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The concentrations of dioctyldimethyl ammonium chloride (DODMAC) and 1-decanol in isooctane needed to form reverse micelles by phase contact have been determined. The behavior of these reverse micelles in the extraction of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and threonine was studied by analyzing all of the ionic species in the aqueous phase. The amino acid is extracted from the aqueous phase by exchanging with the Cl(-) counterions of DODMAC in the reverse micelles. The ionic species in the reverse micelles tend toward their undissociated states as the water uptake by the reverse micelles decreases. The effect of 1-decanol on the extraction of the amino acids with two negative charges is due to the change in the water uptake of the reverse micelles. The concentration of DODMAC has no effect on the ion exchange of the amino acid with one negative charge with the Cl(-) counterions of DODMAC in the reverse micelles. Higher molar ratios of decanol to DODMAC favor the selective separation of amino acids with different charge numbers. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The recovery of cytochrome c and ribonuclease A from di-2-ethylhexyl sodium sulfosuccinate (AOT) reverse micelles have been examined by the gas hydrate formation. The recovery of cytochrome c depended upon the kind of gas and the water content (w0=[H2O]/[AOT]) of reverse micellar solution containing cytochrome c prepared. Recoveries of cytochrome c and ribonuclease A were more than 80%, when 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (TFE) was used as a hydrating gas. The activity of cytochrome c recovered from reverse micelles was maintained perfectly.  相似文献   

Glycerol-fatty acid esterification has been conducted with lipase from R. delemar in water/AOT/isooctane reverse micellar media, with the major product being 1-monoglyceride, a useful food-emulsifier. 1,3-diglyceride was also synthesized, but to a much lesser extent. For a given set of initial conditions, the reaction productivity, measured in terms of the initial product formation rate, V(0), and the final or equilibrium concentration of product, is optimal for a particular concentration of each surfactant, fatty acid, glycerol, and water. Many of these optimal values correlate well with a "critical" region on the phase diagram. Also, results indicate lipase-catalyzed esterification stops due to the achievement of kinetic equilibrium expect for a few cases where enzyme deactivation is severe. Dynamic light scattering was employed to examine the influence of water, glycerol, and fatty acid on micellar and interfacial structure. Results from this technique indicate enzyme kinetic are linked to interfacial phenomena and the presence of substrates at the interfacial region.  相似文献   

Experiments are reported here on the equilibrium partitioning of lysozyme and ribonuclease-a between aqueous and reversed micellar phases comprised of an anionic surfactant, sodium di-2-ethylhexyl sulfosuccinate (AOT), in isooctane. A distinct maximum, [P](rm,max) was found for the quantity of a given protein that can be solubilized in the reverse micelle phase by the phase-transfer method. This upper limit depended upon the size of the protein, the surfactant concentration, and the aqueous phase ionic strength, and was determined by complex formation between protein and surfactant molecules to form an insoluble interfacial precipitate at high values of [P](rm). In this work, it was found to be possible to dissociate the protein-surfactant complex and recover the precipitated protein. The kinetics of protein-surfactant complex formation depended upon the nature and concentration of the solubilized protein and on the surfactant concentration. Calculations of micellar occupancy and the relative surface areas of protein molecules and surfactant head-groups suggested that it was the exposure of the solubilized protein to the bulk organic solvent which promoted protein-surfactant complex formation as [P](rm) --> [P](rm,max). In the light of the experimental results and calculations described above, a mechanistic model is proposed to account for the observed phenomena. This is based upon the competing effects of increasing the solubilized protein concentration and the corresponding increase in the rate of protein-surfactant complex formation. The dynamic nature of the reverse micelles is inherent in the model, explaining the formation of the interfacial precipitate with time and its dependence on the internal phase volume of the micellar phase. Experiments on the co-partitioning of water and measurement ofthe AOT concentration in both phases verified the loss of protein, water, and surfactant from the organic phase at high values of [P](rm). (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons Inc.  相似文献   

