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Localisation of light chain and actin binding sites on myosin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A gel overlay technique has been used to identify a region of the myosin S-1 heavy chain that binds myosin light chains (regulatory and essential) and actin. The 125I-labelled myosin light chains and actin bound to intact vertebrate skeletal or smooth muscle myosin, S-1 prepared from these myosins and the C-terminal tryptic fragments from them (i.e. the 20-kDa or 24-kDa fragments of skeletal muscle myosin chymotryptic or Mg2+/papain S-1 respectively). MgATP abolished actin binding to myosin and to S-1 but had no effect on binding to the C-terminal tryptic fragments of S-1. The light chains and actin appeared to bind to specific and distinct regions on the S-1 heavy chain, as there was no marked competition in gel overlay experiments in the presence of 50-100 molar excess of unlabelled competing protein. The skeletal muscle C-terminal 24-kDa fragment was isolated from a tryptic digest of Mg2+/papain S-1 by CM-cellulose chromatography, in the presence of 8 M urea. This fragment was characterised by retention of the specific label (1,5-I-AEDANS) on the SH1 thiol residue, by its amino acid composition, and by N-terminal and C-terminal sequence analyses. Electron microscopical examination of this S-1 C-terminal fragment revealed that: it had a strong tendency to form aggregates with itself, appearing as small 'segment-like' structures that formed larger aggregates, and it bound actin, apparently bundling and severing actin filaments. Further digestion of this 24-kDa fragment with Staphylococcus aureus V-8 protease produced a 10-12-kDa peptide, which retained the ability to bind light chains and actin in gel overlay experiments. This 10-12-kDa peptide was derived from the region between the SH1 thiol residue and the C-terminus of S-1. It was further shown that the C-terminal portion, but not the N-terminal portion, of the DTNB regulatory light chain bound this heavy chain region. Although at present nothing can be said about the three-dimensional arrangement of the binding sites for the two kinds of light chain (regulatory and essential) and actin in S-1, it appears that these sites are all located within a length of the S-1 heavy chain of about 100 amino acid residues.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1897-1902
In smooth muscles there is no organized sarcomere structure wherein the relative movement of myosin filaments and actin filaments has been documented during contraction. Using the recently developed in vitro assay for myosin-coated bead movement (Sheetz, M.P., and J.A. Spudich, 1983, Nature (Lond.)., 303:31-35), we were able to quantitate the rate of movement of both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated smooth muscle myosin on ordered actin filaments derived from the giant alga, Nitella. We found that movement of turkey gizzard smooth muscle myosin on actin filaments depended upon the phosphorylation of the 20-kD myosin light chains. About 95% of the beads coated with phosphorylated myosin moved at velocities between 0.15 and 0.4 micron/s, depending upon the preparation. With unphosphorylated myosin, only 3% of the beads moved and then at a velocity of only approximately 0.01-0.04 micron/s. The effects of phosphorylation were fully reversible after dephosphorylation with a phosphatase prepared from smooth muscle. Analysis of the velocity of movement as a function of phosphorylation level indicated that phosphorylation of both heads of a myosin molecule was required for movement and that unphosphorylated myosin appears to decrease the rate of movement of phosphorylated myosin. Mixing of phosphorylated smooth muscle myosin with skeletal muscle myosin which moves at 2 microns/s resulted in a decreased rate of bead movement, suggesting that the more slowly cycling smooth muscle myosin is primarily determining the velocity of movement in such mixtures.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of subfragment-1 prepared by chymotrypsin treatment had a molecular weight of about 96K. The heavy chain was split into 26 K, 50 K, and 21 K fragments by trypsin. When the trypsin-treated subfragment-1 was cross-linked with dimethyl suberimidate, cross-linked products of 26 K, 50 K, and 21 K fragments and of 50 K and 21 K fragments appeared, but there was little cross-linked product of 26 K and 50 K fragments or of 26 K and 21 K fragments. When the cross-linking experiments were carried out in the presence of actin, a new band appeared and the amount of cross-linked product of 26 K, 50 K, and 21 K fragments decreased by about 50%. The molecular weight of the new band was lower than that of the cross-linked product of 26 K, 50 K, and 21 K fragments, and higher than that of the dimer of actin. Based on this and some other results, we suggest that this band represented a cross-linked product of actin and the 50 K fragment. We also suggest that the decrease in the amount of cross-linked product of 26 K, 50 K, and 21 K fragments reflected the conformational change in subfragment-1 due to the binding of actin.  相似文献   

