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Heritable variation in traits can have wide-ranging impacts on species interactions, but the effects that ongoing evolution has on the temporal ecological dynamics of communities are not well understood. Here, we identify three conditions that, if experimentally satisfied, support the hypothesis that evolution by natural selection can drive ecological changes in communities. These conditions are: (i) a focal population exhibits genetic variation in a trait(s), (ii) there is measurable directional selection on the trait(s), and (iii) the trait(s) under selection affects variation in a community variable(s). When these conditions are met, we expect evolution by natural selection to cause ecological changes in the community. We tested these conditions in a field experiment examining the interactions between a native plant (Oenothera biennis) and its associated arthropod community (more than 90 spp.). Oenothera biennis exhibited genetic variation in several plant traits and there was directional selection on plant biomass, life-history strategy (annual versus biennial reproduction) and herbivore resistance. Genetically based variation in biomass and life-history strategy consistently affected the abundance of common arthropod species, total arthropod abundance and arthropod species richness. Using two modelling approaches, we show that evolution by natural selection in large O. biennis populations is predicted to cause changes in the abundance of individual arthropod species, increases in the total abundance of arthropods and a decline in the number of arthropod species. In small O. biennis populations, genetic drift is predicted to swamp out the effects of selection, making the evolution of plant populations unpredictable. In short, evolution by natural selection can play an important role in affecting the dynamics of communities, but these effects depend on several ecological factors. The framework presented here is general and can be applied to other systems to examine the community-level effects of ongoing evolution.  相似文献   

Results of diversity and community ecology studies strongly depend on sampling depth. Completely surveyed communities follow log-normal distribution, whereas power law functions best describe incompletely censused communities. It is arguable whether the statistics behind those theories can be applied to voluminous next generation sequencing data in microbiology by treating individual DNA sequences as counts of molecular taxonomic units (MOTUs). This study addresses the suitability of species abundance models in three groups of plant-associated fungal communities - phyllosphere, ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. We tested the impact of differential treatment of molecular singletons on observed and estimated species richness and species abundance distribution models. The arbuscular mycorrhizal community of 48 MOTUs was exhaustively sampled and followed log-normal distribution. The ectomycorrhizal (153 MOTUs) and phyllosphere (327 MOTUs) communities significantly differed from log-normal distribution. The fungal phyllosphere community in particular was clearly undersampled. This undersampling bias resulted in strong sensitivity to the exclusion of molecular singletons and other rare MOTUs that may represent technical artefacts. The analysis of abundant (core) and rare (satellite) MOTUs clearly identified two species abundance distributions in the phyllosphere data - a log-normal model for the core group and a log-series model for the satellite group. The prominent log-series distribution of satellite phyllosphere fungi highlighted the ecological significance of an infrequent fungal component in the phyllosphere community.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of sessile organisms under coral rubble has been studied at Bonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Species richness under rubble is extremely high with at least 367 species of which sponges, tunicates and bryozoans are the most important. Shallow sub-rubble communities can be considered refuges as the majority of these species are crypt-obligate. Sub-rubble communities may also have a preserve function for sponges, but do not harbour enough corals to ensure a quick coral recolonization of the reef surface after a major disaster. Cryptic community composition is affected by depth and pollution, and differs substantially between the two neighbouring islands, possibly as a result of different bottom characteristics. Biomass of the sub-rubble communities may contribute considerably to total reef biomass. Diversity varies inversely with increased depth and increased rubble size, possibly indicating abiotic control (e.g. physical disturbance by wave action and reef slope substrate collapse).  相似文献   

Studies on the impact of logging on tropical forest butterflies have been almost exclusively conducted in moist forest habitats. This study considers the impacts of small-scale logging on butterfly communities at three sites of varying disturbance intensity in a tropical dry forest in western Thailand. Butterfly species richness was similar at all sites, but the abundance of butterflies and diversity of the butterfly community decreased with increased logging disturbance. The recorded decrease in diversity at the relatively large sampling scale used lends further support to the hypothesis that disturbance effects are scale dependent. Species abundance data for butterflies fitted a log-normal distribution at all sites, but also a log-series distribution at the two disturbed sites. These analyses suggest a more complex butterfly community at the undisturbed site, but also that log-series and log-normal distributions may not to be sufficiently sensitive to be useful indicators of community changes following logging. Community ordination separates both the butterfly species and transect samples into three distinct regions corresponding to the three study locations. Ordination axes are correlated with tree density, understorey cover and understorey plant richness. Species with the smallest geographic ranges tend to be the least abundant and occurred most frequently in the undisturbed site. The observed diverging responses to disturbance among butterfly families diminishes the value of butterfly communities as biodiversity indicators, and forest managers should perhaps focus on restricted range species or of groups of recognized sensitive species for this purpose.  相似文献   

