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Cough reflex changes in local tracheitis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors describe changes in the cough reflex in unanaesthetized cats with experimental local tracheitis. Inflammation was produced by a silk suture fixed in the trachea and cough was elicited by mechanical stimulation of different parts of the respiratory tract mucosa. The resultant cough values (the number of efforts, the intensity of the maximum effort and the intensity of the attack) were compared with the corresponding values in healthy cats. In animals with a tracheal suture, inflammation was confined to the trachea. The intensity of cough elicited by stimulation of this region increased significantly compared with normal (on the 15th to 17th day of inflammation), whereas cough elicited from the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial region did not. On about the 20th day of inflammation the authors found a decrease in the intensity of the maximum effort of cough elicited from the inflamed part of the trachea and a decrease in the intensity of the maximum effort and the intensity of the coughing attack elicited from the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial region. They assume that the decrease could have been due to the development of protective inhibition in central structures participating in integration of the cough reflex.  相似文献   

The authors studied parameters of laryngopharyngeal (LPh) and tracheobronchial (TB) cough (the number of efforts--NE, the number of efforts per minute--NE.min-1, the intensity of the maximum effort--IME and the intensity of the attack--IA), respiratory parameters (VT, f, Cdyn), blood gas values (PaO2, PaCO2) and the pH in the arterial blood of anaesthetized cats (Pentobarbital Spofa, 35 mg x kg-1 i.p. with experimental pulmonary oedema. Oedema was induced by the i.v. administration of a fatty acid mixture (capric acid 3.8 g, caprylic acid 3.1 g and olive oil 3.0 g)--in a dose of 0.05 ml x kg-1 in group 1 and of 0.01 ml x kg-1 in group 2. Cough was elicited by stimulating the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial mucosa with a silon fibre. Pulmonary oedema was determined from a macroscopic and microscopic examination of the lungs, from the ratio of lung weight to body weight and from the percentual dry weight of the right lungs. The authors found that the intensity of cough was depressed during pulmonary oedema, particularly in the case of TB cough. VT and Cdyn fell, f rose and the PaO2 and pH values steadily decreased.  相似文献   

The authors studied, in 11 awake adult cats, the parameters of the expiration reflex (ER), tracheobronchial (TB) and laryngopharyngeal (LPh) cough, the respiratory rate (f), tidal volume (VT), the end tidal fractional CO2 concentration (FETCO2), the pH, the blood gases and the heart rate during 30 hours' isobaric hypoxic hypoxia (FO2 = 0.11). During the whole 30 hours the cats developed hypocapnic hypoxemia, f remained unchanged and VT was markedly elevated. In the acute phase (15 min) of hypoxic hypoxia of the same intensity, changes in respiratory parameters were the same and the intensity of respiratory reflexes increased significantly (Tatár et al. 1984). During prolonged hypoxic hypoxia there were no statistically significant changes in the intensity of the ER and of TB and LPh cough. The authors assume that some adaptation of the central mechanisms regulating the defence reflexes of the airways took place; this hypothesis is warranted, because an increase in the susceptibility of the cough centre during constant conditions of the stimulation of cough receptors would not be biologically expedient. The different changes in the intensity of respiratory defense reflexes in the acute and the prolonged phase of hypoxic hypoxia in the presence of identical changes in respiratory parameters are further indirect evidence pointing to the existence of functional differences between the respiratory centre and the cough centre.  相似文献   

