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Two syntopic morphotypes of the genus Hypostomus - H. nigromaculatus and H. cf. nigromaculatus (Atlantico Stream, Paraná State) - were compared through the allozyme electrophoresis technique. Twelve enzymatic systems (AAT, ADH, EST, GCDH, G3PDH, GPI, IDH, LDH, MDH, ME, PGM and SOD) were analyzed, attributing the score of 20 loci, with a total of 30 alleles. Six loci were diagnostic (Aat-2, Gcdh-1, Gpi-A, Idh-1, Ldh-A and Mdh-A), indicating the presence of interjacent reproductive isolation. The occurrence of few polymorphic loci acknowledge two morphotypes, with heterozygosity values He = 0.0291 for H. nigromaculatus and He = 0.0346 for H. cf. nigromaculatus. F(IS) statistics demonstrated fixation of the alleles in the two morphotypes. Genetic identity (I) and distance (D) of Nei (1978) values were I = 0.6515 and D = 0.4285. The data indicate that these two morphotypes from the Atlantico Stream belong to different species.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to examine 12 enzymatic systems in two populations of the genus Neoplecostomus from the Paraná River basin. Samples of Neoplecostomus sp. 1 were collected in Paraitinguinha stream of the Tietê River basin, in the municipality of Salesópolis, São Paulo State, and those of Neoplecostomus sp. 2 from São Domingos stream of the Rio Grande River basin, in the municipality of Muzambinho, Minas Gerais State. The genetic variability of the two populations was estimated by Nei’s expected heterozygosity and was considered lower than average for populations of freshwater fish. The proportion of polymorphic loci was low (only 5.26% for the locus Idh). The low frequency of heterozygosity for both populations revealed a high fixation of alleles for each locus. Homozygote excess was observed in both populations. The values of Nei’s genetic identity and the presence of loci with different allele frequencies in both populations may imply that the two populations belong to different species. The genetic variability between populations was compared to other data for loricariids.  相似文献   

A new species of Cambeva endemic to the Rio Ivaí basin, Upper Paraná basin, is described combining morphological and molecular data. This new species is distinguished from all congeners by characters related to the number of pectoral-fin rays, to the colour pattern of the dorsal and lateral surface of the body, to the presence of diffuse blotches in the ventral surface of body, to the presence of a pelvic-fin and pelvic girdle, to the number of odontodes in the inter-opercular and opercular patches, to the number of dorsal and ventral procurrent rays. In addition, the analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences identified a satisfactory genetic distance between this new species and its congeners. The new species from the Rio Ivaí reinforces its characteristics as an area of endemism for fishes in the Upper Rio Paraná basin.  相似文献   