Rates of proteolytic cleavage of myosin subfragment 1 were measured in the absence and presence of different amounts of actin. The rates of tryptic digestion at the 50K/20K junction and papain digestion at the 25K/50K junction of the myosin head were progressively inhibited with increasing substoichiometric molar ratios of actin to myosin subfragment 1. The percentage inhibitions of digestion reactions corresponded precisely to the molar compositions of actin-subfragment 1 solutions and demonstrated that equimolar complexes of these proteins were responsible for the observed changes in the proteolysis of myosin heads.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain of myosin II by myosinlight chain kinase is important for regulating many contractile processes.Smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase has been shown to be associated withboth actin and myosin filaments in vitro and in vivo. In this report wedefine an actin binding region by using molecular deletions to generaterecombinant mutant proteins that were analyzed by co-sedimentation withF-actin. An actin binding region restricted to residues 2-42 in the animoterminus of the rabbit smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase wasidentified.  相似文献   

We prepared a new type of skeletal myosin subfragment 1 (S1-MLC1F) containing both, the essential and the regulatory light chains, intact, by exchanging the essential light chains of papain S1 with bacterially expressed longer isoform (MLC1F) of this light chain. We then compared the enzymatic and structural properties of chymotryptic S1, papain S1, and S1-MLC1F in the presence and in the absence of Ca(2+) ions bound to the regulatory light chain. In the presence of Ca(2+), subfragment 1 containing both intact light chains exhibited lower V(max) and lower K(m) for actin activation of S1 ATPase. When S1-MLC1F was cross-linked to actin via the N-terminus of the essential light chain, the yield was much higher when Ca(2+) ions saturated the regulatory light chain. Limited proteolysis of the essential light chain in S1-MLC1F was significantly inhibited in the presence of calcium as compared to chymotryptic S1. We conclude that the effect of binding of Ca(2+) to the regulatory light chain is transmitted to the N-terminal extension of the longer isoform of the essential light chain. The resulting structure of the N-terminus is less susceptible to proteolytic digestion, binds tighter to actin, and has an inhibitory effect on actin-activated myosin ATPase. This new conformation of the N-terminus may be responsible for calcium induced myosin-linked modulation of striated muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The effects of selected nucleotides (N) on the binding of myosin subfragment 1 (S-1) and pure F-actin (A) were measured by time-resolved fluorescence depolarization for 0.15 M KCl, pH 7.0 at 4 degrees. The association constants K'A, KN, and K'N in the scheme (see article), were determined for the magnesium salts of ADP, adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate AMP-P(NH)P, and PPi. The nucleotide binding site on S-1 was "mapped" with respect to its interaction on the actin binding site. The subsites were the beta- and gamma-phosphoryl groups of ATP bind had the largest effects. A quantitative measure of the interaction, the interaction free energy, was defined as -RT ln (KA/K'A). For ADP, K'A was 2.7 X 10(5) M-1 and the interaction free energy was -4.67 kJ M-1. For AMP-P(NH)P and PPi it was much larger. A ternary complex was shown to exist for ADP, S-1, and actin in the presence of Mg2+ and evidence from AMP-P(NH)P and PPi measurements indicated that ATP also likely forms a ternary complex. The mechanism of (S-1)-actin dissociation is discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

The direct binding of S1(A1) and S1(A2) to regulated actin has been investigated by centrifugation. Binding was measured in the presence of either Mg·AdoPP[NH]P or Mg·ADP at 24°C at various ionic strengths. At low ionic strength, in either the presence or absence of Ca2+, the binding of S1(A1) to regulated actin was always stronger than for S1(A2). As the ionic strength was increased the differential binding between S1(A1) and S1(A2) was still maintained in the presence of Ca2+ but not in its absence. These data are discussed in terms of a modifying role for the N-terminal region of the A1 light chain in regulation of the contractile process.  相似文献   