The importance of neurons in the pontine respiratory group for the generation of cough, expiration, and aspiration reflexes was studied on non-decerebrate spontaneously breathing cats under pentobarbitone anesthesia. The dysfunction of neurons in the pontine respiratory group produced by bilateral microinjection of kainic acid (neurotoxin) regularly abolished the cough reflexes evoked by mechanical stimulation of both the tracheobronchial and the laryngopharyngeal mucous membranes and the expiration reflex mechanically induced from the glottis. The aspiration reflex elicited by similar stimulation of the nasopharyngeal region persisted in 73% of tests, however, with a reduced intensity compared to the pre-lesion conditions. The pontine respiratory group seems to be an important source of the facilitatory inputs to the brainstem circuitries that mediate cough, expiration, and aspiration reflexes. Our results indicate the significant role of pons in the multilevel organization of brainstem networks in central integration of the aforementioned reflexes.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis that neurons of both the ventral reticular nucleus and the adjacent parts of the lateral tegmental field (LTF) may be important for the production of motor programs associated with cough, expiration and aspiration reflexes. Our studies were conducted on non-decerebrate, spontaneously breathing cats under pentobarbitone anesthesia. Dysfunction of the medullary LTF region above the obex, produced by uni- or bilateral injections of kainic acid (a neurotoxin), regularly abolished the cough reflex evoked by mechanical stimulation of both the tracheobronchial and laryngeal regions and in most cases also the expiration reflex induced from the glottal area. However, some electrical activity still occurred in the neurogram of the recurrent laryngeal nerve during probing the laryngeal and glottal regions. Interestingly, the aspiration reflex elicited from the nasopharynx regularly persisted, although with lower intensity after the LTF lesion. Nevertheless, successive midcollicular decerebration performed in four cats also abolished the aspiration reflex. These experiments demonstrate the importance of medullary LTF neurons for the normal occurrence of cough and expiration reflexes. One possible explanation for the elimination of these expulsive processes is that the blockade of the LTF neurons may remove an important source of a facilitatory input to the brainstem circuitries that mediate cough and expiration reflexes. In addition, the potential importance of the mesencephalic reticular formation for the occurrence of the aspiration reflex and the role of the LTF in modulating both the eupnoeic breathing and the blood pressure are also discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of brain stem transection at different levels of the pons Varolii and the medulla oblongata on respiration and on cough and the aspiration and expiration reflex elicited by mechanical stimulation of the relevant parts of the respiratory tract was studied in experiments on 13 anaesthetized, unparalyzed cats. The results of 142 respiratory reflex elicitation tests showed that: 1. Compared with the control state, transection of the upper and middle part of the pons Varolii and transection at the level of the pontomedullary junction reduced the respiration rate (p less than 0.001), increased the duration of inspiration and expiration (p less than 0.001, transection 10 mm rostrally to the obex) and gave rise to apneustic breathing (8 mm), or to tonic, respiration-modulated activity of the phrenic nerve and diaphragm (6 mm). 2. Successive transection of the pons and the pontomedullary junction region led chiefly to a drop in maximum expiratory pleural pressure values (p less than 0.01-0.001) during cough and the expiration reflex and to a drop in maximum inspiratory pleural pressure values during the aspiration reflex (p less than 0.02-0.001). 3. Transection of the upper part of the medulla oblongata always led to permanent arrest of rhythmic respiration, during which cough and the expiration reflex could not be elicited while the aspiration reflex persisted (though in a weakened form). This state was followed by gasping, during which only a highly elicitable aspiration reflex persisted. 4. It can be assumed from the above findings that the central mechanisms responsible for the development of powerful expiratory efforts in cough and the expiration reflex could be localized in the pons Varolii, while those integrating the aspiration reflex are probably localized mainly in the medulla oblongata.  相似文献   

In experiments on 10 adult anaesthetized cats (pentobarbital 30 mg.kg-1 i.p.) the effect of stimultaneous hypoxia and hypercapnia was studied on the defence respiratory reflexes of the airways. Expiratory reflex and cough were elicited by mechanical stimulation of the airways mucosa, and the obtained values were evaluated on basis of the intrapleural pressure. Inhalation of the hypoxic-hypercapnic gas mixture (11% + 7% CO2 in N2) for 15 minutes led to a significant decrease of respiratory frequency, tidal volume and PaCO2, while pHa and PaCO2 also decreased significantly together with the intensity of the expiratory reflex and that of cough. Recent studies, showed that in the course of the effect of hypoxia (11% O2) and of hypercapnia (5% CO2), cough intensity decreased, but the change was not significant. The decrease of the intensity of respiratory defence reflexes under hypoxic-hypercapnic conditions might have been due to the changes of centrally controlling structures, or to the effector part of the reflex arc, resulting from fatigue of the respiratory muscles. The possible effect of anaesthesia exerting a significant influence on the intensity and character of airways defence reflexes could not be excluded.  相似文献   

The antitussive activity of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. (E. officinalis, Fam. Euphorbiaceae) was tested in conscious cats by mechanical stimulation of the laryngopharyngeal and tracheobronchial mucous areas of airways. The results showed that at a dose of 50 mg/kg body wt. perorally, the cough suppressive effect of E. officinalis is not unambiguous. A higher dose (200 mg/kg body wt.) of this substance perorally was more effective, especially in decreasing the number of cough efforts (NE), frequency of cough (NE/min(-1)) and the intensity of cough attacks in inspirium (IA+) and expirium (IA-) was more pronounced. These results showed that the cough suppressive activity of E. officinalis is dose-dependent. We could also demonstrate that the antitussive activity of E. officinalis is less effective than shown by the classical narcotic antitussive drug codeine, but more effective than the non-narcotic antitussive agent dropropizine. It is supposed that the antitussive activity of the dry extract of Emblica officinalis is due not only to antiphlogistic, antispasmolytic and antioxidant efficacy effects, but also to its effect on mucus secretion in the airways.  相似文献   