In an allozyme electrophoresis survey of 15 hypostomine species from the Itaipu Hydroelectric Reservoir, 25 loci from 14 enzyme systems were scored. Allozyme data allowed recording diagnostic genetic markers for all species analyzed and for some species groups within Hypostomus, a taxon which is taxonomically still unresolved in the Upper Rio Paraná basin. The mean expected heterozygosity of the species was considerably variable and hypotheses to tentatively explain this variation are discussed. A cladogram based upon the allelic frequencies of the species analyzed was produced by the continuous maximum likelihood method: Rhinelepis aspera and M. parananus were separated from the species of Hypostominae by a long branch length. Pterygoplichthys anisitsi was the sister of all the representatives of the genus Hypostomus. Within Hypostomus, two main clades were produced: in the first, H. cochliodon was the sister of the species comprising the H. plecostomus group, and in the second, the tree showed the following relationships: (H. albopunctatus (H. regani + Hypostomus sp. 3) + (H. margaritifer (H. microstomus (Hypostomus sp. 1 (H. ternetzi + Hypostomus sp. 2))))). Hypostomus ternetzi and Hypostomus sp. 2 are referred to here as representatives of the H. ternetzi group.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in three Rineloricaria pentamaculata populations revealed diploid number 2n = 56 chromosomes, karyotype formula 8m/sm + 48st/a and FN = 64. Owing to the presence of the heteromorphic chromosome pair with a big submetacentric chromosome and a small acrocentric one in both males and females, 42.9% of specimens in the Tauá Stream population had the karyotype formula 9m/sm + 47st/a and FN = 65. Analysis of the nucleolus-organizing region by Ag-NOR and FISH techniques showed a single NOR system at pair 5 for R. pentamaculata populations of the Keller River and the Tauá Stream. However, specimens of populations of the Tatupeba Stream had multiple NOR systems at pairs 5 and 8. A constitutive heterochromatin pattern in R. pentamaculata is mainly distributed in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions with interstitial markers in certain chromosomes. Heterochromatin is located in the telomeric and centromeric positions of the acrocentric chromosome in the heteromorphic pair of the Tauá Stream population. In the submetacentric chromosome the markings are located in the telomeric (short arm), pericentomeric and interstitial (long arm) positions. The origins of polymorphisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Hypostomus in the upper Rio Paraná basin presents some very complex issues. For this reason, an allozyme electrophoresis survey of 10 populations of Hypostomus from the Rio Corumbá basin was performed, revealing 25 loci from 14 enzyme systems. Allozyme data revealed diagnostic genetic markers for the four nominal species analyzed (Hypostomus ancistroides, H. iheringi, H. margaritifer, and H. regani) and for six possible undescribed species. The mean expected heterozygosity of the populations ranged from 0.009 in H. iheringi to 0.099 in Hypostomus sp. 4. The genetically most similar populations (I = 0.954) were H. iheringi and Hypostomus sp. 2; the most divergent (D = 0.839) were H. iheringi and H. ancistroides.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effects of flooding on plant survival is relevant for the efficiency of management and conservation programs. Schinus terebinthifolius is a tree of economic and ecological importance that is common in northeast Brazil. Flooding tolerance and genetic variation were investigated in two riparian populations of S. terebinthifolius distributed along two different ecological regions of the Tibagi River basin. Flooding tolerance was evaluated through the investigation of young plants, submitted to different flooding intensities to examine the morphological and anatomical responses to this stress. The growth rate of S. terebinthifolius was not affected by flooding, but total submersion proved to be lethal for 100% of the plants. Morphological alterations such as hypertrophied lenticels were observed in both populations and lenticel openings were significantly higher in plants from one population. Genetic analysis using DNA samples obtained from both populations showed a moderate degree of genetic variation between populations (13.7%); most of the variation was found within populations (86.3%). These results show that for conservation purposes and management of degraded areas, both populations should be preserved and could be used in programs that intend to recompose riparian forests.  相似文献   

Hypostomus albopunctatus was described from the Rio Piracicaba, a tributary of the Rio Tietê, upper Rio Paraná basin. Nevertheless, specimens attributed to this species are commonly found throughout other river systems in the upper Rio Paraná basin and present varying degrees of morphological variation. A taxonomic review of H. albopunctatus based on large series of specimens from many localities throughout the upper Rio Paraná basin was carried out. Results support H. lexi, H. niger and H. scaphyceps as junior synonyms. Hypostomus albopunctatus differs from all congeners except H. heraldoi by having pectoral-fin spine equal to or shorter than pelvic-fin spine (v. longer); it differs from H. heraldoi by having white or light yellow spots on the body and fins (v. dark brown or black spots). Despite conspicuous variation related to the shape and size of the spots and snout morphology, both spot and snout patterns overlapped among the examined populations, thus this variation was inferred to be intraspecific within a widely distributed H. albopunctatus.  相似文献   

