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Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is one of the most important diseases of oilseed and vegetable crucifiers worldwide. The present study describes (1) the construction of a genetic linkage map, comprising 255 markers, based upon simple sequence repeats (SSR), sequence-related amplified polymorphism, sequence tagged sites, and EST-SSRs and (2) the localization of qualitative (race-specific) and quantitative (race non-specific) trait loci controlling blackleg resistance in a doubled-haploid population derived from the Australian canola (Brassica napus L.) cultivars Skipton and Ag-Spectrum using the whole-genome average interval mapping approach. Marker regression analyses revealed that at least 14 genomic regions with LOD ≥ 2.0 were associated with qualitative and quantitative blackleg resistance, explaining 4.6-88.9 % of genotypic variation. A major qualitative locus, designated RlmSkipton (Rlm4), was mapped on chromosome A7, within 0.8 cM of the SSR marker Xbrms075. Alignment of the molecular markers underlying this QTL region with the genome sequence data of B. rapa L. suggests that RlmSkipton is located approximately 80 kb from the Xbrms075 locus. Molecular marker-RlmSkipton linkage was further validated in an F(2) population from Skipton/Ag-Spectrum. Our results show that SSR markers linked to consistent genomic regions are suitable for enrichment of favourable alleles for blackleg resistance in canola breeding programs.  相似文献   

The genetic control of adult-plant blackleg [Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et De Not.] resistance in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) was studied in the F2 and first-backcross populations of the cross Maluka (blackleg-resistant) x Niklas (highly susceptible). A L. maculans isolate possessing high levels of host specificity (MB2) was used in all inoculations. Resistance/susceptibility was evaluated using three separate measures of crown-canker size, i.e. the percentage of crown girdled (%G), external lesion length (E) and internal lesion area (%II). Disease severity scores for the F2 and first-backcross populations based on E and %II gave discontinuous distributions, indicating major-gene control for these measures of resistance; but those for %G were continuous, indicating quantitative genetic control for this measure. Chi-square tests performed on the (poorly-defined) resistance classes, based on E, in the F2 and first-backcross populations indicated the likelihood for resistance being governed by a single, incompletely dominant major gene. Although the distributions of the F2 and first-backcross populations, based on%II, were clearly discontinuous, the observed segregation ratios for resistance and susceptibility did not fit any of the numerous Mendelian ratios which were considered. Differences in inheritance of resistance according to the assessment method and blackleg isolate used, were discussed.  相似文献   

Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is a major disease of oilseed rape (Brassica napus), worldwide, including Australia and France. The aims of these studies were first, to determine if higher levels of resistance to L. maculans could be generated in double haploid (DH) lines derived from spring‐type B. napus cv. Grouse, which has a good level of field resistance to blackleg; and second, to determine whether the resistance to blackleg disease of individual DH lines responds differentially to different L. maculans field populations within and between the two countries. DH lines were extracted from cv. Grouse and tested in field experiments carried out in both France and Australia against natural L. maculans populations. Extracting and screening DH lines were an effective means to select individual lines with greatly improved expression of resistance to blackleg crown canker disease in comparison with the original parental population. However, relative disease resistance rankings for DH lines were not always consistent between sites. The higher level of resistance in France was shown to be because of a high expression level of quantitative resistance in the French growing conditions. Big differences were observed for some DH lines between the 2004 and the 2005 field sites in Australia where the L. maculans populations differed by their virulence on single dominant gene‐based resistant lines derived from Brassica rapa ssp. sylvestris. This differential behaviour could not be clearly explained by the specific resistance genes until now identified in these DH lines. This investigation highlights the potential to derive DH lines with superior levels of resistance to L. maculans compared with parental populations. However, in locations with particularly high pathogen diversity, such as in southern Australia, multiyear and multisite evaluations should be performed to screen for the most efficient material in different situations.  相似文献   