The authors present their 30 years' experience with expiration reflex. The reflex can be elicited from vocal folds by mechanical, chemical or electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve of man and laboratory animals, except mice and rats. It manifests itself by a short, forcible expiratory effort without a preceding inspiration which is indispensable for cough effort. The role of expiration reflex is to prevent penetration of foreign bodies into airways, expelling phlegm and detritus from subglottal area. The initial inspiration before expiration is undesired and could lead to inspiration pneumonia. The reflex is well known to laryngologists as '"laryngeal cough." Its receptors are small in number, localised mainly in medial margin of vocal folds deep in mucosa which can explain their stability in pathological conditions of the larygx. Afferentiation of the reflex is via laryngeal nerve similarly to sneezing and cough. Expiration reflex is not co-ordinated by a single "centre" but rather by a network system in the brain stem. Its motor pattern is supposedly produced by "multifunctional" population of medullar neurones in Botzinger complex and the rostral ventral respiratory group involved also in the genesis of breathing and cough. However, in cats also other neurones may play a vital role in production, shaping and mediation of the motor pattern of respiratory reflex, localised in rostral pons, lateral tegmental field or in the raphe medullar midline.  相似文献   

Changes evoked by mechanical stimulation of the relevant parts of the respiratory tract in the activity of inspiratory and expiratory neurones in the ventral respiratory group of the medulla oblongata, and in pleural pressure and the diaphragmatic electromyogram, were determined during cough, sneeze and the aspiration and expiration reflexes in 17 anaesthetized (but not paralysed) cats. The results of 72 tests of elicitation of the given reflexes showed that: Compared with the control inspiration, both the mean and the maximum discharge frequency of spontaneously active inspiratory neurones rose during the inspiratory phase of cough, sneeze and the aspiration reflex. Regular recruitment of new inspiratory units was also observed in the inspiratory phase of cough and the aspiration reflex. Compared with the control expiration, both the mean and the maximum discharge frequency of spontaneously active expiratory neurones rose during the cough, sneeze and expiration reflex effort. Recruitment of latent expiratory neurones was always observed in the expulsive phase of the given respiratory processes. The recruitment of latent expiratory neurones was accompanied by reciprocal inhibition of the activity of inspiratory units and recruitment of latent inspiratory neurones by inhibition of the activity of expiratory units and recruitment of latent inspiratory neurones by inhibition of the activity of expiratory units. Regular recruitment of the same expiratory neurones in all expulsive respiratory processes, together with the similar incidence of inspiratory neurones in the inspiratory phase of sneeze and the aspiration reflex, indicates that they are "nonspecific" in character.  相似文献   

Fictive cough in the cat.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experiments were performed to determine whether cough could be elicited in paralyzed cats ventilated on a respiratory cycle-triggered pump. Midcollicular decerebrate cats were paralyzed and artificially ventilated on a phrenic-triggered pump. Phrenic and cranial iliohypogastric nerve efferent activities were recorded. Cough was elicited by electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) or probing the intrathoracic trachea. Fictive coughs induced by electrical stimulation of the SLN or mechanical stimulation of the intrathoracic trachea consisted of large-amplitude bursts in phrenic discharge immediately followed by large bursts in cranial iliohypogastric discharge. During fictive cough, phrenic postinspiratory discharge was reduced relative to control cycles. Codeine (0.03-1 mg/kg iv) decreased both SLN- and probe-induced fictive cough. I conclude that fictive cough can be produced in paralyzed cats ventilated on a phrenic-triggered pump. Furthermore, fictive cough can be produced in the absence of afferent feedback associated with active expiration.  相似文献   

