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We have investigated the limited proteolysis of the third component of complement, C3, by a human leukocyte protease, cathepsin G, by using a chemically modified C3, which was prepared by treatment of C3 with methylamine and a fluorescent thiol reagent, N-(dimethylamino-4-methylcoumarinyl)-maleimide (DACM) and was thus named DACM-C3me. Although native C3 was hardly cleaved by cathepsin G, DACM-C3me was cleaved by cathepsin G into three major fragments, which were termed C3c-G (150,000 daltons, 150 kd), C3d-G (25 kd), and C3a-G (10 kd). C3c-G was composed of four disulfide-linked polypeptide chains of 75 kd, 35 kd, and two 25 kd. C3d-G and C3a-G were single-chain fragments derived from the alpha chain. The N-terminal sequence of C3d-G was determined as Thr-Glu-Asp-Ala-Val-, suggesting that cathepsin G released C3d-G by cleaving a Met-Thr peptide bond which is located at 19 residues toward the N-terminal from the cysteinyl residue forming an internal thiolester linkage in native C3. C3d-G, like C3d-K (a C3d fragment produced by the action of plasma kallikrein), was found to have bioactivities such as leukocytosis-inducing and immunosuppressive activities.  相似文献   

Genomic organization of human complement component C3   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
K Y Fong  M Botto  M J Walport  A K So 《Genomics》1990,7(4):579-586

Porins, a family of hydrophobic proteins located in the outer membrane of cell-wall of Gram-negative bacteria, were shown to stimulate the synthesis and release of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphorylcholine mediator of inflammation and endotoxic shock produced by polymorphonuclear neutrophils. PAF synthesis was independent either from contamination by LPS or generation of TNF. Experiments with labeled precursors demonstrated that PAF was synthesized via the remodeling pathway that involves acetylation of 1-O-alkyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine generated from 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glyceryl-3-phosphorylcholine by phospholipase A2 (PLA2) activity. Porins, indeed, induced a sustained PLA2-dependent mobilization of [14C]arachidonic acid that was inhibited by p-bromodiphenacylbromide. p-Bromodiphenacylbromide, an inhibitor of PLA2, also blocked PAF synthesis by preventing the mobilization of 2-lyso-PAF, the substrate for PAF-specific acetyltransferase. The addition of 2-lyso-PAF restored PAF synthesis. The activity of acetyl CoA:2-lyso-PAF acetyltransferase was transiently increased in porin-stimulated PMN and the [3H]acetyl group was incorporated in the synthetized PAF after cell preincubation with [3H]acetyl CoA. The activation of PAF synthesis by porins as well as its release were dependent on extracellular Ca2+. Porins by forming trans-membrane channels determined a sustained influx of 45Ca2+ into the cytosol. As shown by inhibitors of Ca(2+)-calmodulin complexes, calmodulin mediated the Ca(2+)-dependent activation of enzymes involved in PAF synthesis.  相似文献   

We have examined the receptor-ligand interactions and the method of phagocytosis of virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis by human monocytes. mAb against complement receptors (CR) inhibit adherence and phagocytosis of M. tuberculosis in fresh nonimmune serum. A mAb against the type 1 CR (CR1) inhibits adherence of M. tuberculosis by 40 +/- 5%, and three different mAb against the type 3 CR (CR3) each inhibit adherence by 39 +/- 5% to 47 +/- 4%. A mAb against CR1 used in combination with one of the three mAb against CR3 inhibits adherence by up to 64 +/- 7%. Most strikingly, two mAb used in combination against CR3 inhibit adherence by up to 81 +/- 2%. mAb against other monocyte surface Ag do not significantly influence adherence. In like fashion, mAb against CR but not other monocyte surface Ag inhibit adherence of preopsonized M. tuberculosis in the presence of heat-inactivated serum. By electron microscopy, monocytes ingest all M. tuberculosis that adhere in the presence of nonimmune serum; mAb against CR3 markedly inhibit ingestion. In contrast to CR, the FcR and the beta-glucan-inhibitable receptor for zymosan play little or no role in mediating M. tuberculosis adherence or ingestion. Adherence of M. tuberculosis is serum-dependent, requiring greater than or equal to 2.5% serum for optimal adherence. Heat inactivation of serum markedly reduces adherence of M. tuberculosis (75.5 +/- 7%) and preopsonization of bacteria enhances adherence by 2.9 +/- 0.4-fold. Adherence is also markedly reduced in C3- or factor B-depleted serum; repletion with C3 or factor B increases adherence by 2.1 +/- 0.4-fold and 1.86 +/- 0.05-fold, respectively. Fab anti-C3 IgG markedly inhibits monocyte adherence of preopsonized M. tuberculosis (71 +/- 1%). C component C3 is fixed to M. tuberculosis by the alternative C pathway as determined by a whole bacterial cell ELISA. Human monocytes ingest M. tuberculosis by conventional phagocytosis as viewed by electron microscopy. This study demonstrates that human monocyte CR1 and CR3 mediate phagocytosis of M. tuberculosis and C component C3 in serum is acting as the major bacterium-bound ligand.  相似文献   

Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein [BPI] is a cationic antimicrobial protein from neutrophils that specifically binds to the surfaces of Gram-negative bacteria via the lipid A component of lipopolysaccharide. To obtain information about the responses of Salmonella typhimurium to cell-surface damage by BPI, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and N-terminal microsequencing were used to identify proteins that were induced or repressed following BPI treatment. The majority of the affected proteins are involved in central metabolic processes. Upon addition of BPI, the β-subunit of the F1 portion of Escherichia coli ATP synthase was repressed threefold whereas six proteins were induced up to 11-fold. Three of the latter were identified as lipoamide dehydrogenase, enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase, and the heat-shock protein HtpG. Additionally, a novel protein, BipA, was identified that is induced over sevenfold by BPI; sequence analysis suggests that it belongs to the GTPase superfamily and interacts with ribosomes. A conserved direct-repeat motif is present in the regulatory regions of several BPI-inducible genes, including the bipA gene. Only one of the BPI-responsive proteins was induced when cells were treated with polymyxin B, which also binds to lipid A. We therefore conclude that BPI and polymyxin B affect different global regulatory networks in S. typhimurium even though they bind with high affinity to the same cell-surface component.  相似文献   

Solution scattering experiments using both X-rays and neutrons are reported for human complement component C3 and up to six other glycoprotein fragments that are derived from C3. The X-ray and neutron molecular masses and neutron matchpoints are in agreement with the known primary sequence of C3. The X-ray radius of gyration RG of C3 is 5.2 nm and is similar for the related forms C3u, C3(a + b) and C3b. The X-ray cross-sectional radius of gyration RXS of C3b is however less than that of C3, C3u and C3(a + b). The major fragments of C3b, namely C3c and C3dg, were studied. The RG of C3c is 4.7 nm and for C3dg is 2.9 nm. C3c and C3dg do not interact when they coexist in solution in equimolar amounts. When C3u is cleaved into iC3u, the RG of iC3u increases to 5.9 nm and its RXS decreases, showing that C3c and C3dg behave as independent entities within the parent glycoprotein. Analyses of the neutron RG and RXS values by contrast variation techniques confirm the X-ray analyses, and show no evidence for significant hydrophobic or hydrophilic domains within C3 or any of its fragments. Shape analyses show that C3, C3c and C3dg are elongated particles. Debye models were developed using the scattering curve out to Q = 1.6 nm-1. These show that C3 and C3c resemble oblate ellipsoids while C3dg resembles a prolate ellipsoid. C3dg lies on the long edge of C3c within C3. The dimensions of the models are 18 nm X 2 nm X 10 nm for C3, 18 nm X 2 nm X 7 nm for C3c and 10 nm X 2 nm X 3 nm for C3dg. These models are compatible with analyses of the scattering curve RG and RXS values, data from sedimentation coefficients, and images of C3 and C3c seen by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of human complement component C4   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
An assessment has been made of the polymorphism of human complement component C4 by comparing derived amino acid sequences of cDNA and genomic DNA with limited amino acid sequences. In all, one complete and six partial sequences have been obtained from material from three individuals and include two C4A and two C4B alleles. Differences were found between the 4 alleles from 2 loci in only 15 of the 1722 amino acid residues, and 12 lie within one section of 230 residues, which in 1 allele also contains a 3-residue deletion. In three variable positions, an allelic difference in one C4 type was common to the other types. Three nucleotide differences were found in four introns. In spite of marked differences in their chemical reactivity, the many allelic forms appear to differ in less than 1% of their amino acid residue positions. This unusual pattern of polymorphism may be due to recent duplication of the C4 gene, or may have arisen by selection as a result of the biological role of C4, which interacts in the complement sequence with nine other proteins necessitating conservation of much of the surface structure.  相似文献   

We have now demonstrated that activated complement component C1s cleaves beta 2-microglobulin at the position identical to that at which beta 2-microglobulin is cleaved in serum of patients suffering from lung cancer. The main cleavage is in the disulphide loop C-terminal to Lys-58, generating a modified form of beta 2-microglobulin with a two-chain structure. The C-terminal Lys-58 in the A chain is highly susceptible to removal by a carboxypeptidase-B-like activity causing the formation of des-Lys58-beta 2-microglobulin. This is the first demonstration of a noncomplement protein substrate for the proteolytic activity of C1s. The C1s-induced cleavage of beta 2-microglobulin can be inhibited in the presence of C1 esterase inhibitor, demonstrating a regulatory function of C1 esterase inhibitor in the C1s-induced cleavage of beta 2-microglobulin.  相似文献   

