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A hydroponic experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of cadmium (Cd) on chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic parameters on a Cd accumulating plant of Elsholtzia argyi. Four weeks-seedlings of E. argyi were treated with 0 (CK) 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 100 μmol L?1 Cd for 21days. Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm, qP, ΦPSП, ETR and Fv′/Fm′ were significantly increased under low Cd (5–15 μmol L?1 for Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm and qP, 5–10 μmol L?1 for ΦPSП, ETR and Fv′/Fm′) stress, and these parameters were similar to control under Cd ≤ 50μmol L?1. All above parameters were significantly decreased at 100 μmol L?1 Cd. Compared with control, Pn was significantly (P < 0.05) increased under 5–30 μmol L?1 Cd. However, 50 and 100 μmol L?1 Cd significantly (P < 0.05) reduced it. Gs and Tr were substantially decreased at 50–100 and 40–100 μmol L?1 Cd, respectively. Ci was significantly increased at 50 and 100 μmol L?1 Cd. High Cd-induced decrease of Pn is not only connected to stomatal limitation but also to the inhibition of Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm, ΦPSП, qP, ETR and increase of NPQ. Maintain chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis parameters under its Cd tolerance threshold were one of tolerance mechanisms in E. argyi.  相似文献   


We evaluated the effect of different watering regimes on the growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, phytohormones, and phenolic acids in Ceratotheca triloba (Bernh.) Hook.f., a commonly consumed African indigenous leafy vegetable. The study was conducted in the greenhouse under different watering regimes [seven (daily); three (thrice); two (twice); one (once) day(s) per week] for a period of 2 and 4-months. In each pot (7.5 cm diameter; 150 ml volume), 50 ml of water was applied per treatment. At the end of the experiment, plant growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, phytohormones, and phenolic acids were determined. A decrease in water availability resulted in a consistent decline in plant growth after a 4-month growth period. The severity of reduced water availability was more noticeable in plants watered once a week with a 1.4-fold reduction in growth and quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) value of 0.80. The significant decline in growth and chlorophyll fluorescence was probably due to the increased production of abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinin (CK) content together with the detected phytohormones in plants with restricted water supply. Furthermore, plants watered once a week had a trade-off between growth and phenolic acid production, with significantly higher (threefolds) concentrations of vanillic, ferulic, caffeic, and 4-coumaric acids in 4-month-old plants. Even though C. triloba grew best in well-watered soil, the plant had the potential to adapt and survive in soils with limited water supply for longer periods of growth. These findings suggest that regulation of phytohormones and phenolic acids played an important role in improving the growth of C. triloba under limited water conditions.


A greenhouse experlment was performed In order to Investigate the effects of dlfferent levels of water stress on leaf water potentlal (ψw), stomatal resistance (rs), protein content and chlorophyll (Chl) content of tomato plants (Lycoperslcon esculentum Mill. cv. Nlkita). Water stress was Induced by addlng polyethylene glycol (PEG 6 000) to the nutrlent solution to reduce the osmotlc potential (ψs). We Investlgated the behavlor of antl-oxldant enzymes, such as catalase (CAT) and superoxide dlsmutase (SOD), durlng the development of water stress. Moderate and severe water stress (i.e. ψs= -0.51 and -1.22 MPa, respectlvely) caused a decrease In ψw for all treated (water-stressed) plants compared with control plants, wlth the reductlon belng more pronounced for severely stressed plants. In addltion, rs was slgnlflcantly affected by the Induced water stress and a decrease in leaf soluble protelns and Chl content was observed. Whereas CAT actlvlty remained constant, SOD actlvlty was increased in water-stressed plants compared wlth unstressed plants. These results Indicate the possible role of SOD as an anti-oxidant protector system for plants under water stress condltlons. Moreover, It suggests the possibllity of using this enzyme as an addltional screening crlterlon for detecting water stress in plants.  相似文献   

