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Moderate rates of herbivory can enhance primary production. This hypothesis has led to a controversy as to whether such positive effects can result in mutualistic interactions between plants and herbivores. We present a model for the ecology and evolution of plant-herbivore systems to address this question. In this model, herbivores have a positive indirect effect on plants through recycling of a limiting nutrient. Plants can evolve but are constrained by a trade-off between growth and antiherbivore defense. Although evolution generally does not lead to optimal plant performance, our evolutionary analysis shows that, under certain conditions, the plant-herbivore interaction can be considered mutualistic. This requires in particular that herbivores efficiently recycle nutrients and that plant reproduction be positively correlated with primary production. We emphasize that two different definitions of mutualism need to be distinguished. A first ecological definition of mutualism is based on the short-term response of plants to herbivore removal, whereas a second evolutionary definition rests on the long-term response of plants to herbivore removal, allowing plants to adapt to the absence of herbivores. The conditions for an evolutionary mutualism are more stringent than those for an ecological mutualism. A particularly counterintuitive result is that higher herbivore recycling efficiency results both in increased plant benefits and in the evolution of increased plant defense. Thus, antagonistic evolution occurs within a mutualistic interaction.  相似文献   

The genomes of over 60 organisms from all three kingdoms of life are now entirely sequenced. In many respects, the inventory of proteins used in different kingdoms appears surprisingly similar. However, eukaryotes differ from other kingdoms in that they use many long proteins, and have more proteins with coiled-coil helices and with regions abundant in regular secondary structure. Particular structural domains are used in many pathways. Nevertheless, one domain tends to occur only once in one particular pathway. Many proteins do not have close homologues in different species (orphans) and there could even be folds that are specific to one species. This view implies that protein fold space is discrete. An alternative model suggests that structure space is continuous and that modern proteins evolved by aggregating fragments of ancient proteins. Either way, after having harvested proteomes by applying standard tools, the challenge now seems to be to develop better methods for comparative proteomics.  相似文献   

A long‐standing question in biology and economics is whether individual organisms evolve to behave as if they were striving to maximize some goal function. We here formalize this “as if” question in a patch‐structured population in which individuals obtain material payoffs from (perhaps very complex multimove) social interactions. These material payoffs determine personal fitness and, ultimately, invasion fitness. We ask whether individuals in uninvadable population states will appear to be maximizing conventional goal functions (with population‐structure coefficients exogenous to the individual's behavior), when what is really being maximized is invasion fitness at the genetic level. We reach two broad conclusions. First, no simple and general individual‐centered goal function emerges from the analysis. This stems from the fact that invasion fitness is a gene‐centered multigenerational measure of evolutionary success. Second, when selection is weak, all multigenerational effects of selection can be summarized in a neutral type‐distribution quantifying identity‐by‐descent between individuals within patches. Individuals then behave as if they were striving to maximize a weighted sum of material payoffs (own and others). At an uninvadable state it is as if individuals would freely choose their actions and play a Nash equilibrium of a game with a goal function that combines self‐interest (own material payoff), group interest (group material payoff if everyone does the same), and local rivalry (material payoff differences).  相似文献   

We discuss the possible links between the fossil record of marine biodiversity, nutrient availability and primary productivity. The parallelism of the fossil records of marine phytoplankton and faunal biodiversity implicates the quantity (primary productivity) and quality (stoichiometry) of phytoplankton as being critical to the diversification of the marine biosphere through the Phanerozoic. The relatively subdued marine biodiversity of the Palaeozoic corresponds to a time of relatively low macronutrient availability and poor food quality of the phytoplankton as opposed to the diversification of the Modern Fauna through the Mesozoic–Cenozoic. Increasing nutrient runoff to the oceans through the Phanerozoic resulted from orogeny, the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs), the evolution of deep-rooting forests and the appearance of more easily decomposable terrestrial organic matter that enhanced weathering. Positive feedback by bioturbation of an expanding benthos played a critical role in evolving biogeochemical cycles by linking the oxidation of dead organic matter and the recycling of nutrients back to the water column where they could be re-utilized. We assess our conclusions against a recently published biogeochemical model for geological time-scales. Major peaks of marine diversity often occur near rising or peak fluxes of silica, phosphorus and dissolved reactive oceanic phosphorus; either major or minor 87Sr/86Sr peaks; and frequently in the vicinity of major (Circum-Atlantic Magmatic Province) and minor volcanic events, some of which are associated with Oceanic Anoxic Events. These processes appear to be scale-dependent in that they lie on a continuum between biodiversification on macroevolutionary scales of geological time and mass extinction.  相似文献   

Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) can shape the genomes of somatic cells, but how it impacts genomes across generations is largely unexplored. We propose that genomes can rearrange via circular intermediates across generations and show that up to 6% of a mammalian genome can have changed gene order through eccDNA.  相似文献   

The sexual swellings of female primates have generated a great deal of interest in evolutionary biology. Two hypotheses recently proposed to elucidate their functional significance argue that maximal swelling size advertises either female fertility within a cycle or female quality across cycles. Published evidence favours the first hypothesis, and further indicates that larger swellings advertise higher fertility between cycles. If so, a male preference for large swellings might evolve, driving females to use swellings as quality indicators, as proposed by the second hypothesis. In this paper, we explore this possibility using a combination of empirical field data and mathematical modelling. We first test and find support for three key predictions of the female-quality hypothesis in wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus): (i) inter-individual differences in swelling size are maintained across consecutive cycles, (ii) females in better condition have larger swellings and higher reproductive success, and (iii) males preferentially choose females with large swellings. We then develop an individual-based simulation model that indicates that females producing larger swellings can achieve higher mating success even when female–female competition is low and within-female variance in the trait is high. Taken together, our findings show that once sexual swellings have evolved as fertility signals, they might, in certain socio-sexual systems, be further selected to act as quality signals. These results, by reconciling two hypotheses, help to clarify the processes underlying sexual swelling evolution. More generally, our findings suggest that mate choice for direct benefits (fertility) can lead to indirect benefits (good genes).  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of the faunas inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal vents and methane seeps have been debated for decades. These faunas rely on a local source of sulfide and other reduced chemicals for nutrition, which spawned the hypothesis that their evolutionary history is independent from that of photosynthesis-based food chains and instead driven by extinction events caused by deep-sea anoxia. Here I use the fossil record of seep molluscs to show that trends in body size, relative abundance and epifaunal/infaunal ratios track current estimates of seawater sulfate concentrations through the last 150 Myr. Furthermore, the two main faunal turnovers during this time interval coincide with major changes in seawater sulfate concentrations. Because sulfide at seeps originates mostly from seawater sulfate, variations in sulfate concentrations should directly affect the base of the food chain of this ecosystem and are thus the likely driver of the observed macroecologic and evolutionary patterns. The results imply that the methane-seep fauna evolved largely independently from developments and mass extinctions affecting the photosynthesis-based biosphere and add to the growing body of evidence that the chemical evolution of the oceans had a major impact on the evolution of marine life.  相似文献   

Sir Philip Sidney games are a widely used model of simple signaling. Johnstone and Grafen [Johnstone, R.A., Grafen, A., 1993. Dishonesty and the handicap principle. Animal Behaviour 46, 759–764] present a version in which the Evolutionarily Stable Strategy (ESS) is for most signalers to “honestly” signal, with a small minority of signalers who “cheat”. This model is among the most frequently cited papers on the topic of “dishonest” signaling and supports the view that signals may be “dishonest” as long as they are “honest on average”. Using genetic algorithms, we demonstrate that another solution exists to the game, an evolutionarily stable set of Nash equilibria in which members of the set never signal and all donors give their resource. Payoffs to players using this set of strategies is greater those when playing the “dishonest” signaling ESS. We demonstrate that a random population is far more likely to evolve to this non-communicating strategy set than the “dishonest” signaling ESS. We also discuss the dynamics of biological game theory models and the advances of genetic algorithms as a heuristic solution method for these models.  相似文献   

