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Plant growth, biomass allocation and autofragmentation were investigated in response to root and shoot competition in the submersed macrophyte Myriophyllum spicatum L. growing in two sediment environments. Biomass accumulation and allocation were significantly affected by sediment fertility, with a higher total biomass observed in fertile sediment (average: 4.69 g per plant vs. 1.12 g per plant in infertile sediment). Root-to-shoot ratios were 0.34 and 0.06 in the infertile and fertile sediments, respectively, reflecting the high investment placed on roots under infertile conditions. In the presence of root, shoot, and full competition, whole plant biomass decreased by 18%, 12% and 24% in the infertile sediments, and 23%, 25% and 33% in the fertile sediments, respectively. Root weight ratios (RWRs) increased with root competition by 38% (P < 0.001) and 12% (P = 0.002), while leaf weight ratios (LWRs) decreased with shoot competition by 6% (P = 0.042) and 5% (P = 0.001) in the infertile and fertile sediments, respectively. A total of 406 autofragments were harvested in the fertile sediments, but none were obtained from the infertile sediments. In the control, autofragment number and biomass was 166% and 175% higher compared to the competition treatment. Root and shoot competition resulted in a 21% (P = 0.043) and 18% (P = 0.098) decrease in the autofragment biomass, respectively. These results indicated that M. spicatum responds to different sediment fertility by changing its allocation patterns. Moreover, both root and shoot competition influenced plant growth and autofragmentation, while sediment nutrient availability played an important role in M. spicatum autofragmentation.  相似文献   

为了解未来全球变暖对南亚热带森林生态系统物种组成的影响,在广东鼎湖山采用沿海拔梯度垂直移位的方法,研究了模拟增温对木荷(Schima superba)、红枝蒲桃(Syzygium rehderianum)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)和马尾松(Pinus massoniana)等4种优势树种的生物量分...  相似文献   

Understanding the pattern of species diversity and soil factors can enhance our knowledge of the mechanism of vegetation recovery, however, there is still a gap in the knowledge of succession rate and trend for species diversity in relation to soil nutrients during the vegetation recovery process. Patterns of species diversity and soil nutrients during the tropical vegetation recovery as well as the correlation between species diversity and soil nutrients were explored in Hainan Island, located in southern China. Plots assigned as grassland stage (GS), shrub stage (SS), secondary forest stage (SFS), and primary forest stage (PFS) were established using a chronosequence approach. Results showed that species richness and evenness increased from GS to PFS. Species dominance/diversity curves were fitted using the lognormal distribution model (r 2 ?=?0.891?C0.972). Species richness for the herb layer was maximal at SFS, whereas species richness for both the shrub layer and tree layer reached their maximum at PFS. Species turnover and soil total phosphorus decreased, whereas organic matter and total nitrogen increased from GS to PFS. Organic matter and total nitrogen were both positively correlated with species richness and total coverage, and total phosphorus was positively correlated with species turnover. The results clearly demonstrate that diversity asymptotically increases and positively correlates with increasing soil fertility, and the total phosphorus value is predicted to be an important soil factor that affects successional rate during tropical vegetation recovery processes.  相似文献   

Proliferation of roots in a nutrient patch can occur either as a result of an increase in root length (morphological response) or by a change in root birth or death rates (demographic responses). In this study we attempted to distinguish between these two mechanisms of response to nutrient patches and to compare the responses of four old-field plant species (two annuals, two perennials). For all four species combined, there were significant increases in root numbers and root length in fertilized patches. Root proliferation in fertilized patches was largely due to increased birth (=branching) rates of new roots. However, there was also a significant increase in root death rates in the fertilized patches which reduced the magnitude of the increase in net root numbers. Plots for individual species suggested they differed in the magnitude and timing of root proliferation in fertilized patches due to differences in root birth and death rates. However, because of the limited sample size in this study, there was only a marginally significant difference among species in root birth rates, and no difference in death rates. Further studies are currently underway to better quantify species differences in the demographic mechanism, as well as magnitude, of response to nutrient patches and if this would affect the ability to exploit small-scale heterogeneity in soil resources.  相似文献   