Dispersal among local communities can have a variety of effects on species composition and diversity at local and regional scales. Local conditions (e.g., resource and predator densities) can have independent effects, as well as interact with dispersal, to alter these patterns. Based on metacommunity models, we predicted that local diversity would show a unimodal relationship with dispersal frequency. We manipulated dispersal frequencies, resource levels, and the presence of predators (mosquito larvae) among communities found in the water-filled leaves of the pitcher plant Sarracenia purpurea. Diversity and abundance of species of the middle trophic level, protozoa and rotifers, were measured. Increased dispersal frequencies significantly increased regional species richness and protozoan abundance while decreasing the variance among local communities. Dispersal frequency interacted with predation at the local community scale to produce patterns of diversity consistent with the model. When predators were absent, we found a unimodal relationship between dispersal frequency and diversity, and when predators were present, there was a flat relationship. Intermediate dispersal frequencies maintained some species in the inquiline communities by offsetting extinction rates. Local community composition and the degree of connectivity between communities are both important for understanding species diversity patterns at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

Diversity and similarity of butterfly communities were assessed in five different habitat types (from natural closed forest to agricultural lands) in the mountains of Tam Dao National Park, Vietnam for 3 years from 2002 to 2004. The line transect count was used to record species richness and abundance of butterfly communities in the different habitat types. For each habitat, the number of species and individuals, and indices of species richness, evenness and diversity of butterfly communities were calculated. The results indicated that species richness and abundance of butterfly communities were low in the natural closed forest, higher in the disturbed forest, highest in the forest edge, lower in the shrub habitat and lowest in the agricultural lands. The indices of species richness, evenness and diversity of butterfly communities were low in agricultural lands and natural closed forest but highest in the forest edge and shrub habitats. The families Satyridae and Amathusiidae have the greatest species richness and abundance in the natural closed forest, with a reduction in their species richness and abundance from the natural closed forest to the agricultural lands. Species composition of butterfly communities was different among five different habitat types (40%), was similar in habitats outside the forest (68%) and was similar in habitats inside the forest (63%). Diversity and abundance of butterfly communities are not different between the natural closed forest and the agriculture lands, but species composition changed greatly between these habitat types. A positive correlation between the size of species geographical distribution range and increasing habitat disturbance was found. The most characteristic natural closed forest species have the smallest geographical distribution range.  相似文献   

为解释塔里木荒漠河岸林群落构建和物种多度分布格局形成的机理, 本文以塔里木荒漠河岸林2个不同生境(沙地、河漫滩) 4 ha固定监测样地为研究对象, 基于两样地物种调查数据, 采用统计模型(对数级数模型、对数正态模型、泊松对数正态分布模型、Weibull分布模型)、生态位模型(生态位优先占领模型、断棍模型)和中性理论模型(复合群落零和多项式模型、Volkov模型)拟合荒漠河岸林群落物种多度分布, 并用K-S检验与赤池信息准则(AIC)筛选最优拟合模型。结果表明: (1)随生境恶化(土壤水分降低), 植物物种多度分布曲线变化减小, 群落物种多样性、多度和群落盖度降低, 常见种数减少。(2)选用的3类模型均可拟合荒漠河岸林不同生境群落物种多度分布格局, 统计模型和中性理论模型拟合效果均优于生态位模型。复合群落零和多项式模型对远离河岸的干旱沙地生境拟合效果最好; 对数正态模型和泊松对数正态模型对洪水漫溢的河漫滩生境拟合效果最优; 中性理论模型与统计模型无显著差异。初步推断中性过程在荒漠河岸林群落构建中发挥着主导作用, 但模型拟合结果只能作为推断群落构建过程的必要非充分条件, 不能排除生态位过程的潜在作用。  相似文献   

