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汪浩  张锐  张娇  沈慧  戴锡玲  严岳鸿 《生物多样性》2019,27(11):1221-29
全基因组复制在动植物中普遍存在, 被认为是促进物种进化的重要动力之一。作为蕨类植物的单种科物种, 翼盖蕨(Didymochlaena trancatula)是真水龙骨类I的基部类群, 在蕨类中具有独特的演化地位。本研究基于高通量测序, 通过同义替换率(Ks)分析、相对定年分析揭示翼盖蕨的全基因组复制发生情况。Ks分析表明, 翼盖蕨至少经历了两次全基因组复制事件, 其中一次发生于59-62 million years ago (Mya), 另一次发生于90-94 Mya, 这两次全基因组复制事件分别和白垩纪第三纪的Cretaceous-Tertiary (C-T)大灭绝事件以及翼盖蕨的物种分化时间相吻合。进一步对两次全基因组复制保留的基因进行功能注释和富集分析, 结果显示与转录及代谢调控相关的基因优势被保留。翼盖蕨的全基因组复制事件可能促进了该物种的分化及其对极端环境的适应性。  相似文献   

This study describes reconstruction of two highly unusual archaeal genomes by de novo metagenomic assembly of multiple, deeply sequenced libraries from surface waters of Lake Tyrrell (LT), a hypersaline lake in NW Victoria, Australia. Lineage-specific probes were designed using the assembled genomes to visualize these novel archaea, which were highly abundant in the 0.1–0.8 μm size fraction of lake water samples. Gene content and inferred metabolic capabilities were highly dissimilar to all previously identified hypersaline microbial species. Distinctive characteristics included unique amino acid composition, absence of Gvp gas vesicle proteins, atypical archaeal metabolic pathways and unusually small cell size (approximately 0.6 μm diameter). Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that these organisms belong to a new major euryarchaeal lineage, distantly related to halophilic archaea of class Halobacteria. Consistent with these findings, we propose creation of a new archaeal class, provisionally named ‘Nanohaloarchaea''. In addition to their high abundance in LT surface waters, we report the prevalence of Nanohaloarchaea in other hypersaline environments worldwide. The simultaneous discovery and genome sequencing of a novel yet ubiquitous lineage of uncultivated microorganisms demonstrates that even historically well-characterized environments can reveal unexpected diversity when analyzed by metagenomics, and advances our understanding of the ecology of hypersaline environments and the evolutionary history of the archaea.  相似文献   

Centella asiatica is a herbaceous, perennial species indigenous to India and Southeast Asia. C. asiatica possesses several medicinal properties: anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and memory enhancing. The lack of available genomics resources significantly impedes the improvement of C. asiatica varieties through molecular breeding. Here, we combined the 10× Genomics linked-read technology and the long-range HiC technique to obtain the genome assembly. The final assembly contained nine pseudomolecules, corresponding to the haploid chromosome number in C. asiatica. These nine chromosomes covered 402,536,584 bases or 93.6% of the 430-Mb assembly. Comparative genomics analyses based on single-copy orthologous genes showed that C. asiatica and the common ancestor of Coriandrum sativum (coriander) and Daucus carota (carrot) diverged about 48 million years ago. This assembly provides a valuable reference genome for future molecular studies, varietal development through marker-assisted breeding and comparative genomics studies in C. asiatica.  相似文献   

Soybean was domesticated in China and has become one of the most important oilseed crops. Due to bottlenecks in their introduction and dissemination, soybeans from different geographic areas exhibit extensive genetic diversity. Asia is the largest soybean market; therefore, a high-quality soybean reference genome from this area is critical for soybean research and breeding.Here, we report the de novo assembly and sequence analysis of a Chinese soybean genome for "Zhonghuang 13" by a combination of SMRT, Hi-C and optical mapping data. The assembled genome size is 1.025 Gb with a contig N50 of 3.46 Mb and a scaffold N50 of 51.87 Mb. Comparisons between this genome and the previously reported reference genome(cv. Williams82) uncovered more than 250,000 structure variations. A total of 52,051 protein coding genes and 36,429 transposable elements were annotated for this genome, and a gene co-expression network including 39,967 genes was also established. This high quality Chinese soybean genome and its sequence analysis will provide valuable information for soybean improvement in the future.  相似文献   

