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大麻哈鱼胚胎耳石微结构及其群体环境标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用人工调控环境方法对黑龙江、绥芬河大麻哈鱼发眼期胚胎群体耳石日轮进行周期性持续标记。实验分4组: 1组为对照组, 2-3组为变温标记组, 4组为“暴气”-变温标记组, 实验用发眼卵1.2万粒。待胚胎发育至耳石日轮结构形成后实施标记。实验胚胎耳石随着标记期间环境周期性变化及其持续的时间, 形成相应变化节律的日轮标记区。获得各实验组设定环境的日轮标记图谱。人工环境标记的耳石日轮图谱, 暗带色度加深, 明带亮度增大, 并可形成生长轮距不同的标记轮, 与对照组耳石微结构有明显区别, 标记率达到100%。初步建立鱼类耳石标记及其识别技术, 适用于大麻哈鱼等鲑鳟鱼类群体标记。作为安全有效、成本低廉的群体标记技术方法, 鱼类耳石日轮标记在鱼类资源评估和增殖放流效果评价中将会得到广泛应用。    相似文献   

大麻哈鱼的年龄与生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对2010和2011年采捕到乌苏里江大麻哈鱼洄游群体571个样本的鳞片观察和基础生物学测定,研究了大麻哈鱼的年龄判定和生长模拟。大麻哈鱼鳞片属于典型圆鳞,有明显的年轮特征,为一年一个周期,年轮特征表现为疏密型。部分鳞片有明显幼轮,幼轮和年轮根据鳞径大小能够区分。采集样本的雌雄组都分为2+,3+,4+三个年龄组,也都以3+龄组数量最多。采用特殊Von Bertalanffy、Logistic、Gompertz和幂指数生长方程分别模拟了大麻哈鱼1—4龄间的生长,通过最大似然法估计各模型的参数。采用残差平方和(Analysis of the residual sum of squares,ARSS)分析得出大麻哈鱼雌雄个体间生长无显著差异(P>0.05),故将雌雄个体放一起进行生长模拟。AIC和BIC检验结果显示特殊VBGF方程为最适生长模型,公式为:Lt=90.04×[1 e 0.3(ti+0.27)]。大麻哈鱼的生长速度随着年龄增长逐年降低,且性成熟年龄小的个体生长速度大于性成熟年龄大的个体。应对大麻哈鱼年龄与生长进行长期监测,为增殖放流等渔业资源管理措施提供基础资料。  相似文献   

鸭绿江香鱼耳石日轮与生长的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
1992年对鸭绿江香鱼耳石日轮与生长进行了研究。人工受精卵胚胎发育后期和前仔鱼期连续剖察表明,受精后约96小时胚体听囊内出现一对矢耳石,孵出后第2天耳石上出现第一个日轮,之后每天形成一轮。在光镜和扫描电镜下测定了幼、成鱼矢耳石的形态、直径、日轮数及其间距变化。耳石短径(v, μm)与鱼体长(x, mm)呈线性关系, 75尾幼、成鱼的关系式为y=3.28x+248.30。以耳石日轮数推算其产卵孵化期与实地调查结果一致。耳石日轮数(D)可用孵化后日数(N)减1表示。日轮间距有规律性变化,与鱼体生长发育和生态条件密切有关。依据日龄和相关体长体重资料进行了香鱼生长特性研究,用生长方程描绘的生长速度曲线和生长拐点(位于283日龄)等均较客观地反映了其生长特点。  相似文献   

鸭绿江香鱼耳石日轮与生产的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解玉浩拉.  RL 《动物学报》1995,41(2):125-133
1992年对鸭绿江香鱼耳石日轮与生长进行了研究。人工受精孵胚胎发育后期和前仔鱼期连续剖察表明,受精后约96小时胚体听囊内出现一对矢耳石,孵出后第2天耳石上出现第一个日轮,之后每天形成一轮。在当镜和扫描电镜下测定了幼、成鱼矢耳石的形态、直径、日轮数及其间距变化。耳石矩径与鱼体长呈线性关系,75尾幼、成鱼的关系式为y=3\28x+248.30  相似文献   

研究了棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)耳石的形态参数、生长特性及其与鱼体生长的关系,选用左矢耳石为研究对象,用直线、对数、多项式、幂函数和指数函数拟合矢耳石各参数的生长关系式,依据耳石日轮鉴定了日龄。结果表明,体长范围为29.8~104.0 mm的棘头梅童鱼矢耳石的长直径随鱼体生长而增大,但短直径与长直径的比值以及长直径方向上的短半径与长半径的比值则基本稳定。矢耳石的长、宽和重之间,以及长半径和短半径之间均呈显著的幂函数相关关系;矢耳石生长与鱼体生长的关系中,矢耳石长、宽、厚、重与长半径和体长、体重之间的关系,除了体长与耳石厚的关系为显著的二次多项式外,全部呈显著的幂函数相关关系。  相似文献   