The role of the N-terminal region of myosin light chain 1 (LC1) in actomyosin interaction was investigated using an IgG monoclonal antibody (2H2) directed against the N-terminal region of LC1. We defined the binding site of 2H2 by examining its cross-reactivity with myosin light chains from a variety of species and with synthetic oligopeptides. Our findings suggest that 2H2 is directed against the N-terminal region of LC1 which includes the trimethylated alanine residue at the N-terminus. In the presence of 2H2, the rate of actomyosin superprecipitation was reduced, although the extent was not. 2H2 caused a reduction in the Vmax of both myosin and chymotryptic S1(A1) actin-activated ATPase activity, while the Km appeared to be unaltered. The Mg(2+)-ATPase activity of myosin alone was also unaffected. Binding studies revealed that 2H2 did not prevent the formation of acto-S1 complex, either in the presence or in the absence of ATP, nor did it affect the ability of ATP to dissociate S1 from F-actin. Our findings suggest that the N-terminal region of LC1 is not essential for actin binding but is involved in modulating actin-activated ATPase activity of myosin.  相似文献   

To examine the spatial relationship between SH1 thiol and actin binding site on subfragment-1 surface, we studied the interaction with actin of subfragment-1 whose SH1 was labeled with an iodoacetate derivative of biotin and covered with avidin. Subfragment-1--avidin complex bound F-actin and its Mg2+ ATPase activity was activated by actin. Considering the size and the location of biotin binding site on avidin, our results suggest that SH1 is separated from the actin binding site on subfragment-1 surface by at least 17-20 A.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the 20-kDa regulatory light chain of myosin catalyzed by a Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent myosin light chain kinase is important in the initiation of smooth muscle contraction and other contractile processes in non-muscle cells. It has been previously shown that residues 1-142 of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase are necessary for high-affinity binding to actin-containing filaments in cells (1). To further localize the region of the kinase required for binding, a series of N-terminal deletion mutants as well as several N-terminal glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins were constructed. Cosedimentation assays showed that a peptide containing residues 1-75 binds to purified smooth muscle myofilaments. Furthermore, the N-terminal peptide was sufficient for high-affinity binding to actin stress fibers in smooth muscle cells in vivo. Alanine scanning mutagenesis in the fusion protein identified residues Asp-30, Phe-31, Arg-32, and Leu-35 as important for binding in vitro. There are two additional DFRXXL motifs located at residues 2-7 and 58-63. The DFR residues in these three motifs were individually replaced by alanine residues in the full-length kinase. Each of these mutations significantly decreased myosin light chain kinase binding to myofilaments in vitro, and each abolished high-affinity binding to actin-containing filaments in smooth muscle cells in vivo. These results identify a unique structural motif comprised of three repeat consensus sequences in the N terminus of myosin light chain kinase necessary for high-affinity binding to actin-containing filaments.  相似文献   

Three N-terminal double mutants of beta-actin expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been characterized with respect to DNase-I interaction, N-terminal post-translational modification, polymerizability and myosin subfragment-1 binding. The results strongly support earlier suggestions that the acidic residues at the N-terminus of actin are part of the myosin-binding site, while they seem to be of no importance for the other aspects of actin biochemistry tested. The suitability of this expression system for production of recombinant actin in general is discussed.  相似文献   

Role of the myosin light chains in binding to actin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

E Prochniewicz  D D Thomas 《Biochemistry》2001,40(46):13933-13940
We have examined the effects of actin mutations on myosin binding, detected by cosedimentation, and actin structural dynamics, detected by spectroscopic probes. Specific mutations were chosen that have been shown to affect the functional interactions of actin and myosin, two mutations (4Ac and E99A/E100A) in the proposed region of weak binding to myosin and one mutation (I341A) in the proposed region of strong binding. In the absence of nucleotide and salt, S1 bound to both wild-type and mutant actins with high affinity (K(d) < microM), but either ADP or increased ionic strength decreased this affinity. This decrease was more pronounced for actins with mutations that inhibit functional interaction with myosin (E99A/E100A and I341A) than for a mutation that enhances the interaction (4Ac). The mutations E99A/E100A and I341A affected the microsecond time scale dynamics of actin in the absence of myosin, but the 4Ac mutation did not have any effect. The binding of myosin eliminated these effects of mutations on structural dynamics; i.e., the spectroscopic signals from mutant actins bound to S1 were the same as those from wild-type actin. These results indicate that mutations in the myosin binding sites affect structural transitions within actin that control strong myosin binding, without affecting the structural dynamics of the strongly bound actomyosin complex.  相似文献   