Genetic map construction and identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for blackleg resistance were performed for four mapping populations derived from five different canola source cultivars. Three of the populations were generated from crosses between single genotypes from the blackleg-resistant cultivars Caiman, Camberra and AVSapphire and the blackleg-susceptible cultivar Westar10. The fourth population was derived from a cross between genotypes from two blackleg resistant varieties (Rainbow and AVSapphire). Different types of DNA-based markers were designed and characterised from a collection of 20,000 EST sequences generated from multiple Brassica species, including a new set of 445 EST-SSR markers of high value to the international community. Multiple molecular genetic marker systems were used to construct linkage maps with locus numbers varying between 219 and 468, and coverage ranging from 1173 to 1800 cM. The proportion of polymorphic markers assigned to map locations varied from 70 to 89% across the four populations. Publicly available simple sequence repeat markers were used to assign linkage groups to reference nomenclature, and a sub-set of mapped markers were also screened on the Tapidor × Ningyou (T × N) reference population to assist this process. QTL analysis was performed based on percentage survival at low and high disease pressure sites. Multiple QTLs were identified across the four mapping populations, accounting for 13–33% of phenotypic variance (V p). QTL-linked marker data are suitable for implementation in breeding for disease resistance in Australian canola cultivars. However, the likelihood of shifts in pathogen race structure across different geographical locations may have implications for the long-term durability of such associations.  相似文献   

Genetic distance among canola cultivars was estimated through multivariate analysis. Thirty cultivars from various sources were analyzed and clustered based upon five morphological characteristics and yield components-crown diameter, number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1 and yield plant-1 -and placed in three distinct clusters. Two cultivars from each cluster were selected as parents and 15 partial-diallel inter- and intra-cluster crosses were made between the six selected parents and evaluated at two locations in Michigan in 1990/1991. The association between genetic distance and mid-parent heterosis was investigated. The correlation between genetic distance and heterosis was positive and highly significant for seed yield, number of pods plant-1, and number of seeds pod-1. Clustering, based on yield and yield-component traits, demonstrated that inter-cluster heterosis was greater than intra-cluster heterosis in the majority of cases.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of virulence of 24 isolates of L. maculans collected from various sites throughout south-eastern and south-western Australia were studied using five clone-lines of B. napus. The experimental design allowed the estimation of the environmental and genetic components of variance using a standard analysis of variance. Virulence of these isolates (as measured by the percentage of stem girdling, %G) on the clonelines NCII and Tap was found to be most likely controlled by a small number of genes; the broad-sense heritabilities were 79.7% and 67.5% for virulence on NCII and Tap, respectively. The significance of these results in relation to the potential of L. maculans in adapting to new resistant B. napus cultivars is discussed.  相似文献   

Phytoextraction is an emerging technology for non-destructive remediation of heavy metal-polluted soils. This study was conducted to test chelate-assisted phytoextraction of Cu, Pb and Zn using EDTA and canola (Brassica napus L. cv. Petranova) on a moderately polluted industrial soil (loamy sand) in the sub-continental climate of Eastern Austria. The effects of the rate (up to 2.1 g kg–1 soil) and mode (single versus split) of EDTA application on the biomass, water contents and metal concentrations in shoots and roots were investigated along with changes of metal lability in soil and leaching from the root zone in parallel outdoors pot and lysimeter experiments. Labile (1 M NH4NO3-extractable) metal concentrations in soil increased considerably upon application of EDTA, indicating enhanced phytoavailability. However, this was also associated with enormously increased metal concentrations in the leachates collected below the root zone. Enhanced metal labilities and leachate concentrations persisted for more than 1 year after harvest. Metal lability was more enhanced by EDTA in rhizosphere relative to bulk soil, indicating interactions of EDTA with root activities. Shoot biomass and water contents of canola were virtually unaffected by EDTA, revealing that canola can tolerate excessive metal concentrations in soil pore water. Metal concentrations in shoots were increased considerably, but were insufficient to obtain reasonable extraction rates. Split applications were generally more effective than the same amounts of EDTA added at once. Metal concentrations in roots decreased after each application of EDTA, possibly indicating metal removal from roots by free protonated EDTA, but increased again within several days. As the application of chelate-assisted phytoextraction is limited by the risk of groundwater pollution, further work should focus on natural, continuous phytoextraction technologies.  相似文献   