Plicatamide is a modified octapeptide from the ascidian Styela plicata having the structure Phe-Phe-His-Leu-His-Phe-His-decarboxyDeltaDOPA (where decarboxyDeltaDOPA = decarboxy-(E)-alpha,beta-dehydro-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine). Edman sequencing, tandem mass spectrometry, and proton NMR have been used to characterize 100 microg of the compound. Plicatamide represents an important link between two classes of biomolecules: the tunichromes which share an oxidatively decarboxylated C-terminus and higher molecular weight DOPA-polypeptides. The 8-residue sequence provides the first opportunity to investigate the biosynthetic origins of the tunichrome family by molecular biological techniques.  相似文献   

Summary The genusSternopygus, believed to reflect ancestral traits of gymnotiform electric fish, is closely related to the more modern genusEigenmannia (Mago-Leccia 1978; Fink and Fink 1981).Sternopygus is the only known genus of electric fish that does not perform a jamming avoidance response (JAR) to minimize the potentially detrimental effects of signal interference between discharging neighbors (Bullock et al. 1972, 1975), and its ability to electrolocate objects is rather immune to jamming (Matsubara and Heiligenberg 1978).By studying the responses of midbrain neurons to stimulus regimes effective in eliciting the JAR inEigenmannia, we found thatSternopygus has neurons capable of discriminating the sign of the difference frequency between interfering electric organ discharges (EODs). These sign-selective neurons, which are believed to be important elements in the control of the JAR inEigenmannia, may, therefore, fulfill a more general function in the detection of moving objects and conspecifics but could potentially be assembled for the evolution of a JAR inSternopygus. The relative immunity to jamming in this genus may result, in part, from a stronger reliance upon the ampullary electrosensory system which operates in the DC and low-frequency range, outside the EOD spectrum of these fish.Abbreviations AM amplitude modulation - Df frequency difference - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jamming avoidance response  相似文献   

From experiments using novel prey signals to avoid innate reactions to traditional signals, Alatalo & Mappes (1996, Nature, 382, 708-710) concluded that gregariousness would have selected for warning coloration as it originated for the first time, whereas a solitary prey distribution would not. We have investigated this suggestion in experiments using the same novel prey and background symbols and wild-caught great tit, Parus major, predators. We compared the attack rate on cryptic unpalatable and aposematic unpalatable prey in either a solitary or an aggregated treatment. In the aggregated treatment we found no difference in attack rate on cryptic and aposematic prey. In the solitary treatment the attack rate on aposematic prey was significantly lower after one attack and at the end of the experiment. Thus, we conclude that, in so far as these experiments mimic an original predator-prey relationship, they do not give support to the idea that aggregation would have favoured the evolution of warning coloration in unpalatable prey. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   



Bananas and plantains (Musa spp.) provide a staple food for many millions of people living in the humid tropics. The cultivated varieties (cultivars) are seedless parthenocarpic clones of which the origin remains unclear. Many are believed to be diploid and polyploid hybrids involving the A genome diploid M. acuminata and the B genome M. balbisiana, with the hybrid genomes consisting of a simple combination of the parental ones. Thus the genomic constitution of the diploids has been classified as AB, and that of the triploids as AAB or ABB. However, the morphology of many accessions is biased towards either the A or B phenotype and does not conform to predictions based on these genomic formulae.