The complement component C5 is one of a family of structurally related plasma proteins that includes components C3 and C4. Activation of C5 is the initial step in the formation of the membrane attack complex of complement. Analysis of the solution structure of C5 and comparisons with similar analyses of the structures of C3 and C4 are reported here. Neutron solution scattering gave an Mr for C5 of 201,000, which demonstrates that C5 is monomeric in solution. The radius of gyration RG of C5 at infinite contrast is 4.87 nm and corresponds to an elongated structure. The longest length of C5 was determined to be at least 15-16 nm from three calculations on the basis of the RG, the scattering intensity at zero angle I(0), and the indirect transformation of the scattering curve into real space. Comparison of the RG and contrast variation data and indirect transformations of the scattering curves for C3, C4, and C5 show that these have very similar structures. Comparisons of the C5 scattering curve with Debye small-sphere models previously employed for C4 and C3 show that good curve fits could be obtained. Unlike previous studies that have suggested significant differences, these experiments indicate that, while C5 differs from C3 and C4 in its activation and inactivation pathways, significant structural homology exists between the native proteins, as might be predicted from their high (and similar) sequence homology.  相似文献   

C3 component of complement secreted by established cell lines   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
D R Senger  R O Hynes 《Cell》1978,15(2):375-384
The hamster cell line NIL8 secretes the C3 component of complement as well as collagenous molecules and fibronectin (LETS protein). The C3 is found in the culture medium as a disulfidebonded complex of two polypeptides of 130,000 daltons (alpha) and 65,000 daltons (beta). The secreted C3 can be quantitatively cleaved to C3b and further cleaved by C3 inactivators. The activation of C3 to C3b is promoted by zymosan or by antibody-coated erythrocytes, demonstrating participation in both the classical and alternative complement pathways. The availability of this culture system has enabled us to show that C3 is synthesized as a 185,000 dalton precursor (proC3) which is biologically inactive and becomes cleaved to active C3. Some other established cell lines (NIL1 and BALB/c 3T3) also secrete C3, but some others do not.  相似文献   

Isolation of human complement component C3 from small volumes of plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for the isolation of 8-10 mg of human C3 from 20 ml of plasma is described. The procedure is simple and rapid with excellent yields in hemolytic activity (74%) and antigenic activity (68.7%). It consists of polyethylene glycol precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography, and immunoadsorption. The final product is free of contaminating proteins as assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The simplicity and speed of this procedure allow for the continual availability of hemolytically active C3.  相似文献   

The human C3b component of complement was found to inhibit the differentiation of human B lymphocytes into immunoglobulin-secreting cells in vitro. Pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-induced plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses were inhibited by C3-coated zymosan particles and by purified human C3b. C3b inhibited the PWM-driven responses in a dose-dependent fashion, and it was necessary for C3b to be present in the early phases of the cultures. C3b acted directly on B cells rather than on helper T cells because it inhibited the PFC responses of MNC depleted of T cells and subsequently stimulated with a T cell-independent Epstein Barr virus mitogen. Furthermore, C3b failed to stimulate the generation of suppressor lymphocytes and/or monocytes that might have been responsible for the inhibition of B cell responses. Our results indicate that C3b or its fragments exert negative modulatory effects on human B lymphocyte responses.  相似文献   

The third component of human complement, C3 is composed of two disulfide-bridged polypeptide chains of Mr 120,000 (alpha chain) and Mr 70,000 (beta chain). C3 has a thioester bond that serves as a binding site for targets when C3 is activated. Heat treatment of C3 induces autolytic peptide bond cleavage at the thioester site in the alpha chain as well as rupture of the thioester bond. The alpha chain fragments are linked to each other and beta chain via disulfide bonds. This study, however, documented that prolonged heating gave rise to liberation of several fragments including beta and the larger fragment of alpha chain. Using a fluorescent thiol reagent and [14C]iodoacetamide, we analyzed thiol residues present on each fragment, and elucidated that the thiol residue exposed by rupture of the thioester bond shifts in turn to another fragment resulting in the liberation of the fragments. The results were compatible with those on C4, and suggested that the generated thiol residue induces thiol-disulfide interchange reaction. On heating of plasma, fragments of C3 were not released, while the cleavage of the alpha chain occurred more effectively. The heated C3 (56 degrees C, 15 min) became insusceptible to C3b inactivator (I) and factor H, suggesting that additional conformational change is accompanied with cleavage of the thioester bond.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody, HAV 4-1, obtained after immunization of a BALB/c mouse with purified C3F, detected a novel genetic polymorphism of human complement component C3 in a simple immunoblotting system. The frequency of HAV 4-1-positive genes was 20.1%. Reactivity of HAV 4-1 was closely related to C3F, but certain individuals with the C3F allele did not react with HAV 4-1. Conversely, certain C3S homozygous individuals did react with HAV 4-1. The polymorphism detected by this monoclonal antibody is therefore different from the previously described polymorphism based on charge differences.  相似文献   

The role of chloride ions in modulating polyanion-induced conformational changes in haemoglobin from the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) has been investigated. The results obtained have shown that: in the ferric derivative at pH 6.5 the effect of single polyanion (dextran sulphate and inositol hexakisphosphate) on the conformation is essentially local, thus involving only the tertiary structure of the protein; the presence of chloride ions at a concentration close to the physiological value (i.e. 150 mM) is essential to induce quaternary conformational changes in the polyanion-ferric protein system; comparison between structural and functional data correlates polyanion-induced tertiary conformational changes with changes in the value of midpoint potential, E'0, and quaternary changes with co-operativity.  相似文献   

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