Candida glabratais an opportunistic pathogen in humans, responsible for approximately 20% of disseminated candidiasis. Candida glabrata's ability to adhere to host tissue is mediated by GPI-anchored cell wall proteins (GPI-CWPs); the corresponding genes contain long tandem repeat regions. These repeat regions resulted in assembly errors in the reference genome. Here, we performed a de novo assembly of the C. glabrata type strain CBS138 using long single-molecule real-time reads, with short read sequences (Illumina) for refinement, and constructed telomere-to-telomere assemblies of all 13 chromosomes. Our assembly has excellent agreement overall with the current reference genome, but we made substantial corrections within tandem repeat regions. Specifically, we removed 62 genes of which 45 were scrambled due to misassembly in the reference. We annotated 31 novel ORFs of which 24 ORFs are GPI-CWPs. In addition, we corrected the tandem repeat structure of an additional 21 genes. Our corrections to the genome were substantial, with the length of new genes and tandem repeat corrections amounting to approximately 3.8% of the ORFeome length. As most corrections were within the coding regions of GPI-CWP genes, our genome assembly establishes a high-quality reference set of genes and repeat structures for the functional analysis of these cell surface proteins.  相似文献   

China is the origin and evolutionary centre of Oriental pears. Pyrus betuleafolia is a wild species native to China and distributed in the northern region, and it is widely used as rootstock. Here, we report the de novo assembly of the genome of P. betuleafolia‐Shanxi Duli using an integrated strategy that combines PacBio sequencing, BioNano mapping and chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) sequencing. The genome assembly size was 532.7 Mb, with a contig N50 of 1.57 Mb. A total of 59 552 protein‐coding genes and 247.4 Mb of repetitive sequences were annotated for this genome. The expansion genes in P. betuleafolia were significantly enriched in secondary metabolism, which may account for the organism's considerable environmental adaptability. An alignment analysis of orthologous genes showed that fruit size, sugar metabolism and transport, and photosynthetic efficiency were positively selected in Oriental pear during domestication. A total of 573 nucleotide‐binding site (NBS)‐type resistance gene analogues (RGAs) were identified in the P. betuleafolia genome, 150 of which are TIR‐NBS‐LRR (TNL)‐type genes, which represented the greatest number of TNL‐type genes among the published Rosaceae genomes and explained the strong disease resistance of this wild species. The study of flavour metabolism‐related genes showed that the anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) metabolic pathway affected the astringency of pear fruit and that sorbitol transporter (SOT) transmembrane transport may be the main factor affecting the accumulation of soluble organic matter. This high‐quality P. betuleafolia genome provides a valuable resource for the utilization of wild pear in fundamental pear studies and breeding.  相似文献   

Genome assembly has been benefited from long-read sequencing technologies with higher accuracy and higher continuity. However, most human genome assembly require large amount of DNAs from homogeneous cell lines without keeping cell heterogeneities, since cell heterogeneity could profoundly affect haplotype assembly results. Herein, using single-cell genome long-read sequencing technology (SMOOTH-seq), we have sequenced K562 and HG002 cells on PacBio HiFi and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) platforms and conducted de novo genome assembly. For the first time, we have completed the human genome assembly with high continuity (with NG50 of ∼2 Mb using 95 individual K562 cells) at single-cell levels, and explored the impact of different assemblers and sequencing strategies on genome assembly. With sequencing data from 30 diploid individual HG002 cells of relatively high genome coverage (average coverage ∼41.7%) on ONT platform, the NG50 can reach over 1.3 Mb. Furthermore, with the assembled genome from K562 single-cell dataset, more complete and accurate set of insertion events and complex structural variations could be identified. This study opened a new chapter on the practice of single-cell genome de novo assembly.  相似文献   

Cercospora leaf spot caused by Cercospora beticola is a significant threat to the production of sugar and table beet worldwide. A de novo genome assembly of C. beticola was used to develop eight polymorphic and reproducible microsatellite markers for population genetic analyses. These markers were used, along with five previously described microsatellite loci to genotype two C. beticola populations from table beet fields in New York, USA. High allelic and genotypic diversity and low population differentiation were found between fields. Linkage disequilibrium of loci after clone-correction of datasets was attributed to the presence of two distinct clonal lineages within the populations. Linkage equilibrium of loci in one of the clusters supported the presence of sexual reproduction. The draft de novo genome assembly will help elucidate the reproductive system of C. beticola through investigating evidence of recombination in the C. beticola genome.  相似文献   