The species diversity indices and the species abundance distribution of Ouercus ilex L. woods in Veneto, Italy were studied. The results are as follows: 1. The Menhinicht s index, Shannont s index, Brillouin’s index, Simpsont s index Piulout s evenness, V′ evenness of PIE, V evenness of PIE, Mclntosh evenness could be used to study the diversity of O. ilex woods in Veneto. They showed that from the area of Lago ki Garda, to Foci del Tagliamento, Bosco Nordio, and Colli Euganei, the value of species diversity indices decreased gadually. 2. The geometric series of species abundance distribution dould be used best to study the diversity of O. ilex woods, and the log-normal distribution of species abundance distribution could also be a good index used to study did. The results of the study of species abundance distribution were the same as those of species diversity indices. 3. Diversity did not always increase in succession. In the earlier stage of succession, the diversity usually was relatively large owing to the invasion of many species and the lack of dominance. In the subsequent stage, the diversity was relatively minimized as the dominance increases. In the late stage, the diversity would increase as the structure of community became complicated and the number of species increased.  相似文献   

Summary I suggest that between-community variations in diversity patterns during succession in plant communities are due to the effects of selection on life history strategies under different disturbance regimes. Natural disturbances to plant communities are simultaneously a source of mortality for some individuals and a source of establishment sites for others. The plant community consists of a mosaic of disturbance patches (gaps) of different environmental conditions. The composition of the mosaic is described by the size-frequency distribution of the gaps and is dependent on the rates and scales of disturbance. The life-history strategies of plant species dependent on some form of disturbance for establishment of propagules should reflect this size-frequency distribution of disturbance patches. An extension of island biogeographic theory to encompass relative habitat area predicts that a community should be most rich in species adapted to growth and establishment in the spatially most common patch types. Changes in species diversity during succession following large scale disturbance reflect the prevalent life history patterns under historically common disturbance regimes. Communities in which the greatest patch area is in large-scale clearings (e.g. following fire) are most diverse in species establishing seedlings in xeric, high light conditions. Species diversity decreases during succession. Communities in which such large patches are rare are characterized by a large number of species that reach the canopy through small gaps and realtively few which regenerate in the large clearings. Diversity increases during succession following a large scale disturbance.Evidence from communities characterized by different disturbance regimes is summarized from the literature. This hypothesis provides an evolutionary mechanism with which to examine the changes in plant community structure during succession. Diversity peaks occurring at intermediate levels of disturbance as discussed by Connell and Huston are interpreted in this context.  相似文献   



Hubbell''s 2001 neutral theory unifies biodiversity and biogeography by modelling steady-state distributions of species richness and abundances across spatio-temporal scales. Accurate predictions have issued from its core premise that all species have identical vital rates. Yet no ecologist believes that species are identical in reality. Here I explain this paradox in terms of the ecological equivalence that species must achieve at their coexistence equilibrium, defined by zero net fitness for all regardless of intrinsic differences between them. I show that the distinction of realised from intrinsic vital rates is crucial to evaluating community resilience.

Principal Findings

An analysis of competitive interactions reveals how zero-sum patterns of abundance emerge for species with contrasting life-history traits as for identical species. I develop a stochastic model to simulate community assembly from a random drift of invasions sustaining the dynamics of recruitment following deaths and extinctions. Species are allocated identical intrinsic vital rates for neutral dynamics, or random intrinsic vital rates and competitive abilities for niche dynamics either on a continuous scale or between dominant-fugitive extremes. Resulting communities have steady-state distributions of the same type for more or less extremely differentiated species as for identical species. All produce negatively skewed log-normal distributions of species abundance, zero-sum relationships of total abundance to area, and Arrhenius relationships of species to area. Intrinsically identical species nevertheless support fewer total individuals, because their densities impact as strongly on each other as on themselves. Truly neutral communities have measurably lower abundance/area and higher species/abundance ratios.


Neutral scenarios can be parameterized as null hypotheses for testing competitive release, which is a sure signal of niche dynamics. Ignoring the true strength of interactions between and within species risks a substantial misrepresentation of community resilience to habitat loss.  相似文献   

