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In the temperate-zone woody species Salix pentandra elongation growth is regulated by the photoperiod. Long days sustain active growth, whereas short days induce cessation of apical growth, which is a prerequisite for winter hardening. It is shown that this is correlated to quantitative changes in levels of endogenous GA19 GA20 , and GA1 . Within two short days the amount of the active GA1 and its immediate precursor GA20 , decreased markedly in young leaves us well as in stem tissue. Also, the amount of GA19 , declined, but the decrease was delayed relative to that of GA1 and GA20 . The ability of S. pentandra seedlings to respond to exogenous GA19 , decreased with increasing numbers of short days. Observations that support the hypothesis that the level of GA1 in S. pentandra is regulated by the photoperiod in a quantitative mode with conversion of GA19 , to GA20 , being one target for control.
Different distribution of GAs in various plant parts was observed. The level of GA was higher in young leaves than in other plant parts, and the amount of GA19 was 5–10 times higher in stem tissue than in leaves and roots. The ratios of GA8 to GA1 and GA20 , were higher in roots as compared with other parts, as rods contained very low levels of GA1 and GA20 , but amounts of GA20 comparable with other parts. 相似文献
Different distribution of GAs in various plant parts was observed. The level of GA was higher in young leaves than in other plant parts, and the amount of GA
The influence of photoperiod on the metabolism of GA20 in Salix pentandra was studied by feeding [3H]-GA20 to seedlings which had been grown previously under long day (LD) or short day (SD) conditions. After 48 h in LD or SD, metabolites were separated on sequential, silica gel partition columns and reversed-phase C18 HPLC. The principal metabolite co-chromatographed with [3H]-GA1 and this conversion was confirmed by feeding [2H]-GA20, which was converted to [2H]-GA1 as identified by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring. Chromatographic evidence also indicated the minor conversion of [3H]-GA20 to [3H]-GA8 (via [3H]-GA1) and trace conversion to [3H]-GA29 (GAs A1.8,20.29 are native in Salix). Ethyl acetate-insoluble [3H] metabolites were formed and could be cleaved by cellulase to release putative [3H]-GA20 and [3H]-GA1 suggesting the conversion to glucosyl conjugates of these GAs. Metabolism of [3H]-GA20 was slightly more rapid in plants previously grown under LD than SD, an effect which reflected the generally increased shoot growth under LD. However, altering the photoperiod after [3H]-GA20 addition had only a slight effect on the metabolism of [3H]-GA20 in Salix seedlings. This indicates that the conversion of GA20 to GA1 is not a controlling step in the photoperiodic regulation of growth cessation in Salix. 相似文献
By application of a recently developed method allowing analysis of gibberellins (GAs) in mg amounts of tissue, the effect of photoperiod on levels of GAs in shoot tips of individual seedlings of the woody species Salix pentandra was studied. In elongating long day-grown seedlings, maximum levels of GA1 were found 5–20 mm below the apex, approximately twice the levels in other segments. After exposure of plants to 5 or 15 short days, the levels of GA1 were about 50% lower within this specific region of the stem, as compared with seedlings grown under long days. Short day-induced cessation of shoot elongation also correlated with overall declines in the levels of GA53 , GA19 , GA20 and GA8 , Within each photoperiodic treatment the levels of these GAs were generally relatively similar throughout the upper 35 mm of stems. No differences in internode lengths or in lengths of pith or epidermal cells were found in plants grown under long days compared with those exposed to 5 short days. In both cases, cells in mitosis were observed in the subapical stem tissues of shoot tips. After 15 short days, stem elongation was completed, and dividing cells were generally not found in the subapical part of the stem. However, short day exposure did not prevent elongation of internodes and cells differentiated before the treatment was started. Thus, the localised decrease in level of GA1 in shoot tips under short days precedes the morphological and anatomical changes connected with the short day-induced cessation of elongation growth. This supports the hypothesised role for GA1 in photoperiodic control of shoot elongation in S. pentandra . 相似文献