研究利用软刺裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis malacanthus)确证了耳石生长轮沉积规律,并在此基础上,探究了其生长轮与年轮关系,推算了第一年轮形成时间。研究结果表明:仔鱼微耳石第一轮纹在出膜后第二天形成,在实验条件下,轮纹沉积具有日周期性,生长轮为日轮;成鱼轮纹沉积具有年周期性,生长轮每年增加1轮。基于耳石日轮技术推算养殖和野生软刺裸裂尻鱼第一年轮形成时间分别为2021年1月28日至3月13日(n=40)和2017年3月8日至5月10日(n=75)。养殖和野生样本耳石轮纹数年际间的分析结果发现,软刺裸裂尻鱼耳石轮纹数和耳石年生长宽度随着年龄增加逐渐降低,耳石年生长面积随着年龄增加逐渐增加。这些结果揭示了软刺裸裂尻鱼耳石轮纹沉积规律,有助于增加年龄鉴定的准确性,进而为种群动态研究和渔业管理政策制定等提供参考。  相似文献   

文章研究了在实验室条件下齐口裂腹鱼仔稚鱼耳石早期形态发育与生长特点、第一轮纹出现时间和轮纹沉积规律。结果表明: 在13.5-17.2℃孵化条件下,微耳石和矢耳石在出膜前形成,而星耳石于出膜后第12天出现。在仔稚鱼生长过程中,微耳石由近圆形发育成贻贝形,矢耳石经历近圆形、锲形后发育为箭矢状,星耳石形状由近圆形发育为星芒状。微耳石的前区、背区和腹区及矢耳石的背区和腹区生长呈幂函数关系,而微耳石的后区、矢耳石前区和后区生长以及两对耳石的前后区半径之和与全长均呈线性相关。在(18.50.5)℃和(15.61.1)℃条件下,50%矢耳石样本第一轮纹均在出膜后第 2 天形成(分别为出膜后18h和19h),以后每天形成一轮。微耳石和矢耳石轮纹数均与日龄呈线性相关,方程斜率均与1差异不显著(P0.05),表明两对耳石的轮纹沉积均为日周期性。这些结果为研究齐口裂腹鱼野生种群繁殖期和早期生活史特征等生态学问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

两种无鳞高原鳅年龄鉴定方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曾霖  唐文乔 《动物学杂志》2010,45(1):94-103
分析了采自新疆克孜河174尾长身高原鳅(Triplophysa teunis)和258尾叶尔羌高原鳅(T.yarkandensis)的矢耳石及部分个体的背鳍条(n=11和12)、主鳃盖骨(n=20和25)和脊椎骨(n=38和45)的轮纹标志,探讨了用其鉴定年龄的可行性。结果显示,背鳍条磨片和主鳃盖骨均无明显可辨的年轮标志。小个体长身高原鳅的脊椎骨磨片年轮比较模糊,总的判别能力及鉴定吻合率分别为52.63%和70.00%。叶尔羌高原鳅脊椎骨磨片的年龄判别能力为93.33%,但5龄以下个体存在轮纹的断裂、分支和聚合现象,鉴定吻合率为78.57%。所有矢耳石磨片均有日生长增长、生长阻断和年轮等生长标记,年轮由宽而不透明的暗带和窄而透明的亮带组成。174尾长身高原鳅中有171尾矢耳石磨片能观察到年轮特征,判别能力及鉴定吻合率高达98.28%和94.74%。258尾叶尔羌高原鳅有244尾矢耳石磨片能观察到年轮特征,判别能力及鉴定吻合率也高达94.57%和93.44%。两位鉴定者对同一尾鱼的脊椎骨磨片和矢耳石磨片进行年龄计数,长身高原鳅的总吻合率分别为75.00%和80.00%,叶尔羌高原鳅的总吻合率分别为73.81%和83.33%,两鉴定者间无显著性差异(P0.05)。研究表明,矢耳石是两种无鳞高原鳅类最好的年龄鉴定材料,脊椎骨可作为高龄个体的辅助鉴定材料。  相似文献   