Predation risk is widely hypothesized as an important force structuring communities, but this potential force is rarely tested experimentally, particularly in terrestrial vertebrate communities. How animals respond to predation risk is generally considered predictable from species life-history and natural-history traits, but rigorous tests of these predictions remain scarce. We report on a large-scale playback experiment with a forest bird community that addresses two questions: (i) does perceived predation risk shape the richness and composition of a breeding bird community? And (ii) can species life-history and natural-history traits predict prey community responses to different types of predation risk? On 9 ha plots, we manipulated cues of three avian predators that preferentially prey on either adult birds or offspring, or both, throughout the breeding season. We found that increased perception of predation risk led to generally negative responses in the abundance, occurrence and/or detection probability of most prey species, which in turn reduced the species richness and shifted the composition of the breeding bird community. Species-level responses were largely predicted from the key natural-history trait of body size, but we did not find support for the life-history theory prediction of the relationship between species'' slow/fast life-history strategy and their response to predation risk.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the phylogeny and ecology of communities along environmental gradients helps to disentangle the role of competition-driven processes and environmental filtering for community assembly. In this study, we evaluated patterns in species richness, phylogenetic structure and life-history traits of bee communities along altitudinal gradients in the Alps, Germany. We found a linear decline in species richness and abundance but increasing phylogenetic clustering in communities with increasing altitude. The proportion of social- and ground-nesting species, as well as mean body size and altitudinal range of bee communities, increased with increasing altitude, whereas the mean geographical distribution decreased. Our results suggest that community assembly at high altitudes is dominated by environmental filtering effects, whereas the relative importance of competition increases at low altitudes. We conclude that inherent phylogenetic and ecological species attributes at high altitudes pose a threat for less competitive alpine specialists with ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown the effects of yearly or monthly environmental conditions on the structure of fish and zooplankton communities. Environmental conditions can also vary greatly on much shorter time scales. We tested the effects of abiotic conditions on the daily abundance of fish and zooplankton in the littoral zone of Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas. After date was removed statistically from the analysis, no environmental variables were particularly important in determining the daily abundance of zooplankton, whereas, numbers of fish in the littoral zone were related to changes in wind velocity and wave height. Regressions of daily fish abundance against wave height showed that the response differed among species and among life-history intervals within species. Numbers of juvenile Dorosoma petenense, Notropis atherinoides, and Morone chrysops were positively correlated with wave height, whereas juvenile Menidia beryllina were negatively correlated with wave height. We suggest that changes in the abundance of particular species may be associated with (1) avoidance of inshore areas to escape possible physical damage by wave induced turbulence, (2) attraction to inshore areas to feed on prey organisms suspended in the water column by wave induced turbulence, and (3) avoidance of inshore areas to escape high predator abundance and increased possibility of being eaten due to turbulence.  相似文献   

1. In temperate communities, species abundance distributions have been used to detect ecosystem disturbance: in undisturbed habitats, distributions are claimed to generally fit log-normal models, whereas in disturbed habitats, distributions fit log-series models.
2. There is a growing literature on the effects of habitat disturbance in tropical ecosystems and several studies suggest that species abundance models may be useful in detecting disturbance, although data are lacking.
3. Nummelin (1998) claims that these models are not universal indicators of forest disturbance, but we highlight a number of problems with the data presented in Nummelin's study and conclude that it is too soon to dismiss these models. We discuss several important points arising from Nummelin's study which need to be considered if species abundance models are to be used appropriately.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution is characterized by the independent evolution of similar phenotypes within similar selective environments. Previous work on Trinidadian killifish, Rivulus hartii, demonstrated repeatable life-history differences across communities that differ in predation intensity. These studies were performed in rivers located on the south slope of Trinidad's Northern Range Mountains. There exists a parallel series of rivers on the north slope of these mountains. As on the south slope, Rivulus is found across a gradient of fish predation. However, the predatory fish species in north-slope rivers are derived from marine families, whereas south-slope rivers contain a predatory fish fauna characteristic of the South American mainland. If predator-induced mortality and the associated indirect effects are the causal factors selecting for life-history patterns in Rivulus, and these are similar in north- and south-slope rivers, then the specific predatory species should be interchangeable and we would expect convergence of life-history phenotypes across slopes. Here, we characterize the life-history phenotypes of Rivulus from north-slope communities by measuring number of eggs, egg weight, reproductive allotment, reproductive tissue weight, and size at maturity. We find similar patterns of life-history divergence across analogous predator communities. Between slopes, minor differences in Rivulus life-history traits exist and one potential cause of these differences is the abundance of Macrobrachium prawns in north-slope rivers.  相似文献   

Modeling vertical beta-diversity in tropical butterfly communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a novel analytical method for assessing spatial and temporal structure in community samples that is useful for comparing large data-sets that include species abundance data. The model assumes that species numbers in two samples are drawn from a bi-variate Poisson log-normal species abundance distribution and parameters from the fitted distribution are estimated to assess community structure. We assessed three tropical butterfly data-sets for spatial structure in the vertical dimension, and tested for changes in structure as a result of temporal variance, disturbance regimes, and geographic location. Our results indicate that the vertical dimension is a major structural component in tropical forest butterfly communities that varies little through time and is not measurably affected by small-scale disturbances. However, there is evidence that the degree of vertical structure may vary among geographic regions. These results are discussed in terms of the mechanisms maintaining vertical structure, and the implications of changes in forest architecture on butterfly communities.  相似文献   

