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 Insect molting and metamorphosis are orchestrated by ecdysteroids with juvenile hormone (JH) preventing the actions of ecdysteroids necessary for metamorphosis. During the molt and metamorphosis of the dorsal abdominal epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the isoforms involved in the ecdysone receptor (EcR)/Ultraspiracle (USP) complex change with the most dramatic switch being the loss of USP-1 and the appearance of USP-2 during the larval and pupal molts. We show here that this switch in USP isoforms is mediated by high 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and that the presence of JH is necessary for the down-regulation of USP-1 mRNA. The decrease of USP-1 mRNA in day 2 fourth instar larval epidermis in vitro required exposure to a high concentration (10–5 M) of 20E equivalent to the peak ecdysteroid concentration in vivo, whereas the increase of USP-2 mRNA occurred at lower concentrations (effective concentrations, EC50=6.3×10–7 M). During the pupal molt of allatectomized larvae which lack JH, USP-2 mRNA increased normally with the increasing ecdysteroid titer, whereas USP-1 mRNA remained high until pupation. When day 2 fifth instar larval epidermis was exposed to 500 ng/ml 20E in the absence of JH to cause pupal commitment of the cells by 24 h, USP-1 RNA remained at its high preculture level for 12 h, then increased two- to threefold by 24 h. The increase was prevented by the presence of 1 μg/ml JH I which also prevents the pupal commitment of the cells. By contrast, USP-2 mRNA increased steadily with the same EC50 as in fourth stage epidermis, irrespective of the presence or absence of JH. Under the same conditions, mRNAs for both EcR-B1 and EcR-A isoforms were up-regulated by 20E, each in its own time-dependent manner, similar to that seen in vivo. These initial mRNA increases were unaffected by the presence of JH I, but those seen after 12 h exposure to 20E were prevented by JH, indicating a difference in response between larvally and pupally committed cells. The presence of JH which maintained larval commitment of the cells also prolonged the half-life of the EcR proteins in these cells. These results indicate that both EcR and USP RNAs are regulated by 20E and can be modulated by JH in a complex manner with only that of USP-2 apparently unaffected. Received: 16 July 1998 / Accepted: 5 August 1998  相似文献   

Summary In the tobacco hornworm,Manduca sexta, the epidermis which underlies the larval crochets is the first tissue to become independent of the prothoracic glands (PG) in a larval molt. In each successive larval molt, crochet forming cells increase in size, form hooks at their distal ends and, finally, secrete cuticle. This paper examines the endocrine requirements for competence to molt and describes parallel cultures in vivo and in vitro to define the hormonal control of crochet molting. When implanted into a fourth instar host larva prior to initiation of the last larval molt, competent crochet epidermis molted, forming crochets synchronously with its host. In the fourth instar, competence to form crochets is attained slowly during the first two days following ecdysis from the third instar. During the feeding phase of the fifth (last) instar, the crochet epidermis remains competent to molt (to form an extra sixth instar set of crochets) until the larva attains a weight of about 4.5 gm. Then, concurrent with the decline in the titer of juvenile hormone (JH) in the hemolymph, competence to form crochets declines. A similar loss of competence did not occur when fourth instar crochet epidermis was exposed to a declining JH titer by culture in either fourth instar isolated abdomens for 72 h or in fifth instar host larvae between 4 and 7 gm. Responses of crochet epidermis cultured in vitro also were examined. Competent fourth instar crochet epidermis formed crochets following 3–6 h exposure to ecdysone in vitro. Six ×10–7M -ecdysone was required for 50% response, whereas a 10–50-fold higher concentration of -ecdysone was necessary. Although formation of morphologically complete crochets in vitro proceeded with similar time course to that in situ, no molt-induced growth occurred in vitro. When crochet epidermis was exposed to ecdysone in vitro immediately after explantation, exogenous JH was not required for molting. But when tissue was first cultured for 72 h without hormones, subsequent molting in vitro could not be elicited, although molting still could occur when the tissue subsequently was implanted into a fourth instar host. Exposure to corpora allata or to JH during the 72 h of culture in vivo partially prevented the loss in capacity to respond to ecdysone in vitro, suggesting that JH may be one factor involved directly or indirectly in maintenance of tissue responsiveness.Preliminary presentation of some of this work given at the December, 1973 Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists (Fain and Riddiford, 1973)  相似文献   