Environmental considerations are becoming an essential part of any energy conversion assessment: the concept of “environmental impact” has substantially evolved in the last decade, from a pure “assessment of ecological damage” (pollution) to a more complex and omnicomprehensive, but at the same time more detailed, examination of the local and global implications of the interactions of anthropic processes with the biosphere at large. This paper proposes an Environmental Indicator derived strictly on thermodynamic concepts and defines a procedure for its application to both local and global scales in a rationally sound and convenient fashion. The new indicator is the extended exergy cost, eeC, and is a measure of the primary (exergy) resources embodied in a material or immaterial product. It is shown that such an EI can successfully include the “externalities” (Labor, Capital and Environmental Remediation costs) that affect the planning of anthropic energy conversion systems, and that it can also be employed to assess the evolutionary patterns of natural systems. Some conceptual examples of application are provided to demonstrate that eeC is indeed a useful tool for the quantification of real -i.e., resource based- environmental costs and for their proper internalization in both engineering and system studies.  相似文献   

The subacute spongiform encephalopathies are prion diseases characterized by acute and rapid neurodegeneration that lead to the death of the patient within months to a few years. The epidemiology of CJD is complicated and the frequency in Mexico is unknown. We aim to describe the cases of prion disease in Mexico. Consecutive patients who met the diagnostic criteria by the WHO were enrolled. We describe 26 patients with clinical manifestations, imaging and laboratory studies compatible with prion disease. The mean age at onset was 52 years old. The main clinical manifestations were cognitive alterations (69%) followed by extrapyramidal movements (50%), abnormal cerebellar function (46%), behavioral alterations (46%), myoclonus (46%) and mood depression (23%), among other features. Half of the patients progressed rapidly to a state of akinetic mutism (53%). Only 2 (7.6%) patients had a family history of a similar disease. Time interval between onset and diagnosis varied between 71 days to 24 months, with a median of 6 months. The classical bilateral basal ganglia hyperintensities were present in the very early stage of the disease. Protein 14-3-3 immuneassay in the CSF was positive in all measured cases. Bilateral basal ganglia hyperintensities was the most important early finding, while protein 14-3-3 was a late finding and the results were usually obtained after the patient was discharged. Around 1.5 cases of CJD cases per year are reported in our country. When suspected, MRI can support the diagnosis earlier than other studies.Key words: Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, prions  相似文献   

Guaranteeing high crop yields while reducing environmental impacts of nitrogen fertilizer use due to associated losses of N2O emissions and nitrate (NO3 ?) leaching is a key challenge in the context of sustainable intensification of crop production. However, few field data sets are available that explore the effect of different forms of N management on yields as well as on N losses in the form of N2O or NO3 ?. Here we report on a large-scale field lysimeter (8 × 4 m2) experiment, which was designed to determine soil CH4 and N2O emissions, NO3 ? leaching losses and crop yields from a subtropical rain-fed wheat–maize rotation in the Sichuan Basin, one of the most intensively used agricultural regions in China. One control and three different fertilizer treatments with the same total rate of N application (280 kg N ha?1 y?1) were included: NF: control (no fertilizer); NPK: synthetic N fertilizer; OMNPK: synthetic N fertilizer plus pig manure; RSDNPK: synthetic N fertilizer plus crop residues. As compared to the standard NPK treatment, annual NO3 ? leaching losses for OMNPK and RSDNPK treatments were decreased by 36 and 22%, respectively (P < 0.05). Similarly, crop yield-scaled NO3 ? leaching for NPK treatment was higher than those for either OMNPK or RSDNPK treatments (P < 0.05). Direct N2O emissions for RSDNPK treatment were decreased as compared with NPK and OMNPK treatments (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the yield-scaled GWP (global warming potential) was lower for the treatments where either pig manure or crop residues were incorporated as compared to the standard NPK treatment (P < 0.05). Our study indicates that it is possible to reduce the negative environmental impact of NO3 ? leaching and N2O emissions without compromising crop productivity. Yield-scaled NO3 ? leaching, similar to the yield-scaled GWP, represents another valuable-integrated metric to address the dual goals of reducing nitrogen pollution and maintaining crop grain yield for a given agricultural system.  相似文献   