Novosphingobium sp. strain PP1Y is a marine bacterium specifically adapted to use fuels as an energy source. We sequenced and assembled its entire genome using the Roche 454 genome sequencer system, which led to the identification of two plasmids and one megaplasmid, besides a 3.9-Mb circular chromosome.  相似文献   

Casuarina equisetifolia (C. equisetifolia), a conifer‐like angiosperm with resistance to typhoon and stress tolerance, is mainly cultivated in the coastal areas of Australasia. C. equisetifolia, making it a valuable model to study secondary growth associated genes and stress‐tolerance traits. However, the genome sequence is unavailable and therefore wood‐associated growth rate and stress resistance at the molecular level is largely unexplored. We therefore constructed a high‐quality draft genome sequence of C. equisetifolia by a combination of Illumina second‐generation sequencing reads and Pacific Biosciences single‐molecule real‐time (SMRT) long reads to advance the investigation of this species. Here, we report the genome assembly, which contains approximately 300 megabases (Mb) and scaffold size of N50 is 1.06 Mb. Additionally, gene annotation, assisted by a combination of prediction and RNA‐seq data, generated 29 827 annotated protein‐coding genes and 1983 non‐coding genes, respectively. Furthermore, we found that the total number of repetitive sequences account for one‐third of the genome assembly. Here we also construct the genome‐wide map of DNA modification, such as two novel forms N6‐adenine (6mA) and N4‐methylcytosine (4mC) at the level of single‐nucleotide resolution using single‐molecule real‐time (SMRT) sequencing. Interestingly, we found that 17% of 6mA modification genes and 15% of 4mC modification genes also included alternative splicing events. Finally, we investigated cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin‐related genes, which were associated with secondary growth and contained different DNA modifications. The high‐quality genome sequence and annotation of C. equisetifolia in this study provide a valuable resource to strengthen our understanding of the diverse traits of trees.  相似文献   

The leopard coral grouper, Plectropomus leopardus, belonging to the family Epinephelinae, is a carnivorous coral reef fish widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo‐Pacific. Due to its appealing body appearance and delicious taste, P. leopardus has become a popular commercial fish for aquaculture in many countries. However, the lack of genomic and molecular resources for P. leopardus has hindered study of its biology and genomic breeding programmes. Here we report the de novo sequencing and assembly of the P. leopardus genome using a combination of 10 × Genomics, high‐throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) and PacBio long‐read sequencing technologies. The genome assembly has a total length of 881.55 Mb with a scaffold N50 of 34.15 Mb, consisting of 24 pseudochromosome scaffolds. busco analysis showed that 97.2% of the conserved single‐copy genes were retrieved, indicating the assembly was almost entire. We predicted 25,248 protein‐coding genes, among which 96.5% were functionally annotated. Comparative genomic analyses revealed that gene family expansions in P. leopardus were associated with immune‐related pathways. In addition, we identified 5,178,453 single nucleotide polymorphisms based on genome resequencing of 54 individuals. The P. leopardus genome and genomic variation data provide valuable genomic resources for studies of its genetics, evolution and biology. In particular, it is expected to benefit the development of genomic breeding programmes in the farming industry.  相似文献   

Here we report on the complete genome sequence of Cupriavidus basilensis OR16 NCAIM BO2487. The genome of strain OR16 contains 7,534 putative coding sequences, including a large set of xenobiotics-degrading genes and a unique glucose dehydrogenase gene that is absent from other Cupriavidus genomes.  相似文献   

Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) is an edible root vegetable crop that is cultivated worldwide and whose genome has been sequenced. Here we report the complete nucleotide sequence of the radish cultivar WK10039 chloroplast (cp) genome, along with a de novo assembly strategy using whole genome shotgun sequence reads obtained by next generation sequencing. The radish cp genome is 153,368 bp in length and has a typical quadripartite structure, composed of a pair of inverted repeat regions (26,217 bp each), a large single copy region (83,170 bp), and a small single copy region (17,764 bp). The radish cp genome contains 87 predicted protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA genes, and 8 rRNA genes. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of 91 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in the radish cp genome.  相似文献   

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