The activity and stability of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) entrapped in aerosol OT reverse micellar droplets have been investigated spectrophotometrically. Various physical parameters, e.g., water pool size, w(0), pH, and temperature, were optimized for YADH in water/AOT/isooctane reverse micelles. It was found that the enzyme exhibits maximum activity at w(0) = 28 and pH 8.1. It was more active in reverse micelles than in aqueous buffers at a particular temperature and was denatured at about 307deg;C in both the systems. At a particular temperature YADH entrapped in reverse micelles was less stable than when it was dissolved in aqueous buffer.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of amino acid partitioning in cationic reversed micelles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work is to discuss the mechanisms involved in amino acidsolubilization in cationic reversed micelles. A simple mechanism was assumedin which the amino acid solubilization is mediated by an ion-exchangeprocess between the amino acid and the surfactant counter ion neglecting theeffect of the reversed micellar structure. Based on this mechanism a simplemodel to predict equilibrium was developed and applied to the solubilizationof amino acids with different structures. It was found that solubilizationof hydrophilic and slightly hydrophobic amino acids can be described by anion-exchange mechanism and the amino acid equilibrium concentration can bedetermined for different experimental conditions using this model. However,solubilization of hydrophobic amino acids can not be described by a simpleion-exchange model. In this case hydrophobic contributions play an importantrole in amino acid solubilization and must be considered in the overallsolubilization process. This hydrophobic contribution was evaluated bydetermination of an interfacial partition coefficient. The overall aminoacid extraction was determined using distribution coefficients of all theamino acid forms and considering their dependence on ionic strength.  相似文献   

Mimotopes mimic the three-dimensional topology of an antigen epitope, and are frequently recognized by antibodies with affinities comparable to those obtained for the original antibody-antigen interaction. Peptides and anti-idiotypic antibodies are two classes of protein mimotopes that mimic the topology (but not necessarily the sequence) of the parental antigen. In this study, we combine these two classes by selecting mimotopes based on single domain IgNAR antibodies, which display exceptionally long CDR3 loop regions (analogous to a constrained peptide library) presented in the context of an immunoglobulin framework with adjacent and supporting CDR1 loops. By screening an in vitro phage-display library of IgNAR variable domains (V(NAR)s) against the target antigen monoclonal antibody MAb5G8, we obtained four potential mimotopes. MAb5G8 targets a linear tripeptide epitope (AYP) in the flexible signal sequence of the Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen-1 (AMA1), and this or similar motifs were detected in the CDR loops of all four V(NAR)s. The V(NAR)s, 1-A-2, -7, -11, and -14, were demonstrated to bind specifically to this paratope by competition studies with an artificial peptide and all showed enhanced affinities (3-46 nM) compared to the parental antigen (175 nM). Crystallographic studies of recombinant proteins 1-A-7 and 1-A-11 showed that the SYP motifs on these V(NAR)s presented at the tip of the exposed CDR3 loops, ideally positioned within bulge-like structures to make contact with the MAb5G8 antibody. These loops, in particular in 1-A-11, were further stabilized by inter- and intra- loop disulphide bridges, hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions, and aromatic residue packing. We rationalize the higher affinity of the V(NAR)s compared to the parental antigen by suggesting that adjacent CDR1 and framework residues contribute to binding affinity, through interactions with other CDR regions on the antibody, though of course definitive support of this hypothesis will rely on co-crystallographic studies. Alternatively, the selection of mimotopes from a large (<4 x 10(8)) constrained library may have allowed selection of variants with even more favorable epitope topologies than present in the original antigenic structure, illustrating the power of in vivo selection of mimotopes from phage-displayed molecular libraries.  相似文献   

Dioctyldimethyl ammonium chloride (DODMAC) was used to form reverse micelles and to extract lysozyme from an aqueous solution into an organic phase. The solubilization behavior of lysozyme into a DODMAC reverse micellar phase was examined in terms of the temperature, the type of cations in the aqueous phase, and the surfactant concentration in the organic phase. Complete removal of lysozyme from the aqueous phase was obtained when the pH was set one unit higher than the pI of the protein. However, it was found that there is a solubilization limit of lysozyme in the organic phase. Not all the lysozyme extracted out of the initial aqueous phase was solubilized into the DODMAC reverse micellar phase, resulting in the formation of white precipitate at the aqueous-organic interface. Temperature has a negligible effect on the solubilization limit of lysozyme. The value of the solubilization limit is a strong function of the type of cations present in the aqueous phase, indicating an important role of lysozyme-cation interactions on the extraction process. An increase in the DODMAC concentration from 100-200 mM resulted in little change in the highest concentration of lysozyme obtained in the organic phase.  相似文献   