Insulin-secreting MIN6 cells show greatly enhanced secretory responsiveness to nutrients when grown as islet-like structures (pseudoislets). Since beta-cells use different mechanisms to respond to nutrient and non-nutrient stimuli, we have now investigated the role of homotypic beta-cell interactions in secretory responses to pharmacological or receptor-operated non-nutrient stimuli in MIN6 pseudoislets. In addition to an enhanced secretory responsiveness to glucose, insulin secretion from MIN6 pseudoislets was also enhanced by non-nutrients, including carbachol, tolbutamide, PMA, and forskolin. The improved secretory responsiveness was dependent on the cells being configured as pseudoislets and was lost on dispersal of the pseudoislets into single cells and regained on the re-formation of pseudoislet structures. These observations emphasise the importance of islet anatomy on secretory responsiveness, and demonstrate that homotypic beta-cell interactions play an important role in generating physiologically appropriate insulin secretory responses to both nutrient and non-nutrient stimuli.  相似文献   

Sanjiang Plain is the largest freshwater marsh in China, where plant zonation along water-level gradients is a common phenomenon. The aim of this experiment was to identify the role of water level and nutrient availability on plant zonation in the plain. Growth and root morphology of three perennial emergent macrophyte species were investigated by growing in two water levels (0.1 and 10.0 cm, relative to soil surface) and in two levels of nutrient supply (0 and 0.5 g slow-release fertilizer per container). In the plain, Carex lasiocarpa typically occurs at low elevations, Glyceria spiculosa at medial elevations, and Deyeuxia angustifolia at high elevations. The relative growth rate was the highest in C. lasiocarpa and the lowest in D. angustifolia in the 10.0-cm water level. Among the three species, only total biomass of D. angustifolia was affected by water level, and decreased with increasing water level. High nutrient supply led to increased total biomass in C. lasiocarpa and G. spiculosa. High water level led to an increased root diameter in G. spiculosa and a decreased root length in C. lasiocarpa. In the 10.0-cm water level, low nutrient supply led to thinner roots in D. angustifolia, but resulted in an increased specific root length (SRL) in C. lasiocarpa and root diameter in G. spiculosa. Water-level effect on root porosity was only observed in G. spiculosa, and nutrient amendment did not influence root porosity in all the species. These data indicate that both nutrient and water level are important factors regulating plant distribution pattern in the Sanjiang Plain, because both C. lasiocarpa and G. spiculosa are relatively sensitive to nutrient supply whereas D. angustifolia is sensitive to water level. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Important phenological activities in seasonally dry tropical forest species occur within the hot‐dry period when soil water is limiting, while the subsequent wet period is utilized for carbon accumulation. Leaf emergence and leaf area expansion in most of these tree species precedes the rainy season when the weather is very dry and hot and the soil cannot support nutrient uptake by the plants. The nutrient requirement for leaf expansion during the dry summer period, however, is substantial in these species. We tested the hypothesis that the nutrients withdrawn from the senescing leaves support the emergence and expansion of leaves in dry tropical woody species to a significant extent. We examined the leaf traits (with parameters such as leaf life span, leaf nutrient content and retranslocation of nutrients during senescence) in eight selected tree species in northern India. The concentrations of N, P and K declined in the senescing foliage while those of Na and Ca increased. Time series observations on foliar nutrients indicated a substantial amount of nutrient resorption before senescence and a ‘tight nutrient budgeting’. The resorbed N‐mass could potentially support 50 to 100% and 46 to 80% of the leaf growth in terms of area and weight, respectively, across the eight species studied. Corresponding values for P were 29 to 100% and 20 to 91%, for K 29 to 100% and 20 to 57%, for Na 3 to 100% and 1 to 54%, and for Ca 0 to 32% and 0 to 30%. The species differed significantly with respect to their efficiency in nutrient resorption. Such interspecific differences in leaf nutrient economy enhance the conservative utilization of soil nutrients by the dry forest community. This reflects an adaptational strategy of the species growing on seasonally dry, nutrient‐poor soils as they tend to depend more or less on efficient internal cycling and, thus, utilize the retranslocated nutrients for the production of new foliage biomass in summer when the availability of soil moisture and nutrients is severely limited.  相似文献   