分别检测了人工饲养和野外采集胭脂鱼Myxocyprinus asiaticus耳石微结构特征。根据透明性的差异,可将耳石划分出暗区和亮区两部分,63.16%人工饲养胭脂鱼的耳石具有明显的亮暗区界限,暗区大小为0.17 mm±0.03 mm;14.81%野外采集胭脂鱼的耳石亮暗区界限清晰,大部分亮暗区界限模糊或没有亮暗区差异,暗区大小为0.14 mm±0.06 mm。人工饲养和野外采集胭脂鱼耳石中心核直径分别为13.10μm±1.87μm和11.14μm±1.74μm,原基个数分别为1个和1~2个。人工饲养胭脂鱼耳石标记轮1~3条,生长轮宽度为2.14μm±0.59μm,宽度均匀,波动幅度小;野外采集个体耳石标记轮1~7条,生长轮宽度为2.54μm±1.12μm,波动幅度相对较大。生长轮宽度聚类分析表明,在欧氏距离为2.5处可将94.59%的人工饲养胭脂鱼耳石聚在一起,聚类结果与微结构特征检测结果基本吻合。人工饲养与野外采集胭脂鱼耳石的亮暗区、生长轮宽度、标记轮等微结构特征差异明显,可用于两者的识别。  相似文献   

草鱼仔鱼耳石的自然标记和生长轮的清晰度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将野生和人工繁殖的草鱼仔鱼的耳石取出并置于显微镜下观察微结构特征。结果表明 :草鱼耳石一般有一个圆形或卵圆形的原基和中心核 ,但有 0 4 1%~ 4 6 7%的样本具有双原基或双中心核。343尾野生仔鱼中 ,6 71%的个体在矢耳石和微耳石上具有营养转换标记 ,而 187尾人工繁殖的仔鱼中 ,在矢耳石和微耳石上出现营养转换标记的比例分别是 6 4 17%和 5 0 80 % ;在营养转换标记处 ,矢耳石和微耳石的直径分别为 5 4 12±9 4 9μm和 4 0 4 8± 7 0 2 μm (n =5 0 ) ;133尾野生仔鱼在转入实验室饲养的过程中 ,86 4 7%的个体在耳石上形成了转移标记 ;野生仔鱼生长轮纹清晰的矢耳石 (n =5 2 1)和微耳石 (n =5 2 1)样本的比例分别低于 10 %和2 5 % ,但在人工饲养仔鱼中 ,95 0 0 %个体的矢耳石 (n =186 )和 88 0 0 %个体的微耳石 (n =184 )具有清晰的生长轮纹 ;野生仔鱼经人工饲养后 ,其耳石上在饲养期间沉积的生长轮的清晰度亦明显比在野外生存期间沉积的高 ;对比实验显示饥饿对仔鱼耳石生长轮的清晰度没有明显的影响.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using a probe to the male-specific GH-Y (growth hormone pseudogene) was used to identify the Y chromosome in the karyotypes of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). The sex chromosome pair is a small acrocentric chromosome pair in chum salmon and the smallest metacentric chromosome pair in pink salmon. Both of these chromosome pairs are morphologically different from the sex chromosome pairs in chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). The 5S rRNA genes are on multiple chromosome pairs including the sex chromosome pair in chum salmon, but at the centromeres of two autosomal metacentric pairs in pink salmon. The sex chromosome pairs and the chromosomal locations of the 5S rDNA appear to be different in all five of the North American Pacific salmon species and rainbow trout. The implications of these results for evolution of sex chromosomes in salmonids are discussed.  相似文献   

Sonicated Neoparamoeba spp. (Nspp) did not affect the in vitro respiratory burst response of leucocytes isolated from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha anterior kidneys ( P > 0·05). Atlantic salmon and chinook salmon leucocytes pre-incubated with the parasites, however, responded to phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulation with a greater response compared to cells incubated with PMA on its own ( P < 0·05). Sonicated Nspp was not chemo-attractive for anterior kidney leucocytes isolated from all three fish species.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using a probe to the male-specific GH-Y (growth hormone pseudogene) was used to identify the Y chromosome in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). The sex chromosome pair is morphologically similar to chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) with the GH-Y localized to the small short arm of the largest subtelocentric chromosome pair. FISH experiments with probes containing sex-linked genes in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (SCAR163) and chinook salmon (Omy7INRA) showed that the coho sex linkage group is different from chinook and rainbow trout and this was confirmed by segregation analysis for the Omy7INRA locus. The telomeric location of the SEX locus, the presence of shared male-specific markers in coho and chinook salmon, and the lack of conservation of sex-linkage groups suggest that transposition of a small male-specific region may have occurred repeatedly in salmonid fishes of the genus Oncorhynchus.  相似文献   

Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) are more resistant to experimental infection with the glochidia of the freshwater mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) than are chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Histological sections made at intervals during the infection showed that coho salmon sloughed the parasites from their gills by 4.5 days postinfection, but the parasites remained encysted in the gills of chinook salmon for 12 weeks, when metamorphosis to juvenile mussels was complete. Coho salmon sloughed the parasites by a well-developed hyperplasia. No such pronounced hyperplastic reaction was seen in the gills of chinook salmon.  相似文献   