In order to compare the ability of different isoforms of myosin essential light chain to interact with actin, the effect of the latter protein on the proteolytic susceptibility of myosin light chains (MLC-1S and MLC-1V - slow specific and same as ventricular isoform) from slow skeletal muscle was examined. Actin protects both slow muscle essential light chain isoforms from papain digestion, similarly as observed for fast skeletal muscle myosin (Nieznanska et al., 1998, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1383: 71). The effect of actin decreases as ionic strength rises above physiological values for both fast and slow skeletal myosin, confirming the ionic character of the actin-essential light chain interaction. To better understand the role of this interaction, we examined the effect of synthetic peptides spanning the 10-amino-acid N-terminal sequences of myosin light chain 1 from fast skeletal muscle (MLC-1F) (MLCFpep: KKDVKKPAAA), MLC-1S (MLCSpep: KKDVPVKKPA) and MLC-1V (MLCVpep: KPEPKKDDAK) on the myofibrillar ATPase of fast and slow skeletal muscle. In the presence of MLCFpep, we observed an about 19% increase, and in the presence of MLCSpep about 36% increase, in the myofibrillar ATPase activity of fast muscle. On the other hand, in myofibrillar preparations from slow skeletal muscle, MLCSpep as well as MLCVpep caused a lowering of the ATPase activity by about 36%. The above results suggest that MLCSpep induces opposite effects on ATPase activity, depending on the type of myofibrils, but not through its specific N-terminal sequence - which differs from other MLC N-terminal peptides. Our observations lead to the conclusion that the action of different isoforms of long essential light chain is similar in slow and fast skeletal muscle. However the interaction of essential light chains with actin leads to different physiological effects probably depending on the isoforms of other myofibrillar proteins.  相似文献   

P Chaussepied 《Biochemistry》1989,28(23):9123-9128
Using a complementary sequence or antipeptide to selectively neutralize the stretch of residues 633-642 of skeletal myosin heavy chain, we recently demonstrated that this segment is an actin binding site operating in the absence as in the presence of nucleotide and that this stretch 633-642 is not part of the nucleotide binding site [Chaussepied & Morales (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 7471-7475]. In the present study, we determined that the covalent cross-linking of the antipeptide to the stretch 633-642 [induced by 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]carbodiimide] does not alter the overall polypeptide conformation since no changes were observed on the far-ultraviolet CD spectra and thiol reactivity measurements. The presence of the antipeptide did not influence significantly the enhancement of tryptophan fluorescence induced by ATP.Mg2+ or ADP.Mg2+ binding to the myosin head (S1) nor did it on the ATP.Mg2+-induced tryptic proteolysis of S1 heavy chain. Moreover, fluorescence quenching studies, using acrylamide and the analogue, 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-triphosphate, indicated that the nucleotide bound to antipeptide-S1 complex has an accessibility to the solute quencher close to that observed when it is bound to native S1. Additionally, neutralization of the stretch 633-642 of the S1 heavy chain by the antipeptide did not influence the stabilization of the Mg2+.ADP.sodium vanadate-S1 complex. On the other hand, experiments using antipeptide-induced protection against the cleavage of the S1 heavy chain by Arg-C protease demonstrated that the presence of Mg2+.ADP.sodium vanadate in the S1 nucleotide site did not affect the interaction of the antipeptide with the stretch of residues 633-642.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The heavy chain of myosin subfragment-1 prepared by chymotrypsin treatment had a molecular weight of about 96 K. It was split into 26 K, 50K, and 21 K fragments on trypsin treatment. The effect of actin binding on the susceptibilities of the junctions between 26 K and 50 K and between 50 K and 21 K, and on that of alkali light chain 1 to trypsin was studied. The addition of actin increased the viscosity of the solution, and the apparent activity of trypsin decreased. We estimated this decrease as 35% by measuring the degradation of gamma-globin heavy chain, which is known not to interact with actin and subfragment-1 but is known to be susceptible to trypsin, in actin-subfragment-1 solution. Taking this value into consideration, we concluded that the 26 K-50 K junction became 5 times more and the 50 K-21 K junction became 3 times less susceptible to tryptic attack upon the binding of actin. We also observed that alkali light chain 1 became resistant to trypsin upon the binding of actin to subfragment-1. The relation between this conformational change in subfragment-1 and the cyclic interaction of subfragment-1 with actin and ATP is discussed.  相似文献   