The most common and effective way to control phoma stem canker (blackleg) caused by Leptosphaeria maculans in oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is by breeding resistant cultivars. Specific resistance genes have been identified in B. napus and related species but in some B. napus cultivars resistance is polygenic [mediated by quantitative trait loci (QTL)], postulated to be race non-specific and durable. The genetic basis of quantitative resistance in the French winter oilseed rape ‘Darmor’, which was derived from ‘Jet Neuf’, was previously examined in two genetic backgrounds. Stable QTL involved in blackleg resistance across year and genetic backgrounds were identified. In this study, near isogenic lines (NILs) were produced in the susceptible background ‘Yudal’ for four of these QTL using marker-assisted selection. Various strategies were used to develop new molecular markers, which were mapped in these QTL regions. These were used to characterize the length and homozygosity of the ‘Darmor-bzh’ introgressed segment in the NILs. Individuals from each NIL were evaluated in blackleg disease field trials and assessed for their level of stem canker in comparison to the recurrent line ‘Yudal’. The effect of QTL LmA2 was clearly validated and to a lesser extent, QTL LmA9 also showed an effect on the disease level. This work provides valuable material that can be used to study the mode of action of genetic factors involved in L. maculans quantitative resistance.  相似文献   

We report the tagging of genes involved in blackleg resistance, present in the French cultivar Crésor of B. napus, with RFLP markers. A total of 218 cDNA probes were tested on the parental cultivars Crésor (resistant) and Westar (susceptible), and 141 polymorphic markers were used in a segregating population composed of 98 doubled-haploid lines (DH). A genetic map from this cross was constructed with 175 RFLP markers and allowed us to scan for specific chromosomal associations between response to blackleg infection and RFLP markers. Canola residues infested with virulent strains of Leptosphaeria maculans were used as inoculum and a suspension of pycnidiospores from cultures of L. maculans, including the highly virulent isolate Leroy, was sprayed to increase disease pressure. QTL mapping suggested that a single chromosomal region was responsible for resistance in each of the four environments tested. This QTL accounted for a high proportion of the variation of blackleg reaction in each of the assays. A second QTL, responsible for a small proportion of the variation of blackleg reaction, was present in one of four year-site assays. A Mendelian approach, using blackleg disease ratings for classifying DH lines as resistant or susceptible, also allowed us to map resistance in the region of the highly significant LOD scores observed in each environment by interval mapping. Results strongly support the presence of a single major gene, named LmFr 1 controlling adult plant resistance to blackleg in spring oil-seed rape cultivar Crésor. Several RFLP markers were found associated with LmFr 1.  相似文献   

Near-isogenic Brassica napus lines carrying/lacking resistance gene Rlm6 were used to investigate the effects of temperature and leaf wetness duration on phenotypic expression of Rlm6-mediated resistance. Leaves were inoculated with ascospores or conidia of Leptosphaeria maculans carrying the effector gene AvrLm6. Incubation period to the onset of lesion development, number of lesions and lesion diameter were assessed. Symptomless growth of L. maculans from leaf lesions to stems was investigated using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing isolate carrying AvrLm6. L. maculans produced large grey lesions on Darmor (lacking Rlm6) at 5-25 degrees C and DarmorMX (carrying Rlm6) at 25 degrees C, but small dark spots and 'green islands' on DarmorMX at 5-20 degrees C. With increasing temperature/wetness duration, numbers of lesions/spots generally increased. GFP-expressing L. maculans grew from leaf lesions down leaf petioles to stems on DarmorMX at 25 degrees C but not at 15 degrees C. We conclude that temperature and leaf wetness duration affect the phenotypic expression of Rlm6-mediated resistance in leaves and subsequent L. maculans spread down petioles to produce stem cankers.  相似文献   