Lack of effect of photoperiod on metabolism of exogenous GA19 and GA1 in Salix pentandra seedlings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The effect of photoperiod on metabolism of 16,17-[3H2]GA19, and 1.2-[3H2]GA1 applied to intact seedlings of Salix pentandra, was investigated. No difference was found in conversion of 16,17-[3H2]GA19 to 16,17-[3H2]GA20, and 16,17-[3H2]GA1, or in metabolism of 1,2-[3H2]GA1 to [3H]GA8 between plants grown in continuous light and plants exposed for 14 days to a 12-h photoperiod. Also, leaf discs from plants grown in long or short days, converted 16,17-[3H2]GA19 both in light and darkness. These data on metabolism of 16,17-[3H2]GA19, contrast with previous results, which have indicated a photoperiodic control of the metabolism of GA19 to GA20 in S. pentandra. Presence of these applied labelled GAs and their metabolites in different parts of seedlings was recorded, after application to intact seedlings as well as to isolated plant parts. When 16,17-[3H2]GA19 was applied through the roots of intact plants, the relative amounts of 16,17-[3H2]GA1 present in leaves and shoot apices were higher than in roots and stems. In corresponding experiments with 1,2-[3H2]GA1, relatively higher amounts of [3H2]GA8 were found in roots and stems than in leaves and shoot apices. Twenty-four hours after application of 16,17-[3H2]GA19 to isolated plant parts, 16,17-[3H2]GA20 and 16,17-[3H2]GA1 were found in leaves and roots, but not in internodes. Incubation of isolated plant parts with 1,2-[3H2]GA1 for 24 h resulted in presence of [3H]GA8 in all parts. The results mentioned above were obtained by monitoring metabolites by HPLC with on-line radio counting. The conversions of 17-[2H2]GA19 to 17-[2H2]GA20 and 17-[2H2]GA1 in shoot apices and whole seedlings, and of 17-[2H2]GA8 in whole seedlings, were confirmed by GC-MS. 相似文献
Olavi Junttila 《Physiologia plantarum》1988,74(1):39-44
Scions of a southern (59° 40'N Lat.) and a northern (69° 39'N Lat.) ecotype of Salix pentandra L. were grafted on clonal rootstocks of the same ecotypes. Effects of photoperiod on elongation growth of the 4 combinations (south/south, south/north, north/south and north/north) were studied in a phytotron at 18° and 15°C. The photoperiodic response was primarily dependent on the ecotype of the scion, but this response was significantly modified by the rootstock. Cessation of apical growth was advanced by a northern clone and delayed by a southern clone as a rootstock. The results indicate that the critical photoperiod for cessation of apical growth could be slightly decreased by a northern and increased by a southern rootstock. 相似文献
Summary Vegetative growth of two ecotypes (lat. 78° 15N and 69°37N) of Salix polaris L. was studied in phytotron experiments. Dormancy of the winter buds was broken by chilling at 0.5°C for 14 to 42 days. Chilling requirement increased with decreasing growth temperature. The optimum temperature for bud break and shoot growth was about 15°C for both ecotypes. Cessation of apical shoot growth and abscission of shoot tip was not prevented by long photoperiods. However, at high temperature, 15°C or more, and in 18 to 24 h photoperiod, two or three growth flushes occurred frequently in both ecotypes. Leaf abscission in the arctic ecotype from lat. 78°N was not affected by photoperiod when grown at 6°C, but was stimulated by short photoperiod when grown at 15°C. In the ecotype from lat. 69°N leaf abscission was enhanced by short photoperiod even at 6°C. 相似文献
Saunders, P. F. and Barros, R. S. 1987. Periodicity of bud bursting in willow ( Salix viminalis ) as affected by growth regulators.