In natural environments, plants frequently interact with both heterospecific and conspecific neighbors. The intensity of belowground plant interaction with neighboring species commonly varies with the availability of soil nutrients in the habitats. According to classical ecological theory, competition between conspecific neighbors may be more severe than competition between unrelated species due to the similar nutrient requirements of close relatives, especially when nutrients are scarce in the habitat. However, many recent studies have shown the opposite pattern, and suggested an alternative mechanism based on species recognition. Taking Zoysia sinica as the focal species, we conducted a controlled experiment to test the results of intraspecific and interspecific interactions among three clonal species Zoysia sinica, Zoysia japonica and Alternanthera philoxeroides, which represent a conspecific, a close relative and a distant relative of the focal species, respectively, and at different root treatments (no separation NS, clone separation CS and ramet separation RS) and two nutrient levels. The results showed that Z. sinica recognized conspecific plants in the NS and CS treatments, and did not show above or belowground competition with these. The performance of the focal plant (Z. sinica) was better when it was grown with a conspecific neighbor as compared to all other types of neighbors. In all root separation treatments, the competition was more intense when Z. sinica grew with a close relative (Z. japonica) than when growing with a distant relative (A. philoxeroides). Generally, competition between plants was more intense at the high nutrient level than at the low nutrient level, suggesting that both soil nutrients and a species recognition mechanism play a significant role for the intra‐ and interspecific interaction and fitness of these three neighboring clonal species.  相似文献   

Games roots play: effects of soil volume and nutrients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Distribution patterns along a slope and vertical root distribution were compared among seven major woody species in a secondary forest of the warm-temperate zone in central Japan in relation to differences in soil moisture profiles through a growing season among different positions along the slope. Pinus densiflora, Juniperus rigida, Ilex pedunculosa and Lyonia ovalifolia, growing mostly on the upper part of the slope with shallow soil depth had shallower roots. Quercus serrata and Quercus glauca, occurring mostly on the lower slope with deep soil showed deeper rooting. Styrax japonica, mainly restricted to the foot slope, had shallower roots in spite of growing on the deepest soil. These relations can be explained by the soil moisture profile under drought at each position on the slope. On the upper part of the slope and the foot slope, deep rooting brings little advantage in water uptake from the soil due to the total drying of the soil and no period of drying even in the shallow soil, respectively. However, deep rooting is useful on the lower slope where only the deep soil layer keeps moist. This was supported by better diameter growth of a deep-rooting species on deeper soil sites than on shallower soil sites, although a shallow-rooting species showed little difference between them.  相似文献   

 The nutrient concentrations and contents of needles and shoots of 22-year-old European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) were evaluated with respect to crown position, age of tissues and sampling date during a complete growing season. Concentrations of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn in the needles and of N, P and K in the shoots differed significantly among the dates of sampling. The concentrations of N and Mn in the needles and all nutrients in the shoots (except Mg) also differed significantly with crown position. Maximum needle biomass was observed in the middle crown position (55% of the total) and maximum shoot biomass, in the lower crown position (52% of the total). Maximum needle and shoot nutrient contents were observed in the middle position of the living crown for long shoot, short shoot-1, short shoot-2, short shoot-3 and, short shoot-4 age classes while highest contents for short shoot-5 and short shoot-6 age classes were observed in the lower crown position. Biases up to 42% for Mg in the needles and 200% for K in the shoots were obtained when only long shoot tissues are used for content evaluation. For needles and shoots, Mg and K are more difficult nutrients to evaluate. A sampling methodology is proposed for evaluating nutrient contents of the living crown. Accepted: 10 August 1995  相似文献   

