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It is taken for granted that the non-verbal information we acquire from a person's body posture and position affects our perception of others. However, to date human postures have never been described on an empirical level. This study is the first approach to tackle the unexplored topic of human postures. We combined two approaches: traditional behavior observation and modern anthropometric analysis. Photographs of 100 participants were taken, their body postures were transferred to a three dimensional virtual environment and the occurring body angles were measured. The participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire about their current affective state. A principal component analysis with the items of the affect questionnaire (Positive Negative Affect Scales, PANAS) revealed five main factors: aversion, openness, irritation, happiness, and self-confidence. The body angles were then regressed on these factors and the respective postures were reconstructed within a virtual environment. 50 different subjects rated the reconstructed postures from the positive and negative end of the regression. We found the ratings to be valid and accurate in respect to the five factors.  相似文献   

Effect of body posture on respiratory impedance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of posture on the mechanics of the respiratory system are not well known, particularly in terms of total respiratory resistance. We have measured respiratory impedance (Zrs) by the forced random noise excitation technique in the sitting and the supine position in 24 healthy subjects. Spirometry and lung volumes (He-dilution technique) were also measured in both postures. The equivalent resistance (Rrs), compliance (Crs), and inertance (Irs) were also calculated by fitting each measured Zrs to a linear series model. When subjects changed from sitting to the supine position, the real part of Zrs increased over the whole frequency band. The associated equivalent resistance, Rrs, increased by 28.2%. The reactance decreased for frequencies lower than 18 Hz and increased for higher frequencies. Consequently, Crs decreased by 38.7% and Irs increased by 15.6%. All of these parameter differences were significant (P less than 0.001). A covariance analysis showed that a significant amount of the postural change in Rrs and Crs can be explained by the reduction of functional residual capacity (FRC). This indicates that the observed differences on Zrs can in part be explained be a shift of the operating point of the respiratory system induced by the decrease in the FRC.  相似文献   

Effect of body posture on lung volumes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Experimental research has demonstrated that changes in body position influence auditory function and, specifically, supine position produces a sensorineural hearing loss at low frequencies. The hypotheses to interpret these phenomena are principally referred to an increase of hydrostatic pressure of labyrinthine fluids. In order to evaluate the effects of head position on the cochlear performance a modern test battery has been performed to study cochlear function in 11 normal subjects ranged in age from 22 to 34 years. The tests (Remote Masking:RM; Brief Tone Audiometry:BTA; Critical Ratio:RC) have been evaluated in two positions: sitting upright and supine with the head at a 20 backward angle. The results of our research have shown that in all the cases, the supine position produces a significant shift of the auditory threshold at 250 and 500 Hz, and a decrease of RM values in about all of the cases. We have estimated non statistically significant differences for the RC and BTA values, in more than half of the ears tested. On the basis of the significance given to RM, BTA, RC: we can deduce that the modifications of the auditory performance related to an increase in perilymphatic hydrostatic pressure, induced by the head position are produced by an increase in rigidity of the mechanical vibratory structures of the cochlea rather than the expression of sensorineural damage.  相似文献   

The spontaneous contractile activity of isolated lymph nodes and the lymph flow from intestine lymphatic vessel in antiorthostatic posture of rats with an inclination angle of 30 degrees during 7-14 days, was decreased. Contractions of the rat lymph nodes in response to actions of adrenaline, acetylcholine and histamine were diminished. There are changes of biochemical components of lymph and blood plasma with simultaneous decrease of the blood plasma volume. It is concluded that the lymphatic system on antiorthostatic posture plays the compensatory role with the purpose of stabilization of homeostasis in the brain.  相似文献   

Continuous movement of striped patterns was presented on either side of a tethered fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, in order to simulate the displacement of stationary landmarks within the visual field of the freely moving fly. The horizontal components of the stimulus elicit, predominantly, yaw-torque responses during flight, or turning responses on the ground, which counteract involuntary deviations from a streight course in the corresponding mode of locomotion. The vertical components elicit, predominantly, covariant responses of lift and thrust which enable the fly to maintain a given level of flight. Monocular stimulation is sufficient to produce antagonistic responses, if the direction of the stimulus is reversed. The following constituents of the responses were derived mainly from properties of wing beat and body posture on photographs of fixed flight under visual stimulation. Wing stroke modulation (W. S. M.): The difference, and the sum, of the stroke amplitudes on either side are independently controlled by horizontal and vertical movement components, respectively. The maximum range of modulation per wing (12.3°) is equivalent to a 63% change in thrust on the corresponding side. Leg stroke modulation (L.S.M.): In the walking fly each pair of legs is under control of visual stimulation. The details of leg articulation are still unknown. Abdominal deflection (A.D.): An actively induced posture effect. Facilitates steering during free flight at increased air speed. Hind leg deflection (H.L.D.): Same as before. On most of the photographs the hind legs were deflected simultaneously and in the same direction as the abdomen. Hitch inhibition (H.I.): The term hitch denotes a transient reduction of stroke amplitude which seems to occur spontaneously and independently on either side of the fly. The hitch angle (12.2±3.8° S.D.) is most probably invariant to visual stimulation. Hitches are comparatively frequent in the absence of pattern movement. Their inhibition under visual stimulation is equivalent to an increase of the average thrust of the corresponding wing. The different constituents contribute to the optomotor responses according to the following tentative scheme (Fig. 7). The torque response is essentially due to the effects of W.S.M., A.D., H.L.D. and H.I., and the turning response to L.S.M. and possibly H.L.D., if the landmarks drift from anterior to posterior. So far, H.I. seems to be the only source of the torque response, and L.S.M. the only source of the turning response, if the landmarks drift in the opposite direction. The lift/thrust response results essentially from the effects of W.S.M. and H.I., no matter whether the landmarks drift from inferior to superior or in the opposite direction. The results obtained so far suggest that the optomotor control of course and altitude in Drosophila requires at least eight independent input channels or equivalent means for the separation of the descending signals from the visual centres. Further extension and refinement of the wiring scheme is required in order to improve the identification of the sensory inputs of the motor system and the classification of optomotor defective mutants.  相似文献   