Lateral vegetative buds of willow ( Salix viminalis L.) were only innately dormant for 3–5 weeks in October; during this time their apices were correlatively inhibited by the bud leaflets. Exogenous gibberellins stimulated the opening of cultured buds when the plants were dormant or entering dormancy. As dormancy was being released, however, cultured buds became more responsive to exogenous cytokinins. Thus the demand for gibberellins and cytokinins for bud opening seemed to be sequential rather than simultaneous. Dormant buds cultured in the presence of abscisic acid remained unopened, but they opened after a chilling treatment. Subsequent growth of such buds as measured by dry matter accumulation, was observed only if a cytokinin was added to the medium. 相似文献
Lateral vegetative buds of willow ( Salix viminalis L.) were only innately dormant for 3–5 weeks in October; during this time their apices were correlatively inhibited by the bud leaflets. Exogenous gibberellins stimulated the opening of cultured buds when the plants were dormant or entering dormancy. As dormancy was being released, however, cultured buds became more responsive to exogenous cytokinins. Thus the demand for gibberellins and cytokinins for bud opening seemed to be sequential rather than simultaneous. Dormant buds cultured in the presence of abscisic acid remained unopened, but they opened after a chilling treatment. Subsequent growth of such buds as measured by dry matter accumulation, was observed only if a cytokinin was added to the medium. 相似文献
Effect of photoperiod and temperature on apical growth cessation in two ecotypes of Salix and Betula
OLAVI JUNTTILA 《Physiologia plantarum》1980,48(3):347-352
Apical growth cessation as affected by photoperiod and temperature has been studied in seedlings of two latitudinal ecotypes of Salix and Betula. The critical photoperiod for apical growth cessation at constant temperatures of 15 and 21°C was about 22 h for a northern (69°C39′N) and about 15–16 h for a southern (59°C40′N) ecotype of Salix pentandra. Fluctuating day/night temperatures (21°C/9°C, 15°C/6°C) induced apical growth cessation in northern ecotypes even at 24–h photoperiod. Disagreements in critical photoperiods found in various studies are discussed. 相似文献
Olavi Junttila Einar Jensen David W. Pearce Richard P. Pharis 《Physiologia plantarum》1992,84(1):113-120
Cessation of shoot elongation in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. is induced by short photoperiod. Gibbereliin A9 (GA9 ) applied either to the apical bud or injected into a mature leaf, induced shoot elongation under a short photoperiod of 12 h, and GA9 could completely substitute for a transfer to a long photoperiod. When [3 H]GA9 or [2 H2 ]GA9 was injected into a leaf, no [3 H]GA9 was detected in the elongating apex and only traces of [3 H]GA9 were found in the shoot above the treated leaf. By the use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), [2 H2 ]GA20 was identified as the main metabolite of [2 H2 ]GA9 in both the shoot and the treated leaf. In addition, [2 H2 ]GA1 and [2 H2 ]GA29 were also identified as metabolites of [2 H2 ]GA9 . These results are consistent with the hypothesis that exogenous GA, promotes shoot elongation in Salix through its metabolism to GA20 and GA,. 相似文献
Comparison of endogenous gibberellins in roots and shoots of elongating Salix pentandra seedlings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gibberellins GA1 , GA8 . GA19 . GA29 . GA20 and GA56 (2-epi-GA8 ). were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in root extracts of elongating Salix pentandra L. seedlings. The presence of GA8 was also demonstrated for the first time in S. pentandra shoots. The levels of GA1 , GA8 , GA19 , GA20 in shoot tissue and in roots were estimated by selected ion monitoring. While the amounts of GA8 and GA19 were similar in both plant parts. the levels of the biologically active GA1 and its immediate precursor GA20 . were found to be much lower in roots than in shoots. 相似文献
The decline in growth rate of field-grown willow trees in Aberystwyth, U.K., began in mid-summer and was followed by the senescence and abortion of shoot tips. These events were not triggered by a decline in the length of the natural photoperiod but were coincident with low leaf water potentials that developed in summer. Transient increases in the abscisic acid (ABA) content of shoot tips were observed during the period of declining water potential. These increases were roughly coincident with the onset of growth decline and preceded abortion and senescence of shoot tips. Under controlled conditions growth of both rooted cuttings and potted plants was arrested by short days (8 h) without any increase in tip ABA levels. Growth of rooted cuttings under long days (16 h) was inhibited by exogenous ABA; this inhibition could be relieved by addition of gibberellic acid (GA3) to the nutrient solution. Growth of aseptically cultured apices was also inhibited by ABA; this inhibition was relieved by joint application of GA9 and zeatin riboside. 相似文献
In young plants of Salix pentandra, a temperate zone deciduous woody species, elongation growth ceases and a terminal bud is formed at day lengths shorter than
a critical length. This is the first step in dormancy development, making survival under harsh winter conditions possible.
Early studies strongly indicate that gibberellin is involved in the photoperiodic control of bud set and bud break. GA1 action was studied by application under short days to plants where cessation of shoot elongation had occurred, followed by
subsequent anatomic investigations of shoot tips. Under short days the frequency of cell division decreased rapidly along
with the earlier observed decrease in GA1 levels. Application of GA1 to short-day–induced terminal buds rapidly stimulated cell division in apices several days before visible shoot elongation
in response to this treatment was observed. One day after GA1 application a fourfold increase in cell division frequency in apices was observed, increasing to a maximum of sevenfold 2
days after application. Long-day treatment leading to induction of bud break after about 4–6 days was followed by slowly increasing
frequency of cell divisions. In earlier studies of this species, short days and gibberellins had no effect on cell elongation.