Conventional cognitive testing of monkeys is time‐consuming and involves single‐caging and food or water deprivation. Here we report a novel test of global cognitive performance that can be completed in a short time period without food/water or social restrictions. Nine mazes of increasing difficulty were developed using a standard puzzle feeder, and the maze‐solving performance of ten young and five aged female cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) was tested. The young monkeys solved maze configurations at higher levels of difficulty and solved the first level of difficulty more quickly than aged monkeys. This task discriminated performance by age in nonhuman primates as do more conventional forms of cognitive testing and indicates that this task may be a quick and easy assessment of global cognitive function. Am. J. Primatol. 49:195–202, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have previously suggested that the spin trap agent, N - tert -butyl- &#102 -phenylnitrone (PBN) can function not only as an antioxidant but also as a nitric oxide (NO) donor. To characterize the pharmacological activities of PBN against oxidative damage, we examined the effect of PBN on NO generation under hyperoxic conditions. The formation of NO in mice exposed to 95% oxygen was determined using a NOx analyzer and electron spin resonance (ESR). Levels of NOx, an oxidative product of NO, increased in the blood of mice under these conditions. However, the increase was returned to a normal level by the NOS (nitric oxide synthase) inhibitor, L-NMMA, indicating that the NO was formed via a biosynthetic pathway. In addition, ESR spectra of the liver and brain of control and experimental mice that were measured using Fe(DETC) 2 as an NO trap reagent showed strong ESR signals from NO complexes in the livers of mice exposed to 95% oxygen. When examining the effect of PBN in mice, PBN reduced the NOx formation in the blood under the same hyperoxic conditions. In addition, the ESR intensity of the NO complex was weaker in the PBN-treated mice than in the non-treated mice, showing that PBN possess anti-inflammatory properties. However, under a normal atmosphere, NOx and ESR analyses showed that NO levels increased in PBN-treated mice but not in control mice. These findings suggested that PBN functions as an NO donor under specific physiological conditions. PBN appears to protect against hyperoxia-induced NO toxicity by anti-inflammatory action rather than by serving as an NO donor.  相似文献   

A meeting was held May 19, 2010 at the Karolinski Institute on Nomenclature in Pharmacology. This meeting occurred in conjunction with the Symposium The Changing World of G Protein Coupled Receptors: From Monomers to Dimers and Receptor Mosaics (Higher-order Oligomers) held the previous day at the Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Two broad topics of nomenclature were discussed; ligand nomenclature and the definition of ‘receptor–receptor’ interactions. This paper summarizes discussions on these topics along with a consensus definition of the term ‘receptor–receptor’ interaction.  相似文献   

Damage to DNA by oxygen radicals and other reactive oxygen/nitrogen/chlorine species occurs in vivo despite the presence of multiple antioxidant defence and repair systems. Such damage is thought to make a significant contribution to the age-related development of cancer. Modulation of oxidative DNA damage by diet thus constitutes a "biomarker" putatively predictive of the effect of diet on cancer incidence, provided that DNA damage can be accurately quantitated by validated methods. Current issues addressed in this article include the problems of artifactual DNA oxidation during isolation and analysis, the relative merits of different analytical methods, the advantages and disadvantages of relying on measurement of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG, 8-oxodG) as an index of oxidative DNA damage, and the limited data that are so far available on how diet can affect "steady-state" levels of oxidative DNA damage in humans. It appears that such damage can be modulated by vegetable intake, although the effects of vegetables may be mediated by components different from the "classical" antioxidants vitamin C, alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River Site (SRS) is a former nuclear weapon production facility. From 1954–1985, releases of Al, Cu, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, U, and Zn were discharged into the Tims Branch-Steed Pond water system. This study investigates whether metal concentrations in Tims Branch's sediment, biofilm, and other biota exceed screening level risk calculations to determine if remedial actions should be pursued for the Contaminants of Potential Concern (U, Ni, Hg). Transfer factors (TFs) were calculated to determine metal concentration changes throughout lower trophic levels and results were compared with sediment benchmarks to create hazard quotients (HQs) to assess risk and a scientific-management decision point. Most TFs for Ni and U from lower to higher trophic level biota were <1, suggesting no biomagnifications; however HQs > 1 and cumulative distributions showed the majority of the samples exceeded action levels. Elevated TFs and HQs > 1 in the upper trophic levels for Hg indicated a high degree of bioavailability and biomagnification. Monte Carlo resampling analyses supported these empirical results. This system should continue to be closely monitored to ensure that contamination does not move off the SRS.  相似文献   