The effects of slow (apatite, biotite) and fast-release nutrients (P, K, Mg) on C and N mineralization in acid forest soil were studied. These nutrients were applied alone or together with urea or urea and limestone. The production of CO2 in the soil samples taken one and three growing seasons after the application was lower in the soils treated with the fast-release nutrients than in the untreated soils. Similar reduction of microbial activity was not seen after the apatite and apatite+biotite treatments. In the first growing season, urea and urea+limestone enhanced CO2 production, but after three growing seasons, the opposite was true. Apatite and apatite+biotite added together with urea did not compensate for the decreasing effect of urea on the CO2 production. The addition of fast-release salts increased somewhat the concentration of NH inf4 sup+ in the soil and more NH4 + accumulated during laboratory incubation in the soil samples taken one growing season after the application. The urea addition immediately increased the concentrations of NH4 + and of NO3 in the soil, but, three growing seasons after application, urea had only a slight increasing effect on mineral N content of the soil. Slow-release nutrients seem to have a more favourable effect than fast-release salts on nutrient turnover in acid forest soil.  相似文献   

Summary The growth of roots of maize, sorghum and soybean is modelled through beds of spherical aggregates. Effects of aggregate size and strength, and effects of the spread or distribution of aggregate strengths are investigated.This is achieved by a combination of a statistical model for soil structure with a statistical model for the penetration behaviour of a root at a void/aggregate interface. It is shown that the behaviour of a root at such an interfac is dependent on the previous history of the root in its passage through the soil.It is concluded that the smaller the aggregate size, the greater is the nutrient availability per unit length of root. The influence of aggregate size decreases with increasing soil strength.An increase in aggregate strength reduces the availability of nutrients per unit length of root. However, the rate of nutrient uptake per root axis goes through a minimum at a strength (for maize) of around 80 per cent of the maximum limiting aggregate strength for root penetration. An increase in the spread of aggregate strengths usually results in a proportional increase in nutrient availability. This effect is more pronounced with smaller aggregate sizes.  相似文献   

We investigated the importance of nutrients, soil moisture, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and interspecific competition levels on the biomass allocation patterns of three wetland perennial plant species, Carex stricta Lam., Phalaris arundinacea L., and Typha latifolia L. A factorial experiment was conducted with high-low nutrient levels, high-low soil moisture levels, and with and without AMF inoculation. Under the experimental conditions, plant inoculation by AMF was too low to create a treatment and the AMF treatment was dropped from the total analysis. P. arundinacea and T. latifolia biomass were 73% and 77% higher, respectively, in the high nutrient treatment compared to the low nutrient treatment. Biomass allocation between shoots and roots remained relatively constant between environmental treatments, although shoot:root ratios of P. arundinacea declined in the low nutrient treatment. For C. stricta, the high nutrient and soil moisture treatments resulted in an increase in biomass of 50% and 15%, respectively. Shoot:root ratios were nearly constant among all environmental conditions. Biomass of T. latifolia and C. stricta was greatly decreased when grown with P. arundinacea. The rapid, initial height growth of P. arundinacea produced a spreading, horizontal canopy that overshadowed the vertical leaves of T. latifolia and C. stricta throughout the study. This pattern was repeated in both high and low nutrient and soil moisture treatments. When grown with P. arundinacea, C. stricta and T. latifolia significantly increased their mean shoot height, regardless of the nutrient or soil moisture level. The results of this experiment suggest that C. stricta and T. latifolia were light limited when growing with P. arundinacea and that canopy architecture is more important for biomass allocation than the other environmental conditions tested. The results also suggest that Phalaris arundinacea is an inherently better competitor (sensu Grime 1979) than C. stricta or T. latifolia.  相似文献   