城市化对杭州市湿地水鸟群落的影响研究   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:40  
1997年12月 ̄1998年11月,对杭州市区6类湿地179个术方中水鸟的分布和数量进行了调查,同时选取11个栖息地参数进行分析。以确定影响杭州市湿地水鸟群落的主要因子;并提出了城市化综合指数可作为衡量城市化的指标,进一步分析了城市化与杭州市湿地水鸟群落的关系。结果显示,除了食物、水质和水深等因素外,景观水平和干扰的因素(湿地的形状、周转建筑的比例、湿地的连通性、至市中心的距离、噪音、人的有形干扰  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared the effects of late dormant-season and late growing-season prescribed fires on herbaceous species in restored shortleaf pine- (Pinus echinata) grassland communities in the Ouachita Highlands of western Arkansas. Herbaceous species richness, diversity, and total forb and legume abundance increased following fire. Late growing-season burns reduced distribution and abundance of panicums (primarily Panicum boscii, P. dichotomum, and P. linearifolium) while late dormant-season burns increased Panicum distribution and abundance. Density of legumes (such as Stylosanthes biflora) increased following frequent or annual dormant-season fires. However, season of fire influenced the distribution and abundance of fewer than 10 % of the species. Fire plays an essential role in pine-grassland communities by creating and maintaining open canopy conditions that perpetuate understory herbaceous plant communities.  相似文献   

While it is a truism that species rarity is non-randomly distributed across regions, habitats, and taxa, there is little consensus on which factors are the best predictors of low abundances and restricted geographical ranges. In this study, we evaluate the effects of ecological and life-history traits, as well as phylogeny, on rarity in the abundance and distribution of land birds inhabiting forest habitats in the Mediterranean and temperate regions of Chile. We use data on abundance collected at 16 sites and data on latitudinal distribution obtained from a literature compilation. Statistical analyses were based on multiple regression and multivariate models. We used Signed Mantel test to analyse the relationship between species ecological and life-history traits and rarity, taking into account the effect of phylogenetic relatedness. We found that rarity, in terms of distribution, is associated with a low investment in reproduction, non-migratory status, and degree of habitat specialization. These ecological and life-history traits, in association with forest loss due to climatic changes and human impacts, may explain the narrow distribution of most endemic forest birds species. Rarity in abundance, on the other hand, is more difficult to explain. However, the fact that large species with an insectivorous diet showed low density in the assemblages studied suggests that abundance is mostly regulated by energy (resource) requirements and availability. Finally, our study shows that there is no phylogenetic influence in the observed patterns.  相似文献   

The arthropod communities are influenced by both local conditions and features of the surrounding landscape. Landscape complexity and stand factors may both influence arthropod communities in poplar forests, but the multiscale effects of these factors on poplar defoliators and natural enemies are still poorly understood. We collected poplar arthropods at 30 sampling sites within five forest landscapes in Xinjiang, China, and assessed whether landscape complexity and stand factors influence species abundance and diversity of poplar arthropods. Landscape complexity was quantified by several independent metrics of landscape composition, configuration, and connectivity at three spatial scales. We also determined the most powerful explanatory variables and the scale effect of each arthropod. Results found that landscape complexity and stand factors had different effects on different poplar arthropod communities. Landscape complexity promoted natural enemies at different spatial scales, but it inhibited the population of poplar defoliators at the scale of 200 m. Specifically, the abundance and diversity of all defoliators decreased with increasing proportion of nonhost plants. Landscape diversity only had a negative effect on defoliator abundance. The shape complexity of habitat patches increased the abundance of carabid beetles but reduced the abundance of green leafhoppers and migratory locusts. The abundance and diversity of predators increased with increasing structural connectivity of forest landscape. Additionally, both the abundance and diversity of all defoliators were positively correlated with the average height of herbaceous plants. Diversity of all defoliators increased with increasing size of host trees. The distance from sampling site to the nearest village positively influenced the abundance and diversity of all predators. Arthropod abundance and diversity in poplar forests were driven by stand factors and landscape complexity. Therefore, maintaining complex shape and structural connectivity of habitat patches and keeping poplar stands away from the village are crucial for management of forest landscape to enhance natural enemies. And in order to reduce the abundance of defoliators in poplar forest, the diversity of surrounding habitat types should be promoted within 200 m radii.  相似文献   

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