Phase transfer studies were carried out on the solubilization of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) (E.C. in reverse micelles formed in isooctane using the anionic surfactant, aerosol OT, at concentrations between 50 and 110mM. The selectivity of this methodology was tested, because the HRP used comprised a mixture of seven different isoenzymes with a wide range of isoelectric points. Forward and backward transfers were carried out in wellstirred vessels until equilibrium was reached. Significant protein partitioning could only be obtained by using NaCl to adjust ionic strength in pH range between 1.5 and 3.5, with a maximum at pH 3. The back transfer process was best at pH 8 with 80mM phosphate buffer and 1 M KCI. A loss of 1% to 3% of the surfactant through precipitation at the interface at pH<4 was observed, which may be due to instability in this pH region, because, even without protein, a similar precipitate was noticed. Protein partitioning was approximately constant when the ionic strength was increased up to 1 MNaCl at pH 3, but protein recovery in back transfer decreased accordingly. Hydrophobic interactions together with association between the protein and surfactant might be responsible for that behavior. Protein partitioning remained the same when the surfactant concentration was decreased to 50 mM, at the expense of higher variability. HPLC chromatograms showed no apparent damage to the protein after reverse micellar extraction. Protein partitioning is best when the temperature is kept at 25xC. The amount of protein and specific activity recovered strongly depends on the phase ratio used during forward transfer. Overall activity recovery varied from 87% to 136% when the phase ratio was increased from 1:1 to 30:1 in forward transfer. This behavior may be due to a change in the ratio of the three isoenzymes recovered after the backward transfer process, with the most active one being increasingly enriched at higher phase ratios. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

alpha-chymotrypsin is taken as a model protein to investigate three aspects of the protein extraction by reverse micelles: (1) the comparison between the two forward transfer techniques, i.e., the liquid-liquid and the solid state-liquid transfer; (2)the back-transfer, i.e., the capability of the protein to be recovered from the micellar solution; and (3) the maintainance of the enzyme activity at the end of the extraction cycle. Concerning the forward transfer from the liquid phase, we study first the effect of salt initially present in the aqueous phase on the equilibrium concentration of the extracted species; further, we study the forward protein extraction from the solid state, and the effect of pH, salt, and protein concentration on the transfer efficiency. Concerning the back transfer, we find the somewhat surprising result, that the percentage of protein back-extraction depends on the type and concentration of salt used for the forward transfer. Preliminary data concerning an alternative method for the back-transfer using silica gel to liberate the protein from the micellar environment, are presented. Finally, it is found that the enzyme activity depends again on the type and concentration of salt used for the forward transfer.  相似文献   

The earliest proteins had to rely on amino acids available on early Earth before the biosynthetic pathways for more complex amino acids evolved. In extant proteins, a significant fraction of the ‘late’ amino acids (such as Arg, Lys, His, Cys, Trp and Tyr) belong to essential catalytic and structure-stabilizing residues. How (or if) early proteins could sustain an early biosphere has been a major puzzle. Here, we analysed two combinatorial protein libraries representing proxies of the available sequence space at two different evolutionary stages. The first is composed of the entire alphabet of 20 amino acids while the second one consists of only 10 residues (ASDGLIPTEV) representing a consensus view of plausibly available amino acids through prebiotic chemistry. We show that compact conformations resistant to proteolysis are surprisingly similarly abundant in both libraries. In addition, the early alphabet proteins are inherently more soluble and refoldable, independent of the general Hsp70 chaperone activity. By contrast, chaperones significantly increase the otherwise poor solubility of the modern alphabet proteins suggesting their coevolution with the amino acid repertoire. Our work indicates that while both early and modern amino acids are predisposed to supporting protein structure, they do so with different biophysical properties and via different mechanisms.  相似文献   