On the basis of published cytotypes (mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes), we speculate here that the hybrid banana genomes are unbalanced with respect to the parental ones, and/or that inter-genome translocation chromosomes are relatively common. We hypothesize that the evolution under domestication of cultivated banana hybrids is more likely to have passed through an intermediate hybrid, which was then involved in a variety of backcrossing events. We present experimental data supporting our hypothesis and we propose a set of experimental approaches to test it, thereby indicating other possibilities for explaining some of the unbalanced genome expressions. Progress in this area would not only throw more light on the origin of one of the most important crops, but provide data of general relevance for the evolution under domestication of many other important clonal crops. At the same time, a complex origin of the cultivated banana hybrids would imply a reconsideration of current breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Pheomelanogenesis may have evolved as an excretory mechanism to remove excess cysteine, and in humans this might potentially confer a greater ability to avoid disease such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, in which excess cysteine is a contributory cause.  相似文献   

We assessed the impact of 12h fixed night shift (19:00-07:00h) work, followed by 36h of off-time, on the sleep-wake cycle, sleep duration, self-perceived sleep quality, and work-time alertness on a group composed of 5 registered and 15 practical nurses. Wrist actigraphy (Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc.), with data analysis by the Cole-Kripke algorithm, was applied to determine sleep/wake episodes and their duration. The sleep episodes were divided into six categories: sleep during the night shift (x = 208.6; SD +/- 90.6 mins), sleep after the night shift (x = 138.7; SD +/- 79.6 min), sleep during the first night after the night work (x = 318.5; SD +/- 134.6 min), sleep before the night work (x = 104.3; SD +/- 44.1 min), diurnal sleep during the rest day (x = 70.5; SD +/- 43.0 min), and nocturnal sleep during the rest day (x = 310.4; SD +/- 188.9mins). A significant difference (p < .0001; T-test for dependent samples) was detected between the perceived quality of sleep of the three diurnal sleep categories compared to the three nocturnal sleep categories. Even thought the nurses slept (napped) during the night shift, their self-perceived alertness systematically decreased during it. Statistically significant differences were documented by one-way ANOVA (F = 40.534 p < .0001) among the alertness measurements done during the night shift. In particular, there was significant difference in the level of perceived alertness (p < .0001) between the 7th and 10th of the 12h night shift. These findings of decreased alertness during the terminal hours of the night shift are of concern, since they suggest risk of comprised patient care.  相似文献   

‘Strophodontoid’ brachiopods represented the majority of strophomenide brachiopods in the Silurian and Devonian periods. They are characterized by denticles developed along the hinge line. The evolution of denticles correlated with the disappearance of dental plates and teeth and were already present when the clade originated in the Late Ordovician. Specimens of Eostropheodonta parvicostellata from the Kuanyinchiao Bed (early–middle Hirnantian, uppermost Ordovician) in the Hetaoba Section, Meitan, Guizhou Province, South China, display clear fossil population variation, during a process of loss of dental plates and the development of denticles. Three phenotypes of E. parvicostellata are recognized in a single fossil bed, likely heralding a speciation process. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) based on five key characters of genera of the Family Leptostrophiidae shows a much wider morphospace for Silurian genera than for those in the Devonian. Phylogenetic analysis of the Family Leptostrophiidae supports the NMDS analysis and mostly tracks their geological history. The fossil population differentiation in E. parvicostellata discovered between the two phases of the Late Ordovician mass extinction event (LOME) linked to a major glaciation, suggests a Hirnantian origination of the ‘strophodontoid’ morphology, and links microevolutionary change to a macroevolutionary event.  相似文献   

The evolution of reading frame maintenance must have been an early event, and presumably preceded the emergence of the three domains Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya. Features evolved early in reading frame maintenance may still exist in present-day organisms. We show that one such feature may be the modified nucleoside 1-methylguanosine (m(1)G37), which prevents frameshifting and is present adjacent to and 3' of the anticodon (position 37) in the same subset of tRNAs from all organisms, including that with the smallest sequenced genome (Mycoplasma genitalium), and organelles. We have identified the genes encoding the enzyme tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase from all three domains. We also show that they are orthologues, and suggest that they originated from a primordial gene. Lack of m(1)G37 severely impairs the growth of a bacterium and a eukaryote to a similar degree. Yeast tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltransferase also synthesizes 1-methylinosine and participates in the formation of the Y-base (yW). Our results suggest that m(1)G37 existed in tRNA before the divergence of the three domains, and that a tRNA(m(1)G37)methyltrans ferase is part of the minimal set of gene products required for life.  相似文献   

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