This study, intending to understand the effects of crop rotation and tillage on blackleg disease, was conducted in a field at Carman, Manitoba, Canada, from 1999 – 2002. Canola, wheat and flax were among the rotated crops. Rotations were performed under conventional or zero-till conditions. The number of infected plants, infected leaves per plant, lesions per plant, and percentage of leaf coverage with lesions decreased when canola was rotated with wheat and flax under zero till. The number of lesions per plant and percentage of leaf coverage with lesions were strongly correlated with stem disease severity, and the number of infected plants with stem disease incidence. Ascospores and pycnidiospores of Leptosphaeria maculans were reduced by crop rotation and tillage. This study suggests that the appropriate combination of rotation and tillage may lower airborne inoculum and reduce infection of canola plants by L. maculans.  相似文献   

 Blackleg, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, is one of the most important diseases of Brassica napus. Genomic regions controlling blackleg resistance at the adult plant stage were detected using 152 doubled-haploid (DH) lines derived from the F1‘Darmor-bzh’בYudal’. The rapeseed genetic map used includes 288 DNA markers on 19 linkage groups. Blackleg resistance of each DH line was evaluated in field tests in 1995 and 1996 by measuring the mean disease index (I) and the percentage of lost plants (P). From notations recovered in 1995, ten quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected: seven QTL for I and six QTL for P, explaining 57% and 41% of the genotypic variation, respectively. Three of them were common to I and P. From data recovered in 1996, seven QTL were identified: five QTL for I and two different QTL for P, accounting for 50% and 23% of the genotypic variation, respectively. One I QTL, located close to a dwarf gene (bzh), was detected with a very strong effect, masking more QTL detection. It was not revealed at the same position and with the same effect in 1995. Four major genomic regions were revealed from 1995 and from 1996 with the same parental contribution. One of them, located on the DY2 group, has a resistance allele from the susceptible parent. Five- and two-year-specific QTL were detected in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Received: 25 April 1997 / Accepted: 5 August 1997  相似文献   

The tomato Cf9 resistance gene induces an Avr9-dependent hypersensitive response (HR) in tomato and transgenic Solanaceae spp. We studied whether the Cf9 gene product responded functionally to the corresponding Avr9 gene product when introduced in a heterologous plant species. We successfully expressed the Cf9 gene under control of its own promoter and the Avr9 or Avr9R8K genes under control of the p35S1 promoter in transgenic oilseed rape. We demonstrated that the transgenic oilseed rape plants produced the Avr9 elicitor with the same specific necrosis-inducing activity as reported for Cladosporium fulvum. An Avr9-dependent HR was induced in Cf9 oilseed rape upon injection of intercellular fluid containing Avr9. We showed Avr9-specific induction of PR1, PR2, and Cxc750 defense genes in oilseed rape expressing CJ9. Cf9 x Avr9 oilseed rape did not result in seedling death of the F1 progeny, independent of the promoters used to express the genes. The F1 (Cf9 x Avr9) plants, however, were quantitatively more resistant to Leptosphaeria maculans. Phytopathological analyses revealed that disease development of L. maculans was delayed when the pathogen was applied on an Avr9-mediated HR site. We demonstrate that the CJ9 and Avr9 gene can be functionally expressed in a heterologous plant species and that the two components confer an increase in disease resistance.  相似文献   