In eleven sites on two small tributaries of the Paraná River (North-West Paraná State), 6.8 and 4.0 km in length, 1263 fish specimens of 28 taxons and 14 families were collected using electrofishing. Up to twelve years ago the catchments of the two rivers were covered by tropical jungle; this has now been replaced by pasture and arable fields. Mean diversity indices of Simpson and Shannon indices were close to 0.6, which would indicate that human impact affected fish populations although the river beds have retained their original shape, except cleared of riparian trees. Despite their close location (about 18 km), the two streams differed from each other in their fish faunal composition. The distinctive nature of the fish communities in the two streams was a result of: conductivity, pH, also hiding places, riparian vegetation, submerged macrophytes and depth and width of the rivers.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analyses were carried out in a populational sample of Iheringichthys labrosus from the Guaraúna River (Upper Tibagi River; Paraná State, Brazil) in order to provide a karyotypic comparison with another previously studied population from the Lower Tibagi River, characterized by the presence of 32m + 8sm + 6st + 10a (2n = 56, FN = 102) and occurrence of supernumerary chromosomes (80% of individuals). The 17 specimens of I. labrosus (6 females, 10 males and 1 of unknown sex) from the Upper Tibagi River showed 2n = 56 chromosomes, a karyotype formula of 14m + 32sm + 4st + 6a (FN = 106), without evidence of sex chromosome heteromorphism or supernumerary chromosomes. The heterochromatin was detected at telomeric and centromeric positions in several chromosomal pairs. The Ag-nucleolar organizer regions were heteromorphic and located at terminal position on short arms of the 16th chromosomal pair, suggesting a positive association with heterochromatic regions. The inter-populational karyotypic differentiation reported indicates distinct evolutionary pathways within I. labrosus in the Tibagi River basin.  相似文献   

Mean biomass (153-1) and production (P) of fish in two small tributaries of the Paraná River (Paraná, Brazil) were 61 kg ha–1 and 48 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Caracu River and 29 kg ha–1 and 26 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the Agua do Rancho River, respectively. Matrix correlation analysis revealed high positive correlations of both 153-2 and P to maximum depth and hiding places and, at a lower level of significance, to mean depth, pH and oxygen level. Lower 153-3 and P values were found in the Agua do Rancho River, whose valley has retained a more natural character, rich canopy and scarcity of macrophytes, but also lower conductivity and nitrogen and phosphate levels than those in the Caracu River.Address for correspondence  相似文献   

A new species of Hisonotus is described from the rio São Francisco basin. The new species can be distinguished from congeners by having (1) a unique coloration pattern of caudal fin with one black spot extending from its origin to the ventral lobe and two dark spots at the end of the lobe’s rays; (2) odontodes forming longitudinally aligned rows on head and trunk; (3) a functional V-shaped spinelet; (4) a single rostral plate at the tip of the snout; (5) by lacking contrasting dark geometric spots on the anterodorsal region of the body; (6) a lower caudal-peduncle depth; and (7) lower counts of the lateral median plates and (8) higher premaxillary and dentary teeth. The new species is the second described species of the genus Hisonotus in the rio São Francisco basin. It was found inhabiting the marginal vegetation of the rio São Francisco and three of its tributary, rio das Velhas, rio Paraopeba and rio Formoso.  相似文献   

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1989,182(3):239-248
A new species of Ilyocryptus Sars from several localities in River Paraná basin, is described and figured. By the presence of a lateral process on the valves I. paranaensis n.sp. resembles I. cornutus Mordukhai-Boltovskoi & Chircova, but it shows several morphological differences in the shape and the armature of the postabdomen and in the antennal formula.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied the timing of migratory fish spawning in the last dam-free stretch of the upper Paraná River and in Itaipu Reservoir. Eggs were more common in the Amambai and Ivaï Rivers, while larvae predominated in the Paraná River and in Itaipu Reservoir. Both eggs and larvae were more abundant at night. The highest abundance of eggs was in October and that of larvae in November. Migratory species predominated in the Amambai and Paraná Rivers, and non-migratory species in the Ivaï River and Itaipu Reservoir. The predominance of eggs in the upper and middle portions, and larvae in the lower, infer that there are spawning sites in the former and nurseries in the latter. The high nocturnal abundance of eggs is associated with spawning at sunset and that of larvae with feeding, avoidance of predators and nocturnal disorientation. The presence of tributaries such as the Amambai and Ivaí Rivers in the last dam-free stretch of the Paraná River is extremely important to the maintenance of regional fish diversity and fish stocks in both the Paraná River and Itaipu Reservoir.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hisonotus are described from the rio Paraná-Paraguay basin in Brazil. The most remarkable features of the new species are the odontodes forming longitudinally aligned rows (one odontode after the other, but not necessarily forming parallel series) on the head and trunk (vs. odontodes not forming longitudinally aligned rows), a pair of rostral plates at the tip of the snout (vs. a single rostral plate), the functional v-shaped spinelet (vs. spinelet non-functional, square-shaped, or absent). These features suggest close phylogenetic relationships with Hisonotus bockmanni, H. insperatus, H. luteofrenatus and H. piracanjuba. Additionally, both new species are distinguished from their congeners by characters related to head length and depth, orbital diameter, suborbital depth, caudal peduncle depth, pectoral-fin spine length, snout length and counts of teeth. Hisonotus paresi sp. n. further differs from its congeners by having contrasting dark geometric spots on the anterodorsal region of the body, a character lacking in H. oliveirai sp. n. The variation in number and shape of the rostral plate, posterior rostrum plates, infraorbitals and the preopercle in both new species and in H. insperatus are discussed.  相似文献   