The liquid–liquid extraction of protein from buffered aqueous phases using reverse micelles (RM) has been extensively researched from a fundamental point of view. However, very little effort has been expended at scaling up this process for the extraction of real fermentation broth. When real broths are used with reverse micellar phases there are major problems with emulsion formation. In this study the effect of a variety of demulsifiers on lysozyme extraction was evaluated in terms of their influence on the separating properties of the emulsion, water content (W o ), and, extraction yield and kinetics from both buffer and hen egg white. In addition, the use of a low shear contactor (a Graesser or `raining bucket') was assessed in terms of its suitability as a RM contactor. It was found that most of the demulsifiers reduced the settling time of the emulsion, and enhanced the yield and kinetics of lysozyme extraction from hen egg white. It was hypothesised that this was due to the demulsifier displacing the lysozyme from the interface and preventing the protein unfolding and precipitating. This effect was found to depend on both the generic type of demulsifier, and its concentration.  相似文献   

Activity and stability of lipase in Aerosol-OT/isooctane reverse micelles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The stability of Candida rugosa lipase, which catalyzes the hydrolysis reaction of olive oil in AOT/isooctane reverse micelles, decreased with the increase of 0 (defined as the molar ratio of water to surfactant) and Aerosol-OT concentration. The addition of a non-ionic cosurfactant, tetraethylene glycol dodecyl ether (C12E4), preserved enzymatic activity. The residual activity of the lipase was 53% after 24 h, while the enzyme completely lost its activity within 6 h in the absence of C12E4 addition. The stabilizing effect of C12E4 resulted in the increase of conversion. The enhancement of the activity and stability of lipase in reverse micelles by the addition of C12E4 may contribute to increase the rigidity of the micellar matrix stabilizing the enzyme structure.  相似文献   

Protein fractionation studies in developing Sorghum kernel indicated a considerable decrease in the proportion of albumin and increase in prolamin, glutelin and residue proteins during grain development. The globulin fraction remained more or less constant. 15N analysis indicated a turnover of albumin and globulin fractions. The nitrogen present in these fractions appeared into glutelin and residue proteins. At an early maturation stage 15N from ammonium was detected in the residue fraction while that from urea was incorporated in both albumin and residue fractions. However, this difference disappeared as the grains matured. Incorporation of 15N into basic amino acids was lower when compared to that in neutral and acidic amino acids at all stages of grain development.  相似文献   

Lipases from Candida cyclindracea (L-1754) and wheat germ (L-3001) have been used to hydrolyze esters to their corresponding alcohols and acids in reverse micelles. Alcohol dehydrogenase from baker's yeast (YADH) was subsequently used to reduce the alcohol products to aldehydes. Cofactor recycling in the redox reaction was achieved using a sacrificial cosubstrate, as described previously. Four surfactants (sodium dioctylsulfosuccinate, Nonidet P-40 with Triton X-35, polyoxyethylene, 10-cetyl-ether, polyoxyethylene sorbitan trioleate) were employed to determine the effect of amphiphile on ester hydrolysis and redox reaction rates separately. The effect of type of organic solvent, W(0) [(water]/[surfactant)], and substrate concentration on separte enzyme activity were also investigated. A brief investigation of a single phase, two-step reaction catalyzed by the combination of lipase and YADH in reverse micelles is also reported. The activities of the enzymes are significantly different when used together instead of independently. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Worch R  Stolarski R 《Proteins》2008,71(4):2026-2037
Recognition of the ribonucleic acid 5' termini (RNA 5' cap) by a wide class of cap-binding proteins is largely accomplished by cation-pi stacking that involves the positively charged 7-methylguanine ring and aromatic amino acid side chains. Quantum calculations of the stacking energy were performed by means of MP2 perturbation method for binary and ternary associates composed of the 7-methylguanine moiety and tryptophan, tyrosine, or phenylalanine, in their spatial orientations known from the crystalline cap-protein complexes. The results clearly pointed to an enhancement of the stacking energy due to a net positive charge in the cap guanine moiety and allowed analysis of a role of various amino acids in stabilization of the complexes. Conformational flexibility of the aromatic amino acids taking part in binding ligands to a wide class of RNA-recognizing proteins, including the cap-binding proteins, was determined by regional order neural network (RONN) algorithm that provides results close to those of the crystallographic B-factors analysis. Interestingly, some of the tyrosines that are classified in general as "rigid" showed high flexibility when engaged in binding the cap to nuclear cap-binding protein complex CBC and to viral methyltransferase VP39. Parallel analyses of the binding energy and flexibility of the protein fragments engaged in the binding leads to understanding differences in molecular mechanisms of the cap recognition by various proteins, CBC compared with the eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E, and enzymes vs. other protein factors.  相似文献   