Chymotryptic subfragment 1 (S-1) prepared from rabbit skeletal myosin has lost its ATPase activity upon incubation at 35 degrees C for 3 h. The loss in ATPase activity was accompanied by the perturbation of the structure of the 50K domain as indicated by a dramatic increase in the tryptic susceptibility of this domain without any change in the susceptibility of the other domains of S-1. The perturbation starts at the C-terminal region of the domain as suggested by the appearance of a 29K intermediate protein band in the tryptic peptide pattern of the heat-treated S-1. The heat-treated molecule essentially retained its actin and polyphosphate binding ability, and the actin binding was still sensitive to the presence of ATP or pyrophosphate. However, as opposed to native S-1, in heat-treated S-1 the addition of ATP does not induce an increase in tryptophan fluorescence, and, in the case of the treated species, the fluorescence of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-diphosphate added to the mixture is quenchable by acrylamide. This latter observation suggests that the binding of the adenine ring of the nucleotide has been altered following the heat treatment. The results indicate that the actin and polyphosphate binding sites of S-1 are distinct and that they are relatively independent of the adenine ring binding site.  相似文献   

Control of AMP deaminase 1binding to myosin heavy chain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
AMP deaminase (AMPD) plays a central role in preserving theadenylate energy charge in myocytes following exercise and in producingintermediates for the citric acid cycle in muscle. Prior studies havedemonstrated that AMPD1 binds to myosin heavy chain (MHC)in vitro; binding to the myofibril varies with the state of musclecontraction in vivo, and binding of AMPD1 to MHC is required foractivation of this enzyme in myocytes. The present study has identifiedthree domains in AMPD1 that influence binding of this enzyme to MHCusing a cotransfection model that permits assessment of mutationsintroduced into the AMPD1 peptide. One domain that encompasses residues178-333 of this 727-amino acid peptide is essential for binding ofAMPD1 to MHC. This region of AMPD1 shares sequence similarity withseveral regions of titin, another MHC binding protein. Two additionaldomains regulate binding of this peptide to MHC in response tointracellular and extracellular signals. A nucleotide binding site,which is located at residues 660-674, controls binding of AMPD1 toMHC in response to changes in intracellular ATP concentration. Deletionanalyses demonstrate that the amino-terminal 65 residues of AMPD1 playa critical role in modulating the sensitivity to ATP-induced inhibitionof MHC binding. Alternative splicing of the AMPD1 gene product, which alters the sequence of residues 8-12, produces two AMPD1 isoforms that exhibit different MHC binding properties in the presence of ATP.These findings are discussed in the context of the various rolesproposed for AMPD in energy production in the myocyte.


Heat treatment of myosin subfragment 1 at 35 degrees C caused about 95% inactivation of the catalytic function but did not block its binding to actin. Heat-treated subfragment 1 showed specific, strong, and close to stoichiometric binding to actin. MgATP but not MgADP dissociated these complexes. However, in contrast to intact subfragment 1, the heat-treated protein did not polymerize G-actin and was not protected from trypsin by the binding to actin. Tryptic degradation of the 50K fragment abolished, or reduced greatly, the binding of heat-treated subfragment 1 to actin in solution but not on nitrocellulose overlays. These results are discussed in the context of subfragment 1 substructure.  相似文献   

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