constant evolution of ITS sequences: (1) along the branch to subg. Idria, (2) along the branch to subg. Bronnia, and (3) along the branch to subg. Fouquieria. The first root position listed is equivalent to an outgroup rooting. The third root position listed is equivalent to a midpoint rooting. Of the three root positions above, only the third is along a branch that may be sufficiently long to act as a long-branch attractor. The first two root positions would result in character reconstruction suggesting that succulent growth forms and white floral pigmentation are ancestral within the family, with shifts to woody growth forms and to red floral pigmentation. The third root position results in equivocal reconstruction of the ancestral growth form, equivocal reconstruction of ancestral floral pigmentation in parsimony trees, and a suggestion of white floral pigmentation as ancestral in ML trees. Two previous hypotheses of polyploid origins are compatible with the molecular data presented here: (1) origin of the tetraploid F. diguetii from F. macdougalii, and (2) allopolyploid origin of the hexaploid F. burragei from the tetraploid F. diguetii and a diploid species similar to F. splendens. Direct descent of the hexaploid F. columnaris from the subg. Bronnia lineage is not supported by our data. An amphiploid origin of F. columnaris involving a member of the subg. Bronnia lineage and an extinct taxon outside subg. Bronnia, however, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of vegetation cover, radiation, micro‐habitat variables and maritime influence on the floristic composition of a saxicolous community in Vingen, western Norway were studied. Particular emphasis is put on the local distribution of Fuscidea cyathoides, Ochrolechia tartarea, Ophioparma ventosa and Pertusaria corallina. Very little of the variation in the lichen community composition is directly related to measured micro‐environmental variables but variance partitioning shows that vegetation cover explains more of the floristic variation than radiation, maritime influence and microhabitat variables. Logistic regression analyses nevertheless indicate that the micro‐environment influences the spatial distribution of the four species. The high fraction of unexplained floristic variation, 91%, is suggested to result from (1) lack of fit of data to the response model; (2) some influential environmental variables that have not been recorded; (3) local historical factors that affect present day distribution and/or (4) apparent randomness in colonization. The results also agree with the view that the four lichen species in this study are able to co‐exist in the long‐term because of different spatial distributions resulting from different strategies with respect to ecology, dispersion and interaction.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activity and dark respiration were measured in some species of lichens,Umbilicaria, Cladonia, Stereocaulon, Usnea, etc. sampled in the Antarctic and subalpine zones of central and northern Japan. On the basis of the responses of their activities to thallus temperature, the response patterns were divived into three groups, and further, each group was subdvided into some adaptation types for net photosynthesis and repiration. Lichens collected in the Antarctic were adapted to cool condition and some species collected in subalpine zones were adapted to warm condition. For exmaple, the optimal temperatures for net photosynthetic rates in Antarctic lichens were lower than 5 C and those in lichens which lived on rock surface at a southern slope in mountains of Japan were higher than 20 C.  相似文献   

Aims:  To apply and compare two PCR-based methods for typing saltwater Bdellovibrio- and-like organisms (BALOs) and to understand ecological and phylogenetic aspects of the BALOs isolated from shrimp mariculture systems.
Methods and Results:  Using double-layer agar technique, the numbers of culturable BALOs that lyse Vibrio alginolyticus were found to be 10–103 PFU ml−1 in the surface water samples. A total of 130 BALOs isolates were differentiated into five phylotypes by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis targeting the 16S rDNA V3 region and four phylotypes by amplified rDNA restriction analysis of the Bacteriovoracaceae -specific 16S rDNA fragment respectively. Phylogenetic analysis of representative isolates showed that all of them were identified as Bacteriovorax spp., but affiliated with four different clusters in the family Bacteriovoracaceae.
Conclusions:  The two PCR-based methods both can be chosen to rapidly type the saltwater BALOs at cluster level. And the relatively large numbers of BALOs with various phylotypes recovered from the same habitats suggested that these predators might play important ecological role in shrimp mariculture environments.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  We proposed two effective methods to distinguish rapidly large numbers of BALOs isolates and our results would be helpful to understand the diversity and function of BALOs in mariculture environments.  相似文献   

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