1. Body postures adopted by an animal can serve behavioural functions, homeostasis, or energy balance. 2. We investigated the function of holding the gaster curled forward under the thorax in acacia ants, Pseudomyrmex spinicola Emery, by testing whether ants adopted this posture for defence, thermoregulation, or for efficient locomotion. 3. For the defence hypothesis, we expected an increase in the proportion of ants with curled gasters after a visual threat, a vibrational disturbance of a branch, or the release of nestmate's alarm pheromones. Our data did not support these predictions. 4. For the thermoregulation hypothesis, we found a positive correlation between temperature and proportion of curled‐gaster ants. However, we did not find a reduction in the proportion of curled‐gaster ants after shading them, as predicted by this hypothesis. 5. Our data supported the locomotion hypothesis: curled‐gaster ants walked 1 cm s?1 faster than ants with the gaster held straight. Straight‐gaster ants walked with the thorax closer to the surface, a posture that likely shifts the centre of gravity closer to the surface in a manner similar to gaster curling. 6. Studying the role of the body posture in acacia ants and other insects will provide a better understanding of the kinematics of walking in challenging angles with respect to gravity.  相似文献   

The effects of pressure stimulation of the body surface on postural activities as well as on the response gain of limb extensors to natural stimulation of labyrinth receptors were investigated in intact, as well as in decerebrate cats. In intact, unanesthetized cats, slight pressure applied symmetrically to the body surface at the chest level decreased the tonic activity of the axial (neck) and limb extensor musculature, as well as the proprioceptive reflexes induced by passive flexion of the limbs. The positive supporting reaction caused by pressure applied to the pad of the foot was also depressed. If the cats were suspended in the air by their nape, slight pressure applied to the upper part of the body greatly reduced the tonic contraction of the forelimb extensors to linear acceleration after downward movement of the animal, a response which can be attributed to stimulation of macular receptors located in the sacculus. Moreover, the prominent myotatic reflexes which occurred in all four limbs as soon as the animal touched the floor were greatly depressed, as shown by the fact that the forelimbs displayed only a slight tonic contraction of the extensor musculature during landing, while the hindlimbs collapsed under the weight of the body. In precollicular decerebrate cats there was a good postural activity in all four limbs. Moreover, the multiunit EMG activity of the medial head of the triceps brachii responded to roll tilt of the animal (at 0.15 Hz, +/- 10 degrees) leading to selective stimulation of labyrinth receptors. These responses, characterized by an increased EMG activity during side-down tilt and a decreased activity during side-up tilt, were related to animal position and not to velocity of animal displacement, and are thus attributable to stimulation of macular, utricular receptors. Slight pressure applied to the chest greatly decreased not only the postural activity of the limbs, but also the amplitude of EMG modulation and then the gain in the first harmonic component of the multiunit EMG responses of the triceps brachii to animal tilt. This reduced gain was due, in particular, to a reduced number of motor units being recruited during labyrinth stimulation, although a reduced modulation of firing rate of the active motor units should not be ruled out. However, no changes in the phase angle of the responses were observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effect of body posture on spatial distribution of pulmonary blood flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Single-photon emission-computed tomography (SPECT) on intact dogs and humans suggests that one aspect of regional blood flow in the lung (Qr) is independent of gravity, e.g., the gradient in Qr between the core and the periphery. To further evaluate these findings, six anesthetized healthy dogs (approximately 30 kg), two in the supine posture, two in the prone posture, and two suspended in the upright posture, breathing spontaneously, were injected (iv) at end expiration with 20 mCi99mTc-labeled albumin macroaggregates. The animals were killed, their chests were opened, their lungs were removed and dissected free of other tissue, and the blood was drained. The lungs were dried by blowing warm air (50 degrees C) while they were inflated to full capacity for about 18 h. The fully inflated and dry lungs were placed in the supine position and SPECT was performed to determine the three-dimensional distribution of activity. One hundred and twenty projections of the activity in the entire lungs were obtained at 3 degrees steps with a rotating gamma camera and stored in computer memory. Once SPECT was completed, either a coronal slice or a sagittal slice (1 cm thick) was cut and imaged directly by placing it against the gamma camera collimator for 6 min. The tomographic-reconstructed slices revealed that at isogravity, in all body postures, Qr in the central region of the lungs was up to 10 times that in the periphery. Furthermore, the central-peripheral gradient was discernible within the individual lobes. The direct images of slices also confirmed these findings. Although flow inequalities independent of gravity were present, the central region with the highest flow often was closer to the dependent regions of the lungs, suggesting that gravity had some influence on the final distribution. The results suggest that factors other than gravity also play an important role in the distribution of pulmonary blood flow. These factors may be related to the conductance of the vascular pathways that lead to different regions in the lungs.  相似文献   

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