The performance of lipases from Candida rugosa and wheat germ have been investigated in three reaction media using three acetate hydrolyses as model reactions (ethyl acetate, allyl acetate, and prenyl acetate). The effect of substrate properties and water content were studied for each system (organic solvent, biphasic system, and reverse micelles). Not unexpectedly, the effect of water content is distinct for each system, and the optimal water content for enzyme activity is not always the same as that for productivity. A theoretical model has been used to simulate and predict enzyme performance in reverse micelles, and a proposed partitioning model for biphasic systems agrees well with experimental results. While the highest activities observed were in the micellar system, productivity in microemulsions is limited by low enzyme concentrations. Biphasic systems, however, support relatively good activity and productivity. The addition of water to dry organic solvents, combined with the dispersion of lyophilized enzyme powders in the solvent, resulted in significant enzyme aggregation, which not surprisingly limits the applicability of the "anhydrous" enzyme suspension approach. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

YddG from Escherichia coli promotes export of aromatic amino acids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inner membrane protein YddG of Escherichia coli is a homologue of the known amino acid exporters RhtA and YdeD. It was found that the yddG gene overexpression conferred resistance upon E. coli cells to the inhibiting concentrations of l-phenylalanine and aromatic amino acid analogues, dl-p-fluorophenylalanine, dl-o-fluorophenylalanine and dl-5-fluorotryptophan. In addition, yddG overexpression enhanced the production of l-phenylalanine, l-tyrosine or l-tryptophan by the respective E. coli-producing strains. On the other hand, the inactivation of yddG decreased the aromatic amino acid accumulation by these strains. The cells of the E. colil-phenylalanine-producing strain containing overexpressed yddG accumulated less l-phenylalanine inside and exported the amino acid at a higher rate than the cells of the isogenic strain containing wild-type yddG. Taken together, these results indicate that YddG functions as an aromatic amino acid exporter.  相似文献   

Protein extractions using aerosol OT (AOT)-isooctane reverse micelle solutions have been studied to explore the potential for separating and enriching proteins with the reversed micellar extraction. The effects of pH, ionic strength, and different cations of chlorides in a bulk aqueous phase and of AOT concentration in an organic phase on the partitioning of lysozyme and myoglobin and the solubilization of water are presented in detail. The extraction of lysozyme was affected by the concentration of potassium or barium but was almost independent of that of sodium or calcium, whose ionic diameter is smaller than that of potassium and barium. For the extraction of myoglobin, however, the effect of barium concentration was not appreciable. Lysozyme could be enriched into the reversed micellar phase up to 30 times the aqueous feed concentration. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

许嘉 《生物信息学》2013,11(4):297-299
抗冻蛋白是一类具有提高生物抗冻能力的蛋白质。抗冻蛋白能够特异性的与冰晶相结合,进而阻止体液内冰核的形成与生长。因此,对抗冻蛋白的生物信息学研究对生物工程发展。提高作物抗冻性有重要的推动作用。本文采用由400条抗冻蛋白序列和400条非抗冻蛋白序列构成数据集,以伪氨基酸组分为特征,利用支持向量机分类算法预测抗冻蛋白,对训练集预测精度达到91.3%,对测试集预测精度达到78.8%。该结果证明伪氨基酸组分能够很好的反映抗冻蛋白特性,并能够用于预测抗冻蛋白。  相似文献   

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