Efforts to increase the frequency of recovered homozygous transgenic B. napus plants from direct DNA transformation treatments led to the development of a method of combined microprojectile bombardment and desiccation/DNA imbibition. The combined method was compared to individual treatments in two experiments utilizing microspore-derived embryo hyocotyls as targets for the -glucuronidase (GUS) and NPT II genes. Both the transient gene expression of -GUS and the stable transformation by NPT II demonstrated that the combined use of microprojectile bombardment and desiccation/DNA imbibition yielded more transgenic plants (at least three-times more) than either individual transformation protocol. In a histochemical analysis for -GUS activity, an average of 37% of the hypocotyls receiving the combined treatment displayed a positive response, whereas only 8% of the hypocotyls showed a positive response following microprojectile bombardment alone. The hypocotyls obtained by the joint treatment also showed more multisite expression of the -GUS gene per hypocotyl than those treated only with microprojectile bombardment. Southern analysis of NPT II gene integration into subsequently-derived secondary embryos indicated that the transformation efficiency of the combined treatment was 2% in comparison to 0.6% for that of the singular microprojectile bombardment. The number of inserts integrating per transformation event appears to be independent of the transformation methods. Neither of the marker genes was expressed in hypocotyls treated only with desiccation/DNA imbibition. Utilization of hypocotyl regeneration from microspore-derived embryos via a secondary embryogenesis system provided a reliable method for producing transgenic plants. The combined use of microprojectile bombardment and desiccation/DNA imbibition proved to be an efficient approach to obtain homozygous transgenic canola plants.  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait loci (QTL), involved in the polygenic field resistance of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to light leaf spot disease, were mapped using 288 DNA markers on 152 doubled-haploid (DH) lines derived from the cross ‘Darmor-bzh’בYudal’. Over two years (1995 and 1996), the DH population was evaluated for light leaf spot resistance on leaves (L) and stems (S), and for blackleg disease resistance in same field trials. For the L resistance criterion, a total of five and seven QTL were detected in 1995 and in 1996 respectively, accounting for 53% and 57% of the genotypic variation. For the S criterion, three and five QTL were identified in 1995 and in 1996 respectively, explaining 29% and 43% of the genotypic variation. The locations of the QTL detected were quite consistent over the two years (4- and 2-year common QTL for L and S, respectively). Three genomic regions, located on the DY5, DY10 and DY11 groups, were common to the resistance on leaves and stems. In comparison with the QTL for blackleg resistance described by Pilet et al. (1998), two regions on the DY6 and DY10 groups, were associated with the two disease resistances. These ‘multiple disease resistance’ (‘MDR’) QTL may correspond to genes involved in common resistance mechanisms towards the two pathogens or else to clusters of resistance genes. Received: 21 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

The genetic control of adult-plant blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) resistance in a Brassica napus line (579NO48-109-DG-1589), designated R13 possessing Brassica juncea-like resistance (JR), was elucidated by the analysis of segregation ratios in F2 and F3 populations from a cross between R13 and the highly blackleg-susceptible B. napus cultivar Tower. The F2 segregration ratios were bimodal, demonstrating that blackleg resistance in R13 was controlled by major genes. Analysis of the segregation ratios for 13 F3 families indicated that blackleg resistance in these families was controlled by three nuclear genes, which exhibited a complex interaction. Randomly sampled plants of F3 progeny all had the normal diploid somatic chromosome number for B. napus. The similarities between the action of the three genes found in this study with those controlling blackleg resistance in B. juncea is discussed.  相似文献   

Canola is second only to soybean as the most important oilseed crop in the world. The global production of canola is forecast to continue to increase and as a result the canola industry will continue to flourish. However, it is threatened by several fungal diseases that affect canola and cost producers hundreds of millions of dollars a year in reduced yield and quality. Blackleg is the most common and devastating disease of canola and is caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans. The fungus can infect any part of the plant at all growth stages and is a serious threat to the canola industry. Novel and more efficient antifungal agents which interfere with fungal growth and development are clearly needed to control this pathogen. This paper reports the establishment of a simple functional assay system for the screening of antifungal proteins against a virulent strain of L. maculans.  相似文献   

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