Grassland to forest conversions currently affect some of the world's most productive regions and have the potential to modify many soil properties. We used afforestation of native temperate humid grassland in the Pampas with eucalypts as an experimental system to 1) isolate forest and grassland imprints on soil acidity and base cation cycling and 2) evaluate the mechanisms of soil acidification. We characterized soil changes with afforestation using ten paired stands of native grasslands and Eucalyptus plantations (10–100 years of age). Compared to grasslands, afforested stands had lower soil pH (4.6 vs.5.6, p < 0.0001) and 40% lower exchangeable Ca (p < 0.001) in the top 20 cm of the soil. At three afforested stands where we further characterized soil changes to one meter depth, soil became increasingly acidic from 5 to 35 cm depth but more alkaline below 60 cm compared to adjacent grasslands, with few differences observed between 35 and 60 cm. These changes corresponded with gains of exchangeable acidity and Na in intermediate and deeper soil layers. Inferred ecosystem cation balances (biomass + forest floor + first meter of mineral soil) revealed substantial vertical redistributions of Ca and Mn and a tripling of Na pools within the mineral soil after afforestation. Soil exchangeable acidity increased 0.5–1.2 kmolc.Ha–1.yr–1 across afforested stands, although no aboveground acidic inputs were detected in wet + dry deposition, throughfall and forest floor leachates. Our results suggest that cation cycling and redistribution by trees, rather than cation leaching by organic acids or enhanced carbonic acid production in the soil, is the dominant mechanism of acidification in this system. The magnitude of soil changes that we observed within half a century of tree establishment in the Pampas emphasizes the rapid influence of vegetation on soil formation and suggests that massive afforestation of grasslands for carbon sequestration could have important consequences for soil fertility and base cation cycles.  相似文献   

Restoration of species-rich flood meadows impoverished by agricultural intensification is an important challenge. The relationships between flooding regime and soil seed bank were compared in three successive meadow communities (hygrophilic, mesohygrophilic and mesophilic) distinguished along a topographic and hydric gradient. Differences in flood duration and frequency between the three associations allowed the study of the contribution of floods to soil seed bank richness and density. No significant difference was found in species richness among the three soil seed banks, whereas the densities were significantly higher in the wettest community. The three seed bank compositions were clearly distinguished along the hydric gradient. In fact, the three seed bank types constituted a species poor version of the meadow communities to which they belong. Flood contributions appear to play a minor role in seed bank enrichment. Thus, seed dispersal by flood water would probably be insufficient to enable the restoration of alluvial meadows.  相似文献   

研究同质和异质养分环境中邻株竞争对3个木荷种源生长和根系发育的影响,揭示了不同种源木荷生长竞争能力差异原因.结果表明: 与同质养分环境相比,3个木荷种源在异质养分环境中具有苗高生长量大、干物质积累量高和根系增生明显等特点.在异质养分环境下,福建建瓯种源木荷苗木生长量显著高于浙江龙泉和江西信丰种源,与杉木混植时尤为突出,这与其根系形态可塑性高和拓殖能力强有关,混植时,福建建瓯种源木荷的根长、根表面积和根体积等根系生长量较单植显著增长20.4 %~69.0%,其根系在富养表层大量增生的同时快速向深层贫养层拓殖,占有了更多的空间和资源,提高了觅养能力,使其生长优势更为明显,而浙江龙泉和江西信丰种源根系生长和深层土壤根系分布受邻株竞争影响不同程度的降低.纯植时,可能由于根系自我识别作用,3个木荷种源的根系生长发育均受到抑制,导致福建建瓯种源苗木生长量显著减小,而浙江龙泉种源苗高和干物质积累增长明显,这与其根系生理可塑性有关.建议生产上选用觅养效率高和竞争能力强的福建建瓯种源木荷,采用混交造林的方式提高木荷人工林生产力.  相似文献   

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