The authors studied the elicitability of the expiration and aspiration reflex and of the respiratory reaction from the tracheobronchial area in 131 anaesthetized rats (aged 1-15 days, adult and biologically old). They found that the expiration reflex could be elicited, in the rat, from the first day of life, at a time when other respiratory reflexes were not yet stable. In young rats, the expiration reflex was often followed by a cough reaction which was absent in adult animals. The findings indicate that the expiration reflex is one of the most important respiratory reflexes of the early postnatal period in the rat, because the aspiration reflex and the respiratory reaction from the bronchi were not stable until the 15th day of life. In biological old rats, the expiration reflex is less frequently elicited and its intensity attains about half the value found in adult animals. The aspiration reflex and the respiratory reaction from the bronchi are likewise less readily elicited than in adult animals, but when the intensity of their maximum expiratory effort is increased, it is far greater.  相似文献   

The interactions between vagal and spinal afferents in the control of eupneic diaphragmatic activity were studied in two groups of cats anesthetized either with pentobarbital sodium (SPB) or with ethyl carbamate-alpha-chloralose (ECC), which enhanced spinal reflexes. Under both conditions of anesthesia two experimental protocols were performed: 1) bilateral cervical vagotomy followed by spinal section at C8 level or 2) spinal section followed by vagotomy. Changes in integrated diaphragmatic activity (Edi) were studied during eupneic ventilation and tracheal occlusion at end expiration. Vagotomy always significantly increased the amplitude of Edi during eupnea (SPB + 30%; ECC + 15%) and prolonged its duration (Tdi) (SPB + 110%; ECC + 75%) but did not modify the overall shape of the Edi vs. time relationship. Spinal section induced reverse changes in the amplitude of Edi, whether vagal afferents were present or suppressed and modified the shape of the Edi wave, but did not significantly modify Tdi. These results indicate that both vagal and spinal afferents may participate in the control of eupneic inspiration but exert different and interdependent influences on the recruitment and firing time of phrenic motoneurons. In addition, Tdi measured during tracheal occlusion (Todi) was markedly prolonged under ECC anesthesia. In this situation spinal section reduced Todi, which became close to the values obtained in intact or spinal cats under SPB anesthesia. Thus the response to tracheal occlusion at end expiration cannot be interpreted as resulting from the sole suppression of volume related vagal information.  相似文献   

We studied the temporal relationships and the patterns of electromyographic activities of the posterior cricoarytenoid and thyreoarytenoid muscles (laryngeal abductor and adductor), the diaphragm and abdominal muscles in anesthetized cats during mechanically induced tracheobronchial and laryngopharyngeal coughs, expiration and aspiration reflexes. The posterior cricoarytenoid muscle activity reached the maxima just before the peak of diaphragmatic activity in both types of cough and aspiration reflexes and slightly before the top of abdominal muscle activity in coughs and the expiration reflex. Thus, this muscle contributes to the inspiratory phase of coughs and aspiration reflex and also to the expulsive phase of coughs and the expiration reflex. The thyreoarytenoid muscle presented strong discharges in the compressive phase of coughs and expiration reflex (during the rising part of the abdominal muscle activity) and in the subsequent laryngoconstriction (following the diaphragmal and/or abdominal muscle activity) in all four reflexes. This muscle was also slightly activated at the beginning of the aspiration reflex. The existence of four phases of the cough reflex is also discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of lung inflation during continuous positive airway pressure breathing (CPAP) on airway defensive reflexes in 10 enflurane-anesthetized spontaneously breathing humans. The airway defensive reflexes were induced by instillation into the trachea of 0.5 ml of distilled water at two different levels of end-expiratory pressure (0 and 10 cmH2O CPAP). The tracheal irritation at an end-expiratory pressure of 0 cmH2O caused a variety of reflex responses including apnea, spasmodic panting, expiration reflex, cough reflex, an increase in heart rate, and an increase in blood pressure. Lung inflation during CPAP of 10 cmH2O did not exert any influence on these reflex responses in terms of the types, latencies, and durations of reflex responses although the intensity of the expiration reflex and cough reflex was augmented by lung inflation. Our results suggest that the pulmonary stretch receptors do not play an important role in the mechanisms of airway defensive reflexes in humans.  相似文献   

Pleural pressure, airflow and tidal volume during experimental cough and sneeze elicited by mechanical stimulation of the tracheobronchial and nasal mucous membranes were investigated in fifty anaesthetized cats (pentobarbital, 40 mg/kg i.p.). Pressure-volume, pressure-flow and flow-volume relations were studied during these expulsive processes. In comparison to quiet breathing there was a decrease in dynamic lung compliance in both respiratory tract reflexes (p less than 0.001), especially in their expiratory phases. As compared to quiet breathing, the total work of breathing was significantly increased (p less than 0.001) in cough (20 times) as well as in sneeze (13 times). The total lung resistance increased markedly (p less than 0.001) in both cough and sneeze compared to quiet breathing. In these expulsive processes there was also a high "cough index" (resistance calculated from the peak flow and instantaneous pressure). The flow-volume curve in cough, in contradistinction to sneeze, indicated a significantly reduced airflow of the end of expiration (at 85% of the expired volume), demonstrating a concomitant bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