Meijer  M. L.  van Nes  E. H.  Lammens  E. H. R. R.  Gulati  R. D.  Grimm  M. P.  Backx  J.  Hollebeek  P.  Blaauw  E. M.  Breukelaar  A. W. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):31-42
In 1990 an experiment started in the large and shallow lake Wolderwijd (2700 ha, mean depth 1.5 m) to improve the water quality. About 75% of the fish stock was removed (425 000 kg fish). The fish was mainly composed of bream and roach. In May 600000 young pikes (3–4 cm) were introduced.In May 1991 the water became very clear (Secchi depth 1.8 m) during a spring bloom of large Daphnia. Then the grazing by zooplankton was eight times higher than the primary production of algae and the total suspended matter concentration became very low. Compared to the situation before the fish reduction, the grazing had increased only slightly, while the primary production had decreased significantly in early spring. The fish stock reduction might have contributed to the reduction in primary production by a reduced internal nutrient load. The clear water period lasted six weeks. Daphnia disappeared in July due to food limitation, the algal biomass increased and the Secchi depth became 50 cm. Daphnia did not recover during summer, due to predation that was not caused by 0 + fish but by the mysid shrimp Neomysis integer. Neomysis could develop abundantly, because of the reduced biomass of the predator perch. The production of young fish had been low because of the cold spring weather. The cold weather was probably also responsible for the slow increase in density of macrophytes. After 1991, perch probably can control Neomysis. Due to lack of spawning places and shelter for 0 + pike, pike was probably not able to control the production of 0 + fish. In a lake of this scale, it will not be easy to get more than 50% coverage of macrophytes, which seems necessary to keep the algal biomass low by nutrient competition. Therefore, we expect also in the future a decrease in transparency in the summer. Locally, especially near Characeae, the water might stay clear.  相似文献   

The origins and evolution of sperm storage in Brachyura are enigmatic: sperm is either stored in seminal receptacles, accessible via the vulvae on the sixth thoracic sternite, or in spermathecae at the border between the seventh and eighth sternites. Crabs with spermathecae are collectively referred to as “podotremes” while crabs with seminal receptacles belong to the Eubrachyura. The position of gonopores is the primary basis for subdividing the Eurachyura into the Heterotremata (female vulvae + males with coxal gonopores) and Thoracotremata (female vulvae + males with sternal gonopores). We present a hypothesis about the evolution of seminal receptacles in eubrachyuran female crabs and argue that the sternal gonopore has been internalized into chitin-lined seminal receptacles and the vulva is in fact a secondary aperture. The loss of some or all of the ancestral chitinous seminal receptacle lining was linked to ventral migration of the oviduct connection. Male and female strategies are to maximize gamete fertilization. The most important variable for females is sperm supply, enhanced by long-term storage made possible by the seminal receptacle. To maximize their fertilization rates males must adapt to the structure of the seminal receptacle to ensure that their sperm are close to the oviduct entrance. The major evolutionary impetus for female mating strategies was derived from the consequences of better sperm conservation and the structure of the seminal receptacle. The advantages were all to the females because their promiscuity and sperm storage allowed them to produce more genetically variable offspring, thereby enhancing variation upon which natural selection could act. We extend our arguments to Brachyura as a whole and offer a unifying explanation of the evolution of seminal receptacles, comparing them with the spermathecae found in “Podotremata”: they were independent solutions to the same problem: maintaining sperm supply during evolutionary carcinization.Explanation of eubrachyuran mating strategies requires analysis of the mating–moulting link, indeterminate vs. determinate growth format and seminal receptacle structure. Two alternatives for each of these characters means that there are eight possible outcomes. Six of these outcomes have been realized, which we term Portunoid, Majoid, Eriphoid, Xanthoid, Cancroid, and Grapsoid–Ocypodoid strategies, respectively. Mapping these characters on to a workable phylogeny (wherein some changes to the seminal receptacle + moulting–mating links are assumed to have occurred more than once) produces the following relationships: Portunoids + Majoids are a sister group to the rest of the Eubrachyura, which fall into two sister groups, Eriphoids + Xanthoids and Cancroids + Grapsoid–Ocypodoids and the “Podotremata” is sister group to all the Eubrachyura. We conclude that what began as a race to be the first to mate was turned on its head to become a race to be last, by the evolutionary changes to the seminal receptacle. Eubrachyuran females were advantaged by greater reproductive autonomy, more opportunity to mate with other males, resulting in more genetically variable progeny and leading to the evolution of much greater taxonomic diversity compared to “podotremes”.  相似文献   

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