These data show that increased GA1 content, by application or long-day treatment, results in increased frequency of mitosis. This strongly indicates that GA1 affects stem elongation in connection with bud set and bud break primarily by affecting cell divisions in subapical tissues.
Received February 26, 1999; accepted October 8, 1999 相似文献
Few tropical species have been tested for their flowering response under controlled conditions. Hyptis brevipes Poit, is an annual herb, commonly found in wet margins of streams and ponds, being considered a weed for some perennial plantations in Brazil. Under experimental glasshouse conditions, this species proved to be an obligate short-day plant. Flowering was delayed when photoperiods longer than 8 h were given, the critical photoperiod being between 12 and 13 h. When both temperature and photoperiod were controlled, at 20°C a longer protoperiod (by almost 1 h) is still inductive compared to 25 and 30°C. The number of short-day cycles required for full induction is relatively high and dependent upon temperature; at 20°C or above, 10 cycles are adequate, but at 15°C, more short-day cycles are needed. The number of inflorescences formed as well as the floral index vary according to daylength × temperature × inductive cycle number, allowing flowering to be assessed quantitatively. Long days are inhibitory to flowering, either suppressing it completely (when symmetrically intercalated among 24 inductive cycles) or preventing the floral index from increasing. 相似文献
Photoperiod has no effect on the growth of embryonic dogfish. Conversely, developmental rates are highly susceptible to temperature variation. Embryos maintained at 16°C grew faster and ecloded earlier than those maintained at 10°C. Increased temperature had no effect on size at eclosion. 相似文献
The influence of irradiance, photoperiod and temperature was determined for the growth kinetics of the diatoms Aulacoseira subarctica, Stephanodiscus astraea and Stephanodiscus hantzschii and the results compared with those of cyanobacteria. Irradiance and photoperiod relationships were qualitatively similar to those for cyanobacteria in that: (1) growth rate (K) was proportionally greater under short photoperiods, with ratios of K under continuous light to K under 3:21 light:dark (LD) cycles of 1·50, 1·80 and 2·96 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii respectively; (2) at subsaturating irradiances, K was proportional to irradiance and independent of temperature with a negligible predicted maintenance growth rate requirement. Apparent growth efficiencies (GE) at subsaturating irradiances were 0·26±0·03, 0·42±0·03 and 0·50±0·03 divisions mol-1m2 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii with the values for Stephanodiscus species comparable to values for Oscillatoria species. Under a 3:21 LD cycle at 4 °C, light-saturated growth rates were 0·066±0·004, 0·197±0·033 and 0·285±0·018 divisions day-1 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii. S. hantzschii growth rate at 4 °C exceeded maximum Oscillatoria growth rates at 23 °C and the S. astraea growth rate at 4 °C was equivalent to O. agardhii growth rate at 20 °C. Temperature increases above 4 °C gave Q10 values between 4 °C and 12 °C of 3·68, 2·39 and 1·92 for A. subarctica, S. astraea and S. hantzschii, but higher temperatures resulted in minor increases in K. S. astraea growth rate peaked at 16 °C, declining sharply at higher temperatures. February to March in situ growth rates in Lough Neagh, mean temperature 4·3 °C, showed that the A. subarctica in situ K of 0·058 divisions day-1 was close to the laboratory K at 4 °C, but that S. astraea in situ K of 0·101 divisions day-1 was lower than the laboratory K at 4 °C. 相似文献
Pinitol occurrence in soybean plants as affected by temperature and plant growth regulators 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Unsuitable temperatures are frequently encountered by soybean(Glycine max L. Merr.) plants grown in the field. Certain polyolshave been reported to protect plants from high temperature orfrost damage. Controlled environment studies were conductedto investigate the effect of stressful temperature regimes onthe content of pinitol (3-O-methyl-D-chiro-inositol) in soybeanplants. Hydroponically-grown soybean plants were subjected tohigh (35/30 C) or low (15/10 C) day/night temperature stresses,and pinitol content in different plant parts was determinedusing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A syntheticplant growth regulator, PGR-IV, was foliarly applied to theplants to evaluate its effect on pinitol content in differentplant components. Uniformly-labelled 14C-glucose was fed intothe leaves via the transpiration stream, and the effects ofhigh temperature and EXP-S1089, another synthetic plant growthregulator, on the incorporation of 14C-glucose into pinitolwas evaluated using HPLC separation and scintillation spectrometry.High-temperature stress significantly increased plant pinitolcontent and the incorporation of 14C-glucose into pinitol, butdecreased the content of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Underlow-temperature stress, there was hardly any change in pinitolcontent, but a drastic increase in soluble sugars. PGR-IV enhancedpinitol translocation from leaves to stems and roots, whileEXP-S1089 increased pinitol/sucrose ratio. Accumulation of pinitolmay be an adjustment mechanism of the plant to reduce high-temperaturedamage, but not low-temperature injuries. Key words: Pinitol, soybean, temperature, plant growth regulator 相似文献