淡紫拟青霉右旋糖酐酶的形成条件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
比较了各种碳水化合物对淡紫拟青霉(Paecilomyces lilacinus)右旋糖酐酶形成的影响,右旋糖酐是最好的碳源,也是最佳诱导物。不同分子量(17.2—1000kD)的右旋糖酐对酶形成的诱导作用不同,酶的产生随右旋糖酐分子量的增大而增加。用分子量为1000kD的右旋糖酐作碳源时比用17.2kD的右旋糖酐作碳源时的产酶量高40%以上。用右旋糖酐和其它糖的混合物作碳源时,酶的形成受到不同程度的抑制。右旋糖酐酶形成的其它适宜条件:氮源为牛肉蛋白胨,培养基初始pH6.0—7.0.种龄为48小时,在250ml三角瓶中装50ml培养基,于28℃在200r/min摇床上培养6天。  相似文献   

We investigated the axial dispersive effect of the upper airway structure (comprising mouth cavity, oropharynx, and trachea) on a traversing aerosol bolus. This was done by means of aerosol bolus experiments on a hollow cast of a realistic upper airway model (UAM) and three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations in the same UAM geometry. The experiments showed that 50-ml boluses injected into the UAM dispersed to boluses with a half-width ranging from 80 to 90 ml at the UAM exit, across both flow rates (250, 500 ml/s) and both flow directions (inspiration, expiration). These experimental results imply that the net half-width induced by the UAM typically was 69 ml. Comparison of experimental bolus traces with a one-dimensional Gaussian-derived analytical solution resulted in an axial dispersion coefficient of 200-250 cm(2)/s, depending on whether the bolus peak and its half-width or the bolus tail needed to be fully accounted for. CFD simulations agreed well with experimental results for inspiratory boluses and were compatible with an axial dispersion of 200 cm(2)/s. However, for expiratory boluses the CFD simulations showed a very tight bolus peak followed by an elongated tail, in sharp contrast to the expiratory bolus experiments. This indicates that CFD methods that are widely used to predict the fate of aerosols in the human upper airway, where flow is transitional, need to be critically assessed, possibly via aerosol bolus simulations. We conclude that, with all its geometric complexity, the upper airway introduces a relatively mild dispersion on a traversing aerosol bolus for normal breathing flow rates in inspiratory and expiratory flow directions.  相似文献   

GABA-ergic mechanisms in the central control of cough   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antitussive activity of gabalinoleamide (Gabalid U CB) was studied in 40 non-anaesthetized cats. The antitussive action of the substance was compared to that of codeine (Codein Spofa). Cough was induced by mechanical stimulation using a chronic tracheal cannula. Single cough parameters were evaluated from changes in the side tracheal pressure. When gabalinoleamide was administered in a dose of 100 mg/kg b.w. intramuscularly all the studied parameters of cough showed a statistically significant decrease, only the intensity of maximum cough effort remained unaffected. Gabalinoleamide administered in the same dose induced a statistically significant decrease of respiratory frequency and breathing amplitude, and prolonged the cycle of breathing by delaying the expiratory phase. Higher doses (200 and 300 mg/kg b.w.) did not have an increased cough suppressing effect. The quality and quantity of cough parameters were similar after codeine and gabalinoleamide.  相似文献   

The pattern of breathing of male rats was studied after stimulating respiration with carbon dioxide at different levels of general anaesthesia. Anaesthesia was induced by the inhalation of halothane or by the i.p. injection of urethane. Ventilation values were measured in intubated rats in body plethysmograph. It was found that a linear relationship between minute ventilation and tidal volume was maintained during the decrease of minute ventilation due to deepening of anaesthesia. The slope of the relationship after stimulating respiration with carbon dioxide also diminished during deeper anaesthesia. The duration of inspiration did not alter significantly, despite marked changes in tidal volume. Tidal volume correlated with the duration of expiration at different anaesthesia levels. In vagotomized rats, the duration of expiration shortened as ventilation was depressed by deepening anaesthesia.  相似文献   

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