Summary At the culmination of each molt, the larval tobacco hornworm exhibits a pre-ecdysis behavior prior to shedding its old cuticle at ecdysis. Both pre-ecdysis and ecdysis behaviors are triggered by the peptide, eclosion hormone (EH). Pre-ecdysis behavior consists of rhythmic abdominal compressions that loosen the old larval cuticle. This behavior is robust at larval molts, but at the larval-pupal molt the only comparable behavior consists of rhythmic dorso-ventral flexions of the anterior body. These flexions appear to be an attenuated version of the larval pre-ecdysis behavior because (1) they show the same EH dependence, and (2) the motor patterns recorded from EH treated, deafferented larval and pupal preparations are similar except that the pupal pattern is much weaker. Both patterns are characterized by rhythmic, synaptically-driven bursts of action potentials in motoneurons MN-2 and MN-3, which occur synchronously in all segments. However, the synaptic drive to the motoneurons and their resultant levels of activity are reduced during the pupal pre-ecdysis motor pattern, especially in posterior abdominal segments. Although the dendritic arbors of both motoneurons regress somewhat during the larval-pupal transformation, this does not appear to be the primary source of diminished synaptic drive because regression is greatest in the segments in which synaptic inputs remain the strongest. The developmental weakening of the pre-ecdysis motor pattern thus may be due to changes at the interneuronal level.Abbreviations A2, A3... abdominal segments 2, 3, etc. - ALE anterior lateral external muscle - day L3 third day of the 5th larval instar - day P0 the day of pupal ecdysis - DN a anterior branch of the dorsal nerve - EH eclosion hormone - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - TP tergopleural muscle  相似文献   

 During the final two larval instars, a changing pattern of three Ultraspiracle (Usp) proteins (50.5, 52.5, and 57 kDa) was detected in immunoblots of the dorsal abdominal epidermis of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, by a monoclonal antibody against Drosophila Usp that was shown to detect MsUsp. The 57- and 52.5-kDa bands were present during the intermolt periods and the 50.5- and 52.5-kDa bands during the molting phases. The antibody detected a nuclear antigen present in epidermis, muscle, fat body, and the central nervous system from the time of hatching. In the epidermis Usp was present in all cell nuclei but was especially prominent in the tormogen and trichogen cells immediately after ecdysis in both the penultimate and final instars. This latter immunoreactivity disappeared within 12 h whereas the remainder of the epidermis retained high levels throughout the feeding period. During the molt immunostaining reappeared in the hair cell nuclei. During the wandering stage at the onset of metamorphosis and just before pupal ecdysis, immunoblots showed high levels of Usp, but nuclei showed little or no staining. This discrepancy is likely due to the loss of one Usp isoform from the nucleus and its dispersal in the cytoplasm in preparation for the appearance of the second isoform. Received: 10 June 1997 / Accepted: 22 August 1997  相似文献   

The tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, undergoes several larval molts before transforming into a pupa and then an adult moth. Each molt culminates in ecdysis, when the old cuticle is shed. Prior to each larval ecdysis, the old cuticle is loosened by pre-ecdysis behavior, which consists of rhythmic compressions that are synchronous along the abdomen and on both body sides, and rhythmic retractions of the abdominal prolegs. Both pre-ecdysis and ecdysis behaviors are triggered by a peptide, eclosion hormone. The aim of the present study was to investigate the neural circuitry underlying larval preecdysis behavior. The pre-ecdysis motor pattern was recorded in isolated nerve cords from eclosion hormone-treated larvae, and the effects of connective transections and ionic manipulations were tested. Our results suggest that the larval pre-ecdysis compression motor pattern is coordinated and maintained by interneurons in the terminal abdominal ganglion that ascend the nerve cord without chemical synaptic relays; these interneurons make bilateral, probably monosynaptic, excitatory connections with identified pre-ecdysis motor neurons throughout the abdominal nerve cord. This model of the organization of the larval pre-ecdysis motor pattern should facilitate identification of the relevant interneurons, allowing future investigation of the neural basis of the developmental weakening of the pre-ecdysis motor pattern that accompanies the larval-pupal transformation.Abbreviations A3, A4... abdominal ganglia 3, 4... - AT terminal abdominal ganglion - ALE anterior lateral external muscle - DN dorsal nerve - DNA anterior branch of the dorsal nerve - DNL lateral branch of the dorsal nerve - DNP posterior branch of the dorsal nerve - EH eclosion hormone - TP tergopleural muscle - VN ventral nerve - VNA anterior branch of the ventral nerve - VNL lateral branch of the ventral nerve - VNP posterior branch of the ventral nerve  相似文献   

The tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, like many holometabolous insects, makes two versions of its thoracic legs. The simple legs of the larva are formed during embryogenesis, but then are transformed into the more complex adult legs at metamorphosis. To elucidate the molecular patterning mechanism underlying this biphasic development, we examined the expression patterns of five genes known to be involved in patterning the proximal-distal axis in insect legs. In the developing larval leg of Manduca, the early patterning genes Distal-less and Extradenticle are already expressed in patterns comparable to the adult legs of other insects. In contrast, Bric-a-brac and dachshund are expressed in patterns similar to transient patterns observed during early stages of leg development in Drosophila. During metamorphosis of the leg, the two genes finally develop mature expression patterns. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the larval leg morphology is produced by a transient arrest in the conserved adult leg patterning process in insects. In addition, we find that, during the adult leg development, some cells in the leg express the patterning genes de novo suggesting that the remodeling of the leg involves changes in the patterning gene regulation.  相似文献   