P. Katapodis A. Kavarnou S. Kintzios E. Pistola D. Kekos B.J. Macris P. Christakopoulos 《Biotechnology letters》2002,24(17):1413-1416
Neutral and acidic oligosaccharides were obtained from birchwood xylan by treatment with an endoxylanase, family 10 class, from Thermoascus aurantiacus. The main acidic xylooligosaccharide (aldotetrauronic acid) was separated from the hydrolysate by anion-exchange and size-exclusion chromatography and the primary structure was determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy. The aldotetrauronic yield was 15% (w/w) of the total solubilised sugars. The addition of purified aldoterauronic acid at 1.6–16 mg l–1 growth medium, induced callus and somatic embryogenesis in culture explants of common mallow (Malva silvestris L.) and cotton (Gosssypium hirsutum). 相似文献
Effects of exogenous gibberellins GA53 , GA44 , GA19 , GA20 and GA1 on photoperiodically controlled shoot elongation in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. were studied. Gibberellins GA20 and GA1 induced shoot elongation under short days (SD) and could substitute for a transfer to long day (LD), while gibberellins A53 , A44 and A19 were inactive. In seedlings exposed to a prolonged SD-treatment (30 days) there was a significant positive interaction between a transfer to LD and a treatment with GA20 and GA1 on shoot elongation. In addition, GA19 enhanced the growth promotive effect of LD in these seedlings. The results are compatible with the suggestion that conversion of GA19 to GA20 is blocked under SD. This effect is supposed to be an early process leading to the cessation of shoot elongation under SD. Responsiveness of the seedlings to LD and to a GA-treatment gradually decreased with an increasing length of exposure to SD. 相似文献
Two phases of bud activity were identified in the new growth of one-year-old erect coppice shoots on 11-year-old low-pruned stumps of mulberry (Morus alba L. cv. Shin-ichinose) in spring, the sprouting phase in which the majority of the buds, including the basal ones, sprout and elongate, and the dominance phase (starting 4–5 weeks after sprouting) during which the upper laterals begin to assert dominance and suppress the growth of lower laterals, becoming new leading shoots. In contrast, arching before sprouting markedly inhibited buds on the under side, leading to poor shoots. By late April, the sprouts on the upper side grew readily into new erect shoots, resulting in considerable dominance over those from the lateral sides. Of these erect shoots, those located closer to the stem base grew more in May and June. The effects of arching made during the sprouting phase (late April) on bud activity and shoot lengths were generally similar to those of earlier archings before spring bud bursting. Separation of the shoots from the upper and under sides by longitudinal, horizontal splitting of the arched stems in late April did not affect the inhibited elongation of the shoots from the under side. These results suggest that in the response to arching before and in late April, the effects are related to spring bud bursting and gravimorphism. In contrast, arching during and after the dominance phase (May) had no gravimorphic effects on growth of the shoots on the upper side, although there was a stimulation of outbreak of the buds on the upper side, which remained dormant during spring bud bursting. Continuous basal applications of abscisic acid in aqueous solution inhibited bud break and shoot growth of the postdormant erect stem segments, and defoliation of the new shoots markedly. In contrast, similar applications of an ethylene-releasing compound, Ethephon, depressed shoot elongation slightly, but enhanced defoliation greatly. Gibberellic acid (GA3) stimulated shoot elongation, but depressed leaf enlargement. 相似文献
AIMS: To investigate the ability of Azospirillum sp., a facultative endophitic diazotrophic bacterium, to release plant growth regulators (PGR) such as polyamines, ethylene, indoleacetic acid and amino acids in both combined-N and N-free cultures. METHODS AND RESULTS: The presence of those substances was analysed by HPLC. Azospirillum sp. is capable of releasing PGR and amino acids into the culture medium. CONCLUSIONS: The type and quantity of the released substances varied, depending on the presence of combined-N in the medium. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A better knowledge of PGR produced by Azospirillum sp. has been gained. 相似文献