Samples of fishes were collected quarterly at three reaches in the Água Nanci stream, upper Paraná River basin, Brazil: near the spring, in the middle course, and near the mouth. Richness and evenness of the fish fauna increased between reaches towards the river mouth showing a correlation with stream width, pH and the presence of riparian vegetation. These variations in species richness and evenness, verified through Principal Component Analysis and Pearson correlation, suggest relations to habitat complexity, especially characterized by both the degree of preservation of dense riparian vegetation and high width at the lower reaches of the stream, providing a wide variety of hiding places for fish. Abundant species showed correlations with some environmental factors, suggesting habitat preferences.  相似文献   

Bacteria were identified from a large, seasonally flooded river (Paraná River, Brazil) and two floodplain habitats that were part of the same river system yet very different in nature: clearwater Garças Lagoon and the highly humic waters of Patos Lagoon. Bacterioplankton were collected during mid-summer (Jan. 2002) from water samples (2 l) filtered first through a 1.2-μm filter then a 0.2-μm membrane filter representing the particle-attached and free-living sub-communities, respectively. DNA was extracted from filters and purified and a 16S rRNA clone library established for each habitat. Over 300 clones were sequenced and checked for similarity to existing 16S sequences in GenBank using the BLAST algorithm with default parameters. Further classification of clones was done using a species “backbone” attachment followed by parsimony analysis. The majority (85%) of sequences, referred to here as operational taxonomic units (OTUs), were most similar to uncultured bacterium 16S sequences. OTUs from each Proteobacteria sub-phylum (α, β, γ, δ, ?) were present in the Upper Paraná River system, as well as members of the Bacteroidetes. The microbial assemblage from Patos Lagoon was least like other samples in that it had no Firmicutes present and was dominated by Actinobacteria. Verrucomicrobia OTUs were only found in the free-living assemblage. This study documents the presence of globally distributed phyla in Upper Paraná River and taxa unique to habitat and particle attachment.  相似文献   

Hypostomus hermanni (Ihering, 1905) and three other morphotypes of the genus Hypostomus were collected from the Ribeirã;o Keller, a small tributary of Rio Ivaí, a tributary of upper Rio Paraná. An allozyme analysis of 25 gene loci revealed diagnostic loci alleles for each population and there were fixed differences between some of them at some loci. Thus all populations were genetically distinct, although there were many common alleles. Heterozygosity (H e) ranged from 0.059 in Hypostomus sp. 2 to 0.144 in Hypostomus sp. 1 and was higher than the average for other species of Hypostomus and also for fish in general. H. hermanni and Hypostomus sp. 1 were more similar to each other (I= 0.878) whereas H. hermanni and Hypostomus sp. 2 showed the least genetic identity (I= 0.392).  相似文献   

The gene products of 60 protein coding loci in Schilbe intermedius were examined by horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretic analysis, using muscle and liver tissues, revealed polymorphism at 17 (28.3%) of the loci studied. The average heterozygosity (H) was calculated at 0.029 (±0.009) which is less than values obtained for other fish species. These results suggest that measures should be taken to conserve the genetic variation of this species.  相似文献   

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