Insect hemocytes play a major role in developmental processes where they disassociate and rebuild metamorphosing tissues while undergoing physiological changes themselves. We identified hemocyte changes from the last larval to the beginning of the pupal stage of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. Larval and pupal hemocytes behaved differently in a 40% Percoll density gradient. Larval granular cells were found in almost all density layers, pupal granular cells were abundant in high density layers; larval plasmatocytes occurred in dense layers, pupal plasmatocytes became enriched in less dense layers of the gradient. Using a panel of monoclonal antibodies generated against purified hemocytes, several different antibody binding patterns were identified. Quantitative differences in staining intensities were observed more often than qualitative changes, e.g. a loss or a gain of staining. Both phenomena were related to both plasmatocytes and granular cells. The distribution of the corresponding antigens in tissues was tested on cross sections of larvae and pupae as well as in Western blot analyses using organ homogenates. Several antibodies were specific for hemocytes only, among which two antibodies bound to molecules of the hematopoietic organ. Other antibodies had an additional reactivity to other tissues, mainly to the basal lamina.  相似文献   

The eye imaginal disc of Manduca sexta is created early in the final larval instar from the adult eye primordium, which is composed of fully differentiated cells of the larval head capsule epidermis. Concomitant with the down-regulation of the larval epidermal program, expression of broad, a marker of pupal commitment, is activated in the primordium. The cells then detach from the cuticle, fold inward, and begin to proliferate at high levels to produce the inverted, eye imaginal disc. These and other events that begin on the first day of the final larval instar appear to mark the initiation of metamorphosis. Little is known about the endocrine control of the initiation of metamorphosis in any insect. The hemolymph titer of juvenile hormone (JH) declines to low levels during this period and the presence of JH is sufficient to repress development in cultured eye primordia. However, maintenance of JH at high levels in vivo by treatment with long-lasting JH mimics has no apparent effect on early steps in eye imaginal disc development. We discuss our findings in the context of the endocrine control of metamorphosis. The initiation of metamorphosis in Manduca, and perhaps a wide range of insect species, appears to involve the overcoming of JH repression by an unidentified, nutrient-dependent, hormonal factor.  相似文献   

With the exception of the wing imaginal discs, the imaginal discs of Manduca sexta are not formed until early in the final larval instar. An early step in the development of these late-forming imaginal discs from the imaginal primordia appears to be an irreversible commitment to form pupal cuticle at the next molt. Similar to pupal commitment in other tissues at later stages, activation of broad expression is correlated with pupal commitment in the adult eye primordia. Feeding is required during the final larval instar for activation of broad expression in the eye primordia, and dietary sugar is the specific nutritional cue required. Dietary protein is also necessary during this time to initiate the proliferative program and growth of the eye imaginal disc. Although the hemolymph titer of juvenile hormone normally decreases to low levels early in the final larval instar, eye disc development begins even if the juvenile hormone titer is artificially maintained at high levels. Instead, creation of the late-forming imaginal discs in Manduca appears to be controlled by unidentified endocrine factors whose activation is regulated by the nutritional state of the animal.  相似文献   

The effects of juvenile hormone (JH) and 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) on the developmental expression of the two insecticyanin genes, ins-a and ins-b, were investigated with two gene-specific probes. Removal of the corpora allata (-CA, source of JH) clearly delayed and down-regulated the epidermal expression of these genes but enhanced their expression in the fat body during the early development of the fifth instar. Application of JH I to the -CA larvae at the time of head capsule slippage completely restored the normal epidermal expression pattern of the two genes in the early fifth instar, then INS-a mRNA declined prematurely whereas INS-b mRNA remained similar to that in the intact larvae. By contrast, in the fat body of -CA larvae, the exogenous JH had little effect on the levels of INS-a mRNA, but enhanced expression of INS-b mRNA relative to intact larvae. Culture of epidermis from day 1 fifth instar larvae with 40 ng/ml 20E for up to 24 h accelerated the loss of INS-a mRNA without affecting the levels of INS-b mRNA. Both mRNAs declined in isolated larval abdomens over a 24 h period, and this decline was slowed by 1 g methoprene (a JH analog). Together these results indicate that JH controls the levels of the two mRNAs in both the epidermis and fat body, with additional factors involved in regulating these genes in the fat body during the molt and in the epidermis during the growth phase.  相似文献   

Trehalose is the main haemolymph sugar in most insects including the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, and is potentially a prime target for an invading pathogenic fungus. There was considerably more trehalose-hydrolysing activity in the haemolymph of caterpillars infected with Metarhizium anisopliae than in controls. This appeared to be due primarily to additional isoforms; one of which could also hydrolyse maltose and was designated an alpha-glucosidase. A comparable isoform was identified in in vitro culture of the fungus, supporting a fungal origin for the in vivo enzyme. The in vitro fungal enzyme, alpha-glucosidase-1 (alpha-gluc-1), was purified to homogeneity and partially characterised. A study with the trehalase inhibitor trehazolin and C14 trehalose suggested that extracellular hydrolysis is important for fungal mobilisation of trehalose. Haemolymph glucose increases significantly during mycosis of tobacco hornworm larvae by M. anisopliae, consistent with the hydrolysis of trehalose by extracellular fungal enzymes. The implications for the host insect are discussed.  相似文献   

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