Myxospores consistent with species of Parvicapsula were observed in kidney of 15 of 95 (15.8%) adult pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, collected from the Quinsam River, British Columbia, Canada. The spores were elongate and curved with unequal valves, and 2 spherical-to-subspherical polar capsules within a highly refractile capsular region. The spores were unlike those of P. minibicornis found in nearby populations of Pacific salmon, Oncorhynchus spp. The spore dimensions were similar to those of Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in Norway, and the spores seemed similar to an undescribed Parvicapsula sp. from several Oncorhynchus spp. in Puget Sound, Washington. A sequence of 1,480 base pairs (bp) of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rDNA) of the parasite from pink salmon was most similar to, but distinct from, that of other Parvicapsula spp. The parasite is described as a new species, Parvicapsula kabatai n. sp. Polymerase chain reactions amplified a 158-bp sequence, unique to P. kabatai n. sp., from 22 of 93 (23.7%) adult pink salmon kidney samples, from 3 of 3 juvenile pink salmon collected in the ocean 125 km north of the Quinsam River, and from 2 of 5 archival coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, samples from Puget Sound. The parasite occurs within the lumen and epithelium of renal tubules and ducts, and within the renal interstitium. Concurrent infections with extrasporogonic stages of the myxosporean CKX, the microsporidian Loma salmonae, and a Myxidium sp. also were observed in the adult pink salmon.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) serum albumin was purified from plasma and its N-terminal sequence determined. Atlantic salmon albumin is the predominant plasma protein, negatively charged, at pH 8.6. Albumin was purified to >95% purity which yielded a single band on SDS-PAGE and agarose gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the purified albumin was approximately 6,5 kDa. The N-terminal sequence of Atlantic chinook salmon albumin was consistent with that predicted from its previously determined cDNA sequence and was identical to that of salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) albumin through the first 15 residues. However, the fact that the actual N-terminus was different from that predicted from cDNA sequence indicates that Atlantic salmon albumin, like chinook salmon albumin, lacks a propeptide.  相似文献   

Four-year summer observations have shown that G. takedai distribution in Salmonidae of Sakhalin is limited by the rivers entering the Aniva Bay. Maximum infection of pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) amounts to 70-100%, that of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) to 9.0-45.6% and was recorded in September. Dynamics and possible ways of infection are discussed.  相似文献   

The relative competitive ability of juvenile farm and wild salmonids was investigated to provide insight into the potential effects of introduction of cultured salmon on wild Pacific salmonid ( Oncorhynchus ) species. Aquarium experiments involving equal contests ( i.e. size matched, simultaneously introduced individuals) indicated that two wild coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch populations were competitively equal to a farm coho salmon population. In equal contests between farm Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Mowi strain) and these wild coho salmon populations or coastal cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki clarki , Atlantic salmon were subordinate in all cases. When Atlantic salmon were given a residence advantage, however, they were competitively equal to both wild coho salmon populations, but remained subordinate to coastal cutthroat trout. When Atlantic salmon were given a 10–30% length advantage, they were competitively equal to one wild coho salmon population but remained subordinate to the other. In equal contests in semi-natural stream channels, both wild coho and farm Atlantic salmon grew significantly more in the presence of the other species than when alone. It appears that coho salmon obtain additional food ration by out competing Atlantic salmon, whereas Atlantic salmon were stimulated to feed more in the presence of coho salmon competitors. These results suggest that wild coho salmon and cutthroat trout should out compete farm Atlantic salmon of a similar size in nature. As the relative competitive ability of Atlantic salmon improves when they have a size and residence advantage, should feral populations become established, they may exist on a more equal competitive footing owing to the long freshwater residence of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

1. Insulins have been isolated from islet tissue of pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon. The primary structure of chum and pink salmon insulins was found to be identical. Compared to the amino acid sequence of human insulin, the salmon insulins under study differed at 14 positions. 2. Biological activity of pink salmon insulin was 83% of that of standard porcine insulin. 3. The immunological properties of fish insulins were investigated in specific radioimmunoassay (RIA) systems, based on porcine and pink salmon insulins. 4. A significant difference in the antigenic determinants of these fish and mammalian hormones was revealed.  相似文献   

The spectral sensitivity of chum Oncorhynchus keta , pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and masu Oncorhynchus masou masou salmon was measured by the optomotor reaction index in monochromatic light of 400, 440, 480, 520, 560, 600 and 620 nm using an interference filter. The reaction rate of chum salmon was highest at 520 nm but the rates of pink and masu salmon were highest at 560 nm. In addition, a high reaction rate at 400 nm was also observed in masu salmon, suggesting that masu salmon are sensitive to ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

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